Tag Archives: Lisa Nandy

Diary Blog, 17 June 2024

Morning music

[the Ob Sea (reservoir lake), Western Siberia; 124 miles long by up to 11 miles wide; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novosibirsk_Reservoir]

Tweets seen

Starmer-Labour is a Labour Friends of Israel “elected” dictatorship about to happen. Basically, Blairism/Brownism, but without the hope and without any new initiatives.

I wonder how many Labour-leaning voters will really vote Con in an attempt to sabotage Farage? Perhaps some will vote Reform in order to make sure the Con candidate is not re-elected. Open question.

If the “vote Con to stop Reform” idea were seen to be building, it might be that many Labour-leaning voters would actually prefer to vote for Farage to make sure that the Con candidate is not re-elected.

For me, as previously blogged, and while I have no time for “libertarianism” or pro-Israelism, I hope that Reform UK does well for two reasons: 1. to crush the Conservative Party; 2. to move the “Overton Window” in society and the body politic.

I blogged about that useless African freeloader yesterday. The fact is that Labour, especially with such a candidate, has no chance at all at Clacton. Any Clacton voters who seriously want rid of the Conservative Party and its Clacton candidate have to either vote Reform UK or stay home.

More music

[Moscow-Volga Canal]

Literary note

Just saw this about the novelist John Fowles, who died nearly twenty years ago:

Following Fowles’ death in 2005, his unpublished diaries from 1965 to 1990 were revealed to contain racist and homophobic statements, with particular ire towards Jewish people.[26] He described rare book dealer Rick Gekoski as “Too Jewish for English tastes… bending to the way of the wind, or the business and money pressure”, and wrote a consciously antisemitic poem about publishers Tom Maschler and Roger Straus.[27]



[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Maschler; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Williams_Straus_Jr.; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Gekoski].

I have sometimes wondered why one rarely now hears Fowles’ name, despite his having been a major British literary figure. (((There))) is the reason. Fowles has become an “unperson”…

More tweets

Bill Cash. Extraordinarily delusional. In fact, he personifies how totally out of touch with anything resembling reality many Conservative Party MPs or ex-MPs have become. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Cash.

Cash himself stepped down as MP earlier this year, and is now retired, aged 84. His former constituency has been abolished.

8,790so far…possibly 40,000+ by the end of 2024. However, that figure will be dwarfed by the numbers of “legal” migrant-invaders, which number will probably exceed a million.

Steve Laws is the English Democrats candidate for Dover and Deal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dover_and_Deal_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

In fact, I now notice that that figure of 8,790 was first tweeted about 6 weeks ago; I just saw a more up-to-date figure—over 10,000 already this year.

Some politicians become an “ism”, while others do not. It is too early to speak of “Faragism”; my instinct is that if “Faragism” does become a thing, it will be a transitory phenomenon, as was Poujadism [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierre_Poujade].

In February 2010, New York Times commentator Robert Zaretsky compared the American Tea Party movement with Poujadism.[13]

In a May 2016 editorial, New York Times columnist Ross Douthat identified Donald Trump as a Poujadist.[14]

British historian Timothy Garton Ash used Poujade in discussing the British vote to leave the European Union. In a piece published in The Guardian in June 2016, he wrote about some of those who voted for Brexit, saying that:

It is a mistake to disqualify such people as racist. Their concerns are widespread, genuine and not to be dismissed. Populist xenophobes such as Nigel Farage exploit these emotions, linking them to subterranean English nationalism and talking, as he did in the moment of victory, of the triumph of “real people, ordinary people, decent people”. This is the language of Orwell hijacked for the purposes of a Poujade.[15]


The problem with “Faragism”, as with Poujadism, the Tea Party, the Yellow Vests, indeed “Trumpism”, is that, without a real ideology, nothing concrete or lasting can be achieved. Compare that to Marxism-Leninism or, even more so, arguably, National Socialism, which latter transcended its temporary 1920s and 1930s roots as “Hitlerism”, and still evolves.

Ideally, this would be when social nationalism could rise up.

It has not yet done so, partly because (over the past 20 years) “controlled opposition” parties (UKIP, Brexit Party, Reform UK), and peripheral scribblers have blunted the swords, but also partly because the British people, though suffering, are not, most of them, suffering enough to really be compelled to stand their ground and then advance to the future as a force to be reckoned with.

When that will happen is uncertain, but the “Overton Window” is already moving.

Late tweets seen

This is what happens when the State regulatory role is performed only pro forma, as a tick-box exercise. This became a total cancer under the Blair-Brown governments of 1997-2010; the spending cuts since 2010 have worsened that very bad situation (not only in the sector in the news tonight— across the board). Schools, prisons, the whole legal system, the court system, the probation system, academia generally. You name it.

Khrushchev, in his memoirs, said that (putting it in the language of 2024) an office-bod or bureaucrat type of person (he was thinking of Malenkov) was the very last type who should ever be given power.

Starmer is exactly that type. A sterile black-letter legal type, beholden to the UK Jewish lobby and Israel lobby; probably a freemason too. He will soon be an “elected” dictator by default, purely because the “Conservative” misgovernment is simply incapable of governing at all.

Starmer and Labour, on their own merits, would struggle to get elected. That they are now superficially popular by default is just absurd. They are not at all popular, but there is nothing in their way now. Less than two and a half weeks to go before Election Day, and the Conservative Party will be lucky to retain 50 MPs, in my opinion (which has been my opinion on the blog for months). (The “experts” are still saying 100-200).

Starmer is about to institute a kind of tyranny, for the benefit of transnational finance-capitalism and, of course, (((the usual))) “cosmopolitan” interests.

Late music

Diary Blog, 10 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Lisa Nandy, another Israel/Jewish lobby puppet, as is Stephen Crabb, the pathetic serial sex pest, seen in that clip nodding like a toy dog: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#Sexual_harassment_allegations.


Crabb was also an expenses cheat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#MPs’_expenses_scandal;

Crabb victimized the sick and disabled [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#Cuts_to_sickness_benefits], despite the fact that his own parents had survived, in his early years, only by having received such help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#Early_life_and_education.

Crabb is one of the worst MPs in Parliament.

Lisa Nandy is completely dishonest, as well as being not entirely British: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Nandy#Early_life_and_career.

Even that is not the whole story. Many of the non-Europeans in the UK were born here.

Even that is probably a cautious assessment. I should imagine that the white population of the UK (the people formerly known as “British”) will be a minority in these islands by 2050, maybe even 2040.

Talking point

Note that all of those recent “Labour” peers are total Israel/Jewish lobby puppets: sex pest depressive John Woodcock (“Lord Walney”), very odd (in various ways) Ian Austin, Tom Watson etc; now Ayesha Hazarika.

So Ayesha Hazarika, who was a comedian (apparently unsuccessful) for a couple of years about 20 years or so ago, and who worked her way up as Labour Party “adviser” (why? how? with what qualification or experience?), and who appeared many times on TV comedy/current affairs rubbish (obviously knew people who promoted her), is now a member of the devalued House of Lords.

God help us, though this sort of nonsense is scarcely new; cf. Oona King.



Well, Ayesha Hazarika no longer need to pretend to be a comedian or politician-manque; she need only take about 30 minutes out of her day to sign in at the Lords, and maybe (optional) partake of a subsidized lunch, to get about £350 taxfree (per day).

More tweets seen

Cummings cannot be entirely bad— it seems that he agrees, on some issues, with me!

My assessment of Cummings, from years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/01/03/dominic-cummings-a-government-of-dystopia-and-lunacy-posing-as-genius/. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/10/les-eminences-grises-of-dystopia/.

Is the US war aim the defeat of Russia and collapse of the Russian state? Well, that is not going to happen. Ukraine has not the means to attempt such a task, against a population maybe now 5x the size, and in a vast geographic space.

Is the US war aim for the forces of the Kiev regime to occupy or re-occupy the oblasts of Lugansk and Donetsk, and the new Russian republic of Crimea? That, at present, also seems all but impossible.

Russia has a functioning and even growing economy, a growing and improving army, air force and (arguably) navy, missile forces, and the backstop of nuclear weapons. Ukraine has a collapsed economy, and a population much of which lives in other countries (including Russia). Ukraine (Kiev-regime Ukraine) is almost totally dependent on Western aid. It also now faces shortages of soldiers, arms, and ammunition.

The concealed US war aim was to use the Zelensky regime to put pressure on Putin, and possibly to encourage a palace revolution in Moscow. It never happened and, now that Prigozhin has been knocked off the board “with extreme prejudice”, and his Wagner Group mainly absorbed into the ordinary Russian forces, never will. Not in the next few years, anyway.

If the details were not so horrific, those accounts would be almost funny in places— “they” are always the “victims”, even when blowing up and shooting unarmed civilians, including women and children.

That was in 1948, but here we are in 2024, 76 years later, and similar crimes are taking place in Gaza. “Their” behaviour does not change…only the power of their weapons has changed.

As the above map shows, if Russian forces can take Kharkov, it will be massive. Other Russian forces, pushing up from the south and southeast, will then squeeze the Kiev-regime forces out of the area between Kharkov and Donetsk. Thus the stage will be set for a push west and north towards and along the Dnieper, until the outer boundaries of the Kiev defence lines are reached.

Britain in 2024


A blind pensioner could be out on the streets by the end of the week, claiming he is ‘being passed around’ by Dorset and BCP councils. 

Brian Robinson, 78, left his flat in Wellington Court, Weymouth, some six months ago over a disagreement over a rental price rise. 

The retired security guard moved to Travelodge in Christchurch Road, Boscombe where he has been living since. 

Mr Robinson said he must leave the hotel at the end of the week “because the summer season is approaching”, and paid nearly £500 for his final week.

[Bournemouth Echo]

More tweets seen

Myerson— a lying hypocrite and obsessive. He should never be allowed to sit in judgment on anyone.

Goodwin is right on all that, but the problem is that the Rwanda plan is not an effective deterrent, for the reasons I have blogged about in previous blog posts.

The fact is that both main System parties want more non-white immigration, as per the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan (ignore the vandalistic, Jewish-Zionist, “editing”, and consequent biased wording).

Lammy is so incredibly ignorant about anything and everything that it is almost funny (or would be, were he not likely to be a Cabinet minister with real power by this time next year).

Mandela was as thick as two short planks. Failed law student (finally awarded a degree in the 1980s, after having become famous…), failed would-be lawyer, and failed revolutionary, whose “revolution” (planned partly by blacks but mainly by anti-white Jews) never got off the ground: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UMkhonto_we_Sizwe; also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivonia_Trial.

Mandela took on, about forty years ago, the role of the West’s “secular saint”, a role previously occupied by Gandhi.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Last Farewell]

Diary Blog, 4 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Are people finally going to wake up to Gates and the other creatures of evil pushing the fake “climate change” (via “emissions”) narrative? Or are the “sheeple” really going to swallow the idea that the only way to “save the planet” is to destroy our forests and then to bury the trees cut down? Could the forces of Evil behind all this be more obvious?

A typical System drone. Puppet.

Speaking of System puppets, I was curious to find out what that horrible woman, Jacina Ardern, might now be doing. Well, she had, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, accumulated tens of millions of NZ dollars, which itself is a puzzle since she was paid, as PM, about NZ$ 450,000 (~£200,000) per year (and at least a third of that goes in income tax).

Whatever the truth of how transnational System puppet Jacinda Ardern accumulated so many millions in only a few years in office (and she is from a rather modest, if not poor, background), she is now (since early 2023) in a number of positions, including working for a Jewish-funded centre at Harvard which focusses on “online extremism” (no doubt mainly or entirely on social-nationalism). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacinda_Ardern#Post-premiership.

Another puppet of Evil.

Justin Trudeau, yet another world System drone and puppet.

Another typical System drone and puppet, Lisa Nandy. Mixed-race (English/Indian), not atypical of those pushed forward as part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

As with all the System puppets, pseudo-liberalistic on the surface but dictatorial not far underneath.

Trade unions were once about the pay and conditions (and wider social needs) of “working people” who, at that time, were 99% or more British. Now, the useless rump “trade unions” still operating are basically a propaganda outfit for the System (especially the Labour-label part of the System in the UK), pushing “anti-racism” and other nonsense (including “trans” nonsense and “refugees welcome” dimwittery).

Look at that clip again. Mostly non-whites and some retirement-age women who look “batshit” crazy.

Rent-a-mob out in Wigan today after it was announced another hotel has been commandeered by The Home Office to house illegals. All these people holding trade union & SUTR banners are supporting Tory policy. Not far from where they are standing Ablolom Okbazge, an Eritrean asylum seeker housed at the local Britannia Hotel, stalked a woman & subjected her to a one hour rape ordeal – “refugees” welcome?

[Steve Laws]

Rape? Really? I had no idea that Jewish-lobby mouthpiece and expenses fraudster Gove raped anyone; but then, until a few years ago, I had no idea that the sick little bastard was both a cocaine abuser and a drunk who is effectively an alcoholic.

On the subject of the aerated concrete, which is full of holes, has little strength, and which is liable over time to deteriorate to the extent of then suddenly collapsing, I am amazed.

How is it possible for concrete of that sort ever to have been approved as a building material for anything beyond the simplest one-storey structures such as garden sheds? The same question came to my mind after the Grenfell Tower fire. How was it even possible to approve as a cladding material something actually very flammable? Mad.

I have known for a long time that most British architects are rubbish; now it seems that the same is true of our builders and civil engineers (and regulators). Shameful.

I see that one of the hundreds of buildings affected by the RAAC (aerated concrete) scandal is Harrow Crown Court, where I spent a relatively few days in 1992 as a belated Bar pupil (aged 35), looking on as our defendants appeared on charges of GBH, robbery etc. Apparently, the Court has been closed at short notice, and is now shut, probably indefinitely, by reason of the RAAC danger. I presume that it will eventually have to be demolished.

[the now-closed Harrow Crown Court]

More tweets

Ha ha! The latest African “head of state”. Don’t tip him, whatever you do!

What I find incredible (though actually all too typical in the Britain of 2023) is that this rather unpleasant and not well-educated woman became, not only an MP but then, having been selected/elected as MP only in 2017, Secretary of State (for Education etc) by late 2022. Only 5 years.


The city of Donetsk has been under bombardment and aerial attack by the Kiev regime for 9 years now, since 2014.

Americans who want to put America first, in front of NWO/ZOG, the Jewish lobby, Israel etc usually get persecuted by the Jewish/Israel lobby. Other examples: Pat Buchanan, who referred to the “Amen Corner” (Op-Ed section) in the New York Times (among other outlets of the Israel lobby); also, James Baker, one of the best Secretaries of State the USA ever had (Gorbachev rated him highly).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan#Antisemitism_allegations; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan#Comments_about_Israel.


Late tweets

When you look at the “refugees welcome” dimwits posting in favour of the migration-invasion, the English ones are mostly rather comfortably-off late middle-aged women living in places such as Norwich, Abergavenny etc. Telling…

It has already been three months since the Ukrainian army launched the long-announced “counter-offensive”, with the aim of capturing Melitopol, Berdyansk and possibly Mariupol in order to cut off the Russian land corridor between the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Crimean Peninsula. Despite great efforts from the beginning of July to September, Ukrainian forces advanced between seven and 10 kilometers in depth (in the vicinity of Robotin and Urozhajn), occupying most of the forward positions in front of the “Surovikin Line” and several villages, i.e. about 200 square kilometers.”

The Kiev-regime “counter-offensive” has failed, or perhaps 95% failed. Only the talking head pseudo-experts of Sky News and the BBC seem to be unaware of the fact.

The “refugees welcome” dimwits of the UK will only wake up when that is happening in their own neighbourhoods. If their rotten treachery continues, they may indeed see it some day, a little way down the line.

Get rid of Zelensky, discontented Ukrainians…

Late music

Diary Blog, 17 January 2023

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago


All so that developers and bureaucrats can create “boxes for people”, or “hutches” for urban overflow. Horrible.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northstowe; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Bloor.

[houses built by Bloor Homes at “Northstowe”. Could the architect —if any—and builders have made them any uglier? They look more like buildings in some decayed area of local council housing. Where is the space for Nature? Who would actually want to live there?]

Until I am convinced otherwise, I remain of the view that there is some secret or semi-secret plan to move the centre of gravity of England from the London area to a belt broadly stretching from Oxford to Cambridge.

I first became interested in this when on the road rather a lot in the years 2002-2007, going to county courts all over the place. I noticed the amount of roadbuilding and road improvement going on in that Oxford-Cambridge belt north of southern England but south of the Midlands.

I later discovered that railway links were also being created or upgraded: see, eg, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varsity_Line [“There are funded plans for the entire line to be re-established by the “mid 2020s”, partly on a new route and under a new name  – East West Rail” —Wikipedia].

Other transport links are also in progress: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambridgeshire_Guided_Busway.

There may be a plan, perhaps secret, to create an urbanized belt, or initially a linked series of urbanizations, as a fallback position should London and the southeast suffer damage through war or natural disasters.

Milton Keynes is halfway between Oxford and Cambridge, and has been greatly expanded in recent decades: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milton_Keynes. I can remember when it was little more than a building site; that was in 1977. I hardly recognized it when staying in the city for a couple of days in 2007 (for a case at Milton Keynes County Court, something that did not exist in 1977 or even, as far as I know, 1987; I first visited the Court in 2002).

Guess who/what is the local councillor (with responsibility for planning the “Northstowe” area) is?

[Tumi Hawkins: “LibDem District Councillor for Caldecote Ward, Cabinet Member for Planning at @SouthCambs. Chartered Engineer, Businesswoman. Jazzercise fanatic. Drummer”]


A personification of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan; http://adam.curry.com/art/1543753587_mkXBrvrY.html].

I then became a property developer and investor, buying, selling and building/renovating property in Cambridgeshire and South Lincolnshire. I then moved on to ecommerce, developing our own range of dog skin care products selling on our website and on sites like amazon and ebay.” [Councillor Tumi Hawkins].

Take a look at the comments underneath her biography, comments by local people.

She seems to be unwilling to address the issues raised by local (English) people:

Jack Monroe

This is what happens in (other) frauds such as Ponzi schemes. Any “investor” who makes a loud-enough noise is paid back, but most either do not ask for the money taken from them to be repaid, or the repayment demands are not loud enough.

“Jack Monroe” usually does this— either ignores questions and criticism, and tweets irrelevant rubbish, or snarls, threatening critics with Jew lawyers or “flying monkeys” (mentally-disturbed fans), or —in extremis— makes up a story of how she is suffering from an attack of a physical or mental illness. Who knows? She may actually half-believe that the illnesses are real; a psychosomatic reaction.

One refund out of (presently) 635 utter mugs on Patreon, who are each sending “Jack Monroe” between £3.50 and £44 every month, and not forgetting the unknown number previously cheated by “Jack Monroe”, and who are now no longer sending her money; at one time there were 800 “patrons” —incredibly— largely because the Jewish TV cook, Nigella Lawson, helped to promote the whole “Bootstrap Cook” image. Nigella Lawson’s commendation of “Jack Monroe” is still on the front cover of the latest (and ludicrous) “Jack Monroe” book, Thrifty Kitchen.

Other tweets seen

…and the police; and “Jack Monroe” as well…

A face of evil.

Jewish-lobby slush funds (again).

That tweet refers, of course, to Kurdish carpetbagger Nadhim Zahawi.

Yvette Cooper, Wes Streeting, Lisa Nandy, Angela Rayner…no wonder they take orders from the Jewish-lobby, aka Israel-lobby. They “need” the money from those slush funds to fuel their lifestyles (the lifestyles they keep hidden from the public gaze)…

Late afternoon music

[Eton College Chapel]

Late tweets seen

My assessment of Owen Jones from 4 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 28 December 2022

Morning music

If any of the readers of the blog have not seen the film The Russia House, try it. Stellar. Sean Connery is excellent, others also very good, but the performance that really stood out for me was that of Michelle Pfeiffer as a Russian woman; really convincing.

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

There we have it. Lisa Nandy proclaiming the gospel of the most extreme “trans” nonsense. Naturally. After all, she is one of the principal NWO/ZOG puppets in the UK Labour Party. Pro-mass immgration (the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan) and the migration-invasion, pro “the Great Reset” and “the Great Replacement”, the most extreme “Covid” “measures” etc etc. The “trans” nonsense is all part of that, destructive to the structure of society, destructive even to logic. All part of the strategy.

The above is a reply from “Jack Monroe”, “Bootstrap Cook”, to yet another naive supporter. It has been claimed (with, in my opinion, much evidence to back it up) that “Jack Monroe has a well-used line of defences when accused of cheating people, “scamming” money etc. One is to claim that she is afraid of being attacked, another is to use her still-young son as a reason to be afraid (i.e. that he will somehow be attacked), another is to use mental health or whatever as a reason not to address what seems to me to be the clear evidence of “grifting” amounting to near-fraud. I think that the police should be investigating the claims.

The threat above continues below:

…yet “Jack Monroe” still has 643 utter mugs each sending her between £3.50 and £44 every month. Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of pounds per month.

That refers to the crowdfunder set up in May 2022 by “Jack Monroe”, ostensibly to sue MP Lee Anderson [Con., Ashfield]. She told all the newspapers that she had “instructed” a solicitor, though that may well have been a lie; newspapers carried the story on 15-16 May 2022, but there has been no news since, and the accusation is that she has simply used whatever was raised for her own purposes. Certainly she has not attempted to address those and other concerns people have about her money-grubbing and alleged frauds or near-frauds.

Lee Anderson and Martin Daubney, the supposed targets of the apparently non-existent defamation action, say that they have never heard from either the “Bootstrap Cook” or her solicitor (if any).

“Jack Monroe” maintains a number of Twitter “sock accounts” with which she engages critics while pretending to be [whoever].

Ha. The half-Jewish Nigella Lawson operates on a far higher financial level than “Jack Monroe”, and certainly has no need to cheat her readers or viewers out of money. She seems, though, to have been taken in by “Jack Monroe’s” whole “poverty campaigner” act, and has endorsed her, though that was years or a number of months ago. I expect that Nigella Lawson is now trying to quietly drop “Jack Monroe”, just like several naive msm editors.

[Correction, 20 May 2023: in fact, I now realize that NIgella Lawson is not half-Jewish, but full-Jew. My mistake].

[“Jack Monroe’s” supporters and Patreon-donor mugs]

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/09/30/diary-blog-30-september-2022-including-an-assessment-of-jack-monroe-aka-the-bootstrap-cook/.

More tweets seen

Ah, yes, I remember seeing that greasy little Jew on TV a decade ago, before he was caught out, after which he played the “mental health”/”rehab” card.

Oddly enough, despite being a Jew descended from two racially-Jewish parents, he has apparently espoused Roman Catholicism: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brooks_Newmark. Still, that preference has not prevented him from exercising greed (a mortal sin in Catholicism) on a massive scale (cf. “Bono” of the U2 popular music group).

Christmas University Challenge

Hull v. York. Another alumni contest.

The winning team, Hull, was perhaps a cut above the others seen recently; after all, this was a semi-final. Still fairly poor, though, and once again I think that I can claim to have beaten both teams fairly easily, possibly slightly less easily than in previous days.

Paxman should not let these alumni teams confer at length. 8-10 seconds max.

Late tweets seen

It’s quite funny: many people say that Rishi Sunak is “really” British, because born in the UK, possessing a British passport, and having been educated at Winchester. In reality, his origins are ingrained, as they are with all of us. Nurture builds on Nature. Thus we see Sunak acting as an Indian Prime Minister in India would act, handing out perks to his cronies and senior employees.

The slide to nuclear conflict is obvious, despite the protestations on both sides to the contrary.

Late music

[Hampshire— the living fields]

Diary Blog, 12 October 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Liz Truss and woolly-head Kwarteng will kill their own party


At least one in five working-age families in most UK constituencies – including in Liz Truss’s seat – would lose out by hundreds of pounds on average if real-terms benefit cuts go ahead, a study has found.

The scale of the impact of a below-inflation rise on already struggling households and by extension, local shops and businesses, is revealed in a study by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF). It would amount to the biggest-ever real terms cut to benefits in a single year.

The findings will increase pressure on the prime minister to stick to promises made by her predecessor, Boris Johnson, to guarantee benefits would rise next April in line with September inflation – about 10% – rather than by the rise in earnings figure of 6%. This real-terms cut would deliver around £5bn in savings to the Treasury.

Dozens of backbench Tory MPs are understood to be prepared to rebel over real-terms benefits cuts, while a number of cabinet ministers – including Penny Mordaunt and Robert Buckland – have also signalled their opposition.

The JRF analysis shows seven out of 10 MPs represent areas where at least 20% of households are reliant on universal credit and other means-tested benefits. These include 193 Conservative seats, including a number of key marginals where over a third of working-age families would be affected by a cut.

“Politicians should think long and hard about the impact of withholding hundreds of pounds from thousands of families in their constituencies when the basic rate of benefits is already at its lowest in real terms for 40 years and prices are sky-high,” said Katie Schmuecker, JRF’s principal policy adviser

Families in ”red wall” seats in one-time Labour strongholds taken by the Conservatives at the last general election would be particularly badly affected by real-term benefit cuts. They include Blackpool South, where nearly half (46%) of households stand to lose out, Burnley (38%), and Redcar (33%).

The JRF analysis shows that even in the most affluent constituencies at least one in 10 households are on means-tested benefits.

[The Guardian]

Most Conservative Party MPs voting for the proposed measures will be turkeys voting for Christmas.

Root out the trolls


A former academic at University College London must pay almost £50,000 in damages to a former colleague after falsely portraying her as a sex worker on social media as part of a months-long campaign of harassment.

Christopher Backhouse, a former research fellow at the department of physics and astronomy at UCL, has settled to pay £49,975 to Erica Smith, a physicist and a postdoctoral fellow at Indiana University in the US.

Backhouse was revealed as the perpetrator after Smith enlisted a US lawyer to subpoena Twitter and Google. Documents from the tech giants identified an IP address in London, despite great lengths by the perpetrator to cover their tracks using global proxy servers, the court heard.

Using a Norwich Pharmacal Order (NPO) against BT, a disclosure order allowing information to be obtained from third parties, Backhouse was revealed as the customer connected with the London IP address.”

[The Guardian]

Smersh Never Sleeps”

Therese Coffey

Deadhead MP and now, absurdly, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health, Therese Coffey, still attracting critical and/or incredulous tweets:

See also my assessment of Therese Coffey from 2019 (updated to today’s date): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

[Britain’s Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for Health, Therese Coffey]

It is shaming for Britain to be represented by such as stupidly ignorant “ho” Liz Truss, ugly, nasty moneygrubbing drunk Therese Coffey, woolly-head Kwarteng, and ignorant half-caste James Cleverly.

The present Cabinet has no legitimacy.

The question is how to get rid of them.

More tweets seen

It will be recalled that Derbyshire Police (one of the worst-performing forces in the UK) was instrumental in the Jew-Zionist campaign against satirist Alison Chabloz, and its Police and Crime Commissioner at the time (removed in 2021) was a Labour Party drone, a Sikh, who was basically suborned some years ago by the malicious small pressure group called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”].

Derbyshire Police was also one of the worst police forces involved in illegal bullying of the public during the “panicdemic” of 2020-2021.

Talking about the police and their slide into becoming a pathetic poundland KGB, what about this, below?

The ridiculous little twerp of a policeman shown is indeed, as the tweeter writes, egregious in his behaviour.

Incidentally, here is an article about one of my own encounters with the thin (or should that be “thick”?) blue line, from about a year ago (put on the blog in January 2022) : https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

Here is another, from about 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

More music

[Shishkin, Before the Storm]

More tweets

“Labour” is now just a label. In fact, one of Labour’s least impressive MPs, the unpleasant self-publicist Jess Phillips, said a few years ago that it was “just a f****** rose” (a reference to its symbol).

Labour is riding high in the opinion polls now by default, the Conservative Party having all but imploded, but Labour, in itself, is every bit as rubbish as the Conservative Party.

Both main parties are just one System, really.

A “coup” launched by Jews, and doormats of the Jewish lobby; Lisa Nandy being one of the latter.

Liz Truss in a graph and a cartoon

Late tweets

134,000. At ~4 persons per family, that works out at about 35,000 homes required. Homes which should be going to British people.

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 September 2021

Fuel shortage

Within a 6-mile radius of my present home, I can think of at least 2 petrol stations that have closed even in the past decade. That may seem a small number, but the number thus remaining is only 4, so a third of them have gone even since about 2011.

Labour Party

The Labour Party has now been retaken by the Jewish lobby and its puppets. Israel has probably spent millions on this. Not that I ever gave much credence to “Momentum” (a pressure group owned outright by a limited company owned by a couple of Jews), or indeed to Corbyn.

Below, Israeli Intelligence and Israeli Embassy official Shai Masot discusses a one-million-pound political slush fund with moneygrubbing expenses cheat and (now removed) Labour MP, Joan Ryan, a one-time head of Labour Friends of Israel:

and, below, Shai Masot again, this time talking to Maria Strizzolo, then a civil servant and one of Masot’s agents in the Conservative Party milieu:

Lisa Nandy marks her own card; openly supporting the former so-called “MP for Tel Aviv” (or one of them). In fact, Louise Ellman is no longer an MP, and is now 75 years of age: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Ellman.

What I fear is that the Boris-idiot regime is just so incompetent and ridiculous that Labour, though a total fake, will be able to come back from near-extinction, bearing in mind that we live under a completely rigged and basically binary electoral system; and then impose a similar and possibly worse regime (though frankly, could it be worse? That is what many voters may think by ?2023 or 2024).

For me, one or both, or all three System parties have to be taken down. Labour is now the weaker of the main two.

I wonder, though, whether voters will flock back to Labour, with its open support for mass immigration, desire to further squash free speech, and with its 2010-style “austerity” programme akin to that of the pre-Boris “Conservatives” (and so on).

Other tweets seen

Alison Chabloz

Usually-reliable sources say that persecuted singer-songwriter and satirist, Alison Chabloz, will be released from prison today. Good luck to her in her endeavours. What kind of country imprisons people for criticizing the behaviour of malicious and exploitative groups, or for singing satirical songs?

[Alison Chabloz]

Nicolas Sarkozy

When I was (wrongfully) disbarred in late 2016, it was because I tweeted tweets (5 in number, in the end) considered to be too offensive. That despite the fact that all five tweets were entirely truthful, and commented on society and a few politicians. One was about Michael Gove; another was about Nicolas Sarkozy.

Sarkozy, a half-Jew, has now been convicted of corruption (with Jewish businessmen, though you will look in vain for that detail in the linked Daily Mail report…quelle surprise…). As the newspaper report says, his one-year sentence is to be served at his own home! The (((fix))) is certainly in, in France…https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10044901/French-ex-President-Nicolas-Sarkozy-guilty-illegal-campaign-financing.html.

Macron is no better. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

France has had a big problem since the 19th Century; e.g. l’affaire Stavisky in the 1930s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stavisky_affair

It will be recalled that Sarkozy was a leading promoter of the taking down of Gaddafi in Libya in 2012, and that Sarkozy collaborated on that with David Cameron-Levita (another part-Jew). Thus Europe is now flooded with African migrant-invaders, many of which come via Libya. It’s all connected…

Bernard-Henri Levy

Libya’s UN-recognised government has disavowed a visit by French writer Bernard-Henri Levy, a champion of the 2011 Nato intervention that helped topple the regime of Muammar Gaddafi and whose standing has plummeted since the uprising.

In 2011, Levy performed a key advisory role in the decision by the then French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, to join a Nato coalition supporting Libya’s rebels with air strikes against Gaddafi and his loyalists.” [Middle East Eye] https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/libya-france-writer-bernard-henry-levy-visit.

Levy“…Every. Single. Time… (and is “French” really the right description?).

More tweets

Stealth Covid passport-ism. The programme is pushing to get out, all the time.

Savitri Devi

The Savitri Devi Archive has announced its new website: https://savitridevi.org/.


Well worth a visit.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savitri_Devi; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41757047; https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/450155.Savitri_Devi; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/11/17/social-nationalism-and-green-politics/.

[Savitri Devi]

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 13-14 March 2021

13 March 2021

Meine Ehre heisst Treue…

Tweets seen

It occurs to me that, as with “the virus”, this recent crime is being used to continue “lockdown” by other means. A curfew for men after 1800 hrs is absurd, yet apparently being considered by the Scottish and Welsh pseudo-governments. England? Who knows?

A “curfew for men”, if it were actually to be enforced, would in reality be a curfew for everyone, because relatively few women walk around alone after dark anyway.

All part of “the Great Reset”? I wonder…

Christ overturned the tables of the Jew moneychangers. That is one part of the New Testament which is very relevant to the present-day.

Not sure that I agree with that: the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, are all distinct, though they may at times co-incide, or coalesce. The “Trinity of existence”?

An interesting and worthwhile point, though that Welsh house is not exactly beautiful…


John Rentoul gave himself 5.5 out of 10 this week, thus (for once) beating me. I scored only 5 out of 10, not knowing the answers to questions 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10.

More tweets

I wonder from where the £800,000 came…and all three accused MPs are members of Labour Friends of Israelhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Reed_(politician)#Member_of_Parliament; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Nandy; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Cruddas#Political_views; https://vote-watch.com/2021/03/06/three-labour-mps-under-investigation-by-electoral-commission-after-failing-to-declare-800k-donations/

This is what happens when Jews, particularly Zionists, have power over non-Jews. It may take different forms in different host-countries but the essence is similar. The extent or degree depends on the demographic percentages, mainly.

Late afternoon music

Late music

14 March 2021

Some music


A few stray thoughts about the USA (etc)

Those who read my blog regularly will know that I have never been favourable to Trump, and for a number of reasons, despite the fact that I tweeted “in his favour” during the 2016 campaign (because Hillary Clinton and her clique wanted conflict in the Middle East against Syria and Russia, which could have ignited open Russia-USA warfare).

Well, time moves on. A Jewish cabal had my Twitter account removed in 2018; since then I have not tweeted (it’s a largely pointless activity anyway). Trump, after having been elected, proved himself nothing more than a loudly-squawking parrot in a gilded cage, and guarded by Zionist Jews. His removal at the 2020 election was, overall, formally legitimate (in my opinion), even if attended by some anti-Trump illegalities. Was it, however, truly legitimate in the wider sense? I say not.

For me, this whole question goes beyond ludicrous Trump himself. It cuts to whether the American system and way of life is actually working for either those of white European origin who mainly built the country into what it is, or indeed for the blacks and others who are —with exceptions, yes— at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid.

The socio-economic system in the USA is an exaggerated example of that now existing in the rest of the Western world.

In the late 1980s, I think around 1987, I saw an ad in a British magazine which summed up what was happening under the Thatcher government (and in the USA under Reagan). A picture of an Old Master painting juxtaposed with a photograph of the then quite new Canary Wharf development. Under the Old Master, the legend, “work of art“, but under Canary Wharf, “the art of work“.

I suppose that Rudolf Steiner would have described that as “Ahrimanic” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahriman#Anthroposophy]. The worship of work, of money, of the material.

In the past 30+ years, that influence has become mainstream in both the UK and also the even more receptive USA. How often do we now see and hear about any group of people that they deserve more pay, profit, privileges because they are “hardworking”? All the time. School students “deserve”, we are told, to be awarded top grades (meaningless as many now are) because, yes, those teenagers are (said to be) “hardworking” even when it is patent from the pronouncements and tweets etc of many that they know very little about anything.

Likewise, groups ranging from NHS employees to schoolteachers are judged not on whether they are being organized, deployed and activated efficiently or with good results and outcomes, but on the premise that they are “hardworking”.

The other side of the coin? Those who for whatever reason are (supposedly) not “hardworking”, meaning the unemployed, disabled, artists and others not financially successful, and so on.

It is rarely examined how many of those at or near the top of the society “deserve” their privilege. One example? The UK Royal Family. The kefuffle around Harry and the Royal Mulatta has brought that into focus, with the usual protestations of how “hardworking” they all are! I suppose that some mugs believe it…

The aim of all the propaganda is, of course, to keep the working masses under control. The “virus” situation (a weaponization of a real, serious, but not existential problem) has made such control easier.

[with a few small changes, the first line could also read “(old-style) SOCIALISM”…]

Reverting to the American situation, we see that there has been an election which simply changes the deck chairs on the boat deck. Trump is out, Biden (with his even more plainly Jewish government appointees) is in.

The mass of the American people are simply not served by either major political party now. I want to focus on those of white European heritage, those who might create a better society, i.e. those who have the inherent ability to do that.

America is now majority non-white. The election of the mixed-race Obama (always called “black”, of course) was the sign that the democratic one-man one-vote system was no longer going to be any use for the white people of America on the Federal level.

Yes, Biden is a white person, but he is just a figurehead, and a puppet. Almost all of his top appointees are Jews, and the few who are not are “black” or, rather, mixed (eg Kamala Harris).

Demographics are the key. As America grows ever-more non-white, the political power will move that way too, towards the non-whites (but always under Jew-Zionist ultimate control), and towards the major cities and population hubs.

If the white people of America and (because this is not solely a race/ethnicity question) those who favour a so-called “traditional” way of life, become an ever-smaller minority, elections become less and less relevant to them. On the Federal level already, soon on the State level in some parts of the USA.

At some point, those who favour a civilized form of life and government are going to have to pull away from the USA as it now is becoming. Not just in terms of the ethnicity of the President, but also in terms of the whole finance-capitalist system that no longer serves the people (white, mixed, black, or other).

I do not foresee an immediate civil or social war, one with many casualties. This is a slow burn. Certainly the weapons which so many Americans worship are of no immediate utility. Not when the Federal authorities have tanks, jet aircraft, armoured cars, SWAT squads, the FBI etc. Still, the night is young…

Israeli influence over UK politics

Lest we forget…


Tweeter “Horus” was expelled from Twitter a while ago, thus joining almost all tweeters of interest. I just saw a blog post from him, written in 2020: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2019/09/04/labours-fictitious-anti-semitism-problem/.

[Update, 15 March 2021: I am told that in fact tweeter Horus is still on Twitter].


From 6 months ago:


Tweet seen

Thanks to my blog commentator, “Claudius”, in Argentina, for alerting me to this:

[“The Fuhrer as friend to animals”]

More tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 26 August 2020

Post-socialist intimidation and emergent chaos in the USA

Reminiscent of the Red Guards during the so-called “Cultural Revolution” in 1960s China. Dissidents or random victims being targeted, bullied, assaulted, even killed.

China's Cultural Revolution In 44 Shocking Images
The Cowshed review | MCLC Resource Center
China's Cultural Revolution and Our Own | Gene Veith

The only silver lining is that those cruel and fanatical bullies probably starved later! “Enjoy your meal!

(slightly off-topic, I have blogged before at the oddness of the apparent inconsistency: we are told that, on the national or ethnic basis, the Chinese have the highest IQ in the world, even higher than white Northern Europeans, and yet I myself have to say that almost all the Chinese I have encountered in my life have been dimwits. Anecdotal evidence, and so proving nothing very much? I wonder).

Tweets seen

Australians are like the British from which most of them still have descent: most of them are more interested in whether their “national” teams (even if non-white) win football, rugby, cricket (etc) matches or athletic medals on the other side of the world than what is happening in their own societies. Politically blind, so easily enslaved.

Patrick O’Flynn [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patrick_O%27Flynn] was one of the more intelligent of the “Prominenten” in UKIP. In the end, though, just a scribbler making his way. Politically irrelevant. In fact, politically rather silly.

An enemy

People who can’t even aspire to mediocrity“? Is this a case of projection?

I seem to recall that Dunt tweeted a few times about me when I had a Twitter account. He seems to be very interested in Jewish matters, “antisemitism” etc… I recall that he was supportive of the Extinction Rebellion nonsense in London (at least, that is how his tweets appeared to me). My view: he is an outright enemy of the British people, as can be seen plainly in the tweet above.

I suppose that one might just ignore the views and even the existence of someone of that type, but this person is Editor of Politics.co.uk (supposedly “impartial” political website), is sometimes seen on TV, and has at least some peripheral influence, if only because of that. A symptom of the socio-political degeneracy afflicting the UK (though not the UK alone).

Another enemy

Well , I myself am against unrestricted capitalism: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_threefolding, but unrestricted “socialism” (one example of the imbalance of supremacy of the political sphere over the economic and spiritual-cultural spheres) can be worse and has been worse. A few examples: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collectivization_in_the_Soviet_Union; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Terror; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Chinese_Famine; https://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jan/01/china-great-famine-book-tombstone; https://www.ft.com/content/6a148d26-7432-11df-87f5-00144feabdc0; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Khmer_Rouge_rule_of_Cambodia

As for tweeter and enemy of European race and culture, Mike Stuchbery, self-described “historian”, “journalist” etc, I have blogged about him previously: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/

An “antifa” cheerleader now based in Stuttgart, who claims, risibly, to “work three jobs” but in fact travels around Germany enjoying himself and tweeting when not sitting in cafes. Raised nearly £12,000 via GoFundMe with his collaborator “@antifashwitch” of Derbyshire, ostensibly in order to sue Tommy Robinson.

A poorly-drafted “letter before action” was sent to “Stephen Yaxley-Lennon” (Robinson’s real or original name) in November 2019 by a one-man Pakistani law firm in the North of England, but Robinson never was sued (I doubted from the first that he would be: see my blog posts), and it is not known what happened to the monies donated by nearly 700 mugs: https://www.gofundme.com/f/sue-tommy-robinson

Other tweets seen today

Why indeed? It’s a puzzle…

That’s Lisa Nandy, part-Indian Westminster “Labour” MP and (needless to add?) a member of Labour Friends of Israel…

Don’t imagine that Europe is different, that the UK is different. If there were, scaling it up, tens of millions of Jews in or near the UK, we, the British people, would be the ones directly suffering in an open-air concentration camp and being rocketed for the slightest resistance.

More tweets

Not sure about that “shadows of their former selves“: admittedly, I have never seen Dead Ringers or The Now Show, and have only seen Have I Got News For You a couple of times, but that was years, even decades ago, and I thought it pathetic and contrived then. Is it even less interesting now? Perhaps it is. The least funny or witty? Paul Merton. Yet they all get paid millions. Just a completely rotten system overall.

The latest “virus” nonsense: a group of about 30 teenagers went to a Greek island from Plymouth. On returning, they were tested and nearly half had been infected. A few had sore throats, the others no symptoms at all. None need or needed hospital treatment. This “outbreak” was reported as major news by the BBC! “Soviet radio”…In fact I think that Radio Moscow in its most propagandistic phase might have been no worse than the BBC now is.

More tweets

The caption left out the last few words, “and never will contribute anything to this country.” They and their descendants will be, at best, a millstone round the necks of the British people; at worst (quite likely) also enemies of the British people.

Not sure where Griffin gets “over-educated” from! The few police with whom I have had any contact in the last decade have been laughably under-educated in any real sense, though it may be that Griffin refers to the paper “degrees” that everyone and his dog now has. After all, to take but one example, the half-caste “Conservative” Party MP, James Cleverly (now a Minister of State, no less!) has a “degree” in “Hospitality Management” from some degree mill or other.

That goes at least some way to the situation characterized in Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation.

Late music

Diary Blog, 17 August 2020

A few tweets seen today

I knew someone whose father fought against the Bolshevik forces in that war. From East Prussia. Like much of the true history of Europe in the 20th Century, that episode is all but forgotten, certainly by the mainstream. A certain (((cabal))) has hijacked modern history…

I do not know the whole story of the above, but it is, in the contemporary phrase, both shocking and unsurprising. The majority of the white people (the “formerly known as British”) of the UK are complicit in their own swamping and subjugation.

The only quibble I would raise about claiming “exemption” is that it tends to legitimize the —invalid— secondary legislation upon which the facemask nonsense diktat is based.

The thug shown above is, despite not being a Jew, a pro-Israel fanatic in Scotland, seen below giving out Israeli propaganda in Glasgow:

[photo: Daily Record]

A senior figure in a pro-Israel group faces losing his job as a religious studies teacher – after allegedly posting anti-Semitic slurs online…However, his supporters have told the standards watchdog the site was a decoy created to lure bigots into making illegal comments.” https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/re-teacher-faces-sack-over-22528812

That’s what Zionist Jews and their non-Jew doormats do: they try to entrap anti-Zionists and social nationalists (etc) into making comments or remarks, then they go straight to Twitter, employing organizations, professional regulators, even police, and scream, loudly, “ANTISEMITISM!” “ANTISEMITISM!”, despite the fact that, as a Crown Court judge said in one of the Alison Chabloz appeals, “antisemitism is not a crime in England“.

Oh, and note the “journalism”: “illegal comments” etc. Oh, yes, one cannot say anything about (((them))) in case what you have said is “illegal”….It’s fast becoming, in fact has become, a toytown police state (especially in Scotland…).

So what’s happening about that pro-Jew Scottish thug? (who, by the way, is actually the head of “religious and moral education” at a school in Ayr!]

The teaching body launched an investigation and held a panel hearing about his fitness to practise on July 15. It was recommended the case go to a full hearing yet to be scheduled. Jewish groups have rallied round Sutherland claiming he acted to “flush out” anti-Semites“.

That person is the type of individual who might even commit acts of terrorism (as might the fanatical Jews behind him). As a matter of fact, and without making allegations for which I have no proof, that person certainly looks to me like, shall we say, a “dodgy” person to be teaching in any school…

Another thought occurs to me: Father Gapon in 1905 St. Petersburg whipped up popular discontent against the government and society of the time, but was an agent of the Okhrana (secret police) trying to identify revolutionaries, yet (unwittingly?) caused a revolution that very nearly toppled the Tsar: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1905_Russian_Revolution

Perhaps the efforts of this Sutherland person might backfire, actually causing people to wake up to the activities of Zionists and the like. That’s a nice idea.

The above tweet from “Viv Maier” refers to Stephen Applebaum [presently mainly @grubstreetsteve and @rattus2384 on Twitter] and Stephen Silverman [presently mainly @ssilvuk on Twitter].

Not only sadistic online trolls but conspirators connected with the sinister “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, a “charity” (officially) which organizes propaganda and snooping in the interest of Israel and the extreme Jewish lobby. It also organizes online attacks on social nationalists and others, and tries to get those opposing Israel and the Jewish lobby into trouble with Twitter, police, employers, clients etc. See: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/ and https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/

Sadly, most Labour Party members and supporters are as thick as two short planks (just like most Conservative Party members and supporters). Labour members endorsed the Jewish lobby mouthpieces Keir Starmer and Angela Rayner as leader and deputy leader after years of msm brainwashing. The last point is a reason, but not an excuse.

Look again at the tweet above. It weasels, using the term “the Labour right“, when what is meant (or should be meant) is the “Jewish lobby” or “Jewish-Zionist” and pro-Israel cabal inside the Labour Party, embedded in it and eating it away like a plague of termites. Not all are full Jews. Some are part-Jews or even (like Tom Watson, to take an obvious example) non-Jews.

Until you identify the problem, you cannot propose a solution. Still, that is a problem firstly for those still misguided enough to want to support “Labour”.

From the horse’s mouth…


Wake up, people…


Wake up, people…

More tweets

You get pseudo-liberals, Jews and others whining that “Nazis burned books”, but in fact those book-burnings were few and basically symbolic. Today, in the UK, USA and EU, we see the equivalent happening right before our eyes, but few complain, or have a platform on which to complain.

Amazon has banned many many books from sale, and it has a quasi-monopoly or near-monopoly online. Anything the Jews complain about, basically, is banned now. Ebay is the same (a Jew from Iran, a US citizen, owns ebay, or so I was told years ago). David Irving was dropped by all his mainstream publishers, who pulped (and in some cases actually incinerated) his books. So who’s burning books now?…

The present (((System))) does not hold the moral high ground, and we have to be clear about that.


Obviously, to anyone familiar with my views, I do not rate Twitter highly as a barometer of public opinion, but that tweet above has had, at time of present writing, 33,000 retweets and 216,000 “likes”, in the space of only about 10 hours.

The housing situation is dire, especially in London, and in the South generally. The answer, however, is not simply to build houses and flats which will then be occupied by migrant-invaders and their offspring. In fact, that might well encourage millions more to swamp our once green and pleasant land.

Russian proverb: “Measure seven times, then cut“. New British proverb: “get rid of migrant-invaders and others, stop more coming and breeding, then (and only then) create new high-quality towns for British people.”

[green and pleasant land…]

Interesting piece of Soviet-era engineering

I have to admit that I had never heard of this:

Some other interesting machines:

Other tweets seen

I have blogged previously about Greta Nut: https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/09/29/greta-thunberg-system-approved-wunderkind/ and https://ianrmillard.wordpress.com/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/

Late music