Tag Archives: prepping

Diary Blog, 19 March 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Talking point

Simplistic, of course, but largely true all the same.


My crowdfunder rose overnight to £180, not bad in view of the fact that I cannot publicize it on social media (I having no such accounts), and also that it has only been running for 3-4 days.

Incidentally, if anyone can share the link on Twitter/X, Facebook etc, I should be grateful. https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

The official Court notification arrived today. The total amount of “costs” and “surcharge” comes to slightly less than I thought— £714, so we have already raised a quarter of that sum, thanks to the four generous souls who have donated so far. Thank all of you.

Two other crowdfunders I have favoured are also still running: Sam Melia/Laura Towler at https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia, and Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch) at https://www.givesendgo.com/SupportSven.

Tweets seen

French…“? As Private Eye magazine used to say, “shome mishtake, shurely?”

NATO is losing experienced soldiers due to the low attractiveness of military service Against the backdrop of the Ukrainian conflict, NATO troops are faced with a personnel shortage.

This is not so much about recruiting new recruits, but about retaining soldiers and officers who are already in service, writes Politico. European countries that rely on professional militaries are trying to make their armed forces more attractive. But this is difficult to achieve in times of low unemployment, fierce competition from the private sector and widespread use of remote work, the publication explains.

A recent report presented in the German parliament showed that 1,537 soldiers left the Bundeswehr in 2023. In addition to increasing layoffs, the German army has to deal with dilapidated infrastructure, the repair of which could cost about €50 billion, Politico notes.

French Minister of the Armed Forces Sebastien Lecornu admitted that the difficulty of “retaining” personnel exists in many allied countries. Paris and some other NATO members hope to stimulate the military with higher salaries and social guarantees, the article notes. Money does play a significant role in keeping people in the military. But the problem is that the conditions of service in NATO armies are not that attractive. After all, chronic overtime, the inability to get home for many months and a lack of days off are commonplace there, Politico emphasizes.

If NATO were to stop interfering in Ukraine, the Middle East, and elsewhere, that shortage of personnel would not even be a problem. Meanwhile, almost all NATO states are suffering from non-European migration-invasion, and no amount of new or old soldiers will stop that, because the NWO-ZOG political leadership is encouraging mass immigration into the European space.

The former chief of the Polish General Staff said that Ukraine’s losses are estimated at “millions, not hundreds of thousands.”

More than 10 million people are missing. According to my estimates, losses should be in the millions, not hundreds of thousands. The country has no resources, no one to fight. Ukrainians are losing this war,” said Raimund Andrzejczak in an interview with Polsat News.

As I have been saying for a long time…

2024 may see a general advance by Russian forces in Eastern Ukraine. It is an open question whether the Stavka and Putin will await the 2024 UK and US elections. If there is any pause (which I doubt), 2025 will surely bring victory over the Kiev regime.

More music

Talking point

The above is a National Front political poster from, I think, the early or mid 1970s. I just saw it on Twitter/X.

So were they right or not, looking at the UK in 2024?

The voting masses, though, were indifferent. They were more interested in televised sporting contests, “talent” shows, “soaps”, Royal gossip etc. Plus ca change

More tweets seen

Looking at it from the other side, were they basically right or not? Almost all of that (the Common Market and IRA bits are otiose now, arguably) would make a pretty good electoral appeal in 2024, about half a century later.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ade_Adepitan; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ade_Adepitan#Personal_life


Possibly the best-run community in ANC-misruled South Africa.

Big cat.

Putin’s cat?

Ayesha Hazarika too, I see.

This is Britain today.

A woman of Indian Muslim origins, who worked for a few years as a press office bod at the Department of Trade and Industry, was not very successful over about 4 years as a part-time stand-up comic, and who came second in a TV stand-up comedy talent contest.

That underwhelming career somehow morphed into her “advising” some of the leading figures in the Labour Party 2007-2015. How? Why?

By 2016, Ayesha Hazarika had picked up an MBE, been proposed but not confirmed for nomination for a peerage, was somehow inescapable on msm TV and radio politics shows for several years and, after having been vocally anti-Corbyn, was nominated for a peerage by Israel-puppet Labour Party leader Keir Starmer, finally being elevated to the (now surely totally devalued) House of Lords in 2024, at the age of 48. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayesha_Hazarika,_Baroness_Hazarika

As can be seen, the common thread through that career, certainly after 2007, seems to have been the “usual” lobby…

That is the kind of individual now making law in the UK.

I have seen Ayesha Hazarika a number of times on TV, though quite a few years ago. I never heard her say anything of interest, as far as I can recall.

“Prepping” in the vast spaces of North America, or Russia, is very different than prepping in the western or central European geographic, social, and law enforcement environment. I have blogged a bit about the subject in previous years and my thoughts can be found via the search box on the blog, or via the appropriate links on the sidebar.

[please note that the tweet to which the above tweet refers was deleted].

Police officers in Scotland are being given training to target social media posts, including re-tweets, of material deemed “threatening and abusive.”

Under the county’s new hate crime law, actors and comedians are not given a free pass to make jokes about sensitive subjects that offend people, either. The new training provided to officers, which was leaked to The Herald, requires police officers to go after anyone who produces material deemed “threatening and abusive,” which can also be communicated through “public performance of a play.”

Under the new hate crime law, people who make fun of or misgender trans people, make racial jokes or criticisms of certain religions, or criticize migrants can be prosecuted.

“The different ways in which a person may communicate material to another person are by: displaying, publishing or distributing the material, for example on a sign, on the internet through websites, blogs, podcasts, social media etc., either directly, or by forwarding or repeating material that originates from a third party, through printed media such as magazine publications or leaflets.”

The hate crime law goes on to state that “giving, sending, showing, or playing the material to another person” listing examples such as “through online streaming, by email, playing a video, through public performance of a play.” So repeat a joke you heard online, or show someone a spicy meme or commentary of a transgender person or mass migration on your livestream, and, and you too will be arrested. Source: The Herald.”

Well, if Elon Musk chances upon my blog, he can see that I have a crowdfunder to pay the costs and penalty imposed upon me last week as a consequence of my conviction for exercizing my non-existent free speech rights in the UK.

So, Monsieur Musk, should you happen to have your debit card at hand, a thousand pounds would be very nice; or, should you be in a particularly generous (and far-sighted) mood, about £10M would allow me to buy a suitable estate in the southwest of the UK as a base for a clustering of social-national individuals and communities.


The point being, though, that many pro-immigration, as well as “pro-Israel” and “antifascist” individuals are not sane: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

Ha. However, that photo must be a fake, combining two real photos: Downing Street is in Westminster (as is shown), not in the City of London. Amusing, though.

Quite. Look at that piece earlier on today’s blog about Ayesha Hazarika. Never elected to anything, not even as a local councillor, yet now she sits in the House of Lords, posing as a “baroness”, and will be legislating as of now. No doubt when Labour’s “elected” dictatorship happens (later this year), she will be appointed to some role or other, perhaps even to a ministerial position. “Democracy”?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

…and even more in 2024…

From the newspapers


HMRC has sparked fury by announcing it will permanently close tax helplines for six months and let 100 customer service staff work a three-day week over the summer.

Taxpayers will not be able to call the tax office for help with their returns from April 8 until September 30, HM Revenue and Custom has today announced.

The move comes just weeks after the Commons Public Accounts Committee of MPs condemned HMRC’s customer service for hitting an ‘all-time low’.

New figures showed how almost 1million calls went unanswered in January – typically the busiest month of the year for the service, with taxpayers rushing to file for self-assessment tax returns without triggering fines for lateness.”

Jesus H. Christ…does anything work properly in this country any more?!

Having said that, when I had (historical) tax problems and had to engage with the Revenue, well over a decade ago, especially in 2010-2011, I was quite frankly amazed to see how utterly shambolic the HMRC “service” actually was. It’s an overused term, but it was “Kafka-esque” to a degree I would not have believed had I not experienced it myself.

So now it is actually worse? Hard to believe. The one comfort I have from that very stressful period many years ago is that, soon after I got off the hook, and during the Cameron-Levita/Osborne “austerity” programme, most if not all of the HMRC staff that had harassed and annoyed me, and created problems for me, lost their jobs. Suck on that…

Still, all’s well that ends well…my income is now so low that the shambles of administration in that “service” need not concern me. My problems with “the taxman” were settled to my satisfaction in 2012.

Late tweets seen

Eight men have been sentenced over their involvement in violent disorder after trouble flared at a hotel housing asylum seekers. The court had heard there was “ill feeling” in the area following a video on social media which appeared to show an asylum seeker asking a 15-year-old girl for her phone number and for a kiss. Violence broke out outside the Suites Hotel in Knowsley, Merseyside, last year which was providing temporary accommodation for asylum seekers.

Brian McPadden, 61, of Kirkby, was jailed for three years and six months at Liverpool Crown Court.

There were gasps from the public gallery as he was jailed. Thomas Mills, 47, who brought a banner to the protest urging people to shout to get the asylum seekers out, was sentenced to two years and eight months.

Paul Lafferty, 42, was handed the same sentence while Jonjo O’Donoghue, 21, of Liverpool, was sentenced to three years and six months in a young offenders institution. Former British Army soldier Liam Jones was sentenced to 27 months while John Tippler, 59, was jailed for two years.

Warren Cullen, who was on a community order at the time of the protest, was jailed for 20 months. The judge gave Harry Boynton a 16-month suspended sentence along with 200 hours of unpaid work.

From what I heard many times in the 1970s, 1980s, Durban was a really beautiful city. After 30 years of African rule, or misrule, look at it…

And storms are roaring in their race

From sea to land, and land to sea,

Their raging forms a fierce embrace,

All round, of deepest energy.

The lightning’s devastations blaze

Along the thunder’s crashing way;

Yet, Lord, your messengers keep praising

The gentle movement of your day.”

[Goethe, Faust, The Prologue in Heaven]

There is a gradually building momentum across the world: Ukraine, Israel/Palestine, and even in Europe; something big building, as when a huge wave starts to swell offshore. It has not yet crashed onto that shore, but it will crash, with huge inevitability, and huge consequences.

Crowdfunder: thank you

Thank you, those who donated today, and all those who have donated to help me and the fight for freedom and justice.


Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 15 March 2024

Afternoon music

[Pushkin State Museum, Moscow]


Most readers of the blog will be aware that I was sentenced yesterday for breach of the notorious Communications Act 2003, s.127, a law so defective that the Law Commission has recommended its repeal.

I shall blog about my trial and sentencing hearing etc either later today or tomorrow.

Today, the most important thing is to think about forward strategy.

We see, in the Britain of today, a level of repression on free speech and/or freedom of expression never seen previously, not even during times of war, at least since the 17th Century.

Countries which are not cohesive, and which are sometimes called “diverse”, always have to have tyrannical police and secret police, and repressive laws. The modern paradigm, I suppose, was the Soviet Union.

My trial last November, and yesterday’s sentencing hearing was only one small example of the repression which is still increasing. Israel-lobby puppet Michael Gove introduced his “extremism” proposals and was supported by such as “Lord Walney” (the former MP, John Woodcock, who had to step down as MP after sex-pest allegations etc), who has always been a vocal advocate for Israel and its lobby in the UK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Woodcock,_Baron_Walney#Adviser_on_Political_Violence_and_Disruption.

In fact, Gove, a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, seems to be mainly targeting entirely non-violent British groups such as Patriotic Alternative, already attacked both by State agencies and private interests (as when Sam Melia and his wife, Laura Towler were “de-banked” for political reasons a few years ago). See also https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Incidentally, “Labour” supports the latest anti-free speech repression. At least, those with power in the Labour Party: Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc; all Labour Friends of Israel members.

I analyzed the question of “extremism” etc in the UK six years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

What I want to do here is look at “what now?“, in the context of a British society where free speech (especially speech critical of “certain groups”) is finished, at an end, extinct.

Nick Griffin was (also) on the right track when he tweeted (and I think that his views remain the same) that there was “no Parliamentary road” to power for us as social-nationalists, but that we should avoid getting involved in “terrorism” (hard to define, of course, but let that lie for now).

The Parliamentary road is no good mainly because the game is so rigged that the Chicago mobs of the 1920s would feel ashamed. Look at the latest Israel-lobby-procured “extremism” nonsense coming out of Gove and the rest. That means that entirely lawful bodies such as Patriotic Alternative (mentioned by name by Gove) would never be able to take part in elections (certainly not if they looked like having success), might well find it hard to hold bank accounts, or operate any “regulated” mass media etc.

Of course the “antifa” clowns (unwitting pawns of “others”) will think this all wonderful, at first. Later, of course, they will find themselves fed into the meat-grinder.

As for anything approaching the usual view of “terrorism”, that would have no chance even were it morally acceptable. The State holds all the cards— police, military power, secret and security services, arms and ammunition, the mass media (more or less), and pretty tight control over international travel; and so on.

Griffin is right when he suggests that the answer is to withdraw, as far as possible, from mainstream society. I have blogged a bit about that in the past: see, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/02/03/diary-blog-3-february-2021-including-more-thoughts-about-prepping/. The search box on the blog has many other relevant posts.

I think that that has to be the way forward. It is in concord with Clausewitz and his views (in another context) re. concentration of forces, sometimes referred to as a kind of Schwerpunkt, or focussed point or area.

Late music

[Hitler on the terrace at the Berghof]

Diary Blog, 22 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

From the newspapers


“‘Doomsday prepping’ used to be seen as a hobby relegated to the paranoid fringe — but ordinary Americans spent a staggering $11 billion on survival items, just last year, from April 2022 to April 2023.

About a third of US citizens admit to prepping, surveys show, but few have the resources today’s billionaire bunker-builders have to devote to their own shelters.

The world’s wealthiest have increasingly spent hundreds of millions on securing underground compounds, private islands and (for the merely rich) ‘survival condos.’

Late last year it emerged Mark Zuckerberg was building a $100 million hidden fortress buried beneath his Hawaiian island ranch, complete with its own energy and food supplies and blast-resistant doors.

[Daily Mail]

You don’t have to be a genius or a clairvoyant to see what the transnational conspiracy is planning. Just look around you, at the msm and elsewhere, and stay vigilant.

Had I the funds, I would try to create a suitable sanctuary, either in the western part of the UK or elsewhere. As it is, such a project is not feasible. Still, maybe it will become feasible. Life is often unexpected.


Speaking on Monday, Britain’s defence secretary Grant Shapps warned in a speech that the UK has moved out of a post-war state and is now facing a ‘pre-war world’.

His comments were made to highlight the need for Britain to increase its defence spending, but also demonstrated growing concern over current and future conflicts.”

[Daily Mail]

Much that I have seen recently indicates that the secret ruling circles of the West are deliberately preparing a war, a war which might set back humanity for hundreds or even thousands of years.

Tweets seen

So that is the best person the Conservative Party could find to stand for election as Mayor of London? “Pathetic” scarcely covers it.

I wonder why the only (supposed) example Lucy Frazer mentioned concerned Israel…

Oh, wait…

Born on 17 May 1972 in Yorkshire,[2] Frazer is descended from Jewish immigrants


Soon after graduating, Frazer interned at the Israeli Ministry of Justice.[9][10] 

[Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucy_Frazer

A member of Conservative Friends of Israel.


In November 2021 it was claimed by the Liberal Democrat MP, Sarah Olney, that Frazer had a conflict of interest in respect of a contract held by her husband’s company to supply temporary staff to government departments and that six of these workers had been employed using a controversial tax-avoidance scheme.”


(Wikipedia does not mention the said husband’s name or origins…).

More tweets seen

“Russian troops stormed another Ukrainian Armed Forces stronghold near Avdeevka. After clearing the positions, it turned out that instead of ordinary military personnel, this fortification was defended by soldiers of the presidential brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine named after. Bogdan Khmelnitsky (military unit A-0222). Part of the Ukrainian military was destroyed during the assault, four chose life and surrendered.

The Kiev regime is running out of soldiers, and especially willing soldiers. There may be a real breakthrough across the front in 2024, with wide advances by both Russian armour and Russian infantry.

More music

[State Route 1, Central Coast, California]

More tweets

It’s funny how Jews so often refer to “antisemites” or alleged “antisemites” as “disgraced“, merely because Jews have plotted to remove them from a job or profession, and have done so. I have noted the fact numerous times. I myself am usually referred to by Jews on Twitter/X etc as “disbarred and disgraced

Disbarred (though actually both wrongfully and unlawfully)— yes; “disgraced“— no…

The Kaffir Brigade? Ha. Had never heard of that one. Unfortunate name…

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, three months of hostilities waged by the Israeli army have proven that the tunnels in Gaza are not going anywhere, and the process of their complete destruction and liquidation will not be successful.

Israeli army officials are exchanging ideas that the network of tunnels in the Gaza Strip is much larger and more extensive than they initially expected.

It is noted that despite deep differences, Hamas and Israel are more than ever ready to negotiate on general issues of a possible agreement.”

Interesting (about the tunnel network).

The harsh civil war in Uruguay in the 1960s and 1970s involved tunnels dug by the Tupamaros rebels, mainly in Montevideo: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupamaros.

Late tweets seen

Sadly perhaps, and as so often observed, great wealth, even where largely made by a particular individual, does not necessarily mean a great mind…

Starmer is just a pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby weasel. He will probably be Prime Minister within the year and will then be, in effect, an “elected” (by default) dictator.

Israel: war in the south, war in the north…and that may be only the start.

Whatever the original rights and wrongs of the Israel/Palestine situation going back to the 1940s and before, and of the events of October 2024, the fact is that the Israeli state and its worldwide web have become threats to world order. The world has allowed the birth and development of a monster.

The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

Late music

Diary Blog, 21 January 2024

Morning music

[Florida Keys after storm, 1940s]

Tweets seen

As said several times before on the blog:

It is not, for me, a question of “hating” non-whites, but of providing a platform for the evolution of consciousness, for the eventual development of what might be called a “super-race”, in the sense of a people whose capacities would be seen by us, today, as “superhuman”.

Only the European people, speaking ethnically, can provide that platform and foundation for the later development. That is why we must oppose importation of non-whites into Europe, not because we “hate” them as such but because, primarily, their presence in Europe makes more likely a mixed-race population, which would make further evolution impossible.”

I have blogged many times about these questions (to read my posts, search, via the search box on the blog, for “social-national communities” and/or “safe zones” and/or “prepping”).

In 1932, Australia Started an ‘Emu War’—And Lost It sounds like a joke, but the Great #EmuWar of Western Australia was real. Soldiers with #machineguns were deployed to fight off the flightless birds. What did the emus do to deserve armed combat?

Western Australian farmers had been facing hard times with their crops following the Great #Depression, and their difficulties increased tenfold with the arrival of some 20,000 emus migrating inland during their breeding season. The birds had been protected as a native species until 1922, but now that they were classified as “vermin,” all bets were off.

The farmers relayed their concerns to the government, which called upon a deputation of ex-soldiers—many now farmers—from the first #WorldWar, who requested the use of machine guns to fight off the emus.

The battle began in early November 1932, when the soldiers encountered a lock of about 50 emus and succeeded in killing several before the birds scattered. A few days later, however, a second encounter with about 1,000 birds turned into clear victory for the emus when a machine gun jammed.

The Australian media quickly came to see the enormous birds as foes too crafty for mere human #Soldiers . Even a newsreel from the era prematurely announcing a human victory describes the tall, long-necked birds as “an advancing army with keen eyesight…the enemy watching event through their periscopes raised up over heads of corn.”

The Emu War was summarized thusly by Australian ornithologist D.L. Serventy: “The machine-gunners’ dreams of point blank fire into serried masses of Emus were soon dissipated. The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month.”

The human soldiers fired their Lewis guns with vigor, but it was the emus that came out victorious in the Great Emu War of 1932. The birds remain plentiful in the areas outside of Perth to this day, and their triumph may be destined for the big screen. As of 2021, an action-comedy film inspired by this unexpected chapter in Australian #HistoryOfViolence was in the works.

Very interesting and bizarre. Despite having spent a few years at school in Australia in the late 1960s, I had never heard of the Great Emu War.

Amazing what people will do if panicked, even if panicked by something that is not much of a threat (cf. the great “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic).

A frankly frightening face. Worse than a gargoyle’s. Totally crazed. I hope that she does not become U.S. President. If she does, the world war that already looks far too close may finally arrive.

A complete puppet for Israel and the American Jewish lobby, of course.

Only those who have no real desire for money can be — and then only prima facie— trusted. I do not say those without need for money; that is a given on this Earth— even Jesus Christ said that man cannot live by bread alone, thus implying that one does need bread in order to live at all.

I wonder from (((where))) that unit will get its ideas and strategy?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

A great technical achievement, of course, but even as a teenager and young adult in the 1970s (Concorde was big news from the 1960s onwards, but only entered commercial scheduled service in 1977) I could not see the fairness of the British taxpayer paying out large amounts so that an aircraft could be developed and built, and then put into service, where the only passengers would be wealthy or very wealthy persons who in practice were being subsidized by those same poorer taxpayers who themselves would never be able to fly on Concorde.

First they had Concorde, then HS2…

The initial idea was that 350 examples would be built. In the end, only 20 were (plus 6 non-commercial planes).


An old schoolfriend of mine who lived in the Thames Valley had an inherited house over which, in 1977/1978, the Concorde would roar daily en route to New York; in the late afternoon or early evening. I saw it from his garden once or twice. I suppose that, therefore, I got more from its existence than most of those whose taxes paid for the plane.



Ukraine will never join the EU. Ukraine will never join NATO.


Of course, Rule Britannia is rather a parody, the way things are going in the UK, but it is for us, the echt-British, to decide whether or not it will be played…

Pity that tweeter David Atherton throws in “defeating Hitler“, as if that was something positive, rather than absolutely disastrous not only for Europe but for much of the world.

The devastating defeat of the German Reich triggered premature decolonization, with all the negative consequences in Africa and Asia that flowed from that— wars, civil wars, banditry, environmental degradation, extinction of species etc.

In addition, the establishment of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948 created the continuing problem which now threatens to develop into another world war. Also, the embedding of Jewish/Zionist power and influence in the Anglophone countries, France etc.

The defeat of the German Reich in 1945 also meant that Stalinist and post-Stalinist rule was imposed upon much of Central and Eastern Europe for over 40 years.

Had there been peace in Western Europe in 1939-40, or an armistice in 1940 between the German Reich and the British Empire, the Soviet Union would have fallen in 1941 or 1942, thus eliminating Soviet socialism at a stroke. So no devastation of Central Europe in 1944-45, no Soviet expansionism, no Cold War, no Korean War, no Vietnam War etc. Also, possibly, no Communist rule over China (and South-East Asia, and Korea).

This latest controversy does not stand alone; neither has it come out of nowhere. “The Great Replacement”. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

More tweets

“They” are engaged in such activities worldwide. You only have to look at my situation, now facing magistrates’ court sentencing for having published the truth on this blog, and facing that challenge after a totally-contrived and totally political plot/conspiracy— lasting over 7 years— by the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”, during which seven years the police, Crown Prosecution and even Director of Public Prosecutions have been bombarded by whining and/or demanding communications from the small cabal of Jews who comprise the tiny (but well-funded) “CAA”.

The same “CAA” Jews have, in the UK and elsewhere, and over the past decade, tried to “cancel” Al Jazeera TV, David Icke, singer Roger Waters, and a plethora of other TV, radio and Press personalities, as well as a large number of less well-known persons. Their methods include malicious and false complaints to police, professional regulators, and others.

Ha ha! (((Blinken))) sounds like a total idiot.

Small advances in the big scheme of things, but it is clear that the Ukrainian front lines are crumbling. When the ground is harder, Russian armour will advance.

Late music

Diary Blog, 7 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Robert Stack as Elliott Ness in The Untouchables, a favourite TV show of my childhood. Note the Thompson submachinegun with drum magazine, probably the 30-round version (there were 50 and 100-round drum versions, and both box and stick magazine versions)]

From the newspapers


Kathryn is a firm believer in the 19th-century adage that we are only ever nine meals from anarchy. Having learned the skill of stockpiling from her wartime parents and grandparents, her first mini-foray was in preparation for Y2K.

“That was mainly candles and biscuits, because I didn’t really take it very seriously,” she said. “But it did mean that I was already halfway there when I realised I needed a substantial, genuine Brexit stash, which then morphed into a Covid stash, which in turn became a cost of living store, then an ‘Are we going to run out of electricity?’ store when the Ukraine war kicked off, and is now a general, all-encompassing everyday/WW3 stash.”

Kathryn could soon be joined by many more concerned citizens preparing for a worst-case scenario after the deputy prime minister, Oliver Dowden, said this week that people should stock up on battery-powered radios, torches, candles and first aid kits in case of power cuts or digital communications going down.

Not such a silly idea. I have examined that and other aspects of prepping on the blog (search via the search box).

As mentioned previously, the once very famous occult-thriller (etc) writer, Dennis Wheatley [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wheatley], in his very readable memoirs, Drink and Ink, recounted how, in his popular newspaper column of the late 1930s, he recommended to his readers that they “stock up” on tinned food (mainly) against the likelihood of a European war.

Wheatley followed his own advice, and thus was better prepared than most for the rigours of British WW2 rationing. Of course, he was in a better position than most, living in a country house at Lymington in the New Forest, and with both storage space and money with which to spend stocking up.

Not a bad idea if you have those two necessities. 20 years ago, I could have done that myself; I was then living in one of the largest houses in Cornwall (only leased, sadly) and was, if far from wealthy or affluent, at least not usually very short of money on a day to day basis.

[where I lived about 20 years ago]

Times change. The whole of my present tiny flat would fit at least twice over merely into the ballroom of that Cornish house. I now have no space (let alone money to spend) “stocking-up” for national emergency. Should my circumstances change, I would do that, though.

The Mormons, at least in their home state of Utah, make sure that they have in their homes a basic supply of dried and tinned goods sufficient for 2 years. Perhaps a legacy from the covered-wagon days of the mid-19thC in that part of the world.

I shall not go into great detail here about such prepping, but since Wheatley’s 1930s, the technology of canning has moved on, the variety of tinned goods has expanded, and the same is true of dried goods.

In the end, storing tins of food etc will not save you, years down the line, but it can provide a breathing space for you and your families.

Worth considering.


A 31-year-old man has been banned from driving after he drove through a gaggle of geese, killing seven, a court heard.

Abraham Andemariam showed a “clear disregard for the animals in the road”, leaving a number of animals dead and others injured with “skin torn away from their limbs”, the court was told. Andemariam did not stop at the scene after the incident in Warrington in July, but the registration plate of his black Hyundai was captured on a Ring doorbell and given to the police.

Rebecca Templeman, defending, explained that Andemariam, who hails from Eritrea and needed a Tigrinya interpreter in court, confessed to the offences during an interview.

[Daily Mirror]


Yet another ******* nuisance who should not even be in our country.


A woman’s cancer was spotted during a holiday massage in Turkey – after previously being misdiagnosed by UK doctors.

Claire O’Shea, 41, had previously been told by doctors the tummy pain she was experiencing was due to irritable bowel syndrome.

But during the treatment at a baths in Istanbul the masseuse spotted the mystery lump and questioned what it was.

‘I remember talking to my friends like: “My God. How is a Turkish masseuse doing a better job of telling me what’s wrong with me than my GP has for months?”

Despite having a scan when she returned home doctors continued to insist she was suffering from benign fibroids and showed no urgency towards her.

It was only when eight months later medics removed a lump the size of a grapefruit that she was diagnosed with an incurable gynaecological cancer.

[Daily Mirror]

The health service for the people, the NHS, will only improve when it stops being treated like a quasi-religion or sacred cow, one run largely for the benefit of those who work in it. Also, when it stops having to serve an ever-expanding number of clients, many not even British.


An asylum seeker raped a woman in a seaside town park just 40 days after arriving in the UK, a court has heard.

Saad Gomaa, 34, told the woman he was ‘illegal’, jurors heard, as he allegedly took advantage of her drunkenness to rape her.”

[Daily Mail].

The trial continues“…apparently.


MPs have raised the alarm about proposals for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to view benefit claimants’ bank accounts for ‘social security purposes‘.

There are concerns this would allow ministers to view the banking details of any state pension recipients, whose payments are administered by DWP.”

[Daily Mail].

More nonsense from the Cabinet of Clowns. Can this Government even last out until late 2024?

Tweets seen


[nb. the comment refers to London social housing].

[Update, same day: Seems that the tweet, showing political academic Matt Goodwin saying that “over 50%” of London social housing is occupied by immigrant families or individuals, has been deleted. He was only slightly out; seems that the true figure is about 49%…]

More music

[K. Kazanchan, Prostor (“open expanse”)]
[painting by Volegov]

More tweets

There are still innumerable pseudo-socialists and others who seem to think seriously that the UK, and the rest of Europe, can absorb waves of mass immigration without limit. How wrong they are. In the end, those waves will break down society completely, destroy our people, and smash our society into pieces.

From me, in my present circumstances (regular readers will know what I mean!), no comment…

The logical outcome is to allow anyone at all to participate, i.e. have no men’s or women’s individual sports. Let women and men (and “trans” types) compete together. That will delete the “trans” nonsense from the whole situation (though admittedly also at the expense of women athletes, of course).

Alternatively, just have proper men’s and women’s sports, as previously.

Britain built 200k houses last year. CPS estimate we now need to build at least 514,000 houses each year, more than half of which is just to keep up with record net migration (much of which is a fiscal drag on the economy). It’s neither “racist” nor “far right” to point to how immigration is fuelling the housing crisis.

It is, however, germane, to point out that a high proportion of immigrants (both “legal” and “illegal”) have no useful qualifications, and in many cases cannot even speak English beyond the most basic level. Apart from that, the fact is that “race is the root-stock, culture is the flower and fruit“. Race or “ethnicity” is central to the whole question.

Unsurprising. After all, Mrs Thatcher was called “the only man in the British Cabinet“. Nothing much has changed. I have observed these useless drones and those of similar type for 50 years, since I was a teenager. Members of the Bench and Bar, partners in firms of City solicitors, MPs etc.

Sunak and his Cabinet of Clowns become more pathetic daily.

This was the magistrate/District Judge presiding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Ikram.

The photograph is misleading. The case commented upon was in the magistrates’ court, not the High Court or Court of Appeal.

The commentary is right, though. Some magistrates do seem to want to guess what was in the mind of a defendant posting online.

There really is no longer “free speech” or freedom of expression in the UK. My own trial, last month, confirmed that. What was behind my wrongful prosecution? The Jew-Zionist Israel-lobby cabal called “Campaign Against Antisemitism”. You don’t have to believe me, incidentally. They have admitted it repeatedly on their own Twitter/X account, as well as on their website.

Talking point

Late tweets seen

Go woke, go broke“, some say. Let’s hope so…

A bad law. I should know, having been convicted under its stupid and badly-drafted provisions only last month. The Law Commission recommended its repeal (I was one of the lay consultees, and noted as such at the end of the Law Commission report).

As to my own case, I shall decide whether to appeal after I am sentenced in a couple of months.

I hope that those convicted will appeal to Crown Court.

Little Indian money-juggler Sunak reminds me of those hopeless contestants on TV quiz shows such as The Chase, the completely ignorant contestants, of whom you wonder “why are you even on a quiz show? You couldn’t buy a right answer“.

Had I been asked as recently as last month whether I thought that Sunak would lead his “Light Brigade” into the next general election, I would have replied that he would, if only because that election now looms large, with only a year or so to go, at maximum (I am told January 2025 would be the last possible month). There is a degree of “groundrush”.

Now? I am not so sure. The Conservative Party looks like getting wiped out, or at least reduced to as few as 50 MPs, unless its “leaders” can put forward something as a gamechanger. So far, every policy initiative run up the flagpole has been shot down by a public showing of thumbs-down. It may just be that the last desperate throw will be to change the leader (again).

Late music

[Lenin, with cat, early 1920s]

Diary Blog, 18 November 2023

Morning music

[Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire]


As announced yesterday, the magistrates’ court trial to which I was made subject went badly for me. I cannot blog about that at present.

I am presently due to be sentenced at the end of January, or in February, of 2024. After that, I have 15 working days, i.e. three weeks, in which to serve any Notice of Appeal. Any appeal hearing, before a Circuit Judge (sitting with two magistrate-assessors), would be a complete rehearing, which would probably not happen until the Autumn of 2024, perhaps not until 2025.

I shall decide in February 2024, post-sentencing, whether I shall appeal.

Saturday quiz

Well, a poor score this week, a mere 4/10; I see that John Rentoul scored similarly. I knew the answers only to questions 2, 3, 4, and 7.

From the newspapers


SHOCKING CCTV footage shows the moment a teenage boy killed an 82-year-old Army veteran with a single punch.

Omar Moumeche, who was 16 at the time, attacked Dennis Clarke at Derby bus station after the veteran told off his friends for messing about on an escalator.

The pensioner suffered a fractured skull as well as a bleed on the brain and died in hospital nine days after the assault on May 6, 2021.

Moumeche, now 18, was found guilty of manslaughter in July, with the judge sentencing the killer yob to two years in youth detention at Derby Crown Court today.

No further action was taken against two other teenage boys who were arrested at the time in connection with the attack.”

[The Sun]

[the defendant]

Omar Moumeche“? So… Algerian, presumably. Why is he even here? Why is his family here?

Life certainly is cheap in Britain’s wonderful new “diverse” multikulti paradise…

Imagine what this country will be like in another 30 or 50 years. I am actually glad that I shall not be here to see it.


Thus Britain, through the gradual acceptance of stupid “laws” and “rules” (invalid and/or misinterpreted) becomes a multikulti and “biosecurity” “poundland” police state.


The only man alive who can tell you what it is like to be EXECUTED after three Death Row staff in Alabama spent 90 agonising minutes trying – and failing – to give him a lethal injection.”

[Daily Mail]

The U.S. Constitution is a bad joke in most respects. Here is one example. The 8th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution forbids “cruel and unusual punishment“. Then look at what has been found to be not “cruel and unusual,” such as these ghastly lethal injection executions and, of course, the classic one, the electric chair, which can take several minutes and may fry someone alive, in effect.

The U.S. Constitution, looked upon by most Americans as if holy writ, when in fact it was just a document cobbled together by a bunch of freemasons (many of them), partly (it is said) in a New York City tavern.




Another symptom of the rot in plain sight now in our society.


…and again…even more “diversity”. How wonderful…


A total of 356 asylum seekers were intercepted by Border Force officials from seven boats and escorted into Dover, Kent, throughout the day.”

[Daily Mail].

…and still they come. Migrant-invaders. Migration-invasion.

Tweets seen

The wrongheadedness of the “austerity” drive since 2010, which badly damaged the UK economy, especially in the years 2010-2015, but was sold to the unthinking British people as “necessary”.

That was a long time ago. The world is now overpopulated, and particularly with non-Europeans. A reduction of the world’s population to about 10% of what it is now is very desirable, but of course the remaining population has to be mainly ethnically European.

Talking point

More tweets

I do not know the details of the case, but the penalties do seem extremely heavy, just speaking generally.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/01/19/diary-blog-including-thoughts-about-prepping-on-the-individual-level/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/02/03/diary-blog-3-february-2021-including-more-thoughts-about-prepping/.

You carry in your blood the holy inheritance of your
fathers and forefathers. You do not know those who
have vanished in endless ranks into the darkness of the
past. But they all live in you and walk in your blood upon
the earth that consumed them in battle and toil and in
which their bodies have long decayed.

Your blood is therefore something holy. In it your parents gave you not only a body, but your nature. To deny your blood is to deny yourself. No one can
change it. But each decides to grow the good that one has
inherited and suppress the bad. Each is also given will
and courage.

You do not have only the right, but also the duty to pass
your blood on to your children, for you are a member of
the chain of generations that reaches from the past into
eternity, and this link of the chain that you represent
must do its part so that the chain is never broken.

But if your blood has traits that will make your children
unhappy and burdens to the state, then you have the
heroic duty to be the last. The blood is the carrier of life. You carry in it the secret of creation itself. Your blood is holy, for in it God’s will

[SS Verlag: material for instruction of the Hitlerjugend]

[SS-men take their sacred oath at midnight, Munich, 1940s]

More tweets

If I am not mistaken, that is the India/Pakistan border. Both sides indulge in military march theatricals, a strange macho posturing performance.

“They” can never be believed.

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 January 2023

Morning music

[the Great Wall of China— what an incredible achievement]

We are now, apparently, in the Year of the Water Rabbit. I myself was born in the Year of the Fire Monkey [1956].

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Quite. What matters is that the people have a health regime that actually works, and which is actually available to people. The NHS is increasingly in a state where it really does not work properly.

That is not going to happen, for several reasons, but mainly because “Jack Monroe” now has only one substantial and regular source of income, i.e. the 635 utter mugs donating to her regularly on Patreon, and thus bringing in tens of thousands of pounds each month.

The propaganda is constant now, now that we are in the period 2022-2055. Look at the idea that people will be paid to turn off heating or electricity. It’s mad. The whole point of having gas or electricity is so as to be able to keep warm, use appliances etc.

…people giving a rentier-parasite maybe half their take-home pay in return for being allowed to occupy some cramped urban hutch. Sick society.

I have been, in the past (pre-2009) self-employed (as a barrister in England), employed offshore (i.e. not having to pay UK income tax), and at other times employed in the UK, paying UK income tax.

The worst of the three possibilities is when someone is employed in the UK, and having to pay UK income tax, especially when having also to pay out to rent a house or apartment, and/or commute, a fortiori when having to lay out money for a long commute by rail, perhaps even —as at times in my own case— for a long-distance First Class season ticket.

Once someone has paid income tax, he or she has those unavoidable chunks taken out: rent, travel costs, costs of suitable clothing, other costs such as lunch money etc. The last may seem small, and not everyone will have to pay for restaurants or whatever, but even a Pret or the like might add up to £5, or more, per working day, say £1,000-£2,000 a year.

No wonder many, especially on modest earnings, decide (if they can) to opt out, throwing themselves on the admittedly rather strained mercies of the State by applying for small State cash benefits, but also having most if not all of their housing costs paid, having Council Tax paid, and not having to pay out for long distance or other travel, nor for formal clothing, for lunches, and for other incidental costs. Also, of course, not having to pay income tax.

For many employed people, once those chunks are taken out of gross pay, there is not a lot left, especially when one considers that those on the lowest income levels do not pay for basic NHS dental work, or prescriptions.

Poor levels of pay in the UK are a disgrace, and poor-paying employers are having their profits underpinned via Universal Credit etc paid to employed but underpaid employees. It’s quite wrong.

In the case of a “poor” pensioner, just retired from, say, a modest or low-level job, that person will be entitled to, from April 2023, about £200 per week State Pension and Pension Guarantee Credit, Housing Benefit (if applicable), Council Tax Benefit, free medical and basic dental, various extras such as Cold Weather Payments, special one-off Treasury giveaways, free bus travel etc; the upshot being that that person might well be far better off (albeit on a low level) than he/she was the year before he/she reached State Pension age.

For younger people, the best option (especially if not paying out for rent) is to get off-grid as far as possible: do work that pays in cash or in kind, or start a small business that pays (eg car repair), use (if you can afford the capital outlay at the start) renewable heat and power via solar, pico-hydro and the like, and keep outgoings small. You do not need the often-useless “advice” of such as “Jack Monroe” to do that. Commonsense does most of the heavy lifting. Cheese rather than smoked salmon, water rather than wine.

True, that kind of “off-grid” lifestyle will not get you a Rolls-Royce, or a Mercedes SUV, or holidays in Barbados; you may have to settle for a £1,000 clapped-out estate-car, and no overseas holidays, but in return you have freedom, and that is worth rubies.

Incidentally, I am not exactly describing myself. For one thing, I am now already 66, and so beyond official “working age” anyway, but in the past have experienced almost every kind of working and non-working scenario.

So much depends on one’s own exact circumstances. For example, take the stringent rationing of the Second World War, as it was in the UK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationing_in_the_United_Kingdom. Not everyone was equal.

Those best-off in WW2 Britain were probably not only those with money (who could pay for quite good dinners and lunches in the better hotels) but also and especially those in country houses, who might have had the money and space to stock up on tinned food (as Dennis Wheatley —https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wheatley—had advised in his pre-war newspaper column).

Such people would have had enough land on which to grow fruits and vegetables for themselves, and might well have the possibility to shoot game birds, rabbits, hares, even deer, and also fish for trout, salmon etc. They could also easily raise chickens for eggs, despite the paucity of chickenfeed, while the rest of the population was rationed to 1 egg per week.

Anyone in a country house would quite likely also have a wine cellar, which, if replete with Claret, Burgundy or Champagne —and adapting Sam in Casablanca— “sure takes the sting out of being occupied ” [or rationed].

Today, the same applies, pretty much. Had I a country house today, I would certainly be stocking up on tinned food (which in many cases is OK almost indefinately from the safety point of view, though only at peak quality for 5 years or less). I should also be reserving at least an acre per person for vegetables etc, and would be planting, or maintaining any existing, fruit and nut trees and bushes.

I should also be filling my equally-hypothetical wine cellar. Basic or bland food tastes a lot better with a bottle of Chateau Margaux washing it down…

When my wife and I did have (a lease of) a country house (on the Cornwall/Devon border, about 20 years ago), there existed a large number of plum and apple trees, producing a quantity of fruit quite impressive, bearing in mind that they had not been maintained, pruned etc for decades.

With war again now looming on the horizon, together with social collapse, I would, were it possible, relocate back to the South West of the UK and also, were it possible, buy a country house (and follow my own advice above).

More tweets

Ha. Quite.

…and note my blog of yesterday’s date.

The floor is too low. I think that it should be somewhere around £10M. As to the percentage, probably 1%.

Early evening music

Late tweets seen

Important results.

Late music


Diary Blog, 22 January 2023

Morning music

[Rome: the ruins of the Forum]

On this day a year ago

On the blog five years ago

Though my prediction for the next general election (2019) was wrong (I thought hung Parliament or small-majority Labour win), in my defence I can say that that election did not, in the event, happen until almost 2 years after the blog was posted (blog— January 2018, but General Election— December 2019). I think that the rest of the assessment has held up quite well.

Peter Hitchens


This was the moment at which we began the unstoppable descent into terrible danger which so many of us will bitterly regret in times to come.

I won’t waste time here going over the question of who started the Ukraine war, or even why. Most people don’t want to know and refuse to think about it, or to look up the facts. They defame and abuse anyone who tries to tell them. So to hell with that.

When the Defence Secretary announced that British tanks were going to Ukraine, not one MP raised any doubts or opposed the move. Not one. To read the record of the non-debate is like reading the proceedings of some Communist fake parliament, supine and brain-dead.

The country where political freedom was born has decided not to bother being free any more.

So it is left to me to tell you that it is an act of grave stupidity for the West to supply Ukraine with modern tanks. Unlike everyone else in the media and politics, I am not a military expert. But I know what tanks are for, and it is not defence.

What we have just decided to do is to prolong and deepen the war. Maybe Ukraine’s new tanks will sweep all before them. Maybe they will bog down. Maybe they will try to take Crimea. Maybe they will soon be taking part in a Victory Parade in Red Square. I don’t know. But if they cross into what Russia regards as its own territory, then do not be surprised by anything which happens.

...there is the real possibility that a large chunk of Europe might be turned into a radioactive graveyard and that American conventional retaliation for this (which will be furious and powerful) will take us a stage further into the world of horror, loss, flight, pestilence and poverty which always follows war.”

[Peter Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday].


The Cold War was frozen, formalized, mutual aggression. The world came close to disaster more than once, but the situation was at least stable. That was hard on the peoples of occupied Central and Eastern Europe, caged by the “Big Three” agreements of the WW2 period (Casablanca, Teheran, Yalta, Potsdam), but actually life there was not always and everywhere terrible— just worse (usually, mostly) and —overall— less free than in the (better parts of) Western Europe and North America.

That was better than nuclear war across Europe, the Soviet Union, and the USA.

The gradual collapse of socialism in the 1956-1989 period of 33 years meant that one of the two main pillars of that stasis collapsed, meaning that outside socio-economic and other forces could start to flow into what had been Soviet territory..

Without Soviet power in place, the whole Soviet system fell apart quite quickly. By 1991, the Soviet Union was history. Western goods and ideas flooded Russia and the newly-liberated or created states. Ukraine was, for the first time in history, an independent state (a simplification, but basically correct).

Instead of a genuine attempt to help Russia and other former components of Sovietism transition to a better society, there was a scramble to rule over Russia, and to exploit its people, taken part in not only by Jewish (yes, and other) interests in the West but also by Jews inside Russia, the so-called “oligarchs”. Some, such as Boris Berezovsky, have died (probably murdered, despite living in the UK), others have increased their security and moved permanently to the UK, USA, Israel etc.

I myself saw elements of that scramble, not only when I first visited Moscow in 1993, and not only in my year in Kazakhstan (1996-97) but also in other ways, e.g. by my sitting (1995-1996) on the Committee of the Central Asia and Transcaucasia Law Association [CATLA], a body set up by large law firms with interests in the post-Soviet states, with UK Government assistance.

Also later, when back in London, in the Caribbean, and elsewhere.

On the foreign policy side, the “New World Order” [“NWO”] tried to take over Russia, and nearly did so when Yeltsin was President. What prevented it was a combination of circumstances: Russian pushback fuelled by wounded pride, Putin taking over as President, the collapse of the dotcom bubble in the West, and the focus of the NWO shifting to its other major interest, i.e. destroying the states hostile to Israel; that was after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001.

The military aid being given has gone from small items of defensive “kit” (in the British military term) to large items of offensive armament, as Hitchens writes. There are few weapons more aggressive in offence than a tank.

I recall being at a CATLA meeting in London in late 1995 or early 1996 when an account was given of a report that day by telephone from Dushanbe, Tadzhikistan, then the epicentre of a civil war. The report had had to be curtailed because the person on the end of the line had suddenly said “I’m going— a tank has just come round the corner.” End of conversation.

As I recently blogged, 14 British tanks may not be much, but the Zelensky regime is all but demanding that other European states provide 300. Still a small number compared with those in action in 1943 at Kursk (over 8,000 tanks in total); however, in Egypt, Rommel’s initial advance on Alexandria involved about 300 German tanks.

The point is that the war is now getting to the point where, in the absence of a ceasefire or negotiated settlement, the Russians either have to recruit, train and deploy an army vast enough and powerful enough to overwhelm the forces of the Kiev regime in 2023, or go nuclear (whether tactical or even strategic).

The USA and UK (etc) are getting to the point where they might be seen as actual participants in the war.

Leaving the huge forces (mainly American) of NATO aside, there is no way for the Kiev regime to win this. Ukraine is becoming a country without electricity, it has little functioning industry now, 20% of its population has fled to other states, and its population is anyway a fraction of the size of that of Russia.

If the West (NWO/ZOG) does not stop supporting the Kiev regime, we are on and sliding down a slope which might well devastate all of Europe.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Kursk.

Jack Monroe scandal

I shall believe that when she stops taking people’s money, particularly from those who have little to start with, and/or those who are vulnerable (even if they are utter mugs to send “Jack Monroe” anything at all).

Seems that the tweets referred to have been deleted (another habit of the “Bootstrap Cook”).

Another poor and/or financially-struggling “Jack Monroe” fan? Oh, no, wait…a dim-seeming librarian from the University of Bedfordshire (is there such a university? Maybe there is). She has obviously not seen any of the voluminous evidence against her idol.

A good description. Worthy of a social anthropologist, perhaps a bit —in manner— like David Attenborough, but specializing in Essex “grifters”.

Quite funny seeing all these terribly “concerned” and virtue-signalling women (mostly women), who are, unwittingly, simply advertizing their lack of nous.

…so tweets a total loony (another “not quite all there” “Jack Monroe” fanatic).

Yes. I recall “Jack Monroe” doing the same or similar about 4 months ago, around the time when I published my (entirely fair, but far too kind, as it turned out) assessment of her: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

There is no incentive for “Jack Monroe” to pause or stop her Patreon “grift”. After months of criticism and evidence presented, there are, as of today, still 635 utter mugs sending her money, between about £2,500 a month and about £30,000 a month (probably about £6,000 pcm). Why would she stop taking it? Certainly not because a few have threatened a small claim in the County Court. Those few can be paid off easily enough.

If other mugs donate via other channels, then “Jack Monroe” can simply say (or not even bother to say) “thank you very much” and keep the cash, using it for her own purposes, as she has done.

More music

More tweets seen

[“Revenge— get down there where you wanted to send me, you unclean spirit!“]

Ha ha! The presumption of the girl there is incredible. Trying to grift a living as an “online influencer” or something, like thousands of others, from “Jack Monroe” and Owen Jones, through Julia Grace Patterson and others of that type, and right down to “who she?” types like the one in that tweet. She should get a job in a bottling plant or something (at least until robots take over completely).

Britain used to be a country that did things, real things, and had people at all levels who, many of them, were solid, even in the House of Commons etc. Now look…

Men (and women) of straw are now around in huge numbers and, if they were just to “disappear”, not only would I not care but in fact would actually applaud their removal.

Ha. Well put.

More tweets

It is truly incredible to see just how gullible so many of these “concerned” women are, the “Jack Monroe” partisans. She has been repeating those behaviours for years— angrily snarling and threatening, then pretending to stomp off from Twitter and/or pretending to have one of a whole host of physical and/or mental conditions, then claiming to have been “bullied” or “forced off Twitter”, after which she returns within a day or two (and counts up her new donations).

Yes, many rather unstable people who somehow imagine that by at least tweeting in support of “Bootstrap Cook”, they are striking a blow against the hated “Tories”. No so. The “Jack Monroe” assertion “I can feed someone on about 61p a day” (literally what she claims, feeding a family of four for £20 a week), plays into the idea that “welfare” (social security) benefits are perfectly adequate, or even too generous.

“Jack Monroe” now knows that, however outlandish her tall tales are, hundreds if not thousands of utter mugs will believe them all, and will think her a kind of saintly warrior against poverty and injustice, no matter what obvious lies she posts.

She has claimed, ludicrously, to have been involved with fighting the fire at Grenfell Tower, to have been in high-level discussions about Government inflation statistics, to have been so poor that she had to unscrew lightbulbs to save on electricity, and that she boiled down soap to make shower gel (!). All surely, plainly, lies, obviously so to any but the totally deluded, yet her often-mentally afflicted fans lap it up, either believing the lies, or believing that they somehow do not matter.

I agree with tweeter “Littlegiteshob”. It is absolutely incredible how stupid and guillible many are.

Look at that “@tomcheater”. Does not know what day it is.

More tweets

The French love massive demonstrations, but such events rarely change anything, not on their own.

When did huge marches in the UK change anything? A million marched against war in Iraq. Result— nothing. A couple of hundred thousand marched against “austerity”. Result— nothing.

So long as “Jack Monroe” has 635 utter mugs sending her a total of anywhere between £2,500 and £30,000 a month, I doubt whether she will feel any pressure to get a job. In any case, it is hard to imagine the kind of job for which she might be qualified, even leaving aside her alleged drug and drink problems, and her peculiar mentality.

Some tweeters are enraged that “Jack Monroe” has (for the umpteenth time) used faked (probably faked, allegedly faked) physical illness or feared illness, and also mental illness including suicide hints, to garner sympathy, deflect from her fraudulent or near-fraudulent “grifting”, and also to collect even more money from naive people on Twitter etc: see below

Why tweeter “@Calderpeople” thinks that “Jack Monroe” has no money any more, I have no idea. After all, the 635 Patreon mugs are still presumably paying up, and the Thrifty Kitchen book is out, though I suspect not selling well; I believe around 400 copies, including Kindle, per week. I may be slightly out, but think that each sale gets the authoress about £1, though possibly less, possibly more. See https://www.societyofauthors.org/Where-We-Stand/buying-choices/How-do-authors-get-paid.

That is on a price of £9.99 for the hardback, the original cover price of £19.99 having been abandoned, in effect.

I do think that the msm has almost dropped “Jack Monroe” now. I notice that, apart from the Independent, the newspapers have not much covered the release of the book; a few fairly low-circulation magazines have.

This, from 2020, made me laugh: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7925127/This-Morning-viewers-slam-food-writer-Jack-Monroes-three-meals-5.html.

I was surprised to see how small she is, even up against the TV people, who are not giants:

Was someone that tiny really trained (for a while), and as she claims, as a firefighter? To me, that seems very doubtful.

“Anthea Rogers” (possibly “Jack Monroe” in disguise) weighs in:

“Jack Monroe” and cocaine

A word about the alleged cocaine abuse by the “Bootstrap Cook”: I find it interesting that (until recently) she was being supported publicly by the Jewish TV cook, Nigella Lawson, and by the (also Jewish) food critic Jay Rayner, as well as by Tom Parker Bowles (food writer, and son of Queen Camilla).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nigella_Lawson; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Rayner; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Parker_Bowles.

I have never seen any suggestion that Jay Rayner is a cocaine abuser, despite his playing jazz piano with his own Rayner Quartet.

Having said that, I now see:

Also, he was expelled from school over cannabis use: see https://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/entertainment/news/jay-rayner-pilloried-in-public-over-school-suspension-for-drug-use-39222774.html.

As for Nigella Lawson, she has admitted that she has (“in the past”) abused cocaine and other drugs on a number of occasions (read “regularly“?).

Then we have Tom Parker Bowles. God knows what Brigadier Parker-Bowles, his father (who was Commanding Officer of the Household Cavalry and Silver-Stick-in-Waiting to the late Queen Elizabeth), thinks of his son’s choice of career. Not that it is inherently bad, and it must be lucrative, but I wonder all the same whether there is parental disappointment.

Tom Parker Bowles has admitted being a cocaine abuser: see https://www.theguardian.com/drugs/Story/0,2763,207412,00.html; and also (“in the past”), a drug supplier or dealer: see https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/6635934.camillas-son-drugs-supplier/.

With these blots on humanity, it is always “occasionally” or “in the past“, nicht wahr?

So all three? Or just two? Still, “two out of three ain’t bad” [Meatloaf].

Interesting co-incidence, though, even in this decadent and degenerate society.

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 December 2022

Morning music

[Arkhangelsk region]

On this day a year ago

Regeneration and transformation of land and landscape

Saw again this video, which I posted on the blog last year:

The lady at Bealtaine Cottage in Ireland was, sadly, persuaded by notorious Jew Twitter-troll Ben Gidley, under one of his aliases, to block me on Twitter, some years ago. No matter. I still think her work interesting. #MoralHighGround.

[Incidentally, the Jew Gidley is a lecturer at Birkbeck College in London. His admitted Twitter account is “@bengidley”, but he also runs “@bobfrombrockley” and, in the past, Twitter accounts closed down for trolling and online stalking: “@inthesoupagain” and “antinazisunited”. All accounts replete with Jew-Zionism, and mostly with a fake “socialist” tinge.

I am not the only person to have had problems with the Jew Gidley’s Twitter (and other) behaviour. The well-known journalist and columnist, Peter Hitchens, repeatedly exposed some of Gidley’s activities in his own tweets, though long after I had unmasked the little bastard. Others as well. I blazed the trail, though.

[Gidley there hiding behind the photo/mugshot of Johnny Cash]

Other Jew trolls tried to defend Gidley by attacking me and others:

As I tweeted some years ago (Jews conspired to have my Twitter account closed down in 2018), Gidley seems to spend most of his time tweeting, mostly via “sock accounts”, in the Jewish and Israeli interest, and most of that tweeting is negative trolling.

If, as seems, Birkbeck College is going to make a number of staff redundant, they could not do better than to start with Gidley, whose jargon-filled “academic” product is completely useless to society anyway].

Another interesting project:

Tweets seen

British people living in tents, while non-white migrant-invaders are accommodated in good hotels, and given money, telephones etc on top, not to mention hordes of Ukrainian ingrates living like leeches on well-meaning but naive British families.

East Germany, the DDR, was very strange; I have blogged previously about my impressions, gained in a short time (less than 3 days) there, in 1988, and while in car transit from then-socialist Poland to the then West Germany.


As blogged previously, I find myself rather fascinated by “contrived” societies, societies which have in a sense invented themselves: the DDR, Singapore, Israel etc. It might be said that all societies “invent themselves“, but the phenomenon is more obvious in some as compared to others.

Few MPs are worth anything these days. Most are either useless freeloaders or are actual enemies of the British people, or both (eg Yvette Cooper).

My own assessment from a few months ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

Johnny Mercer

Saw this from Johnny Mercer, the MP for Plymouth Moor View:

Mercer became a Member of Parliament on the back of his military career, with the obvious implication that he was, is, or considers himself to be, a British patriot or some such: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician).

I was hoping, some years ago, that Mercer would prove to be an improvement on the all-too-often-seen MPs who put their duty behind their own financial or career benefit.

Unfortunately, as an MP, Mercer has been a big disappointment. First of all, it seems that he is, at least to a large extent, motivated by money. Criticism has been made of his making a considerable sum from commercial and/or “charitable” activities outside his work and position as an MP. His expenses have also been criticized.

Quite apart from the above, Mercer has had the “distinction” of having been sacked as a minister by the two previous Prime Ministers, first by Boris Johnson, and then by Liz Truss, the latter of which triggering a tweet by Mercer’s wife (employed by him on his Parliamentary expenses, incidentally), which tweet described Liz Truss (admittedly not unfairly) as “an imbecile“.

Presumably, Madame Mercer did not like the fact that Mercer (and so she too) thereby lost a ministerial salary of about £71,000 or so, per year (paid on top of MP salary and expenses).

Well, Mercer is now back in Government, as Minister of State for Veterans’ Affairs (the UK now using the American-style term “veteran” for someone who has served, however briefly, in the armed forces).

Now I see that Mercer thinks that Jew-Zionists such as Ruth Smeeth (actually half-Jewish— see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth) are “brilliant“…

I daresay that few would call Mercer himself “brilliant“. Ruth Smeeth (now “Baroness” Anderson) has worked for BICOM, the overseas propaganda org supporting the Israeli state and government. She is, and/or has, also been involved with the malicious and basically Jewish “anti-fascist” org called “Hope not Hate”, and (I think) the even less pleasant “UAF” (“United Against Fascism”).

Ruth Smeeth is a member of Labour Friends of Israel, and was a major part of the anti-Corbyn campaign which, as noted previously in this blog, was effectively a Jewish campaign to remove Corbyn as Labour leader, a campaign crowned with success when Corbyn was replaced by Jewish lobby and/or Israel lobby puppet, Keir Starmer.

Ruth Smeeth is well-embedded in the System. Not only now elevated to a well-paid sinecure in the useless House of Lords boondoggle but also appointed, a while ago, as an “Honorary Captain” of the Royal Naval Reserve, an unusual —and, to me, puzzling— appointment.

In applauding the likes of Ruth Smeeth, Johnny Mercer’s stock, which has been falling in my estimation for a few years now, falls to the floor.

When Mercer was elected, I rather liked the idea that he was a bit of a “loose cannon”, as distinct from the usual yes-men in the Commons. I fear however, that he is, also, not much good, as his having been fired by two successive Prime Ministers would seem to indicate (albeit that “Boris”-idiot and Liz Truss were both also useless).

Support for Jew-Zionism and its creatures, however goes too far.

Mercer won his seat from Labour fairly narrowly in 2015, getting 37.6% of votes cast; the constituency was only created in 2010. In 2017, Mercer’s vote-share jumped to 51.9%. The 2019 election saw a further increase, to 60.7%. Driving factors may have been the LibDem collapse (16.9% in 2010, as low as 2% in 2017, and only 5.2% in 2019), the collapse and disappearance of UKIP (21.5% in 2015 but not even standing in Plymouth Moor View in 2019), and Labour’s decline (in 2019, 31.5%).

As to whether Mercer will retain his seat at the next general election, in 2023 or 2024, that is an open question, though it seems quite likely.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Moor_View_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

Christmas University Challenge

Once again, the alumni teams of prominent and/or famous ex-students did battle; this time Hertford College, Oxford against St. Anne’s, Oxford.

Both teams pretty poor. As on most other similar recent occasions, I could have beaten either team on my own.

Late tweets

[symbolic burning of degenerate books by SA-men, Berlin, 1933]

Late music


Diary Blog, 5 September 2022, with initial thoughts about the mooted Liz Truss Cabinet

Morning music

[Warwick Castle]

On this day a year ago

Therese Coffey

It seems that Therese Coffey, the appalling woman presently Secretary of State for the DWP, is likely to be appointed Secretary of State for Health (assuming a Liz Truss premiership— we shall know about that later today).

My blog post about Therese Coffey from three years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Th%C3%A9r%C3%A8se_Coffey.

More about the mooted new Cabinet

Good grief. Thick half-caste James Cleverly as Foreign Secretary?! What an incredible embarrassment and humiliation for this country, even after Liz Truss…

The others mooted? Well, we have as mooted Chancellor of the Exchequer, Kwasi Kwarteng, the “African at Eton”, who said, in a book he co-authored with others (including Liz Truss), that “Once they enter the workplace, the British are among the worst idlers in the world.” See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Britannia_Unchained; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwasi_Kwarteng.

Incidentally, that book was written by 5 MPs, of whom only 2 (Liz Truss, Chris Skidmore) are full European, the others being Kwasi Kwarteng (Ghanaian origin), Priti Patel (East African Indian origin), Dominic Raab (half-Jew).

Then we have Ben Wallace, Defence Secretary since 2019 on the strength of having been a captain in the Scots Guards. Seems to think (after a few whiskys) that the now-pitiful British armed forces can take on Russia (in a nuclear war?) and “win”.

Wallace’s actual words were to the effect that the Scots Guards had “kicked the [backside]” of Nikolai I of Russia in the Crimean War (about 170 years ago) and could do it again.

Only a week or two later, Wallace announced plans to reduce the established size of the British Army by almost ten thousand: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ben_Wallace_(politician)#Secretary_of_State_for_Defence.

Let us hope that Wallace stays off the whisky, in case he confuses 1852 with 2022 and then, while a little too merry, tries to kick Putin’s nuclear backside.

Culture— Nadine Dorries“. Need one say more?

Security— Tom Tugendhat“. Really? The part-Jew former desk soldier whose wife is a politically-connected French judge, while Tugendhat (a fervent pro-Israel drone, closely connected to the Jewish lobby in the UK) is himself a French citizen (dual French-British citizenship). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Tugendhat.

Nadhim Zahawi? He emulates the limpet. He blagged his corrupt, expenses-cheating, tax-evading way into Cabinet under “Boris”-idiot, and he will be clinging onto office no matter what.

Most of the rest on that list can be best described as deadheads and idiots.

Such a Cabinet, at such a time? The auguries cannot be favourable.

Basically, “Boris” Johnson appointed to his Cabinet those MPs with more interest in office than their own self-respect. The dregs, pretty much. What we now see is a new Cabinet which can be described as the dregs of the dregs.

Guardian political sketch


Rather telling, though weakened near the end by a would-be-respectful nod to the Ukrainian woman married to the Jew dictator, Zelensky. Hard to feel sorry for a woman who, with her corrupt husband, owns at least two villas in the sun (in Italy and in Florida), one of which is apparently worth USD $40 million.

Other tweets seen

The “trans” nonsense has to be brought to an end.

Prepping: you cannot buy survival


An interesting report, which hits a few points or questions many of the ultra-wealthy preppers written about may have considered but not resolved. For example, once there is an existential disaster in society, once your money (whether gold coins, bank deposits, or Bitcoin etc ) is worthless, how can you ensure the loyalty of your security force?

I have blogged in the past about various aspects of prepping: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/02/03/diary-blog-3-february-2021-including-more-thoughts-about-prepping/

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More tweets seen

The snake-oil salesman becomes a gin salesman. Well, I suppose that, after all, that other —sort-of— smoothie, Ribbentrop, sold Champagne at one time…

Strange to think that, as recently as (?) 5 years ago, some people saw this egregious example of “controlled opposition” as a potential prime minister. Having said that, and after “Boris”-idiot and now Liz Truss, Farage seems relatively straightforward and capable! Our national life now must lie somewhere between Nietzsche and Kafka.

I shall not be trying Farage’s alcoholic product any more than I would his political products; I have never once tasted gin, and I do not think that I shall start now.

Very interesting, especially in view of the fact that Greta Nut’s main handlers seem to be Jewish.

I have blogged in the past about Greta Thunberg: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/.

Late tweets

Too many people on the Earth. In particular, too many backward people. To be even more specific, too many non-Europeans. See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

[Akademgorodok, near Novosibirsk, in Autumn]