Tag Archives: EU

Diary Blog, 30 May 2024, including a few thoughts about Starmer

Morning music



I agree with that “@chelleryn99” tweet.

As with “Boris”-idiot, there is something of the onion, or the matrioshka, about Starmer. Several layers, but nothing (or something quite different and/or alien) at the centre.

Performative Labour tribalist (who however always looks uncomfortable with that), one-time criminal defence barrister turned high-level public prosecution lawyer, the not-quite-true faux-proletarian background (parents not so poor, and who sent him to a partly fee-paying school in a good part of Surrey), the (half-) Polish-Jewish wife, and the children brought up as if fully-Jewish… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Starmer.

Lady Starmer is Jewish and Sir Keir has talked about keeping the tradition of family Friday night dinners, where they are often joined by her father for prayers.


So I suppose that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps, a yarmulka (I think) on such occasions? Maybe, maybe not. I have not seen anything as to whether all attendees at such dinners do or not. The Jewish prayer part of that paragraph seems to suggest that Starmer does wear such headgear but (needless to say) I have never seen a photo of him wearing it.

The YouGov/Sky News poll asked this week whether voters thought he would be a good or bad prime minister. Almost half – 47% – said bad. The older the voter, the more pessimistic they are.

Sir Keir is starting from a low base – not as bad as Rishi Sunak, but still bad. By contrast, only 33% said they thought he’d be good.

That level of enthusiasm suggests Sir Keir may not enjoy much of a public opinion honeymoon, just at a point where he is likely to have to start by making difficult decisions, most notably on raising taxes.

One of the themes of this election has been the party’s clarity that while it will promise not to raise income tax, national insurance and corporation tax, no such bar exists on other taxes.

[Sky News]

He will probably raise the level of VAT. Even a 1% rise would harvest a huge amount of money. Pretty tough on poorer people, though…Maybe an increase in fuel duty, too (sold —or not— to the public as “green”, of course…).

Where is Starmer, ideologically?

Starmer’s politics have been described as unclear and “hard to define”.[142][143][144] When he was elected as Labour leader, Starmer was widely believed to belong to the soft left of the Labour Party.[145] However, he has since moved to the political centre-ground.[146][147] By the September 2023 shadow cabinet reshuffle, most analysts concluded that Starmer had moved to the right of the party, and had demoted and marginalised those on the soft left, replacing them with Blairites.[148][149][150][128][127]

[Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Starmer#Political_positions].

So, again, Starmer is impossible to pin down. Not socialist, not really even a social-democrat, yet also without any of the respect for private enterprise or private views that one used to see in the “small-c” conservatives.

In April 2023, Starmer gave an interview to The Economist on defining Starmerism.[152][154] In this interview, two main strands of Starmerism were identified.[154]

The first strand focused on a critique of the British state for being too ineffective and over-centralised. The answer to this critique was to base governance on five main missions to be followed over two terms of government; these missions would determine all government policy.

The second strand was the adherence to an economic policy of “modern supply-side economics” based on expanding economic productivity by increasing participation in the labour market, mitigating the impact of Brexit and simplifying the construction planning process.[154]


Boiled down, what that seems to suggest is another Iain Dunce Duncan Smith-style attempt to harry the poor, sick, disabled (and the middle-aged not yet of State Pension age) to poorly-paid work “opportunities”, while cutting back social security “welfare” payments harshly. Also, Starmer will cave in to the any demands of the EU.

There is no obvious suggestion that Starmer and Rachel Reeves are interested in the effect of robotics and AI, which together may destroy existing jobs by the million, thus positing the need for Basic Income.

The last strand featured is as bad, or worse: caving in to the demands of the housebuilding industry.

Starmer will probably allow the large housebuilding companies to spread their expensive but often jerry-built “little boxes, made of ticky-tacky” across the English countryside.

Starmer will no doubt talk about the “housing crisis” but fail to note that most of that is consequential upon the migration invasion (a million or more every year now). Sajid Javid, another pro-Israel puppet (now washed-up politically), also showed himself unwilling to see the facts:

Try 10-15 million (over the past 25 years, including births to immigrants)…

As to the mass immigration influx itself, Starmer-Labour will eventually stop most of the cross-Channel small-boat invasion by the simple expedient of setting up “processing centres” (maybe simple offices) in Northern France. There, the would-be invaders will, almost all of them, have their applications to enter the UK rubber-stamped.

At present, 80% of those arriving here and claiming “asylum” have their applications approved anyway (under a system that was out of date decades ago), so Starmer will simply lower the bar even further so that 90% or 95% are approved (filtering out, it will be claimed, any known criminals or terrorists— all bs of course). The public will then be sedated into complacency— far fewer “small boats” (or invaders ferried in by the RNLI, Navy, Border “Farce” etc) will be seen arriving.

In fact, the more obvious criminal/terrorist invaders will still arrive, using the “small boat” or “back of truck” methods, but the numbers will be only about a twentieth of the number now arriving. As to the rest, armed with their new Starmer-visas, they will just take the ordinary ferries.

Of course, Starmer will not “solve” the migration-invasion crisis, but just cover it up. That is what he does. There is a massive dishonesty lurking in Starmer.

More? “Starmer has pledged to halve the rates of violence against women and girls, halve the rates of serious violent crime, halve the incidents of knife crime, increase confidence in the criminal justice system, and create a ‘Charging Commission’ which would be “tasked with coming up with reforms to reverse the decline in the number of offences being solved”.[190] He has also committed to placing specialist domestic violence workers in the control rooms of every police force responding to 999 calls to support victims of abuse.[191]

In 2023, the Byline Times wrote that Starmer “actively opposes a move to proportional representation for the House of Commons”.[192]

After confirming he would not scrap the current two-child benefit cap, Starmer was criticised by many within his own party.[193]


There is a thread there, a thread of antipathy to civil rights; a thread of authoritarianism .

Remember how Starmer wanted even fiercer, more restrictive, and longer-lasting “lockdowns” during the 2020-2022 currency of the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic?

My response?

There are times in history when authoritarian government is inescapable; even outright —though temporary— dictatorship. However, that should not be the norm, particularly in a country such as the UK, with its history of gradually-broadening rights and freedoms.

Incidentally (?), “According to Declassified UK, Starmer is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.[225]


In other words, Starmer is a “chosen” part of the whole NWO/ZOG matrix, and that of course includes the plan to destroy the future of the European peoples, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Starmer may take part in Jewish pre-prandial or post-prandial (?) prayers (as he has stated) but, once again, that seems to be something merely performative with him, he being an atheist anyway.

Foreign policy is easy to predict: Starmer was willing to say that the “Israelis” have every right to shut off even water to the suffering children of Gaza. He is a Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet. Completely.

Other than that, Starmer will do whatever the “Americans” (the USA’s ruling circles and cabals) want him to do. So… “support” for Israel, “support” (money, arms etc ) for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) etc.

Incidentally, there is much election bs being talked by Labour Party supporters as to how Labour will be a kinder sort of government than that of Sunak’s clowns. I doubt it. I would not put anyone in charge of such as Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, and the other Labour Friends of Israel types. As to Starmer, his support for Israel cutting off food and even water to the women and children of devastated Gaza shows just how far his much-trumpeted “compassion” goes…

If Starmer is willing to cut off food and water to the suffering civilians of Gaza, what might he be willing to do to the people of the UK?

I see no real centre to Starmer; even his doglike loyalty to Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby seems performative, yet that is the only thing that seems to mean anything at all to him.

Starmer displays no obvious ideological loyalty (as such), no old-fashioned class-loyalty (to any social class or category), and no religious loyalty (an atheist, presumably originally Church of England).

Who, really, is this?

It is hard, of course, to see evil in someone as dull as Starmer, despite the oft-quoted words of Hannah Arendt about “the banality of evil“. The expectation, I think misguided, is that Evil, whether cosmic or on the mundane plane, will somehow be more interesting than the Good.

Starmer should worry people, not because he has expressed any particularly “evil”, or even “bad” ideas (he even weaselled ab out cutting off water to families in Gaza, tried to evade the question etc), or some kind of (obviously) sinister ideological base, but more because he, like those he gathers closely around him, has no ideas beyond the most shallow. Someone trying to be elected (in effect) as Prime Minister is expected to come up with at least a few ideas, if not a coherent ideology, and Starmer either does not or cannot.

Will Starmer-Labour create a better Britain? No. I see a harsher, more intrusive police state likely to emerge. Mass immigration will continue, perhaps in even greater volume, and our towns and cities will, despite the encroaching police state, become no-go areas policed by even-less responsive paramilitary police.

Economically? A gradual downturn. The spending cuts agenda apparently very likely, combined with the cost of the continuing migration invasion of parasites, as well as the backfire effect of sanctions against Russia will ensure that.

Starmer’s government will, as predicted by Matt Goodwin, become very unpopular very quickly. However, in the absence of any real Opposition in the Commons (the Con —or possibly LibDem— official Opposition, post-GE 2024, may have only about 50 MPs), it may be possible for social nationalism to make real headway outside, in the “real world”.

Election notes

Well, we now know that 4 July 2024 is to be the fateful day. Is it a co-incidence that that is Independence Day in the USA? Does the choice of day have some symbolic, even occultic, significance? Maybe not, but there seems to be no obvious reason for that day to be the day.

Exactly 5 weeks from today.

Close to my own Electoral Calculus use yesterday.

Note the huge Lab majority, and the fact that the Cons are not even shown as the official Opposition (LibDems, incredibly). Also, the SNP predicted to lose three-quarters of their 2019 seats.

Tweets seen

As I have been saying for a long time on the blog.

Gradually, gradually, South Africa descends into darkness. The European (white) population, which at one time (1911) was about 22% of the whole, has declined sharply since “majority rule” (African corrupt crony rule) came in 30 years ago, and is now only about 7%. Once that 7% figure drops to 1% or 2%, maybe by 2040, South Africa will go the way of the Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc.

Imagine if the Jews had never been allowed to create the Israeli state in the 1940s, and had (in the 1940s and 1930s, and also since 1956) been prevented from moving there. The whole of the Israel/Palestine situation, and much of the instability of the region, would never have developed.

If this situation continues to slide, by 2030 there will be no Germany, no Poland as we know them. Probably no Ukraine either, and quite possibly no UK, France, USA or urban Russia.

As white Northern Europeans, those of us left alive at that point would be faced with the necessity of creating almost an entirely new culture and civilization as a basic foundation for a much later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Ukrainian “nationalists” whose President is a corrupt and dictatorial Jewish comedian incapable of running anything, let alone a large and, until recently, relatively civilized country.

Myerson. Again…

A pro-Israel Jew-Zionist obsessive, and a member of the two Zionist organizations (UK Lawyers for Israel, and the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) which have been, inter alia, making malicious complaints about me for a decade, complaints which have resulted in both my (unlawful as well as wrongful) 2016 disbarment and my 2023 free speech conviction under the repressive Communications Act 2003, s.127).

Here we are, at 1224 on a Thursday early afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted, by my count, 49 times today, mostly to mock others.

This is not, in my view, an individual fitted to sit in judgment over others as a Recorder (p/t judge).

1229: make that 51 times…

[Update, 1528 same day: now 64 tweets and counting… has he nothing else to do?].

[Update, 1737 same day: now 76 tweets and counting...].

…and —wouldn’t you know it?— pro-Israel puppet Iain Dale stands, in that Daily Telegraph photo, with the branding of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” behind him.

It would be good were Dale to fail to be elected, but Tunbridge Wells has not elected anyone not from the Conservative Party since the present constituency was established in 1974: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunbridge_Wells_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Even Peter Oborne, though, does not mention, expressly, the “JQ”, or that the msm in the UK is not free at all (for that reason).

Note the BICOM connection. The half-Jewish Israel activist, former MP, and now life peer —thanks to Starmer— Ruth Smeeth was at one point one of its directors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth.


Ruth Smeeth has also worked for other Jewish and Israeli organizations.

I have to admit that I did not know that Myerson had called another Jew a “house Jew“. I wonder whether that would count as “grossly offensive“? It would if I published it, no doubt…

Ha. Quite. Scotland, were it to vote for the SNP’s faux-“Independence”, would not be governed by Westminster, true, but it would be governed by the EU, by American or NWO/ZOG influence (NATO etc), by the international banking system etc, and domestically probably by a Pakistani “Scotsman”. Who are the SNP trying to fool? The Scottish people, I suppose.

I see that the SNP is now predicted to win as few as 12 seats (out of 57) this year, from 48 (out of 59) won in 2019. I think that the SNP has had its day as an overwhelming force in Scotland. In 2015, it suddenly shot into prominence with 56 out of 59 Scottish Westminster seats, but the last 9 years have been riven with scandal and underperformance. Above all, not only has Independence not happened, fewer Scots now support it than did a decade ago; it is a minority cause.

Good grief. What a deadhead. This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Logan_(politician). Hard to believe that the Foreign Office employed him in some capacity for a (brief? Not so brief?) period (in Shanghai). He also worked for a Chinese company. The gap between when he left f/t education around 2007 and when he started to contest elections (2017) is about 10 years, so there may have been other activity somewhere.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolton_North_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

I examined Natalie Elphicke and her defection on yesterday’s blog post.

There should be, must be, a cultural purge in the UK, taking in almost all present-day vulgar pseudo-comedians. Let’s see how loud they laugh then…

BREAKING | The new Dutch cabinet just nominated top justice ministry official and former intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the “preferred candidate” for Prime Ministership. And the situation is bad. Real bad.

Dick Schoof – or “Mr. Deepstate” as I’d like to call him – is the former head of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) as well as the former national coordinator of the counter-terrorism unit (NCTV) which is known to focus on combatting “anti-government extremism”. As if that isn’t bad enough, he was also: – behind the Dutch covid regime – involved in the Trump-Russia hoax – behind the cover-up of flight MH17 reports – spying on Dutch citizens here on @X with fake accounts operated by the government.

He’s currently the secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, which makes him the highest ranking civil servant. He’s quite literally the personification of a technocratic bureaucrat and, – being a former member of the Dutch Labour party – the exact opposite of what the Dutch population has voted for during the elections last November.

@geertwilderspvv should have never given up his rightful claim to Prime Ministership. With a man like this leading the country I’m sure the digital surveillance state we’ve been warning for all these years will be here sooner than expected.”

Well, at least he has been identified…

That little monkey Pierce, the pathetic System puppet Vine, anti-white know-nothing Yasmin Alibhai-Brown— all System propagandists, pretending to be promoting a variety of views, but really all actors in a kind of play, presented to the public as “debate”.

Late music

The later depth is not there so much, but these were pieces written by a boy of 15, amazingly enough.

[painting by Leonid Afremov]

Diary Blog, 30 April 2024

Afternoon music

[David D, Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo. Pearce is a former U.S. Foreign Service officer who was stationed, inter alia, in Cairo: https://www.daviddpearce.com/about; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_D._Pearce]

Tweets seen

True in part, but incomplete. Slavery existed well before the 7thC in the Middle East: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery#Middle_East.

Incidentally, slave caravans would pass through the oasis of Siwa in Western Egypt, having travelled from Central Africa en route to the Mediterranean coast or the Nile Delta, as recently as the 1940s.

I myself spent a month in Siwa in 1998 (out of 3 months in Egypt that year). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siwa_Oasis.

[I may have bought fruit there from time to time; a bit different to Waitrose…]

Yes. One frequently sees Jews on Twitter etc [pretending to be] upset that “their family” died, or were displaced, or inconvenienced, during the early 1940s; people that those descended from them and alive today never knew, of course.

British or German people just do not weaponize (or, indeed, monetize via books, films, “reparations”, and “restitution”) their family histories in that way.

My own maternal grandfather [b.1901] was at Dunkirk in 1940, and later in Burma. My maternal grandmother [b.1900] lost two brothers in the First World War (both, I believe, captains of the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry).

British (and German) people accept such events as historical, and do not constantly try to use them as tags on which to hang contemporary socio-political issues.

The question is, “replaced by what“?

I wonder whether he was the one who (ultimately) ran agents Epstein and [Ghislaine] “Maxwell” when they were still in play? See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

More music

These people should be on our side!

More tweets

Britain 2024

Strange minor incident. Taking a nap this afternoon, after having had a very early start today, I was awoken by a knock at the door of our tiny flat (the days of country houses and Caribbean villas being now long gone). I heard my wife agreeing to donate to the county’s air ambulance charity.

I was rather suspicious about the man at the door wanting bank details “to set up a direct debit“, so intervened and told the fellow that we would give another way. He left with superficial politeness; I could see that he was unhappy at being challenged (though I am not particularly aggressive).

I was concerned, so thought to call the police on their 101 non-emergency service. It then took something like 20 minutes to get beyond the recorded messages and just to get to talk to a human being (a pleasant-sounding lady) from the police and give her the details.

I also tried, twice, to telephone the air ambulance charity people themselves but, after an initial recorded message, was informed “your call cannot be transferred” and an unobtainable signal.

I looked up what the CEO of that charity gets paid: about £119,000 a year.

That small incident was typical of the way in which everything in this country is so screwed and just does not work. For a start, the air ambulance should be an official service, not a ragbag of private charities across the UK.

Secondly, it should be illegal for fundraisers to go around knocking on doors like itinerant gypsies. The public need to be protected.

Thirdly, how is it that the CEO of such a small charity (30 employees) gets a fairly generous salary? Yet their only public telephone number is non-operational. It’s poor.

There are too many boondoggles around, to use the American phrase. The “Major Tom” nonsense, with the quasi-fraudulent daughter and son-in-law, has surely brought that to public attention.

Fourthly, the police are almost absent when you need them. At the same time, the county police have apparently spent many many hours snooping upon and “monitoring” this blog, as they do the social media posts of others. The police need to get back to doing actual, real police work.

As a matter of fact, the Police and Crime Commissioner for the county will be elected this week. At present, it is some useless and enormous woman, a Conservative Party member.

Britain 2024— terminally sick.

Late tweets

Shut up and get on the train…

Bravo! End the war.

If the Kiev regime imagines that a new army of forced and unwilling recruits will save the day, it is very much mistaken.

When the weather is warmer, and the Stavka gives the order, it is likely that the Russian armies in the east will start to roll, covered by massive artillery barrages and air cover. Any new forces recruited by the Kiev regime will simply be rolled over.

Late music

[Katyusha rockets, aka “Stalin’s organ pipes” on the Eastern Front, WW2]


My crowdfunder remains open: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

Final word

[Adolf Hitler, 20 April 1889-30 April 1945]

Diary Blog, 11 February 2024

Morning music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Speakeasy]

Tweets seen

Bravo. One of the best Twitter/X accounts, and at a young age.

More music

More tweets

“Boris” Johnson, part-Jew (great-grandfather was a Jewish ‘rabbi’ in Lithuania), part-Levantine, of very cosmopolitan origins and upbringing, and who proved incapable of holding any public office competently or decently. Up for hire; will do or say anything for money.

Even I myself, born in 1956, often realize from things seen, or read, or otherwise experienced, that those born, say, after about 1980, live in a different world to me, and that particularly applies to that part of the population which might be described as less-educated (in the real sense, I mean, not in the sense of having been through the mill of 13-18 years of what presently passes for “education”).

The above of course applies even more to most of those born in the last 30 years.

Gove etc

I saw 10 mins of that horrible little bastard Gove on Sky News this morning. Gove’s very prominence highlights so much that is wrong with the UK political system: a pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby doormat, a cocaine abuser, a drunk, an expenses cheat/fraudster. Maybe more. Yet there he sit in Cabinet, today weaselling in favour of the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak. He also praised Nigerian “British” MP, Kemi Badenoch [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kemi_Badenoch].

Born in London, but of Nigerian parentage, and only resident in the UK from age 16, Kemi Badenoch is seen as a possible Conservative Party leader. Maybe. The latest “great non-white hope”, if you like. That might just finish off the Conservative Party, especially if that party starts its post-GE 2024 life with only 50 or so MPs.

More tweets

It will be recalled that, at the conclusion of Anna Karenina, Vronsky decides to redeem himself by going to fight for the Serbs in the Balkans.

Orban’s adviser confirmed: the EU threatened the Hungarian economy because of Ukraine.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s adviser, Balazs Orbán, confirmed the “Fine Times” writing that the European Union threatened to undermine the Hungarian economy, if it does not lift the veto on European aid to Ukraine.

The American newspaper previously wrote that Brussels will collapse the exchange rate of the Hungarian forint and worsen the situation with jobs, however the EU later denied this, but Balazs Orbán noted that the situation is “serious” and that the heads of state and government of the EU have threatened to do just that. to the Hungarian Prime Minister over the phone.


“If Ukraine disintegrates, Germany could be flooded with another 10 million refugees, warns “Welt am Sonntag”, referring to anonymous security officials and stating that the German government still hopes that this “worst case scenario” will not happen this year.

“If we don’t change our strategy of supporting Ukraine, the worst-case scenario of a mass exodus from Ukraine and the spread of the war to NATO countries will be much more likely. In this case, ten million refugees is a pretty bad assumption,” says the MP of the opposition Christian Democratic Party, Roderick Kiesewetter.

Since the conflict between Kiev and Moscow broke out almost two years ago, 1.1 million Ukrainians have fled to Germany, according to data from the German Ministry of the Interior. The influx of newcomers from other countries, including Syria, Afghanistan and African nations, is not abating.”

[Sprinter/Welt am Sonntag].

At least Ukrainians are European.

If that were to happen, Russia will be able to take Ukraine east of the Dnieper very easily. It might even be able to take all of Ukraine, though it would, arguende, be both kinder and more statesmanlike to take only Eastern Ukraine, the Kiev area, the Black Sea coastal zone (including Odessa), also of course retaining the areas already controlled by Russia and which are inhabited by Russian-speakers (Crimea, Donbass etc). Leave a rump Ukraine centred on Lvov as a Ukrainian state, or at least autonomous territory.

Ukraine, demographically, is already in collapse. 500,000 dead on the battlefield, millions fled to other states, and a birthrate insufficient to maintain the population numbers.

From the newspapers


Several migrants have been found in the luggage hold of a coach full of children at the end of a school trip.”

[Southampton Echo]


British Transport police have issued a picture of a man they want to trace after a driver was attacked on a moving train.

Detectives have launched an appeal after a tube driver was attacked by a man who broke into his cab at an east London station.

The train was moving when a thug smashed through the driver’s door near Bromley-by-Bow station.

He went on to repeatedly assault the driver in an attack police called “shocking”. The driver managed to stop the train safely despite being assaulted.

[Evening Standard].

More “diversity”?

More tweets seen

Die Welt is a heavyweight conservative German newspaper, broadly comparable to the Daily Telegraph in the UK. It is not at all “pro-Russian”, so the fact that it foresees a Russian victory by early 2025 is significant.

Once Ukraine (Kiev regime) collapses, Zelensky and his cabal will leave for Florida or Israel. They will not stay to face the consequences of their misrule. They all have hundreds of millions of dollars stashed offshore.

The gradual death of Western culture continues. I am restricted, in effect, in what I can say but let’s just take it that I think that that decadence should not exist. Look at the audience of cretins, though. They all applaud. That means that they should not exist, either.

Perhaps the days when the Egyptian Army only won battles in Aida have gone.

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 February 2024

Morning music

From the newspapers


Four of the Royal Navy’s smallest ships are preparing to head to the Arctic to represent Britain in a major NATO exercise after the fleet’s largest ship, the £3bn HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier, was forced to pull out due to a ‘propeller issue’.

Four tiny P2000s, which normally patrol coastlines with crews of five, were seen making final preparations before heading to Norway for NATO’s largest joint exercise since the Cold War amid fears of escalating tensions on Europe’s eastern border.

Notably absent from today’s preparations was the 65,000-ton aircraft carrier, usually manned by a team of 780, which experts say could be docked for ‘a couple of months’ as engineers scramble to fix it. 

[Daily Mail]

[from the Daily Mail]

Ha ha! “I see no ships“…

In the Second World War, little boats like that would usually be numbered, not named.


Police broke up a snaking queue that formed outside a newly-opened NHS dental practice today, in scenes which illustrate the appointments crisis plaguing millions of desperate Brits.

One person stuck in the line outside the surgery in Bristol’s St Paul’s district was a disabled cancer patient who ‘had no choice’ but to brave the cold. 

Meanwhile, a carer in her late 70s who chose to sit down on the path after waiting since 8.30am slammed the unacceptable delays.

A local news website compared the queue, eventually shut by police at 2.15pm, as being ‘reminiscent of Soviet-era Eastern Europe’, where queues for basic goods like food were an infamous part of daily life.

[Daily Mail]

I was blogging several years ago about how basic services in the UK were gradually ceasing to work. Journalists started to catch up with me a few years ago. Now, almost everyone accepts it as a fact.

“Broken Britain”, if you like.

Talking point


Happened to come across the local history piece above. I was struck by the relatively lenient sentences. The ringleader (caught ripping off a bank, and in possession of gelignite, detonators etc), got 4 years. He had 10 previous convictions. Even in those days, when people convicted did either 2/3 or 3/4 of their sentence (I forget) rather than half (as today, in most cases), he would have still been out in about 2-3 years. That was in 1962. He would get far longer today.

Tweets seen

Well, I am glad that I do not live in Iran…

It becomes embarrassing for the USA. Could Biden really defeat Trump (if that is the choice)? Seems doubtful.

It would be nice were both to lose out. That’s me, always the optimist…


The Israeli ship of state is sinking, so…

Look at that! Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) quite obviously drugged and incapable at the memorial service for the late Queen.

More from the newspapers


Metropolitan Police officer charged with multiple rapes tied up one alleged victim and threatened to ‘slit’ her with a knife, a court heard yesterday.

Cliff Mitchell, 24, came under investigation by colleagues after his alleged victim was seen trying to escape from his car, her wrists bound with cable ties, it is claimed.

His fellow officers were summoned, and after that ‘harrowing’ incident, in September last year, an investigation began, Croydon Crown Court was told, leading to a series of allegations against the policeman.

Yesterday Mitchell, who is no longer in the force, faced 13 counts of rape against two alleged victims. Six charges relate to one female – including one when she was aged just 12.

[Daily Mail]


“The case continues”…

Late music

[Stuttgart 1945…]

Europe has already been devastated within living memory. The leaders of Europe, particularly in the councils of NATO and the EU, must stop provoking another and even more devastating war.

Diary Blog, 29 January 2024

Afternoon music


Regular readers will know that I am to be sentenced this week for allegedly having posted certain material on five (5) posts of this blog during 2020-2022.

Please be advised that it is possible (I do not know for sure) that the Crown will ask for my blog to be shut down for a year. So, if the blog soon ceases to publish new material, you will know why.

If that happens, “normal service” will be resumed later, probably this time next year.

Tweets seen

I would not usually repost material from someone such as Myerson, but needs must.

The attitude of that Special Constable is not confined to the ranks of the “Specials”, or the “PCSO” joke police “co-workers”. I have had considerable trouble myself over the past decade with “real” police who, however, often do not actually know the law they purport to be laying down, and/or who invent their own version of the law and even, worse, have insisted to me that their cartoon version of the law is correct.

Over-estimation of their own lawful powers, unwillingness to listen to reason or the truth, and an attitude that they know best (they don’t). That is even before we get into the suborning of the UK police (sometimes up to “Police and Crime Commissioner” level) by Jew-Zionist cabals.

Look at what happened during the 2020-2022 panicdemic/scamdemic. Policemen, right up to Chief Constable level, demanding to know what shoppers had just bought in supermarkets so that they, the plods, could “decide”, in their “wisdom”, whether said shopping was “reasonable”.

Then we had police shouting from drones, at elderly couples walking on moors or hills, that they should go home, and sole campers or couples arrested at the behest of panicked and stupid farmers or others. All because of “Covid”, which in reality was killing hardly anyone. A stampede of fear-driven stupidity.

All too many people gave in to that kind of semi-lawless bullying by the police and those directing them.

Likewise, we now see that a considerable amount of police time is wasted —at the behest of “them” (((the usual suspects)))— on snooping upon blogs such as this, or upon social media, instead of the police doing their proper job.

[Update, same day, evening: Good grief! The bitch is not even English! A bloody Bulgarian, patrolling the streets of London as a Special Constable! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13019845/Volunteer-police-officer-told-Christian-singer-not-allowed-perform-church-songs-outside-church-grounds-jet-setting-Costa-Coffee-worker-moved-UK-Bulgaria.html].

Deutschland erwache!

Zelensky proposed to Germany: Instead of refugees , give us money “

The Ukrainian army has 880,000 people. And when we say that the whole world financially supports Ukraine, I would like to draw attention to where exactly the largest part of this money remains.

Thanks to Germany for allocating money to Ukrainian refugees, but it is necessary for Berlin to transfer this money to the budget of Ukraine, and Kyiv itself will distribute it to Ukrainians ,” said President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky.

Ha ha! As con-men go, Zelensky is not very convincing.

Today’s Russia, even with all its flaws, is not the Soviet Union. Hungary can join with Russia freely in creating a new European axis.

The conflict in Ukraine began at the NATO summit in 2008. It was then that the decision was made for Kyiv to join NATO. This was a tragic mistake, said the former president of the Czech Republic Vaclav Klaus.

He noted that he tried to oppose such a decision, but this country was “pushed by the USA and Great Britain, contrary to the position of most participating countries“.

I sincerely hope that he does not play that card. Let the Con Party crash and burn, after which fake “Labour” will only create chaos and unrest. Then social-nationalism can arise.

More music

[swearing-in of SS-men, Munich]

More tweets seen


I wonder what the children and young people of Gaza will now think of Jews and the Jewish state (of Israel)?…

I wonder what will happen in that part of the world in the next 10 years?

Israel of course has Arab parliamentarians, but they are a kind of “loss-leader” or “cover” element as much as anything.

Reminiscent of the dead body of the Cid, in the film El Cid, propped up on his horse to give the impression that he is still alive and leading his armies.

Late music

Daily Blog, 25 January 2024

Afternoon music

[Tangier on a rainy day]

Sam Melia


A far-right activist who was caught with a library of online stickers telling non-white people to “go back” has been found guilty of inciting racial hatred.

The jury at Leeds Crown Court returned a verdict this afternoon after spending less than a day deliberating the case of Sam Melia.

The 34-year-old was on trial following a raid at his Pudsey home on Town Street in April 2021 in which police uncovered a catalogue of downloadable stickers which were “intended to stir up racial hatred” and encouraged racially-aggravated criminal damage. They also found a poster of Adolf Hitler on his wall and a book by the infamous British fascist, Oswald Mosley.

[Yorkshire Evening Post]

There was a time in England, not so very long ago, when people had real freedom of expression. Even in the 1970s, when free speech had already been cut back, it still existed to an extent unthinkable in the England of 2024, in which the “woke” or “politically correct” rule almost supreme, and in which the malicious and fanatical Jew-Zionists “monitor” anything British people say or write, lest it might be —or can be be contrived to look— “grossly offensive” (to “them”).

The great British jury has also fallen by the wayside, and now almost inevitably finds anyone accused of “inciting racial hatred” guilty, no matter how flimsy the evidence. Rubber-stamp juries. I have no idea whether that was the case in respect of the Sam Melia trial. I know only what has been in the Press over the past day or two.

Not only that. Anyone found with such innocuous things as “racist” stickers may get, not even months but years of incarceration, in an England where real crime, even violent crime, is often scarcely punished by the courts.

Look at that Yorkshire Evening Post report. Things actually perfectly lawful (having a poster of Hitler on the wall at home, owning a book by a long-dead British politician) added to the mix in a “nudge-nudge, wink-wink” way…

I do not know Sam Melia, only of him, and only slightly even on that basis, but I very much regret that he has been found guilty. My thoughts are with him, and with his wife, the socio-political activist Laura Towler.

Tweets seen

Ukraine’s (Kiev regime’s) only hope in this war is to bring in NATO on the Kiev-regime side; to widen the conflict. Russia has not taken the bait so far, but the Zelensky regime keeps pushing, keeps prodding, in the hope of provoking a massive Russian response which might draw NATO into the war directly. If that were to happen though, it would be but a short step to a world war.

…and to the Jewish/Zionist lobby in the UK, USA, France etc.

Yes. A toad. Indeed, a “slithey tove“, it might be said…

Young and his controlled opposition friends have never said one word in defence of my supposed rights to freedom of expression.

Tell me about it…I myself face a sentencing court next week, after my conviction for having published a few supposedly “grossly offensive” comments, cartoons etc on this blog.

Many people kid themselves that we live in a somehow “free” country, when what it really is, or has become, is an “iron fist in velvet glove” dictatorship. Well-disguised at times, yes, and somewhat shambolic too, which gives the appearance of laxity (and so “liberty”), at times, but still a repressive dictatorship under (((the usual))) influence; and it is getting worse almost daily.

The usual “controlled opposition” grifters, such as Toby Young, can be disregarded as a total waste of space.

While I’ve no time for #PA, this has to be said: Sam Melia is dragged through the courts and portrayed as a racist monster over stickers with messages such as “White Lives Matter”, which graced a few hundred lampposts.

Meanwhile, Tommy Robinson is allowed to post blatant incitement and heavy-duty ‘Islamiphobia’ like this to a gigantic audience.

I have always believed that the Muslim #grooming gangs – and the native traitors who facilitated them – should be tried and, if convicted, executed. But to use their crimes to incite generic hatred of an entire community is nothing more or less than conditioning for war against Iran – a war for Israel, without a shred of legitimate British interest.

Make no mistake, this is the UK deep state giving an asset free rein to prod the herd to war.

Griffin is, of course, correct.

All the same, we must be clear from where the poisonous repression is coming. Not from, at root, the police, MI5, the CPS, but from the “special-interest cabals” behind them…

From the newspapers


David Mundell says Scotland Office was not consulted about Mone’s 2015 appointment.

David Cameron breached “proper process” when he appointed Michelle Mone to the House of Lords in 2015, David Mundell, who was the secretary for Scotland at the time, has said.

Ms Mone is not a successful entrepreneur, she is a small-time businesswoman with a PR exposure far in excess of any actual success,” Anderson wrote. “Awarding her a peerage for a very mediocre business performance brings the awarding of titles into disrepute by rewarding failure.” [a well-informed Glasgow business leader wrote— to Cameron privately— at the time].

[The Guardian]

I blogged about Mone’s fakery at the time. Like so many in both the Commons and the Lords, she was always a fake.


Forests with two or three tree species are on average 35% more resilient to storms than forests with only one species, simulations created by researchers found. The type of trees also matters – forestry plantations are typically made up of fast-growing tall trees such as conifers, but they are more vulnerable to high winds than slower-growing hardwood species such as oak.

[The Guardian]


“Conservationists have praised the launch of a new government strategy to revive the remaining fragments of the vast temperate rainforests that were once “one of the jewels of Britain’s nature crown”.

Temperate rainforest, also known as Atlantic woodland or Celtic rainforest, once covered most of western Britain and Ireland. The archipelago’s wet, mild conditions are ideal for lichens, mosses and liverworts. But centuries of destruction have meant that only small, isolated pockets remain.

[The Guardian]

More tweets

Tice is hopeless. It is a measure of how unpopular the present misgovernment is, and how discontented are many of the voters, that Reform UK, even under Tice, even though it is not social-national, is apparently now on 13%, acc. to opinion polling.

Whether that will cut much ice at GE 2024 remains to be seen. We have, in a sense, been here before, with both UKIP and Brexit Party (both Farage vehicles, as is Reform UK). The difference, maybe, is in the degree of desperation felt by the voters.

When the voters feel real desperation, and in sufficient numbers, they may be ready, finally, to turn to real social-nationalism.

[the 20th Century’s Man of Destiny. 1889-1945]

“...the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not“…

Those latest polling figures are striking all the same. They might translate, at GE 2024, to a Labour majority of 420, with the “Conservatives” left as a rump of 35 MPs.

South Essex fraudster/”grifter” “Jack Monroe”.

Well-meaning people ripped off by a dishonest and indeed evil woman.

It is depressing, though, to observe how many of the said idiots are unwilling to see the truth even when it is presented, unambiguously and with irrefutable supporting evidence, to them… a bit like the people in the 1930s, 1940s, even up to the 1980s, who sincerely believed both in Marxism-Leninism and in the idea that the Soviet Union was a wonderful society, maybe with a few flaws here and there. I must have met hundreds like that.

Gaza (and the Jew-Zionist quasi-genocidal devastation there) is a very important issue but, as an acerbic Dutch lady once told me, about 42 years ago, “the shirt is closer than the skirt” (apparently an old Dutch proverb akin to “blood is thicker than water”). First things first. This country is now in a truly terrible mess. Our own people have needs that are not being addressed, still less satisfied. No wonder so many people say that they are “politically homeless”, and are unwilling to vote for any System party.

So it seems that the winds are set fair for a second Trump presidential term.

Late cartoon

Seems to hit the spot right now…

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 14 January 2024

Morning music

[Kennet & Avon Canal]

From the newspapers


Oh, when will Britain just grow up? We have no money, yet we spend billions on arming Ukraine in a dubious war in which we have no national interest. We cannot control the beaches on our southern shores, on which strangers land almost daily, but we tail along behind the Americans in the pretence that we can control the Red Sea as we seek (as far as I can grasp) to get entangled in yet another war in the Middle East. Haven’t we had enough of these stupid brawls?

We spend decades failing to do justice to wronged postmasters. We cannot keep order in our pothole-peppered streets. Our children can’t read or write. Our universities, when they are not imposing mad speech codes on students and teachers, sell themselves to the highest bidder to ensure they can pay their vice-chancellors’ enormous salaries.

We have created a society in which working hard is probably the worst possible route to riches. If you want to be comfortably off (and perhaps get a decoration or a peerage too), go and strip some assets, or sell dodgy PPE to the NHS, or some such.

[Peter Hitchens, in the Mail on Sunday]

Also, from the same Peter Hitchens column:

Might I too be sanctioned for saying the ‘wrong’ thing?”  

At some point I shall write at more length about the High Court’s failure last week to come to the aid of Graham Phillips, the unlovable video blogger sanctioned by the Foreign Office.

The case is not about Mr Phillips. It is about free speech, and whether the Government can punish people for exercising it.

I might say I was (in the judge’s words) ‘an objective independent and fair-minded journalist’ who had happened to say things that ‘did not align’ with UK Government policy. But how would I prove it? The Government would be its own prosecution, judge and jury, and my only recourse would be to take the matter before someone, well, like Mr Justice Johnson. Be warned. These are dark times for dissent.”

Don’t I know it! Sad to say, the likes of Peter Hitchens, Toby Young, Farage, the “Free Speech Union” etc have not mentioned my “case” once. Disbarred (wrongfully and unlawfully, which the Bar Standards Board itself accepts was the case) in 2016, and now facing court sentence (in a few weeks’ time) for having allegedly posted a few home truths about the Jew-Zionists in the UK and Israel/Palestine.

People might argue that the apparent lack of interest (or is it out of fear of the Jewish lobby?) on the part of Hitchens (himself of course part-Jew), Toby Young (uncertain) etc is because I am not sufficiently well-known (and so of too little importance) for those puffed-up characters to take an interest in how my rights to freedom of expression are being trashed.

Well, if so, that scarcely chimes with the assertion of the malicious Jewish or Jew-Zionist cabal known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] itself, on their own website and Twitter/X account, to the effect that it has taken them seven years of effort to finally have the (corrupt and/or suborned) police and Crown Prosecution Service get me into court (magistrates’ court) and have me tried and convicted of having posted supposedly “grossly offensive” remarks, cartoons etc about Jews or Jew-Zionists on my blog (those remarks and cartoons being only a small part of the allegedly posted blog posts, and those five blog posts only 5 of over 1,700 posted since this blog started to operate in late 2016, over seven years ago).

As to my case itself, anyone interested might like to know that, though I am inclined to appeal the conviction (the trial was a couple of months ago), I shall only decide on that after the sentencing hearing.

If I do appeal, the appeal would be, in effect, a complete retrial, but this time in the Crown Court. There does exist another route of appeal, by “case stated” to the Divisional Court (i.e. High Court) on point of law, but I should probably take the more usual route if I do appeal, i.e. via the Crown Court. If that happens, the appeal might not be heard until late 2024, or even on some date in 2025.

Tweets seen


“They”, meaning (((they))), have thoroughly infiltrated the UK mass media, publishing etc over the past 75+ years. That applies even more to anything published about the Second World War, “holocaust” etc.

Ha ha. The Financial Times has lost all credibility in recent years, and politically is on or about the same level as someone such as Paul Mason. Pathetic.

Yemeni Houtis maintain offensive capabilities despite US bombing US and British forces in the Red Sea struck 30 targets of Yemen’s Houthis.

It is stated that “about 90 percent of targets were damaged or destroyed.” Lieutenant General Douglas Sims even states that “the strikes achieved their goal of crippling the Houthis’ ability to conduct sophisticated drone and missile attacks.”

At the same time, two American officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The New York Times that even after massive bombing, the Houthis retain “three-quarters of their offensive capabilities.”

“Locating Houthi targets has proven more difficult than expected,” as, according to the officials, “US and other Western intelligence agencies have not spent significant time or resources in recent years collecting data on the locations of Houthi air defenses, command centers, ammunition depots, as well as facilities for the storage and production of drones and missiles.” Currently, the Pentagon is forced to conduct an urgent analysis of the situation and literally in real time assign targets for troops to strike.

The USA has a short collective memory. “What goes around comes around”…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

You cannot compare the Israeli-Jew mindset with that of nominally Christian countries, or even that of the Soviet Union under Stalin; you have to revisit the Old Testament, in which the ancient Israelites wiped whole tribes and nations off the map.

So in just over three months, the Israeli war machine has killed or injured over 84,000 people, the vast majority civilians. It is worth remembering, also, that about half of those killed or injured have been under 18 years of age, and about half of those under 12 years of age. Israeli war crimes.

Those supporting those war crimes, and who are resident in the UK, France, USA, are also guilty.

I certainly disagree with the overall state of society in Russia (as well as in the UK and Western Europe, let alone USA etc), but the fact remains that Putin “bestrides the narrow world like a colossus” when compared to political pygmies such as Sunak, Starmer, Macron etc, and of course poor old dementia sufferer Biden.

If you would not have sympathy for predators and pillagers who get hurt trying to break into and enter your individual home, why would you sympathize with predators and pillagers trying to break into our collective home— “this England“?

Gonzalo Lira’s last public statement is chilling. He knew that if arrested, he would die in a Ukrainian prison. He pleaded for public outcry to put pressure on the U.S. State Department to do what it ordinarily does for American citizens trapped in these circumstances. But the outcry never came. The mainstream media ignored his story. So State Department officials were free to ignore the plight of a journalist who had criticized them. Gonzalo was abandoned.

And so the Ukrainian government could treat him as they wished, as they treat other dissenters and critics — with imprisonment, brutality and murder.”

I published Lira’s last tweet (before his final arrest) a few months ago on the blog. Sadly, it looks as though the brutal, murderous, corrupt yet shambolic Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev has finally killed him.

Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak, the little Indian money-juggler presently posing as UK Prime Minister, is just now gifting the Jew Zelensky another £2.5 BILLIONS of UK taxpayers’ money.

The Kiev regime is toast regardless of how many billions are thrown its way by Sunak, Biden etc. Its people are not reproducing themselves, its population numbers are collapsing, it has no volunteers asking to join its armed forces, only foreign mercenaries from poor parts of the world (the Western ones have all gone home or been killed off in battle), and the Kiev regime is press-ganging any Ukrainians able to walk and talk, regardless of health, fitness, and age (except the gilded offspring of the pseudo-elite).

“Ukraine”, the failed state, only keeps fighting because the UK, USA etc are supplying arms, ammunition, medical supplies, food, and vast amounts of UK/US/EU taxpayers’ money.

All the same, strategically, Ukraine has already lost. The failed 2023 summer counter-offensive proved that. Once the ground is hard, very soon, Russian armour will rule the land, as Russian air already rules the skies.

Ukraine’s electricity infrastructure is already largely shattered.

The Russian economy is doing better not only compared to the collapsed economy of Ukraine but also better than those of the UK, USA, and EU.

In any case, even if (which cannot now happen, realistically) the Kiev regime could contemplate advancing in eastern Ukraine or (impossible) southern Russia, Russia has devastating weapons which have not even been used yet, not least tactical and strategic nuclear weapons.

I repeat, “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) simply cannot “win” this war.

Jesus H. Christ! There are still idiots, or maliciously tendentious types, like that Dominic Campbell tweeter, who can claim that Europe (inc. UK) is somehow better off because it is flooded by huge numbers of low-skilled, often hostile, immigrants. “Treason” is a word often bandied about carelessly, but what else is such deliberately misinformed and misinforming nonsense?

The said tweeter is obviously one of those who thinks himself part of a self-regarding “enlightened”/”woke” fake “elite”. Wrongly, at that.

Immigration is good for the ultra-wealthy, and exploitative transnational companies, because a larger population creates more consumer demand, and because pay rates and benefit rates are automatically lower as more potential workers flood in. For 99% of the population, though, mass immigration is a disaster.

We, the British people, do not need more “debate”, more research papers, more msm yapping on chat shows or Question Time, more pointless dialogue with idiots or enemies. We need political action to create an ethnostate.

I myself am already facing a sentencing hearing in court, after my recent political trial, for having published the truth about what is happening in our society. I therefore cannot speak freely. Read between the lines, dear blog readers…

Late music

[pine martens in the New Forest]

Diary Blog, 31 December 2023

Afternoon music

From the newspapers


A key centre-left Labour MP says Keir Starmer appears to lack a clear sense of purpose due to his detachment from his party’s traditions, and casts doubt on whether he can become one of its more successful prime ministers.

In his immediate circles, he appears to value the familiar and unchallenging. It is difficult to identify the purpose of a future Starmer government – what he seeks to accomplish beyond achieving office. Labour appears to be content for the coming election to amount to a referendum on the performance of the governing Conservatives rather than a choice between competing visions of politics and justice.

[The Guardian]

Quite. The misnamed Conservative Party is going to lose the 2024 General Election because of its own 14 years of ineptitude, sleaze, and uselessness, not because of anything that the ridiculous Labour Party is putting forward.

Tweets seen

As a Jew, I have become increasingly worried that the charge of antisemitism is being levelled to silence legitimate and important debate.

Antisemitism is on the rise, but there is also a rise in the unscrupulous use of the term to silence reasonable questions about the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza.

This article in the Harvard Crimson by Jewish community leader Bernie Steinberg warns of incipient McCarthyism. It is worth reading, whichever side of the debate you are on https://thecrimson.com/article/2023/12/29/steinberg-weaponizing-antisemitism/.”

In the UK, the police and even the Crown Prosecution Service have been much-suborned by the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby, which has also corrupted the Westminster political milieu.

Get rid of them.

Such backward tribesmen have no place in civilized Europe.

Ha ha! That made me laugh.

I think that we know what will have to happen in the end but, in the unfree and censored UK of 2023, we cannot speak or blog about it.

Late tweets

Late music

I wish a happy New Year to all well-intentioned readers of the blog.

Diary Blog, Christmas Day, 2023

Merry Christmas to all well-intentioned readers of the blog.

Tweets seen

The enemy celebrates when we are divided, I demand that the leadership restrain the campaigns.”

Political and social instability is observed in Israel after heavy losses in the Gaza Strip. Israel has already announced hundreds of dead officers, but the number of ordinary soldiers killed has not yet been disclosed.

Yesterday at the cabinet meeting there were also great disagreements and criticism of Netanyahu.

Protests from the families of the hostages are intensifying, knowing that without a ceasefire their loved ones will not survive the war in Gaza.

The economy is knocked down, there is a huge decline, large numbers of Israeli settlers in the border areas of Gaza and Lebanon have been displaced and are unlikely to return anytime soon.”

Map of military operations in Ukraine at the end of 2023 from ISW The American Institute for the Study of War indicated in red on the map the territory that is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces, and in blue – what the Ukrainian Armed Forces managed to occupy during its counter-offensive.

For the sake of such “success,” the Kiev regime destroyed almost 160 thousand military personnel, hundreds of tanks and aircraft, and never overcame the tactical defense of the Russian Armed Forces.”

2024 will see, by grace of God, a general Russian advance across Eastern Ukraine; an advance to, and northward along, the Dnieper, and then towards the Kiev area. If so, that may precipitate a collapse of the Zelensky dictatorship.

Meanwhile, in the UK, the Jew-Zionist supporters of Israel pretend to be “afraid” (of mild or non-existent “antisemitism”). They constantly whine (or, more often, demand) that people such as myself be dragged into court for having the temerity to criticize both Israel and “their” behaviour. In a month or so, I myself am to be sentenced, having been convicted of publishing [the truth] on this blog.

Most seem, though, to be being destroyed while still in flight.

Late music

[Rembrandt, Man in Armour]

Diary Blog, 17 December 2023

Morning music

[mosaic from Roman-era Carthage]

Talking point

Political drones and mouthpieces such as Indian money-juggler Sunak are effectively signed-up to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, and the destruction or deformation of what is left of our white European societies (in Europe, in North America, in Australasia etc).

Statements such as the above are designed purely to mitigate the upcoming destruction of the Conservative Party (again, what is left of it) at the 2024 General Election.

If Sunak can get the nationwide Con Party vote up from its present (opinion poll) 20%, to 30% at the 2024 General Election, then the Con Party will survive, as will the fraudulent UK binary political system.

Note, though, who Sunak (impliedly) blames for the migration invasion— Putin! Not the “LibLabCon”-men and women who have encouraged non-white immigration to the UK for the past 50-60 years, and not “them” (((the usual suspects))), aka (((the “you know who”))), but Putin, the System’s current favourite msm ogre.

In any case, the Rwanda policy, if ever implemented, would deal with only a fraction of the “illegal” invaders, and none of the “legal” ones, so would only reduce the migration-invasion from maybe a million invaders per year (700,000+ “net”) to maybe 950,000 (650,000+ “net”), at best.

Tweets seen

I am not sure that Stewart is so very decent, but I am sure that, for all his paper accomplishments, he is unfitted for any ministerial role: see my detailed and updated assessment from 2019— https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.





Despite its enormous military-destructive power, the USA is rotting from the inside out. Within 20 years, its world power will have come to an end, either via complete decadence and the prominence of the stupid and uncultured, or via a world nuclear (or other) war.

When that happens, the remaining and properly ideological post-Aryans can build a true “New World Order” on the ashes of the old.

More music

Freudian projection?

Just saw a tweet from an elderly Jew-Zionist woman prolific on Twitter/X:

Already this morning, I’ve had one person tweet that I’m personally a genocidal maniac, another that Jews are deicides (in the usual phrase, which Twitter is alert to). We can see that contemporary Jew hate has both ancient & modern components.

None of the innocent Twitter-X readers reading the above tweet would be aware, naturally, that the same woman once openly tweeted (several years ago) to another elderly Jew-Zionist woman that both I and another then tweeter (that tweeter in fact unknown to me) should be made to drink strychnine…

Need any more be said?

More music

When you visit, as I have, the marble cistern at Zaghouan (modern Tunisia) and its aqueduct flowing (originally) a hundred miles to Roman-era Carthage, or when you visit, as I also have, the Alexandria Museum in Egypt, and see the classical era statues and other exhibits, you feel a sense of racial-cultural kinship which you emphatically do not feel in respect of the Arab societies around those oases of Western/European culture.

More tweets

A simple yet clever idea, though it would not work well (or maybe at all) in parts of the world where the temperatures are extremely cold (eg Russia/Siberia/Canada).

A mortar is a hell of a —fairly close-quarters— weapon, if in skilled hands. The range can be 2+ miles, but is usually well under a mile, often just a few hundred yards: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortar_(weapon).

Well, goodness gracious me…I wonder why…

From the newspapers


An inferno ripped through a 19th Century Georgian country hotel last night in Galway, as police confirm they are investigating an incident of criminal damage by fire.

It comes just hours after protesters gathered outside the Ross Lake House hotel, Rosscahill, amid concerns about migrants in the area.

The elegant hotel has not been used in a number of years, but was due to accommodate 70 asylum seekers this week.

Gardaí, Ireland’s National Police and Security Service, say they are investigating this as an incident of criminal damage.

[Daily Mail]

[I think that that should be “Garda” not “Gardai“, but I may be mistaken].

Incidentally, last Friday I was in a medium-size UK city. Not far from the centre of the city. A street with a Tesco Express, a Starbucks, estate agencies, various professional offices etc. All that, and —at about 0800 hrs— a number of people still sleeping in the streets in sleeping bags, blankets etc. Terrible (both in itself and aesthetically).

I had a mediocre cappuccino and croissant in the nearby Starbucks, until the horrible “music” drove me out. I thought to give a coin to a fellow in a shop doorway who had evidently woken up while I was in the Starbucks place (it hardly merited the title, “cafe”). A white Englishman aged maybe 30-something, or 40, maybe an ex-soldier, who growled “thanks, mate” as I pressed a £2 coin into his hand, suggesting that he buy himself a drink (probably not the best thing I could have said).

As I walked away, and about 50 feet further on, a black woman without most of her teeth (drug abuser?) accosted me and started on a story about how she wanted to get into a shelter but needed £20. I told her that I did not have £20, but felt in my pocket for another coin; a 50p was the only one. I gave it to her, and she took my modest offering without a word of thanks as I departed.

Britain’s cities in 2023…

My point (apart from just reporting what I experienced) is that neither of the two people I encountered was a migrant-invader (both spoke with British accents), and both were sleeping in the streets, in winter. Had they been migrant-invaders, they would have been in hotels paid for by the Government (i.e. by UK taxpayers). They would have been sheltered, fed, and given pocket money of (?) about £40 a week (the exact amount seems to vary), as well as provided with transport, medical and dental services, even online services.

How can this be right? Also, if another million immigrants arrive in 2024, and another in 2025 (etc), and even if “only” about 50,000 a year are small boat invaders asking for or demanding help, how is this situation sustainable? Answer— it isn’t.

[Update, 18 December 2023: it occurs to me that readers may object that the black woman mentioned was also a kind of migrant-invader, even if born in the UK. True in essence, but my point was that she had not just “got off the boat”; I should have been clearer].

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A modern form of eugenics may be, in part, a way forward.

Why then has the “Conservative” Party colluded with others to import millions of non-Europeans, many since 2010?

Weasel words to try to stave off electoral disaster in 2024.

However, when pressed by the interviewer as to policies he thinks will win the support of the voters, all Francois could come up with were two: getting rid of inheritance tax, and spending more on defence.

Inheritance tax only impacts a tiny number of people anyway, all of whom already vote Conservative.

As to Defence, which Francois (military background— a year reading War Studies for a Master’s degree, and 3-4 years in the TA, final rank Lieutenant) thinks will be a huge issue next year, that again is not something which most voters think is important.

Our armed forces are now quite weak, and very small, but our traditional enemies (Germany, France, maybe Denmark and the Netherlands —going back 300 years or more—) are now not enemies or potential enemies. The larger potential opponents (Russia, China) are so powerful that the UK could not think of fighting them, and anyway they are far away, and the UK has only limited air/sea transport capability.

The armed forces have shown themselves incapable even of preventing migration-invasion, let alone any real one (which would come from…where?).

For me, Francois’ remarks are a measure of how out of touch with the people the Conservative Party now is. He has no idea; the Conservative Party has no idea.

Listening to Francois trying to express what his preference for “overall narrative” of his party would be just underlines the sheer mediocrity (at best) of so many MPs now.


Late music

[Russian Imperial Family, c.1913]