Tag Archives: Clacton

Diary Blog, 17 June 2024

Morning music

[the Ob Sea (reservoir lake), Western Siberia; 124 miles long by up to 11 miles wide; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novosibirsk_Reservoir]

Tweets seen

Starmer-Labour is a Labour Friends of Israel “elected” dictatorship about to happen. Basically, Blairism/Brownism, but without the hope and without any new initiatives.

I wonder how many Labour-leaning voters will really vote Con in an attempt to sabotage Farage? Perhaps some will vote Reform in order to make sure the Con candidate is not re-elected. Open question.

If the “vote Con to stop Reform” idea were seen to be building, it might be that many Labour-leaning voters would actually prefer to vote for Farage to make sure that the Con candidate is not re-elected.

For me, as previously blogged, and while I have no time for “libertarianism” or pro-Israelism, I hope that Reform UK does well for two reasons: 1. to crush the Conservative Party; 2. to move the “Overton Window” in society and the body politic.

I blogged about that useless African freeloader yesterday. The fact is that Labour, especially with such a candidate, has no chance at all at Clacton. Any Clacton voters who seriously want rid of the Conservative Party and its Clacton candidate have to either vote Reform UK or stay home.

More music

[Moscow-Volga Canal]

Literary note

Just saw this about the novelist John Fowles, who died nearly twenty years ago:

Following Fowles’ death in 2005, his unpublished diaries from 1965 to 1990 were revealed to contain racist and homophobic statements, with particular ire towards Jewish people.[26] He described rare book dealer Rick Gekoski as “Too Jewish for English tastes… bending to the way of the wind, or the business and money pressure”, and wrote a consciously antisemitic poem about publishers Tom Maschler and Roger Straus.[27]



[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Maschler; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Williams_Straus_Jr.; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Gekoski].

I have sometimes wondered why one rarely now hears Fowles’ name, despite his having been a major British literary figure. (((There))) is the reason. Fowles has become an “unperson”…

More tweets

Bill Cash. Extraordinarily delusional. In fact, he personifies how totally out of touch with anything resembling reality many Conservative Party MPs or ex-MPs have become. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cash.

Cash himself stepped down as MP earlier this year, and is now retired, aged 84. His former constituency has been abolished.

8,790so far…possibly 40,000+ by the end of 2024. However, that figure will be dwarfed by the numbers of “legal” migrant-invaders, which number will probably exceed a million.

Steve Laws is the English Democrats candidate for Dover and Deal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dover_and_Deal_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

In fact, I now notice that that figure of 8,790 was first tweeted about 6 weeks ago; I just saw a more up-to-date figure—over 10,000 already this year.

Some politicians become an “ism”, while others do not. It is too early to speak of “Faragism”; my instinct is that if “Faragism” does become a thing, it will be a transitory phenomenon, as was Poujadism [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poujade].

In February 2010, New York Times commentator Robert Zaretsky compared the American Tea Party movement with Poujadism.[13]

In a May 2016 editorial, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat identified Donald Trump as a Poujadist.[14]

British historian Timothy Garton Ash used Poujade in discussing the British vote to leave the European Union. In a piece published in The Guardian in June 2016, he wrote about some of those who voted for Brexit, saying that:

It is a mistake to disqualify such people as racist. Their concerns are widespread, genuine and not to be dismissed. Populist xenophobes such as Nigel Farage exploit these emotions, linking them to subterranean English nationalism and talking, as he did in the moment of victory, of the triumph of “real people, ordinary people, decent people”. This is the language of Orwell hijacked for the purposes of a Poujade.[15]


The problem with “Faragism”, as with Poujadism, the Tea Party, the Yellow Vests, indeed “Trumpism”, is that, without a real ideology, nothing concrete or lasting can be achieved. Compare that to Marxism-Leninism or, even more so, arguably, National Socialism, which latter transcended its temporary 1920s and 1930s roots as “Hitlerism”, and still evolves.

Ideally, this would be when social nationalism could rise up.

It has not yet done so, partly because (over the past 20 years) “controlled opposition” parties (UKIP, Brexit Party, Reform UK), and peripheral scribblers have blunted the swords, but also partly because the British people, though suffering, are not, most of them, suffering enough to really be compelled to stand their ground and then advance to the future as a force to be reckoned with.

When that will happen is uncertain, but the “Overton Window” is already moving.

Late tweets seen

This is what happens when the State regulatory role is performed only pro forma, as a tick-box exercise. This became a total cancer under the Blair-Brown governments of 1997-2010; the spending cuts since 2010 have worsened that very bad situation (not only in the sector in the news tonight— across the board). Schools, prisons, the whole legal system, the court system, the probation system, academia generally. You name it.

Khrushchev, in his memoirs, said that (putting it in the language of 2024) an office-bod or bureaucrat type of person (he was thinking of Malenkov) was the very last type who should ever be given power.

Starmer is exactly that type. A sterile black-letter legal type, beholden to the UK Jewish lobby and Israel lobby; probably a freemason too. He will soon be an “elected” dictator by default, purely because the “Conservative” misgovernment is simply incapable of governing at all.

Starmer and Labour, on their own merits, would struggle to get elected. That they are now superficially popular by default is just absurd. They are not at all popular, but there is nothing in their way now. Less than two and a half weeks to go before Election Day, and the Conservative Party will be lucky to retain 50 MPs, in my opinion (which has been my opinion on the blog for months). (The “experts” are still saying 100-200).

Starmer is about to institute a kind of tyranny, for the benefit of transnational finance-capitalism and, of course, (((the usual))) “cosmopolitan” interests.

Late music

Diary Blog, 16 June 2024

Morning music

Talking point

That National Front leaflet from the mid-1970s looks pretty good even today. The only superseded point is that relating to IRA activity, which is not an issue these days. Even the “Common Market” (now “EU”) point has some residual relevance, despite nominal Brexit.

I suppose one could also add that the “disrupters in industry” in 2024 are not the politically-motivated trade unionists of the 1970s and early 1980s such as Arthur Scargill, but the transnational finance-capitalists of the post-1989 world, destroying nations, communities and rights in search of ever-greater offshore profits.

Tweets seen

Evidently unbalanced; a power-mad sociopath type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen.

Never trust medics who become politicians: Hastings Banda and Papa Doc Duvalier (both black tyrants), or David Owen (suspected CIA agent), to name but three.

Ursula von der Leyen goes out of her way to display pro-Israelism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ursula_von_der_Leyen#Israel%E2%80%93Palestine.

Looking at that clip is alarming. What a bunch of idiots. Are any of them compos mentis? Like something out of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Who is the old Biden lookalike staggering around behind Biden? Has the clip been edited?

Is the West in safe hands? I think not!

God mote it be!

Don’t forget the —hugely-greater— numbers who came to the UK “legally”…

I often see, on the TV or Twitter/X, vox pop interviews with Average Joe (often Average Joanna) people in the street, some of whom say “there are far more important problems than immigration“, completely naively and ignorantly oblivious of the fact that taking in about a million immigrants per year affects everything, from housing to policing, from pay to State benefits to pensions, from public services such as the NHS and schools through to the court system, prison overcrowding etc, from mass media culture to life on the streets of our cities and towns. It even affects the water supply in England, which is not limitless.


Ha ha! Amusing. All that Labour Party tweet will do is encourage more people who formerly voted Con to vote Reform UK, in order to be sure that a useless parasite does not become Labour MP for Clacton.

Farage seems to be running well ahead at Clacton, if all those favouring him actually vote, but given that the Cons are now without much hope of victory, their previous supporters may as well vote for Reform UK and at least stop that useless Labour chancer from getting in.

It also occurs to me that, if the expected Labour Party government imposes anti-British and tyrannical laws and measures from 2024 through 2029, there will be no ordinary “democratic” way of salvaging any civil rights or future for the British people.

So to want the mayors of English cities to be, er, English is “unsavoury“, opines CNN scribbler Rob Picheta. Says it all, nicht wahr?

cf. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan


“Picheta” is a name of Polish origin.

He seems to take quite a lot of his material from basically pro-mass migration people (and/or tendentious hypocrites) such as “@ZoeJardiniere” [Zoe Gardner, who favours effectively open borders; https://www.linkedin.com/in/zoe-gardner-8545b479/; https://www.prweek.com/article/1396899/prweek-uk-30-30-2016-zoe-gardner-asylum-aid; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zoe_Gardner_(migration_expert)].


He can talk about migration in a way that makes it sound like he’s really telling the truth – telling it like it is, and playing into people’s deepest fears and prejudices,” Zoe Gardner, a migration policy specialist, tells CNN.”

[CNN, per Rob Picheta].

More accurately, “an unemployed migration specialist“, as far as I can see from a brief look at the Internet.

More tweets seen

When it comes to the treatment of prisoners, there is, I think, little to choose between the Jews and the Arabs.

Jewish or half-Jewish stooge of the System. Who can forget his conspiring aboard the Rothschild villa in Corfu, or the nearby-moored superyacht?

As to Starmer-Labour as a government, there will be a brief honeymoon period, probably, but after 6-12 months huge discontent and then anger. Anything is possible.

“They” are very “brave” when in a group, against one or two people, especially women and children.

I have even less time for Galloway than I do for Farage, but it would be very satisfying to see them both elected; it would really help to break up System politics in the UK.

Also, interesting to see that, on that projection, were the Cons not to be there, Reform UK might actually win at Rochdale.

An agent of influence (at the very least) for Israel and its (((lobby))) in the UK.

The bigger picture is that, under the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, non-Europeans, non-whites, are to be funnelled into Europe, including the UK. That means permanently lower standards in all areas, including the NHS and other health services.

The job of the System agents known as “main party” politicians, MPs, government ministers, and civil servants (and msm talking heads and scribblers) is to manage that decline without the white (British) population waking up enough to physically rebel. The British and other European peoples are, under that evil plan, to be, in more than one way but even literally, put to sleep…

We are talking about something that goes beyond mere “treason” as usually understood.

So how, in our supposedly wonderful “free” and “democratic” society, can such criminals be punished and/or dealt with?

(“Answers on a postcard”…).

Nadine Dorries is very very stupid, entirely uncultured and uneducated, and a general waste of space in most respects, though cunning enough to have freeloaded, embezzled or otherwise stolen rather a lot over her years as MP. I wrote about her a couple of times, e.g. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2023/06/15/diary-blog-15-june-2023-including-thoughts-about-nadine-dorries-and-mid-bedfordshire/.

Actually, I think that all my “Deadhead MPs” blog posts have held up pretty well over the past 1-8 years: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/?s=deadhead+mps.

As to Nadine Dorries’ assertion that the public is angry about “Boris”-idiot and even Liz Truss having been ditched, hard to know whether to call that “mad”, “deluded”, or simply asinine.

The public is angry, yes, but about nothing working any more in the UK, about greedy —often Conservative Party— politicians, such as Nadine Dorries herself, about the continuing flood, indeed tsunami, of non-European migration-invasion, and the ever-falling living standards.

Talking point

[“Remigration Airlines— we can do it!“]

Talking point

Israel is not surviving this, will never have a peaceful day, and will probably not survive Netanyahu, who is probably, in my estimation, its last PM.

It is hard to see this from the outside, but Israel is not strong. It is a bluff maintained by Hollywood and air power. Both will not help this time around. In boxing terms, October 7 was 1, but 2, a much mightier right hand, is coming, and it’s going to be KD and KO.

Remember: unlike Palestinian and Lebanese, Israelis are not fighting for survival and dignity. They are fighting for privilege and superiority. And, unlike ME natives, they have to be supported 24/7/365 by the international community of white genocidal Jude-Christian psychopaths. Israelis do not speak Arabic, have no genuine connection in the Middle East, are hated anywhere, do not know how to live off the land and cannot survive without strong central management, which is already only held in place thanks no nonstop Western support.

A huge economic crash is headed the US way, or a major confrontation with Russia, China or all the above. In that scenario it will not be even able to assist Israel in a meaningful way, and neither will Europa be able to do so.

The writing’s on the wall for this project. Israel’s strategic choice of supremacy and savagery is leading to its assured demise. – Nukes will be of no help, by the way: they can destroy entire regions, but they can’t maintain an unsustainable colonial enterprise whose population is broken, fatigued and bitterly conflicted internally, and are being hated more fiercely by their neighbors and the global community every day.

The West’s control over money and media is winding down as well. In another decade, most of us will be consuming and creating content on non-Western platforms.

Israel may have been saved 30 or maybe even 20 years ago. It cannot be saved anymore. If I were leader of the Jews what I would mostly be doing right now is seeking a safe way out for Jewish Israelis without any further bloodshed. But no one is taking a constructive and peaceful path, and so a major catastrophe, a collapse, will have to materialize, after which Israelis will not be welcome anywhere, and could be beyond saving.

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At some point, the idea that “voting” = “democracy” will just ebb away. Then a new game starts…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

Personally, I am just not interested in “debating” with idiots and deluded “bien-pensants” as to whether migration-invasion on such a scale damages and eventually ruins every aspect of our society; I am beyond that, and I think that the general public is slowly coming to the same conclusion.

Our society will effectively collapse under the weight of the migration-invasion. When exactly that will happen, I cannot say, but we are talking years, not decades.

Late music

Diary Blog, 15 June 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I return to winning form: 8/10, compared to the 6/10 scored by political journalist John Rentoul. I did not know the answers to questions 7 and 10.

Tweets seen

Cameron-Levita in his usual bubble of total unreality. The idiot who brought us the war on Gaddafi (result— millions of Africans flooding Europe), fake “austerity” (result— misery for millions, as well as lower economic growth than anywhere in the then EU, USA etc), and other misconceived policy choices, most recently the increased support for the brutal and shambolic dictatorship of Zelensky in Kiev.

Ursula Haverbeck— arguably the bravest person in Europe.

She thinks that she is terribly clever, and making the old lady seem outdated, “bigoted”, “gammon” etc. Ha. Laugh now if you want to…

The pendulum may start to swing back now that pine martens are being reintroduced in several parts of the country; pine martens prey on grey squirrels but not (much) on red squirrels.

The Tories are unlikely to attract many Reform UK voters given…

– Only 36% would vote Tory if a Reform UK candidate wasn’t standing

– 61% are voting Reform despite thinking they won’t win in their seat

– 75% say the Tories and Labour are as bad as each other

– 74-76% dislike Rishi Sunak and the party.

Desperate. I had not heard of that MP. Looks a bit of a careerist; tried to become a Police and Crime Commissioner at one point (came third in the election): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbie_Moore_(MP).

Keighley has, with 2 exceptions, been a “bellwether” constituency since 1959, so is likely to fall to Labour this time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keighley_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

I cannot think that those attempts at confusing the voters (of High Peak and also Keighley) will work. After all, most people vote according to party label, so when the voter is faced with a ballot paper, the “X” is placed by the party more than the candidate’s name.

I have to admit that the Italian woman “brushes up well”, as they say…



Had to look that one up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakanda.

Jovan Owusu-Nepaul, Labour candidate, seems to come out of a black activist (African; Ghanaian) background in Nottingham: see https://heartofthenation.migrationmuseum.org/stories/sylvia-owusu-nepaul/.

About 25. Never had a non-political job, in fact has never had any job except a couple of p/t “internships”. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jovan-owusu-nepaul-3a95b17b/.

The candidate’s aunt has also been socio-politically active: see https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/7138/1/Owusu-Kwarteng_Between_Two_Lives_2010.pdf.

This Labour candidate is a kind of less-prominent Femi Oluwole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femi_Oluwole

Labour has, since 2010, when the present constituency of Clacton was established, never scored higher than 25.4% of the votes cast there; that was in 2017. The lowest was 11.2%, at the by-election of that year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clacton_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Labour has no chance at Clacton, a famously “left behind” and white British area. To choose an African “eternal student” as candidate is almost insulting to the voters there. Moreover, one whose social media posts make clear his hostility to the real people of the UK.

Despite Labour’s overall “popularity by default” in the nationwide campaign, I should not be surprised if its vote-share at Clacton were to dip below 10%.

The frightening thing is not that such a candidate is standing in Clacton, where Labour has little or no chance; it is that, across the country, similarly-hostile individuals are likely to be elected next month for Labour. God help the poor English people of these islands.

Late tweets seen

Not quite what I want to see: too many Con MPs. A couple of unexpected wrinkles too, such as Reform UK with 7 seats, and the SNP with 37, more than twice the number predicted elsewhere.

While the Con Party is toast pretty much whatever happens between now and 4 July, in some respects the General Election is quite open. A substantial minority are either undecided as to for which party they might vote, or are undecided as to whether to bother to vote at all.

That may mean a better than expected Con Party performance, a better than expected Labour (or even LibDem) performance but, most intriguingly, perhaps an even better than expected Reform UK vote, either as a targeted anti-Con vote, as a serious “I am dissatisfied” protest vote, or an angry “F.U., System parties!” vote.

The election is shaping up to be both interesting and important, perhaps even historic.

So will you, probably!

As people, from what I have seen online etc, ex-officer Mercer and his lady wife seem like a pleasant couple, but we are talking serious politics here.

Mercer has increased his majority steadily and considerably since first elected in 2015, but the general unpopularity of his party, his poor performance as a minister, and his personal moneygrasping would seem to leave him exposed. Also, Reform UK may well eat into his 2019 vote. Well, we shall soon know.


Late music

Diary Blog, 11 June 2024

Afternoon music

[Wien— das ist’s!]

Tweets seen

Stand by for Starmer’s fake Labour “elected” dictatorship…

Quite right. All sorts of people (often “you know who”…), such as Jonathan Portes, all terribly clever (in their own minds) will be saying, and have for years been saying, that the importation of a million (more or less) unwanted immigrants every year has little or no effect on housing demand. Hardy ha ha…

That useless and half-crazed ex-MP and Cabinet minister (incredibly), Sajid Javid, said something similar years ago, I think.

The “4 million” there should now be replaced by at least 10 million; soon 15 million and 20 million.

Ha. So the little Indian money-juggler “promises” to halve net migration? (“net” includes the 200,000-300,000, mainly real Brits, who leave every year for Australasia etc).

So “only” half a million blacks and browns etc (or more) will be coming in every year?

Oh…that’s not too bad…oh, no, wait a minute…

I have blogged previously about how, to my mind, Farage’s close protection squad seems not very effective. So far, it has been milkshakes and the like, but that may escalate to serious weapons such as knives. He needs to revamp his security to prevent that. The way the UK is going, nothing can be ruled out.

That Reform UK candidate was right in his original comments. Britain should never have declared war on the German Reich, and was not under attack at the time. In fact, the first British soldier was killed on 9 December 1939, over 3 months after war was declared, having stepped on a French landmine: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Priday.

In 1940, Germany made a number of peace proposals, both before and after Dunkirk, all of which were ignored. Hitler even ordered a halt to the German infantry and armour advance on Dunkirk, which allowed that very large large evacuation to occur.

Hitler wanted peace and, if possible, collaboration, with the British Empire. He wanted the two empires to rule most of the world together, or in parallel, opposing both Sovietism and Americanism.

Had peace or at least armistice been declared in 1940 or at the time of the flight of Rudolf Hess in 1941, most of the devastation of Western and Central Europe, including in the UK and Germany, would never have happened.

That peace would also have meant no Cold War, no Korean War, probably no Vietnam War (etc), no “Israel” and therefore no Middle East wars (because the Middle East would have been mainly under British and French control). It would have meant far less environmental degradation in Africa and Asia, and far less civil conflict on those continents.

Had such peace “broken out”, Sovietism would not have encroached upon Eastern and Central Europe, as it did after 1945. The whole of Europe and the world would have been in a better place.

At least one tweeter who has seen through the propaganda (((lies))).

…and another…

The former G.R.U. officer, and later defector, Rezun, under his nom de plume of Viktor Suvorov, wrote a book about Stalin’s plans to move west in and after 1941. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Suvorov; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Suvorov#Works_about_World_War_II.

Tactical voting

The above shows opinion polling re. the safe (?) Con seat of Tatton, presently occupied (or rather, formerly occupied, until 2024 Dissolution) by ridiculous deadhead Esther McVey. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_McVey.

My 2019 assessment of Esther McVey: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

It can be seen from the graphic that Esther McVey is pressed closely by the Labour candidate, who is within a point or so of catching her. Also, that the LibDem is on about 12%, and has no chance of actual election.

Were the LibDem-intending voters to vote for Labour, Esther McVey would be turfed out; but will enough of them be sufficiently motivated to do that? Open question.


I do think that tactical voting will be a major theme of this 2024 General Election.

Late tweets

Mel Stride. Conservative. Deadhead. He must have nothing at all between his ears. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Stride.

How does someone with so little intelligence become a Cabinet Minister? Still, look at his predecessors at the DWP, among them Esther McVey and Iain Dunce Duncan Smith…

Good grief. I even agree with Jess Phillips today.

Traitors. Simple as.

“Labour”, as I have repeatedly blogged, will indeed “stop the small boats”, and will do it by having some kind of mainland Europe “processing”, i.e. rubberstamping the applications of 90%+ of those wanting to come here. Maybe even 99%.

Crazy. The link between Jew-Zionism and mental instability is very obvious, and that also applies, very often, to non-Jewish “antifascist” types. See my (I think interesting, and also rather groundbreaking) study about all that: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/ [constantly updated].

Talking point

Late music

Diary Blog, 10 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

We are about to enter the era of the “Far right.” Kids are going to be taught to read rather than imagine they are born in the wrong body. Being white skinned won’t be a mark of the devil. TV and film will be about plot and casting rather than how many non binary lesbian people of colour and girth you can cram into a drama. We will stop worshipping the sun god and perhaps take some time to get to know the actual one. Victimhood will be frowned upon. Health services will be expected to stop dancing for TikTok and do what they are paid to do. The police will be asked to get off their knees and regain public trust again. Fear will be replaced by hope. It’s going to be much nicer than the woke period, where men had periods. The homophobic trans crap will be done. Content of character will matter more than colour of skin. It’s going to be good. And to those of you who don’t like it. Tough. We have had enough.”

For once, I agree with everything Fox has written.

Whatever one may have thought about Sinn Fein and its military wing (the IRA) in the past, at least it was an honest and clear expression of political will. Now, it has become not dissimilar to the other fake Celtic “national” parties such as the SNP and Plaid Cymru, in other words a farrago of “anti-racism”, “anti-sexism”, pro-mass immigration, hostile to any true expression of European culture. Result? Most Irish people have turned against it, and those who are still voting for Sinn Fein are doing so mostly for reasons of misguided nostalgia, it seems.


Again, for once (?) I agree with what Jayda Fransen says here. Farage is indeed a System stooge, but sometimes things have to work out in particular, and sometimes unexpected, ways.

Yes, Farage and Reform UK are not social-national and, yes, the existence of Reform UK is blocking the emergence of anything new that is social-national.

Reform UK is channelling popular discontent into “safe” “Parliamentary road” diversions, but at the same time the existence of Reform UK —and the hoo-ha around it— is moving the “Overton Window”, changing the public’s idea of what might be possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

Also, it is to be hoped that Reform UK will help to destroy the now useless and hopeless Conservative Party, and thus destabilize the existing rigged System which depends upon the illusion of a basically binary “choice”.

Faragist diversion (UKIP) did destroy the rise of the BNP under Nick Griffin in and after 2005, and especially after 2009.

2024 is not 2015, when UKIP got 12% of the national vote but no seats. Why? Because the governing party, the Conservatives, were still riding fairly high in 2015. This year, the Conservative Party looks all but washed-up.

That may or may not mean that Reform UK gets Commons seats, but it does mean that a large number of Con seats are going to be lost because 10% or 15% of people, maybe even 20%, are going to vote Reform. That does also mean that Labour will thereby benefit, but most voters for Reform UK will be willing to accept that as the price for both destroying the Conservative Party and making a loud protest.

Not far right just conservative

Who believe in family
Strong borders and not thousands of young men from opposing cultures storming our borders
Believe in law and order
Believe in good education

Believe in science
No woke Marxist pedophillia normalising agendas
Who believe individual countries should be the only ones to have a say how they are governed
Who think it’s good to be patriotic
Who believe in western Christian cultures
Who think our military should be rewarded and revered
Who are against regressive damaging socialism
Who are against big brother government
Who are against the tentacles of globalists poisoning everything they touch
Who believe in small government and low tax
Who know what the hell a woman is!!

Nothing far right

Just decent and strong

I have previously mooted, on the blog, the idea that there may be a bloc of “secret” Reform UK supporters who will not reveal, even to polling staff, their potential General Election voting intention.

I do not know whether such a bloc exists, or how large it is if it exists, but if it does indeed exist in any but marginal size, it could be a gamechanger.

Reform UK has been polling between 13% and around 17% recently. If the “secret” Reform voters exist and number the equivalent of one-tenth of the known Reform voters, then the Reform vote might be anywhere between 14% and 19%. Add on the possibility of polling errors, and that might result in anything from 12% to 21%. We shall only know for sure on and after 4 July. Three weeks and three days from today.

An intention to vote Reform UK perhaps has not the level of what might be called “socio-political embarrassment” (for people living in a conformist situation) that an intention to vote, say, BNP or National Front used to have, but I think that the constant Matthew Parris-style “oh my goodness, look at those hillbillies!” msm propaganda directed against the “left behind” areas (such as Clacton), and against so-called “racism” etc makes some people both reticent in expressing their anger at what has happened and is happening but, at the same time, more determined to do something about the situation, such as voting in a way not approved by the System puppets, the scribblers, the talking heads etc.

Jewish. Of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein#Family.

Remarkable: I even agree with Tim Stanley today. Stars or planets must be in some unusual configuration.

As for that “Conservative” nonentity (apparently one Andrew Browne: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Browne_(politician)), I am not sure that I had even heard of him until today.

Browne has already jumped ship and is not standing for re-election in the redrawn seat [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s], which seat may well fall to the LibDems if there is enough tactical voting, but has decided to stand in the new and neighbouring seat of St. Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Neots_and_Mid_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)].

Browne seems to be saying there that the Conservative Party will do OK in the election because it always did, in elections since 1945. How do people with such limited mentality ever become MPs, well-paid journalists (as he was) etc?

As for his assertion that the present-day Conservative Party embodies “small-c conservative values“, hardy ha ha… Look at what it has done in the past 14 years alone.

Tim Stanley was right to state that “the [Conservative party] brand is…gone” and that no-one even likes the Conservative Party any more. Also, that Starmer is “not socialist” (and, he added, is therefore not the frightening figure the Cons pretend). I tend to think that Starmer is alarming, but not because he is in any way “socialist”. Just that Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby repression comes naturally to him.

One Catherine McKinnell, hitherto also unknown to me. A prime candidate for the Diane Abbott Clueless Prize for this year. True Labour-style cluelessness.

Here she is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_McKinnell. MP for Newcastle upon Tyne North, and a vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

Talking point


More tweets seen

As I blogged three days ago, I do not really blame Sunak for not giving a tinker’s cuss about the Normandy Landings commemoration. After all, the bastard is not really British, is only (posing as) Prime Minister until 4 July 2024, about three weeks from now, and is (as I blogged) part of a transilient bloc of cosmopolitan wealthy Indians who are not rooted in the UK, or even in India, and whose natural (temporary) home is in places such as Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Westchester etc.

The reason is obvious. VAT raises a huge amount of money, and does so from everyone in the country, from the rich, the affluent, the less affluent, and the downright poor. The only way for an individual to avoid paying it is to be gifted the goods or services in question or (in the case of goods) to steal them.

Naturally, the wealthy prefer VAT to income tax, or capital gains tax.

Late tweets

That Chairman of the Conservative Party, Richard Holden, has now blagged himself a “safe” seat at Basildon and Billericay.

[“Billericay Dickie“]


While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin on Substack].

One in three” of those who have stopped intending to vote Conservative during 2024 adds up to about, very roughly, a third of a half, i.e. about 1/6th of the whole electorate that voted in 2019 (67.3% turnout), so —again very roughly— about 1/9th of the whole eligible electorate. Call it just over 10%. Of those who would prefer to vote, maybe 15%.

Very speculative, I admit, but there is no doubt that many are anyway in that “politically homeless” position. Anecdotally, I have heard people say it, and heard them say it of others. It is a widespread phenomenon, no matter what may be the exact numbers.

An “error“? No. Deliberate importation of non-Europeans into Europe, including the UK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

The two sides of “Boris” Johnson…

Electoral Calculus may not be infallible, but —by my use of it— those figures give the Cons only 21 seats in the Commons (Lab 538, LibDems 55, Reform 1, Green 1, Plaid Cymru 4, and the SNP a mere 12).

Others calculate a Con bloc of 24 MPs. Whatever.

Effectively the end of the Conservative Party as it now is, if accurate.

As I guessed some time ago, the Cons are really only supported now by “habit-voters”, those who have all their lives turned out to vote Con, no matter what, no matter even how they themselves benefit or not. They are almost all now aged in their 80s and 90s.

Interesting to see all age groups from 18 to (?) 70 starting to look for radical and maybe (soon) social-national alternatives.

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 9 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Well worth reposting, even 5+ years on.

Giles Anthony Fraser (born 27 November 1964)[3] is an English Anglican priest, journalist and broadcaster who has served as Vicar of St Anne’s Church, Kew, since 2022.[4] He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day and The Guardian and a panellist on The Moral Maze, as well as an assistant editor of UnHerd.

Fraser was born to a Jewish father and a Christian mother and was circumcised according to Jewish tradition.[5]

Fraser…has lectured on moral leadership for the British Army at the Defence Academy at Shrivenham.

On 16 January 2016, Fraser announced his engagement to Lynn Tandler, an Israeli Jew,[23] who is a weaver and academic researcher.[24] They were married on 13 February 2016.[2][non-primary source needed] Their son was born in November of the same year.[25]

[Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Fraser.

Both my Jewish children have been circumcised. They are being brought up in a bilingual family – where Hebrew is spoken at home, despite my struggling with it. My two year old chats with his grandmother on the phone most days in broken Hebrew. Both are being regularly taken to Israel. The Rabbi of the schul in Golders Green – where my father’s family (all Jewish) were seat-holders – has been extremely welcoming...”

[Giles Fraser’s blog on UnHerd]. https://unherd.com/2019/07/no-my-marriage-is-not-a-second-holocaust/.

DNA is ingrained. People can change their views, but not their DNA.

The modern “bread and circuses”.

I recall seeing the Australian TV series Skippy the Bush Kangaroo a few times after my family moved to Sydney in 1967 (I was 10 at the time). The show was on TV from early 1968.

TV shows and films such as Skippy may seem like sentimental rubbish to some people, and to some extent they may be, but there are innumerable examples of the intelligence and capabilities of our animal friends. Some such stories become famous, others are either unknown or are known only to the few people directly involved.

Something of the sort will eventually have to come to the UK.

Interesting. I have been to Famagusta (now in Turkish-ruled Northern Cyprus), but some years ago, in fact many years ago— January 2000. I did not see the ruins of the Varosha resort, though. That is a mile south of the main town, I think.

When I drove to Famagusta (from Kyrenia), the ruins of its ancient heritage were deserted. My then girlfriend and I were alone there. There were not even any people selling postcards or the like. Even the more modern parts of the town were far from busy. That was 24 years ago, though. Things change, of course. I think that there has been quite a lot of development in some areas.

I rather liked Northern Cyprus. Relaxed and, in 2000 at least, with relatively few tourists, and really none once you left Kyrenia (officially, now, Girne). A little cold at night (in January) but warm-ish during the day, usually, and with numerous interesting ancient sites (which one shared with no other people at all) set amid orange groves. I even had a rather bracing swim off a deserted beach, but it was no colder in the water than it is in the UK in summer, and the sun was shining.

I drove one day from Kyrenia right the way down the Karpas Peninsula [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpas_Peninsula] to the eastern end. At that point, you are only 60 miles across the Eastern Mediterranean from Latakia in Syria.

General Election 2024— Clacton


In a straw poll of veterans, Farage’s campaign message seemed to be getting through.

Jason Stewart was in a green beret and a biker jacket studded with medals; after a long career in the Royal Marines, he “thought it was time to get out after I was blown up twice in one day in Afghanistan”.

He offers a version of an argument heard all day. “The two main parties look both the same to me,” he says. “The Tories don’t care about us. And Labour say they will reopen prosecutions of soldiers who served [in the Troubles] so that’s a no-no. Farage and Reform seem like the only option.”

Up the road, meanwhile, opposite McDonald’s, there was an alternative display of army jeeps and vehicles alongside veterans in fatigues. The display was organised by David Bye and his partner, Linda Hazelton, who run a charity delivering homemade pie and mash to needy veterans around the town. Bye had a one-to-one chat with Farage when he visited and claims he was given certain commitments, which will remain between them.

He grew up here; he remembers earning pocket money as a kid running tourist luggage down busy streets to Butlin’s. It’s been a long decline, he says, since the holiday camp went. “I thought I’d seen it all,” he says. “But the other morning I saw a long queue of blokes on bikes waiting for McDonald’s to open. They were collecting takeaways for people who couldn’t be bothered to make breakfast for their kids.

“I don’t know where you start with some of that,” he suggests. “But I think Nigel gets it.

The place holds symbolic relevance to Farage. Exactly a decade ago, under his Ukip brand, a meeting here paved the way for that party’s only Westminster election success, for Douglas Carswell. If you were to define the moment that Brexit became a possibility, and then a reality, you might begin there. Nine hundred people showed up, many of whom had not previously taken any interest in national politics. In the course of their populist pitch, Carswell and Farage quoted liberally from a Times newspaper column the previous week written by Matthew Parris.

Looking back at that column a decade on, you can see in it all the faultlines that were exposed and exploited so cynically by Farage and Brexit, the roots of the crisis that threatens to destroy the Conservative party in this election (a humiliation from which Farage, inevitably, hopes to benefit).

Parris, in his waspish style, on a visit to Clacton in 2014, had declared its irrelevance to modern Conservatism: “This is tracksuit-and-trainers Britain, tattoo-parlour Britain, all-our-yesterdays Britain,” he wrote. He asked his party a question which would now get a very different answer: “Is this where the Conservative party wants to be? [Or] do we need to be with the Britain that can admire immigrants and want them with us, that doesn’t want to spend its days buying scratchcards?

Parris insisted that he was not “arguing that we should be careless of the needs of struggling people and places such as Clacton. But I am arguing – if I am honest – that we should be careless of their opinions.

Farage could not have scripted a better scene for himself than the spectacle of a Tory prime minister leaving the D-day celebrations early. Tragically, as this week is proving, the forces that made his bleak and divisive message relevant in 2014 have not gone away, and in the weeks to come you suspect that Westminster political parties will still ignore Clacton at their peril.”

[The Guardian].

Not once does the full article mention the fact that the person presently posing as PM is “unelected” (at least, unvalidated by a General Election) and a little Indian money-juggler; but there you are…”The Guardian”…

Interesting, though, all the same. I think that Farage has every chance of being elected at Clacton. The only reason that the Conservative Party candidate Giles Watling (MP since 2017, a long-retired actor, and a member of the Garrick Club, who lives at Frinton, the more expensive part of the constituency) got over 70% of the vote in 2019 is because his political stance is akin to that of UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK anyway.

Watling came second, behind ex-Conservative Douglas Carswell (for UKIP) both at the 2014 by-election and the 2015 General Election, and only won in 2017 because Carswell stood down. Having said that, Watling did get 36.7% in 2015, only about 8 points behind Carswell.

While the election at Clacton might yet be close, Farage has every chance now. Labour and other parties are spectators at Clacton. Labour’s best was 25.4% (in 2017, when the Cons got over 60%).

Interestingly, that 2017 Labour candidate, Natasha Osben, is now, in 2024, the Green Party candidate. Starmer is really not very popular even within the Labour —or recently Labour— ranks.

Will Labour voters vote tactically? If so, for Reform UK or for the Conservative Party? My money is on Reform UK.


Tactical voting


Alarmingly for Conservative HQ, many polling experts believe the conditions are ripe for a repeat of 1997, when tactical voting benefited Labour and the Lib Dems and cost the Tories dozens of seats, most notably the toppling of Michael Portillo in Enfield Southgate. This time, Shapps is among the big beasts who could suffer their own polling night infamy.

Tactical efforts came to little at the last election. Hopes among pro-Remain campaigners of an anti-Brexit tactical vote were dashed as Boris Johnson won an 80-strong majority. But conditions have changed. Peter Kellner, the veteran pollster, wrote in the Observer before the 1997 election that while he detected little “positive enthusiasm” for Labour, an electorate with “a burning desire to end 18 years of Tory rule” made for receptive tactical voting conditions. He believes similar ingredients are present today.

While the net effects of tactical voting are hard to calculate, the Liberal Democrats could gain 10-20 extra seats through anti-Conservative tactical voting, according to an analysis by the Electoral Calculus consultancy. Meanwhile, with the added help of Nigel Farage and Reform UK, the tactical dynamic could push Labour closer in another swathe of previously safe Tory seats.


Conservative losses


Writing in the Observer, Rob Ford, a leading expert on voting intention and trends, says the evidence from polls shows that “an electoral asteroid is streaking through the atmosphere” and is heading for the Tory heartlands. Ford no longer thinks it impossible that the Conservatives could end up with less than 100 seats, so badly is their campaign misfiring and so much trust have they lost over 14 years and the tenures of five prime ministers.

Other polling experts say that such is the geographical spread of the Tory vote, and the brutal nature of the first past the post system, that once their vote drops into the low 20% region, the number of seats could fall into double digits – and could go as low as 20.


I have speculated for quite a while that the Con vote might go low enough nationwide to leave the Cons with as few as 50 MPs. Perhaps I was right (I sometimes am…).

More tweets

Quite right.

Entitled self-seeking political hog Emily Thornberry, who only became “Labour” in the first place after her highly-paid UN-working father deserted her and her mother, abandoning his wife and daughter, and resulting in their having to relocate to a council house. She is motivated by malice and early spite and/or envy.

Emily Thornberry and her husband (a retired High Court judge) are buy-to-let parasites, incidentally; I believe that I read that they own, or used to own, at least 8 buy-to-let properties. Pro-Israel, too.

[Emily Thornberry and husband with the then Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Mark Regev, at a Zionist banquet in London]

The Conservative Party now deserves to be not only removed from government, and preferably entirely wiped out, but do not imagine that fake “Labour” will be much if at all better. Look at its leaders and major influencers: Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall. All members of Labour Friends of Israel. All self-seeking moneygrubbers too.

David Lammy, that ignorant creature, as well.

That thick creature might be Foreign Secretary soon. Poor Britain…

Another Labour Friends of Israel member.

Emily Thornberry slightly reminds me of Mrs Mossberg, a fat, short and jolly Jewish primary school teacher, usually —in my memory— dressed in a long dark-brown mink coat; I knew her circa 1962, when about 5 or 6 years old and a pupil at Caversham Primary School near Reading. Mrs Mossberg, though, was far more pleasant than Emily Thornberry seems to be.

In retrospect, I wonder why Mrs Mossberg ever bothered to be a teacher, which I doubt paid much. She lived not far from my family, a few roads away, in a large detached house. The main reception room, which I saw at least once, seemed enormous to the 5-y-o me, and it had a large grand piano in it. Maybe she just enjoyed teaching.

The last tweeter says that Emily Thornberry owns 4 properties; I thought I read 8 somewhere.

Elite“, though, seems the wrong word to describe that bunch of clowns.

Reminiscent of the last recruits of the Volkssturm in 1945…

[Volkssturm, Berlin, 1945; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkssturm]

In fact, the Volkssturm recruits above look both younger and healthier than those Kiev-regime “volunteers” or pressganged recruits.

[Germany 1945— Volkssturm recruits being taught how to use the Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerfaust]

Well, I cannot read Hebrew, and there is no translation, so I have no idea what the untermensch may have written in relation to his vandalism of that family’s house.

From what little one hears or reads, some of the chiefs or former chiefs of Israeli Intelligence (MOSSAD, Shin Beth, Aman etc) are also not optimistic about Israel’s long-term or even medium-term survival.


GE 2024 latest


Conservatives face election wipeout with Labour set to gain a 416 majority that could see Rishi Sunak LOSING his seat and the Tories being left with just 39 MPs, shock Mail on Sunday poll reveals.”

[Daily Mail]

If that turns out to be correct on 4 July 2024, I will have been proven correct, and the “experts” and “specialists” (who have been saying 100-200 Con MPs left post-GE 2024) would be wrong (again)…

Also true, arguably. About the same, I should say.

More tweets seen

The first tweet confirms what I have been blogging re. Clacton. It is between Reform UK (Farage) and the Cons (Giles Watling). Labour has no chance at all, but Labour voters in Clacton can be the kingmakers. Their votes can swing it, either for Reform or for the Cons.

Even if the second tweet is accurate, and it may not be, voters can still give the Cons a mighty and historic kick by voting Reform UK and thus preventing the Conservative Party from thriving, or even surviving.

The very fact that such a grassroots campaign is even necessary shows how sick society has become.

Refers to Robert Largan, the Israel-puppet and Jewish-lobby puppet who is desperately trying to keep his Commons seat at High Peak (Derbyshire), with its good pay and better expenses and perks, but he really has no chance. Make him get a real job.

High Peak voters should vote either Reform UK or Labour to get rid of Largan.

Talking point

Late tweets

Richard Holden, who strikes me as a rather unpleasant little opportunist, even by the standards of the Westminster monkeyhouse. Conservative Party candidate at Basildon and Billericay. I hope that the voters there vote Reform or Labour. Keep him out.

[“Billericay Dickie”]

God. Myerson again. When is the Judicial Standards Investigations Office at least going to stop this obsessive from sitting in judgment over others? The Bar Standards Board might like to take a look too.

…and few indeed of the British public are aware of the fact that the declaration of war by Britain on the German Reich in 1939 was not only totally unnecessary but led to immense unnecessary bloodshed and misery, and to negative consequences from which the world is still suffering.

About Macron: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Flight of the Swallow]

Diary Blog, 6 June 2024

Morning music

[equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius]

Tweets seen

He has a point, albeit a very obvious point, and that is so even if “Robinson” is basically “controlled opposition”.

In the end, civilization is created and maintained by iron necessities. It rests easy on the bones of the vanquished. If chaos and evil prevail, the opposite happens; in that case, culture and civilization and everything decent disappears, untermenschen scrabble around atop the ruins of once-great cities, and tread on the bones of those who were civilized and cultured, but just too tolerant of decadence and evil.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/



Former Tory voters in Clacton have been switching to Reform UK over Nigel Farage’s stance on immigration.

GB News ventured up to the coastal constituency to get a feel on the ground ahead of Farage’s launch near Clacton Pier.

Immigration was the main issue raised by residents, with the cost-of-living crisis and net zero also salient issues.

Speaking hours before Farage’s arrival, Andrew Humphries told GB News: “Immigration is a massive thing, especially how it impacts on the rest of society.

“I’ve been waiting for a couple of years now for housing. My family has been here for 40 years and I’ve seen the decline of the town.

You’ve got to help your own first before you look out for others.

Humphries, who described himself as typically a non-voter, claimed there is a “good chance” Farage will win and argued the two-party system is broken.

Steve Schaffer, who moved to Clacton in 1957, explained his support for Farage.

“This is only a small country,” he claimed. “We’re struggling. We can’t build enough homes. The schools and hospitals are full. It’s reaching bursting point. We’ve got to stop it or slow it down somehow.”

Despite witnessing a dip immediately after the 2016 referendum, the salience of immigration has soared in recent years.

Immigration and asylum is the third most important issue in the minds of Britons, analysis by YouGov has shown.

Rozerin Altin, who was just 18, added: “I’m the oldest of six girls. I don’t want little boys going into girls’ changing rooms. I care about women’s rights. If you care about that then you should vote for Reform UK.

[GB News]

Immigration generally should be the first and most important issue. The other important matters —economy, pay, State benefits, housing, NHS, public services, educational standards etc— are all affected, hugely, by the migration invasion.

GE 2024

People (including some “experts” etc) were saying until very recently that polling numbers for Con and Lab would converge, as they always have done. Mechanistic, formulaic thinking.

I have disagreed. I still disagree. For me, the main thing is that almost everyone, barring about (?) 10%-20%, most of whom are elderly lifelong Con voters now in their 80s and 90s, has realized that the Sunak/Liz Truss/Boris-idiot/Theresa May/Cameron-Levita Con governments have run the UK into the ground, and have been actually totally useless.

It has been clear to me for quite some time that, barring those ingrained and very elderly Con loyalists (or lifelong habit-voters), almost no-one is going to vote “Conservative” in the upcoming election. Maybe 20%, maybe 15%, or even as low as 10% nationwide. My guess would be about 18%.

The polls are still moving: the Cons are still descending. Labour has slid somewhat from its (?) 49% high to around 40%. The uninspiring prospect of Israel-puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall etc fails to excite many voters, but I doubt whether Labour’s overall vote will be below, or much below, 40% in the end. I am thinking 40% or 42%.

The polling statistics seem clear: Labour beats Con on almost all topics, from economy and NHS through to “best PM” and even immigration. That means that, where there is a straight fight between a Labour candidate and a Conservative Party one, Lab will usually beat Con.

The joker in the pack is Reform UK. The difference in 2024 as compared to UKIP in 2015 and Brexit Party in 2019 is not really in the policy “offering”; that is all but identical. So is the leadership (Farage, mainly). The difference lies in the context.

In 2015, UKIP failed only because it was cheated by the rigged FPTP voting system. 12%+ of the popular vote, yet no seats won. That, and because the full horror of the mass migration invasion was still not understood, in its effects, by enough people.

In 2019, Farage stabbed Brexit Party in the back to help the Con Party achieve its faked “landslide” (43.6% popular vote, about one point above Labour’s “landslide of 1997).

Today, in 2024, things have moved on. Brexit was deliberately mishandled and has been negative in its consequences for that reason.

The immigration tsunami has brought in, quite literally, millions (more) of unwanted non-Europeans since 2015.

We see the “unelected” little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, throwing taxpayer money at both Israel and “Ukraine” (the brutal and dictatorial Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev).

Another aspect is the extent to which UK society has fallen apart since 2015, and especially since the 2020-2022 “panicdemic” or “scamdemic”.

Potholed and unrepaired roads have become “totemic” of it. NHS failings. The continuing migration invasion, of which the “small boats” crossing the Channel (in reality, ferried across by Royal Navy, RNLI, Border “Farce” etc) comprise only about 5% of all immigration. The slow collapse of law and order. The increasing overall cost of living.

Reform UK is still a bit of a one-trick-pony, both in policy and personnel, but it has at least a chance now of getting a handful of MPs.

More importantly, a high popular vote for Reform UK will hole this rotten misgovernment below the waterline, and that is exactly why many (including former Con voters) will vote for it.

In fact, were Labour supporters and LibDem supporters, in seats where either Labour or LibDems have no chance, to vote tactically for the party best placed to beat the Con candidate, or for Reform UK, the Cons might be left with an MP cadre in the single figures.

Well, not long to go now. Exactly 4 weeks (28 days) from today.

More tweets

In 2008/2009, I wrote and published a restricted-distribution geopolitical study which, inter alia, featured the very important central position of Turkey.

Turkey has various problems, but it also has several strengths. A huge supply of water, firstly. That is very important now. Another asset is the fact that Turkey is a fairly large net food exporting state. That may sound underwhelming, but it means that, if push comes to shove, Turkey can feed itself. A large and efficient military force, too.

Turkey is now moving towards a neutral position, despite its NATO membership.

Another “Israeli” war criminal.

The Israeli state can only do what it does because of its “diaspora” support outside Israel— the Zionist influence in the USA, France, UK etc.

Historical note

Aspects of National Socialist Germany

National Socialist Germany. 1933-1945. 6 years of peace, 6 years of war.

More tweets seen

Reform UK is an easy way for people who would never vote Labour to send a message and/or a kick to the Conservative Party.

Talking about giving the Conservative Party a kick…see below

Holden has aged hugely since he (allegedly) groped a woman at a party in 2016; I think that the photo in the report was from 2018, so only 6 years ago. He is still only 39. Hard to believe, looking at him as he now is.

Of course, someone acquitted by a jury supposedly leaves court without a stain on his character…

He is supposedly in a relationship of some kind with the political editor of the Sun “newspaper”, one Kate Ferguson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holden_(British_politician)#Personal_life.

[Kate Ferguson]

Holden strikes me (I had not even heard of him until yesterday, despite his being Chairman of the Conservative Party— they have had so many in recent years) as a dishonest type. Just my impression of him now that I have seen him in film clips and heard online from him and about him.


Put a beggar on horseback and he rides it to death” [German proverb]

One way to cheat Holden out of his prize would be for a few civic-minded people to stand for election as “Independent conservative” or similar. That might weaken the kneejerk Con habit-vote, especially if Reform UK does well.

So far, the Basildon and Billericay constituency has been safely Con, though, since established in 2010: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basildon_and_Billericay_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

The sheer gall and dishonesty of bastards such as Holden exemplifies the Sunak Con government and its several predecessors.

[“Billericay Dickie“]

More music

[Irish (IRA) volunteers c.1920]

Late tweets

On the one hand, heartbreaking, but on the other hand heartening. People can be so resilient.

Israel and its Western support network may imagine that their crimes are without punishment, but group-karma will eventually take hold of them, whether in the 21stC, 31stC or later.

Those animal-looking robots give me the creeps, if truth be known…

Late music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

Diary Blog, 5 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

In 2019, Antifa beat me on the head and face, causing a traumatic brain injury as I suffered bleeding on my brain. As I struggled to get away, they threw drinks in my eyes to blind me so I couldn’t get help. I remember their laughter as I was bleeding from my ear and eyes. I was lucky to survive and recover.

Many leftists on social media are celebrating that someone hurled a drink in the face of @Nigel_Farage today as he was campaigning in Clacton, Essex. They’re reveling in the fear that a victim feels when being hit in the eyes with an unknown liquid—in a country that suffers acid attacks. The celebrations are emblematic of a level of political violence that the left tolerates and desires on their political opponents.

Perpetrators of violent attacks, such as that in Clacton yesterday, must be punished properly. I doubt whether the present minor judiciary has the will to do that.

I blogged about these issues several years ago:

Farage has been attacked before, as was Nick Griffin (in 2010, I think).

Very true. If only, though, the British and French had retained control of the Middle East and North Africa after WW2. No crazy demagogues, no “Israel”, no war…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

[The Corniche, Alexandria]

Manchester, apparently. Here, though, on the Hampshire coast, it is 16C and partly cloudy, partly sunny.

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], a similar result: Labour 488 MPs (majority 326), Con 82, LibDems 43, Greens 1, Reform UK 0, Plaid 3, SNP 14 (and Northern Irish 18).

Almost but not quite a Con wipeout.

I myself still think that <50 is a possibility for the Cons. I concede that the many experts and specialists are against me, but my reasons are as previously blogged:

  • the fact that few 2019 and earlier Con voters now think of the Con Party and Government as anything other than completely useless;
  • that there are many (or are there?) “secret” Reform UK intending or possible voters; and
  • that there are many voters who will vote tactically to sink the Cons, even if many of the same voters hate, despise or fear Starmer-Labour.

A point or so fewer for the Cons, a point extra for Labour, a point extra for the LibDems, and a point or so more for Reform UK, and the Con cadre of MPs would reduce to only 30.

This is no exact science.

This is a guest post from an anonymous 25-year-old member of Gen-Z. They live in London. They work in Westminster. And they are utterly fed-up with the dire state of the country.

If you believe the polls then the Tory party is about to be completely rejected by my generation, Gen-Z, the members of which were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Remarkably, just 5% of us are planning to vote Tory next month while a staggering 83% are planning to either vote Labour, Lib Dem, Green, or SNP.

But as one of those few right-leaning Zoomers, let me tell you —even that 5% figure is deeply misleading. Why?

Because, as Matt pointed out on Twitter/X, one enormous problem facing the Tories today is not just the remarkably low number of Zoomers who are planning to vote Conservative; it’s that the few Zoomer conservatives who do exist are also utterly fed-up and frustrated with the party and want to see it completely obliterated.

And why do they feel like this, exactly?

Well, consider my own story.

I’m writing this at 3am in the morning and I have less than four hours before I need to get up and start my morning routine for work.

But, once again, the neighbours who live downstairs, below my flat, have decided to have another all-night party. And unlike me, they don’t have to wake up for work.

Because, unlike me, they don’t have to work.

They qualify for social housing; their rent is subsidised by the large and rising amount of council tax I am forced to pay each month —on top of ruinous income taxes, national insurance contributions and student loan repayments.

The majority of the tenants in my housing block are unemployed; I see few of them leaving the house for work in the morning.

My interactions with them are limited to hostile glaring mixed in with the occasional attempted mugging. On the rare occasion I have female company I have to escort my dates to and from the bus stop to stop them being sexually harassed.

What scraps of my salary the State allows me to keep are eaten up immediately by rent. I pay almost half my post-tax income to live on an ex-council estate in Zone 3, London, with the smell of weed continually hanging in the air.

Unless I achieve an income of more than £200,000 it will simply be impossible to secure a mortgage on a house the same size as the one my parents bought in 1989.

My friends work in high-powered finance and legal careers but, like me, struggle on with flatshares well into their late 20s, if not their early 30s.

They are spending the best decade of their life working until midnight seven days a week for the chance to attain the same middle-class lifestyle their parents achieved much earlier in life.

The reward for being wildly successful financially in 2024? To live in a semi-detached house that was built for unskilled professionals in inner London a century ago.

And that’s not all …

If I decide to have children, which you might think ought to be encouraged given the demographic crisis facing Western nations like Britain, I will have to contend with extortionate childcare costs, or deprive my household of a second income.

Renting a three-bedroom flat in a safe part of London will cost in excess of £3,000 a month; my children will have to grow up in far more cramped conditions than I did, most likely having to share a room and perhaps dodging stray bullets.

The only feasible route out of this incredibly depressing situation is to leave the city I grew up in and commute two hours both ways from a town I have no local connection to —where I have no friends or family living nearby.

Even with cheaper housing, I will still have to send my kids to local schools where they will be bombarded with relentless propaganda about how to ‘change their gender’, acknowledge their ‘whiteness’, and apologise for the British Empire.

It is certainly true that previous generations of young people faced more challenging circumstances. I am not (yet) being asked to walk across No Mans Land and into a sea of barbed wire and machine guns.

But it is one thing being asked to suffer for a cause like liberty in Europe, or to grimace through destitution because of seemingly uncontrollable events like the Wall Street Crash. It is quite another to be economically enslaved to the point of infertility to sustain a growing population of resentful dependents. 

And I am one of the lucky ones...”

[from the Matt Goodwin blog on Substack].

A long piece to paste on the blog, but worth reading, I think, despite the several obvious gaps in the author’s reasoning.

More tweets

Some mugs are still sending fraudster “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas) money every month via Patreon! Utter utter mugs.

A certainethno-religion…

Barwell is a silly little guy. A joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Barwell.

As for Goodwin’s rhetorical questions…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Barwell seems to imagine that, as the (white/Brit) workforce ages, it can simply be replaced by black, brown (etc) imported equivalents. Not so. A high proportion of the imports (and offspring thereof) are parasitic and/or useless, with a smaller proportion actively criminal or terroristic.

Barwell’s thesis (to thus dignify it) seems to be that, as —say— 1M Brits age, retire, or die, the thing to do is to import 10M unwanted non-European immigrants in the hope that 10% of them can replace the 1M Brits who have checked out of the labour market (or life). What about the notional 9M other imports? They may be (and most are) useless, or near-useless, but all need/want/demand housing, food, water, shelter, NHS services, money…

Not sure whether that is Krakow or the rebuilt (post-WW2) old central part of Warsaw. Maybe the latter. I saw both on several trips to Poland in 1988 and 1989, but I should probably not recognize much of the newer areas now, judging by photos I have seen. The changes, esp. in Warsaw, have been immense.

Late tweets

Exactly what this blog has been saying for quite a while.

The 2024 General Election result, using Electoral Calculus, and based on the latest YouGov polling: Cons with only 55 MPs; LibDems on 63, and they are the official Opposition; Reform UK, significantly, with 3 MPs (presumably including Farage), and Greens on 2. Also important, the SNP with only 14 MPs.

Party2019 Votes2019 SeatsPred VotesGainsLossesNet ChangeTactical
Pred Seats
N.Ire 18 00+00%18

Worth reading in full.

Late music

[Berlin, 1945: Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag]

Diary Blog, 4 June 2024

Morning music

[Watercress Line, Hampshire; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watercress_Line]

“Jack Monroe” and other frauds

I have covered on the blog, in past years, various aspects of the fraudulent “grifting” of “Jack Monroe”, but even today there are, it seems, utter mugs around who not only believe her nonsense but also send money to her.

I have also covered, to a lesser extent, other similar frauds: Simon Harris, aka “Man Behaving Dadly” (Essex Jew who blagged £600,000 from Essex County Council, as well as large amounts from individual mugs online); “Supertanskiii” (whose modus operandi is to post tweets etc shouting angrily and often vulgarly at “the Tories”, while asking mugs to send her money; what will she do when her beloved fake “Labour” turns out to be as bad, or worse?); Julia Grace Patterson (her u.s.p. is that she was briefly a medical doctor in the NHS —for about 2 years—); Mike Stuchbery (see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/) etc.

Then of course, there is the “Captain Tom” fraud/embezzlement/”grift”, carried out by the daughter and son-in-law of the ancient ex-officer who raised millions (supposedly for the NHS) by that now-famous yet brainless stunt of traversing his garden lawn on a Zimmer frame thousands of times a few years ago. “Captain Tom” himself was no doubt sincere; his daughter is just a freeloading fraud.

As the BBC might say “other fraudulent grifters are available“…

Even I myself was briefly taken in by the Depher fraud (see https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo), and gave a few pounds a couple of times.

…and still sob-storying about “her boy“, who must be 20 years old now, and who (it is said) was mostly taken care of by others, not by drink/drug wreck “Jack Monroe”.

A black woman in Bristol was imprisoned for doing but a fraction of what “Jack Monroe” has done. I am hardly likely to intone “is it ‘cos she is black?“, but it hardly seems fair or just when “Jack Monroe’s” behaviour has been 100x worse… see https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13283627/black-lives-matter-blm-fraud-bristol-colston-statue-protest.html.

I still fail to see how “Jack Monroe” asking for money to sue Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney (and then spending the money on her own pleasures and whims) is any different to what Xahra Saleem did.

Other tweets seen

The BBC must be defunded.

Not that I have much time for Farage, for several reasons. For one thing, “net zero” migration would still, if implemented, mean about 200,000 non-whites entering the UK and staying indefinitely, because about that many persons (mostly whites people, i.e. real British people) leave every year to try to find a decent life is Australasia or North America etc.

Well, of course, Sunak has all the charisma or “in-touch-ness” of a limp lettuce, something that Sunak has in common with ludicrously over-promoted and now washed-up 49-day-PM Liz Truss.

That reminds me: I have heard and seen nothing, for weeks if not months, about or from Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), who lasted only 38 days as Chancellor, yet received a payoff for those 38 days of nearly £17,000 (in addition to salary etc): see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kwasi_Kwarteng#Dismissal.

Woollyhead will get another quite decent payoff, because he is not contesting his safe seat at Spelthorne (Surrey), which has only once elected a non-Conservative— in 1945. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spelthorne_(UK_Parliament_constituency)

I can only imagine that Woollyhead has a very good job offer somewhere. Who on Earth would employ him? Puzzling. still, there it is.

Controlled opposition. The Conservative Party is generally pro the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, and Israel itself. So is Farage. So is Goodwin. Get the picture?

Only a social-national party or movement can save the future of this country, but such a party or movement does not exist. The nearest is Patriotic Alternative, I suppose.

Hard to believe.

I too, like tweeter “@JoeeggJoe”, think that the Cons have the potential to fall further. Now that Farage is Reform UK leader, Reform may increase its support, not so much because Farage is wildly popular but simply because Reform now as a very identifiable leader, which was not the case with Tice.

I also tend to think that there is a bloc of “secret Reform UK” voters, unwilling to admit to it publicly or to poll canvassers, but who, on 4 July (or before that, in postal voting), will put their X by Reform UK candidates, either because they support Reform UK anyway, or because they see it as the best way, where they live, of kicking the Conservative Party).

The clowns at Westminster are far more amusing (usually, though, unintentionally) than the huge number of officially-approved and unfunny “comedians” we see in the msm.

Good grief! Ecce the new Mayor of “Derry” (“Londonderry”, as was). So much for Irish nationalism! The SDLP, and Sinn Fein, are as fake as the SNP and Plaid Cymru. Is this what the IRA and others struggled for, all those years, all those decades, indeed all those centuries?!

More music

I like The Shadows for several reasons. Firstly, their music reminds me of my fairly early years of childhood, I having been born in 1956 (and so was about 6-7 in 1963). Secondly, their originality and quality. Thirdly, their music evokes a sense of the optimism of England in the years of the early/mid 1960s. Fourthly, they are or were unmistakably English, for all their enthusiasm for Americana (eg their piece, F.B.I.) in those Atlanticist years.

I remember seeing their name on the outside of the Kursaal in Ostend (Belgium) in the summer of maybe 1963, maybe 1965, along with that of Cliff Richard, when they were his backing group.


Nigel Farage attacked in Clacton

The smug look on the little bitch’s face says it all. Entitled. Probably pig-ignorant. Probably either a student or a trustafarian, or maybe unemployed. My money would be on her being a student of some kind, probably from an affluent family.

Almost certainly pro-mass migration and the invasion of the UK.

Regular readers will be aware that I am no fan of Farage’s “controlled opposition” “conservative nationalism” but this must be punished. I doubt that that will happen.

I wrote a piece about this type of sub-terrorism some years ago, when Farage was again the victim of an idiot milkshake-thrower, and the terminally unfunny supposed “comedienne”, Jo Brand, “joked” that it should have been battery acid.

Will the police track down and arrest the woman who today attacked Farage? I wonder…

Obviously, today’s attack was very predictable, and Farage does not seem to have effective personal protection.

I wonder whether Farage will get more votes because of what happened today. Maybe. Certainly, I have scoured the Press looking for any mention of his Conservative Party opponent, one Giles Watling, but without result. Watling is invisible in Clacton. Farage is the only game in town, both for those who like his candidature and those who hate it (and him).

Farage is probably a good deal more sanguine about the attack today than I should be in his position. I am restricted in what I can express, by reason of my free speech trial last year, which has had at least a marginally chilling effect on my freedom of expression, but I think that my regular readers will be able to read between the lines.

The perpetrator should be identified and arrested, though. At least that.

I see that a 25-y-o woman from Clacton has now been arrested: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2024/06/04/milkshake-thrown-nigel-farage-campaign-clacton/.

I presume that we shall know more about her when she appears in the magistrates’ court.

[the guilty party: note the “entitled” smug smirk]

I have now seen a small piece about Giles Watling, on the BBC website:

“Mr Watling told BBC Essex that Mr Farage “doesn’t give two hoots” about the constituency.

This is all about Nigel, as ever,” said the former actor, who appeared in 1980s BBC sitcom Bread.

“I don’t want to see the residents of Clacton-on-Sea taken for granted and sacrificed on the altar of his vanity.”

Mr Watling said he felt it was his job to “transform Clacton’s future” by using government funding he had secured.”


Watling himself seems rather remote from the majority of Clacton residents and voters. I notice that, in the photo on the BBC website, he is wearing a Garrick Club tie:

[Giles Watling, Conservative Party candidate for the Clacton constituency, 2024, wearing his Garrick Club tie; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garrick_Club]
[Garrick Club tie]
[Garrick Club— dining room]
[Garrick Club— entrance]

Does Watling have much in common with most of his constituents?

Basic Income


As part of a privately funded experiment in Universal Basic Income in 2019, the Stockton Economic Empowerment Demonstration (S.E.E.D.) conducted a pilot project that gave a $500 stipend to 125 randomly selected residents for an 24-month period with “no strings attached.[51] “


SEED was a Randomized Control Trial that distributed $500 a month for 24 months to 125 recipients. The cash was unconditional, with no strings attached and no work requirements, and recipients were selected randomly from neighborhoods at or below Stockton’s median household income.

Results gathered from the first year, which spanned February of 2019 to February of 2020, found recipients obtained full-time employment at more than twice the rate of non-recipients. Recipients were less anxious and depressed, both over time and compared to the control  group. They also saw statistically significant improvements in emotional health, fatigue levels and overall well being. Recipients had a greater ability to pay for unexpected expenses.

People spent the SEED money on basic needs, including food (nearly 37%), sales/merchandise (22%, on home goods, clothes/shoes and discount/dollar stores), utilities (11%) and auto costs (10%). Less than 1% was spent on alcohol and/or tobacco.”


In my view, Basic Income must be the way to go, with AI and robotics impacting employment and set to do so more. The alternative to Basic Income is to have a tiny sliver of the population ultra-wealthy, a wider layer wealthy, and about 80% of the population near-destitute.

More tweets seen

When is the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office going to remove Myerson from sitting as a Recorder (p/t judge)? He is plainly unfit.

The same goes for his role as King’s Counsel and barrister: https://www.barstandardsboard.org.uk/for-the-public/reporting-concerns.html#How%20to%20report%20a%20concern.

I have noted before on the blog how Myerson sometimes tweets dozens of times in a day; the other day nearly a hundred. An obsessive.

So far today, by my count, Myerson has tweeted and retweeted about 28 times. On a Tuesday, and mostly this afternoon. Relatively modest by his standards.

Well worth reading the whole thread. It happened not in 1980s (or 1950s) South Africa, not in Russia, not in Kazakhstan, nor in China, but in one of the wealthiest states of the USA, California. So much for “the land of freedom”. Really bad.


Managed” decline? Hardly! “Mismanaged” maybe. “Uncontrolled“, really.

Nasty little Con scribbler-careerist James Forsyth [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forsyth_(political_aide)] seems to be to be a very unpleasant little shit (I concede, though, that I have never met him).

Forsyth and his wife, Allegra Stratton, have been albatrosses round the neck of the Conservative Party for over a decade. Sunak was best man at their wedding in 2011.

Allegra Stratton [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allegra_Stratton] was one reason why “Boris”-idiot sank as PM. As for Forsyth, he was appointed Political Secretary to Sunak in December 2022. Since then, well…

‘Nuff said?

(actually, it comes as a shock to discover that the Forsyths are in their mid-40s now. Tempus fugit…).

Late tweets

Amir Bohbout, military analyst of the Israeli website: The Israeli Air Force is not ready for Hezbollah drones and this is a fact. Hezbollah has thousands of drones at its disposal, and this means that if we increase the depth of our attacks to 40 or 100 kilometers and Hezbollah feels that it is in a war situation, then it will send a large number of drones here.

As predicted on this blog quite a while ago, eventually Israel and particularly the Tel Aviv region will face fleets of thousands of drones. Also, powerful missiles in very large numbers.

Oil reserves of different regions of the earth Middle East by far in the top. Recently, a report in the British Parliament revealed that Russia has discovered unimaginable oil in areas of the Arctic that Britain also claims. The report says that the volume of oil in this discovery is more than 510 billion barrels.

Late music

[painting by Arnold Bocklin]

Diary Blog, 3 June 2024

Morning music

A trifle out of time; never mind…

Tweets seen

Let’s set a target (as unaffiliated British voters and people) for the House of Commons— only real British persons as MPs. Some hope, though, with Labour about to be gifted an “elected” dictatorship based on an influx of new MPs, many of whom will not be of European origin, and in many cases deliberately selected because they are non-European by origin. Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan…

One of the basic problems facing the UK is the sheer lack of competence of many, not in the realm of the tradespeople (plumbers, carpenters, electricians etc); they are almost always very good, in my experience, but in the realm of often highly-paid but more often useless persons such as politicians generally (from local councillors to MPs, Ministers of State, Secretaries of State, Prime Ministers). That also applies to many partners of City of London law firms and others, such as msm talking heads.

The fish rots from the head.

I agree with tweeter “@DavidSD1970”. As for the Jewish scribbler, he seems to think that if someone does not have money, or a proprietary interest in something, he or she cannot love it, or be part of it. Telling…

Only a social-national ethnostate can give a future for the British people.

Adolf Hitler contrasted (in Mein Kampf) “the Aryan ideal of creative work” with the non-Aryan mirror image of society— the “idle rich” on the one side, and the poor, condemned to either slavery or serfdom, or similar, and/or to destitution, on the other.

Absolutely typical…

Always “notice”, and always make it clear that you have noticed.

Most of Britain’s current problems are caused or made far worse by the mass immigration, aka migration invasion, which took place on a limited scale from the 1950s but increased hugely (along with births to immigrants) in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, becoming an apparently uncontrollable flood after Blair’s (meaning the international conspiracy’s) deliberate policy choices from 1997; and then on to the past decade, when that flood became a devastating tsunami, which continues daily.

Looks as if more and more people are waking up. It warms my heart to see it.

That Twitter/X account, “@SerenaJB3” is worth following, for those with Twitter/X accounts (a pack of Zionist Jews had my own account closed down in 2018 and, for several reasons, it does not presently suit me to have it reinstated).

“HnH” are financed mainly by wealthy Jews and/or pro-Israel elements. One of the Tetra Pak tribe (Rausing family) resident in the UK was throwing money at them. I think that that one died recently (not sure).

Worth reading the whole of that but it is too long to paste here.

I like the word “caught“. Ha.

I can easily imagine the (((provenance))) of tweeter “@FullyLV”, who describes himself as “Digital Investor Entrepreneur“…

More music

More tweets seen

Pro-Israel controlled opposition snake-oil salesman Farage stabbed his own candidates in the back in 2019, by standing down most Brexit Party candidates (some refused), thus gifting “Boris”-idiot an 80-seat majority instead of —quite possibly— a small one, or none. That treachery saddled the British people with 5 years of “Boris”-idiot, Liz Truss, and now the little Indian money-juggler. Is Farage about to do it again?

How many times can a con-man fool the same people?

Kemi Badenoch thinks that egregious lying deception is OK in elections? She is Nigerian. ‘Nuff said.

I am totally against any strikes in the NHS, but they are not the cause of its malaise. That is inherent, systemic, and to do with the whole structure, with very poor management and administration, and with resources (both the quantum of resources available and also the priorities as to allocation).

Well, Tice is the nominal leader of Reform UK, so it may be true.

Australia“? Read “NWO/ZOG”.

If that 1,750 figure is accurate, within the next 3 months Ukraine (Kiev regime) forces will have lost about another ~170,000 troops killed or (?) wounded.

Not only are Ukrainian losses existential in terms of the north-east and other fronts, but existential in terms of the demographic future of Ukraine itself.

A quarter of the pre-war Ukraine population comprises Russian or Russian-speaking people, mostly living in the provinces now under Russian rule.

Another quarter of the pre-war population has gone beyond the borders of Ukraine to the west— Poland, Germany, France, UK etc.

That leaves about 20M people living in Western Ukraine and other areas not under Russian occupation, so about 10M male persons. If 500,000-1M are being lost per year (and so not having children), well, do the maths, as they say.

Either Farage is going to stab Reform UK in the back (as per Brexit Party), or he is going to announce his candidature in a possibly winnable seat. I should imagine more likely the latter.

If (big if) Farage can win a seat for himself, he may (another big if) drag in a couple of Reform MPs with him.

Two or three MPs may not be many, but if (another “unknown”) the Con Party were to be reduced to small double figures, it is not impossible that, between 2024 and 2029, a merger or coalition might take place which (Farage may hope) might find more traction in the country.

Personally, I am social-national in ideology, so Farage’s mixture of loud pseudo-nationalism and pseudo-“libertarianism” does not appeal to me at all, but I could imagine quite a few voters going for it once Labour falls flat, which will not take long. How many voters might go for it? That probably depends on presentation, as much as anything. Who knows? Farage might become the leader of the said Reform-Con coalition, if Reform can increase its membership (and MP cadre) substantially after GE 2024.

As it now exists, I cannot see the Con Party reviving. How could it? On what basis? Starmer intends to give 16 and 17 y-o people the vote; also, the non-white population is increasing its proportion of the population, rapidly.

I tend to think that all of this might not be settled by elections anyway. We shall see.

I cannot dispute much of that. Some…

The “Conservative” MPs must surely be toast, and for good reason— they are all hopeless and idiotic.

We must be clear about the Britain-hating, white people-hating, European-hating, civilization-hating and culture-hating elements in this country. The time will come when [REST OF SENTENCE REDACTED BECAUSE WE LIVE IN A GERMINAL POLICE STATE…].

Farage has chosen the right place and right moment. The age and race demographics are right in what is said to be an archetypal “left behind” British coastal area. All the same, this will not be so easy for Farage.

The MP 2017-2024, and who is standing again for the Con Party, is one Giles Watling, apparently well-known in the 1970s/1980s on British TV and in the theatre: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Watling. He is now 71.

In 2019, the Con Party scored 72.3% at Clacton (Lab 15.5%; LibDems 5.8%). Perhaps surprisingly, no UKIP/Brexit Party type candidate stood, and there was no social-national candidate either. In 2017, there was a UKIP candidate who got 7.6%, but of course UKIP was already washed-up by then.

Like some other coastal seats, such as Christchurch in Dorset, the electorate is one of the oldest in the country, with a high proportion of retired people, and low numbers of non-White residents. The area has experienced a considerable influx of White British families from multicultural areas of East London such as Barking and Dagenham, leading to the town of Clacton becoming known as “Little Dagenham”.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clacton_(UK_Parliament_constituency).

This will be a straight fight between Reform UK and the Conservative Party.

It may be that people who quite like Watling’s near-UKIP views may yet switch to Farage, who has the advantage of probably being better-known in Clacton than the man who has been the actual MP for 7 years.

If people want to hit out at the Conservative Party, then, in Clacton, the only way to do that is to vote Reform UK, because Labour and the LibDems have no chance whatever.

In fact, the only way for Labour and LibDem voters in Clacton (even combined, only 21% of the votes in 2019, and about 27% in 2017) to beat the Conservative Party is to vote tactically for Farage and Reform UK. How many will be willing to do that is unknown.

Farage must have a good chance, despite on paper having a steep hill to climb.

Should Shapps lose his seat (Welwyn Hatfield, in the Hertfordshire “Borshch Belt”), he could always go to fight for his beloved Israel, after having been an infiltrator in the UK for so many years. He has now had 9 months posing as Secretary of State for Defence (in the UK). Maybe the Israelis, notoriously hard-nosed and realistically unsentimental in military matters, would at least make him a part-time corporal, and get him patrolling Jewish settlements in some arid part of occupied Palestine.

More seriously, Shapps could lose his seat if people who normally vote LibDem hold their noses and vote Labour. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welwyn_Hatfield_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Human, or merely humanoid? The impression given is Satanic.

By 2034, Israel may not exist.

Late music

[Volegov, Quiet Evening]