Tag Archives: Rochdale by-election

Diary Blog, 5 March 2024

Morning music

Sam Melia/Laura Towler crowdfunder

[Sam Melia and his wife, Laura Towler. A hero and a Valkyrie]

Sam Melia has now been imprisoned for 3-4 days. Another 6-12 months to go, probably.

I am glad to see that their crowdfunder, established to help Laura Towler (expected to give birth to their second child soon) and Melia both survive and thrive, and to maintain political struggle both during the coming year and thereafter, has gathered in, as of time and date of writing, some £54,000, and is still increasing rapidly. When I first mentioned the crowdfunder on the blog, last Thursday, it was at nearly £48,000, so well over £1,000 a day has been donated over the past days. Excellent.

If anyone wants to donate and/or leave a message of support, the link is at https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Minimum donation £4. Show solidarity, stick it to the System, and help what seem to be good people (for sake of clarity, I am personally unacquainted with them, and do not belong to Patriotic Alternative).

Incidentally, this is what the CPS have had to say about the Sam Melia “case”: https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/updated-sentence-far-right-organiser-found-guilty-intent-stir-racial-hatred-through.

It will be noted that the clowns are unable even to spell correctly the name of Oswald Mosley… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Mosley; https://www.oswaldmosley.com/. The CPS report has Mosley down as “Moseley“, like the Birmingham suburb.

So that is how the CPS and police waste huge amounts of public money, prosecuting a mere sticker-posting campaign as if it were an IRA bomb plot of the 1970s.

If the CPS and (more so) police behaviour is “Stalinist”, then so in the sense of the words of Karl Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon: “first time tragedy, second time farce“…

All the same, Sam Melia is still going to sit in prison for 6-12 months, thus punishing his wife and small children. Justice? I think not.

Tweets seen

Britain in the 21st Century.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13154677/young-people-having-heart-attacks-lead-seemingly-healthy-lifestyles-suffered-heart-problems.html.

Bukele won 85% of the vote and is by all accounts one of the most popular leaders in the world now. This is why liberals in the West call him a threat to democracy – democracy for them just means institutionalised pluralism. The number one threat to that is someone who bypasses the institutions of mass democracy to embody popular will.”

[Adolf Hitler amid thousands of well-wishers at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin]

Bukele has maintained record high approval ratings of around 90% among Salvadorans throughout his tenure.[9][10]



Canadians— do what has to be done, and install a different government, and a different kind of government.

Not quite like-for-like, because the “vaccinated” population consists of more people than the “unvaccinated”, I believe, but even so the figures are alarmingly divergent.

More from the newspapers


Uzbekistan is the only nation more miserable than Britain as the Dominican Republic tops the world wellbeing charts, a ‘worrying’ global report has found.”

[Daily Mail]

Many will dismiss that out of hand. I am not so sure that the report is mistaken, though. The UK of 2024 is an unhappy land.

More tweets

I tried but failed to get called in oral questions today. My question would have been. “Can the minister explain why I am struggling to get my district council to accommodate Anthony Preston a disabled homeless UK citizen who has recently returned from Saudi Arabia, while at the same time my constituency is forced to accommodate 360 illegal channel migrants in 4 star hotels?

[Andrew Bridgen MP]

If only…

Europe will have nothing to defend itself with, in case it is dragged into a hypothetical conflict, retired Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of Belgium Mark Thies said, reports the German “Mercury”.

” After a few hours we would have to throw stones. We are already in trouble. Be sure that our opponents, regardless of whether they are in Moscow, Beijing or anywhere else in the world, know about our lack of ammunition, ” Tees said.

According to his opinion, the main problem of the EU is small stocks, which consist of high-quality ammunition, and the process of replacing them and filling the warehouse is a difficult task that requires a lot of time. ” If you order them today, they may take up to seven years to deliver ,” he believes.”

The other problem, not mentioned, and never mentioned by System msm outlets, is that, if things continue for much longer as they have been in European societies, there will be nothing to defend anyway. Nothing worthwhile, at least.

Incidentally, it seems rather amusing to hear a Belgian, of all possible European nationalities, talk about fighting a war.

Belgium has frequently provided the battlefields (in the various 18thC wars, then at Waterloo, at Ypres, in the Ardennes in 1940, and the Ardennes again in the Battle of the Bulge of 1944) but Belgian arms have rarely been distinguished in battle. Belgium is, of course, a very small country, hard to defend: 11,000 square miles, not very much larger than Wales, or Israel, or New Jersey (all around 8,000 square miles).

The link, again, to the crowdfunder set up so that Sam Melia’s wife, Laura Towler, and children (one as yet unborn) will not be pushed into poverty or even destitution by reason of the truly unjust and harsh sentence passed upon Melia last Friday: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Goodwin again boosting Reform UK. For me, Reform UK is just “controlled opposition”, a kind of pseudo-national, “conservative nationalist” facade-party. Not the real social-national party Britain needs.

Having said that, I hope that Reform UK does get plenty of votes at GE 2024, and so helps to stamp on the Conservative Party, even if helping the now-equally-evil Labour Party into “elected dictatorship”; and that a Con Party collapse will in turn help in breaking up the “two main parties” scam that still bamboozles many people.

Good riddance.

Seems that Macron has received his latest orders…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

They know that the Kiev regime is a lost cause.

New film title— Gone Guy?

Once more they cannot resist mocking the powerless women and children they have rendered homeless and starving. An evil pack.

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 March 2024

Morning music

[Vicente Romero, Sea Breeze]

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings a convincing victory over political journalist John Rentoul; he only managed 1/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 3, 4, 7, and 9.

Laura Towler and Sam Melia

I included material on the blog yesterday about Laura Towler and her husband Sam Melia. I am not personally acquainted with them, and am not, as such, a supporter of their organization, Patriotic Alternative, but obviously am, as they are, supportive of European race and culture, and want Europe to have a future worth living. I also support free speech and freedom of expression.

Yesterday, Sam Melia was sentenced to 2 years in prison, a result of his having been convicted of what amounts to political offences. He will therefore probably be in prison for a year (possibly/hopefully a few months less).

I also happened to see this crowdfunder for the couple, who have a young child, with another expected soon.


Tweets seen


…”and then there were none“…

One more reason no longer to respect the police in the UK.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

Sam Melia. Wrong race, wrong nationality, wrong “crime”…

No doubt Sam Melia’s solicitors and Counsel will be considering whether to appeal, at least on sentence. A tough choice, though, when there is the danger of an increase in sentence in the appellate forum.

Appalling, but I should have more (or some) respect for Toby Young and the “Free Speech Union” had he and they said a word in defence of those dissident voices criminalized because of their (perceived) political views. Alison Chabloz, Sven Longshanks (James Allchurch), Sam Melia, me…and many many others,

The little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, is going down politically. This time next year, he will probably have relocated to California or Bombay, and/or be another fake “lord” in the now-ludicrous House of “Lords”.

While it is true that a huge “Labour” majority would merely increase the repression on social-nationalism, at least there would be no nonsense about social national people having to play the “electoral” (rigged) game.

The faked pseudo-democratic “two main parties” game has to be brought down. If the Conservative Party can be almost wiped out at GE 2024, that party, half of the “two party” scam, may never recover. That in turn will lead to a vacuum which may then be filled by something new.

As for Sajid Javid, his brief political career is now at an end, unless he becomes yet another “plastic peer”. A near-loonie, who once praised the “antifa” thugs; also an acolyte of the Jewish “philosopher of selfishness”, “Ayn Rand” (Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum), and so pro-Israel and pro-Jewish lobby that he even spent his honeymoon in Israel. An ex-Muslim apostate, who thinks that the UK’s multikulti society is a “success” only because he happens to have made plenty of money here.

If Israel can be weakened, its support and aid given to the worldwide Jewish lobby web may falter, enabling that worldwide web to be taken down.

I was unaware.


While Rishi Sunak is whining about the peasants voting wrongly, WW3 just came a step closer!

Military experts told RIA Novosti how they assess proposals by top German officers to strike the Crimean Bridge: In response to the supply of Taurus missiles to Kiev, Moscow may consider the possibility of “Dagger” attacks on the manufacturing plant of these missiles in Germany, says Igor Korotchenko. ##NoConscription ##notourwar.”

Germany is presently ruled by traitors to the future of the German people. Those traitors are also pretty stupid. Do they think that Russia will sit still while its vital strategic infrastructure is targeted?

A year in prison for stickers that told simple truths is as disgusting as it was expected.

Sam Melia was foolish to run with an obvious honeytrap group, and to be caught flirting with deeply demonised ideas, but that doesn’t alter the gross injustice of locking up a young father for purely peaceful dissidence, in order to intimidate other indigenous Brits into silence about our ongoing marginalisation and dispossession.

By refusing to allow peaceful and constructive expression of these issues, the UK state is pushing angry individuals towards a much less benign way of expressing their fears and frustration.

They were meant to learn from the Troubles in Northern Ireland, not repeat on the mainland the sort of injustice and repression that helped create them. #freespeech.”

[Nick Griffin].

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable

[President John F. Kennedy; speech at the White House, Washington D.C. 13 March 1962; see https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780191843730.001.0001/q-oro-ed5-00006245].

George Galloway received 39.7% of the vote at Rochdale. The combined vote of the next three candidates (Independent David Tully, Labour Party, and Conservative Party) totalled only 41%: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Rochdale_by-election#Results.

The combined vote of the Labour and Conservative candidates was a mere 19.7%.

When Dan Hodges talks about Sunak “going early“, he is not referring to resignation but to Sunak calling an early General Election 2024. I had thought September or October, but it now looks as if June or July are possible months.

I just looked on the Electoral Calculus website [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html]. On present opinion polling, the Conservative Party might end up with as few as 43 MPs. Happy day, though equally I hate the idea of the Labour Party “elected dictatorship” that would inevitably result, and which might make Blair’s regime seem mild.

If those idiots attack Russia, there will be a direct response. That would presumably trigger Article 5 of the NATO Treaty, and from there it would be a very short step to a regional war, then a continental war, then an intercontinental war involving Russia and the USA. In other words, a Third World War. Terrible. Disastrous. Unnecessary.

That is enough for almost an entire year at present rates of use.

Seems speculative. If Iran does become a nuclear power, Israel will go ballistic, possibly literally.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 1 March 2024, including analysis of the result of the Rochdale by-election

Morning music

Rochdale by-election result

[Rochdale by-election result, from Wikipedia]

In my pre-polling day look at the by-election, I picked Galloway (“Workers Party”) as the winner; not very difficult under the circumstances— most journalists also thought that Galloway would win, as did the bookmakers.

Galloway scored 39.7%; oddly enough, exactly the same figure as the understandably poor turnout, which was also 39.7%. In other words, Galloway was elected via the votes of about 15% of the whole eligible electorate.

I went wrong on second place. I thought that Azhar Ali, the disowned Labour candidate, would still manage a second place on the basis that he is local, a councillor, a Pakistani Muslim and, until Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer sacked him, the official candidate of the Labour Party.

In fact, Ali scored only 7.7% and a 4th place. I attribute that largely to his sacking, which means that he will not be the Labour candidate in the upcoming 2024 General Election. Also, to the fact that he climbed down and “apologised” to Starmer and the Israel lobby. In a word, he lost face, badly, by doing that. I presume that his 7.7% reflects a personal vote, mainly.

I also thought, though speculatively, that the LibDems might do rather better than they did, based on their previous (though pre-2015) showings in the constituency, and on their perhaps being a magnet for anti-Government white (English) votes in Rochdale. Not so. Seems that the LibDems are very much a spent force outside a few parts of southern England.

The LibDem vote was only 7%.

The poor turnout sank the LibDem cause in Rochdale. It is pretty clear that the Pakistanis voted but the English/white voters mostly did not. The Pakistani population of the constituency is somewhere in the 30%-40% range. Almost all Pakistanis voted (it can be surmised), but few English/white people bothered.

The independent, David Tully [https://www.rochdaleonline.co.uk/news-features/elections/election-pitch/1743/david-tully], who came second at the by-election, must have attracted most of whatever white/English vote there was. His vote, achieved without a party machine or heavy funding, was a creditable 21.3%.

The Conservative Party candidate never had a chance. This government is as unpopular as any has been in the past century or more, and Rochdale has not elected a Conservative since 1955.

Having said that, the attitude of the candidate cannot have helped. He decided to prioritize his holiday over campaigning, jetting off to the sun only a week or so before Polling Day!

That somehow fits with the whole “b*gg*r you, it’s all about me” attitude of the “Conservative” governments of the past seven, perhaps past fourteen, years. In fact, only now do I know anything of Ellison, having looked up his details (he owns a local landscaping company). https://www.rochdaleonline.co.uk/news-features/2/news-headlines/155121/rochdale-byelection-conservative-candidate-paul-ellison-sets-out-his-plan-for-rochdale.

Ellison’s 12% vote (3rd place) is around where my initial thought about the by-election, a couple of weeks ago, put him (I thought maybe 15%), but better than my most recent speculation (a day or two ago, I thought the Con vote might go as low as 5%).

Finally (leaving aside the five candidates who lost their deposit, none scoring higher than 1.7%), there is Reform UK. Oh dear…

As I wrote before the by-election, Reform UK must have been mad to take on Danczuk as its candidate. After all, he was the local Labour MP 2010-2017, who was sacked for various personal behavioural problems, and who then tried to hang on as an Independent, getting an embarrassing 1.8% vote at the 2017 General Election.

The toxic tabloid content of Danczuk’s life 2010-2017 with and around his seriously thick then wife, Karen Danczuk (known as “the selfie queen” for her self-portraits posted online, featuring both her cleavage and her buck teeth), sank him in 2017, and will still be (and obviously was) remembered by the voters of Rochdale.

Danczuk’s 6.3% vote at the by-election is about where I thought he would end up.

In my view, Reform UK has rather too much of the “Mickey Mouse” about it, too much of the “wing and a prayer” “Amateur Night” village show, to be considered a serious party.

The political scientist Matt Goodwin has been pushing the idea that Reform UK might overtake the Conservative Party in the polls. Not yet, it seems.

At Rochdale, the Conservative Party candidate managed to get twice the vote of Danczuk and Reform UK, despite not bothering to campaign much, whereas Danczuk tried hard, and was even supported by his leader, Richard Tice, riding a sky-blue battlebus.

The by-election does say something about Reform UK that goes beyond its very silly decision to put up Danczuk as a candidate. If Reform UK was going to capture the mainly white/English protest vote, this by-election would have been the place for that to take off. White English people are a majority, maybe even two-thirds, of the Rochdale constituency, yet most —probably the vast majority— did not bother to vote, and even fewer voted Reform UK.

Some may say that the above is because English people are apathetic. I say that they are apathetic for a reason, or reasons. One, in this case, was because Reform UK’s semi-“libertarian” offering just does not “hit the spot”. White English people want, though in most cases unconsciously, social nationalism, and there is not one party, even a small one, offering or proclaiming that ideology.

What does the by-election say about the Conservative Party in the run-up to GE 2024? Toast. This was the worst Con Party result (12%) at Rochdale since the Blair-Labour years (10.5% in 2005, 13.4% in 2001, 8.8% in 1997). In 2019, the Cons received 31.2%, and even in 2017 28.4%.

So there it is. Angry apathy from the white English voters, angry protest from the Pakistani Muslims, a Government without hope, but an Opposition Labour Party unable to inspire any enthusiasm yet likely to “win” GE 2024 purely by default. Also, an upstart and supposedly “populist” party, Reform UK, that has no real support.

I have said nothing about the victor, Galloway. That is because he is a maverick and, despite the “Workers Party” label, basically a one-man band. Whether he can retain his seat at GE 2024 or not is an open question. Maybe he can.


Tweets seen

Talking heads and scribblers such as Tim Stanley are completely in the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby pocket. Totally controlled by their own careerism and greed. Also, and despite what his Wikipedia entry says, I should not be surprised were I to discover that Tim Stanley is partly-Jewish somewhere down the line. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Stanley. I have no direct evidence that he is, however. Neither is there any hint of anything of the sort in his interviews: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/interviews/stay-away-from-politics-an-interview-with-tim-stanley/.

95% of the repression on freedom of expression in the UK comes from the organized Jew-Zionist/pro-Israel lobby. I myself face sentencing in a couple of weeks, the malicious Jew-Zionist lobby having procured an entirely political prosecution of me in 2023 (and admit to having been trying to bag me for most of the past decade).

Israeli war crimes continue, supported by the Israel lobby in the UK and elsewhere.

I came to the same or a similar conclusion some years ago (rightly or wrongly).

Don’t forget, also, that Paul Mason is either half-Jewish or quarter-Jewish: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist)#Early_life_and_education.

For me, Mason runs both with the hare and the hounds too much to be trusted…

Galloway must be one of the few, one of the very few MPs who can speak in public without either reading pathetic platitudes from a written crib, or sounding like a speak-your-weight machine, or both.

The symptoms of the slowly-encroaching “woke” global (Western) police state (in the UK, in the EU, elsewhere too) are now seen everywhere; they include my own Jewish-lobby-procured political prosecution and conviction last year (sentencing hearing this month).

I agree with that. I have no idea what Tice is like as a businessman, though I note that his main work was in a company founded by his grandfather. As a politician, I have no doubt that he is “nbg” (no bloody good). As I blogged some time before the by-election, Tice’s selection of someone as sleazy as Simon Danczuk was a miscall of stunning proportions. As in…you run a “populist”, “new broom”, “clean the Augean Stables” party, so naturally you pick as your candidate someone who was not only sleazy in the sexual sense when an MP but also a grifting freeloader and moneygrubber. An example of the worst of the old parties. No, wait…

How does that work? It doesn’t.

If Tice’s judgment is in question for having, inter alia, picked Danczuk as a candidate, then that, and the by-election result, also brings into question the judgment of political academic, scribbler and blogger Matt Goodwin, who has been boosting Reform UK as a possibly-unstoppable coming political force in the land. Ha…

Goodwin is on surer ground there.

…and there.

Sam Melia

Unconfirmed reports are saying that Sam Melia of Patriotic Alternative has been sentenced in the Crown Court to 2 years in prison for supposed “incitement to racial hatred”.

I did not follow the trial, but I understand that the charge or charges related to the production of (from the little I have read) very innocuously-worded stickers. “Evidence” deemed admissible (presumably going to the Defendant’s intention) included having a picture of Hitler.

The Star Chamber would be proud of England’s 21st Century police, CPS, and judiciary.

As we know, in 2024 Britain, political crime is deemed far more serious than real crime. In a country where crimes of serious violence, or considerable and dishonest acquisition, result often in non-custodial sentences, Sam Melia will now spend about a year in prison basically for having offended or opposed the System and “the usual suspects”.

I have no idea as to whether the plight of his wife, Laura Towler, and their very young child, was taken into account. Seemingly not, or not much. I understand that Laura Towler is presently pregnant with a second child, which will now be born (in the next couple of months) while its father is incarcerated.

I hope that a crowdfunder is soon set up for Melia’s wife and children.

More tweets seen

“A huge crowd”? At a guess, 5,000. Maybe, at peak, 10,000.

Russia has ~143M people, so even 10,000 represents only 1 person in every 14,300. Out of the Moscow population of 13M, 1 person out of every 1,300. Somewhere between those two figures, then. 1 person out of every 1,300-14,300 people.

Of course, the authorities have tried to suppress visible support for Navalny, but even if the true figure is 1 out of every 1,300, and even if there are 20 secret supporters for every one on that march, that is still only, at best, 1 out of every 65 inhabitants of Moscow.

Whatever one’s view of Navalny, his percentage of even mild support was in single figures. Maybe 2%, maybe as high as 5%, of the Moscow population; probably no more than 1%, if that, among the whole population of Russia.

That film shows a seemingly larger crowd, but even if my calculations are out by a factor of 10, that would still show a visible and covert ratio of 1 Navalny supporter out of every 6 or 7 people. Significant but not overwhelming.

Anyway, such speculation is a castle in the air in the circumstances.

Quite. Someone such as Tim Stanley is the ideal political pseudo-philosopher for the present shallow age. One could say that, if “first time tragedy, second time farce” (as Marx opined in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon), then the first time might be Roger Scruton, the second Tim Stanley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eighteenth_Brumaire_of_Louis_Bonaparte; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Scruton; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Stanley.

The parallels are not exact, admittedly.

Mason again. His “political philosophy” comes down to two words: “arrest them“. Nothing more. Neither a socialist nor a pro-capitalist, nor yet anything other than someone cobbling together disparate strands to make one jumbled string of pseudo-philosophy which really comes down to the exercise of State power by those who control it, and against any dissidents or dissenters.

Mason’s sheer bile is obvious to almost everyone but Mason himself. Mason’s ideal living environment would be somewhere such as the DDR, circa 1970. Maybe as a Stasi-connected academic in a concrete provincial university.


“Left”/”Right” are terms I never myself use. Not helpful or meaningful. Look at Mason, though, playing the role of “licensed revolutionary”. The police seem uninterested in talking to him about any inflammatory outbursts…

Mason’s MI5 “PF” (Personal File) would be a fascinating read…I would love to see my own, incidentally. I suppose it might make my ears burn…

More tweets seen

Britain needs social nationalism. No matter the intervening repressions (as seen only today and previously in the Sam Melia show trial), events are “conspiring” or converging to create, down the line…Victory.

Well, you know what to do…

Would-be dictator Caroline Lucas says that “words matter“. Is that why she wants to ban free speech (even more)? Raus!

Peter Oborne mentions almost every group but the Jewish lobby; not even “Zionists”; only “Israel”. I can only imagine (joking slightly) that he is afraid of being blackballed by one of his clubs (the Garrick? I am only guessing).

Slightly disappointing by Oborne, who has in the past made interesting anti-Israel lobby documentaries: see

What (((group))) is behind Starmer? What group is behind Sunak? What group is behind “Reform UK”, Farage, Tice etc? Yes, the Israel lobby, but of what (in the UK) is that composed?…

In some ways, Oborne’s 15-minute tweet above is very hardhitting, but it pulls a few punches when it comes to “a certain group” in UK society.

Oborne refers to the danger of the “far right” etc. In fact, any danger is actually from the two superficially opposed groups— Islamists/Zionists.

Announcement from Laura Towler

I happened to see the message below, believed to be a public announcement from Laura Towler of Patriotic Alternative:

By now you will have heard that my husband Sam Melia was sentenced today to two years in prison for his intentions behind publishing stickers that the prosecution said were both lawful and truthful. 

The sentencing guidelines gave the judge the option of choosing anywhere between 2 years and 6 years, and the minimum was given due to the lack of seriousness regarding the offence. The judge could’ve suspended the sentence (and sent Sam home) at two years, however he chose not to and said the reason why was because he wanted the sentencing to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs. 

Before today, Sam met with his Probation Officer who said that Sam was no risk to the public and there was no chance of reoffending, and recommended a community order. The judge chose to ignore this. 

The worst case scenario is that Sam will serve 12 months in prison. Potentially, he could serve 6 – 8 months. He is considered low risk and could therefore be on day release from as early as in a few months. 

If you take anything from this, let it remind you why we do what we do. We live in a country where our people are attacked by the anti-White state for advocating for their own safety and interests. 

I don’t want cuddles and condolences. I don’t want thoughts and prayers. I want you to join me in filling the void that Sam leaves for the next few months. There are no excuses. Not everybody has to be on the front line. There is plenty you can do behind the scenes. 

Sam should hold his head up high knowing that he put his head above the parapet when many others dare not. He didn’t back down at any point over the last three years, nor did he take any offer they offered him. He remained defiant for us, and now it’s our turn to repay his sacrifice by carrying his flame until he is back.

[unconfirmed, but believed to be by Laura Towler]

Another example of how the British jury is now little better than a rubber stamp. As for the judge in question, I prefer not to comment, mainly because I have no wish to transgress the “contempt of Court” rules; in any case, I did not follow the case. There is also the further fact that I myself, in Biblical language, will be “in the same condemnation” in a couple of weeks, being sentenced for —in effect— telling the truth.



Rishi Sunak has claimed extremist groups in the UK are “trying to tear us apart”, in a hastily arranged Downing Street statement that came hours after George Galloway won a byelection in Rochdale.

Standing outside No 10 late on Friday, the prime minister condemned what he called “a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality” after the 7 October massacre by Hamas and the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

He also claimed democracy itself was a target, as he condemned the election of Galloway, who easily won the seat in Rochdale on a platform that focused on anti-Israel sentiment over Gaza.

However, in a sometimes rambling and seemingly contradictory 10-minute address, Sunak made points likely to anger MPs on the right of the Conservative party such as Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, who have sought to frame recent tensions as almost entirely the responsibility of Islamist extremists.

Sunak was at pains to stress the recent abuse of Muslim Britons as well as the Jewish community, and to highlight the threat from far-right groups as well as Islamists.

[The Guardian]

The little Indian money-juggler presently posing as Prime Minister has made a speech in which he conflated “democracy” with “electing System candidates”, in effect.

Sunak calls for no support for “extremism”, yet he does not seem to think it “extreme” to project the Israeli flag onto 10 Downing Street and then to call for support of a war by a huge mechanized army against, mostly, civilians, half of which are under 18 years of age, and about a quarter of whom are undisputedly small children and babies.

So far, the Israeli Jews have killed about 30,000 or so in Gaza, in under 5 months. About half were children.

Starmer, that nasty ideas-free puppet bureaucrat, is no better.

Incidentally, I myself have blogged about both “democracy” and “extremism” in recent years:

More tweets

In response to the supply of Taurus missiles to Kiev, Moscow could consider the possibility of a Dagger attack on the factory of these missiles in Germany, said expert Igor Korotchenko.

Germany does not officially want to send its troops to Ukraine, but the German army is already present there as advisers and technical experts, noted expert Vladimir Evseyev. The situation is heating up after such statements. Especially after the first, the second is a statement of fact….”

[Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag, Berlin, 1945]

Founder of “Blackwater” – We can’t beat the Russian bear.

“Ukraine needs peace, otherwise it will destroy itself,” said the founder of the private military company “Blackwater” Eric Prince in a podcast with Patrick Bet-David.

He also drew attention to the poor state of the Western armies and stressed that American citizens are not obliged to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to a corrupt state, such as Ukraine.

Sam Coates parroting rubbish, much of it “antisemitism, antisemitism“. Idiots like Coates get paid half a million or more per year. Sick society; almost a (bad) joke society.

Is Sam Coates part-(((you know who)))? I wonder…

Coates was easily put in his place by Galloway. Not worth his salt.

Late music

[Lazienkowski Palace, Warsaw]

Diary Blog, 29 February 2024

Morning music

[All Souls, Oxford]

Rochdale by-election

I blogged about the by-election a few days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/02/25/diary-blog-25-february-2024-including-a-look-at-the-upcoming-rochdale-by-election/.

The latest from the bookmakers is that George Galloway (Workers Party) is odds-on to win, followed by (around 6/4) Azhar Ali, the former Labour candidate disowned by Starmer, Azhar Ali therefore being an independent candidate in reality, though “Labour” on the ballot paper. The next in line is the LibDem, trailing the frontrunners at about 65/1. Reform UK (Simon Danczuk) is at 100/1. The rest of the field of 11— 1,000/1.

This is now between Galloway and “Labour” Azhar Ali. Former Labour MP Danczuk only got 1.8% (as Independent) in 2017, after having been sacked. The LibDem may do better than expected, being a white man and alternative to Ali and also to Scotsman George Galloway, whose campaign has been all about Gaza, and whose voters are (90%+) Muslims. Still, if I had to bet, I would probably go with the perceived favourite, Galloway.

The by-election is between two candidates trying to capture the Pakistani Muslim vote. Where do the English voters go? They are still the majority in the constituency, numerically, yet have been frozen out.

Symptomatic of System politics in the UK?

I have no sympathy for Danczuk, and little for Reform UK, but will be interested to see how they go. Had Reform UK put up a better candidate, it might have gone close. As it is, I daresay that the white (English) vote will be split several ways.

Israel declares war on “antisemitism” and “anti-Semites”


Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikii said that “the time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive, and to ensure that the perpetrators of anti-Semitism are identified and dealt with.

The time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive and to ensure that the perpetrators of antisemitism are identified and dealt with,” Chikli said.

The initiative will include a push for a government proclamation to improve Israel’s global standing and legislation to target organizations, including NGOs, and individuals engaged in antisemitism.

[Jerusalem Post]

Well, there it is. “They” want a war, and are about to launch one.

In fact, Israel already targets (via local volunteers in the UK and elsewhere) anyone opposed to Jewish/Zionist global domination.

I myself am due to be sentenced next month, following my conviction in November 2023 for political “offences” under the notorious “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission).

Tweets seen

What the Israelis are saying about why the Israeli response on 7 October 2023 was at first very slow, and then incompetent (killing Israeli civilians indiscriminately).

Needless to say, the “Pearl Harbor” idea, i.e. that the Israeli leadership knew of the attack plan but allowed it to happen in order to be able to flatten Gaza with a figleaf of justification, is not mooted.

1956. The year of my birth in present incarnation.

A very important message still not understood by some people.

One cannot simply dismiss that tweet as “a woman scorned”; the kind of dishonesty alleged destroys (if proven) hope for social nationalism, destroys trust.

Not that it matters in terms of realities, though. “Britain First” has no chance anyway, whether at Rochdale or anywhere else.

True, but I seem to recall that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel not so very long ago…: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

I was unaware that that bastard Pollard was still alive.

I wonder how many Jews there are in, e.g. the Security Service/MI5 and SIS? Some, for sure. Where lie their loyalties? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard.

Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship while incarcerated. He relocated to Israel in 2020.

I suppose that the Israelis thought that they owed Pollard something. After all, when he desperately appealed to the Israeli Embassy in Washington —when the FBI was on his tail— the Israeli Embassy guards were ordered to shut the gates and not let him back in. He was then immediately arrested by the FBI. He did 30 years in Federal custody, altogether (inc. 2 years of pre-trial detention).

More tweets

Israel’s war crimes continue.

Not even the heavily Muslim areas of Britain are breeding above the 2.1 replacement rate.

@DillyHussain88 thinks Britain’s Muslims are faithful and will outbreed us natives, but the truth is that even they are increasingly infected with the modernist cancer. Consumer capitalism + Usury = the Death of Nations. This System cannot be reformed or saved, it will simply totter on until collapse. Those who separate from this 21st Century Sodom and breed will build something new from the rubble. https://knightstemplarorder.com/fertility_rate_plunge.”

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Quite right.

More from the global police state


“[Canadian] Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.

The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Mr. Virani said the hate-crime offence would only be applied if coupled with another crime and the life sentence would only apply in the most serious of cases – not, for example, for mischief to a garage door.

Mr. Virani said the current bill followed studies of the experiences of other countries, including Britain, France and Germany, which have produced similar legislation. Some have had to reverse course after challenges and criticism.

Since it was published on Monday, some lawyers and constitutional experts have raised fears that Bill C-63 could chill free speech.

The bill would allow people to file complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission over what they perceive as hate speech online – including, for example, off-colour jokes by comedians. People found guilty of posting hate speech could have to pay victims up to $20,000 in compensation.

But experts including internet law professor Michael Geist have said even a threat of a civil complaint – with a lower burden of proof than a court of law – and a fine could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

[The Globe and Mail]

Look at what has happened in the UK. Material (comments, cartoons) are supposed to fall into unlawfulness only if “grossly” offensive. In theory, remarks, cartoons merely “offensive” are not unlawful, but in practice one finds (as in my own case last November) that once the police, CPS and courts think that XYZ is “offensive”, then XYZ becomes, almost automatically, “grossly offensive“, and the maker is then convicted accordingly (as I was).

Free speech has then been further chilled, or killed…

Canada is asking for something akin to civil war by enacting tyrannical laws of this sort.

More tweets seen

Germany was accused of “severe misuse of intelligence data” after discovering that British soldiers were helping Ukrainian forces launch “Strom Shadow” cruise missiles, “Telegraf” reports.

“German soldiers must not at any time and under any circumstances be associated with the targets that the ‘Taurus’ can reach,” says Scholz…

The statement of the German chancellor is a confirmation of the suspicions expressed several times by some Russian officials and experts in the field of defense and weapons, that members of the armed forces of NATO countries help Ukrainian forces in managing complex weapons systems of Western origin.

We get closer and closer to the edge…

There is a clear decision in the Alliance, which was adopted two years ago and which is still in force, which is that NATO is not a party to the conflict and everything must be done to ensure that it does not become and that the possibility of direct conflict does not arise of Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a valid decision of the Alliance made with the consent of all members of the bloc,” said the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Peter Szijártó.

Budanov is 30 years younger than me, but I warrant that I shall still be alive when he leaves this Earth…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrylo_Budanov.

I hope that Prince Silly Billy is aware of this.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 25 February 2024, including a look at the upcoming Rochdale by-election

Morning music

[VDNKh, Moscow]

Rochdale by-election

The by-election is to be held on Thursday 29 February 2024. It has been described as “the most radioactive byelection in living memory“: see https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/24/a-total-total-disaster-galloway-and-danczuk-line-up-for-rochdale-push.

Of the 11 candidates, 4 could be described as Independent. There is a Green, and also a Monster Raving Loony.

Of the 5 more or less serious candidates, the LibLabCon “uniparty” has candidates, and then there is the egregious George Galloway [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Galloway], this time under the banner of the Workers Party, and also Reform UK, represented by Simon Danczuk [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Danczuk], the one-time Labour MP who was a perennial tabloid newspaper story 2010-2017 (along with his seemingly lobotomized then wife, Karen).

The by-election is complicated by the fact that Azhar Ali, the Labour candidate on the ballot paper, was suspended and disowned by Labour for having speculated that Israel may have been involved in the attack on its own citizens in October 2023, a “conspiracy theory” which at first blush seems mad, but less mad when you look at it. A possible “Pearl Harbor” scenario, in which the Israeli leadership may have allowed the Hamas attack from Gaza to take place in order to be able to destroy and then resettle Gaza with Jews.

Leaving that aside, Ali is still a candidate and still, on paper, “Labour”. Indeed, it is possible that, despite all the publicity, quite a few voters will remain unaware that Labour has disowned him; they may vote for him on that basis.

Having said that, Ali will not be Labour’s candidate at GE 2024, so even if he were to be elected this Thursday, he would only be an MP for a few months. That will obviously harm his chances.

It comes as a slight shock to see that George Galloway is only two years older than me. I thought about 10 years or more. He is now 69.

Galloway is far and away the most interesting candidate on the by-election roster. You only have to look at his Wikipedia entry. Indeed, apart from sleazy Danczuk, Galloway is the only candidate at Rochdale who is noted on Wikipedia.

Galloway started as a Labour MP, and has travelled through other parties and profiles to get here, but his anti-Zionism has remained a constant.

An ideologue of sorts, Galloway is not exactly on the same ideological page as me (and he blocked me on Twitter when I still had an account, i.e. up to 2018). He is interested in money, though he plays that down. His net worth is probably in the millions —though I concede that that is a guess— and his income from all sources in recent years has on occasion exceeded £500,000 a year. His RT (Russia Today) show has been sunk by sanctions, but his online broadcasting etc must still bring in a very good sum.

The Workers Party of Britain [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Workers_Party_of_Britain] was founded by Galloway himself in 2019, and so far has had no electoral success, though Galloway himself achieved a notable third place at the Batley and Spen by-election in 2021— nearly 22% of the vote.

Other well-known members of the Workers Party include former Arabist diplomat and ambassador Peter Ford [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Ford_(diplomat)], and former Labour MP Chris Williamson [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Williamson_(politician)], now a broadcaster on the English-language Iranian channel Press TV. Williamson occasionally retweeted my tweets when I had a Twitter account, though he later and foolishly “blocked” me (like Galloway).

Reform UK must be mad to have allowed Danczuk to be their candidate at Rochdale. He was MP for the constituency from 2010 to 2017, and at peak (2015), under Labour banner, was voted for by 46.1% of the voters who voted, but in 2017 achieved only 1.8% as Independent, once chucked out of Labour. Since then, he has been dumped by Karen Danczuk (or vice-versa), and has married for the third time, to an African from Rwanda.

I should have thought that Reform UK would have selected a candidate of real weight at this interesting by-election, but no…

The constituency is riven by division on racial, ethnic, cultural and religious lines. Also, by the aftermath of the Pakistani “grooming gangs” scandal (sex abuse of white English girls). Further back, there was the scandal of Cyril Smith [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyril_Smith].

I rule out as serious contenders the Monster Raving Loony, the 4 Independents, the Green (who, though still on the ballot paper, has also been disowned by his party for “antisemitism”, and has withdrawn), and (probably) Danczuk/Reform UK.

That leaves Galloway/ Workers Party, Azhar Ali/”Labour”, the LibDem and the Conservative.

In the past, pre-2015, Rochdale was contended for by Labour and the LibDems and, before that, the old Liberal Party. The LibDems fell into 4th place in 2015, after the “Con Coalition” of 2010–2015.

There have been fairly good showings by UKIP and Brexit Party in the past decade, but nothing earth-shattering. Reform UK might have done better, but surely not with Danczuk as the candidate. That’s my view, anyway.

Conservative Party candidates achieved (poor) second place in both 2017 and 2019, but this time the Con has almost no chance, so unpopular is the Sunak government. Also, Sunak is Indian. The 30% of the Rochdale voters that are Asian are mostly Pakistani. The Con candidate seems to be English.

The LibDem has a Scottish name; otherwise, I know nothing of him and cannot see him getting anywhere.

While 60%-70% of the eligible voters are English, it is a question of how many are motivated to vote. In 2019, only 60% of eligible Rochdale voters voted, and that was a higher percentage than most previous recent elections. The assumption, at least, is that the Muslim vote is more powerful, as a bloc, than the actually larger English vote.

The upshot is that this is between “Labour” Azhar Ali and Galloway. Galloway must be favourite to win now that Labour has disowned Ali. The bookmakers certainly think so: at present, Galloway/Workers Party 4/7 favourite; Labour 13/8; LibDems 40/1; Reform UK 50/1; Conservatives 200/1; Greens 1,000/1; others also 1,000/1.

See also https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2024/feb/12/labours-self-sabotage-leaves-rochdale-byelection-up-for-grabs.

Latest from Rochdale


Byelections are traditionally a chance for voters to lodge a protest vote. But when the people of Rochdale go to the polls on Thursday, they have barely anyone to protest against.

The Labour and Green parties have ditched their candidates. The Conservative was abroad on a long-planned family holiday the week before polling day. The Lib Dem remains, but pulled out of the most high-profile political event, a local BBC radio debate.

The most energetic campaigning last week came instead from the political fringe: George Galloway, serial byelection winner and founder of the Workers Party of Britain, and Simon Danczuk, the town’s former Labour MP who was suspended by the party for sexting a 17-year-old girl and is now standing for Reform UK.

“We don’t deserve this,” said Margaret King, standing outside Marks & Spencer. “This town does not deserve to be this short of anybody decent to vote for.” This time she’s ­voting for one of the local independents.

“We’ve been Lib Dem for a long time, back to Cyril Smith, but when I think back I can’t believe I voted for him. There’s too many shadows on this town.

Back in the town centre, people at the Regal Moon were surprised to learn that the Wetherspoons pub was the official headquarters of the Monster Raving Loony party candidate. Some drinkers there raised immigration as an issue, although none considered Reform UK to be an option. “Danczuk has been here before and he didn’t do anything then,” said David Brierley, after complaining how much the town’s ethnic makeup has changed.”

[The Guardian]

A real social-national party might have won this contest.

More from the newspapers


Labour is being warned by a powerful alliance of thinktanks and charities that poverty will soar if it comes to power and then fails to spend many billions of pounds on welfare reform to help those struggling most with the cost of living.

Poverty and extreme financial hardship have become acute problems,” the new report says. “With wages at a standstill over the last decade, recent soaring prices came at a time when many households were already struggling to meet essential costs. While some have seen their earnings increase in the period since the cost of living crisis started, for many the damage had already been done. Use of foodbanks has reached unprecedented levels, and there has been a sharp rise in households taking out loans to cover bills and daily spending.”

It says that “people on low incomes too often cycle between low-paid, insecure roles and stints of unemployment” with the number of “economically inactive” people (those out of work and not actively looking for work) at record levels. “For too long, our welfare state has taken a punitive approach, ignoring individual motivations and challenges and wasting resources on approaches to that simply don’t work.”

[The Guardian]

Iain Dunce Duncan Smith is only one of the (most) guilty System freeloaders and oppressors of the disabled etc in the UK. He has never been punished.

Tweets seen

I think that my assessment of Therese Coffey, written 5 years ago (updates added since then) has held up well: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

Birmingham is or was a major hub of the sinister “Common Purpose” conspiracy, which is implicated in so many scandals, partly because its “graduates” (members) are often unqualified (except on paper) for their executive positions. For example, the shambolic social work and social worker department in Birmingham itself and, as we now see, the Birmingham local government milieu as a whole.

Birmingham is just one particularly egregious example. There are numerous others. The police throughout the UK provide other examples.

Common Purpose is a global not-for-profit on a mission to develop people who can cross cultural, institutional and social boundaries.” Wherever it takes root, laws and regulations are ignored, and administration becomes chaotic. The very sinister and sleazy Chris Bryant, MP for Rhondda, was once one of its main organizers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Purpose_UK; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julia_Middleton; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Bryant.

Common Purpose (CP)

– a hidden virus in our government and schools

Although it has 80,000 trainees in 36 cities, 18,000 graduate members and enormous power, Common Purpose is largely unknown to the general public.

It recruits and trains “leaders” to be loyal to the directives of Common Purpose and the EU, instead of to their own departments, which they then undermine or subvert, the NHS being an example.

Common Purpose is identifying leaders in all levels of our government to assume power when our nation is replaced by the European Union, in what they call “the post democratic society.” They are learning to rule without regard to democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us.

Common Purpose is also the glue that enables fraud to be committed across these government departments to reward pro European local politicians. Corrupt deals are enabled that put property or cash into their pockets by embezzling public assets.

It has members in the NHS, BBC, the police, the legal profession, the church, many of Britain’s 7,000 quangos, local councils, the Civil Service, government ministries, Parliament, and it controls many RDA’s (Regional Development Agencies).

[Wikileaks] [https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Common_purpose]

Written, I think, some years ago, but still worth reading.

More tweets

Walls. Squads.

Neil Oliver says to the corrupt and self-serving MPs, “just go“, but they will not just “go” of their own accord. They will have to be “sent”…

Accurate, but not entirely. Union Street in Plymouth is not really the city centre, though not far away; more a crumbling depressed bit between the main centre and the docks and ferry port (I once commuted to and from Brittany, Plymouth-Roscoff, about once every 10 days, in the years 2005-2009, so I do know Plymouth a bit; and also used to appear quite often as Counsel at the Plymouth County Court).

Plymouth is rife, in its administration, with both freemasonry and “Common Purpose”. A very badly-run city.

That bald vlogger is the one who used to visit out-of-the-way bits of the former Soviet Union. Not sure why he no longer does that. I think that he was removed from Ukraine but am unsure.

I just saw this:

Apart from Plymouth, “Bald and Bankrupt” goes to Weston-super-Mare, a place which I have also visited a few times quite long ago now (I knew a blonde Ukrainian lady who lived there, she having married an older Englishman who then, really not long afterwards, died of a heart attack, leaving her a quite decent detached house in what passes for the best area of the town). That was circa 2000.

I remember Weston-super-Mare mainly for playing tennis on a warm sunny day with the Ukrainian lady (well, just playing around, really), and deliberately hitting her on the rear with a tennis ball when she bent over to pick up another ball, after which she fired half a dozen at me (I dodged them by running away, weaving).

“Bald and Bankrupt” then goes to Birmingham, a city I do not know, and which I have never even seen, except once or twice from a train, or car circling its endless motorways and other roads, and —once— when on a small plane that stopped at the airport to take on fuel etc.

The state of Birmingham shown in the vlog echoes that discussed in those Matt Goodwin and Sunday Times tweets.

Come, friendly Russian bombers...” (with apologies to John Betjeman…).

“Bald and Bankrupt” then goes, briefly, to Sunderland, a town I have also never visited (though my late father once played professionally for Sunderland football club, sometime around 1946).

He then goes to a semi-derelict former mining village called Hordern, where he meets a man demolishing a 19thC brick wall, the man having moved to this hopeless desolate place from Guildford (Surrey). Why? Why? Apparently because rental of property is cheaper. Even so…People are very strange…

Overall, dystopian, and not a little frightening.

Of course, much, maybe most, of England, or Britain, is not like those places. Not yet, anyway.

More tweets

The lady may be a fan of “Detective Sergeant Hathaway” in Lewis. Politically, Fox may mean well, but has not the ideological or intellectual weight to lead a new party, in my view. Also, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby etc, so a non–starter as far as I am concerned.

Late music

Diary Blog, 18 February 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Ha. In a nutshell…

Not as surprising as it seems at first blush. After all, the Gurkhas were and to some extent are mercenaries or contract soldiers in British service. They have now switched, in part, to another employer. “Simples”…

The British Army still employs about 4,000 Gurkhas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gurkha.

Lammy— both brainless and without principle.

Rachel Reeves— careerist and member (and Vice-Chair) of Labour Friends of Israel…

Rachel, why won’t you talk to us?“…answer: because your name is not (((you-know-who)))…

Russia counted on the honesty of its partners, Russian President Vladimir Putin said when asked why the special military operation did not start earlier.

We learned the true state of affairs only later, when the former chancellor of Germany and the former president of France said that they did not even intend to fulfill the Minsk agreements, Putin said in an interview with Russia on the 24th.

Speaking about the negotiations, he pointed out that the fighting in Ukraine would have stopped a year and a half ago had it not been for the West’s position, the Russian leader said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes that it is possible to start the undamaged branch of the Nord Stream gas pipeline in a week, but Germany shows no interest in that.

Can Nord Stream 2 (launch)? Can! Turn on the valve, say: We want (gas). He will get it tomorrow. It takes a week. But they don’t want to, said the Russian leader.

Sometimes, I think that the “dirty democratic politicians” (in Hitler’s phrase) of Germany are even more stupid than those of the UK, but that would scarcely be possible.

Russia must and will win in the Ukrainian war situation, at the very least to the extent of maintaining its present position (control of Donetsk, Lugansk and Crimea regions, and some other —mainly coastal— areas). Indeed, there is every chance that Russia will be able to take over (or regain, if you like) control of the entirety of Eastern Ukraine (Ukraine east of the Dnieper).

The shambolic, brutal, and corrupt Kiev regime headed by the Jew Zelensky is fast running out of arms, ammunition and, above all, soldiers.

Kiev. As the brutal reality of the war sets in on the #Ukranian people. The sadness and needless death imposed up on by Zionists and Anglo-Saxon elites on to the Ukrainian peoples. Ukrainian people and the world is slowly coming to the realisation; they have been taken for a ride.

A lunatic enjoying his “15 minutes of fame”.

There is a kind of ingrained, hypocritical sadism in “them”.

Putin: Ukraine regularly receives money for the transit of Russian gas.

So they say in Ukraine – aggressor, aggressor. But they regularly receive money for gas transit. They don’t smell ,” said President Vladimir Putin.

Putin said that a week is needed to launch the remaining Nord Stream line, but Germany does not want to.

Interesting. So Ukraine (Kiev regime) is still getting money from Russia on a regular basis as transit fees for passage of Russian gas to the EU?! Very convoluted.

I wonder where those millions of US dollars end up?

One of the worst aspects of the collapse of the Soviet Union 35 years ago (the formal termination was in 1991) has been the proliferation of that strange semi-Americanized Russian-language rock and rap music. Ghastly.

The Kiev regime has only two chances: one, to join NATO, and then be able to call upon NATO forces under the Treaty obligations. That is why NATO states will not allow Ukraine to join, because it would lead to a world war before very long.

The second Kiev regime opportunity to avoid defeat would be a revolution or palace revolution in Moscow, and the end of the Putin administration. That is not going to happen.

The Kiev regime should cede to Russia all of Eastern Ukraine, and should then agree to make Kiev and Odessa “open cities” or, failing that, condominia. The present members of the Kiev regime can then fall back on Lvov (or disappear to Israel or the USA).

Nancy Pelosi on Russia’s treachery: Russia has more people in the army than at the beginning, and they will replenish their human resources. They buy these people. They go around the villages, around the outskirts, and they pay them money so that people go to fight.” Instead of honestly grabbing people on the streets and catching them in transport and apartments, as is done in democratic free Ukraine.

Can you imagine a political system so screwed that someone such as Nancy Pelosi can attain to high office? As bad as that in the UK…

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nancy_Pelosi#Financial_status.

Not sure that I agree with that, though fraud (especially one person using another’s postal vote) is obviously a problem, particularly in areas with high non-white and especially Muslim populations.

Sophie Corcoran is a pro-Conservative Party, maybe pro-Reform UK —I don’t know enough about her exact views— talking head. She does not seem to have considered that both Reform UK and (maybe even more) the Conservative Party are those mostly voted for via postal voting, which affects the mostly middle-aged and elderly people most likely to have disabilities and chronic medical conditions.

Ms. Corcoran’s proposed postal vote ban would therefore probably be the final straw breaking the back of the Conservative Party.

Rochdale is a rather different situation. I shall blog about the upcoming by-election (29 February 2024) before the day.

Something just came unbidden to my mind.

When I lived in Almaty, Kazakhstan for a year (1996-1997) I had, in the course of my work, some limited contact with an Israeli businessman in his sixties or seventies who headed a large energy company with interests in Kazakhstan. The company was based in or near Tel Aviv, maybe at Herzliya.

The Israeli was (I was told by others) a former general in the Israeli Army. I accompanied him to a meeting with the UK Ambassador, at the British Embassy (which I visited fairly often). The Embassy was then in Furmanov Street, Almaty (the capital of Kazakhstan was then still at Almaty).

That Israeli (who from his accent originated in the UK, maybe in London) told me that (unlike the British Ambassador, whom he found insufficiently interested in his problems) every Israeli ambassador is given, by his superiors in Israel, a list of duties including how many contacts, including business contacts, to make in a year, how many business opportunities for Israelis to make or facilitate etc.

“They” are relentless.

Incidentally, I have no idea why he did not use the Israeli Ambassador for what he wanted. Maybe he did that as well. Probably.

Oddly, he did not have (at least with him) a UK passport as well as his Israeli one (I know that); so, despite the semi-“British” accent (and knowledge of London) he was probably not a dual-passport-holder. Not a hugely pleasant person, and (as I believe is common in Israel) rather abrasive in manner.

Well, that Israeli general and international business leech must have gone up the chimney many years ago now. This was in late 1996, over 27 years ago; so, in itself, it is just another of life’s memories.

More tweets

True, but the pro-“libertarian”, anti-State, pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby stances of Reform UK will limit its appeal, in all likelihood.


79 years too late.

When I lived in New Jersey in the early 1990s, my first wife (an American) and I drove a couple of times to a small shop outside the centre of Newark, which shop had been left, as if washed up on the shore, after the race riots of the late 1960s, mainly 1967, which had trashed the (then) better parts of the city. That shop sold maybe 50, maybe 100 types of ground coffee. Guatemalan, Zimbabwean, you name it.

At one time, pre-1967, Newark had been fairly decent, but after 1967, 100,000 white people left the city, leaving it a drug-ridden, crime-ridden remnant. Having said that, I sometimes walked in the main streets there, or caught the PATH Line to Manhattan, and I never had any trouble. Maybe I looked too poor or too angry to mug.

[intersection of Broad and Market streets, Newark, NJ, 2005]

My first wife’s office was by the Federal building in central Newark, though we lived at least half an hour’s drive south, in Middlesex County, and close to the Monmouth County line.

Actually, even the “Federal” enclave in Newark was not completely safe. Two FBI agents were held up and robbed at gunpoint in the same supposedly guarded car park that my wife and her small group of colleagues used. Strange; I believe that the FBI are supposed to be armed at all times when in public. Maybe they were caught napping. After the mugging, the local police had a patrol car parked by that car park every late afternoon and evening.

Cities can of course fall into desolation via social factors alone, without war. Drugs, poverty, cultural decadence, breakdown of social trust, breakdown of social order generally. It worries me what I see in the UK whenever I have to go to heavily-urban areas (thankfully now not often). What will Britain be like by, say, 2030, or 2040? God knows.

The flight of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from Avdiivka threatens to turn into a serious problem, since the city is of strategic importance, retired US Air Force Colonel Cedric Layton said on CNN.

Due to the transfer of the city to Russian control, it will be much more difficult for the Ukrainian Armed Forces to organize attempts at a counter-offensive on Donbass – not to mention the fact that the Russian Armed Forces may move further west after Avdievka.

Late music

[Central Kiev, 1943]