Tag Archives: Khan Younis

Diary Blog, 24 June 2024

Morning music

[River Wey, Surrey]

Talking point

An idealized but not really untruthful view of how parts of England were in the 1950s, or even early 1960s, if you forget the 1930s-style bus in the background.

Incidentally, I was watching a “true crime” documentary about a series of appalling murders carried out by some crazed half-caste in the mid-1980s, the “Stockwell Strangler” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Erskine], who, incidentally, is still detained in a mental hospital.

What struck me as much as anything is how smart the uniformed police still looked back then; one forgets. No beards, no stubble, no tattoos, and wearing shirts and ties and neat uniforms. What a contrast to the often untidy-looking rabble they (especially in London?) are today, with their beards and tattoos.

Tweets seen

A parody very close to the truth.

Sometimes, as I navigate along the potholed and badly-patched highways in the area where I live (supposedly one of the most affluent in England), thinking about things, I think that this country is so ****** that only some kind of very radical, indeed revolutionary, change will be able to give it a decent future.

Our animal friends…

The very picture of self-regarding entitlement. I wrote an assessment of Rory Stewart several years ago, and much-updated since: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Needless to say, my views on the current migration-invasion are not unalike to those of Suella Braverman, but I do not need some Mauritian Indian bas-class import to tell me what to think. Anyway, she is married to a Jewish Zionist, and supports Israel to the hilt, so nein, danke!

For Ukrainian troops, a difficult situation has developed on the battlefield, said the head of intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. This is how he answered the journalist’s question whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to stop the advance of Russian troops.”

Will truth now start to break out in the newsrooms of the Western msm?

Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Kiev-regime “Ukraine” is not even a “failed state”— it is scarcely a state at all.

Huge numbers of Israeli Jews are dual passport-holders.



Nigel Farage is on course to win the Clacton seat with a 27 point lead in a devastating blow to the Conservatives.

The Clacton Constituency poll, conducted by JL Partners on behalf of Friderichs Advisory Partners, has Farage polling at 48 per cent while the Tory leader sits back at 21 per cent of the vote share.

Farage is leading in every age group apart from the 18 to 34-year-olds and only one in five 2019 Conservative voters are sticking to the party.

[GB News]

I presume by “Tory leader“, GB News means “Conservative Party candidate“(?), unless the reference is to Sunak in his Richmond (Yorkshire) constituency.

I predicted previously on the blog that the Labour candidate at Clacton would bomb, maybe even losing his deposit. Let’s see.

More tweets

Even the Sun “newspaper” has given up on the Sunak government.

Yes, 800 a day crossing the Channel, being ferried most of the way by the bloody “Border Force” farce and others, such as the RNLI, but what about the other invaders, 4,000+ per day, coming in quasi-“legally”?

Starmer-Labour will stop the smaller influx, the “small boats” influx, to a large extent, by simply rubberstamping 90% or more of the applications before they even get here, doing it in France, after which the invaders will simply get onto a ferry in Calais and will be here 2-3 hours later.

Both System parties are complicit, and are facilitating the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

I do not think that I can be accused of being overly pro-Arab, let alone pro-Islamist, and I might be induced to agree that the attack on Israel in October 2023 should not have happened (for the good of all sides), but what Israel has done since then has been utterly abhorrent, and it continues to do the same or similar.

Late music

[Hitler reading on the terrace of the Berghof, Obersalzberg]

Diary Blog, 13 April 2024, with a few thoughts about the pro-Israel “populists” around

Morning music

[painting by Vicente Romero]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scored 6/10, thus again trumping political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 5/10. I did not know the answers to questions 3, 5, 7, and 9 (though I should have got no. 9, had I thought about it).

Tweets seen

Whoever supplies weapons wants war,” AfD leader in Thuringia against arming Kyiv.

Three-quarters of the residents of East German Thuringia oppose arms supplies to Ukraine; the right-wing Alternative for Germany may win the land elections in this land for the first time. The head of the regional branch of the AfD, Bjorn Höcke, demanded that Germany stop supplying weapons to Kyiv and organize negotiations.

“My grandparents told me what war is, so I say that this war must be ended as quickly as possible and at any cost,” Höcke said on Die Welt. He accused his opponent’s party, the CDU, of inciting the conflict. “The war rhetoric of the CDU will not lead to real progress,” “we need Germany as a peacekeeping power.”

He pointed out that Russia did not shy away from negotiations, results were achieved in Istanbul in 2022, but the West and Germany did not want them, and chose military supplies rather than diplomacy. “Whoever supplies the weapons does not want peace, he wants war,” Höcke concluded.”

As many as 82 percent of Germans do not believe that Ukraine can defeat Russia with the support of the West.


ONLY eight percent of Germans believe that Ukraine can win a confrontation with Russia thanks to Western weapons. This was shown by a survey commissioned by the German television station ZDF. Also: that 82 percent of respondents are skeptical about the possibility of Ukraine winning the conflict with the Russian Federation. ZDF indicated that in August of last year, the share of skeptics in Germany was 70 percent, and those who believed in a positive outcome for Kyiv were 21 percent.

The same survey showed that 42% of Germans surveyed believe that the West should provide more [humanitarian] aid to Ukraine.

Good grief. Reminiscent of the 1960s spy-spoof TV series, Get Smart. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get_Smart.

Kiev and the West are tired of war and of each other.

What a small group of objective, but long-maligned observers in the West warned about for a long time, is now happening: Ukraine and the West are losing the war against Russia.

The strategy of using Ukraine to either isolate and slowly suffocate Russia or to defeat and degrade it in a proxy war is approaching its predictable disastrous end.”

As I have been saying on the blog (for the past 18 months) would happen.

That Milei character is quite obviously mentally disordered, and “they” are taking advantage of his mental state.

Good news for Russia (and Iran), inter alia; bad news for the major economies of the West, and perhaps for China.

Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) as Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom. What does that say about where this poor country now is? (the replacement of Liz Truss by Sunak, the little Indian money-juggler, makes only a cosmetic difference). I know what I think.

A Home Office Islamic Network aims to recruit Muslim staff and “influence policymakers” to support “Muslim needs”, a GB News investigation reveals. Leaked documents show the group of over 700 civil servants say they aim to “promote the recruitment, retention and progression of Muslim staff in the Home Office” and “influence policymakers so that policy is more inclusive of Muslim needs”. THE WHOLE CIVIL SERVICE ARE THE ENEMY WITHIN.”

To adapt and substitute the supposed words of Boris Savinkov re. non-Russians in the “Russian” Revolution, “Muslims, Jews…where are the English?!

Look at most of the “alt-right” msm and/or social media “controlled opposition” types, the so-called “populists”, including those who make money, or try to make money, out of being pseudo-national and/or anti-Islam or anti-Islamist: the academic, Matt Goodwin, is a rising star of that tendency; others include the notorious Douglas Murray, Katie Hopkins, “Tommy Robinson”, Paul Golding and most of the “Britain First” crowd, and Anne Marie Waters of the now-defunct “For Britain” group. Then you have Farage, Tice, and their UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK parties.

They vary. Some are national figures with considerable public support, and are welcomed on msm platforms (e.g. Farage, and Matt Goodwin); others are marginal (e.g. Paul Golding of “Britain First”, Laurence Fox and his tiny Reclaim Party, and others). All, however, speak in favour of Israel, in favour of the UK Jewish lobby, and against any enemies (especially Islamist enemies) of Israel.

Most are also vehemently hostile to what they are pleased to call the “far right” (anyone social-national).

Look at the similar types overseas, too: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geert_Wilders#Views_on_Israel_and_Palestine.

As for me, I stand for the British people, for European humanity, and for European culture and civilization. I oppose any enemies of European culture and civilization.

One can see, though, which tendency or interest-group is constantly trying to get European Christendom to fight the Islamic world (and not just Islamism).

I have just seen this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Phillips_(TV_presenter).

Alexandra Lesley Phillips (born 26 December 1983) is a British journalist and former politician. She served as a Brexit Party member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the South East England constituency from 2019 to 2020. She was the second candidate on the party’s list for the constituency after party leader Nigel Farage.[1] Phillips was previously head of media at the UK Independence Party (UKIP), which she left in September 2016. She was a GB News presenter between June 2021 and September 2022. In February 2023, Phillips joined Reform UK.

Alexandra Lesley Phillips was born on 26 December 1983 in Gloucester.[2] She has an older brother. She is Jewish.

On 2 August 2019, Phillips was selected as the Brexit Party’s prospective parliamentary candidate (PPC) for Southampton Itchen.[15] However, on 11 November 2019, the Brexit Party announced that it would not stand in incumbent Conservative seats.[16] The following day, Phillips announced that she would not be voting in the general election as she had been “disenfranchised” by her party.[17] Her term as MEP ended in January 2020 when the UK withdrew from the EU.[18] In February 2023, she joined Reform UK (successor to the Brexit Party) as a policy adviser to party leader Richard Tice.[19]

Prior to joining UKIP, Phillips had worked as a local journalist for ITV, and later BBC Wales.[5]

Phillips presented a twice-weekly show on talkRADIO and is a contributor to The Daily Telegraph.[20] She co-hosted an afternoon programme on GB News with Simon McCoy between June and August 2021.[21][22] After McCoy moved to the breakfast show, she was given her own show, The Afternoon Agenda, in August 2021.[23] She left GB News in September 2022 after her show was cancelled.[24] In July 2023 Alex began presenting a Saturday afternoon programme on TalkTV. She now co hosts a show with Kevin O’Sullivan on talk tv daily.”


Look at that one profile: UKIP, Brexit Party, Reform UK, ITV, BBC Wales, TalkRadio, GB News, Talk TV, and the Daily Telegraph.

Counting the rounds, I made that a total of 11, not 8.

Thus proving, once again, that at least a substantial minority of UK voters, and about half of Conservative Party voters, are absolutely brainless.

The only reason a slight majority think that life is better now than in the 1960s and 1970s is because a constant drip-feed of propaganda tells them so. Most of the respondents would have been born after 1980 or 1975, of course.

The 1970s in the UK were a lot better than most people today will believe, despite some (actually quite limited) industrial unrest etc.

As for the 1960s, I remember them well, having been born in 1956. Fairly OK in most respects (I should add that I spent the last three years of that decade in Australia (Mosman/Cremorne, in Sydney), and that was another world then, though the devil is always in the detail: those were —and are— among the better suburbs of the city.

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that comes out as leaving the Conservative Party with about 35 MPs (Lab 527, LibDem 48).

Looking at the above tracker graph, the Labour intended vote has been fairly stable (within parameters) for about a year or so, whereas the Conservative Party intended vote has steadily declined for what seems to have been most of the past year. They’re toast…

Were the Con percentage to decline even one point, to 18%, even without an increase in any of the other numbers, the number of Con MPs would reduce to only 28.

When you see that, and factor in the political intentions of those under 40, and under 30, and the fact that the Con core vote consists largely of the retired, indeed of those over 70, over 80, you can see that this really could spell the end of the Conservative Party.

In fact, even were the Conservative Party to retain 100, even 150, MPs, it would be all but irrelevant in a Commons with 450+ Labour MPs, and a Labour majority of maybe 300 or more. That would hit Con Party funding and ability to come back from the debacle.

I was just musing on such ideas as I carefully drove a few miles this morning on a rural A-road, its surfacing poor and dotted with troughs and potholes which one had to navigate around, as in some areas of Russia and Ukraine (or, in pre-EU-membership days, in Bulgaria, as I recall from 2001). The decline of Britain is seen even in mundane areas such as road maintenance.

Late tweets seen

How strange. The little Indian money-juggler did not see fit to “condemn” the slaughter, by the Israeli forces, of tens of thousands of women an d children in Gaza, nor the unprovoked attack by Israel on the diplomatic and consular offices of Iran in Syria, an attack on two sovereign states.

Like 90% of “British” politicians, if you want to call him that, Sunak is bought and paid for…

Late music

Diary Blog, 8 April 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

…and the same applies to the —ten or even twenty times greater— “legal” migration invasion.

Incidentally, those opinion poll statistics add up to only 77% of voters asked. Is most of the remaining 23% a group of people who might support something perhaps not on the question-paper, such as a social nationalist movement as yet not in existence?

[“our unconquerable children”]

At GE 2024, such figures might result in the Conservative Party being left with as few as 30 MPs, as noted on yesterday’s blog post.

A country which has no control over its borders, no control who has civil rights within borders, no right to expel non-citizens for default or at will, is not a nation but just a territory open to all, and not far from chaos or civil war, a place where disparate tribes occupy space for a time; or a kind of “Hotel California”…

Looks like he has learned the term that characterizes employed life at the bottom level in North America— “wage slavery”, with the accent on slavery…

If I had to guess, I should say that embezzling fake Zelensky will be gone within a year or so, either into exile and to his several multimillion-dollar houses in Florida and elsewhere or, well, just gone…

It’s now a week since Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act became law and 8,000 hate complaints have been logged with the police —about one a minute. Police union bosses described the law as ‘a disaster’ and claimed officers are already ‘swamped under a deluge of complaints’. Senior officers also warned that police will be forced to make cuts to frontline crimefighting to deal with the deluge and face a big overtime bill which the Scottish taxpayer will need to pick up — or the police will cut back elsewhere.”

Scotland, a region where a bunch of pseudo-nationalist clowns and foreign ideologues have taken power over the past 9 years, and where the white Scottish majority population is a hated and reviled group, despite numerical and other superiority.

Not just the SNP under Pakistani “First Minister” Humza Yousaf. “Scottish” Labour under Anas Sarwar, another Pakistani, is no better. I was always told that Scottish education was better than English, and Scottish people shrewd. What happened?

Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”…

Free speech is now all but dead in the UK, so I cannot comment as I should like…

For those unaware of the term, aliyah is a Hebrew term meaning, in everyday usage, “immigration“, and usually refers to immigration to Israel/occupied Palestine by Jews living elsewhere in the world; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliyah.

Talking point


In February 2002, Charlie Burrell and his wife Isabella Tree sent a letter to Defra declaring their intent ‘to establish a biodiverse wilderness area in the Low Weald of Sussex’. Twenty years later, their rewilding project on the 3,500-acre Knepp estate is a huge success story – a pioneering project that has inspired dozens of similar enterprises around the UK.” 

[House and Garden magazine]

Rewilding. Worth reading.

The UK needs a “wildlife grid”, perhaps one partly under private ownership but with a central state office to offer help and advice, and to co-ordinate useful initiatives.

More tweets seen

Israeli war crimes. Ethnic cleansing. Slaughter of women and children. Clearing Gaza of its Arab population so that, later, it can be settled by Israeli Jews. For a small country like Israel, even a region as small as Gaza represents what one might call Lebensraum [“living space”]. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum.

…and see how actually reverential they look as they count the money…

I do not want “a debate“. I want an end to this invasion. So do the British people.

Also, it is quite clear why such information remains secret or unavailable, which is because public release of the statistical evidence would underline how hugely negative mass immigration has been to this country. A conspiracy by secret cabals embedded in the body politic to import non-whites into the UK (and the rest of Europe).

Even the press-gangs have not brought in enough people to become cannon-fodder for the incompetent Ukrainian high command. Now they want to press into service the old, the extremely young, women, even disabled people.

In the end, I think that many Ukrainian people will be glad to welcome the Russian armies as they advance.

The Sunday Times reports that among the residents of Ukraine there are no people left willing to fight, and a breakthrough of Russian troops to Kyiv is quite real “The front line is 480 km away, but to nervous young people from Podol, a Kyiv district famous for its nightclubs and cafes, the war suddenly seems much closer. “I’m afraid,” the publication quotes 31-year-old Dima as saying, specifying that he is a “heavy smoker.” Main points of the article:

Ukrainian generals said that there is no alternative to mass mobilization to stop Russia’s offensive. Zelensky warned allies to expect more territorial losses and called on Ukrainian men who fled abroad to return and serve their country.

But under the bright spring sun of Kyiv, the answers to questions about Zelensky’s desire to mobilize are clear. The video producer, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he travels between Ukrainian cities only at night to avoid being drafted into the army.

Western partners hesitant about arms supplies face brutal calculations: the population of the remaining Ukraine is approximately 31 million, compared with 144 million in Russia. The longer the military conflict continues, the greater the fear that the numbers will prevail.

Ukraine, suffering from the lowest birth rate in the world, tried to save young people from the horrors of war. But now, when the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43 years old, the desire to protect the country’s future prevails.

In the capital of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people are browsing Telegram channels in search of advice on how to avoid conscription into the army. The messages are encrypted: “They just dumped a lot of snow on one person near the Polytechnic Institute station,” “It’s very cloudy on the street near the Festivalny shopping center now.”

People are accustomed to the idea that the front line is far away, that it is unshakable. But the truth is that the Russians could break through at any moment. We can fight for Kyiv again. People don’t understand the threat,” says military medic Boris.

Regular readers of the blog will note that many of the above points have featured on the blog over the past 1-2 years.

Russia cannot lose this war. Russia will not lose this war.

What goes around comes around“, in the American saying…

That photo, showing President Assad, reminds me of when little William Hague, about 12 years ago, said that Assad was finished and would be on a plane out to exile somewhere or other within days, if not hours. Ha ha! The UK is ruled by clowns of the William Hague sort— or even worse in fact, now. No wonder that 80% of the electorate want to stamp on the Conservative Party, and stamp and stamp…

Not that fake Labour, entirely controlled at top level by the Israel-lobby cabal, will be any better, looking at thick and ignorant “diversity hire”, Lammy.

Well, you people, most of you “Conservative” and “Labour” voters, never supported those who tried to warn of the likely consequences of the mass immigration invasion of the UK —from the 1950s through to today—, meaning Enoch Powell, the National Front, the BNP, social-national thinkers etc.

Many tried to get a public hearing, but were ignored, or persecuted, or even prosecuted. You people kept voting for System parties and their corrupt and/or stupid MPs. Even now, you vote for a System party. Now see the results…

Forget about knives. Knives are just a peripheral symptom. Look at and then deal with the causes. Those who carry the knives. They are probably already breeding the next generation of knife-carriers and stabbers.

Late tweets seen

On a very low cultural level.

Late music


A few weeks ago, I set up a crowdfund appeal to help with the imposed costs of my recent free speech trial. Any donations gratefully received.

If you cannot donate, please share the link wherever you can.

Thank you.


Diary Blog, 9 March 2024

Saturday quiz

Damn. This week I was, for once, beaten by political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 8/10; I scored 7/10, and did not know the answers to questions 3, 8, and 9 (in fact, I should also have got no. 9 right, but I had forgotten about his existence).

Sam Melia and Laura Towler

[Laura Towler with her husband, Sam Melia, and their little child; another is expected within weeks, while Melia is in prison]

Most readers will know the facts of the case: Sam Melia sentenced to a term of imprisonment of 2 years, of which he will probably have to serve 8-12 months, while Laura Towler struggles with her child —soon, two children— everyday life, her house (she may have a mortgage, I do not know), and her small business. Therefore, a crowdfunder was set up to help her at such a time of crisis. That fund has now reached, at time of writing, £58,972, and still rising. Excellent.


The monies raised will go towards helping the couple survive the year ahead, and get them back on their feet after Melia is released. In addition, no doubt a small part of the money will be directed to helping him while he remains in prison.

Anyone can send modest sums to those in prison, via an official programme, using a debit card: see https://www.gov.uk/send-prisoner-money. To use that service, you need the prisoner’s name, his official prison number, and his date of birth. I have no idea of the date of birth of Sam Melia, but Laura Towler, Mark Collett, or Patriotic Alternative would be able to supply it (I am myself unacquainted with the couple, or Patriotic Alternative people, so have no contact details).

Message about Sam Melia from Laura Towler

Laura Towler has posted a message about her husband’s present situation:

We can now write letters to Sam

I’ve just spoken to Sam. He is in HMP Leeds. He won’t be staying there for the whole of his sentence but it might take a while for him to move. He’s safe and has made friends. He’s been exercising and reading a lot. He says the worst thing (other than missing us) is that it’s quite boring, although the library is pretty good. He said he would appreciate letters from people to help pass the time. Please don’t get too political or the letter won’t get through.

Samuel Melia
HMP Leeds, 2 Gloucester Terrace, Stanningley Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS12 2TJ

You can include a stamped address envelope in the first letter if you want him to write back.

We can also send him books from their preferred suppliers and also email him. I’ll provide some more information on this shortly.

The “men behind the wire”

I also happened to see the following, which may have been written also by Laura Towler (if not, then by associates of hers):

I know I have posted about Sam a lot over the last few days but here are the addresses for Sven Longshanks and James Costello who are both serving time for the same public order offence as Sam. Sven will be out this summer hopefully but Costello still has over two years of his sentence left to serve, so he needs us the most.

It’s sometimes difficult to think about things to write as you can’t get too political but they are both intelligent men with an interest in history, literature and culture. They might appreciate a poem you like, information about what’s happening on the outside, or even just a message to say you are thinking about them and they are missed.

Details below for both James Allchurch (“Sven Longshanks”), and James Costello.



Incidentally, “Sven Longshanks” (imprisoned for having published internet podcasts) also has a crowdfunder, both to help him survive in prison and to get him back on his feet when released (expected to be this spring or summer): https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportSven.

Also incidentally, I myself am due to be sentenced this week, in my case in the magistrates’ court, and for the political offence of having breached the Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission but still at present on the Statute Book).

Tweets seen

David Atherton says that “the law” is trying to shut down “the debate“. Behind “the law” and the Bench, and the CPS, and the police, is (in 90+% of such cases in the UK) the Jewish/Zionist lobby.

Also, this is not a “debate” but a war (so far a cold war most of the time).

Ha ha! I’ll have whatever that Andrew Gimson scribbler is drinking! More seriously, where do they get these people from?

Ah, I see now: the Daily Telegraph and Spectator. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Gimson].

Is that the “Westminster Bubble” or a Conservative Party bubble? Both?

Imagine thinking that the little Indian money-juggler is the best available, or the best that the British people deserve…

Incidentally, many imagine that I just hate Israel and anything to do with it. Not so, as such. I like some of the Israeli town planning, and the efforts made to green the cities and towns; also, I like some of the modern architecture, and some of the agricultural, horticultural and hydrological techniques and projects (irrigation, de-salinization etc).

By the same token, I have only limited respect for many of the Arabs of the wider region (I have been to Egypt, Qatar etc several times, and, in the past, had occasional dealings with Kuwaitis and other types, as well as a few visits to Tunisia).

However, the Jews should never have been allowed or encouraged to take over Palestine and turn it into the state of Israel, and their brutal repression of the Arab inhabitants (including mass killings, deportations, and other “ethnic cleansing”) has been, in effect, a 76+ year war crime.

What goes around comes around“, as the Americans say, and I think that the time will come when Israel will face fleets of drones and missiles, numbered in the tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands.

Tel Aviv may, one day, look not unalike to Gaza today.

Macron discussed with French politicians a possible French invasion of Ukraine.

The leader of the French Communist Party, Fabien Roussel, told reporters that the topic was raised at a meeting between the president and the heads of political parties.

According to him, Macron allowed the entry of French troops into Ukraine if the Russian Armed Forces break through towards Odessa or Kyiv.

“There are no restrictions and no red lines,” concluded Jordan Bardella (National Rally). “I arrived excited and left even more worried,” concluded La France insoumise coordinator Manuel Bompard,” writes L’Indépendant.

Also in Paris, they are now discussing issuing permission for French special forces to cross the Ukrainian border, to create a “strategic dilemma” before the Russian Federation. And French Foreign Minister Sejournet said that Kyiv has not yet asked Paris to send troops, but “nothing cannot be ruled out in the coming months.”

Ha ha! What’s that? Revenge for Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow, 212 years on? Madness.

I shall be sorry to see Paris destroyed, if it comes to that, even though it has become largely a poubelle (rubbish bin). France may have its force de frappe (independent nuclear deterrent), but if it ever uses it, Paris and all other major French cities will be annihilated.

The French discussions, though, do seem to give the lie to the outpourings of Grant Shapps and others. Macron is obviously not expecting a Kiev-regime advance in 2024; au contraire… he expects Russian advances upon Kiev and Odessa. So do I, though whether they will be in 2024 or 2025 (after the US and UK elections this year) is an open question.

God. Biden is in a world of his own. He really is gone…

In respect of the Israeli war crimes in Gaza as well.

They show their true character…

Yet “they” (both in Israel and outside Israel, inc. the UK), continue to whine about (and demand “reparations” for) what Germans, Poles, Ukrainians etc did or did not do to Jews in Eastern Europe, 80+ years ago.

The Harry Formerly Known As Prince, and Meghan Mulatta. What a pair.

Now that the late Queen fades from memory, it is time to move to a republic.

Also, people from poorer countries outside Europe can live off small amounts of food-money, because they are accustomed to making their money stretch. I have had to do it myself a few times in the past, but it seems to come naturally to those such as a Nigerian girl I met in the 1980s, when she was a tenant of someone I knew. She would go to the street market a mile or so away in Peckham (South London), buy rice or potato by the sack, cook it with some hot spices and sauce etc, maybe add some small amount of protein, or not even that, and bingo…dinner served.

In fact, I seem to recall the same was true of a West Indian girl, another tenant of the same landlord, and also in the 1980s. She had been sacked for theft by her employer, the wife of an MI5 officer (she denied that she had stolen anything, but was sacked anyway), and was another one with basically no, or very little, cash.

I myself am not naturally a thrifty person, but I have blogged in the past about how I have had a few (in the American word) “hardscrabble” times in my life. You adapt, one way or another…

Last week, I told you about the Labour Party’s plan to import divisive, America-style culture wars into Britain —how the party plans to hardwire a toxic woke ideology into our civil service, schools, universities, and prevailing culture.

This week, I’m going to tell you how Labour also plan to make their political and cultural revolution permanent —by taking power out of the hands of the elected government in Westminster, out of the hands of the masses, and giving it to unaccountable quangos and civil servants you will never be able to vote out of power.


Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable” [John F. Kennedy]

The present “Conservative” Government has to be removed, and the Con Party stamped on, but Labour under Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer is going to impose an “elected” dictatorship. It will be all but impossible to change that path by the usual Parliamentary/electoral methods.

The SNP is led by a Pakistani Muslim. Scottish Labour is also led by a Pakistani Muslim. What is strange is that Muslims only comprise 1.4% of the population of Scotland (about 75,000 out of 5.4M), yet two out of the three main System parties in Scotland have Muslim leaders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scotland#Population.

I favoured Brexit, but saw that it was (deliberately) mishandled from the start. A journalist in 2017 visited the civil service office that was meant to be planning for a smooth withdrawal, only to find it shut. That says it all.

“We are where we are”, in the commonly-heard phrase. For me, Britain’s main strategic move must be to withdraw from NATO before some lunatic starts a Third World War, and at the same time to pursue an independent course combined with a close friendship with the Russian Federation.

Russia can supply us with oil and gas at cheap rates, maybe even cost-price or below. It could save us.

Yet those mild anxious or protesting tweets have led to a flood of Twitter/X “woke” idiocy, as in the tweet below by one Andy Walsh:

Ignorance posing as wisdom…

Money, in vast amounts, wasted on the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic, on no-hope stuff such as “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime), money wasted on Israel and the UK Jewish lobby, huge sums expended on the upkeep and health of millions of migrant-invader parasites, money in even greater amounts wasted on a largely-useless State educational system. Further vast sums spent on pointless “Defence” hardware.

As Goodwin says, all spent without much real benefit to the majority of UK residents, especially the real British.

As said earlier and previously, I shall be sorry to see Paris turned into a wasteland of irradiated ash, even if in recent years it has become rather a poubelle

The Russian Ministry of Defense publishes footage of the destruction of S-300 air defense missile launchers of the Ukrainian army using an Iskander missile in the area of ​​​​the city of Pokrovsk. Over the course of a month, UAF air defense systems and radars were systematically destroyed.”

Late music

[Yevgeny Lushpin, Rainy Evening]

Diary Blog, 15 February 2024

Morning music

Talking point

Tweets seen

With every passing day, the Israeli forces become more like a caricature of the German forces in WW2. Not the reality of the Wehrmacht (inc. SS), but precisely the caricature that the international Jewish/Zionist lobby has presented to the world (in film, in books etc) since the early 1940s.

35 years of transnational finance-capitalism…

The UK is going the same way…down.

Carlson dedicated a separate video to the Moscow metro.

The journalist was struck by the contrast of the capital’s subway with American metro stations filled with homeless people, dirt and graffiti.

According to Carlson, the Moscow metro is clean and orderly, despite the fact that the Kievskaya station, which Tucker reviewed, was built more than half a century ago.

“How is it that Russia has a metro station that people use every day to commute to and from work, and it looks better than anything else in our country?”, noted Carlson.”

When I was first in Moscow, in 1993, I used the Kievskaya metro station daily (though I also had a car and driver at my disposal). I was staying nearby, at the Ukraina Hotel.

[Metro station Kievskaya, Moscow]



The first tweeter, head of the “Holocaust Educational Trust” propaganda org, is a committed Zionist, of course.

Even if the headlines are “true” to some extent (though, as always with “them”, hugely overblown), I think that one has to ask the reason why. The Gaza brutality, ethnic cleansing and quasi-genocide is only part of the reason…

I was just looking at the Betfair Politics website. At Wellingborough, Labour remain even-money favourite; Cons are at around 7/1 from 6/1 yesterday.

At Kingswood (Bristol), both Labour and the Greens are around even money. The LibDems, whom I thought would be the main challenge to any Labour upset, have drifted out to 70/1, having been 2/1 only yesterday (Cons 10/1, Reform UK 85/1).

[Update, same day: the LibDems are now back to 2/1; maybe there was an error on the Betfair site, or more interest in the LibDems— I do not know. The betting now is similar to yesterday’s market: Lab even money, LibDems and Greens 2/1, but Cons are now out to 21/1, and Reform UK to 120/1].

The betting market is an unreliable guide to the result of by-elections, but it looks as though the punters, at least, are saying Wellingborough Lab, but Kingswood either Green or Lab.

I still think that it might be fairly close in Wellingborough, despite the Bone scandals and the unpopularity of the Government, but it is obviously Labour’s contest to lose. Many usual Con voters may vote Labour purely as a protest; many will also abstain in disgusted apathy. At Kingswood, I cannot see the Con candidate having any realistic chance.

If the Cons lose both seats badly, will Sunak resign? Maybe not, but there might be enough discontent in the Conservative Party MP ranks to stiffen the backs of the —usually spineless— Con MPs, and for there to be a leadership challenge.

It is hard to see that any new Conservative Party leader could turn around the fortunes of the Cons so close to a general election but, on the other hand, it might be those MPs’ last despairing throw, hoping against hope that a new figurehead might, if not win GE 2024, at least mitigate the expected losses, saving maybe 50-100 seats; i.e. instead of Con Party ending up with 50-100 seats, they might hope for 100-150 or even more.

The sad thing about that tweet is that the tweeter seems to think that “Labour” will make a difference once it forms a government, as will probably happen later this year. All major Labour people now are Labour Friends of Israel members, and/or freemasons. Join the dots…

There appear to have been clear breaches by Deputy Senior District Judge Ikram of the Guide to Judicial Conduct 2023. We have submitted a complaint to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office (JCIO). A full and proper investigation must follow. We note comments attributed to the JCIO that they do not intend to investigate this matter. That would be a serious dereliction of duty in itself, which we would ask the Judicial Appointments and Conduct Ombudsman to investigate.”

The malicious “CAA” goblins are not content with trying to criminalize social-national thinkers such as me; they are not content with trying to shut down British free speech, e.g. this blog; they are not content with whining and wheedling and demanding at the police and Crown Prosecution Service. They now start to demand that even magistrates and judges be “disciplined” for not handing down sufficiently heavy penalties to those exercizing freedom of expression.

What a horrible tribe of goblins. As a matter of fact, their chief goblin even came to snoop and gloat at my trial (under the absurd Communications Act 2003, s.127) in November 2023.

Britain may not suffer from “AIPAC” directly, but it certainly does suffer from “those packs“…aka “them”…

More from the newspapers


A widow has been left heartbroken after burglars poured bleach on her clothes during a burglary on her late husband’s birthday.

Rebecca Martin said her 80-year-old nan, Betty, came home to find her bungalow had been ransacked. When she returned home, the pensioner opened the door and instantly knew her home had been broken into. Rebecca said that not only did the crooks steal money, but they also trashed the place.

She said the thieves also poured bleach over her grandmother’s sofa, clothes, and curtains. Piles of clothes and belongings were scattered around Betty’s home in the Shard End area of Birmingham. Rebecca says every door was broken and the heartless criminals even smashed windows.

The robbery took place last Saturday (February 10), which would have been Betty’s late husband’s birthday. Betty’s family now say she is too terrified to live in her own home. Rebecca shared poignant photos of a teary-eyed Betty in her armchair surrounded by the mess.”

[Daily Mirror]

What a horrible thing to do to an old lady. The Daily Mirror mentions a GoFundMe appeal, but fails to provide a link to it. Here it is: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-betty-get-her-bunglow-sercure.

Sounds like a good cause.

Late tweets

If I am not mistaken, the music is the “turbofolk” group Zolotoye Koltso (“Golden Ring”), the name of which references the arc of historical towns and monasteries etc around, but some distance from, Moscow: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Ring_of_Russia.


I once owned a cassette of their music, given to me by someone or other.

A cultural purge of the Western world is essential.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 17 January 2024

Morning music

[Catherine Hyde, The Running of the Deer]

Tweets seen

If the “preferences” of non-whites resident in the UK were not counted, that latter figure would be 0%.

The Jew-Zionists play it differently in France, the UK etc; there, they try to abuse laws of various kinds in order to repress free speech and freedom of expression, while trying to keep a stranglehold on the mainstream media.

The unfortunate population of Gaza suffers and suffers, while the Israeli and other Jew-Zionists mock their suffering in Tik-Tok and other online postings. “They” are laughing (so far).

The last time (the last major time, at least) that France gave (an entirely worthless) “security guarantee” was in March 1939: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Polish_alliance.

That went well…

Poland was then (September 1939) flattened by invasions from two sides, by the German Reich advancing from the west, and by the Red Army advancing from the east (with a few other little incursions in the south as well). France (and Britain) declared war on one invader-state only, the German Reich, and did not actually lift a finger to assist Poland directly.

Beware of “guarantees”, especially from France.

See also (about Macron’s strange background; first published here in 2019) https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

The number of Albanians arriving on the small-boats rose sharply between 2020 and 2022, from 54 to 12,301, though is now beginning to fall. Yet at the same time the number of Indian nationals crossing has risen sharply, from not a single Indian in 2018 or 2019 to almost 700 last year.

Some suggest Indians are now the third-largest cohort of migrants crossing the Channel. There are currently more than 51,000 asylum-seekers living in hotels in Britain.

At the end of 2022, the total estimated one-year cost of asylum-related spending on hotel accommodation, asylum-related allowances, healthcare, and school places – along with supporting new bodies like the Small Boats Operational Command (SBOC) and a technical unit specialising in asylum applications by Albanians – is now estimated to be in the region of £3.5 billion.

Put another way, last year the UK government spent three and a half times more accommodating newcomers in hotels (£2.2 billion) than the £630 million spent tackling homelessness in the UK, or spent more money accommodating newcomers than it spent on the latest fund for Levelling-up the left behind regions outside of London (£2.1 billion).

[Matt Goodwin, on his Substack blog].

In theory, there is almost no limit to the numbers who can claim “asylum” in the UK. The applicable law and rules were passed at a time or times when it was never envisaged that globalization and international disorder might result in huge populations, hundreds of millions of people, deciding to relocate en masse to Europe, including the UK.

If sceptics say, “it would never happen” (that hundreds of millions might strike out for the UK), the present migration-invasion (both “legal” and “illegal”) was never thought, by the average Joe, to be likely to happen, either. I can recall being ridiculed for suggesting that it might happen. That was in the 1970s. Look now…

Matt Goodwin, however, seems to be labouring under the misapprehension (let us politely call it that) that the System is simply incompetent, whereas in fact, amid the general incompetence of the Westminster Bubble types, there are secret and sinister plans afoot, and have been for decades: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

The continuing migration-invasion has already pretty much killed off, in most people, the pride in being British felt by most previous generations; it is also, right now, killing off what is left of the idea that the UK is “a nation” or a small group of 4-6 nations in one. It is killing off the Welfare State, the NHS, the idea that the average person without family money can buy a decent house or flat, and much else besides.

There will either be chaos or civil war, or both, by 2050 if not long before that date.

More tweets seen

Is that surprising? Starmer is a member of Labour Friends of Israel (as is Blair, whereas Cameron-Levita, Theresa May, “Boris” Johnson, and Liz Truss are all members of Conservative Friends of Israel. Not forgetting the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak).

Starmer is of course married to a Jewish woman, a property lawyer: see https://www.tatler.com/article/the-rising-starmer-who-is-lady-victoria-starmer-tatler-january-2023-issue, and their children are being brought up as if full-Jew:

It was her parents who instilled her Jewish faith and the Starmers have continued in that tradition.

Despite Sir Keir being an atheist, the family attend The Liberal Jewish Synagogue in St John’s Wood. A politico from the Jewish community tells me: ‘Keir has fully embraced Victoria’s Jewish practice.’ Their children are said to go to Cheder lessons at the synagogue, where young people learn about Judaism.

They uphold the Shabbat tradition of Friday-night dinners with family and friends as often as they can, even taking to Zoom prayers – read by Victoria’s father – during the pandemic. Invitations to these dinners are known to be ‘highly prized’…

Her faith may in fact turn out to be significant in a political sense. As to what her first official foray into politics might be, one Westminster insider suggests that it could be connected with the Jewish Labour Movement (JLM): ‘Giving a speech to JLM would be quite an easy introduction because it is already the community she is part of.’

The group has approached Sir Keir’s office about Lady Starmer’s involvement. At the Labour Party’s annual conference in Liverpool last September, she went with Ruth Smeeth, who has since been nominated for a Labour peerage, and a small group from JLM to Liverpool Reform Synagogue to mark the first day of Jewish New Year.

Another Westminster insider says: ‘She has helped shape Keir’s understanding of anti-Semitism...”


I disagree with calling any humans, or humanoids, “animals“. The animal kingdom already suffers so much from humanity, so I prefer not to add insult to injury.

On the “terrorism” point, though, Jews have been going from the UK, France, USA etc to Israel for training and indoctrination for decades. They stand ready to do whatever they are told to do.

Victor Ostrovsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky] has said (and written) that MOSSAD and other Israeli Intelligence agencies maintain arms caches in all countries except the USA. So the arms (and explosives?) are already in the UK, as are those Jews who have received military and other training in Israel. Most if not all have UK passports and mostly dual nationality. A ready-made small army…

Is the Security Service complacent about all that? Complicit? The Government actually gives Jewish organizations British taxpayers’ money in order to “assist with security”. Is there any oversight? I doubt it.

Israeli war crimes, cheered on by (it seems, looking at Twitter/X and elsewhere) many, maybe most of the Jews currently resident in the UK, France, USA etc. That, at least, is my own impression (I concede that my conclusion is based on evidence anecdotal or unscientific).

Late tweets

The Tories are failing to provide a serious & effective response to illegal migration while also losing control of legal migration. And now both will almost certainly soar to even higher levels under a Labour government, which has no serious plan for the former and does not care about the latter.

This will further erode public trust in politics, fuel division, cost more lives in the Channel, and undermine the legitimacy of the old politics.

The real losers in all this will be the British people who simply asked for what they were promised in 2016: control over their borders and much lower levels of immigration.

The end result –I suspect– will either be widespread apathy or the emergence of a new politics which finally takes this promise, and the British people, seriously.”

[Matt Goodwin]

First apathy, then perhaps, after the UK slides further into the mire, there may emerge, from the depths of the people, a new wave.

Zelensky began to prepare Western public opinion for total mobilization in Ukraine and the extradition of Ukrainian men: “This is a matter of law and justice. If you are of mobilization age, according to Ukrainian law, you must be in Ukraine. It is a fact. And then you will fight or not fight. You will work.

Without the help of the US and EU, Ukraine will struggle, Ukraine will be weaker and this will be an opportunity for Russia to take over us. And as soon as they capture us, believe me, it will be a war between NATO and Russia.”


The Zelensky cabal seems to have accepted that, as things stand, Russia has the strategic or positional advantage.

Late music