Tag Archives: GE 2024

Diary Blog, 10 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

We are about to enter the era of the “Far right.” Kids are going to be taught to read rather than imagine they are born in the wrong body. Being white skinned won’t be a mark of the devil. TV and film will be about plot and casting rather than how many non binary lesbian people of colour and girth you can cram into a drama. We will stop worshipping the sun god and perhaps take some time to get to know the actual one. Victimhood will be frowned upon. Health services will be expected to stop dancing for TikTok and do what they are paid to do. The police will be asked to get off their knees and regain public trust again. Fear will be replaced by hope. It’s going to be much nicer than the woke period, where men had periods. The homophobic trans crap will be done. Content of character will matter more than colour of skin. It’s going to be good. And to those of you who don’t like it. Tough. We have had enough.”

For once, I agree with everything Fox has written.

Whatever one may have thought about Sinn Fein and its military wing (the IRA) in the past, at least it was an honest and clear expression of political will. Now, it has become not dissimilar to the other fake Celtic “national” parties such as the SNP and Plaid Cymru, in other words a farrago of “anti-racism”, “anti-sexism”, pro-mass immigration, hostile to any true expression of European culture. Result? Most Irish people have turned against it, and those who are still voting for Sinn Fein are doing so mostly for reasons of misguided nostalgia, it seems.


Again, for once (?) I agree with what Jayda Fransen says here. Farage is indeed a System stooge, but sometimes things have to work out in particular, and sometimes unexpected, ways.

Yes, Farage and Reform UK are not social-national and, yes, the existence of Reform UK is blocking the emergence of anything new that is social-national.

Reform UK is channelling popular discontent into “safe” “Parliamentary road” diversions, but at the same time the existence of Reform UK —and the hoo-ha around it— is moving the “Overton Window”, changing the public’s idea of what might be possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

Also, it is to be hoped that Reform UK will help to destroy the now useless and hopeless Conservative Party, and thus destabilize the existing rigged System which depends upon the illusion of a basically binary “choice”.

Faragist diversion (UKIP) did destroy the rise of the BNP under Nick Griffin in and after 2005, and especially after 2009.

2024 is not 2015, when UKIP got 12% of the national vote but no seats. Why? Because the governing party, the Conservatives, were still riding fairly high in 2015. This year, the Conservative Party looks all but washed-up.

That may or may not mean that Reform UK gets Commons seats, but it does mean that a large number of Con seats are going to be lost because 10% or 15% of people, maybe even 20%, are going to vote Reform. That does also mean that Labour will thereby benefit, but most voters for Reform UK will be willing to accept that as the price for both destroying the Conservative Party and making a loud protest.

Not far right just conservative

Who believe in family
Strong borders and not thousands of young men from opposing cultures storming our borders
Believe in law and order
Believe in good education

Believe in science
No woke Marxist pedophillia normalising agendas
Who believe individual countries should be the only ones to have a say how they are governed
Who think it’s good to be patriotic
Who believe in western Christian cultures
Who think our military should be rewarded and revered
Who are against regressive damaging socialism
Who are against big brother government
Who are against the tentacles of globalists poisoning everything they touch
Who believe in small government and low tax
Who know what the hell a woman is!!

Nothing far right

Just decent and strong

I have previously mooted, on the blog, the idea that there may be a bloc of “secret” Reform UK supporters who will not reveal, even to polling staff, their potential General Election voting intention.

I do not know whether such a bloc exists, or how large it is if it exists, but if it does indeed exist in any but marginal size, it could be a gamechanger.

Reform UK has been polling between 13% and around 17% recently. If the “secret” Reform voters exist and number the equivalent of one-tenth of the known Reform voters, then the Reform vote might be anywhere between 14% and 19%. Add on the possibility of polling errors, and that might result in anything from 12% to 21%. We shall only know for sure on and after 4 July. Three weeks and three days from today.

An intention to vote Reform UK perhaps has not the level of what might be called “socio-political embarrassment” (for people living in a conformist situation) that an intention to vote, say, BNP or National Front used to have, but I think that the constant Matthew Parris-style “oh my goodness, look at those hillbillies!” msm propaganda directed against the “left behind” areas (such as Clacton), and against so-called “racism” etc makes some people both reticent in expressing their anger at what has happened and is happening but, at the same time, more determined to do something about the situation, such as voting in a way not approved by the System puppets, the scribblers, the talking heads etc.

Jewish. Of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein#Family.

Remarkable: I even agree with Tim Stanley today. Stars or planets must be in some unusual configuration.

As for that “Conservative” nonentity (apparently one Andrew Browne: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Browne_(politician)), I am not sure that I had even heard of him until today.

Browne has already jumped ship and is not standing for re-election in the redrawn seat [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s], which seat may well fall to the LibDems if there is enough tactical voting, but has decided to stand in the new and neighbouring seat of St. Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Neots_and_Mid_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)].

Browne seems to be saying there that the Conservative Party will do OK in the election because it always did, in elections since 1945. How do people with such limited mentality ever become MPs, well-paid journalists (as he was) etc?

As for his assertion that the present-day Conservative Party embodies “small-c conservative values“, hardy ha ha… Look at what it has done in the past 14 years alone.

Tim Stanley was right to state that “the [Conservative party] brand is…gone” and that no-one even likes the Conservative Party any more. Also, that Starmer is “not socialist” (and, he added, is therefore not the frightening figure the Cons pretend). I tend to think that Starmer is alarming, but not because he is in any way “socialist”. Just that Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby repression comes naturally to him.

One Catherine McKinnell, hitherto also unknown to me. A prime candidate for the Diane Abbott Clueless Prize for this year. True Labour-style cluelessness.

Here she is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_McKinnell. MP for Newcastle upon Tyne North, and a vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

Talking point


More tweets seen

As I blogged three days ago, I do not really blame Sunak for not giving a tinker’s cuss about the Normandy Landings commemoration. After all, the bastard is not really British, is only (posing as) Prime Minister until 4 July 2024, about three weeks from now, and is (as I blogged) part of a transilient bloc of cosmopolitan wealthy Indians who are not rooted in the UK, or even in India, and whose natural (temporary) home is in places such as Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Westchester etc.

The reason is obvious. VAT raises a huge amount of money, and does so from everyone in the country, from the rich, the affluent, the less affluent, and the downright poor. The only way for an individual to avoid paying it is to be gifted the goods or services in question or (in the case of goods) to steal them.

Naturally, the wealthy prefer VAT to income tax, or capital gains tax.

Late tweets

That Chairman of the Conservative Party, Richard Holden, has now blagged himself a “safe” seat at Basildon and Billericay.

[“Billericay Dickie“]


While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin on Substack].

One in three” of those who have stopped intending to vote Conservative during 2024 adds up to about, very roughly, a third of a half, i.e. about 1/6th of the whole electorate that voted in 2019 (67.3% turnout), so —again very roughly— about 1/9th of the whole eligible electorate. Call it just over 10%. Of those who would prefer to vote, maybe 15%.

Very speculative, I admit, but there is no doubt that many are anyway in that “politically homeless” position. Anecdotally, I have heard people say it, and heard them say it of others. It is a widespread phenomenon, no matter what may be the exact numbers.

An “error“? No. Deliberate importation of non-Europeans into Europe, including the UK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

The two sides of “Boris” Johnson…

Electoral Calculus may not be infallible, but —by my use of it— those figures give the Cons only 21 seats in the Commons (Lab 538, LibDems 55, Reform 1, Green 1, Plaid Cymru 4, and the SNP a mere 12).

Others calculate a Con bloc of 24 MPs. Whatever.

Effectively the end of the Conservative Party as it now is, if accurate.

As I guessed some time ago, the Cons are really only supported now by “habit-voters”, those who have all their lives turned out to vote Con, no matter what, no matter even how they themselves benefit or not. They are almost all now aged in their 80s and 90s.

Interesting to see all age groups from 18 to (?) 70 starting to look for radical and maybe (soon) social-national alternatives.

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]

Diary Blog, 9 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

Well worth reposting, even 5+ years on.

Giles Anthony Fraser (born 27 November 1964)[3] is an English Anglican priest, journalist and broadcaster who has served as Vicar of St Anne’s Church, Kew, since 2022.[4] He is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day and The Guardian and a panellist on The Moral Maze, as well as an assistant editor of UnHerd.

Fraser was born to a Jewish father and a Christian mother and was circumcised according to Jewish tradition.[5]

Fraser…has lectured on moral leadership for the British Army at the Defence Academy at Shrivenham.

On 16 January 2016, Fraser announced his engagement to Lynn Tandler, an Israeli Jew,[23] who is a weaver and academic researcher.[24] They were married on 13 February 2016.[2][non-primary source needed] Their son was born in November of the same year.[25]

[Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giles_Fraser.

Both my Jewish children have been circumcised. They are being brought up in a bilingual family – where Hebrew is spoken at home, despite my struggling with it. My two year old chats with his grandmother on the phone most days in broken Hebrew. Both are being regularly taken to Israel. The Rabbi of the schul in Golders Green – where my father’s family (all Jewish) were seat-holders – has been extremely welcoming...”

[Giles Fraser’s blog on UnHerd]. https://unherd.com/2019/07/no-my-marriage-is-not-a-second-holocaust/.

DNA is ingrained. People can change their views, but not their DNA.

The modern “bread and circuses”.

I recall seeing the Australian TV series Skippy the Bush Kangaroo a few times after my family moved to Sydney in 1967 (I was 10 at the time). The show was on TV from early 1968.

TV shows and films such as Skippy may seem like sentimental rubbish to some people, and to some extent they may be, but there are innumerable examples of the intelligence and capabilities of our animal friends. Some such stories become famous, others are either unknown or are known only to the few people directly involved.

Something of the sort will eventually have to come to the UK.

Interesting. I have been to Famagusta (now in Turkish-ruled Northern Cyprus), but some years ago, in fact many years ago— January 2000. I did not see the ruins of the Varosha resort, though. That is a mile south of the main town, I think.

When I drove to Famagusta (from Kyrenia), the ruins of its ancient heritage were deserted. My then girlfriend and I were alone there. There were not even any people selling postcards or the like. Even the more modern parts of the town were far from busy. That was 24 years ago, though. Things change, of course. I think that there has been quite a lot of development in some areas.

I rather liked Northern Cyprus. Relaxed and, in 2000 at least, with relatively few tourists, and really none once you left Kyrenia (officially, now, Girne). A little cold at night (in January) but warm-ish during the day, usually, and with numerous interesting ancient sites (which one shared with no other people at all) set amid orange groves. I even had a rather bracing swim off a deserted beach, but it was no colder in the water than it is in the UK in summer, and the sun was shining.

I drove one day from Kyrenia right the way down the Karpas Peninsula [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karpas_Peninsula] to the eastern end. At that point, you are only 60 miles across the Eastern Mediterranean from Latakia in Syria.

General Election 2024— Clacton


In a straw poll of veterans, Farage’s campaign message seemed to be getting through.

Jason Stewart was in a green beret and a biker jacket studded with medals; after a long career in the Royal Marines, he “thought it was time to get out after I was blown up twice in one day in Afghanistan”.

He offers a version of an argument heard all day. “The two main parties look both the same to me,” he says. “The Tories don’t care about us. And Labour say they will reopen prosecutions of soldiers who served [in the Troubles] so that’s a no-no. Farage and Reform seem like the only option.”

Up the road, meanwhile, opposite McDonald’s, there was an alternative display of army jeeps and vehicles alongside veterans in fatigues. The display was organised by David Bye and his partner, Linda Hazelton, who run a charity delivering homemade pie and mash to needy veterans around the town. Bye had a one-to-one chat with Farage when he visited and claims he was given certain commitments, which will remain between them.

He grew up here; he remembers earning pocket money as a kid running tourist luggage down busy streets to Butlin’s. It’s been a long decline, he says, since the holiday camp went. “I thought I’d seen it all,” he says. “But the other morning I saw a long queue of blokes on bikes waiting for McDonald’s to open. They were collecting takeaways for people who couldn’t be bothered to make breakfast for their kids.

“I don’t know where you start with some of that,” he suggests. “But I think Nigel gets it.

The place holds symbolic relevance to Farage. Exactly a decade ago, under his Ukip brand, a meeting here paved the way for that party’s only Westminster election success, for Douglas Carswell. If you were to define the moment that Brexit became a possibility, and then a reality, you might begin there. Nine hundred people showed up, many of whom had not previously taken any interest in national politics. In the course of their populist pitch, Carswell and Farage quoted liberally from a Times newspaper column the previous week written by Matthew Parris.

Looking back at that column a decade on, you can see in it all the faultlines that were exposed and exploited so cynically by Farage and Brexit, the roots of the crisis that threatens to destroy the Conservative party in this election (a humiliation from which Farage, inevitably, hopes to benefit).

Parris, in his waspish style, on a visit to Clacton in 2014, had declared its irrelevance to modern Conservatism: “This is tracksuit-and-trainers Britain, tattoo-parlour Britain, all-our-yesterdays Britain,” he wrote. He asked his party a question which would now get a very different answer: “Is this where the Conservative party wants to be? [Or] do we need to be with the Britain that can admire immigrants and want them with us, that doesn’t want to spend its days buying scratchcards?

Parris insisted that he was not “arguing that we should be careless of the needs of struggling people and places such as Clacton. But I am arguing – if I am honest – that we should be careless of their opinions.

Farage could not have scripted a better scene for himself than the spectacle of a Tory prime minister leaving the D-day celebrations early. Tragically, as this week is proving, the forces that made his bleak and divisive message relevant in 2014 have not gone away, and in the weeks to come you suspect that Westminster political parties will still ignore Clacton at their peril.”

[The Guardian].

Not once does the full article mention the fact that the person presently posing as PM is “unelected” (at least, unvalidated by a General Election) and a little Indian money-juggler; but there you are…”The Guardian”…

Interesting, though, all the same. I think that Farage has every chance of being elected at Clacton. The only reason that the Conservative Party candidate Giles Watling (MP since 2017, a long-retired actor, and a member of the Garrick Club, who lives at Frinton, the more expensive part of the constituency) got over 70% of the vote in 2019 is because his political stance is akin to that of UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform UK anyway.

Watling came second, behind ex-Conservative Douglas Carswell (for UKIP) both at the 2014 by-election and the 2015 General Election, and only won in 2017 because Carswell stood down. Having said that, Watling did get 36.7% in 2015, only about 8 points behind Carswell.

While the election at Clacton might yet be close, Farage has every chance now. Labour and other parties are spectators at Clacton. Labour’s best was 25.4% (in 2017, when the Cons got over 60%).

Interestingly, that 2017 Labour candidate, Natasha Osben, is now, in 2024, the Green Party candidate. Starmer is really not very popular even within the Labour —or recently Labour— ranks.

Will Labour voters vote tactically? If so, for Reform UK or for the Conservative Party? My money is on Reform UK.


Tactical voting


Alarmingly for Conservative HQ, many polling experts believe the conditions are ripe for a repeat of 1997, when tactical voting benefited Labour and the Lib Dems and cost the Tories dozens of seats, most notably the toppling of Michael Portillo in Enfield Southgate. This time, Shapps is among the big beasts who could suffer their own polling night infamy.

Tactical efforts came to little at the last election. Hopes among pro-Remain campaigners of an anti-Brexit tactical vote were dashed as Boris Johnson won an 80-strong majority. But conditions have changed. Peter Kellner, the veteran pollster, wrote in the Observer before the 1997 election that while he detected little “positive enthusiasm” for Labour, an electorate with “a burning desire to end 18 years of Tory rule” made for receptive tactical voting conditions. He believes similar ingredients are present today.

While the net effects of tactical voting are hard to calculate, the Liberal Democrats could gain 10-20 extra seats through anti-Conservative tactical voting, according to an analysis by the Electoral Calculus consultancy. Meanwhile, with the added help of Nigel Farage and Reform UK, the tactical dynamic could push Labour closer in another swathe of previously safe Tory seats.


Conservative losses


Writing in the Observer, Rob Ford, a leading expert on voting intention and trends, says the evidence from polls shows that “an electoral asteroid is streaking through the atmosphere” and is heading for the Tory heartlands. Ford no longer thinks it impossible that the Conservatives could end up with less than 100 seats, so badly is their campaign misfiring and so much trust have they lost over 14 years and the tenures of five prime ministers.

Other polling experts say that such is the geographical spread of the Tory vote, and the brutal nature of the first past the post system, that once their vote drops into the low 20% region, the number of seats could fall into double digits – and could go as low as 20.


I have speculated for quite a while that the Con vote might go low enough nationwide to leave the Cons with as few as 50 MPs. Perhaps I was right (I sometimes am…).

More tweets

Quite right.

Entitled self-seeking political hog Emily Thornberry, who only became “Labour” in the first place after her highly-paid UN-working father deserted her and her mother, abandoning his wife and daughter, and resulting in their having to relocate to a council house. She is motivated by malice and early spite and/or envy.

Emily Thornberry and her husband (a retired High Court judge) are buy-to-let parasites, incidentally; I believe that I read that they own, or used to own, at least 8 buy-to-let properties. Pro-Israel, too.

[Emily Thornberry and husband with the then Israeli Ambassador to the UK, Mark Regev, at a Zionist banquet in London]

The Conservative Party now deserves to be not only removed from government, and preferably entirely wiped out, but do not imagine that fake “Labour” will be much if at all better. Look at its leaders and major influencers: Keir Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall. All members of Labour Friends of Israel. All self-seeking moneygrubbers too.

David Lammy, that ignorant creature, as well.

That thick creature might be Foreign Secretary soon. Poor Britain…

Another Labour Friends of Israel member.

Emily Thornberry slightly reminds me of Mrs Mossberg, a fat, short and jolly Jewish primary school teacher, usually —in my memory— dressed in a long dark-brown mink coat; I knew her circa 1962, when about 5 or 6 years old and a pupil at Caversham Primary School near Reading. Mrs Mossberg, though, was far more pleasant than Emily Thornberry seems to be.

In retrospect, I wonder why Mrs Mossberg ever bothered to be a teacher, which I doubt paid much. She lived not far from my family, a few roads away, in a large detached house. The main reception room, which I saw at least once, seemed enormous to the 5-y-o me, and it had a large grand piano in it. Maybe she just enjoyed teaching.

The last tweeter says that Emily Thornberry owns 4 properties; I thought I read 8 somewhere.

Elite“, though, seems the wrong word to describe that bunch of clowns.

Reminiscent of the last recruits of the Volkssturm in 1945…

[Volkssturm, Berlin, 1945; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkssturm]

In fact, the Volkssturm recruits above look both younger and healthier than those Kiev-regime “volunteers” or pressganged recruits.

[Germany 1945— Volkssturm recruits being taught how to use the Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Panzerfaust]

Well, I cannot read Hebrew, and there is no translation, so I have no idea what the untermensch may have written in relation to his vandalism of that family’s house.

From what little one hears or reads, some of the chiefs or former chiefs of Israeli Intelligence (MOSSAD, Shin Beth, Aman etc) are also not optimistic about Israel’s long-term or even medium-term survival.


GE 2024 latest


Conservatives face election wipeout with Labour set to gain a 416 majority that could see Rishi Sunak LOSING his seat and the Tories being left with just 39 MPs, shock Mail on Sunday poll reveals.”

[Daily Mail]

If that turns out to be correct on 4 July 2024, I will have been proven correct, and the “experts” and “specialists” (who have been saying 100-200 Con MPs left post-GE 2024) would be wrong (again)…

Also true, arguably. About the same, I should say.

More tweets seen

The first tweet confirms what I have been blogging re. Clacton. It is between Reform UK (Farage) and the Cons (Giles Watling). Labour has no chance at all, but Labour voters in Clacton can be the kingmakers. Their votes can swing it, either for Reform or for the Cons.

Even if the second tweet is accurate, and it may not be, voters can still give the Cons a mighty and historic kick by voting Reform UK and thus preventing the Conservative Party from thriving, or even surviving.

The very fact that such a grassroots campaign is even necessary shows how sick society has become.

Refers to Robert Largan, the Israel-puppet and Jewish-lobby puppet who is desperately trying to keep his Commons seat at High Peak (Derbyshire), with its good pay and better expenses and perks, but he really has no chance. Make him get a real job.

High Peak voters should vote either Reform UK or Labour to get rid of Largan.

Talking point

Late tweets

Richard Holden, who strikes me as a rather unpleasant little opportunist, even by the standards of the Westminster monkeyhouse. Conservative Party candidate at Basildon and Billericay. I hope that the voters there vote Reform or Labour. Keep him out.

[“Billericay Dickie”]

God. Myerson again. When is the Judicial Standards Investigations Office at least going to stop this obsessive from sitting in judgment over others? The Bar Standards Board might like to take a look too.

…and few indeed of the British public are aware of the fact that the declaration of war by Britain on the German Reich in 1939 was not only totally unnecessary but led to immense unnecessary bloodshed and misery, and to negative consequences from which the world is still suffering.

About Macron: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Flight of the Swallow]

Diary Blog, 8 June 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week is one of those rare ones when political journalist John Rentoul has managed to beat me. He scored, he says, 6.5/10; I scored a modest 4/10, knowing the answers only to questions 2, 6, 8, and 10. I also came close on questions 5 and 9, but a miss is a miss…

Tweets seen

As I blogged yesterday, the events of 1944 (which really are, in 2024, rather overdone anyway, bearing in mind that only people born before about 1936 or 1937, i.e. those now at least 87-88 years old, would personally remember them) naturally mean nothing to Sunak, who after all is not really British and was only born in 1980.

Ha. Looks as though Andrea Jenkyns is going to have to find one of those jobs the Con Party wants the disabled and sick to do, such as stacking shelves. Hard to imagine that she would be qualified for anything else, and her seat is gone, for sure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leeds_South_West_and_Morley_(UK_Parliament_constituency); the former Morley and Outwood constituency, but with a new added area which is generally anti-Conservative Party: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farnley_and_Wortley_(ward).

I wrote about Andrea Jenkyns on the blog years ago. I was probably too kind about her: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/21/the-andrea-jenkyns-story/.

Andrea Jenkyns, with her husband (or ex-husband; it seems unclear), Jack Lopresti [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_Lopresti] are both Con Party MPs, and both are also members of Conservative Friends of Israel. His constituency (also to be fought on new boundaries) may be “safer” than his wife’s or ex-wife’s, but whether safe enough to save Lopresti from also having to stack shelves is an open question: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filton_and_Bradley_Stoke_(UK_Parliament_constituency). His only real job prior to becoming an MP was in his family’s ice-cream business (he is of Sicilian origin).

Andrea Jenkyns and Jack Lopresti. Both pro-Israel and the UK Jewish lobby? Kick them both into the political gutter, dear voters.

Ha. Engaging vision— Sunak in a chariot, throwing gold coins at the plebs and soldiers lining the roads, and shouting “50 gold sesterces for every man!“, as near the end of the 1964 film, The Fall of the Roman Empire:

More music

[interior, Reichskanzlei, Berlin, 1942; https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reichskanzlei]
[Reichskanzlei, Berlin, 1945]

How long will our present-day Europe last in its present state?

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More tweets

“Boris” Johnson channelling his inner Yiddish-speaker, it seems. He is of course, partly Jewish.

[“Boris” Johnson at the Wailing Wall, aka Western Wall or “Kotel” in Jerusalem]

I remember when I first heard the word “Schnorrer“. It was just after a Jew who was Director of Public Prosecutions, one Green, had been caught “kerb-crawling” at King’s Cross in 1991: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allan_Green_(barrister).

At that time, I was often to be found, on quiet weekday mornings, in Raoul’s Cafe, Little Venice. One of the several Jews who were also regular patrons was someone called Jerry (I never knew his surname), a former Royal Navy Lt.-Commander (perhaps surprisingly), and one-time scholar of the Jewish house at Clifton College (Bristol)[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifton_College]; [https://www.thejc.com/family-and-education/clifton-colleges-jewish-family-q7qjk71c].

That “Jerry” person happened to be at the same large cafe table as me that morning and, he somehow knowing that I was at the Bar (very recently Called, I think), started to talk about Green. His words stuck in my mind. Green, said he, “is what we [Jews] call a Schnorrer“, though his brief explanation of the word was even less polite than that of Robert Peston.

Instructive in two senses. First, look at that horrible little “journalist” careerist. Typical. Never give a “journalist” (whether scribbler or TV monkey-on-a-stick) the time of day. They have an agenda, and are enemies subservient to the “usual” lobby.

Secondly, it shows, yet again, that Reform UK is merely “controlled opposition”, and with no loyalty to its own members and candidates. Still, I hope that Reform UK does well enough to help kill off the Conservative Party, as well as moving the “Overton Window” a bit.

Just saw the above tweets, posted on Twitter/X in 2023.

Austin, now unmeritoriously in the House of Lords (thanks to “Boris” Johnson), actually wrote at least one letter to the then Director of Public Prosecutions sometime in recent years, and on behalf of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”], which letter or letters demanded that I be prosecuted for allegedly having posted “antisemitic” tweets and/or blog comments.

Incidentally, the same Jewish girl student who spearheaded Zionist complaints against the later and wrongfully sacked Dr. David Miller at Bristol University, one Sabrina Miller (no relation), actually defended Austin in relation to the pornography matter, and appeared to be, in a post or posts I saw online, not unsympathetic to his views at the time. She is now a scribbler for the Daily Mail.

Strangely, Austin’s Wikipedia entry seems not to mention his views on the rather unpleasant pornographic matter in question.

“Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas) is no more “trans” than I am. A “grifting” cheat, liar, and fraudster, yes.

She is now falling back on previously-deployed (several times; indeed, many times) lies: she is “persecuted“, “having to hide” (“with her son”, who is now about 20 years old and who was mainly taken care of by others in his earlier years) “in safe houses“.

Not forgetting the Press apparently doorstepping her (she’s used that lie several times too) and “stalkers” stalking her in her home area (yawn…another much-trotted-out invention). Oh, and her alleged need for “bodyguards“. Would they be private ones, costing hundreds of pounds per day? Police ones, like some of the royals, and some Cabinet ministers, sometimes have? And does anyone not feeble-minded believe a word of all her nonsense?

“Jack” also claims, yet again, to be under police protection and, yet again, has no idea at all where the last year’s donations from well-meaning but brainless mugs have gone…

Of course she doesn’t…

As for why those utter mugs are still —after years of “Jack” being exposed as a dishonest cheat and fraud— sending her money every month, that is hard to say (beyond simple naivety and/or stupidity). I am not a psychiatrist.

Yes. It has been puzzling to me why the Essex Police, so hot on “racist” teddy bears and “antisemitism”, can find no time to investigate a woman who has ripped off hundreds of thousands of pounds from people, often genuinely poor people, over about 10-12 years. Whether it has anything to do with freemasonry (I think that her father, a former high-ranking fire officer and residential property landlord in Southend, is a freemason, though I am ready to be corrected if that is not so), I have no idea.

The only danger “Jack” is in (excepting possible arrest and/or quite likely civil legal action soon), is that she might be poisoned by the swill she pretends to cook.

As I have blogged in the past, I could imagine “Jack Monroe”, under other circumstances, being a far more serious kind of criminal.

“Jack Monroe” reminds me (her incredible portfolio of lies, and screamingly implausible tales and fantasies, remind me) of the Fawlty Towers episode where, looking at Basil, the psychiatrist says to his wife, “there’s material for an entire conference there“.

Whereas the main System parties have detailed, properly costed, fully or largely worked out policies…most of which are never implemented. Isn’t “democracy” wonderful?…

Late tweets

When “they” have power and others do not…

If that were to occur, it would be absurd. An election for Conservative Party leader could not happen (could it?) until after the General Election. It is uncertain at present even who will or will not retain his/her seat.

In any case, who would want to apply for the job, facing certain defeat in 3.5 weeks’ time? Traditionally, leaders resign after a lost election, so the idea makes no sense.

I suppose that Sunak might resign as Con leader, but retain the Prime Ministership until the General Election on 4 July.

Were Sunak to step down as PM as well, I suppose that the brainless Oliver Dowden might become caretaker Prime Minister. After the inevitable loss of the election, Dowden would then cease to be PM (and, ludicrously, be eligible, as was Liz Truss, for the ex-PM’s £125,000 or £150,000 p.a. for life!).

Re Dowden, I saw this: “Dowden is a former officer of the Conservative Friends of Israel, and has twice chaired the APPG for British Jews. Dowden has said he feels a “cultural affinity” with the Jewish community – his constituency of Hertsmere has the largest Jewish population outside of London.[18]” [Wikipedia]

Nein danke…

Were Sunak to resign as Con Party leader and/or PM prior to 4 July 2024, the Conservative Party might, quite seriously, be left with only a handful of MPs. I think that, for many voters, it would be the last straw.

As it is, we see people at Cabinet level attacking Sunak, the Prime Minister. Con Party discipline is non-existent now as the Titanic prepares to sink beneath the waves.

Late music

[Levitan, Over Eternal Peace]

Diary Blog, 7 June 2024, including a few more thoughts about Sunak, Reform UK etc

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Tim Montgomerie, “Conservative councillors out there on the front door doorstep at the moment, trying to get their campaigns in shape” “And probably the most unpopular prime minister we’ve had in living memory – Liz Truss – is there, two weeks before campaign day, reminding everyone of that dreadful six week period when the conservative party got a reputation for wrecking the economy” “I really have no time for Liz Truss. Anyone with any sense of dignity would have absented themselves from the political” “She should have gone and run a hotel in the Outer Hebrides or something” “You know, to actually still be at the forefront of politics without any real apology for what she did, I really think she’s a disgrace, actually.”

In Soviet times, degraded high-ranking people, such as Malenkov, were made directors of remote hydro-electric stations in Siberia, or some such. In the case of Liz Truss, impossible, because she would be unable to run competently anything at all. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgy_Malenkov#Downfall_and_final_years.

Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng), though, is not seeking re-election. He evidently hopes to be able to live down, in time, his complete failure as one of the shortest-serving, and least-competent Chancellors in history.

I look forward to Israel-puppet and Jewish-lobby puppet Largan being removed as MP on 4 July 2024, after which he can return to Marks & Spencer, counting beans.

Whatever your view about WW2 (for me it was avoidable, on the Western Front at least, in 1939, or in 1940, or even later), it is something that concerns mainly European people: English/British, German, French etc, and that applies even more to the Normandy Landings, aka “D-Day”.

Sunak is a cosmopolitan Indian money-juggler, whose parents came from India via East Africa to the UK in the 1960s, about 15 years before his birth in 1980.

I do not criticize Sunak for not being terribly interested in what was happening in Normandy or France generally in 1944. It is of course alien to him, despite his having been born in Hampshire. I do not even criticize Sunak for being PM of the UK, despite his being hopeless at it. I criticize those who have imported large and growing non-European populations, and those who think it is OK for the UK to have an Indian as Prime Minister.

Sunak is the kind of wealthy cosmopolitan Indian you see now forming, en masse, a kind of detached international class. The same applies to his wife.

I met an Indian girl like that in London once, about 1983, a colleague of one of my brothers. I think she was from Bombay (now “Mumbai”, for some reason).

That girl was about to get married. An arranged marriage, but she had been allowed to set her own parameters: the prospective husband, though Indian (the family had parameters too) had to be Westernized, educated at tertiary level in the West, and living in the UK or USA; and the couple would live in the West, preferably USA, after the wedding.

That girl’s family was wealthy, connected to the former Prime Minister of India, Desai [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morarji_Desai], and organized the wedding, again in or near Bombay. I think that my brother was invited but was unable to attend. The guest list numbered some 2,000 people, which I found incredible, but apparently it was only constraint of time which prevented the celebrations having a guest list numbering 6,000!

The girl married, as requested, a youngish Indian who worked in some professional capacity (maybe architect, I think) in the New York City area.

Those sort of Indians are to be found in place like Palo Alto (California), Silicon Valley (CA), Westchester (NY), the Raleigh-Durham scientific area (NC) etc.

I doubt that Sunak will stay in the UK. California, probably.

I recall a conversation with another such Indian, travelling with his little son in the First Class cabin of a Qatar Airways flight between Doha and London 23 years ago. We exchanged views while standing by the viewing window.

Such Indians are a kind of transilient international community, not British (even if they have a UK passport), not American, not even Indian in terms of having much in common with India itself.

That’s Sunak. He is out of place here, and out of place as Prime Minister.

[Update, two days later:


The whole “a vote for Reform UK is a vote for Labour” thing is a good example of how totally out of touch the main System parties are, and particularly the Conservative Party.

People voting for Farage and/or Reform UK do not care that Labour will benefit from those votes. In fact, many want, not Labour as such, but to kick and kick this Sunak/Liz Truss/Boris-“idiot” government until it expires; voting Reform UK will do that, and will also register a protest, as in the Brexit Referendum.

(A vote for) Brexit meant more than just support for Brexit, and a vote for Reform UK means a very great deal more than support for Farage etc, and greatly more than any hope that Reform UK will actually get any MPs elected (though in fact it now seems that a few Reform candidates may actually break through here and there).

A campaign clip tweeted by the Labour candidate for the High Peak constituency, Jon Pearce [https://www.jon4highpeak.com/] who is apparently local, unlike pro-Israel puppet Robert Largan, the dishonest and carpetbagging Con candidate (who tweeted on behalf of the “you know who” lobby against both me and local satirical singer Alison Chabloz —and others— some years ago).

Robert Largan is one of the (former) MPs who really put the “con” into “Conservative”.

I don’t care whether High Peak voters vote Labour or Reform UK, so long as Largan is booted out.

Late tweets

May victory attend you.

Myerson should be removed from his position as Recorder (p/t judge). Both the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office and the Bar Standards Board should be looking into his conduct.

The reference is to the Zionist defendant, Newbon, having killed himself.

So much for sanctions against Russia. They have mainly damaged the countries whose incompetent governments imposed them. The UK, for one.

Late music

[painting by Volegov]

Diary Blog, 6 June 2024

Morning music

[equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius]

Tweets seen

He has a point, albeit a very obvious point, and that is so even if “Robinson” is basically “controlled opposition”.

In the end, civilization is created and maintained by iron necessities. It rests easy on the bones of the vanquished. If chaos and evil prevail, the opposite happens; in that case, culture and civilization and everything decent disappears, untermenschen scrabble around atop the ruins of once-great cities, and tread on the bones of those who were civilized and cultured, but just too tolerant of decadence and evil.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/



Former Tory voters in Clacton have been switching to Reform UK over Nigel Farage’s stance on immigration.

GB News ventured up to the coastal constituency to get a feel on the ground ahead of Farage’s launch near Clacton Pier.

Immigration was the main issue raised by residents, with the cost-of-living crisis and net zero also salient issues.

Speaking hours before Farage’s arrival, Andrew Humphries told GB News: “Immigration is a massive thing, especially how it impacts on the rest of society.

“I’ve been waiting for a couple of years now for housing. My family has been here for 40 years and I’ve seen the decline of the town.

You’ve got to help your own first before you look out for others.

Humphries, who described himself as typically a non-voter, claimed there is a “good chance” Farage will win and argued the two-party system is broken.

Steve Schaffer, who moved to Clacton in 1957, explained his support for Farage.

“This is only a small country,” he claimed. “We’re struggling. We can’t build enough homes. The schools and hospitals are full. It’s reaching bursting point. We’ve got to stop it or slow it down somehow.”

Despite witnessing a dip immediately after the 2016 referendum, the salience of immigration has soared in recent years.

Immigration and asylum is the third most important issue in the minds of Britons, analysis by YouGov has shown.

Rozerin Altin, who was just 18, added: “I’m the oldest of six girls. I don’t want little boys going into girls’ changing rooms. I care about women’s rights. If you care about that then you should vote for Reform UK.

[GB News]

Immigration generally should be the first and most important issue. The other important matters —economy, pay, State benefits, housing, NHS, public services, educational standards etc— are all affected, hugely, by the migration invasion.

GE 2024

People (including some “experts” etc) were saying until very recently that polling numbers for Con and Lab would converge, as they always have done. Mechanistic, formulaic thinking.

I have disagreed. I still disagree. For me, the main thing is that almost everyone, barring about (?) 10%-20%, most of whom are elderly lifelong Con voters now in their 80s and 90s, has realized that the Sunak/Liz Truss/Boris-idiot/Theresa May/Cameron-Levita Con governments have run the UK into the ground, and have been actually totally useless.

It has been clear to me for quite some time that, barring those ingrained and very elderly Con loyalists (or lifelong habit-voters), almost no-one is going to vote “Conservative” in the upcoming election. Maybe 20%, maybe 15%, or even as low as 10% nationwide. My guess would be about 18%.

The polls are still moving: the Cons are still descending. Labour has slid somewhat from its (?) 49% high to around 40%. The uninspiring prospect of Israel-puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, Liz Kendall etc fails to excite many voters, but I doubt whether Labour’s overall vote will be below, or much below, 40% in the end. I am thinking 40% or 42%.

The polling statistics seem clear: Labour beats Con on almost all topics, from economy and NHS through to “best PM” and even immigration. That means that, where there is a straight fight between a Labour candidate and a Conservative Party one, Lab will usually beat Con.

The joker in the pack is Reform UK. The difference in 2024 as compared to UKIP in 2015 and Brexit Party in 2019 is not really in the policy “offering”; that is all but identical. So is the leadership (Farage, mainly). The difference lies in the context.

In 2015, UKIP failed only because it was cheated by the rigged FPTP voting system. 12%+ of the popular vote, yet no seats won. That, and because the full horror of the mass migration invasion was still not understood, in its effects, by enough people.

In 2019, Farage stabbed Brexit Party in the back to help the Con Party achieve its faked “landslide” (43.6% popular vote, about one point above Labour’s “landslide of 1997).

Today, in 2024, things have moved on. Brexit was deliberately mishandled and has been negative in its consequences for that reason.

The immigration tsunami has brought in, quite literally, millions (more) of unwanted non-Europeans since 2015.

We see the “unelected” little Indian money-juggler, Sunak, throwing taxpayer money at both Israel and “Ukraine” (the brutal and dictatorial Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev).

Another aspect is the extent to which UK society has fallen apart since 2015, and especially since the 2020-2022 “panicdemic” or “scamdemic”.

Potholed and unrepaired roads have become “totemic” of it. NHS failings. The continuing migration invasion, of which the “small boats” crossing the Channel (in reality, ferried across by Royal Navy, RNLI, Border “Farce” etc) comprise only about 5% of all immigration. The slow collapse of law and order. The increasing overall cost of living.

Reform UK is still a bit of a one-trick-pony, both in policy and personnel, but it has at least a chance now of getting a handful of MPs.

More importantly, a high popular vote for Reform UK will hole this rotten misgovernment below the waterline, and that is exactly why many (including former Con voters) will vote for it.

In fact, were Labour supporters and LibDem supporters, in seats where either Labour or LibDems have no chance, to vote tactically for the party best placed to beat the Con candidate, or for Reform UK, the Cons might be left with an MP cadre in the single figures.

Well, not long to go now. Exactly 4 weeks (28 days) from today.

More tweets

In 2008/2009, I wrote and published a restricted-distribution geopolitical study which, inter alia, featured the very important central position of Turkey.

Turkey has various problems, but it also has several strengths. A huge supply of water, firstly. That is very important now. Another asset is the fact that Turkey is a fairly large net food exporting state. That may sound underwhelming, but it means that, if push comes to shove, Turkey can feed itself. A large and efficient military force, too.

Turkey is now moving towards a neutral position, despite its NATO membership.

Another “Israeli” war criminal.

The Israeli state can only do what it does because of its “diaspora” support outside Israel— the Zionist influence in the USA, France, UK etc.

Historical note

Aspects of National Socialist Germany

National Socialist Germany. 1933-1945. 6 years of peace, 6 years of war.

More tweets seen

Reform UK is an easy way for people who would never vote Labour to send a message and/or a kick to the Conservative Party.

Talking about giving the Conservative Party a kick…see below

Holden has aged hugely since he (allegedly) groped a woman at a party in 2016; I think that the photo in the report was from 2018, so only 6 years ago. He is still only 39. Hard to believe, looking at him as he now is.

Of course, someone acquitted by a jury supposedly leaves court without a stain on his character…

He is supposedly in a relationship of some kind with the political editor of the Sun “newspaper”, one Kate Ferguson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Holden_(British_politician)#Personal_life.

[Kate Ferguson]

Holden strikes me (I had not even heard of him until yesterday, despite his being Chairman of the Conservative Party— they have had so many in recent years) as a dishonest type. Just my impression of him now that I have seen him in film clips and heard online from him and about him.


Put a beggar on horseback and he rides it to death” [German proverb]

One way to cheat Holden out of his prize would be for a few civic-minded people to stand for election as “Independent conservative” or similar. That might weaken the kneejerk Con habit-vote, especially if Reform UK does well.

So far, the Basildon and Billericay constituency has been safely Con, though, since established in 2010: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basildon_and_Billericay_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

The sheer gall and dishonesty of bastards such as Holden exemplifies the Sunak Con government and its several predecessors.

[“Billericay Dickie“]

More music

[Irish (IRA) volunteers c.1920]

Late tweets

On the one hand, heartbreaking, but on the other hand heartening. People can be so resilient.

Israel and its Western support network may imagine that their crimes are without punishment, but group-karma will eventually take hold of them, whether in the 21stC, 31stC or later.

Those animal-looking robots give me the creeps, if truth be known…

Late music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

Diary Blog, 5 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

In 2019, Antifa beat me on the head and face, causing a traumatic brain injury as I suffered bleeding on my brain. As I struggled to get away, they threw drinks in my eyes to blind me so I couldn’t get help. I remember their laughter as I was bleeding from my ear and eyes. I was lucky to survive and recover.

Many leftists on social media are celebrating that someone hurled a drink in the face of @Nigel_Farage today as he was campaigning in Clacton, Essex. They’re reveling in the fear that a victim feels when being hit in the eyes with an unknown liquid—in a country that suffers acid attacks. The celebrations are emblematic of a level of political violence that the left tolerates and desires on their political opponents.

Perpetrators of violent attacks, such as that in Clacton yesterday, must be punished properly. I doubt whether the present minor judiciary has the will to do that.

I blogged about these issues several years ago:

Farage has been attacked before, as was Nick Griffin (in 2010, I think).

Very true. If only, though, the British and French had retained control of the Middle East and North Africa after WW2. No crazy demagogues, no “Israel”, no war…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

[The Corniche, Alexandria]

Manchester, apparently. Here, though, on the Hampshire coast, it is 16C and partly cloudy, partly sunny.

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], a similar result: Labour 488 MPs (majority 326), Con 82, LibDems 43, Greens 1, Reform UK 0, Plaid 3, SNP 14 (and Northern Irish 18).

Almost but not quite a Con wipeout.

I myself still think that <50 is a possibility for the Cons. I concede that the many experts and specialists are against me, but my reasons are as previously blogged:

  • the fact that few 2019 and earlier Con voters now think of the Con Party and Government as anything other than completely useless;
  • that there are many (or are there?) “secret” Reform UK intending or possible voters; and
  • that there are many voters who will vote tactically to sink the Cons, even if many of the same voters hate, despise or fear Starmer-Labour.

A point or so fewer for the Cons, a point extra for Labour, a point extra for the LibDems, and a point or so more for Reform UK, and the Con cadre of MPs would reduce to only 30.

This is no exact science.

This is a guest post from an anonymous 25-year-old member of Gen-Z. They live in London. They work in Westminster. And they are utterly fed-up with the dire state of the country.

If you believe the polls then the Tory party is about to be completely rejected by my generation, Gen-Z, the members of which were born in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Remarkably, just 5% of us are planning to vote Tory next month while a staggering 83% are planning to either vote Labour, Lib Dem, Green, or SNP.

But as one of those few right-leaning Zoomers, let me tell you —even that 5% figure is deeply misleading. Why?

Because, as Matt pointed out on Twitter/X, one enormous problem facing the Tories today is not just the remarkably low number of Zoomers who are planning to vote Conservative; it’s that the few Zoomer conservatives who do exist are also utterly fed-up and frustrated with the party and want to see it completely obliterated.

And why do they feel like this, exactly?

Well, consider my own story.

I’m writing this at 3am in the morning and I have less than four hours before I need to get up and start my morning routine for work.

But, once again, the neighbours who live downstairs, below my flat, have decided to have another all-night party. And unlike me, they don’t have to wake up for work.

Because, unlike me, they don’t have to work.

They qualify for social housing; their rent is subsidised by the large and rising amount of council tax I am forced to pay each month —on top of ruinous income taxes, national insurance contributions and student loan repayments.

The majority of the tenants in my housing block are unemployed; I see few of them leaving the house for work in the morning.

My interactions with them are limited to hostile glaring mixed in with the occasional attempted mugging. On the rare occasion I have female company I have to escort my dates to and from the bus stop to stop them being sexually harassed.

What scraps of my salary the State allows me to keep are eaten up immediately by rent. I pay almost half my post-tax income to live on an ex-council estate in Zone 3, London, with the smell of weed continually hanging in the air.

Unless I achieve an income of more than £200,000 it will simply be impossible to secure a mortgage on a house the same size as the one my parents bought in 1989.

My friends work in high-powered finance and legal careers but, like me, struggle on with flatshares well into their late 20s, if not their early 30s.

They are spending the best decade of their life working until midnight seven days a week for the chance to attain the same middle-class lifestyle their parents achieved much earlier in life.

The reward for being wildly successful financially in 2024? To live in a semi-detached house that was built for unskilled professionals in inner London a century ago.

And that’s not all …

If I decide to have children, which you might think ought to be encouraged given the demographic crisis facing Western nations like Britain, I will have to contend with extortionate childcare costs, or deprive my household of a second income.

Renting a three-bedroom flat in a safe part of London will cost in excess of £3,000 a month; my children will have to grow up in far more cramped conditions than I did, most likely having to share a room and perhaps dodging stray bullets.

The only feasible route out of this incredibly depressing situation is to leave the city I grew up in and commute two hours both ways from a town I have no local connection to —where I have no friends or family living nearby.

Even with cheaper housing, I will still have to send my kids to local schools where they will be bombarded with relentless propaganda about how to ‘change their gender’, acknowledge their ‘whiteness’, and apologise for the British Empire.

It is certainly true that previous generations of young people faced more challenging circumstances. I am not (yet) being asked to walk across No Mans Land and into a sea of barbed wire and machine guns.

But it is one thing being asked to suffer for a cause like liberty in Europe, or to grimace through destitution because of seemingly uncontrollable events like the Wall Street Crash. It is quite another to be economically enslaved to the point of infertility to sustain a growing population of resentful dependents. 

And I am one of the lucky ones...”

[from the Matt Goodwin blog on Substack].

A long piece to paste on the blog, but worth reading, I think, despite the several obvious gaps in the author’s reasoning.

More tweets

Some mugs are still sending fraudster “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas) money every month via Patreon! Utter utter mugs.

A certainethno-religion…

Barwell is a silly little guy. A joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gavin_Barwell.

As for Goodwin’s rhetorical questions…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Barwell seems to imagine that, as the (white/Brit) workforce ages, it can simply be replaced by black, brown (etc) imported equivalents. Not so. A high proportion of the imports (and offspring thereof) are parasitic and/or useless, with a smaller proportion actively criminal or terroristic.

Barwell’s thesis (to thus dignify it) seems to be that, as —say— 1M Brits age, retire, or die, the thing to do is to import 10M unwanted non-European immigrants in the hope that 10% of them can replace the 1M Brits who have checked out of the labour market (or life). What about the notional 9M other imports? They may be (and most are) useless, or near-useless, but all need/want/demand housing, food, water, shelter, NHS services, money…

Not sure whether that is Krakow or the rebuilt (post-WW2) old central part of Warsaw. Maybe the latter. I saw both on several trips to Poland in 1988 and 1989, but I should probably not recognize much of the newer areas now, judging by photos I have seen. The changes, esp. in Warsaw, have been immense.

Late tweets

Exactly what this blog has been saying for quite a while.

The 2024 General Election result, using Electoral Calculus, and based on the latest YouGov polling: Cons with only 55 MPs; LibDems on 63, and they are the official Opposition; Reform UK, significantly, with 3 MPs (presumably including Farage), and Greens on 2. Also important, the SNP with only 14 MPs.

Party2019 Votes2019 SeatsPred VotesGainsLossesNet ChangeTactical
Pred Seats
N.Ire 18 00+00%18

Worth reading in full.

Late music

[Berlin, 1945: Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag]

Diary Blog, 1 June 2024, including brief thoughts about South Africa

Morning music


Saturday quiz

Well, this week a very poor 3/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. I only knew the answers to questions 4, 5, and 8.

South Africa

White South Africans should never have given in to the ANC. They should have held out and fought on. In fact, they should have “doubled down” on everything.

After the fall of socialism from 1989, the Soviet Union all but collapsed, the DDR/East Germany imploded, Cuba suddenly became visibly what Soviet aid had disguised for 20+ years, i.e. a ramshackle Caribbean/Latin American dictatorship, and the African countries bordering South Africa fell even deeper into poverty, civil upheaval, corruption and crime.

In other words, the ANC and its “military”/terror wing would have had no means to carry on much of a war. If South Africa had held on, and had accelerated its plans for a kind of “Federation”, including some areas with African domestic autonomy, and had the white South Africans closed down most of the —mostly Jewish-owned— English-language newspapers (and TV), there would have been a kind of victory, or at least not the terrible situation that has developed in the past 30 years.

South Africa had, or was developing, advanced weaponry: nuclear, biological etc.

The Africans were, in effect, told that the reason most of them were poor was because the white man was, usually, richer. After “majority rule” (corrupt African crony rule) that would of course be different. The ANC failed, and inevitably failed, to deliver. Hence the African masses, their lives as bad or worse than under National Party apartheid rule, now turn to ever more extreme demagogues. The future seems bleak, both for most Africans and most of the remaining white South Africans, some of whom can trace their South African identity back to the 17thC.

Tweets seen

What would (those Hitler called) “dirty democratic politicians” (and parties) do without mugs such as tweeter “@BoudicaWitch”?

There is no real difference between what fake Labour is saying and what Iain Dunce Duncan Smith was saying from 2010-2015. Wake up, for God’s sake.

Utter mugs. “Labour” is just a label now (like “Conservative”). Both parties are NWO/ZOG fronts. That “assessment” by tweeter “@RattusMalumus” is not an assessment at all but a pathetic grasping at straws.

Liz Kendall is another Labour Friends of Israel member. She is also as thick as two short planks.

God help Britain, with Labour likely to be gifted an “elected” dictatorship by default, thanks to the Sunak government’s total inability to govern.

[“but wait! I voted Labour!“…]

For me, this election means only one thing useful— to collapse the Conservative Party, resulting in a total imbalance of the rigged “two main parties” scam, after which (when Labour becomes hated and despised…give it 6-12 months) there may be a chance for real social nationalism to come to the fore, one way or another.

If my blog was said to have contained 5 posts (out of about 1,500 over several years) worthy of being prosecuted as “grossly offensive” (not really at all offensive), then how is it that Israel lobby/Jewish lobby puppet Luke Akehurst has never been prosecuted? Look at his tweet below:

Oh, wait…Akehurst supports Israel…that is why he has never been prosecuted.

[Update, 16 June 2024: looking again at Akehurst’s tweet above, I realize (anew) how illiterate it is. Is he a drunk? I do not know]

Liz Kendall is a human parrot. Not an original thought in her head.

See my previous comment.

Frighteningly thick, frighteningly dishonest.

I have no time for pro-Israel snake-oil salesman Farage, but I agree with the rest of that tweet.

The “experts” and specialists are still saying, most of them, that Con MPs will number 100-200 after 4 July, but I am holding out for <50; maybe wishful thinking, but that is my speculative guess, anyway.

Completely useless Nigerian would-be politico, who lives off his affluent parents (both NHS consultants) and whatever he can “grift” via social media etc, goes to Manhattan from the UK so that he can post a tweet of himself making a hand gesture at Trump Tower. Well, that’s another week in which the useless parasite need not get a job, at age 34. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femi_Oluwole.

Incredibly, 412,000 people apparently follow that idiot’s Twitter/X account.

(In fact, I think that the said parasite’s New York odyssey was a couple of years ago).

Another one who claimed to be happy that he had emigrated to his beloved Israel. He was tweeting that only a week or two ago. He said that the UK was rubbish, finished etc, as well as being (of course) “antisemitic”, and that he was so happy to now live in Tel Aviv. Well, here he is again, like a bad penny, in (near) London.

Catspaws for Israel and the Jewish lobby. My view? See cartoon below:


Unfortunately, so is Farage. So is Reform UK. The acid test is whether the Israel-lobby and/or Jewish lobby attack someone or his party. If so, then he and his party might or might not be OK; if not, then he and his party will either be a complete and useless nullity, or they are (to a greater or lesser extent) under “control”.

That includes TV, radio, and Press coverage.

Farage is always welcome on TV, for example. Same goes for Goodwin, as a matter of fact.

Were I to have a million followers, I should still not be “allowed” on TV, radio, or (uncensored) in the newspapers. You know (((why))).

A 1960s book was called I’m OK— You’re OK. Well, speaking ideologically, I know that I am OK, but you may or may not be…

From the newspapers


police officer and his wife have been jailed after sharing video footage of a dead body at a murder scene.

Cameron Lee Hanson, 33, was a serving officer at Lancashire Constabulary when he visited a home in October 2021 and discovered the body of 45-year-old James O’Hara. Hanson’s body-worn camera recorded the chilling scene at the property in Lancashire.

But minutes later, he used his personal phone to take videos of Mr O’Hara and sent audio messages about the incident to his wife, Kirstie Hanson, 33, a police civilian work.

On Thursday, Cameron Hanson was jailed for 32 months, while Kirstie Hanson was jailed for 18 months. Charlotte Riley, who was sent one of the videos, received a 12-month sentence suspended for two years. Last April, Michael Hannan, 32, was jailed at Preston Crown Court for five years and four months for the manslaughter of Mr O’Hara who he punched in an unprovoked stranger attack.

[Daily Mirror].

How absurd is the UK now? Yes, the defendants should not have done it. By all means sack the policeman, and maybe fine him, and his wife, and even the woman who was sent the material… but prison? Seems almost ridiculously harsh, as does the term imposed— a headline 32 months for sending some video footage, as against 64 months for the defendant who actually killed the victim!

Late tweets seen

Ha ha. Largan has those 4 dummies supporting him, but no-one else, probably.

Largan talks about “voting local“, when he himself was born some distance away, in or near the Salford part of SW Manchester; when parachuted into High Peak (Derbyshire), he was living in Fulham (London) and working for Marks & Spencer.

Largan was very happy to (metaphorically) kick local resident Alison Chabloz when she was down (persecuted by Jew-Zionists, and eventually imprisoned for singing and posting cartoons and videos).

Largan is a member of Conservative Friends of Israel, needless to say. A nasty little man. I believe that he tweeted and/or retweeted a few times against me several years ago. Well, time for him to go back to “Marks and Sparks”…


In my own local zone, I should say that, in 2020-2022, and out of a close field, the “social distancing” outside Waitrose was the most absurd, all the compliant idiots (or were they secretly rebellious, as in North Korea?) lining up, 6 feet apart in the car park, monitored by self-important “security” nobodies. Oh…and muzzled (facemasked) as well.

Meanwhile, inside Waitrose, no social distancing, and a ludicrous “one way system” for shoppers. As for the facemask muzzles, the only real utility of them was probably for the shoplifters, who probably found them useful in defeating cctv operators etc.

Oh, yes…another aspect of that madness of a few years ago, locally, was the pub opposite Waitrose, where no social distancing, and no facemask muzzle “rules”, applied. What a farce the whole “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic was!

The Americans got “here”, or there, by allowing “the usual suspects” to become embedded in their society over time, embedded in positions of power and influence.

cf. “climate change”.

Late music

Diary Blog, 31 May 2024, including General Election news and comment

Morning music

Election news


Rishi Sunak has been given a glimmer of hope as a major new poll by Lord Ashcroft suggests that more than half of voters have yet to definitively make up their minds.

With less than five weeks until the General Election, the research shared exclusively with the Daily Mail found only four in ten have ‘definitely decided’ how to vote.

But in a sign of the mountain the Tories still have to climb, the poll gives Labour a 23 point lead. 

Overall, it puts Labour on a 47 per cent vote share, with the Tories on 24 per cent, and Reform UK on 11 per cent.”

Assuming honesty and relative accuracy of the poll, several points stand out for me.

Firstly, that this poll is not at all the “glimmer of hope” for Sunak and the Cons that the report accompanying it is spinning.

42% have “definitely decided” which way they are going to vote. Looking at recent polling elsewhere, that must greatly favour Labour. As for “...leaning towards a party” but “not definitely sure“, that could apply to any of the parties, but if most end up with Labour, then it is possible that Lab could end up, overall, topping 50%, leaving the Cons with a MP cadre in the single figures.

It might also mean, thinking of my previous speculation on the blog, that there are more people than polls suggest willing to vote Reform UK, if only as a protest, or as a method of giving the time-expired Conservative Party a kicking without having to vote Labour. “Secret” Reform UK voters. Do they even exist? We do not know. I think that they may exist, but in what numbers?

Anything up to 31% of eligible voters may not vote, it seems.

One big unanswered question is how many under-40s and especially under-25s will bother to vote, they being heavily pro-Labour.

On the other hand, the over-70s are the only age demographic more likely to vote Con than Lab. If significant numbers either vote Labour (unlikely) or Reform UK (much more likely) or simply abstain (not unlikely) then Sunak and the Cons really are in trouble.

Other takeaways include the fact (if it is a fact) that only 23% think that Sunak etc can do better than others at “running the economy” (Lab 37%; Don’t Know 39%, tellingly). For a Prime Minister with a banking and financial/business background, and who was, not so long ago, Chancellor of the Exchequer, that is very much a thumbs-down.

The voters’ assessments of the characters of Sunak and Starmer are not so very different.

Sunak is assessed by only 8% as being “up to the job“, while only 12% assess him as even being “competent“. That’s damning. (Starmer’s equivalent ratings were 18% and 21%, scarcely a ringing endorsement, but still far better than Sunak).

Ashford’s poll figures, fed into Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] suggest a result of Labour MPs 513, Cons 71, LibDems 31, SNP 12, Greens 2, Plaid 3, Reform 0, Northern Irish 18.

Very very bad for the Conservative Party, but not quite existentially so..

On that basis, there would still be a considerable Con bloc of 71 MPs, and the Cons would still be the official Opposition, however ineffective.

My own feeling, whether it be right or wrong, is still that the Cons may be reduced to below 50 MPs, and that the LibDems may exceed that by default (tactical voting), thus making the LibDems the Opposition in the Commons.

If that were to occur, the defeat would be existential for the Cons. No “bright young” (mostly idiot) careerists (think Liz Truss, once upon a time…) would want to join, and big donors would not bother to pump money into funding the Cons. A “death spiral”, as people say.

Election date— Thursday 4 July 2024. Less than 5 weeks to go.

Tweets seen

The American government seems to have lost, if not its mind, then any sense of perspective.

If Country A sells or, even worse, gives Country B arms and ammunition, and especially if that is with the express intent that Country B should attack the territory of Country C, then that is pretty close to being an act of war by Country A against Country C.

Stop this mad slide to a quite possible superpower nuclear war.

It is widely mooted that the combat-ready spearhead numbers no more than 30,000, if that. Maybe as low as 20,000. Plus about 5,000 Royal Marines under naval command. Plus 4,000 Gurkhas. Plus Reserves.

If UK society continues to slide, they may be used to control the situation in the “British” cities more than anything else.

More music

More tweets seen


An impressive show. Is it any more than that?

I do not have enough information to guess accurately at the likely outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election, but peace would be better served were Trump to be re-installed at the White House, no matter what his personal deficiencies.

I publicly disagreed with the IHRA definition of antisemitism by reference to the arguments of Sir Stephen Sedley (on any view a hugely respected jurist) that it protects Israel from legitimate criticism.

That led to people publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me. And lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. And grotesque accusations of antisemitism about me. And 4 years of litigation where a total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel tried to bankrupt me. And a trial where witnesses made untrue or wildly exaggerated statements to try to ruin my reputation.

In the end I won, but my experience confirms Lemoine’s argument. It was awful and exhausting and no doubt intended to be so. Ending people’s careers for agreeing with Lemoine’s reasonable point of view is wrong and dangerous.”

[James Wilson]

Stephen Sedley. I remember him. I appeared in front of him as Counsel sometime around 1994 when he was a High Court judge (he was later a Lord Justice of Appeal). It was a matter involving the Angolan secret service. Sedley had had some previous experience in dealing with Angolan matters: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Sedley#Career. He gave me a very courteous hearing before politely refusing my judicial review application…

Perhaps there isn’t any such thing as the Israel lobby. Perhaps Israel is the only country on the planet without dedicated lobbyists. Perhaps organisations like We Believe in Israel, the Britain Israel Communications and Research Centre, and both the Labour and Conservative Friends of Israel, simply don’t exist.

Perhaps it’s simply untrue to say that people who are critical of Israel online, or supportive of Palestine, are bombarded by hostile replies from pro-Israel accounts.

Or perhaps, there’s a concerted effort by Israel’s advocates to warp and distort the definition of antisemitism to make it impossible to describe their activities. Was Faiza Shaheen wrong to apologise? I can understand why she did it. But nobody should have to apologise for liking a plain statement of fact.

Perhaps I imagined the evidence which clearly showed supporters of Israel working together to get information on me.

Perhaps I imagined them publishing confidential and dangerously defamatory information about me.

Perhaps I imagined lots more people publishing crude and dehumanising abuse of me. Perhaps I imagined the accusations of antisemitism about me.

Perhaps I imagined 4 years of litigation and the total wing-nut UK Lawyer for Israel trying to bankrupt me.

Perhaps I imagined the trial where supporters of Israel gave wildly exaggerated evidence to try to ruin my reputation.

Perhaps I imagined the judgment: https://bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/KB/2024/821.html.

[James Wilson].

One of the unreliable witnesses for the losing defendants in that case was Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (p/t judge). Others (all Zionist Jews) were likewise not given much if any credence by the trial judge.

Laura Towler

I happened to see the announcement below.


It turns out that political prisoner Sam Melia is now being prevented from having access to his children. In fact, his wife cannot even tell him about them when she visits him. Disgraceful. These really are the tactics of a police state.

See also: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia

Incidentally, if anyone is in a generous mood, my own fundraiser is still running: https://www.givesendgo.com/GC14J.

More tweets

Ha. Horrible Jewish-lobby puppet. Useless too, it seems.

Late tweets seen

That should be Shai “Masot“, not “Mosat“, and certainly not “MOSSAD”. On the other hand…

Does that Israel-puppet get fed exactly what to say by some Israeli agency? Sounds like it.

This whole situation is mad.

If a nuclear war happens, most of us will not live through it. The only hope will be, in that terrible contingency, that at some later point, after the Wagnerian devastation of Europe, a new society can emerge, on a post-Aryan basis, and then create the basis for a later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Late music

[Germany, 1945: “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Diary Blog, 30 May 2024, including a few thoughts about Starmer

Morning music



I agree with that “@chelleryn99” tweet.

As with “Boris”-idiot, there is something of the onion, or the matrioshka, about Starmer. Several layers, but nothing (or something quite different and/or alien) at the centre.

Performative Labour tribalist (who however always looks uncomfortable with that), one-time criminal defence barrister turned high-level public prosecution lawyer, the not-quite-true faux-proletarian background (parents not so poor, and who sent him to a partly fee-paying school in a good part of Surrey), the (half-) Polish-Jewish wife, and the children brought up as if fully-Jewish… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victoria_Starmer.

Lady Starmer is Jewish and Sir Keir has talked about keeping the tradition of family Friday night dinners, where they are often joined by her father for prayers.


So I suppose that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps, a yarmulka (I think) on such occasions? Maybe, maybe not. I have not seen anything as to whether all attendees at such dinners do or not. The Jewish prayer part of that paragraph seems to suggest that Starmer does wear such headgear but (needless to say) I have never seen a photo of him wearing it.

The YouGov/Sky News poll asked this week whether voters thought he would be a good or bad prime minister. Almost half – 47% – said bad. The older the voter, the more pessimistic they are.

Sir Keir is starting from a low base – not as bad as Rishi Sunak, but still bad. By contrast, only 33% said they thought he’d be good.

That level of enthusiasm suggests Sir Keir may not enjoy much of a public opinion honeymoon, just at a point where he is likely to have to start by making difficult decisions, most notably on raising taxes.

One of the themes of this election has been the party’s clarity that while it will promise not to raise income tax, national insurance and corporation tax, no such bar exists on other taxes.

[Sky News]

He will probably raise the level of VAT. Even a 1% rise would harvest a huge amount of money. Pretty tough on poorer people, though…Maybe an increase in fuel duty, too (sold —or not— to the public as “green”, of course…).

Where is Starmer, ideologically?

Starmer’s politics have been described as unclear and “hard to define”.[142][143][144] When he was elected as Labour leader, Starmer was widely believed to belong to the soft left of the Labour Party.[145] However, he has since moved to the political centre-ground.[146][147] By the September 2023 shadow cabinet reshuffle, most analysts concluded that Starmer had moved to the right of the party, and had demoted and marginalised those on the soft left, replacing them with Blairites.[148][149][150][128][127]

[Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Starmer#Political_positions].

So, again, Starmer is impossible to pin down. Not socialist, not really even a social-democrat, yet also without any of the respect for private enterprise or private views that one used to see in the “small-c” conservatives.

In April 2023, Starmer gave an interview to The Economist on defining Starmerism.[152][154] In this interview, two main strands of Starmerism were identified.[154]

The first strand focused on a critique of the British state for being too ineffective and over-centralised. The answer to this critique was to base governance on five main missions to be followed over two terms of government; these missions would determine all government policy.

The second strand was the adherence to an economic policy of “modern supply-side economics” based on expanding economic productivity by increasing participation in the labour market, mitigating the impact of Brexit and simplifying the construction planning process.[154]


Boiled down, what that seems to suggest is another Iain Dunce Duncan Smith-style attempt to harry the poor, sick, disabled (and the middle-aged not yet of State Pension age) to poorly-paid work “opportunities”, while cutting back social security “welfare” payments harshly. Also, Starmer will cave in to the any demands of the EU.

There is no obvious suggestion that Starmer and Rachel Reeves are interested in the effect of robotics and AI, which together may destroy existing jobs by the million, thus positing the need for Basic Income.

The last strand featured is as bad, or worse: caving in to the demands of the housebuilding industry.

Starmer will probably allow the large housebuilding companies to spread their expensive but often jerry-built “little boxes, made of ticky-tacky” across the English countryside.

Starmer will no doubt talk about the “housing crisis” but fail to note that most of that is consequential upon the migration invasion (a million or more every year now). Sajid Javid, another pro-Israel puppet (now washed-up politically), also showed himself unwilling to see the facts:

Try 10-15 million (over the past 25 years, including births to immigrants)…

As to the mass immigration influx itself, Starmer-Labour will eventually stop most of the cross-Channel small-boat invasion by the simple expedient of setting up “processing centres” (maybe simple offices) in Northern France. There, the would-be invaders will, almost all of them, have their applications to enter the UK rubber-stamped.

At present, 80% of those arriving here and claiming “asylum” have their applications approved anyway (under a system that was out of date decades ago), so Starmer will simply lower the bar even further so that 90% or 95% are approved (filtering out, it will be claimed, any known criminals or terrorists— all bs of course). The public will then be sedated into complacency— far fewer “small boats” (or invaders ferried in by the RNLI, Navy, Border “Farce” etc) will be seen arriving.

In fact, the more obvious criminal/terrorist invaders will still arrive, using the “small boat” or “back of truck” methods, but the numbers will be only about a twentieth of the number now arriving. As to the rest, armed with their new Starmer-visas, they will just take the ordinary ferries.

Of course, Starmer will not “solve” the migration-invasion crisis, but just cover it up. That is what he does. There is a massive dishonesty lurking in Starmer.

More? “Starmer has pledged to halve the rates of violence against women and girls, halve the rates of serious violent crime, halve the incidents of knife crime, increase confidence in the criminal justice system, and create a ‘Charging Commission’ which would be “tasked with coming up with reforms to reverse the decline in the number of offences being solved”.[190] He has also committed to placing specialist domestic violence workers in the control rooms of every police force responding to 999 calls to support victims of abuse.[191]

In 2023, the Byline Times wrote that Starmer “actively opposes a move to proportional representation for the House of Commons”.[192]

After confirming he would not scrap the current two-child benefit cap, Starmer was criticised by many within his own party.[193]


There is a thread there, a thread of antipathy to civil rights; a thread of authoritarianism .

Remember how Starmer wanted even fiercer, more restrictive, and longer-lasting “lockdowns” during the 2020-2022 currency of the “Covid” panicdemic/scamdemic?

My response?

There are times in history when authoritarian government is inescapable; even outright —though temporary— dictatorship. However, that should not be the norm, particularly in a country such as the UK, with its history of gradually-broadening rights and freedoms.

Incidentally (?), “According to Declassified UK, Starmer is a former member of the Trilateral Commission.[225]


In other words, Starmer is a “chosen” part of the whole NWO/ZOG matrix, and that of course includes the plan to destroy the future of the European peoples, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Starmer may take part in Jewish pre-prandial or post-prandial (?) prayers (as he has stated) but, once again, that seems to be something merely performative with him, he being an atheist anyway.

Foreign policy is easy to predict: Starmer was willing to say that the “Israelis” have every right to shut off even water to the suffering children of Gaza. He is a Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet. Completely.

Other than that, Starmer will do whatever the “Americans” (the USA’s ruling circles and cabals) want him to do. So… “support” for Israel, “support” (money, arms etc ) for “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) etc.

Incidentally, there is much election bs being talked by Labour Party supporters as to how Labour will be a kinder sort of government than that of Sunak’s clowns. I doubt it. I would not put anyone in charge of such as Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper, and the other Labour Friends of Israel types. As to Starmer, his support for Israel cutting off food and even water to the women and children of devastated Gaza shows just how far his much-trumpeted “compassion” goes…

If Starmer is willing to cut off food and water to the suffering civilians of Gaza, what might he be willing to do to the people of the UK?

I see no real centre to Starmer; even his doglike loyalty to Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby seems performative, yet that is the only thing that seems to mean anything at all to him.

Starmer displays no obvious ideological loyalty (as such), no old-fashioned class-loyalty (to any social class or category), and no religious loyalty (an atheist, presumably originally Church of England).

Who, really, is this?

It is hard, of course, to see evil in someone as dull as Starmer, despite the oft-quoted words of Hannah Arendt about “the banality of evil“. The expectation, I think misguided, is that Evil, whether cosmic or on the mundane plane, will somehow be more interesting than the Good.

Starmer should worry people, not because he has expressed any particularly “evil”, or even “bad” ideas (he even weaselled ab out cutting off water to families in Gaza, tried to evade the question etc), or some kind of (obviously) sinister ideological base, but more because he, like those he gathers closely around him, has no ideas beyond the most shallow. Someone trying to be elected (in effect) as Prime Minister is expected to come up with at least a few ideas, if not a coherent ideology, and Starmer either does not or cannot.

Will Starmer-Labour create a better Britain? No. I see a harsher, more intrusive police state likely to emerge. Mass immigration will continue, perhaps in even greater volume, and our towns and cities will, despite the encroaching police state, become no-go areas policed by even-less responsive paramilitary police.

Economically? A gradual downturn. The spending cuts agenda apparently very likely, combined with the cost of the continuing migration invasion of parasites, as well as the backfire effect of sanctions against Russia will ensure that.

Starmer’s government will, as predicted by Matt Goodwin, become very unpopular very quickly. However, in the absence of any real Opposition in the Commons (the Con —or possibly LibDem— official Opposition, post-GE 2024, may have only about 50 MPs), it may be possible for social nationalism to make real headway outside, in the “real world”.

Election notes

Well, we now know that 4 July 2024 is to be the fateful day. Is it a co-incidence that that is Independence Day in the USA? Does the choice of day have some symbolic, even occultic, significance? Maybe not, but there seems to be no obvious reason for that day to be the day.

Exactly 5 weeks from today.

Close to my own Electoral Calculus use yesterday.

Note the huge Lab majority, and the fact that the Cons are not even shown as the official Opposition (LibDems, incredibly). Also, the SNP predicted to lose three-quarters of their 2019 seats.

Tweets seen

As I have been saying for a long time on the blog.

Gradually, gradually, South Africa descends into darkness. The European (white) population, which at one time (1911) was about 22% of the whole, has declined sharply since “majority rule” (African corrupt crony rule) came in 30 years ago, and is now only about 7%. Once that 7% figure drops to 1% or 2%, maybe by 2040, South Africa will go the way of the Congo, Nigeria, Zimbabwe etc.

Imagine if the Jews had never been allowed to create the Israeli state in the 1940s, and had (in the 1940s and 1930s, and also since 1956) been prevented from moving there. The whole of the Israel/Palestine situation, and much of the instability of the region, would never have developed.

If this situation continues to slide, by 2030 there will be no Germany, no Poland as we know them. Probably no Ukraine either, and quite possibly no UK, France, USA or urban Russia.

As white Northern Europeans, those of us left alive at that point would be faced with the necessity of creating almost an entirely new culture and civilization as a basic foundation for a much later super-race and super-culture: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Ukrainian “nationalists” whose President is a corrupt and dictatorial Jewish comedian incapable of running anything, let alone a large and, until recently, relatively civilized country.

Myerson. Again…

A pro-Israel Jew-Zionist obsessive, and a member of the two Zionist organizations (UK Lawyers for Israel, and the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) which have been, inter alia, making malicious complaints about me for a decade, complaints which have resulted in both my (unlawful as well as wrongful) 2016 disbarment and my 2023 free speech conviction under the repressive Communications Act 2003, s.127).

Here we are, at 1224 on a Thursday early afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted, by my count, 49 times today, mostly to mock others.

This is not, in my view, an individual fitted to sit in judgment over others as a Recorder (p/t judge).

1229: make that 51 times…

[Update, 1528 same day: now 64 tweets and counting… has he nothing else to do?].

[Update, 1737 same day: now 76 tweets and counting...].

…and —wouldn’t you know it?— pro-Israel puppet Iain Dale stands, in that Daily Telegraph photo, with the branding of the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” behind him.

It would be good were Dale to fail to be elected, but Tunbridge Wells has not elected anyone not from the Conservative Party since the present constituency was established in 1974: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunbridge_Wells_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Even Peter Oborne, though, does not mention, expressly, the “JQ”, or that the msm in the UK is not free at all (for that reason).

Note the BICOM connection. The half-Jewish Israel activist, former MP, and now life peer —thanks to Starmer— Ruth Smeeth was at one point one of its directors: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruth_Smeeth.


Ruth Smeeth has also worked for other Jewish and Israeli organizations.

I have to admit that I did not know that Myerson had called another Jew a “house Jew“. I wonder whether that would count as “grossly offensive“? It would if I published it, no doubt…

Ha. Quite. Scotland, were it to vote for the SNP’s faux-“Independence”, would not be governed by Westminster, true, but it would be governed by the EU, by American or NWO/ZOG influence (NATO etc), by the international banking system etc, and domestically probably by a Pakistani “Scotsman”. Who are the SNP trying to fool? The Scottish people, I suppose.

I see that the SNP is now predicted to win as few as 12 seats (out of 57) this year, from 48 (out of 59) won in 2019. I think that the SNP has had its day as an overwhelming force in Scotland. In 2015, it suddenly shot into prominence with 56 out of 59 Scottish Westminster seats, but the last 9 years have been riven with scandal and underperformance. Above all, not only has Independence not happened, fewer Scots now support it than did a decade ago; it is a minority cause.

Good grief. What a deadhead. This is him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Logan_(politician). Hard to believe that the Foreign Office employed him in some capacity for a (brief? Not so brief?) period (in Shanghai). He also worked for a Chinese company. The gap between when he left f/t education around 2007 and when he started to contest elections (2017) is about 10 years, so there may have been other activity somewhere.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolton_North_East_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections.

I examined Natalie Elphicke and her defection on yesterday’s blog post.

There should be, must be, a cultural purge in the UK, taking in almost all present-day vulgar pseudo-comedians. Let’s see how loud they laugh then…

BREAKING | The new Dutch cabinet just nominated top justice ministry official and former intelligence chief Dick Schoof as the “preferred candidate” for Prime Ministership. And the situation is bad. Real bad.

Dick Schoof – or “Mr. Deepstate” as I’d like to call him – is the former head of the Dutch Intelligence and Security Service (AIVD) as well as the former national coordinator of the counter-terrorism unit (NCTV) which is known to focus on combatting “anti-government extremism”. As if that isn’t bad enough, he was also: – behind the Dutch covid regime – involved in the Trump-Russia hoax – behind the cover-up of flight MH17 reports – spying on Dutch citizens here on @X with fake accounts operated by the government.

He’s currently the secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security, which makes him the highest ranking civil servant. He’s quite literally the personification of a technocratic bureaucrat and, – being a former member of the Dutch Labour party – the exact opposite of what the Dutch population has voted for during the elections last November.

@geertwilderspvv should have never given up his rightful claim to Prime Ministership. With a man like this leading the country I’m sure the digital surveillance state we’ve been warning for all these years will be here sooner than expected.”

Well, at least he has been identified…

That little monkey Pierce, the pathetic System puppet Vine, anti-white know-nothing Yasmin Alibhai-Brown— all System propagandists, pretending to be promoting a variety of views, but really all actors in a kind of play, presented to the public as “debate”.

Late music

The later depth is not there so much, but these were pieces written by a boy of 15, amazingly enough.

[painting by Leonid Afremov]

Diary Blog, 29 May 2024, including a look at Natalie Elphicke

Morning music


Tweets seen

I never believe “them” without corroborative evidence.

Exactly. Eternal “victims”, even when they are victimizing others.

A mere caution, for attacking an elderly man in the street.

Natalie Elphicke

Whatever the facts of that, there are facts that are indisputable: Natalie Elphicke could have stood at GE 2024 as Con Party candidate. She received 56.9% of the vote in 2019 under that aegis.

I was puzzled as to why Natalie Elphicke crossed the floor, she after all knowing that a general election had to be called sometime before a date in January 2025. Does she have some better offer from outside Parliament? Seems doubtful to me.

Natalie Elphicke gives me a dual impression: not particularly intelligent, but particularly focussed on her own ambitions.

Incidentally, many may be misled by the academic section of her biographical details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Elphicke#Early_life_and_career.

As a former member of Lincoln’s Inn, I have met several people over the years who were (as was Natalie Elphicke— see the Wikipedia entry) beneficiaries of Hardwicke scholarships. None impressed.

I saw this comment:

Hardwicke Scholarships aren’t that prestigious. A mere submission of an application is more than enough to win one. They give about 150 away each year, and not many more people apply to each inn for a scholarship, surprisingly enough.” [online commentator].

I think that the real figure is nearer to 100 than 150.

To intrude a personal comment, I recall a young blonde lady barrister who (unsuccessfully, in all cases) opposed me in court a number of times during 2002-2008 when I was in chambers in Exeter (she was in another set, also in Exeter). She was a former Hardwicke scholar, just like Natalie Elphicke. I used to think of her as “Mrs Malaprop”, because her use of English was so poor. Comically so. A pretty poor barrister in terms of both legal knowledge and presentation, in my view, though wearing a sense of self-importance as thick as a suit of armour.

I had better not name that lady, mainly for reasons of propriety (I am too poor now to be worth suing; and there would be no basis for such a suit anyway). I just looked her up online for the first time, and found that she is still in Exeter, and still in the same chambers as she was 20+ years ago, apparently flourishing like the green bay tree.

I note that, having been Called to the Bar in 1994, only a few years after me, Natalie Elphicke decided to leave the Bar and to convert to be a solicitor (something that, at least then, basically meant filling out a few forms).

Natalie Elphicke only worked as a lawyer for a year or two, as a salaried employee of the Inland Revenue (as was; now HMRC) during 1995-1997. She married her now ex-husband, Charlie Elphicke, in 1995. They have two children. She appears to have returned to legal work for a year or two during the years 2011-2013, before helping to found a company which was dissolved 2-3 years later.

After that, her husband’s connections seem to have got her a couple of brief public appointments in the years 2016-2019, as well as the CEO job at the Housing and Finance Institute: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Housing_and_Finance_Institute. This may not be very lucrative, though, looking at the Institute’s funding. Hard to say.

Ah…[10 mins later…]… seems that my hunch was correct: that HFI CEO position is entirely unpaid: see https://members.parliament.uk/member/4795/registeredinterests.

Many will know that, though having displayed (performative?) “loyalty” to her disgraced MP husband, Charlie Elphicke, during his trial, Natalie Elphicke had by then already taken over as MP for Dover in 2019. She separated from him in 2020, and later divorced him, prior to which she sold her story to the Sun “newspaper” for £25,000. https://www.kentonline.co.uk/deal/news/mp-wife-of-naughty-tory-paid-25k-to-tell-all-234749/.

I have to say that I agreed (and still agree) with Natalie Elphicke’s comment at the time of her husband’s unsuccessful appeal (against sentence only— he had been sentenced to 2 years, plus £35,000 costs, and was released after a year) that the 2-year sentence was harsh. He had really done very little: “During his trial the court heard how Elphicke groped one of his accusers, chased her around his house, and sang “I’m a naughty Tory, I’m a naughty Tory.” [Wikipedia].

I should have thought that a suspended sentence would have been enough. From what I read at the time, his three crimes were all just silly, really; almost identical, too, and surely only just coming within the “sex crime” area. Pathetic more than anything, in my opinion.

To my mind, if crimes and criminals can be divided into “bad, sad, or mad“, Charlie Elphicke’s conduct was surely “sad“, with a dash of “mad“, but nothing seriously “bad“.

Having —whether rightly or wrongly, and I think rightly— identified Natalie Elphicke as a “go for the main chance” opportunist, why on Earth did she defect to Labour? Looking at the electoral statistics for Dover, she had a very good chance of being re-elected. Maybe Starmer offered her a peerage (seems unlikely, though), or some quango chair (more likely), or a safe Labour seat (relatively unlikely, surely?).

I admit, Mrs. Elphicke’s motivation is still puzzling to me.

As to Charlie Elphicke, I had little time for him when he was an MP, but I have to say that his fall from status and relative affluence has the elements of a minor Greek tragedy. Apparently, he now lives in a small rented flat somewhere like Earl’s Court, and may (I do not know) be either unemployed or working in some obscure occupation. I can find no record of him still on the Solicitors’ Register, and the same is true of Natalie Elphicke, but as far as I know both are still able to practise; again, I cannot say.


While looking up the above details, I noticed this story from the Daily Mail in 2022: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10367265/Naughty-Tory-Charlie-Elphicke-makes-700-000-profit-selling-cliffside-home-Kent.html.

Turns out that the Elphickes bought a house on the Kent coast for about £800,000 in 2012, and were able to sell it only a decade later for over £1.5M. The house almost doubled in value in 10 years. A commentary upon the house-price madness in this country.

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There is also no evidence that Reform UK is getting anywhere. Nothing lower than an across-the-board 20% will win any seats; even a few percent more may only win a small handful, maybe 3-5. 11%, 12%, even 15%, is “nowhere” territory in seat-winning terms.

The LibDems and Greens are on a lower nationwide support, yet have seats in the Commons because their vote is concentrated, here and there.

Having said that, I make two points. Firstly, most intending Reform UK voters know perfectly well that RF is not going to win many, if any, seats. Their vote is a protest vote and/or a way of kicking the Sunak government and Conservative Party, by weakening greatly the Con Party vote in almost every constituency, but without voting Labour.

Secondly, as mooted yesterday, there may be a number, perhaps even a large number, of “secret Reform UK voters”, who do not show up in the opinion polls because they say “Don’t Know” or nominate a mainstream party out of embarrassment. Very English, arguably.

I doubt whether the usual general election convergence will happen this time. People hate and despise the useless Conservative Party governments of the past 14 years, and especially the past 5 years. That includes a huge number of 2019 or previous Con voters.

In fact, I should not be surprised were the Lab-Con gap to widen, though more because the Cons may slide again rather than because Labour increase their percentage.

A plurality of voters do not know where Starmer stands. For Starmer, that may be what he wants.


That must be “value” olive oil. The last bottle I bought (extra-virgin olive oil, first cold pressing, but not a single-estate or special one) was nearly £13.

Incredible posting by Simon Myerson (1) @JewishMirelle’s statement can be opinion and defamatory. (2) Myerson is re-publishing a likely defamatory statement. (3) He’s a KC suggesting to someone on twitter that their statement might not be defamatory. (4) He’s the KC who acted for Pete Newbon according the Telegraph. #GroundhogDay

Myerson again.

Honest opinion is now a defence [Defamation Act 2013, s.3].

I think that I shall quit now, while I am ahead. I have not been in Bar practice for 16 years, and do not, in general, keep up with changes in the law.

General Election news

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that might result in a House of Commons with 541 Lab MPs, 46 LibDem, 28 Con, 12 SNP, 3 Plaid Cymru, 2 Green, and 18 various Northern Irish.

On those figures, what Disraeli described as “the great Conservative Party, which destroys everything“, would be itself almost destroyed, reduced to a rump of 20 MPs; not even the official Opposition, which would be the LibDems.

Such a result would be a strategic defeat for the SNP too. 12 MPs, down from 56 (out of 59) at the 2015 peak, and 48 at the 2019 GE.

I get the impression that the SNP’s version of fake “nationalism” (blame England/the UK for everything, keep importing non-whites into Scotland, and think it normal to have a Pakistani as First Minister) has well and truly foundered on the rocks of socio-political reality). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_National_Party#House_of_Commons.


Of course, a change in the Labour vote of even one point either way would add several to (or subtract several from) the Conservative total, and even more to or from the Labour total.

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A twisted and evil woman.

Ukraine knows that it’s all over” While the UK is preoccupied with the general elections, Kyiv “cannot withstand Putin’s brutal attack,” reports the British The Telegraph. Main points:

Kiev was forced to transfer thousands of soldiers to the northeastern part of the front line to try to slow down the advance of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kharkov region.

The war is reaching a critical point as Western interest in helping Ukraine risks weakening again.

Zelensky seems to understand that time is running out for Ukraine: over the weekend he called on Joe Biden and Xi Jinping to take part in the upcoming “peace summit” in Switzerland.

Zelensky’s team is concerned about the shift of attention in the United States to internal elections: Ukraine is receding into the background.

The harsh reality is that Ukraine risks simply running out of people to fight.


I have, on the blog, been saying for 2 years that Russia cannot lose this war, and will not lose it.