Tag Archives: Neil Oliver

Diary Blog, 26 October 2022

Morning music

[Rembrandt, Ship at Sea]

On this day a year ago

Overall comment on recent political events and on the new Government

For me, one of the major aspects, looking at both the Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak Cabinets is the sheer mediocrity, at best, of the Cabinet ministers appointed by both Truss and Sunak (several appointed by the former have now been reappointed to various offices by the latter).

Here we have a country of 60-70 million inhabitants, a country with a long and distinguished history, and which has produced more for the world, arguably, than most if not all others [including, among hundreds of examples, the Industrial Revolution, trains, hovercraft, jet aircraft, radar, modern sanitation etc], and the best our political system can throw up (so to speak) is this pack of idiots? In the old Private Eye caricature of the newspaper editor Bill Deedes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Deedes], “shome mishtake, shurely?“.

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Brexit was badly mishandled. How to save it? First thing is to stop arms, ammunition, and money going from the pockets of British taxpayers to the dictatorial regime of the Jew Zelensky in Kiev.

Second necessary thing is for Britain to withdraw trade sanctions against Russia, restore full trade links and, also very important, cultural links. This will benefit Britain hugely, especially now that the EU, USA, and other states have pledged to intensify trade sanctions. An open field for British commerce, with little competition.

Third thing would be to distance the UK from NATO.

In return, I have no doubt that Russia would supply gas at cost, or even below cost, to the UK; a direct pipeline could be constructed. Britain would thereby stave off both energy shortages and high prices.

The above would not, of itself, solve the problems in dealing with the EU single market, but would mitigate them.

I have discussed previously on the blog that “Jimmy Carr Destroys Art” show, created by Jews at Channel 4, and featuring grinning little monkey and tax evader/avoider Jimmy Carr. Don’t want to waste any time on the bastard today.

Incidentally, though, perhaps I should add that I despise the concept and actuality of Jimmy Carr Destroys Art for wider reasons than simply because one of the works of art destroyed was by Adolf Hitler.

I would not, for example, want to destroy Jewish art, such as the works of Chagall, or even the degenerate contemporary “art” of moneygrubbing “artists” such as Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin, who are not Jewish themselves, but their work heavily promoted by the wealthy and well-connected Jew, Charles Saatchi: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Saatchi.

Actually, the German Reich did not, as a rule, destroy what it considered “degenerate” and/or Jewish art; it actually held exhibitions of it, as educative for the people.

Exactly. The Jews at Channel 4 who are behind Jimmy Carr Destroys Art, and the “woke”/”antifa”/Jews/etc who watch it and like it, just want to go “ha ha! That’s one relic of ‘Nazism’ gone!“. It panders to a love of destructiveness, especially on the part of the Jew-Zionist element.

Even those who, like me, commend the basic principle behind National Socialism, would not (I certainly would not) say that Hitler’s youthful paintings are “great art”. They are mostly no more than competent. There is no argument for destroying them, however.

As for Eric Gill, a perverse person, but his art is interesting and also significant for its role in its time period. You could say much the same of many great artists of the recent and further past.

In the end, there will be only one way to eliminate the evil “woke”/”antifa” etc from society.



I applaud mercy on the part of sentencing judges, in principle, but not when justice itself is cast aside.

Look at that non-sentence, very typical of today.

It sometimes “seems” that, unless the case is one of murder or terrorism, or tweeting/blogging a few criticisms of the Jewish influence in the UK (eg in the cases of Alison Chabloz or Jez Turner), it is all but impossible to get imprisoned in the UK, no matter what you do to other people.

Free speech banned (again)


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Reminds me of times past, about 30 years ago.

When I was living intermittently in New Jersey in the early 1990s, I was invited to lunch by American friends of someone I knew at the Bar in London. The three Americans were all partners of a small law firm specializing in shipping and insurance.

When I arrived at their office in downtown Manhattan, near Wall Street, a small group was just leaving, including a bearded Jew wearing a skullcap.

The American lawyers explained that that group had been there in connection with a matter involving insurance, in which matter the people I was visiting were on the other side. The bearded one was said to be a rabbi, who owned commercial property in Brooklyn. I was surprised. I was unaware that Jew rabbis were allowed to own, or did own, business enterprises.

My American hosts laughed and told me that the rabbi was suspected of having had the building in question torched for the insurance. “We call it Jewish lightning!“, they explained.

My religious education was enriched further by another encounter at that office: I met another lawyer who came in and had a cross on his forehead, marked out in ash. I asked what that was, and was told that it was to do with Lent in the Eastern Orthodox church, the lawyer concerned being a Lebanese Christian [https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/meaning-cross-ashes-ash-wednesday]. New York City, the melting pot…

I had never seen that (the marking of the forehead), nor even heard of it, previously.

A memorable day also for the interesting lunch that followed, held at an old New York club (I think not now in existence, though), called the New York Drug and Chemical Club, and founded by the leaders of those industries a century or more before, but now situate 50 or more floors up in a skyscraper. Interesting to eat clams and drink Bloody Mary cocktails as the odd helicopter slid by the window (silently), en route to the East River Heliport. A New York experience not had by most visitors to the city.

A year or two later, I hosted the same Americans when they came to London on business. We went to the unique (and now also closed down) Luba’s Bistro at Yeoman’s Row, Knightsbridge, one of my regular haunts back then.

Bring your own wine, beer, or vodka, and enjoy their unchanging 1950s menu, an eclectic mix of Russian, Polish, Ukrainian, Georgian, and a bit of French, all consumed in a crowded restaurant where you would be seated near (and I do mean near) the next table of diners, who might be anything from a Church of England canon (accompanied by young blonde wife) who was “an honorary archimandrite of the Eastern Orthodox Church” (overheard by my then girlfriend), to Soviet types who might or might not have been spies of some sort.

Happy days (I suppose).

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Of all the ways governments have wasted money in the past, the “panicdemic” nonsense, and particularly the “Test and Trace” nonsense was the most egregious; almost unbelievable.

As previously blogged, if the Triple Lock is abandoned, then the 60+ age group population of voters will probably abandon the Conservative Party en bloc.

Gavin Williamson

Unbelievably, Gavin Williamson, one of the most stupid MPs of the lot, is back in government, this time as “Minister without Portfolio”. I think that he is a freemason, perhaps of some rank. Nothing else explains why he is even an MP.

See my assessment from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

More tweets

A reminder that “Labour” has become as much of a bad joke as the fake “Conservatives”.

As to Eddie Izzard, that creature apparently intends to seek selection as a candidate at the next general election, perhaps for a seat in Sheffield. His prominence as entertainer will probably ensure an easy victory.

If someone, not even from the 1960s or 1970s, but as recently as the 1990s, were suddenly to land in the Britain of 2022, he or she (not “he/she” or “they“) would find much of this country pretty mad, as well as very much in decline in most ways.

My recent assessment: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

Late tweets

The National Trust, like the RNLI and most big charities and institutions, is now riddled with traitors of all sorts in high positions.

Mark Twain had it first and best: “there are lies, damned lies, and statistics“…

Someone can be “competent” to “run the economy”, and increase GDP etc, but if the benefits of that strong economy go almost entirely to the richest 20%, 10%, 5%, 1% (and in the UK it is mainly the 1%), then who can blame the other (as it might be) 99% of the population for saying “screw it! I don’t care!“(?).

I am reminded of the middle-aged man before the Brexit Referendum who was asked by a reporter whether he would change his Leave stance if he were convinced that Brexit would damage the economy. His answer? “I don’t really care…it’s only me and the dog“…

Nearly” a failed state?! Absolutely a failed state. It has been for most if not all of its 31-year history.

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 August 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

On this blog 5 years ago

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The Zelensky Jew (NWO/ZOG) regime has also shot opponents in the street (as well as in secret), and has now banned trade unions.

More music

[Arkip Khuindzhi, Dnieper]

Ukraine situation

A limited push in a small area of the front line.

Late tweets

The victims of war, in most cases, are on both sides.

I suppose that only the USA has been able to keep its citizens almost entirely untouched, while bombing the peoples of other countries. So far.

[Dresden 1945, after Allied bombing]
[Dresden 1945, after Allied bombing]

Kelvin Mackenzie, a complete ignoramus, opines on “pain”…Ludicrous.

Late music

[Zhukov inspecting the ruins of the Reichstag, Berlin 1945]

Diary Blog, 21 August 2022, with some thoughts about Russia and the assassination of Daria Dugina

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Aleksandr Dugin and Daria Dugina

The daughter of Russian geopolitical thinker Aleksandr Dugin has been killed in a car bombing.


It is an open question as to whether agents of the Kiev regime were the perpetrators. The incident may have been planned and carried out by persons within the Russian and/or Kremlin elite, possibly as a proxy attack on Putin. It may even have been carried out by or on behalf of one or more external agencies, such as the CIA, or even MOSSAD.

Present speculation is that Dugin himself was the target, a theory supported by the apparent fact that Dugin was intending to use the same car as his daughter until deciding to travel separately; that would have been shortly before the bomb exploded.

If accurate, the facts known seem to indicate both that there was at least one hostile agent somewhere in or around the Dugin circle, and that Dugin’s guardian angel (literally) saved him.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fourth_Political_Theory; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foundations_of_Geopolitics.

Is this somehow connected with the upsurge in Ukrainian (Kiev regime) attacks on both Crimea and Russia itself in recent days?

I do not expect these events to go unpunished. We may be about to see an escalation of the war which will surprise and shock.

Interesting sidelight

Leonid Grigoryevich Ivashov [Леонид Григорьевич Ивашов]:

On 31 January 2022, during the 2021–2022 Russo-Ukrainian crisis, as Chairman of the Russian Officers’ General Assembly, Gen. Ivashov published a statement condemning Putin’s “criminal policy of provoking a war” and calling for President Putin’s resignation.[6][7][8].

Blaming Putin for risking “the final destruction of Russian statehood and the extermination of the indigenous population of the country” Ivashov stated that the real danger for Russia was not NATO or the West but “the unviability of the state model, the complete incapacity and lack of professionalism of the system of power and administration, the passivity and disorganization of society.” Under these conditions “no country survives for long“.[8]

According to Roderick Gregory, “Ivashov believes that NATO is a hostile power, but his experience has taught him that the NATO/U.S. threat is under control and no external threat is imminent from the Western powers.”


That of course depends on what is regarded as “an external threat“. In terms of actual invasion by NATO forces, that is obviously correct, but since the mid-1990s, NATO bases have been established in the Baltic region and elsewhere, and NWO/ZOG-supported uprisings based on fake “democracy” have occurred in various countries around Russia, most obviously in Ukraine.

In my view, Ivashov is right to say that “the unviability of the state model” is the biggest strategic problem facing Russia.

“Putinism” is a clearly-transitional model.

At first there was tsardom; Imperial Russia, based mainly on a society of noble landowners, business people, peasantry and clergy, all under an absolute ruler, the Tsar. That was “viable”, as its longevity proved, but failed to withstand the pressure when the “business” element burgeoned, starting to squeeze out the aristocracy (as in Chekhov’s play The Cherry Orchard), and when a new class, the industrial proletariat, started to push against the old order.

Then there was Sovietism, which again, for all its flaws, was a “viable” state model. According to its lights, it worked. It established a system which functioned, to which people gave allegiance, to some extent genuine allegiance, and which was, however grudgingly, accepted by the vast majority of the population as legitimate —and in any case embedded— for decades.

When Sovietism collapsed, which officially happened in 1991 but which had been happening under the surface even before 1989, what replaced it was a nothing, really, the Yeltsin klepto-state, in which the key people were the upstarts who had been nobodies only a few years before— Jew “oligarchs” (business tricksters) and various species of gangster.

When I myself was first in Moscow, in 1993, there were still traces of Sovietism everywhere, from having a “duty woman” stationed at a desk on each floor of my hotel, the Ukraina (for security, and to monitor the hotel guests), to having to be “invited” to Russia before being granted a visa.

I myself was invited, nominally, by the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation, the successor body to the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the people I went to see were based at the Academy of Sciences new building in Leninsky Prospekt.

[Leninsky Prospekt, Moscow]
[Президиум Российской академии наук. Москва, Ленинский проспект, the hugely-ugly Academy of Sciences building, which I visited several times in 1993]
[Ukraina Hotel, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, Moscow, where I stayed in 1993]

Those traces of Sovietism were there but fading fast. The “duty woman” on my floor was not the aged dragon of legend but a rather flirtatious young woman who used to chat with me at length. According to her, her floor contained, on one side, “quiet businessmen” (in which group she apparently numbered me) and, on the other side, “hooligani” (i.e. criminal types).

Chechen gangsters certainly stayed there— I recall chatting once to one of their commanders. His gold tooth was very striking.

The state had all but disappeared, replaced by a hotch-potch of business-related and/or crime-related structures.

After some years of near-chaos, “Yeltsinism”, if it existed at all as an ideology (I think not) was replaced by “Putinism”, which was also, and remains, unformed ideologically. A mixture of Russian nationalism, big business, and cronyism, with a few add-ons (Russian Orthodox Church backing, a few gestures to the Western consumer society etc).

Russia has still not found its way to a new ideology and system. Most people in Russia are still looking back— to the old Russian Orthodox Church, to tsarism, to the days of the Soviet Union, or are looking to the declining West as a way forward.

This was predicted, not only by me but by others, such as Sergei O. Prokofieff, the grandson of the composer Prokofiev. I was slightly acquainted with his father (all three now deceased). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergei_O._Prokofieff.

Ivashov’s point (see above) is proven by the ghastly mess the Russian Army has made of the Ukraine invasion. Complete ill-preparedness, incompetence, inability to organize. This is not the army that took over most of Afghanistan in a few days.

From the point of view of the Threefold Social Order, the key weakness of Russia under Putin is that the economic or business element has become far too entangled with the State. The result is two-fold: business imperatives have to be placed at the disposal of the State but, also, the State cannot act decisively because business convenience has led to flawed decisions and to people appointed via cronyism and corruption.

I am beginning to wonder whether this possibly botched assassination was not a kind of 20 July 1944 moment, though not aimed directly at Putin himself: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Valkyrie. Or possibly a warning to Putin, by some part of whatever the Russian Army General Staff now consists of.

Russia needs an ideology, something beyond ordinary Russian nationalism, in which it can believe. “Without vision, the people perish” [Book of Ezekiel].

Peter Hitchens


Fascinating that the Mail on Sunday/Daily Mail online disallows readers to comment on Hitchens’ column. What are the msm manipulators afraid that the readers might write?

At times, the System presents itself as all-powerful, but in reality it only has the power allowed it by the people, usually by default, because the people are asleep most of the time.

That was seen during the panicdemic, when the State and its offshoots (eg the police) imposed all kinds of arbitrary nonsense: the facemask nonsense, “social distancing”, wearing a facemask muzzle in the supermarket but not in the pub across the way, the ludicrous “Rule of Six”, the “one-way systems” seen in some supermarkets and other places, and little retail nobodies suddenly given the power to say “move back a little” or “wear your mask higher over your nose“.

The police were among the worst offenders, poisoning lakes in the Peak District in case hikers might want to go to see them, using loudspeaker drones to bully middleaged couples walking on hills, and so on.

It was actually frightening to see how easily brainwashed many people were, such as the hysterical Welsh farming family who called both the police and the newspapers to rant and cry about the two people from England who had camped on one of their bare and deserted wet hillsides. Apparently, the campers had, in some manner unknown, “endangered” the Welsh hysterics just by being there. However, the newspaper reporters were OK (or did they slip the peasants a few pounds to make it all OK?).

The police were in their element as real crime all but ceased, leaving Plod plenty of time to chase after and fine motorists and motorcyclists taking a leisurely drive on the empty roads. The police were also able to polish their skills as a poundland KGB monitoring social media.

While all the above was happening, large numbers, perhaps millions, of unthinking idiots were out on command every week, clapping like trained seals “for the NHS” (which all but closed down) and the other “key workers” such as the very police who were enforcing the Government’s repression (and adding a few off-the-cuff “measures” of their own, such as examining shopping bought by people to make sure that the purchases were “reasonable”).

There was more. Far more. The nonsense went deep, and most people felt obliged to comply with much of it. Ironic. We used to laugh or shake our heads at the sorry citizens of North Korea or East Germany…

The bright spot, though, is that, gradually, many people did wake up, and realized that the “pandemic” was to a large extent a “scamdemic” and certainly a “panicdemic”.

Eventually, after having wasted hundreds of billions of pounds (the result of which we are now seeing as our economy collapses), the Government pretended that the useless and even harmful pseudo-“vaccines” could be presented as having “saved” the UK from worse outcomes, and so relaxed the absurd “measures” before the public rebelled en masse, which as I predicted was starting to happen (not by violent resistance but by people just not wearing the facemasks, and ignoring the stupid “Rule of Six” and “social distancing” etc). “Yes repeat no”.

Even now, though, one sometimes sees the odd crank wearing a facemask.

My view

I have posted this before, but perhaps now it is time to repeat it:

Soon, sooner than many imagine, those of us still alive will be called upon to re-establish European civilization and culture. That may be hard and may be harsh, but it must be done. God mote it be!

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…or indeed a “Ukrainian” “refugee“(since 2002, in the UK or Ireland)…

Meanwhile, a pantomime horse has just won the Derby. Oh, wait a minute…

Still, we should be careful about what we mock: what happens in California often takes a few years (maybe only one or two) to make it to the East Coast of the USA, then a few years more (maybe only one or two these days) to reach the UK.

…and some people still think that voting in an occasional rigged election for this or that puppet, or for this or that facade of a political party, will change things…

Liz Truss

Talking of System puppets, I happened to see this [below] about Liz Truss:

Looking at Liz Truss, at the sheer mendacity and general dishonesty of the woman, about how she has managed to claw ahead in career terms without ever having actually achieved anything concrete, and about how she basically became an MP on her back, I am convinced that —assuming that Indian “clever boy” Sunak fails to overtake her— she will be a truly rotten Prime Minister, quite as bad as Boris-idiot has been, and will be facing a far more difficult set of challenges, especially economically.

This just might be the time for which social nationalism has been waiting for so long. An incompetent and stupid woman as Prime Minister, public dissatisfaction turning to anger as millions go cold and hungry, and a (so far) very uninspiring official Opposition.

All we need is an organizationally and ideologically tight party core; a start, if you like. Once such a movement develops and expands, it can crush all opposition.

Britain 2022


Black boy throws mud, with others, at a woman paddling a kayak, allegedly then gets hit by her, and the little bastard’s family now want the (white) woman to face prosecution!

All too typical…


Well, it was always going to happen. The linked Jew-Zionist and “antifa” elements have managed to have tweeter @EternalEnglish closed down, at least for now. Pity, but that is what happens these days.

Late tweets seen

Silver lining?

Late music


Diary Blog, 14 August 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

An extract from the blog of exactly a year ago:

The System needs at least two “major parties” (even if their combined membership is only about 600,000, i.e. 1% of the UK population) because it preserves the facade of a binary choice, the facade of supposed “democracy” etc. So fake Labour has to exist, just as fake Conservative Party has to exist, in order to fool the mass of the people into thinking that they have a real choice. They do not have any such choice.


Labour, like the “Conservatives”, has to exist and pretend to put forward a bunch of policies, when really both parties have been stripped of real policy, real difference, and even real politicians (look at the pathetic deadheads now crowding the Commons and Lords alike). You want to see what “ZOG” looks like? Just look at “British” political parties and MPs today.

Nothing has changed.

“Covid” “vaccine” uselessness


Cashing-in pensions


Leaving aside the immediate issue reported on (fuel inflation), it should not be possible to “cash in” a private pension below X-age. If I am not mistaken, the right to cash-in was brought in, or made much easier, when the part-Jew, George Osborne, was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

A private pension is to help someone of pensionable age, clearly. It is not just a long-term investment of some kind. It is against public policy in the broad sense to allow pensions to be simply cashed-in.

In fact, it is contra public policy in practical terms as well, quite apart from the ethical aspect, or impact on the individual, because someone who cashes-in a private pension but then later, at or above pensionable age, becomes poor enough to require State “Pension Credit Guarantee”, will have his or her State Pension augmented by Pension Credit so that he or she receives a minimum of £185 per week (as well as other benefits, such as Housing Benefit etc if applicable).

In other words, not only the individual but also the State itself will, in that instance, lose out financially.

“The world is not without kind people”


The world is not without kind people“, says a Russian proverb. One sees that constantly, despite also seeing contrary news.

Look at the story about “Mrs. Hinch”. She has given away a £600,000 house simply because she wants to help a family, and “does not need” the capital proceeds of any sale.

Remarkable. I have no idea whether her husband is wealthy; she herself is said to be “worth” about £1.5M (presumably discounting the donated house).

It was not clear to me, on skimming the report, whether the house donated has actually been transferred, or just given to live in rent-free for as long as permitted. Either way, very generous.

If only the very wealthy of our society, those possessing tens, hundreds, or thousands of millions, were as kind-hearted.

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[in an ideal world…]

London. Zoo. Monkeyworld.

Full-term abortion“. Murder of babies born, or being born, or about to be born, and perfectly capable of living a full human life in most cases. Straight murder. Legalized.

Will any of those Australian MPs be held to account in an appropriate way?

“Racism” against white Europeans is now considered OK; but any perceived mere criticism of Jews, or non-whites, is not only not approved of by the System, but may even be criminalized by biased law and enforcement.

“They” worm their way in everywhere, if not stopped.

Educated guess: of those 19,000 or more migrant-invaders, not one will actually be —in any way— someone who benefits the British people, but let us be kind, and assume that 1% benefit the UK (somehow). What about the other 99%? Guessing (but I think reasonably) further: of every 100 migrant-invaders, at least 10, maybe 20, will turn out to be criminal and/or terroristic; the remaining 79 or more will just be completely useless millstones round our collective neck.

I was not too pleased about Neil Oliver when he did Coast, especially his —not always well-informed– occasional anti-“Nazi” historical (or ahistorical) comments, but he has certainly redeemed himself in the past couple of years.

Not that I agree with everything he now says, but no matter. He is in general on the right track. I may be an “idealist”, as some have called me, but I do have pragmatic aspects as well.

Ask “Robert Maxwell” or Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, no— you can’t, because they snuffed it under mysterious circumstances. Ask Ghislaine “Maxwell”, then. Oh, no— you can’t, because she is in prison for much of the rest of her horrible life, and afraid of being murdered (as was, she thinks, her father) by Israeli Intelligence killers.

Liz Truss and Priti Patel, and Keir Starmer (etc) should be wary of being puppets of Israel and the Jew lobby. It’s one rouble to get in, but two roubles to get out…

Temperature variations

Incredible how varied the UK can be in terms of temperature. Where I live (Hampshire coast) the temperature at 0900 hrs this morning was 22C, in London at same time it was 33C, but in Edinburgh only 16C.

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Eddie Izzard is as much a woman as a pantomime horse is Red Rum.

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I do not usually approve of rowdy behaviour, but if a few frustrated Brits in Greece were to give the idiot a kicking, I have to admit that I would not be upset about it.

Incapable of creating a civilization, incapable of maintaining one even when provided to them, and most of them incapable even of simply living decently as unwanted “guests” in the civilization created by white Europeans.

Late music

[New Zealand, South Island]

Diary Blog, 26 July 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

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Our strength is that, when push comes to shove, we shall not talk, debate, parlay, or compromise, but act.

The forces of Evil will then be exterminated.

I know, personally, of two people, in two separate countries, who have each had at least one (I think two or three) “Covid” “vaccine” shots. Both are now facing heart surgery, neither having previously suffered from cardiac problems. One triple bypass, one quadruple bypass. I myself have not been injected with the “vaccine(s)” and have not been unwell with “Covid” or anything else. Not yet anyway. I shall not be allowing anyone to inject me with these “vaccines”.

It is “almost” an insult to see these monkeys on sticks pretend to vie for the position of leader of the (misnamed) Conservative Party, and so Prime Minister of this country.

One non-European, with billions of pounds in wealth, a former Goldman Sachs vulture banker; the other, a dishonest woman without a shred of principle, and who only became an MP in the first place on her back.

Soon, fewer than 200,000 Conservative Party members (about 1 in every 200 citizens, i.e. persons of voting age) will decide which of those empty vessels will become, automatically, Prime Minister. It is sick. It is also stupid. As are the candidates.

Which one will win that contest? Probably the Truss woman, because the Conservative Party members are quite likely to prefer someone who is at least English, and someone who is not a billionaire and part of an Indian billionaire dynasty.

More music

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I get the impression that the great British public, many of them, loved being paid to stay home, loved free money (as they thought and were encouraged to think), and now are puzzled by the spike in inflation (which might reach 12% soon), and by the consequent fall in living standards as pay and benefits fail to keep pace, and as the value in saved money is eroded.

Then there were other policies, such as “quantitative easing”. All have been stoking inflation.

Of course, hucksters in what passes for a government are attributing the economic problems of the UK (and Europe more widely) to Putin or his invasion of the Ukrainian failed state, problems with grain exports from Ukraine, even to “climate change” and, indeed, to “Covid” itself. Anything but misconceived government actions: “lockdown” shutdowns, furlough payments, unchecked business grants and loans from public funds, massively huge monies wasted on “test and trace” etc, not to mention the crazy sanctions against Russia.

For 1-2 years, the “British” government (in reality, “ZOG”) paid much of the population to stay at home watching TV, eating delivered pizzas and drinking far too much. Now, there is an explosion of ill-health, of social and psychological problems, and of inflation.

More music

The DDR (East Germany) was a strange anomaly of history, and an odd place to see. I was there for a couple of days in 1988, only a year or so before it crumbled to nothing. More like a facade of a state than a real one.

I was in transit by road from Poland to West Germany, crossed over (literally, via a bridge over the river Neisse) at Gorlitz, a little-used crossing-point, and stayed overnight (unofficially— I bribed the desk clerk) in a non-approved modern hotel at Bautzen. I was unaware at the time that Bautzen was also the location of arguably the worst prison of the DDR, where the most-reviled dissidents were incarcerated in terrible conditions.

Officially, transit-visa holders were supposed to stay at an “Interhotel”, of which there was only one on my route, near Dresden. Pay 10x as much (10x more even than my inflated/bribe price) and get snooped upon as well. Nein danke.

The desk clerk at Bautzen asked me and my companion (who was the driver) not to use the bar (he supplied a couple of bottles of good-quality East German beer). The car was parked in a locked garage out of sight. He also asked us not to open doors for anyone, and said that the Volkspolizei (political police) checked the hotel register at 0700 every morning. Very East German, as was the water supply: warm water in the bathroom washbasin, but none in the shower. Not a maintenance problem— the shower was designed to dispense only cold water! A 20thC Sparta.

Still, leaving aside those inconveniences and worries (we were not written into the hotel register), the hotel was actually quite comfortable. Large rooms with picture windows, spacious public areas, pleasant carpeting, speedy lifts etc. It might have been even a 4-star in the West, if one overlooked the cold shower and the chance of being arrested by the Volkspolizei…

East Germany was, like Scarborough (or was it Skegness?) in the famous old British rail-travel poster, “so bracing“…

Back then, people said that the two Germanies were like an orange and an apple, impossible to stick back together. Now, huge effort and money has tried to make it happen, though only partly-successfully.

East Germany/DDR is thought of as having been a rather small country, but that is a relative fact: nearly 42,000 square miles, so not much smaller than England (just over 50,000 square miles), nearly one-and-a-half times the area of Scotland (30,000 sq, miles), and over five times the size of Wales (8,000 sq. miles).[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/East_Germany].

The game is now again in the hazard. Putin’s closure of gas supply (to less than a third of the normal flow) will hit Germany hard. Anything could happen.

More tweets

Starmer is as dull as ditchwater (as I blogged even when he was installed in place of Corbyn). What he says is no more stupidly vacuous than the outpourings of Liz Truss, Sunak, or Boris-idiot, but even less interestingly and convincingly delivered.

I feel much more sorry for all those British people who are homeless, homeless not least because of all the non-European parasites who have flooded the country over the past few decades.

Historical document.

Late tweets

Trudeau is the figurehead for all that. Canadians…you know what to do.

The System is very very frightened of that Douglas Murray calls the “backlash coming“: look at the recent pronouncements of “senior police officers” carrying bombastic titles such as “anti-terror chief” etc. Even that absurd little nerd who now heads the Security Service, MI5, has said how much he fears the rise of social-national “terrorism” (so-called); in other words, a white British backlash. See also https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jul/13/mi5-needs-more-funds-to-tackle-rightwing-terror-threat-says-watchdog.

Late music

Paris…your portes are all fed, with loads of wood, and coal, and of the dead!

[Victor Hugo]

Diary Blog, 1 March 2022, with more on the Ukraine situation

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Former BBC journalist John Sweeney [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Sweeney_(journalist)] thinks that TV presenter Neil Oliver “should be in the Tower” [of London] as (implied) a traitor, merely for questioning the Western narrative and whipped-up NWO/ZOG msm hysteria about Ukraine.

Oliver, tweets Sweeney, supports “Russian fascism” (as against, presumably, the “fascism” of those such as Sweeney, who would label anyone with a differing view “traitors”, and lock them up as such).

We have seen recently a whole tide of such hysterical nonsense, most egregiously from part-Jew MP Tom Tugendhat, who actually said, in the House of Commons at that, that those MPs not wanting to get the UK involved in the Ukraine conflict were guilty of “treason“.

Tugendhat is not only completely wrong in the legal sense, but in the more general sense as well. The UK is not at war with Russia, and indeed is not at all allied to the corrupt and shambolic Ukraine regime based in Kiev.

In fact, as shown below, that Sweeney character does seem rather keen on censorship, certainly for a journalist:

Sweeney’s view from Kiev (from yesterday):

Sweeney has a point about the morale of the two sides. It is clear that the Russian troops are reluctant invaders. That reluctance may go right to the top of the Russian Army. None dare call it sabotage?

As for the quiet streets of Kiev just reported upon, it is said that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have fled overseas, which may mean that literally millions have fled from Kiev and other near-frontline areas of the country to Western Ukraine, and some then to neighbouring states. Kiev’s 3 million population may now already be closer to 2 million, or even 1 million. Hard to say.

I have seen the main points made yesterday by the Ukrainian envoy to the UN in New York. I may be wrong, but the supposed texts or conversation he read out, messages between a young Russian soldier (later killed, said the diplomat) and his mother, seemed to me to be contrived, at least in part.

I may be wrong, but there was something in those supposed messages that reminded me of the lying testimony of the daughter of a Kuwaiti diplomat in 1990. She claimed that Iraqi soldiers had killed small children in a hospital. I was in New York at the time, and recall the effect that that pack of lies had on many people (the falsity of the testimony was not exposed immediately, by which time the lies had done their job, of course).


The 13 Ukrainian border guards who were feared dead after they told the Russian military to ‘go f*** yourself’ over the radio as they defended a small island in the Black Sea are actually alive and being held as prisoners of war, the Ukrainian Navy has since confirmed.” [Daily Mail]

More lies exposed.

In war, truth is the first casualty“…

Interesting graphic

The effect of the Ukraine situation has been to push up oil and gas prices. Already, in the UK, the retail price of petrol (gasoline) is about 50% higher than it was a year ago. I have seen figures suggesting that domestic gas prices in 2023 may be double from where they are now.

This is not mainly the “fault” of Putin, and in fact may be in part the result of misapplied “green” policies in the UK and elsewhere.

On the wider front, it is clear that NWO/ZOG is getting the population(s) of Europe gradually accustomed to lower living standards. Causation can be blamed on Russia, “Covid”, “climate change” etc, as required.

More tweets seen

Ha ha! Bravo!

Absolutely emblematic of our times…

The American public, in particular, will always be gung-ho at the prospect of war until they themselves suffer its full consequences. That has never happened to them, certainly not in the past 150 years. Look, though, at how scalded they were when the 2001 New York attack occurred.

Russian economy

The Russian consumer economy has been hit hard by the economic warfare now waged by the West. Having said that, at one time Russia, or at least the Soviet Union, had no consumer economy to speak of, yet not only trampled half of Europe underfoot but built atomic weapons and a space programme. I speak of the times of Stalin and Khrushchev.

Russia is still, I read, receiving USD $1 billion a day from hydrocarbon sales. In hard currency, not roubles. It is said that the war in Ukraine is costing USD $15 billion a day, but I wonder how true that is, bearing in mind that the armed forces would still be costing money even in their home bases; and the weapons used are in existence already.

Russia’s geographic size, and its large population, make it as close to a potentially-successful autarky as can exist in this world. Putin’s supposed philosopher/adviser, Alexander Dugin, favours Slavonic autarky: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aleksandr_Dugin#Eurasianism,_fascism,_and_views_on_geopolitics; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autarky.

Russia is 72x the size of the UK, has many different climates, has a large but not densely-packed population of ~145 millions, and the ability to live indefinitely, if necessary, entirely closed-off from the outside world.

Joke of the day

Part-Jew would-be hard man, Dominic Raab, “warning” Russian commanders that they may face war crimes trials. You mean after the UK’s tiny LGBTXYZ army captures Moscow? Get back in your box, idiot.

More tweets

The second tweeter is correct in saying that the Old Square and Cathedral area of Warsaw was reconstructed meticulously after the Second World War (I was there on a number of occasions in 1988 and 1989), but of course quite wrong in mentioning Gdansk (former Danzig), which was never a Polish city before 1945. It was a German city from at least the Middle Ages through to 1945.

The Teutonic Knights founded the city around 1300, though there was a small settlement or town there previously, occupied at times by Germans, Danes, and Polish tribespeople.

Subsequently, it was a Germanic city, though at times under the rule or patronage (before the 18thC) of the then Kingdom of Poland.

After 1945, almost all Germans were expelled, and the name changed to Gdansk. The postwar “reconstruction” deliberately diluted the Germanic history of the city (even Wikipedia admits that much).

Incidentally, I now see that the Jewish element is not alone in having “edited” Wikipedia in a slanted way. Danzig/Gdansk is one example of how Poles have done the same: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gda%C5%84sk; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_City_of_Danzig.

Well, if the British Government was willing to declare world war in 1939 over a worthless “guarantee” to Poland, why not declare another in 2022 because Russia has “invaded” Ukraine (which two countries were under joint rule from earliest times until 1991, except for very brief periods such as 1942-44)?

Of course, some Soviet leaders actually came from the Ukraine, or from the border areas. Khrushchev, and indeed Brezhnev: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Brezhnev#Early_life_and_career; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_Khrushchev#Early_years.

The only personal benefit I would get were the UK to be burnt to a crisp by nuclear war would be that most of (((those))) who hate me would be annihilated. Only thing is, I would probably follow them a few minutes later.

On balance…I should prefer if the misgovernment of these islands managed to avoid a nuclear war with Russia, especially one in support of the Ukraine’s useless, corrupt, shambolic and Jewish-led regime.

Hard to accept, even in our decadent and increasingly-stupid country, that the agenda is being driven by idiots such as Piers Morgan, and that such ridiculous pseudo-macho posturing and opining might influence the UK government onto a path which could destroy the British people, what’s left of them.

I believe that a woman once asked that great genius, Rudolf Steiner [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf_Steiner] whether she might reincarnate with him at the end of the 20th century (Steiner died in 1925). Steiner is said to have replied that that might be possible, if the woman would be willing to walk across Europe with him over broken glass…

Presumably that (?) prediction meant 2000 or so plus (?) 20+ years. So…about 2022? Worrying…

I never believed that the Cold War would become a hot one, meaning a nuclear one. It would be more than ironic if NATO (NWO/ZOG), having gone through the Cold War and out the other side, sparked a nuclear war with a post-Soviet Russia that poses no threat at all to Western Europe or North America.

My thoughts on reconstruction etc, from a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Unsurprising, though. I mean, look at those idiots, Justin Webb etc…

More tweets

If only…

Late tweets

Late music

[Dresden 1945, after Allied bombing]

Diary Blog, 3 July 2021

The noise around the recent Batley and Spen by-election has continued, with the msm doing its best to pretend that there is still a functioning two/three-party “democracy” now that “Labour is back”.

Fakery. Labour is not back. Kim Leadbeater, the monkey-on-a-stick “Labour” candidate, won the by-election mainly for local reasons and because most white English voters (white people being 75% to 80% of the electorate), did not vote.

Turnout was below 50%. Most of the Pakistani and other ethnic minority voters at Batley voted (based on previous evidence). That means that well under half the white English voters did not vote. Reason? Probably because there was no party with any credibility that spoke to them.

It seems that the Muslim vote was split between Galloway and its traditional home, Labour, with most going to Galloway. The white English vote was split mainly between Conservative and Labour.

The decision might easily have gone the other way. It did not, mainly, because the Conservatives did not want to mount a real attack, direct attack, on Kim Leadbeater. They should have done. She deserved it. She was a entirely fake or puppet candidate, who was only there because Labour broke its own rules to adopt her. Her links to various (and to my mind) subversive communitarian groups should have been exposed. Her evasion re. the persecuted Batley schoolteacher should have been attacked (but the Conservatives also failed to speak up for him).

In the end, the Conservative candidate was also a puppet, like so many. Had he had more courage, and more independence, he might have won. Now he is just a footnote.

Labour will inevitably bump along the bottom. It has now been abandoned by most white English voters. Now that Labour is very clearly controlled again by the Jewish Zionist element, not many Muslims will continue to vote Labour. As I have said before, that leaves Labour with a very niche electorate.

There is also the point that, with no election needing to be held before late 2024, Labour is little more than an irrelevant squeaking in a Commons with an 80-seat Conservative majority.

Beyond the above, there is the feeling that Labour has no idea at all about how to improve Britain. It scarcely if at all opposes the present government. Indeed, all it has is pathetic, not credible, “diversity” claptrap of the sort that Kim Leadbeater spouts.

Interesting podcast


Tweets seen

That person, Laura Pidcock, was once “tipped as a future leader of the Labour Party” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Pidcock]! She seems to be not-married to a non-European, possibly Ethiopian, and to have produced a child with him. She is on the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party. Seems pretty dimwitted.

Laura Pidcock was a local councillor, but lost her seat. She was also an MP for two years [2017-2019] but lost her seat. Labour, take note. Many more will follow in her anti-British, “anti-racist”, footsteps.

One could imagine a (presently non-existent) credible social-national party standing at somewhere like Batley and Spen, and getting, say, a third or so of mainly the white English vote, maybe 30% of the whole turnout. Under those circumstances, in a 4-horse race, such a party might have triumphed over Lab, Con, and Galloway…

My takeaway from Batley and Spen is that, looking at the past decade, white people are generally now not voting Labour, but are unsure as to where to go; also, that the Muslims are drifting from Labour, but are also unsure about where to go, and so voted in this case for Galloway.


Well, this week, political journalist John Rentoul scored the same as me, 7/10. I suppose I should not expect to beat him every week. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 4, and 6.

I wonder whether Kim Leadbeater, the System candidate, really won that by-election at all…incidentally, that may also explain why there was no real Conservative Party campaign at Batley and Spen— to ensure that Labour won.

The System made much of the assassination of MP Jo Cox by a dissident in 2016. The later “canonization” was very useful to the System, providing much opportunity for “anti-Nazi”, “anti-racist”, anti-radical propaganda. It would have been embarrassing had the sister of the assassinated MP been offered to the local electorate as the new Labour/System MP— then rejected by them.

More tweets

The migration invasion continues. Meanwhile, the British people occupy themselves with the success of what is laughingly called the “England” football team, with the squabbles between the two thick princelings, the Royal Mulatta and “Kate”, with the Queen driving a LandRover at age 95, with the (ultimately fairly meaningless) “election” (was it even honest?) of Kim Leadbeater as MP, with the endless “panicdemic” nonsense, as seen through the prism of msm/System lies.

Remember Thalidomide? This, true, is something very different, but there may be other dangers. Or, thinking laterally, maybe the point is not the vaccine as vaccine, but the psychological control: governments across the world forcing citizens to be vaccinated. A conditioning mechanism.

What kind of unit is that?

Late tweets

Despite the efforts of Lord Sumption, Peter Hitchen, many others including me, there are many many idiotic scared rabbits out there who, just because (arguably) the least honest Prime Minister, the least competent Cabinet, the least reliable scientific advisers in memory have told them to wear facemasks, are going to bloody carry on wearing them until given permission to stop! Even where the law does not even mandate the wearing of the “muzzles of compliance”.

Example: driving around in early evening a day or two ago, I saw a man aged maybe 55 or so, riding a bicycle while wearing a facemask! Why? The “law”, the absurd” rules”, the equally absurd “guidance” from misnamed “SAGE” “experts”, say nothing about wearing facemasks while cycling, so why was this idiot doing it? Some personal pathology? It cannot have been because he wanted to comply with law but mistook the law, because there is no law saying that you must wear one of these stupid masks while cycling. Also, he was riding on a pavement.

Now we have the same old voices, Whitty etc, trying to keep the facemask nonsense going after 19 July 2021, the latest supposed “Freedom Day”. There is a huge transnational conspiracy behind most of this.

Final late tweet


Late music

Diary Blog, 13 June 2021

Strange. I just had a sudden and brief craving, at not even 0600 hrs., for cherry brandy (not Kirsch), a drink I have not had for many years, maybe 15 years or more. I could almost taste it. Truly, the human mind is complex. The “craving” (more like a memory, really) was not for alcohol as such: I drink rather little these days (certainly compared to years long ago in London, Kazakhstan, the Caribbean, and France). In fact, I have not had a single alcoholic drink for five days and, like a reformed alcoholic (at least in fiction), I can recall exactly when and what it was (last Tuesday, a glass of Remy Martin cognac).

The Sun “newspaper”

I do not regard the Sun as worse than the other tabloid, popular, or once-popular, newspapers. They all push a similar —and basically Jewish-Zionist— socio-political System agenda, as do the suppposedly more “serious” newspapers.

Incidentally, that is not “just” me talking, and is not “just” “neo-Nazi” propaganda. Rupert Murdoch himself said, in 2014, during that particular episode of Israeli-Jewish slaughter in Gaza, that the Press in the UK should be (even) more pro-Israel, because the “British” Press was owned largely by Jews. There you have it. From the horse’s mouth…

As I say, I do not obsess, as do the sadly-limited pseudo-“socialist” Twitterati, on that one rubbish newspaper. In fact, in my London chambers (when I started in practice at the Bar) in the early 1990s, the first thing I did on entering chambers on any particular day was to go into the Clerks’ Room, say hello to the Clerk, pick up my post and any waiting briefs (and cheques), and take a look at Page 3 of the Clerk’s Sun, always lying on his desk. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_3.

Well, political correctness did away with the harmless fun of Page 3 years ago, and in view of the fact that it was the only thing of any use in the whole newspaper (bar, arguably, the racing page), it is hardly surprising that the Sun, in its print version, is now likely to fold, given its £200M loss recently.

I dislike the Sun as I dislike most of the (((controlled))) Press. No more, no less. https://www.theguardian.com/media/2021/jun/11/rupert-murdoch-writes-down-value-of-sun-newspapers-to-zero.

Tweets seen

Jews in Israel watch Gaza being bombed in 2014; making a party of it…

Never believe whatever “they” say… 99% of “them”, anyway, and 99% of the time at least.

Mira Bar-Hillel. One of the few honest Jewish journalists. https://www.pressgazette.co.uk/mira-bar-hillel-says-fellow-uk-based-jewish-journalists-wont-speak-out-against-israel-fear/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yehoshua_Bar-Hillel

Rather a bold, sweeping and, indeed, ahistorical comment, but he is at least on the right side here. He seems not to have considered the point, though, that at least some of “the measures taken” about or around the virus “situation” may have been (almost certainly were) part of a conspiratorial and transnational agenda. The Great Reset etc… i.e. not “a mistake” but coldly deliberate.

Admittedly, I had little time for Neil Oliver’s unthinking views about the Second World War on the Coast TV show years ago, but credit where due…

I was blogging about this over a year ago. Life is unfair. That is not news! Is it “fair” that some people (not uncommonly mediocre types) inherit hundreds of thousands of pounds, millions of pounds, even hundreds of millions? Two names by way of example: Zac Goldsmith; Prince Harry…

Sadly, injustice and unfairness are rife. Not that we should not strive for the better; that, after all, is why I blog, in the absence of something more direct. However, when we talk about the effects of an official policy, we have to recognize that, often, one group will prosper because of it, while another will suffer.

Those “SAGE” (DUMB— Department Under Matt and Boris) idiots really must be put back in their boxes. Stalin would have shot that Michie woman (who is in fact some kind of Marxist-Leninist, I believe I read). Or maybe would have put her in charge of the GULAG organization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gulag.

Quite funny. Trudeau junior.


Though I preferred Trump in 2015 to Hillary Clinton (because she was pushing for war(s)), I always said that he was a squawking parrot in a gilded cage, guarded by Jews. The NWO/ZOG System “managed” this interloper until another System President could replace him. Having said that, much of what he said was correct.

More tweets

Yes but no but…”Nazi horror”?

More tweets

Not surprising. Owen Jones is part-Jew: see my assessment of him herehttps://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

…and of course (half-Jewish) Ruth Smeeth, having been rejected by the British people (the voters of her former constituency), was “found” (just like other Israel-lobby ex-MPs such asTom Watson, Michael Dugher, Mary Creagh etc) a suitably well-paid sinecure, in her case as CEO of “Index on Censorship”, where she took over from a Jewish scribbler called Ginsberg… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Index_on_Censorship#CEO.

Ironically, Ruth Smeeth (a former secret “confidential contact” of the U.S. Embassy in London, and who was also a propagandist for the Israeli lobby organization BICOM), is also a member of the Board at the basically Jewish organization “Hope not Hate”, notorious for trying to censor and/or “deplatform” people who have the “wrong” views…

Late morning music


School history lessons have been probed by Prevent officers over fears ideas about Britain’s past could fuel far-Right extremism, The Telegraph can reveal.https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/06/12/prevent-officers-probe-school-history-lessons-far-right-links/amp/; https://uk.news.yahoo.com/prevent-officers-probe-school-history-144925182.html?guccounter=1

Once you allow the Stasi to exist, it spreads…Now there’s a “history lesson”…

see also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Freedom of expression is becoming a thing of the past: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-57405347. To adopt or adapt an oft-seen saying, “what starts with the Jews does not finish with the Jews”…

More G7 nonsense

The international conspiracy (or consensus, if you like) is casting around, trying to find the propaganda mix that is most effective in panicking the masses into accepting the New World Order (NWO).

In the meantime, they sit in their castle, enjoying their brief hours of power and life, and looking out over the (supposedly) disease-struck general population…

Covid-19 “cases” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-hospitals-nhs-england-data-b1862804.html

The number of real “cases” is tiny. That has been the case for a long time. The public was stampeded from the start. Many are still fooled.

Meanwhile, in the real world of 2021 Britain…

https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/woman-terminal-cancer-forced-live-24308834; https://uk.gofundme.com/f/please-help-suzanna-get-back-on-her-feet.

It is incredible, though, how the Internet, laptop computers, advanced telephones etc have made it possible for someone in such an isolated situation not to be so isolated, and to appeal for help.

Late music