Tag Archives: Shai Masot

Diary Blog, 2 November 2023

Battles past

Tweets seen

I have been writing, tweeting, then blogging against “Boris”-idiot for 20 years.

Either they are secretly related or he was fucking her, or both.


Many “British” Jews give overt or covert help to the Israeli state, its propaganda, its agencies and/or its intelligence services. Look at the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” cabal.

In one or two places I have lived in the past, I had similar problems. I took action directe

What horrible creatures “they” are.

Meanwhile Jews in the UK are reporting almost anything and everything to the “counter-terror” police: swastikas drawn on walls by children, women wearing little pictures of paragliders on their clothing, you name it.

The Jew-Zionist lobby has all but destroyed free speech in this country.

The situation has become just mad…

Late music

Diary Blog, 27 March 2023, including thoughts about the Israeli lobby and the Labour Party, about “White Genocide”, and about Jewish influence over “British” art.

Morning music

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers



Even just driving past sheep or, even more so, gambolling lambs, makes me feel somehow happier.


Woollyhead Trussbanger wants yet more money, it seems. Put him in a labour camp, fed on half a pound of buckwheat kasha a day.

Tweets seen

About a fifth of the bags required by most households, even small ones.

“Climate change” has become, like “Covid” and, pre-1945, “the War”, an excuse for local bureaucrats, and others (eg doctors, dentists) not to do their jobs properly.

Kennedy, the first Roman Catholic to become US President, the only one to have made a sane and balanced judgment about Hitler, the only one not to have been a freemason; and so on.

Naturally, I have little time for the self-describing “Left”, such as Ken Loach, but of course he is correct in what he says about Starmer. Having said that, Loach and his like still, even now, talk about the element that got rid of Corbyn as “the Right“, “the Establishment“, “the mass media“,and even “the ruling class“, while not once talking about the Jews, or Zionists, or even the baleful influence of the Israeli state, as seen so clearly in the Shai Masot case, except insofar as he mentions that many Jews who were pro-Corbyn have actually been expelled by Starmer.

See also:

In a sense, I can be seen as objective, in that I have and had little time for Corbyn, as such.

More tweets

There it is— White Genocide. Admittedly, not in the sense of non-whites directly killing white European people in large numbers (except in South Africa), but in a far more cunning way, or ways. Promotion of cannabis abuse, promotion of LGBTQXYZ, promotion of extreme feminism (most of the writers favouring which are— wait for it— Jewish women), promotion of mass immigration and migration-invasion into Europe. 90% or more of all of that is led by, and/or funded by, Jews and/or Jewish interests.

So many people want everything to be black and white; black or white.

Blame and praise alike befall, when a dauntless man’s spirit is black and white mixed, like the magpie’s plumage” [Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival]

What it says to me (also) is that there is a baleful influence promoting that kind of non-art (not necessarily that particular “artist”), or what was once called “Addled Art“— https://www.amazon.co.uk/Addled-Art-Lionel-Lindsay/dp/B0007J3B7S; http://melbourneblogger.blogspot.com/2009/06/lindsay-etching-l-hyde-park-1913-r.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel_Lindsay.

Who funded and promoted (and then made millions via) the “artists” Tracey Emin [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracey_Emin] and Damien Hirst [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damien_Hirst] etc? Mainly wealthy Jews, such as Charles Saatchi: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Saatchi and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Freedman.

Saatchi is also known for his art collection and for owning Saatchi Gallery, and in particular for his sponsorship of the Young British Artists (YBAs), including Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. In 2013 he received a police caution for assaulting his wife, Nigella Lawson.” [Wikipedia]

Saatchi arrived at Gambler in a green Bentley and, according to Freedman, was immediately impressed by (and then bought) Hirst’s first major “animal” installation, A Thousand Years, consisting of a large glass case containing maggots and flies feeding off a rotting cow’s head.[1] (The installation was later a notable feature of the Sensation exhibition.) At this early stage, Freedman was financing the production of Hirst’s vitrines, and has commented that not many people attended these early shows, including Freeze.

In 1994, Freedman toured the US with Tracey Emin, driving in a Cadillac from San Francisco to New York.” [Wikipedia].

Freedman said one of the [Tracey Emin] show’s themes was:the artist as a subject, and (to) explore the relationship between the art on the wall and its creator, to make the whole thing more humanistic. And in there somewhere there is the beginnings of a thesis on the relationship and similarities between madness and modernism, for example, defiance of authority, nihilism, examples of extreme relativism, strange transformations of the self, irrationality, and things like that.” [Wikipedia]

A 1930s German National Socialist would recognize very readily the all-too-typical themes of decay, decadence, perversion of the natural order etc.

[Saatchi Gallery]

Incidentally, “Emin was born in Croydon, a district of south London, to an English mother of Romanichal descent[18] and a Turkish Cypriot father.” [Wikipedia]. She is non-European, despite Wikipedia weaselling about her mother, who was apparently not English but a “Romanichal” (gypsy).

Tracey Emin is now herself “worth” millions; Damien Hirst, hundreds of millions.

Compare that to the many great and genuine artists who lived and died penniless.

Late tweets

Hard to believe that any festivals or similar events are still booking “Jack Monroe”, yet here is the second I have seen recently, the other being the Greenbelt Festival (blogged about recently). https://www.cambridgeliteraryfestival.com/about/.

I can only assume that both of those bookings were made many months in advance, and so prior to the “Jack Monroe” scandal coming (more) to public attention from August/September 2022.

The sooner Gates departs this world, whether naturally, accidentally, voluntarily, or not voluntarily, the better.


Pseudo-“Conservative” greaseball Fraser Nelson speaks in favour of money-ruled globalization. Again.

Ecce the “leader” of the “free world”…

Just another puppet on a stick. (((Their))) stick…

The SNP is a joke “national” party, System through and through. “Holocaust”, “Covid”, and other nonsense propaganda parrotted at every opportunity, non-whites as leading figures (and now Leader itself), and a would-be tyranny in the making.

Scotland, despite its global cultural reach, is a small nation, most of the people of which oppose fake “Independence”.

I should hope —and I certainly think— that the SNP reached its high-water mark a few years ago, and will now gradually decline, but that will not happen until the voters are given a suitable alternative.

Late music


Diary Blog, 23 November 2021

Amusing cartoon

I had not seen the following satirical cartoon for years:

Laughter, the best medicine“…

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A reminder of reality:

I really should encourage the Jew-Zionist cabal which has persecuted me for (especially) the past decade, to get “vaccinated”! Jesting aside, the worst members of that cabal are now all slowly expiring anyway.

The stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].


The rambling “speech” offered up to the CBI by “Boris” [A. B. Johnson] yesterday seems to have finally woken up even (most of) the woodentopped denizens of Daily Mail-land.

The Daily Mail has published a kind of exculpa for “Boris”, written by well-known scribbler on economics and finance, Alex Brummer, a Vice-President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Brummer; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Deputies_of_British_Jews.

This is that article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/debate/article-10232209/ALEX-BRUMMER-Boris-Johnsons-critics-missing-point-Peppa-Pig-British-success-story.html.

Take a look at the readers’ comments section! It seems that the readers have been unimpressed both by Johnson’s car crash yesterday and by Brummer’s ludicrous article.

“Boris” is of course part-Jew, and the Jewish lobby (aka, more or less, Israel lobby) has always been favourable to him, even when disrespecting him: see the video showing peculiar Israeli political intelligence bod Shai Masot [below]. Masot likes that “Boris” is “solid on Israel” (he even worked for a couple of weeks on a kibbutz when aged about 18), but still says that “you know, Boris…he is an idiot...”

See for yourselves:

https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/video/2017/jan/07/israeli-official-shai-masot-discredit-uk-mps-undercover-video; or https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/1/12/israel-diplomat-forced-to-resign-after-aj-investigation. That second video is far more detailed.

While a minority of people (some, like me, mere outside commentators, others those who have known “Boris” well for decades, people like Max Hastings, Nicholas Soames, John Major) have opposed “Boris” for many years, the mass of voters have been fooled by the constant msm puffing of “Boris” as “Prime Minister in Waiting”. That sort of nonsense has been going on for 10-15 years, and influenced the masses, especially the elderly members of the Conservative Party.

Reality did not break in even when “Boris” made, in the old phrase, “a pig’s ear” of being Foreign Secretary (useless). Well, now the “idiot” has been Prime Minister, or posing as such, for just on 2 years. Look at the result(s)!

“Boris” has given up trying to appear hugely intelligent by quoting little bits of rote-learned Latin or Greek, or trawling the O.E.D. for obscure English words that almost no-one ever uses. That sort of nonsense is now well past its sell-by date.

There is a type of person who thinks that oft-using very obscure words is clever. The egregious Nicholas Fairbairn was another, though he did have his good points [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Fairbairn].

The problem for British voters is that, even if “Boris” is removed, the same or similar government will drag on; and even if equally-unfit (and misnamed) “Labour” were to form some kind of government, Keir Starmer is also in the pocket of the same lobby, is a member of Labour Friends of Israel, and is married to a Jewish woman. Indeed, Starmer’s children are being brought up as if full-Jew, and Starmer celebrates Jewish religious holidays (I have been unable to discover whether he wears a little skullcap at such events, or indeed whether that would be mandated).

I am unsure as to why “Boris” is still being supported by some Zionists; can they really believe that the scammer can just carry on scamming the British people? The rest of the Cabinet of clowns is also completely pro-Jew and pro-Israel. Anyway, the Lobby has Starmer-Labour as its fallback position now.

The losers are the British people.

England, my England

This afternoon, for reasons too trivial and unnecessary to mention, I drove through a fairly unspoiled and rare part of the South of England. Mostly on unclassified roads, and mostly through a great estate.

The beneficial effects of careful estate management were evident: beautifully trimmed hedgerows, and massive trees which must have been centuries-old, and lining the roads devoid of traffic (I saw scarcely another vehicle). The only hazard on those roads consisted of silly young pheasant, too silly to get out of the way, though I managed to avoid hitting any.

An all-too-rare example of England as it once was, and now hardly ever is.

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Smersh never sleeps“…

Early evening music

[“07″…Soviet /Russian long distance telephone code]

Night. For me there is no law!

Late tweets

So it begins…


Migrant-invaders (many criminal) get free housing, food, cash, medical, but British people are literally on the streets.

Good grief! Jefferson?! How long can it be before America’s cities are just collections of ruins and piles of rubble, with feral non-whites crawling all over them?

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 September 2021

Fuel shortage

Within a 6-mile radius of my present home, I can think of at least 2 petrol stations that have closed even in the past decade. That may seem a small number, but the number thus remaining is only 4, so a third of them have gone even since about 2011.

Labour Party

The Labour Party has now been retaken by the Jewish lobby and its puppets. Israel has probably spent millions on this. Not that I ever gave much credence to “Momentum” (a pressure group owned outright by a limited company owned by a couple of Jews), or indeed to Corbyn.

Below, Israeli Intelligence and Israeli Embassy official Shai Masot discusses a one-million-pound political slush fund with moneygrubbing expenses cheat and (now removed) Labour MP, Joan Ryan, a one-time head of Labour Friends of Israel:

and, below, Shai Masot again, this time talking to Maria Strizzolo, then a civil servant and one of Masot’s agents in the Conservative Party milieu:

Lisa Nandy marks her own card; openly supporting the former so-called “MP for Tel Aviv” (or one of them). In fact, Louise Ellman is no longer an MP, and is now 75 years of age: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louise_Ellman.

What I fear is that the Boris-idiot regime is just so incompetent and ridiculous that Labour, though a total fake, will be able to come back from near-extinction, bearing in mind that we live under a completely rigged and basically binary electoral system; and then impose a similar and possibly worse regime (though frankly, could it be worse? That is what many voters may think by ?2023 or 2024).

For me, one or both, or all three System parties have to be taken down. Labour is now the weaker of the main two.

I wonder, though, whether voters will flock back to Labour, with its open support for mass immigration, desire to further squash free speech, and with its 2010-style “austerity” programme akin to that of the pre-Boris “Conservatives” (and so on).

Other tweets seen

Alison Chabloz

Usually-reliable sources say that persecuted singer-songwriter and satirist, Alison Chabloz, will be released from prison today. Good luck to her in her endeavours. What kind of country imprisons people for criticizing the behaviour of malicious and exploitative groups, or for singing satirical songs?

[Alison Chabloz]

Nicolas Sarkozy

When I was (wrongfully) disbarred in late 2016, it was because I tweeted tweets (5 in number, in the end) considered to be too offensive. That despite the fact that all five tweets were entirely truthful, and commented on society and a few politicians. One was about Michael Gove; another was about Nicolas Sarkozy.

Sarkozy, a half-Jew, has now been convicted of corruption (with Jewish businessmen, though you will look in vain for that detail in the linked Daily Mail report…quelle surprise…). As the newspaper report says, his one-year sentence is to be served at his own home! The (((fix))) is certainly in, in France…https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10044901/French-ex-President-Nicolas-Sarkozy-guilty-illegal-campaign-financing.html.

Macron is no better. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

France has had a big problem since the 19th Century; e.g. l’affaire Stavisky in the 1930s: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stavisky_affair

It will be recalled that Sarkozy was a leading promoter of the taking down of Gaddafi in Libya in 2012, and that Sarkozy collaborated on that with David Cameron-Levita (another part-Jew). Thus Europe is now flooded with African migrant-invaders, many of which come via Libya. It’s all connected…

Bernard-Henri Levy

Libya’s UN-recognised government has disavowed a visit by French writer Bernard-Henri Levy, a champion of the 2011 Nato intervention that helped topple the regime of Muammar Gaddafi and whose standing has plummeted since the uprising.

In 2011, Levy performed a key advisory role in the decision by the then French president, Nicholas Sarkozy, to join a Nato coalition supporting Libya’s rebels with air strikes against Gaddafi and his loyalists.” [Middle East Eye] https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/libya-france-writer-bernard-henry-levy-visit.

Levy“…Every. Single. Time… (and is “French” really the right description?).

More tweets

Stealth Covid passport-ism. The programme is pushing to get out, all the time.

Savitri Devi

The Savitri Devi Archive has announced its new website: https://savitridevi.org/.


Well worth a visit.

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Savitri_Devi; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-41757047; https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/450155.Savitri_Devi; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/11/17/social-nationalism-and-green-politics/.

[Savitri Devi]

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 September 2021

Labour Party

When I was a teenager, in the early-mid 1970s, the annual conferences of the big System parties were events heavily reported, and shown live on at least two of the (then) three television stations. Decisions were taken, policies made. That was then. Now? Just PR events designed to present an image to the public. All the conferences are now pathetic. Labour up first this year.

BBC Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis, a Jewish woman [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emily_Maitlis], with Blairite Labour manipulator Peter Mandelson, also of Jewish origins [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Mandelson].


In a sense, quite funny that even those “Labourites” who despise
Starmer and all his works are incapable of saying openly that the plot to remove Corbyn and return Labour to the pro-Israel fold was fundamentally, in fact almost entirely, a Jewish (Lobby) one.

All of the MPs who plotted in expensively-rented country houses and at Westminster against Corbyn were Jewish and/or members of Labour Friends of Israel. Here’s one non-Jewish one— shameless moneygrubber and expenses cheat Joan Ryan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Ryan_(politician); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joan_Ryan_(politician)#Expenses_controversies.

Here’s Joan Ryan conspiring with Israeli Embassy official and intelligence officer (surprisingly), Shai Masot. They talk about a one million pound slush fund from Israel, ultimately designed to help get rid of Corbyn and replace him with a Jewish Lobby-approved puppet:

That pro-Israel cabal in the Parliamentary Labour Party had, as a major aim, to replace Corbyn with a suitably pro-Jewish and pro-Israel puppet. We know the result: Corbyn was replaced, by Keir Starmer, a former Director of Public Prosecutions who is married to a Jewish property lawyer; their children are being brought up as if fully-Jewish. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keir_Starmer#Personal_life.

One of the most toxic groups of Jewish Lobby fanatics in the UK, the small but vocal so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] was involved in the “Get Rid of Corbyn” “operation” ((operation))):

Not that I ever had much time for Corbyn: poorly educated, not hugely intelligent, with primitive Lego-brick socio-political concepts built into a 1970s Collet’s London Bookshop-style of an ideology. No understanding of the necessity to protect European race and culture. In short, pretty poor, but at least Corbyn was not in the pocket of the Jewish/Israel lobby.

Tweets seen

That MP looks rather dishonest, in my opinion. I had not previously heard of him: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Graham_(politician). Ex-diplomat, ex-Barings Bank, ex-China old hand, speaks 8 languages: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Graham_(politician)#International_experience. Makes one think…

That tweet immediately above would be more convincing had the Labour Party not been the instigator of the whole anti-Welfare State, anti-social security policy current, which started in earnest under that horrible little blot Alistair Darling [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alistair_Darling] when he was in Cabinet under Blair and Brown (from 1998). Darling was, repeatedly, an expenses cheat, and eventually had to resign from the Faculty of Advocates (Scottish Bar): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alistair_Darling#Expenses_claims.

In fact it was Labour, not the Conservatives, who brought in the hated and fraudulent ATOS organization to “assess” (cheat) the disabled and sick, though the misnamed “Conservative” Party made the whole system even more cruel under (Conservative Friends of Israel, expenses cheat, fraud, liar) Iain Dunce Duncan Smith.

Starmer’s idea (sole idea?) seems to be to position Labour somewhere vaguely near to where the Conservatives are, then say to the public, “we are similar to them, but not so corrupt, and more competent“. Will that work for Starmer? I doubt it, but in a rigged binary system, who knows?

More Jewish/Israeli interference…

…and full marks for writing “to pressure” rather than the usually-seen (and usually wrong) “to pressurize“…

More tweets

Bending the knee to black mobs. He does it, ideologically, to the Israel Lobby as well. More so, in fact.

The decadence implied in that restaurant bill is unmistakeable. Apres nous le deluge? Perhaps sooner than that…

So a young Jewish woman (brought up in the UK?), and who would probably not dream of joining the British army, flies to Israel to enlist in the Israeli armed forces? What does that say about “their” real loyalties? Even the ones brought up here. Even the ones born here. Strangers in a strange land…

Indeed. HR and related departments are riddled with Common Purpose drones now, and the same poison has deeply infiltrated the police, and other organs of the State; also law firms, barristers’ chambers etc.

The above situation has pretty much finished off the UK trade unions, too.

It is really right in front of us now, in plain sight.

The fact is that people do need petrol for their cars, if they live outside the major cities and have to do things; unless, like Hitchens, they can cycle or walk to Oxford railway station, take a (1st Class?) train trip to London, thence (via taxi?) to their newspaper office.

Having said that, those who were filling up cars already well-filled, or filling jerricans, are just sheep, but without the bucolic charm. Hitchens was right to note the inaccuracy of the “keep calm and carry on” stuff. People now mostly have no idea of the panic to which Londoners especially were subject in the latter months of 1939.

Hitchens is right, there. Panic over the “virus”, which has killed or helped to kill maybe one in a thousand people in the UK, yet complacency (albeit resentful) about the migration-invasion and the non-white breeding rate, together an existential danger to the British people.

Americans, at least official ones, and the American public as a mass (misled by a Jewish-Zionist msm), are quite often bullies. They love to hit those who cannot hit back. I have often wondered whether this trend started in WW2, when American aircraft bombed much of Germany and Japan to rubble (and also large areas of France, Italy and elsewhere), while knowing that the US homeland was completely safe from retaliation.

I suppose that that that is why the 2001 World Trade Center attack hit Americans so hard. It showed that America could be the target of a large and deadly attack.

American mistreatment of prisoners of war also goes back far, even further than WW2 —when US troops and other organs carried out war crimes such as shooting captured German soldiers, mistreating captured German naval personnel, and starving numbers of POWs to death (as in the “Rhine Meadows” war crimes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rheinwiesenlager).

Americans started to abuse their prisoners long before Abu Ghraib, Bagram, and Guantanamo, even long before WW2. The mistreatment of —especially Confederate— prisoners was widespread in the American Civil War, and after Lincoln’s assassination, some of those suspected of involvement were kept hooded for months, just as at Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib…

Early afternoon music

Late afternoon music

[Great Road, by Levitan]

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Quelle surprise…just as, in the UK, one would not expect immigrants to vote UKIP, Brexit Party etc, let alone BNP, NF or the like.

In fact, that is one reason why the “Parliamentary road” is probably a no-win situation for us, despite 80% or more of the inhabitants of the UK still being white northern Europeans.

Beautiful whale film; as to the “climate change” stuff, something is happening, in some parts of the world, but causation is debatable, as is (even more so) whether humanity can affect those global and interplanetary processes (except by disappearing).

Late music

[The Vladimirka (road), by Levitan]

Diary Blog, 26 September 2021

Reading for a lazy Sunday

An old favourite— Raffles [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A.J._Raffles(character); https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Amateur_Cracksman], now available free of charge online: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/706/706-h/706-h.htm.

Raffles : The Amateur Cracksman (Paperback) - Walmart.com - Walmart.com

There have been many attempts to adapt the Raffles stories for film and TV; few, if any, have been wholly successful. Perhaps another attempt should be made. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raffles_stories_and_adaptations#Adaptations

Tweets seen

While —for once— I agree with Blairite talking head and scribbler, Dan Hodges, a crisis is usually, in the end, provoked by people and their actions, not by some underlying reality. If 30 million people engage in any behaviour, it changes the whole situation. Regardless of how many millions of gallons of fuel are being shipped, refined, distributed.

Look at 1914. There actually was no “need” for war. There was not even, before the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, much desire for it, not even by most of the militaristic German staff officers, nor by any but the most revanchiste politicians and generals in the French capital. However, once that fatal shot had been fired, once the tightly geared mass mobilization machines had started across Europe, the non-crisis was at once a real crisis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobilization#Mobilization_in_World_War_I

Having said that, and as Hodges tweets, there is not much that the Cabinet of clowns can do to resolve, immediately, the crisis (whether there need be a “crisis” or not). In the longer term, training British drivers, and giving them decent terms and conditions, would seem to be the way forward, at least until automation and AI mean that human drivers are superfluous.


Who knows? It may be true…

The last comment reminds me of the story of the Neapolitan who visited London in the 1950s, and saw how newspaper sellers would go for a snack or a beer, leaving their wooden box and newspapers, their chair, and even their tin for coins, in the street. Operating on the honour system, they fully expected purchasers to leave the correct change. The Neapolitan tried it back in Naples, but when he returned, 10 minutes later, he discovered the newspapers, coins, chair and wooden box all gone.

Having said that, London would probably be little more honest than Naples these days.

Other tweets seen

Good to see.

I once wondered why the Palestinians of Gaza had never adapted the (no longer secret, and easily found) technology of the German V-1 rockets of the Second World War (an early “cruise missile”) to attack Israel, but probably their lack of interest was because the V-1, though very fast by 1944 standards, was a rather slow rocket by the standards of the late 20th, and 21st, centuries.

Even in 1944-45, the V-1’s speed (max. 400 mph) was insufficient to outpace the fastest British fighter planes, especially the Spitfire sometimes flying at, and even beyond, 600 mph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V-1_flying_bomb; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Supermarine_Spitfire#Speed_and_altitude_records.

The Spitfire pilots became proficient in shooting down V-1 flying bombs.

In other words, a modern Israeli jet would easily be able to destroy such ground-to-ground air weapons.

The other tactic used by Hamas in or from Gaza is the tunnel. The Israelis, and the Hamas operatives, play a deadly cat and mouse game in which the former try to find such tunnels (using high technology) and destroy them.

I imagine that the response of Hamas will be to dig deeper and deeper, far below the surface, where even high explosive and bunker-busting bombs and missiles will have little effect. The moment of maximum danger for such tunnellers would be when they excavate to the surface again (presumably in less-habited parts of Israel).

So far, the Hamas tunnels have not penetrated very far from the Gaza enclave itself, but one could imagine a tunnel going from Gaza, very deep underground, to central Israel, with the idea of infiltrating fighters deep into Israeli territory and then striking a strategic blow or series of blows. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_tunnel_warfare_in_the_Gaza_Strip.

The cost of building such tunnels must be enormous. Even the present type of tunnel, limited in range, must be very expensive to create.

I believe that a very obscure directorate of the pre-1991 KGB specialized in tunnelling, but I myself know next to nothing about its work.

Other noted tunnelling groups included the 1960s-1970s Uruguayan urban guerrilla group, the Tupamaros [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tupamaros].

Merkel’s legacy

Merkel’s legacy? Germany as a dustbin. Words are superfluous; pictures tell the story better.

Germany is now not Germany at all, just as the UK is now scarcely Britain at all. I recall visiting both the Bundesrepublik (West Germany) and, though only once and briefly, the DDR (East Germany) in the 1980s. The western part of Germany had visibly declined when seen again in 2001. Now? Probably far worse.

Google the “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”. That is the basis for much of what has been happening in Germany and across Europe, and even in places such as Australia and New Zealand.

More tweets

The Jewish lobby…yet again. It has been exposed, even just looking at the Labour Party, again and again…

and who can forget the Labour MPs who were (many still are) in the pocket of Israeli Intelligence? Here is moneygrubbing expenses blodger, Joan Ryan (now removed from Parliament), meeting Israeli official Shai Masot, and discussing a one million pound slush fund:

Ha ha!

We know what is necessary, or what will be necessary, but by reason of repression on free speech in the UK, cannot say so publicly…

That idiot wants the police to be “representative” of “everyone” in Birmingham. Well, about (?) 5% of Birmingham residents are probably criminals of one sort or another. Should they be in the police? Should they march with pride? Never say never…

Alison Chabloz

Latest word from usually-reliable sources is that the persecuted singer-songwriter and socio-political satirist, Alison Chabloz, should be released from prison this coming Thursday, 30 September 2021, having been incarcerated for mocking or simply criticizing “the Chosen”.

[Alison Chabloz]

Late tweets

Or vice-versa. The fact is that, and leaving rhetoric aside (if stupid Angela Rayner’s yelling can be termed “rhetoric”), both main System parties are, in policy terms, almost indistinguishable in practice.

Most British people are, however, still more interested, sadly, in whatever is happening in the latest braindead “soap”, or Strictly Come Dancing, or whatever the “British” (ha) team are doing in some sport or other.


Interesting film


Seems doubtful, but worth seeing. About 14 mins.

I recall an old lady I knew telling me that, with some friends from Switzerland, she visited (sometime in the 1990s) another friend, a former Waffen SS sergeant in Bavaria, who talked constantly about Hitler in Antarctica, submarines in 1945 going there, hollow Earth etc. They regarded him as having become very eccentric, though, and certainly did not believe any of it.

Would be good if there really were National Socialist legions in Antarctica ready to go into battle against the evils of the contemporary scene, but I have to doubt their existence.

Late music

Diary Blog, 14 May 2021

The Israeli Jews attack Gaza

[Jews enjoy a party while they watch Gaza burn under Jewish/Israeli attack in 2014]

Meanwhile “our” MPs in the UK (almost all bought by the Jewish/Israel lobby) yap about “holocaust” “denial”, and hate the idea of any questioning of the largely-faked WW2 “holocaust” farrago…

Israel loves all that. It provides wonderful cover for the Israeli state.

Tweets seen

Though I tend instinctively to be against at least excessive regulation and prohibition, the fact is that marijuana has had very deleterious effects on a number of modern and earlier societies.

A Victor Meldrew moment

Every now and then, I experience what might be called a “Victor Meldrew” feeling, meaning a feeling (actually knowing) that, increasingly, nothing in the UK works as it should, or indeed at all. Meaning commercial companies, NHS, local and central government, police, the legal system…you name it…

I never saw the One Foot in the Grave TV series, and was only told of it long after it finished. Now I am wondering whether it might not have been prophetic as much as characteristic…[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Foot_in_the_Grave].

Look at our politics. A part-Jew chancer and incompetent as (posing as) Prime Minister, and a colourless careerist nobody (and puppet of the Jewish/Israel lobby) posing as Leader of the Opposition, a Opposition that does not oppose. I saw this about Starmer:

More tweets

Meanwhile, BBC Radio 4 Today Programme allowed the Chief Pharisee to drone on this morning, on its Thought for the Day slot, about the latest upcoming Jewish supremacist religious festival. The Chief Pharisee talked about “our nation”, referring to the UK, when he was born in South Africa and spent most of his life in Israel! Talk about “cultural appropriation”! I call it theft. Simply that. Theft. Theft of a nation. Theft of a culture.

One of the most striking things about the above clip is the number of typical Jewish facial types that can be seen. Straight from the pages of Der Sturmer, circa 1935. “Gene types”, if you like.

More tweets

Austria, a craven little nation now entirely in the pocket of NWO, the Jews and Israel. “Echt-ZOG”. The Austrian Chancellor is now Sebastian Kurz, a university drop-out, finance-capitalist puppet and globalist.

He’s serious! Actually, it did occur to me some time ago that Blair might try to head Labour again, and it also occurred to me that that might be one reason why he did not enter the House of Lords (now a bad joke anyway, like the Commons).

I doubt that Blair would make the Labour Party more electable, but he could scarcely do worse than Starmer, I suppose. Both are puppets of NWO and Israel, so no difference there.

Relevant cartoons

If only the Arabs had not been not so disunited and corrupt after (and before) 1956. They might have eliminated Israel or subdued it before it became the evil monster that it now is— armed to the teeth, and possessing nuclear, biological and other weapons of mass destruction. Before, also, it had managed to corrupt the political leaders of so many nations.

More tweets seen

I like “star“. Ha ha!

A blow for her lawyers too: do I detect the sound of a mobility scooter being revved up for the trip back to Eilat?

I have blogged rather extensively in the past few years about “no win- no fee” solicitor, “Mark Lewis Lawyer” (mostly “no win”: when he fled to Israel in late 2018 after having been found guilty by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority of abusing people online, his sole assets were described as being some cheap clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and…a mobility scooter!).

Lewis has been plotting against me (with other Zionist Jews) for years; since at least 2012 (see my old blog posts below for details).

Afternoon music

Late tweets seen

Basic Income. An idea the time for which has come. I have favoured it for many years.

Late music

Diary Blog, 13-14 March 2021

13 March 2021

Meine Ehre heisst Treue…

Tweets seen

It occurs to me that, as with “the virus”, this recent crime is being used to continue “lockdown” by other means. A curfew for men after 1800 hrs is absurd, yet apparently being considered by the Scottish and Welsh pseudo-governments. England? Who knows?

A “curfew for men”, if it were actually to be enforced, would in reality be a curfew for everyone, because relatively few women walk around alone after dark anyway.

All part of “the Great Reset”? I wonder…

Christ overturned the tables of the Jew moneychangers. That is one part of the New Testament which is very relevant to the present-day.

Not sure that I agree with that: the Good, the Beautiful, and the True, are all distinct, though they may at times co-incide, or coalesce. The “Trinity of existence”?

An interesting and worthwhile point, though that Welsh house is not exactly beautiful…


John Rentoul gave himself 5.5 out of 10 this week, thus (for once) beating me. I scored only 5 out of 10, not knowing the answers to questions 3, 6, 8, 9 and 10.

More tweets

I wonder from where the £800,000 came…and all three accused MPs are members of Labour Friends of Israelhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Reed_(politician)#Member_of_Parliament; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Nandy; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jon_Cruddas#Political_views; https://vote-watch.com/2021/03/06/three-labour-mps-under-investigation-by-electoral-commission-after-failing-to-declare-800k-donations/

This is what happens when Jews, particularly Zionists, have power over non-Jews. It may take different forms in different host-countries but the essence is similar. The extent or degree depends on the demographic percentages, mainly.

Late afternoon music

Late music

14 March 2021

Some music


A few stray thoughts about the USA (etc)

Those who read my blog regularly will know that I have never been favourable to Trump, and for a number of reasons, despite the fact that I tweeted “in his favour” during the 2016 campaign (because Hillary Clinton and her clique wanted conflict in the Middle East against Syria and Russia, which could have ignited open Russia-USA warfare).

Well, time moves on. A Jewish cabal had my Twitter account removed in 2018; since then I have not tweeted (it’s a largely pointless activity anyway). Trump, after having been elected, proved himself nothing more than a loudly-squawking parrot in a gilded cage, and guarded by Zionist Jews. His removal at the 2020 election was, overall, formally legitimate (in my opinion), even if attended by some anti-Trump illegalities. Was it, however, truly legitimate in the wider sense? I say not.

For me, this whole question goes beyond ludicrous Trump himself. It cuts to whether the American system and way of life is actually working for either those of white European origin who mainly built the country into what it is, or indeed for the blacks and others who are —with exceptions, yes— at the bottom of the socio-economic pyramid.

The socio-economic system in the USA is an exaggerated example of that now existing in the rest of the Western world.

In the late 1980s, I think around 1987, I saw an ad in a British magazine which summed up what was happening under the Thatcher government (and in the USA under Reagan). A picture of an Old Master painting juxtaposed with a photograph of the then quite new Canary Wharf development. Under the Old Master, the legend, “work of art“, but under Canary Wharf, “the art of work“.

I suppose that Rudolf Steiner would have described that as “Ahrimanic” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ahriman#Anthroposophy]. The worship of work, of money, of the material.

In the past 30+ years, that influence has become mainstream in both the UK and also the even more receptive USA. How often do we now see and hear about any group of people that they deserve more pay, profit, privileges because they are “hardworking”? All the time. School students “deserve”, we are told, to be awarded top grades (meaningless as many now are) because, yes, those teenagers are (said to be) “hardworking” even when it is patent from the pronouncements and tweets etc of many that they know very little about anything.

Likewise, groups ranging from NHS employees to schoolteachers are judged not on whether they are being organized, deployed and activated efficiently or with good results and outcomes, but on the premise that they are “hardworking”.

The other side of the coin? Those who for whatever reason are (supposedly) not “hardworking”, meaning the unemployed, disabled, artists and others not financially successful, and so on.

It is rarely examined how many of those at or near the top of the society “deserve” their privilege. One example? The UK Royal Family. The kefuffle around Harry and the Royal Mulatta has brought that into focus, with the usual protestations of how “hardworking” they all are! I suppose that some mugs believe it…

The aim of all the propaganda is, of course, to keep the working masses under control. The “virus” situation (a weaponization of a real, serious, but not existential problem) has made such control easier.

[with a few small changes, the first line could also read “(old-style) SOCIALISM”…]

Reverting to the American situation, we see that there has been an election which simply changes the deck chairs on the boat deck. Trump is out, Biden (with his even more plainly Jewish government appointees) is in.

The mass of the American people are simply not served by either major political party now. I want to focus on those of white European heritage, those who might create a better society, i.e. those who have the inherent ability to do that.

America is now majority non-white. The election of the mixed-race Obama (always called “black”, of course) was the sign that the democratic one-man one-vote system was no longer going to be any use for the white people of America on the Federal level.

Yes, Biden is a white person, but he is just a figurehead, and a puppet. Almost all of his top appointees are Jews, and the few who are not are “black” or, rather, mixed (eg Kamala Harris).

Demographics are the key. As America grows ever-more non-white, the political power will move that way too, towards the non-whites (but always under Jew-Zionist ultimate control), and towards the major cities and population hubs.

If the white people of America and (because this is not solely a race/ethnicity question) those who favour a so-called “traditional” way of life, become an ever-smaller minority, elections become less and less relevant to them. On the Federal level already, soon on the State level in some parts of the USA.

At some point, those who favour a civilized form of life and government are going to have to pull away from the USA as it now is becoming. Not just in terms of the ethnicity of the President, but also in terms of the whole finance-capitalist system that no longer serves the people (white, mixed, black, or other).

I do not foresee an immediate civil or social war, one with many casualties. This is a slow burn. Certainly the weapons which so many Americans worship are of no immediate utility. Not when the Federal authorities have tanks, jet aircraft, armoured cars, SWAT squads, the FBI etc. Still, the night is young…

Israeli influence over UK politics

Lest we forget…


Tweeter “Horus” was expelled from Twitter a while ago, thus joining almost all tweeters of interest. I just saw a blog post from him, written in 2020: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2019/09/04/labours-fictitious-anti-semitism-problem/.

[Update, 15 March 2021: I am told that in fact tweeter Horus is still on Twitter].


From 6 months ago:


Tweet seen

Thanks to my blog commentator, “Claudius”, in Argentina, for alerting me to this:

[“The Fuhrer as friend to animals”]

More tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 25 August 2020

Yes! The tide is turning. Forget Trump. Forget all fake “conservative” “nationalists”. In the UK too.

In 1920s and early 1930s Germany, the NSDAP was an answer to Weimar degeneracy, and at the same time a parrying of or “Abwehr” to the alien Communist forces waiting to take over the country..

In our own time, the same kind of degeneracy as was manifested in the Weimar period in Germany is all around us in the UK, but there is no Marxist-Leninist movement waiting to take over, just a heaving mass of post-socialist “slacktivists”, Twitter users, “me-too” idiots, “Black Lives Matter” swine and the like.

We can do this.

A few tweets seen about the American situation

First up, someone, below, who not only calls National Socialists “fascists” (which is, historically, only semi-accurate at best) but also attaches, as a purported photo of Kristallnacht in 1938, a photograph (either genuine or from a film drama) of Soviet troops advancing through the streets of Berlin in 1945:

The American political system is even more sclerotic than that of the UK. A binary choice between two sets of unworthy people.

If I had to guess who will win in November, I should probably say Trump, though the racial and economic demographics favour the Democrats overall. America is divided, more than at any time since the 1960s, and maybe even more so today.

I never use or accept the “Right/Left” concept as anything real. The same goes for “far Right” etc. “Social-national” is not a perfect description, but seems to be the nearest easily-understood designation to my viewpoint.

Other tweets seen

What is wrong with the Brits?” The crushing of the British spirit has been a long affair. You could trace it back to the Second World War, which not only cost the country its Empire and its global imperial status, but impoverished the State and people for decades. People (older ones) know that rationing lasted, in part, until 1955 (!) but those older ones and the younger ones rarely ask why! War is expensive.

That superb writer Jan Morris [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Morris] noted in essays of the 1970s how Britain had (to use a phrase Jan Morris would probably hate) “lost its mojo”, the people dispirited.

Then there were the years of post-Thatcher stagnation. I recall returning from the USA (several times) in the early 1990s, noticing the creaking infrastructure (decaying concrete halts in the rain along the South Coast rail line), and the houses in some areas still, many of them, with smoking chimneys.

1997-2010, Blair’s —and Brown’s— Britain, with its nanny-state-ism, its badly-drafted laws, its petty repressions, its political correctness. That was followed by the “austerity” (for the poorer part of the population) rule of the part-Jews David Cameron-Levita and George Osborne. Then brittle and incompetent May, followed now by a government of clowns that makes even May’s misrule look good.

The stuffing has been knocked out of the British. The near-worship of the blacks and browns on TV (especially) has made the white people of this country (“the people formerly known as British”) almost forget that they (their near-ancestors) created much of the civilized world that exists.

At the same time, economic pressures (and feminist propaganda) have meant that almost all women have to take on paid work. Their children are not only partly-neglected but subjected to huge pressure to cram for endless school tests, the results of which are exam passes that are almost meaningless and lead nowhere but (for about 45%) a “university” where equally meaningless degrees are handed out (at Oxford and Cambridge, “Firsts” and “Upper Seconds” for about 95% of the candidates).

Then you have the assault on freedom of expression. The Jew-Zionists are behind this. People prosecuted for singing songs and posting them online, people prosecuted for making films of their dogs “saluting Hitler”, people prosecuted for calling a Jew a Jew (etc).

Now there is the whole toytown police state around the “Coronavirus” panic: “lockdown”, the facemask nonsense, the inconsistency of the (invalid but still being enforced) “laws” and “rules” (e.g. facemasks to be worn on trains, despite statistics indicating that someone would have to take 11,000 journeys before being infected, let alone dying from “the virus”; e.g. facemasks to be worn in all shops, but not in pubs! Or offices!).

No wonder the British public is downtrodden! Told by a pack of black , brown, and Jew invaders and pseudo-academics that their history is all bad, or stupid, or meaningless, and that any expression of national pride is evil and “racist” (which, according to the same enemies, is ipso facto evil…); told that they should be grateful that the blacks have fastened onto the UK; told that any blacks and browns who manage to pilot a rubber boat across the Channel can and should be put up in 4-star hotels, given spending money and food while they await their taxpayer-paid free houses or flats.

Migration invasion. Not to mention the birthrate of those already here: pop! pop! pop!…

Now the enemy is even banning “Land of Hope and Glory” and “Rule Britannia“!


She lives in Finland, but her origins are in the Ukraine. She looks Jewish or part-Jewish to me, and her own music draws on Jewish motifs.

British Museum

Another example of how the forces of evil are taking away our right to exist, for our history to exist as something noble.

Britain needs to rise up again. It needs to undertake a cultural purge (a “purge of the purgers” if you like).

Only Europe can evolve to the point at which a “quantum leap” to a higher race-form and consciousness-form can take place. Europe can only do that on the basis of the existing white northern European population. Anything, therefore, which seeks to destroy the European nature of Europe must be exterminated.

Another example of the campaign to destroy Britain

Kevin Maguire, the fake “socialist” System mouthpiece (completely in the pocket of the Jewish-Zionist lobby, like all or virtually all msm scribblers in the UK):

Admittedly, God Save the Queen is a bit of a dirge, but Maguire is not against it because of its aesthetics, but because it is British, and traditional, and imperial.

Maguire is the sort of pseudo-socialist fake that I hate. A more “Blairite” equivalent of Owen Jones. Another one who lives in an affluent part of London while trumpeting his cash-strapped Northern roots (albeit far more convincingly than Owen Jones). Maguire is a typical “Labour” tribalist, who was always supportive of the fake “Labour” regime(s) of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown despite the blatantly obvious finance-capitalist nature of those governments.

Labour really is just a label now, but that suits empty-vessel tribalists like Maguire.

Meanwhile, a load of idiots all over Britain were standing outside their homes, clapping…

My visit to a garden centre

Went to a garden centre (unwillingly) this afternoon. There are several within a few miles of my now very humble home.

I was surprised on such a windy day to find many people, most far older than me (and I am 64 next week) in the place or parked outside. Even more surprising is that many were actually wearing facemask muzzles in the strong gale force winds (which were blowing well over 40 mph— I saw a tree down on the way to my next port of call).

I avoided wearing a mask in the centre, though kept one to hand in case Plod were about. I saw a couple of others standing up for freedom, but most of the elderly rabbits were complying. The brainwashing has been fairly effective, sadly.

Alison Chabloz


Tweets seen

Our time is coming but can only arrive if there exists a real social-national movement. The next few years are crucial. The chance is there, not only to seize power in the UK, but to re-create Europe in our image.

An interesting online shop: https://preppersshop.co.uk/prepping-bundles-52-c.asp

Late music

Diary Blog, 22 August 2020

I have no sympathy for this kind of “we wuz robbed” nonsense. Whatever its faults, the UK is not (yet) North Korea. The voters had before them pretty much all the useful information about Boris-idiot well before the 2019 election.

They knew (those that ever delve beyond the sport and “celebrity” news) that he had never done a job properly, that he had been sacked from every job until he became Mayor of London and that, as Mayor, he had failed to realize anything, from water cannon and buses to the £80M failure of Joanna Lumley’s “Garden Bridge” and the almost unused cross-Thames cable-car.

Incidentally, though I like Joanna Lumley on TV, in her travel shows etc, she really ought to stop interfering in political affairs. The Garden Bridge, though an interesting idea, cost the people of London £80M for nothing. Her meddling in Army matters on behalf of the Gurkhas, about 12 years ago (her father having been one of their officers), has resulted in Aldershot becoming a crime-ridden Nepali town, in effect, thanks to the importation of “extended families”. By all means improve the pensions of the Gurkha soldiers, they deserved that, but let them retire to their homes in Nepal, where they can live better than they can here anyway; that would also have injected money into the poor Nepali economy.

Even Boris-idiot’s former bosses, such as Max Hastings, excoriated him, in such terms as that they were amazed that he had got as far as he had (Cabinet minister) and that he was “utterly unfit” [Max Hastings] to rise further.

As I blogged at the time, one heard or read remarks such as “Boris has the ability to be PM, but does he have the ethics?“, to which my reply (surely now vindicated in spades) was “where exactly has ‘Boris’ shown any ability whatsoever?” I did not accept that spewing out rote-learned Greek or Latin phrases, or odd words trawled from the OED, or scribbling a tabloid newspaper column, was proof of enormous ability.

Indeed, the very “resistible rise” of “Boris” shows how very and pathetically primitive UK political culture still is. Put a part-Jew, part-Turk, part-God-knows-what public entertainer on stage, dress him up with a little finery from Eton and Oxford, let him get away with everything he does, however stupid, and there it is. The msm was constantly implying or even expressing that the said con-man was “Prime Minister in Waiting”. Eventually, all that assistance from the msm worked, and “Boris” was anointed PM, without ever having had to win a General Election.

People knew all that information about “Boris”, and more, yet the Conservative Party geriatric division (comprising, at the time, almost all Con Party members) trooped obediently to vote for “Boris” as Conservative Party leader. “Boris” is not even his real first name.

Of course, the Jews favoured Boris, who after all is himself part-Jew and a member of Conservative Friends of Israel. Especially so when the likely alternative might have been Jeremy Corbyn.

Look at this: “Boris is…Boris is solid on Israel. Boris is…basically good [for Israel]…you know, he is an idiot, but…


…and after “Boris” was jeered at and disrespected by that Jew, what did “Boris” do? Stood up in the House of Commons and kow-towed to Israel once again!

Having said that, I no more “blame” the Jews for “Boris” being unmerited Prime Minister than I blame clouds for bringing rain. That’s what they do. Manipulate.

The lazy complacent British voters are, mainly, to blame for the fact that an idiot is now posing as poundland Churchill “prime minister”, and has surrounded himself with clowns posing as a Cabinet.

By the time of the 2019 General Election, Boris-idiot was known to the voters, and that should have sunk him, but the msm (Jewish or pro-Jewish) campaign against Corbyn, combined with the vagaries of the UK’s First Past The Post electoral system, shooed-in “Boris”.

There were two other factors of importance: Nigel Farage stabbing his own Brexit Party in the back, and the boundaries of constituencies:

People must wake up and pay attention. Their own lives and futures are at stake.

Tweets seen

As usual, the msm scribblers who consider themselves to be “conservative” etc whine about what is happening, but never want to see the big picture. There is an international conspiratorial agenda behind all of this sort of thing.

More tweets

Fear transmuted into control.


Not so surprising. One of the symptoms of a general spread of lies in a society is precidely that: an inability to distinguish the lie from the truth. For half a century and more, there has been a lie around what happened in WW2, especially as to the so-called “holocaust”. Probably a majority of people in the UK, for example, believe that there actually existed “gas chambers”, in which were killed millions of Jews. That narrative has been pushed strongly ever since the 1950s, though much more since the 1970s.

The story goes that the German forces completely destroyed the “gas chambers” as they retreated west in 1944-45. So that is why there are no “gas chambers” or even remains of “gas chambers”, though visitors to the Auschwitz visitor attraction are shown a small room, “reconstructed” after 1945 and designated a “gas chamber”, into which the tourists reverentially progress before emerging (and going off to the gift shop…).

The result, or one result, of that whole narrative is that people cannot distinguish what is true and what is not. The Jewish/Zionist element, via suborned politicians, therefore makes it a criminal offence in parts of Europe to question even details of the said “holocaust” narrative. Because the facts cannot speak for themselves in a situation where there is no credible evidence for the existence of such “gas chambers”.

It has poisoned the whole academic historical milieu in Europe.

Yes, this is now just “history” (even if fake history), something that happened, or did not happen, or did not happen in the ways or to the extent claimed, 75-80 years ago. The effects, though, continue, not only in the realm of what is or is not “history”, but into the political sphere.

Here we have a virus which swept through Europe and elsewhere. In the UK, the hospitals put patients who were infected and who were (as most were) of advanced age, into care homes where they infected others, in large numbers. It may be that a third of the serious cases and deaths resulted from infections in hospitals, and another third or more in care homes. Most of the population was unaffected. Almost all of the population is unaffected.

Now, no-one is actually dying from (or with) Coronavirus in the UK, but there are still draconian laws, and we even read that ludicrously misnamed SAGE wants another “national lockdown” (shutdown)! Tests are showing thousands of people are newly diagnosed daily, but most are unaware that they are even infected, and have few if any symptoms, yet there is a panic abroad, whipped up by the msm and government.

At the same time, the shutdown of NHS and the national economy has already killed more than the “virus” (even on the faulty statistics given). Huge numbers have been diagnosed too late with cancer, for example.

People generally are finding it hard to see the truth, so you notice that on Twitter, the usual mob (the FBPEs, the “anti-racists”, the “antifa” idiots, most of the Jews etc) are all mask fanatics, all completely under the spell of the fake news and panic, and all want stricter laws and enforcement. “Useful idiots” for the System.

More tweets seen






True. I myself have seen tweets from some of the UK Jew Twitter cabal demanding and trying to organize the expulsion of tweeter @jntwyatt. The same Jews, many of them infesting London, were behind my expulsion from Twitter in 2018.

The tweets of @jntwyatt are interesting (so were mine!); that is why “they” want him expelled. I would urge everyone on Twitter to give their support by following his account, and by retweeting his tweets.

Late music