Tag Archives: Hezbollah

Diary Blog, 23 June 2024

Morning music

My blog, my freedom of expression

Many readers will be aware that I was put on trial in November 2023 for having supposedly published 5 “grossly offensive” items on this blog; 5 items within 5 pages (5 days’ posts). 5 blog posts out of, at the time, about 1,700. I was sentenced in March 2024.

The background of that is known to some but not all readers. I therefore offer the following blog pages as explanation (obviously, I cannot republish or link to the 5 blog posts which were determined by the Court to have been, or to have contained material, “grossly offensive“, so here are 5 others).

I should add that, while 5 blog posts were determined, in the magistrates’ court, to have contained “grossly offensive” material (in fact, in my opinion, largely innocuous comments and cartoons), the material in question was tiny in amount, about 2% of each blog post, if that. In fact, only a few sentences allegedly written by me were specifically mentioned in the judgment.

As previously mentioned on the blog, I am perforce far more diplomatic now on the blog than I was a few years ago, but how sad it is that this country that, arguably more than any other bar the USA, championed free speech for so long, should fall victim to this kind of sub-“Stasi“, poundshop KGB-ism, with the Clown Prosecution Service and police falling over themselves to placate the Israel lobby.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/

Election thoughts

Labour leader Keir Flip-flop (Starmer) is the personification of the Norman Wisdom character, the clueless teaboy or whatever, who suddenly wins the lottery (or, in those 1950s days, the football pools). Starmer is about to become an “elected” dictator, despite most people despising, disliking or distrusting him.

Look, though, at what the Conservative Party now is. We are told that, if they survive the election, the leading contenders for the leadership position will probably be Kemi Badenoch (Nigerian), Priti Patel (East African Asian, and Israeli agent), James Cleverly (half-caste West Indian/British), and Suella Braverman (Mauritian Indian). All members of Conservative Friends of Israel, too.

Need one even comment?


We are told, also, that the polls say that 20% of eligible voters have not even decided whether they will vote at all, and are also undecided as to which way they might cast their votes if they do vote. Do we take it that many of those will simply abstain? Will they vote simply as protest? Uncertain.

It could just be that those “undecideds” will vote, will want to vote as protest, and so will mostly vote Reform UK. Were that to happen, it really would put the cat among the pigeons.

The fact is that the Conservatives are in deep trouble anyway, that the mere existence of Reform UK has deepened that existing trouble, and that, even at a nationwide 15%-19% (as per recent polls), Reform UK, while perhaps only getting a few seats, would spell doom for the Conservative Party. Which is why the msm is now going crazy trying to demonize Farage and his latest party.

If Reform UK actually scores above 20%, then game on. If the existing ~18% is boosted by another 5 or 10 points, then UK politics will have received a meteorite hit, and will never be the same again. Were Reform UK to get 28% of the national vote, that might mean 80-90 Commons seats, and Reform UK would be the official Opposition.

That may seem impossible or crazy, and it may not happen, but the exciting thing is that it actually could happen. You cannot compare Reform UK in 2024 to Brexit Party in 2019, or UKIP in 2015.

This time, the Cons are going to go down really badly. More importantly, there is a perception this time that to vote Reform UK is not a mere protest vote, but a protest vote that really could accomplish something concrete— the utter destruction of the Conservative Party for a start.

I do not know whether Reform UK will manage to get beyond its present 15%-19% range, and/or get as high as 28%, but it just might.

Talking point

Tweets seen

Britain has not had anything approaching such a statesman for a very very long time.

Not that I approve of everything Putin has done within Russia itself, and Russian society still does not have an ideology capable of consigning to the past Western finance-capitalism, the mainly Jewish (but also Russian-criminal) “bandit capitalism” of the past 30+ years, and the former harsh Marxist-Leninist ethos, out of which the “bandit capitalism” emerged.

Still, as a transitional but very significant political power-holder, Putin must be supported as far as necessary, as a bulwark against various poisonous and contending elements in the world.

Fewer“, not “less“!

True all the same.

The policy is working so well as a deterrent that, even in the past couple of days, about 2,000 more migrant-invaders have entered the UK via the English Channel, ferried in by the RNLI and Border Farce.

All the System parties talk about “smuggling gangs”, but the smugglers could, in principle, be dealt with easily enough by special forces undercover. Dealt with. Just dealt with. The necessity is to deter or stop the migrant-invaders themselves, to close down the “small boats” cross-Channel route, and to protect both our borders and the future of our people.

Not a very impressive candidate anyway: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Williams_(British_politician). 39 years old. His only non-political job was as a director of Cardiff Bus, a municipal bus service company owned by Cardiff Council; Williams was a councillor and on the relevant Council committee at the time. What a boondoggle.

Williams has been an MP since 2015, but lost his previous seat to Labour in 2017 and was then elected for another constituency in 2019. That constituency has now been abolished, and redrawn into the new constituency of  Montgomeryshire and Glyndŵr.

On the previous boundaries, the area was quite solidly LibDem until 2010, when the egregious Lembit Opik managed to ruin his political career by making plainly freeloading expenses claims and by playing around with young Romanian pop singers called the Cheeky Girls: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lembit_%C3%96pik.

While one might have expected Williams to continue the run of Conservative Party successes in the now-redrawn seat, the plunging popularity of the party, combined with Williams having tried to make an illicit profit by betting on the election date while obviously having inside information, may make him unelectable. We shall see.

The new constituency is being contested by Con, Lab, LibDem, Green, Plaid Cymru and, perhaps most interestingly, Reform UK.

Obviously, I have no idea how Reform UK will perform, and it may be that the LibDems have the best chance of getting rid of Williams, but if (a big if, as they say), Reform were to take half of the otherwise Con vote, then either Reform or the LibDems might succeed.

On the wider point, had something like this betting scandal occurred in, say, 1994, or 1984, let alone 1974 or 1964, the person implicated would have been expected to step down either as candidate or, later, as MP (if re-elected). The slide in integrity and honour in British politics is palpable. The bastard seems to be intent on riding it out, and hoping to get away with it.


A reminder that my modest crowdfunder (to help pay the costs imposed on me after my free speech trial) is still running: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Late tweets seen

Ha ha! Anna Soubry, the notorious former “MP for Plymouth and Angostura” (she briefly threatened me online with a libel suit when I first tweeted that humorous description of her, many years ago, the silly creature), talks about Farage being “a gob shite“!

I can well understand why Anna Soubry has no mirrors around her, but she ought to take a good look at herself some time…


Ha. Yes, that is what is happening. A million migrant-invaders a year? Putin’s fault. Housing crisis? Putin’s fault. Nothing working properly any more in the UK? Putin’s fault.

If the “occupied” UK TV, radio, and newspapers disappeared tomorrow, the air would be cleaner.

Even 8 years ago, I was saying that “Brexit is more than Brexit“. Now, I say that people voting Reform UK are doing so for reasons far beyond, far far wider, than a limited wish to have Farage and his party get a few MPs.

Apocalyptic. God help anyone under that.

Our animal friends.

At what point will “they” have had enough blood?

Late music

[Troy Caperton, Winter Fenceline]

Diary Blog, 1 June 2024, including brief thoughts about South Africa

Morning music


Saturday quiz

Well, this week a very poor 3/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. I only knew the answers to questions 4, 5, and 8.

South Africa

White South Africans should never have given in to the ANC. They should have held out and fought on. In fact, they should have “doubled down” on everything.

After the fall of socialism from 1989, the Soviet Union all but collapsed, the DDR/East Germany imploded, Cuba suddenly became visibly what Soviet aid had disguised for 20+ years, i.e. a ramshackle Caribbean/Latin American dictatorship, and the African countries bordering South Africa fell even deeper into poverty, civil upheaval, corruption and crime.

In other words, the ANC and its “military”/terror wing would have had no means to carry on much of a war. If South Africa had held on, and had accelerated its plans for a kind of “Federation”, including some areas with African domestic autonomy, and had the white South Africans closed down most of the —mostly Jewish-owned— English-language newspapers (and TV), there would have been a kind of victory, or at least not the terrible situation that has developed in the past 30 years.

South Africa had, or was developing, advanced weaponry: nuclear, biological etc.

The Africans were, in effect, told that the reason most of them were poor was because the white man was, usually, richer. After “majority rule” (corrupt African crony rule) that would of course be different. The ANC failed, and inevitably failed, to deliver. Hence the African masses, their lives as bad or worse than under National Party apartheid rule, now turn to ever more extreme demagogues. The future seems bleak, both for most Africans and most of the remaining white South Africans, some of whom can trace their South African identity back to the 17thC.

Tweets seen

What would (those Hitler called) “dirty democratic politicians” (and parties) do without mugs such as tweeter “@BoudicaWitch”?

There is no real difference between what fake Labour is saying and what Iain Dunce Duncan Smith was saying from 2010-2015. Wake up, for God’s sake.

Utter mugs. “Labour” is just a label now (like “Conservative”). Both parties are NWO/ZOG fronts. That “assessment” by tweeter “@RattusMalumus” is not an assessment at all but a pathetic grasping at straws.

Liz Kendall is another Labour Friends of Israel member. She is also as thick as two short planks.

God help Britain, with Labour likely to be gifted an “elected” dictatorship by default, thanks to the Sunak government’s total inability to govern.

[“but wait! I voted Labour!“…]

For me, this election means only one thing useful— to collapse the Conservative Party, resulting in a total imbalance of the rigged “two main parties” scam, after which (when Labour becomes hated and despised…give it 6-12 months) there may be a chance for real social nationalism to come to the fore, one way or another.

If my blog was said to have contained 5 posts (out of about 1,500 over several years) worthy of being prosecuted as “grossly offensive” (not really at all offensive), then how is it that Israel lobby/Jewish lobby puppet Luke Akehurst has never been prosecuted? Look at his tweet below:

Oh, wait…Akehurst supports Israel…that is why he has never been prosecuted.

[Update, 16 June 2024: looking again at Akehurst’s tweet above, I realize (anew) how illiterate it is. Is he a drunk? I do not know]

Liz Kendall is a human parrot. Not an original thought in her head.

See my previous comment.

Frighteningly thick, frighteningly dishonest.

I have no time for pro-Israel snake-oil salesman Farage, but I agree with the rest of that tweet.

The “experts” and specialists are still saying, most of them, that Con MPs will number 100-200 after 4 July, but I am holding out for <50; maybe wishful thinking, but that is my speculative guess, anyway.

Completely useless Nigerian would-be politico, who lives off his affluent parents (both NHS consultants) and whatever he can “grift” via social media etc, goes to Manhattan from the UK so that he can post a tweet of himself making a hand gesture at Trump Tower. Well, that’s another week in which the useless parasite need not get a job, at age 34. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femi_Oluwole.

Incredibly, 412,000 people apparently follow that idiot’s Twitter/X account.

(In fact, I think that the said parasite’s New York odyssey was a couple of years ago).

Another one who claimed to be happy that he had emigrated to his beloved Israel. He was tweeting that only a week or two ago. He said that the UK was rubbish, finished etc, as well as being (of course) “antisemitic”, and that he was so happy to now live in Tel Aviv. Well, here he is again, like a bad penny, in (near) London.

Catspaws for Israel and the Jewish lobby. My view? See cartoon below:


Unfortunately, so is Farage. So is Reform UK. The acid test is whether the Israel-lobby and/or Jewish lobby attack someone or his party. If so, then he and his party might or might not be OK; if not, then he and his party will either be a complete and useless nullity, or they are (to a greater or lesser extent) under “control”.

That includes TV, radio, and Press coverage.

Farage is always welcome on TV, for example. Same goes for Goodwin, as a matter of fact.

Were I to have a million followers, I should still not be “allowed” on TV, radio, or (uncensored) in the newspapers. You know (((why))).

A 1960s book was called I’m OK— You’re OK. Well, speaking ideologically, I know that I am OK, but you may or may not be…

From the newspapers


police officer and his wife have been jailed after sharing video footage of a dead body at a murder scene.

Cameron Lee Hanson, 33, was a serving officer at Lancashire Constabulary when he visited a home in October 2021 and discovered the body of 45-year-old James O’Hara. Hanson’s body-worn camera recorded the chilling scene at the property in Lancashire.

But minutes later, he used his personal phone to take videos of Mr O’Hara and sent audio messages about the incident to his wife, Kirstie Hanson, 33, a police civilian work.

On Thursday, Cameron Hanson was jailed for 32 months, while Kirstie Hanson was jailed for 18 months. Charlotte Riley, who was sent one of the videos, received a 12-month sentence suspended for two years. Last April, Michael Hannan, 32, was jailed at Preston Crown Court for five years and four months for the manslaughter of Mr O’Hara who he punched in an unprovoked stranger attack.

[Daily Mirror].

How absurd is the UK now? Yes, the defendants should not have done it. By all means sack the policeman, and maybe fine him, and his wife, and even the woman who was sent the material… but prison? Seems almost ridiculously harsh, as does the term imposed— a headline 32 months for sending some video footage, as against 64 months for the defendant who actually killed the victim!

Late tweets seen

Ha ha. Largan has those 4 dummies supporting him, but no-one else, probably.

Largan talks about “voting local“, when he himself was born some distance away, in or near the Salford part of SW Manchester; when parachuted into High Peak (Derbyshire), he was living in Fulham (London) and working for Marks & Spencer.

Largan was very happy to (metaphorically) kick local resident Alison Chabloz when she was down (persecuted by Jew-Zionists, and eventually imprisoned for singing and posting cartoons and videos).

Largan is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, needless to say. A nasty little man. I believe that he tweeted and/or retweeted a few times against me several years ago. Well, time for him to go back to “Marks and Sparks”…


In my own local zone, I should say that, in 2020-2022, and out of a close field, the “social distancing” outside Waitrose was the most absurd, all the compliant idiots (or were they secretly rebellious, as in North Korea?) lining up, 6 feet apart in the car park, monitored by self-important “security” nobodies. Oh…and muzzled (facemasked) as well.

Meanwhile, inside Waitrose, no social distancing, and a ludicrous “one way system” for shoppers. As for the facemask muzzles, the only real utility of them was probably for the shoplifters, who probably found them useful in defeating cctv operators etc.

Oh, yes…another aspect of that madness of a few years ago, locally, was the pub opposite Waitrose, where no social distancing, and no facemask muzzle “rules”, applied. What a farce the whole “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic was!

The Americans got “here”, or there, by allowing “the usual suspects” to become embedded in their society over time, embedded in positions of power and influence.

cf. “climate change”.

Late music

Diary Blog, 31 May 2024, including General Election news and comment

Morning music

Election news


Rishi Sunak has been given a glimmer of hope as a major new poll by Lord Ashcroft suggests that more than half of voters have yet to definitively make up their minds.

With less than five weeks until the General Election, the research shared exclusively with the Daily Mail found only four in ten have ‘definitely decided’ how to vote.

But in a sign of the mountain the Tories still have to climb, the poll gives Labour a 23 point lead. 

Overall, it puts Labour on a 47 per cent vote share, with the Tories on 24 per cent, and Reform UK on 11 per cent.”

Assuming honesty and relative accuracy of the poll, several points stand out for me.

Firstly, that this poll is not at all the “glimmer of hope” for Sunak and the Cons that the report accompanying it is spinning.

42% have “definitely decided” which way they are going to vote. Looking at recent polling elsewhere, that must greatly favour Labour. As for “...leaning towards a party” but “not definitely sure“, that could apply to any of the parties, but if most end up with Labour, then it is possible that Lab could end up, overall, topping 50%, leaving the Cons with a MP cadre in the single figures.

It might also mean, thinking of my previous speculation on the blog, that there are more people than polls suggest willing to vote Reform UK, if only as a protest, or as a method of giving the time-expired Conservative Party a kicking without having to vote Labour. “Secret” Reform UK voters. Do they even exist? We do not know. I think that they may exist, but in what numbers?

Anything up to 31% of eligible voters may not vote, it seems.

One big unanswered question is how many under-40s and especially under-25s will bother to vote, they being heavily pro-Labour.

On the other hand, the over-70s are the only age demographic more likely to vote Con than Lab. If significant numbers either vote Labour (unlikely) or Reform UK (much more likely) or simply abstain (not unlikely) then Sunak and the Cons really are in trouble.

Other takeaways include the fact (if it is a fact) that only 23% think that Sunak etc can do better than others at “running the economy” (Lab 37%; Don’t Know 39%, tellingly). For a Prime Minister with a banking and financial/business background, and who was, not so long ago, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that is very much a thumbs-down.

The voters’ assessments of the characters of Sunak and Starmer are not so very different.

Sunak is assessed by only 8% as being “up to the job“, while only 12% assess him as even being “competent“. That’s damning. (Starmer’s equivalent ratings were 18% and 21%, scarcely a ringing endorsement, but still far better than Sunak).

Ashford’s poll figures, fed into Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] suggest a result of Labour MPs 513, Cons 71, LibDems 31, SNP 12, Greens 2, Plaid 3, Reform 0, Northern Irish 18.

Very very bad for the Conservative Party, but not quite existentially so..

On that basis, there would still be a considerable Con bloc of 71 MPs, and the Cons would still be the official Opposition, however ineffective.

My own feeling, whether it be right or wrong, is still that the Cons may be reduced to below 50 MPs, and that the LibDems may exceed that by default (tactical voting), thus making the LibDems the Opposition in the Commons.

If that were to occur, the defeat would be existential for the Cons. No “bright young” (mostly idiot) careerists (think Liz Truss, once upon a time…) would want to join, and big donors would not bother to pump money into funding the Cons. A “death spiral”, as people say.

Election date— Thursday 4 July 2024. Less than 5 weeks to go.

Tweets seen

The American government seems to have lost, if not its mind, then any sense of perspective.

If Country A sells or, even worse, gives Country B arms and ammunition, and especially if that is with the express intent that Country B should attack the territory of Country C, then that is pretty close to being an act of war by Country A against Country C.

Stop this mad slide to a quite possible superpower nuclear war.

It is widely mooted that the combat-ready spearhead numbers no more than 30,000, if that. Maybe as low as 20,000. Plus about 5,000 Royal Marines under naval command. Plus 4,000 Gurkhas. Plus Reserves.

If UK society continues to slide, they may be used to control the situation in the “British” cities more than anything else.

More music

More tweets seen


An impressive show. Is it any more than that?

I do not have enough information to guess accurately at the likely outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election, but peace would be better served were Trump to be re-installed at the White House, no matter what his personal deficiencies.

I publicly disagreed with the IHRA definition of antisemitism by reference to the arguments of Sir Stephen Sedley (on any view a hugely respected jurist) that it protects Israel from legitimate criticism.

That led to people publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me. And lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. And grotesque accusations of antisemitism about me. And 4 years of litigation where a total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel tried to bankrupt me. And a trial where witnesses made untrue or wildly exaggerated statements to try to ruin my reputation.

In the end I won, but my experience confirms Lemoine’s argument. It was awful and exhausting and no doubt intended to be so. Ending people’s careers for agreeing with Lemoine’s reasonable point of view is wrong and dangerous.”

[James Wilson]

Stephen Sedley. I remember him. I appeared in front of him as Counsel sometime around 1994 when he was a High Court judge (he was later a Lord Justice of Appeal). It was a matter involving the Angolan secret service. Sedley had had some previous experience in dealing with Angolan matters: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Sedley#Career. He gave me a very courteous hearing before politely refusing my judicial review application…

Perhaps there isn’t any such thing as the Israel lobby. Perhaps Israel is the only country on the planet without dedicated lobbyists. Perhaps organisations like We Believe in Israel, the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre, and both the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel, simply don’t exist.

Perhaps it’s simply untrue to say that people who are critical of Israel online, or supportive of Palestine, are bombarded by hostile replies from pro-Israel accounts.

Or perhaps, there’s a concerted effort by Israel’s advocates to warp and distort the definition of antisemitism to make it impossible to describe their activities. Was Faiza Shaheen wrong to apologise? I can understand why she did it. But nobody should have to apologise for liking a plain statement of fact.

Perhaps I imagined the evidence which clearly showed supporters of Israel working together to get information on me.

Perhaps I imagined them publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me.

Perhaps I imagined lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. Perhaps I imagined the accusations of antisemitism about me.

Perhaps I imagined 4 years of litigation and the total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel trying to bankrupt me.

Perhaps I imagined the trial where supporters of Israel gave wildly exaggerated evidence to try to ruin my reputation.

Perhaps I imagined the judgment: https://bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/KB/2024/821.html.

[James Wilson].

One of the unreliable witnesses for the losing defendants in that case was Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (p/t judge). Others (all Zionist Jews) were likewise not given much if any credence by the trial judge.

Laura Towler

I happened to see the announcement below.


It turns out that political prisoner Sam Melia is now being prevented from having access to his children. In fact, his wife cannot even tell him about them when she visits him. Disgraceful. These really are the tactics of a police state.

See also: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia

Incidentally, if anyone is in a generous mood, my own fundraiser is still running: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

More tweets

Ha. Horrible Jewish-lobby puppet. Useless too, it seems.

Late tweets seen

That should be Shai “Masot“, not “Mosat“, and certainly not “MOSSAD”. On the other hand…

Does that Israel-puppet get fed exactly what to say by some Israeli agency? Sounds like it.

This whole situation is mad.

If a nuclear war happens, most of us will not live through it. The only hope will be, in that terrible contingency, that at some later point, after the Wagnerian devastation of Europe, a new society can emerge, on a post-Aryan basis, and then create the basis for a later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

[Germany, 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Diary Blog, 6 May 2024

Morning music

From the newspapers

[hotel in Kigali, Rwanda, earmarked for some of those deported from the UK. Frankly, I have suffered far worse billets, both overseas and in the UK…]


Rwanda has admitted it cannot guarantee how many people it will take from the UK under Rishi Sunak’s deportation scheme.

The east African country did not give assurances that the estimated 52,000 asylum seekers in the UK who are eligible to be sent to Kigali would be accepted, instead saying it would be “thousands”.”

[The Guardian]

As I predicted on the blog recently. Not only are even the maximum numbers, as planned, pathetic compared to the numbers actually entering the UK (even “illegally”) but there is no guarantee that Rwanda government policy will not change, or the government be replaced by one unwilling to continue the agreement.

In any case, once Labour replaces the Conservative Party as UK Government, sometime within the next 8 months, the Rwanda idea will end up where it always was going to end up— in the dustbin.

Tweets seen

Where Goodwin goes wrong is in assuming that the Rwanda “plan” is workable, whereas, even if, on its premises, it were to work perfectly, and so be the means of deporting all “illegal” migrant-invaders, it would not touch those “processed” and then allowed to stay, and they are the vast majority of the illegals processed at present.

Neither would the Rwanda plan touch the “legal” immigrants (and they are 20x the number of the “illegals”), meaning that the net result of the Rwanda “plan”, even if it were to work perfectly, would be that about 1% of all immigrants arriving at present might be deported.

The puzzle is, not so much that the Rwanda “plan” is being pushed by the present doomed government party, but that Matt Goodwin is also pushing it, and Farage, and Reform UK. Some kind of “controlled opposition” scam, yet again, as seen with both UKIP and Brexit Party, the idea being to forestall any real potential social-national upsurge.

In other news, grass is revealed to be green…

So “Mr. T” (or should that be “Uncle T”?) is willing to risk nuclear war so that the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev does not suffer a crushing defeat?

I am beginning to think that the “safety margin” is being eroded to such an extent that a real superpower war might be triggered in the near or foreseeable future; such a war would go nuclear, almost certainly. We would then be in a situation which might lead to a devastation few of us want.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Anthony Robbins had a maxim to the effect that most people over-estimate what can be accomplished (in any field) in a year, but also under-estimate what can be accomplished in 10 years.

Two years ago CNN released a photo taken by the photographer Anil Prabhakar in the forest in Indonesia. The image shows an orangutan, currently under threat of extinction, while stretching out his hand to help a geologist who fell into a mud pool during his search. When the photographer uploaded the photo, he wrote this as a caption: “In a time when the concept of humanity dies, animals lead us to the principles of humanity.

After stopping a mugger and protecting his girlfriend, a Marine reflected on his actions and decided the criminal deserved an apology.

To the Guy Who Tried to Mug Me in Downtown Savannah night before last. Date: 2010-09-27, 1:43 am. E.S.T.

I was the guy wearing the black Burberry jacket that you demanded that I hand over, shortly after you pulled the knife on me and my girlfriend, threatening our lives. You also asked for my girlfriend’s purse and earrings. I can only hope that you somehow come across this rather important message.

First, I’d like to apologize for your embarrassment; I didn’t expect you to actually crap in your pants when I drew my pistol after you took my jacket.. The evening was not that cold, and I was wearing the jacket for a reason.. my girlfriend was happy that I just returned safely from my 2nd tour as a Combat Marine in Afghanistan ..

She had just bought me that Kimber Custom Model 1911 .45 ACP pistol for my birthday, and we had picked up a shoulder holster for it that very evening. Obviously you agree that it is a very intimidating weapon when pointed at your head … isn’t it?!

I know it probably wasn’t fun walking back to wherever you’d come from with crap in your pants. I’m sure it was even worse walking bare-footed since I made you leave your shoes, cell phone, and wallet with me. [That prevented you from calling or running to your buddies to come help mug us again].

After I called your mother or “Momma” as you had her listed in your cell, I explained the entire episode of what you’d done. Then I went and filled up my gas tank as well as those of four other people in the gas station, — on your credit card. The guy with the big motor home took 153 gallons and was extremely grateful!

I gave your shoes to a homeless guy outside Vinnie Van Go Go’s, along with all the cash in your wallet. [That made his day!] I then threw your wallet into the big pink “pimp mobile” that was parked at the curb ….. after I broke the windshield and side window and keyed the entire driver’s side of the car.

Earlier, I managed to get in two threatening phone calls to the DA’s office and one to the FBI, while mentioning President Obama as my possible target. The FBI guy seemed really intense and we had a nice long chat (I guess while he traced your number etc.).

In a way, perhaps I should apologize for not killing you … but I feel this type of retribution is a far more appropriate punishment for your threatened crime. I wish you well as you try to sort through some of these rather immediate pressing issues, and can only hope that you have the opportunity to reflect upon, and perhaps reconsider, the career path you’ve chosen to pursue in life.. Remember, next time you might not be so lucky. Have a good day!

Thoughtfully yours, Semper Fi...”

Made me laugh, true or not.

Well said.

Indeed, the tip of an even bigger iceberg.

There is an account of this officer’s heroic exploits in Colonel Ron Reid Daly’s book about the regiment he, Colonel Daly, commanded— Selous Scouts: Top Secret War

I expect that Griffin is already aware of the above, but if any readers of the blog are in contact with him, feel free to suggest the book. Unfortunately, it is not cheap, at about £55 a used copy. I think I have a copy somewhere; I always did have.

Captain Schulenburg was one of only two recipients of the Grand Cross of Valour, Rhodesia’s equivalent of the British V.C. : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Cross_of_Valour#Recipients.

Talking point

More tweets

Smug Jewish woman living in South-East England blames the victim of Israeli-Jewish state terrorism for the said Palestinian civilian victim having been made homeless.

According to the Jewish woman, Israel cannot be blamed. After all, all it has done is use advanced weaponry such as missiles to destroy the homes of about a million people, and kill tens of thousands, mostly women and children.

Why should Jews in Israel (or those in the UK who support the Gaza “operation”) be blamed for that? Puzzling, nicht wahr?

Naturally, the Palestinian Arab civilians are themselves to blame if Israeli forces have killed or wounded them, and/or destroyed their homes…to say anything else would probably be called “antisemitic“…

Late tweets

People are totally sick and tired of the “Conservative” Party, and cannot wait to stamp on it. Labour has very little real support, but is preferred by default. The expected near wipeout of the Conservative Party will happen (I believe), but once it has happened, the same problems will confront this country, and Labour, under Jewish/Israel puppet Starmer, has no answers.

At present it looks as though Starmer-Labour will continue to give unbridled support to the Israeli state and the UK Jewish lobby, continue to support the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev, and fail to stop the migration-invasion (but will simply rubberstamp “applications” so the invasion does not continue to make the news broadcasts or the front pages of the popular Press).

The expected Labour “elected” dictatorship will also crack down even more on free speech in the UK.

Kyiv’s indifference to dead soldiers undermines the morale of Ukrainians The number of dead Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers is so great that their remains cannot be identified.

n February, Zelensky announced Ukrainian Armed Forces losses of 31,000 people, but US estimates put the number much higher, with about 70,000 Ukrainian soldiers killed by August last year.

Many of those listed as missing were captured by Russian troops. However, most died and have not yet been identified. This hits the already undermined morale of Ukraine, according to the West.

Discontent among the civilian population is growing. Last October, a major protest took place in Kyiv. Relatives of soldiers demand answers from the authorities. Confirming a death is especially problematic when Ukrainian officials do not have a body, but even when they do, it can be a long and arduous process. DNA testing is patchy. Relatives are trying to get around the bureaucracy. They go from morgue to morgue, sometimes with the help of volunteers, examining bodies and trying to identify them first from photographs and then asking relevant family members for genetic samples. And even if they have proof of death, they face a trial and wait for a decision of two to six months. The authorities are delaying the process. After all, if the fact of death is established, they have to pay the family of the deceased 15 million hryvnia, or about $386,000 in installments, writes the New York Times.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 9 April 2024

Morning music


Tweets seen

By the time any of that comes on stream, assuming it is even authorized, any confrontation will have ended, bar the shouting.

Russia cannot lose this war, and will not lose this war.

A medical mercenary; he is far from being the only one.

Scotland has better education than England” (they said). “Scottish people are both better-educated and shrewder than the English” (they said). So why have the Scots voted into government a bad-joke pseudo-nationalist or fake nationalist party headed now by a Pakistani clown? Why is Scottish Labour the same or similar? (“but answer came there none“)…

A Lady asked an old street vendor: “How much do you sell your eggs for?” The old man replied “0.50¢ an egg, madam.” The Lady responded, “I’ll take 6 eggs for $2.00 or I’m leaving.” The old salesman replied, “Buy them at the price you want, Madam. This is a good start for me because I haven’t sold a single egg today and I need this to live.” She bought her eggs at a bargain price and left with the feeling that she had won.

She got into her fancy car and went to a fancy restaurant with her friend. She and her friend ordered what they wanted. They ate a little and left a lot of what they had asked for. So they paid the bill, which was $150. The ladies gave $200 and told the fancy restaurant owner to keep the change as a tip.

This story might seem quite normal to the owner of the fancy restaurant, but very unfair to the egg seller. The question it raises is; Why do we always need to show that we have power when we buy from the needy? And why are we generous to those who don’t even need our generosity?

We once read somewhere that a father used to buy goods from poor people at a high price, even though he didn’t need the things. Sometimes he paid more for them. His children were amazed. One day they asked him “why are you doing this dad?” The father replied: “It’s charity wrapped in dignity.”

I know that most of you will not share this message, but if you are one of the people who have taken the time to read this far… Then this message of attempted “humanisation” will have gone one step further in the right direction.

One human soul is a big audience…

“Right” and “left” are meaningless labels. Adhere to the realities.

The cartoon needs only to replace “Osborne” with “Reeves” (and, though not expressed, Conservative Friends of Israel changed to Labour Friends of Israel).

Talking point

More tweets

The UK needs, and the British people want, no immigration of any sort at all. The UK must start actually educating and training people properly to fulfil occupations requiring great skill and knowledge, and pay them properly as well.

Zelensky asks his military leadership for maximum defense of Kharkiv. Ritter is convinced that he will soon lose it HAS ASKED HIS OWNERS TO FORCE THE PRODUCTION OF DRONES WHICH HE THINKS WILL PLAY A MAJOR ROLE.

Scott RITTER: Now Russia is destroying military targets in Kharkiv on a daily basis, as the Ukrainian armed forces do not have enough ammunition for air defense systems. Soon the Russian army will surround that city, and Kiev will have to cede it. Such a future awaits any city in Ukraine that Russia decides to occupy, because the Ukrainian army cannot provide their sustainable defense.”

The British newspaper The Times estimated that the Russian army, if it succeeds in liberating Kharkiv, will surround the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Donbass.”

I am expecting a general advance of Russian armour and infantry, supported by air power, in 2024 and/or 2025. The Kiev-regime forces do not have the manpower to resist, or will soon not have. They are all now in purely defensive mode, despite the occasional missile or drone provocation attacking Russia itself.

It may be that that general advance will move west and north-west until most of Eastern Ukraine (i.e. east of the Dnieper) is occupied by Russian forces.

Kiev itself has been heavily fortified in defensive layers, including massive minefields. It may be that there will not be an attempt to storm Kiev until much later, in late 2025, or 2026.

The Kiev regime is draining armed forces personnel, arms, ammunition at a fairly rapid rate now. There may be some kind of palace revolution in Kiev, with the Jewish dictator, Zelensky, removed and forced into exile, along with his cabal and their stolen billions. At that point, peace talks may well occur and result in an armistice, even if no final or formal result or peace is possible.

Ironic. That Jewish woman once, quite a few years ago, tweeted openly to another one that I (together with some other person, entirely unknown to me) should be given a glass of strychnine to drink…

Late tweets seen

“Israel fear of Iranian attack.

Israeli Radio Editor: The Israeli people are very concerned about the Iranian attack. An even worse situation awaits us and people are afraid of it. Iran will finally take revenge, and Israel still has many difficult days ahead. People are unhappy, the authorities are afraid of an Iranian attack on power plants and blackouts throughout the country.

Talking point

Late music


A few weeks ago, I set up a crowdfund appeal to help with the imposed costs of my recent free speech trial. Any donations gratefully received.

If you cannot donate, please share the link wherever you can.

Thank you.


Diary Blog, 28 February 2024

Morning music

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All “three main parties” (System parties) and their msm offshoots have, in the American phrase, “bet the farm” on the happy shiny “multikulti society”, the outward face of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. The only thing is— it does not work (not in the way presented, and the European public are not supposed to see the real plan, i.e. a mixed-race population ruled undemocratically —and largely by Jews and part-Jews— i.e. a new pseudo-European “elite” but also tied up with the old elites via money).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan [but be aware that Jew-Zionist groups such as the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] have for some time been asking for volunteers to work with them, using their individual Wikipedia accounts to “edit” (vandalize) Wikipedia articles on a number of historical, political, and philosophical topics].

Dale used to “block” me when I had a Twitter account (until 2018, when a pack of Jews cobbled together faked complaints about me); he also tweeted against me a few times. A very unpleasant individual, completely in the pocket of the Israel lobby.

They may have to run (as they once did in Northern Iraq/Kurdistan) before very long. If they do, their protegees will have to run with them, or get caught (as the unfortunate Kurds were on that previous occasion; the CIA and USA generally left the Kurds to be slaughtered by Saddam Hussein).

Worth reading

The above blog post was sent to me by a reader of this blog. Quite interesting.

More tweets

What goes around comes around“, even if the attack filmed is only a tiny fraction as powerful as the Israeli attacks on Gaza.

Did you know that Bill Gates’ primary residence in Seattle boasts 7 bedrooms, 24 bathrooms, a 60-foot pool with an underwater music system, a 2,500-square-foot gym, a 1,000-square-foot dining room, six kitchens, and a trampoline room with a 20-foot ceiling?

And let’s not forget the 2,100-square-foot library, a home theater that seats up to 20 guests, and a massive 300-square-foot reception hall with room for 200 guests. And there’s also a spacious guesthouse, a garage that fits 23 cars, and an artificial stream stocked with fish. Depending on the source, its value is estimated at $127 to $170 million. But wait, there’s more!

Gates also owns homes in Del Mar, California at sea level ($43 million), Indian Wells, California ($12.5 million), Wellington, Florida ($8.7 million), and a ranch in Wyoming ($8.9 million). A fun little tidbit about his Florida property: In 2016, he paid $13.5 million for the neighboring house. Rumor has it he’s also bought four other properties on the same street, making him the sole resident of the entire block.

While Bill doesn’t own a mega-yacht, he regularly charters them for his vacations. He also has a penchant for spending big on luxury cars, and let’s not forget his four private jets. In interviews, he’s mentioned that purchasing private jets is his “guilty pleasure.”

Now, isn’t it ironic that one of the main proponents of reducing our carbon footprint lives like this? With such an expansive estate and luxurious lifestyle, we can’t help but wonder how much his own carbon footprint is ballooning. If the people who are urging us to reduce our carbon footprints are living lives of excess, how can we trust their motivations and the validity of their claims about man-made climate change?

Possibly a one-sided view, but valid on its own merits.

Late music

[Paris in the rain]

Diary Blog, 5 February 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Wait a minute.

After that first day in October 2023, which side has been doing the “murdering, mutilating, and burning”? (maybe not raping, I do not know).

As always, “they” see only their own hurt (whether actual or imagined). As someone once said, “they” can feel themselves to be the “victim” even as they beat you…

As for that specimen being interviewed— ghastly.

For me, and surely objectively, the idea that, after an admittedly egregious attack (by Hamas) lasting some hours, or one 24-hour period, the Israeli response has been “proportionate” or “self-defence” (killing or wounding, so far, about 100,000, mostly women and children, and young persons under-18), is almost mad. Completely disproportionate, and way beyond anything reasonably describable as “self-defence”.

The Hamas/Gazan side does not have planes, tanks, armoured personnel carriers, really powerful missiles, bombs etc.

After the initial one-day attack from Gaza in October 2023, and arguably a day or so later, nothing the Israeli side has done can possibly be called “proportionate” or “in self-defence“.

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Griffin is right, not least in saying that the clock is ticking in respect of the weapons being developed in, especially, Iran.

Actually, that is rather out of date. Today, closer to USD $6 BILLION.

UK academia is yet another Augean Stables situation…

Interesting. Whatever one may say about China in terms of human rights, animal welfare etc, its advancement since the 1980s, in technological and other areas, has been phenomenal. As a matter of fact, one could make a case that even in the animal welfare and human rights areas, there has been an improvement, overall, since the days of Mao.

The Chinese people, though alarming in a sense, being so numerous etc, are certainly one of the great peoples of the world.

More tweets

Good to see that some people put principles before money (or bribes).

Yes, he is…

Murray has backed the wrong horse, in the long term.

The Kiev regime is toast, or soon will be.

NATO is preparing society for the Ukrainian conflict to escalate into a world war This is indicated by the fact that NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg is trying to link Ukraine with the Taiwan issue, writes the Global Times.

Moreover, the definition of the Ukrainian conflict is no longer limited to Europe. It is now seen as an indicator of a “wider global geopolitical conflict.”

Now the alliance is making it clear that its main goal is Russia, and China is a potential adversary. Against this background, Stoltenberg continues to promote the need to expand NATO, for which war is an external necessity.

I hope not, but we of European or post-Aryan social nationalism must think beyond the present day to the future, and far future.

See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

The present House of Lords is even more of a bad joke than the House of Commons. When it was mainly hereditary, it may have been pretty pathetic, as well as unjust and constituted in an entirely unfair manner, but it was at least mainly (real) British in membership.

Late tweets

Pity there is no English translation, but the film does speak for itself, to a large extent.

Israel has done this. Israeli Jews have done this. Notwithstanding the arguably unwarranted attack by Hamas operatives on Israelis in October 2024, the behaviour of the Israeli Jews in Gaza —over 4 months now— once again goes far beyond what is acceptable.

Ukraine is a failed state, and pretty much a fake state. The part east of the Dnieper should be ceded now to Russia, together with Kiev and Odessa (unless they become “free cities”); also the Black Sea and Sea of Azov coastal regions. A rump Ukrainian state (not in the EU, and not in NATO) can be centred on Lvov.

There is no prospect of Putin and Russia advancing into Central, let alone Western Europe. Russia has no wish to rule all of Europe; it is no longer the old Soviet Union, and has no expansionist Marxist-Leninist ideology.

Britain would be mad to consider involvement in any war, let alone one against Russia, a power which possesses as many as 7,000 nuclear bombs and missiles.

The British Government, and its depleted and demoralized Army, Navy, and Air Force, cannot even protect the UK borders from migration-invasion— as many as 2,000 a day coming across the Channel, and several times that number coming in superficially legally.

Late music

[river Dnieper]

Diary Blog, 2 February 2024

Morning music

From the newspapers


How absolutely horrible. Just so that Elon Musk can make more money, someone with money already beyond any dreams of avarice. Humanity owes the animal kingdom a huge karmic debt.


Civil servants are being told that looking at their phones or rolling their eyes could be signs of sexual or racial discrimination as part of training that has cost more than £160,000.

Government employees have been taught by private sector consultants to spot ‘microaggressions’ at specially run workshops since 2021.

Officials have been told to nod their heads as a way to improve inclusion. Feedback from civil servants that have undergone the training was said to be highly critical.

[Daily Mail]

More of the “politically correct”/”woke” nonsense that is drowning or choking this country.

Tweets seen

A decade later [after the 2014 NWO/ZOG coup in Kiev], the midwife of Maidan, a humiliated and defeated Nuland, speaks from Kiev.

Her accomplishments:

* Russia is stronger than ever since the breakup of the USSR, globally and nationally. Putin enjoys high approval ratings and Russia is more unified than ever.

* Crimea is still Russia and Sevastopol is not a triumphant new addition to the U.S. global military empire.

* Nuland literally f**ked the EU.

[not “literally“, surely, except maybe in one or two cases].

* Europe was forced to replace cheap Russian energy with expensive Russian energy, laundered through various middlemen. Entire industrial sectors have been gutted.

* 440,000 dead Ukrainians.

Add to that list the implosion of Ukraine not only as a state (failed state, fake state) but also as a nation and people.

Hundreds of thousands of young and middle-aged men killed on the battlefield; as many or more, possibly millions, have fled to EU and other states. Millions of women and under-18 offspring have also relocated outside Ukraine. The population is not reproducing itself, and in fact its numbers are falling rapidly.

The industrial sector is almost flat. The agricultural sector is finding it hard to export. Electrical power supply is unreliable.

Meanwhile, despite various problems, Russia is flourishing.

[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Nuland]. Half-Jewish, incidentally.

Strategically, Russia’s overall position cannot be compared to that of Kiev-regime Ukraine, which only stays in existence by reason of aid from the EU and North America.

The fake “debate” continues in the msm, but above that facade of fakery the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan also continues unabated, flooding western and central Europe with non-whites.

If Matt Goodwin actually put forward solutions to the migration invasion etc, he would probably end up in court, as did I, in my case the victim of malicious complaint by an “entitled” tribe. Having said that, Goodwin is very pro-Israel, so maybe (like Douglas Murray) he can “offend” (non-Jews, anyway) without facing judicial sanction.

The 1970s NF had its rough edges, but most of what it predicted would happen in the UK has since come to pass. In terms of street violence, incidentally, the NF was far more sinned against than sinning, in my view.

You see the Aaronovitch type of argument all the time from the “politically correct”/”woke” rabble: “British people commit crimes, so any riff-raff off the boat who commit crimes should not be deported.” Or…”some British people are sex offenders, so we must not characterize the “British” Pakistani community as harbouring a large number of rape gangs targeting young (real British) girls, because that harms ‘diversity’.”

Und so weiter

Aaronovitch is the son of communist intellectual and economist Sam Aaronovitch,[2] and brother of actor Owen Aaronovitch and author and screenwriter Ben Aaronovitch. His parents were atheists whose “faith was Marxism“, according to Aaronovitch, and he is ethnically half Jewish and half Irish.” [Wikipedia].


Well, in the American phrase, “what goes around comes around”. By 2029, or 2034, Iran, other states around Israel, even Hezbollah, maybe even Hamas, will have far more sophisticated missiles and drones. I wonder what will happen then?

Those Israeli soldiers and their families may, in 5 or 10 years, be themselves “victims”, and will no doubt be able anyway to pose as such.

The gates of the Gaza Ghetto, in effect.

[a gate of the Warsaw Ghetto, c.1941]

Israel presents an image of national unity, usually. The deep rifts within its society are hidden from view much of the time. Having said that, the only Israeli prime minister to have been assassinated (Rabin) was killed not by an Arab but by a Jew, and one supposedly connected with the Shin Beth security org. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yitzhak_Rabin#Assassination_and_aftermath.

The Jewish “human rights” lawyers in the UK have been remarkably quiet since Israeli forces started to kill or horribly wound tens of thousands of Gazan women and children; not to mention terrorizing the survivors, who are living in hunger and squalor.

Ingrained weakness.

Still, I suppose that someone (of any race or nation) who is involved in the mass slaughter of women and children is quite likely to face psychological disturbance.

Late music

[Adolf Hitler als Tierfreund]

Diary Blog, 30 January 2024

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

In the medium term, Israel is doomed.

Ha ha!…

Any real British government would not accept these American weapons on British soil. They make the UK even more of a potential target.

Israeli Jews— inter-generational thieves.

…and the rest will be from births to immigrant or previously immigrant or other non-white mothers.

If a social-national government cannot take power within the next decade, Britain is doomed and British society will become a chaotic and brutal dystopia.

Exclusive: BBC staff are being told not to hire candidates who are “dismissive” of diversity and inclusion. A recruitment policy document says that applicants should be asked to “what opportunities do you see for you to promote, celebrate or encourage diversity and inclusion in your role?”

The guidelines tell recruiters “don’t hire; [candidates who are] unsuited to the organisation” if they are “dismissive or derisory of diversity and inclusion and surrounding topics”.

Managers are also directed not to offer jobs to candidates if they show a “lack of interest in learning more where no evidence of education and understanding of diversity and inclusion was given”.

Commenting on the recruitment guidelines, a BBC source said: “The BBC is not a welcoming place for those with conservative opinions. Management talks about diversity, without embracing diversity of thought.

The place that I have given years of my working life, and that I sincerely cherish, currently feels captured by Left-wing activists and is unable to deliver on our core principle of impartiality.”

“Hiring on the basis of adherence to diversity and inclusion ideology excludes most conservative-minded people, and indeed much of the population.

[Steven Edginton, Daily Telegraph].

The BBC, even more than other msm, is a nest of treachery and evil, as shown by its propaganda output during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic.

I was just thinking, “just like the Soviet system of having at least one ‘politichesky rukovoditel‘ (political director, executive, supervisor, or commissar) attached to each ship or Army formation, and assisted by ‘sekretnye sotrudniki’ or ‘stukachi‘ (‘secret co-workers’ or ‘informers’).”

So it seems that the Royal Navy probably has far more of those officers than it has ships: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Navy.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Britain is still being invaded daily…

Sorry to see that notice. I was a member of Lincoln’s Inn from 1986 until I was (wrongfully and unlawfully) disbarred in 2016, at which point my membership of the Inn was, effectively, terminated automatically.

As a very frequent user of Lincoln’s Inn Library, I knew Catherine for many years (1988 to about 2002). She was from the North (maybe North East) of England, from a family in a coal-mining community. Beyond that, I knew little of her personal life, though I believe that she got married at some point after having joined Lincoln’s Inn (and the photograph in that tweet, showing a ring, would seem to support that).

A nice person.

[The Library, Lincoln’s Inn, London]

Mortality. It comes to us all. Catherine, I now see, was actually 6 years younger than me. It reminds us that we must stand up for truth and justice etc while we live, no matter what challenges the forces of Evil array against us.

Quite a few people I have known in my life have died now, many of whom were younger than me. I have mentioned a few on the blog: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/05/20/diary-blog-20-may-2021/, and

Well, looked at from an ethics-free view (and/or from the Israeli point of view), that operation has the hallmarks of skill and cunning. Equally obviously, to kill patients prostrate in a hospital (one photo shows a single bullet-hole in the centre of a hospital pillow, with blood around it) is pretty abhorrent and, indeed, very wicked, something one would associate with the worst criminals and terrorists.

Frederick Forsyth was or is very pro-Israeli. I saw something from him once to the effect that terrorists who then gain state power (as happened in Israel/Palestine when the various Jew-Zionist terrorists of the Irgun, Palmach, Stern Gang /”Lehi” etc became part of the Israeli power structure) can leave their terrorism behind and become “normal” political leaders of “normal” states.

Forsyth’s view may have had its arguments when he was most fervently pro-Israel, in the 1960s, 1970s, but now the facts have changed or become more evident: Israel’s massacres of Arab civilians every few years, and of course the truth coming out more in the West about the ethnic cleansing (mass murder, and theft of land) carried out by the Jews in Israel/Palestine from 1948 to the present day.

Forsyth himself, who always strikes me as rather dim, at least politically, was cheated out of much of his invested money by a Jew he trusted (“Roger” Something), insult then being added to injury by the said Jew receiving a mere suspended sentence for the embezzlement of millions of pounds. That episode is, incidentally, absent from Wikipedia. “They” seem to have been “editing” (sabotaging) again…

[Addenda, same day: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/levitt-trial-ends-as-second-man-admits-fraud-unexpected-events-in-court-and-the-man-behind-a-pounds-34m-collapse-1506406.html; and

https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12709766.fraud-trial-ends-after-change-of-plea/; and

https://www.accountancyage.com/2004/12/07/the-corridors-of-power-104/; and https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/levitt-fraud-trial-cost-taxpayer-2-12m-pounds-1385929.html; and


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A fact not known to many people; people generally should be aware of it: see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-get-a-debt-relief-order-dro.

That LSE research bod— thick, or a traitor to the future of Europe? Well, his background does not indicate stupidity, at least in the normal sense: see https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianhigham/?originalSubdomain=uk


Note the “typical” hand gesture…

Very interesting.

Late music

Final word

Regular readers will be aware that I am to be sentenced tomorrow for allegedly having posted “grossly offensive” (anti-Jew-Zionist) material on 5 out of some 1,700 blog posts published since this blog started in late 2016.

It may be that part of the sentence will include a restriction on the publication of the blog. If so, the restriction might last for a year. We shall see.

Freedom of expression on political, social and even historical topics is as good as dead in the UK, and those responsible are, for the most part, those who may well be called “the usual suspects”.

I hope to resume blogging soon, but if that proves not to be the case, I wish all well-intentioned readers well, and hope to resume transmission in due course.

Diary Blog, 24 January 2024, including thoughts about the UK, NATO, conscription, and General Sir Patrick Sanders

Morning music

From the newspapers


The chief of the British Army is set to warn Brits that they could be called up to fight for King and country in the event of war with Russia – because the military is ‘too small’ to handle the conflict on its own.

General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chief of the General Staff, will stress the need for ministers to ‘mobilise the nation’ in the event of a wider conflict against Russia amid its invasion of Ukraine.

His warning comes nearly two years after he said that Britain was facing its ‘1937 moment’, a reference to the two years leading up to the Second World War

Gen Sir Patrick – who has been openly critical of staff shortages in the military – believes there should be a ‘shift’ in the mindset of the public who should be willing to defend the UK against foreign adversaries.

But while the Army head – who is standing down in six months after allegedly falling out with Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, the overall chief of the Armed Forces – is not thought to be in favour of conscription, Nato bosses have warned allied nations to be prepared to take any and all actions necessary to fight Vladimir Putin’s forces.

[Daily Mail].

[Daily Mail graphic]

What utter nonsense. Conscription would never produce effective soldiers in the social milieu of Britain in the 2020s. Look at the population! Look at those aged 18-40!

Apart from that, what world do our politicians and military “geniuses” live in? One, it seems, in which the atom bomb, nuclear weapons and ICBMs have not yet been invented. The general appears (as portrayed by the Daily Mail, anyway) to envisage a WW2 scenario of massed armies fighting a ground war across Europe. Someone really ought to tell our military men that the massed armies of conscripts will not last long once their home cities and towns, and Army/Navy/Air Force bases, have been turned into charred craters by Russian nuclear attack.

Indeed, the said armies of conscripts would quite soon be turned into irradiated facsimiles of the Terracotta Army.

Even leaving all that aside, there is no overarching Russian plan, and no ideological impetus, to invade central and western Europe. Russia under Putin is not the Soviet Union in 1948, 1962, or even the 1980s.

Russia has no incentive to attack or invade NATO territory, unless itself attacked, or pushed too far. Put simply, Europe now has nothing Russia would want.

The hysterical propaganda from the msm calling for, or fomenting fear of, war with Russia seems to blithely ignore the fact that Russia has been trying —but not succeeding— to crush the shambolic forces of the Kiev regime for nearly two years. So now Russia is set to invade Central Europe? Western Europe? Scandinavia? How? With what? Why?

What is really behind this NWO/ZOG propaganda?

As for Sweden and Finland joining NATO, their leaderships must be mad, or part of an NWO/ZOG conspiracy. They have just made themselves targets for potential annihilation.

Thinking again about General Sanders, and his apparent view that the UK should be ready to “defend itself“, he appears to be unaware that, for many real British people (let alone the blacks, browns etc), there is a feeling abroad at present that there is now not much left to defend. Not much worthwhile, at least.

What are the serried ranks of the new conscript armies to defend? Enormous income and capital inequality and inequity? A nation and society largely destroyed already by mass immigration? The Zionist control, influence, and takeover of the UK’s mass media, publishing, law, legal system, and politics? Collapsing living standards?

If General Sanders (and his seaborne and aerial colleagues) want to “defend Britain”, they might start by securing the UK’s borders from migration-invasion, or from cultural invasion (i.e. from the USA). They can no more do that, though, than build (in their own little minds) a farcical copy of the Allied armies of WW2, and/or pretend to be about to face some fantasy conflation of the Soviet forces of the Cold War, and Hitler’s Wehrmacht.

The general in question is apparently about to retire. Looks like that might be not before time.

Tweets seen

I too was tried (in November 2023) for having published the truth, though was not actually arrested (merely summonsed, in early 2023, by postal requisition). Incidentally, I shall learn my fate within about a week (at the sentencing hearing). Free speech is effectively dead in England.

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…not to mention that it would prevent the present migration-invasion.

It surely says something about the state of the country that many people think that it would not be worse-ruled were it actually conquered by Russian forces…

Ha ha! Quite…

The Jew Shapps, he of the dodgy get-rich-quick schemes (scams) and fake identities, now poses as Defence Secretary as he trumpets the wasting of a further £2.5 BILLION on Zelensky’s shambolic, corrupt and brutal dictatorship.

NWO/ZOG conspiracy.

The answer to part of that first question is, surely “Biden” (and before Biden, “the great non-white hope”— Obama)…

Don’t go looking for work, and work will not come looking for you” [Femi Oluwole (parody)] [Oscar Wilde (supposedly)].

I find the whole (obviously contrived) “debate” puzzling. The whole idea that huge numbers of British citizens will “have to be” conscripted “if there is war with Russia” is simply bizarre, some kind of Loony Tune.

If NATO is at war with Russia, it will not be long before Russia’s 6,000-7,000 nuclear bombs and missiles are deployed. At that point, you can forget the new “Dad’s Army”, and much of the regular Army as well. Do idiots such as Tobias Ellwood really think that there would be much left of the UK in that scenario?

Yes, Russia would have its cities and bases destroyed too, but it has space beyond our usual imaginings. 70 times the size of the UK. Three times the size of the contiguous USA.

The fact is that any war with Russia which went nuclear (as it probably would) would spell the complete end of anything resembling the present UK.

This feverish speculation about upcoming war with Russia is being seeded by remarks from NWO/ZOG puppets, both military and civilian (military personnel, politicians and msm scribblers) across Europe and North America now. There is some kind of plot being hatched. A fairly obvious one, really, but the masses do not see it, they only see the noise and chatter, and take it as genuine.

The Kiev regime is now in serious trouble, and the Israeli regime is also on the back foot. The ruling circles of the West therefore deflect to the non-existent “threat” to western Europe and central Europe from Russia.

Is part of this “conscription” and “wartime regulation” thing just another attempt to corral the populations of Europe into behaving like compliant sheep, as during the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic?

Incidentally, Wikipedia is very reticent about Ellwood’s parents. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tobias_Ellwood. He was born in New York, but they also lived (1970s/early 1980s) in Bonn and Vienna. Diplomats? Nothing on Wikipedia. SIS? Maybe. Bonn and Vienna were centres of both diplomatic and espionage activity in those Cold War days; and Ellwood junior is now an officer in the sinister TA/Reserves 77th Brigade (disinformation, online snooping etc).

That should always be and should always have been the case.

Bob Moran

I see that the cartoonist Bob Moran, so prominent in the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic (he was sacked by the Daily Telegraph for being too honest and too cuttingly satirical) is now in (more) trouble with the Jew-Zionists:


First of all, note the “typical” language. Those thought hostile to Jew-Zionism are always labelled “disgraced” (by the Jew-Zionists). In the same way, the (((very same))) “ones” always describe me as “disgraced and disbarred“. Disbarred (wrongfully and unlawfully)— yes. “Disgraced“— no.

Ironic, nicht wahr? They hate that Bob Moran cartoon so much that they have reposted it, many times now.

Note, also, how the money he is apparently getting for his pictures has “triggered” them…”A shark can smell blood in the water a mile off when he is hungry” [Control, in The Spy Who Came in from the Cold]

Looking at the cartoon, several aspects strike me. First of all, the cartoon is very hard-hitting. Why should it not be? After all, the Jewish government of Israel has killed, in the present campaign in Gaza, about 26,000 people, mostly civilians (and wounded, many badly, about 64,000).

Half the population of Gaza is under 18, and about a quarter is under 12. The arithmetic may not be exact, but that means that, in three months, the Israelis have killed about 6,500 small children and babies, and have wounded (including mutilation, and injury leading to amputations) about 15,500 children under 12, including babies.

It might be argued that the “offending” (?) cartoon is far more hard-hitting than any posted by me on this blog (and in respect of which, inter alia, a magistrates’ court will sentence me next week); likewise, that Bob Moran cartoon is, arguably, more hard-hitting than anything posted by Alison Chabloz years ago (in respect of which she was actually imprisoned in the end).

Not that I wish for the cartoonist to be prosecuted. Far from it. Satirical cartoons were always part of the rough and tumble of British opinion and commentary, that is until “they” arrived and started to influence the legislature, the police and, now, the Crown Prosecution Service.

Free speech is now all but dead in the UK.

Finally, funny how those who have reposted that cartoon in order to attack Bob Moran have spread the cartoon far and wide online and offline! Indeed, I myself would otherwise have been unaware of its existence.

Cartoons should be freely publishable.

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[Central Coast, California, State Route 1]