Tag Archives: M.R. James

Diary Blog, 25 May 2024, including some history about Starmer and Sunak’s Israeli “friends”

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brings another victory over political journalist John Rentoul, who scored a very modest 3/10; I trumped that with 5/10. I knew the answers to questions 2, 4, 6, and 9; I literally guessed no. 3 (I think it was in the back of my mind, though; I may have seen it somewhere, somewhen).

Sidelights on English life

A very English murder


16th century possible murder victim laid to rest at St Mary the Virgin, in South Baddesley, after remains found on Sowley Beach in the New Forest.

A suspected New Forest murder victim was this week buried in a “once-in-a-lifetime” service, some 500 years after he met his end.

The remains of the unknown man were laid to rest about five centuries after he was initially disposed of in a “clandestine” fashion, as revealed by the A&T.

The 25-minute ceremony took place two years after his medieval-era skeleton was found in mysterious circumstances on a beach near South Baddesley.

[Steve West/A&T]

As reported in the A&T, after a lengthy investigation, archaeologists have since concluded that “foul play” may explain how he came to be there.

Tuesday’s special funeral took place at St Mary the Virgin, in South Baddesley. Around 50 attendees – comprising nearby residents, those who had been involved in research and local historians – came to pay their respects.

Mourners were greeted and handed a leaflet titled ‘The Funeral and Burial of the 16th Century Man Known only to God’.

The Very Rev Gordon Wynne conducted the service, which included a medieval hymn before the handmade wooden casket was buried in the church graveyard.

The funeral comes after police were alerted in May 2022 by local resident Graham Coulter who helped excavate the human remains after half a skull became exposed in the mud near the mouth of Lymington River.

Speaking after the ceremony, the chartered surveyor, who lives in Lymington, said: “I think it’s a nice reflection on Christianity and mankind. “It’s very moving. It’s nice people turned up to give him a proper send-off.”

The rare remains – of which 80% of the body was still present – were recovered from Sowley Beach. They were given a radiocarbon dating estimating them to have been buried in AD1450-1650.

An osteoarchaeologist who studied the 5ft 4in (1.63m) skeleton concluded it was likely to have been a 20 to 25-year-old adult male.

[Graham Coulter, finder of the skeleton (picture: Steve West)]
[skull at time of discovery]

[New Milton Advertiser & Lymington Times; n.b. I have corrected a few errors of spelling etc]

The full report is a good read, though it is disappointing to see that the senior archaeologist at the local council thinks that 1450-1650 comes within the “mediaeval” period. Either the Renaissance or, just about, the early Enlightenment.

It was amusing somehow to read that a person holidaying in the area, and who attended that religious service, was one Kathryn Tudor! Like something from The Morning of the Magicians [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Morning_of_the_Magicians].

Mrs. Tudor, however, is another who seems to imagine that the period in question was “mediaeval” (as does the local newspaper). Our English education must be to blame. G.K. Chesterton expressed a similar irritation to mine via his fictional Father Brown detective-priest, and that was a century ago.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._K._Chesterton; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father_Brown.

Anyway, a murder case too late for Brother Cadfael [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cadfael], and yet far too early for Inspector Morse [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inspector_Morse_(TV_series)], Poirot [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hercule_Poirot], or even Sherlock Holmes [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sherlock_Holmes].

Have I identified an historical gap in the market for detectives in literature? 1450 to 1650. I have never heard of a fictional detective operating in those centuries.

Well, that story is a delightful English vignette. Somehow charming, intriguing, and unsullied by contact with too much of England in 2024. More like something out of M.R. James [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M._R._James].

[excellent documentary on M.R. James]

A better class of shoplifter?


A second haul of alcohol has been stolen from a Lymington store, which has now seen more than £1,000 worth taken over the two incidents.

As reported by the A&T yesterday (Thursday) 21 bottles of champagne valued at £717 were taken from Marks & Spencer on St Thomas Street on Tuesday 30th April, and CCTV pictures were released of a pair wanted by police.

Now officers have made a second appeal over an incident at the same store between 1.10pm and 1.40pm on Wednesday 15th May, when the eight bottles of champagne and spirits valued at £326 were taken.

[New Milton Advertiser & Lymington Times]

A long way indeed from Les Miserables, in which the plot revolves around the theft of a loaf of bread: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Mis%C3%A9rables; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Mis%C3%A9rables#Hugo’s_sources.

From the newspapers


Interesting-sounding piece by dissident scientist/thinker Rupert Sheldrake; unfortunately, it is behind a paywall.



How time flies. When I first heard of Rupert Sheldrake, in the early 1980s, he was a still-youthful 39 or 40, and I was in my mid-twenties. Now he is 81, nearly 82, incredibly, and I myself am no longer young (67).

Sheldrake was a touchstone for many. The editor of Nature described his work as literal “heresy“, and pretty much said that his books should be burned: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Sheldrake#%22A_book_for_burning?%22. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Maddox#Sheldrake_editorial,_1981.

I think it’s dangerous that people should be allowed by our liberal societies to put that kind of nonsense into currency” [John Maddox].

You can see the kind of thinking that leads to those people who doubt orthodox views, whether re. “climate change” aka “global warming”, or re. the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic, or other matters, being pilloried, while others (msm talking heads, scribblers etc) parrot System orthodoxy, and say that the dissidents or freethinkers should be incarcerated, deprived of medical services, bankrupted etc.

Who has contributed more to science and to this country, Sheldrake, or Maddox? I say Sheldrake.

Incidentally, I see that Sheldrake’s wife, Jill Purce, is also an interesting personality (I had not known of her until today): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jill_Purce.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13458211/british-medical-journal-abandoning-science-transgender.html

More from the newspapers


The NHS has today been accused of providing ‘inadequate’ pain relief to women who have suffered agonising childbirths. 

Under health service guidance, new mums can be discharged just a day after undergoing a C-section or vaginal birth. 

But they are advised to take just paracetamol or ibuprofen to manage symptoms. 

Campaigners and doctors slammed the move, claiming it was yet another example of women’s pain issues in healthcare being ignored or underplayed.

[Daily Mail]

Still clapping?

The fact is that we now have health rationing in the UK. There has always been an element of that but it is now becoming impossible to ignore. It is not OK to simply repeat the old slogans of “our NHS” etc and how the rest of the world supposedly envies it (which is not true in respect of most advanced countries).

I am totally in favour of “free at point of use”, but the existing NHS model is just not working. Resourcing is one factor, but attitude and ethos is another one, and one that must be addressed. Also, pervasive maladministration.

The elephant in the room, though, is mass immigration. A population of 56 million when I was growing up has become one, officially, of 65 million, and probably 70 million in reality, with about a million more coming in every single year. Something has to give. Various things are giving, are cracking. Health provision is one of those.

Tweets seen

What the “Israelis” are doing in Gaza, what they have been doing for the past nearly 8 months, is a form of controlled sadism exercized mainly upon a helpless civilian population, and upon their even more helpless companion animals. This is not war but a kind of cruel and deliberate torture. Gott straf ihnen.

I was told a few years ago that, in the USA, hardly anyone not over 60 watched TV any more. I found it hard to believe, though even when I lived there (1989-1993, on-and-off), and on later visits (1999-2002), it was true that the people I knew watched very little TV, but at that time I think it was more of a class/education/cultural level thing, in those pre-mass Internet days).

When I lived in the USA, I was told (by my first wife, an American) that much of my own TV viewing was of a “redneck” nature. She even told her colleagues all about how I loved Unsolved Mysteries [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unsolved_Mysteries] and America’s Most Wanted [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America%27s_Most_Wanted].


Do you see the way things are going? Labour, once a “socialist”/social democratic party, is now completely signed-up to the transnational finance-capitalist agenda, and to the “great replacement” of Europeans by non-Europeans in Europe, including the UK and Ireland: the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Look at Islington North. Symbolic. The very constituency represented for 41 years by a white man who is also a socialist (like Jack London, though Jack London said “I am a socialist, but a white man first“, unlike Corbyn…) and who was Leader of the Labour Party.

Corbyn’s replacement as Labour candidate— a non-European who is a health profiteer, along with his parents. I bet he is pro-Israel, too.

Now do you see it?

More music

These people should be on our side. Or vice-versa…

More tweets seen

Ha ha! Has the little Indian money-juggler somehow failed to understand that, under “Conservative” misgovernment, immigration is running at about a million a year now, out of which “only” about 50,000 are coming here on small boats (in reality, often ferried in by UK Border Force, RNLI, and Royal Navy)?

Has Sunak not understood that 80% of “asylum-seekers”, even those entering in backs of trucks or on rubber boats, are eventually given “Leave to Remain” under a system and legal framework which came from the 1950s and is now totally ridiculous and out of date ?

No, Sunak knows all that. He just hopes that the British people do not.

Labour, of course, will just do the same but in a different way, by allowing almost all to enter the UK “legally”. Reality? No difference in terms of end-result.

Persons aged 16 are far more likely to vote Labour, at present (about 90%); thus Labour hopes to entrench its likely large majority of 2024 in 2029.

Man proposes, God disposes“, though. Those 16-18 y-o voters of 2024, and their successors, might go another way completely after 5 years of (as I firmly expect) useless and yet repressive Starmer-Labour government.

On the wider point, if Goodwin is correct and Starmer intends to prevent any real democratic revolt against his planned “woke” tyranny, then he must expect the consequences. As John F. Kennedy said, “those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable“.

Imagine, if you will, Britain in 2034, after 10 years of Starmer-Labour.

A population of about 80 million or more, more non-European than white, at least in the main cities and towns; the country in an irreversible economic slide, with pay very low, and with State benefits equally low and restricted to ever-smaller groups; pensions not keeping pace with inflation; the roads scarcely repaired; the NHS even worse than under the “Conservatives”, and become a world leader in…waiting lists, poor treatment, and negligence; ever-greater numbers of blacks and browns (etc) flooding in, but the numbers officially concealed; Jewish-Zionist supremacism ever-more evident, but any criticism muzzled by even more restrictive and repressive “hate speech” laws.

Needless to say, by 2034, let alone 2044, the central areas of the cities will have become almost no-go areas for real Brits, as crime and disorder take hold. London is already halfway there.

In those circumstances, any measures taken by the British people themselves would be justified.

Starmer and Sunak’s Israeli friends— a history

A bandit state.



Migration invasion. Why do the Swedes not fight back? I suppose they would answer us in similar vein…

Late tweets

So that writes off the votes of the tiny minority of the young who might have voted Con. Beyond that, this is not a serious policy idea, more an attempt to shore up the collapsing Con vote among those 70+.

National Service ended over 60 years ago (gradually from 1957, though anyone born after 30 September 1939 was exempted). The last call-up was at the end of 1960; the last conscriptee was discharged in 1963.

In other words, only those (some) people of 85+, and who served under legal compulsion, would still be alive today.

Incidentally, who do you think will be taking all available jobs while the UK-born 18-21 y-o contingent are polishing boots, being beasted on assault courses, or being taught how to shoot hostile targets and not the local farmworkers? That’s right— the recent immigrants.

Just the way to achieve “community cohesion”…

This is some kind of pathetic appeal to misplaced nostalgia, designed (perhaps stupidly) to appeal to the very elderly (most of whom still vote Con anyway).


Quite right. Why should any young British men suffer and die (or live on, crippled) for the interests of Israel and NWO/ZOG?

You will not get much of interest from the likes of that “Akunjee” character.

Only the most awake (not “woke”) people understand that the NWO/ZOG System has chosen Starmer as its puppet to become an “elected” (via rigged selection and election procedures, FPTP voting etc) dictator, casting Britain into the pit of migration invasion, mass race-mixing and mixed breeding, and gigantic repression on free speech, dwarfing anything yet seen.

I still cannot understand why Sunak went out in the pouring rain to announce GE 2024. Was he trying to show the population that he is stoic, or a tough guy of some kind? What it said to me is that he is an absolute idiot, for all his paper qualifications; someone who does not know enough to put on a raincoat when it is raining hard, or at least have someone hold an umbrella over him. Someone such as that has not the basic nous to be Prime Minister.

Actually, what is the point of “National Service” even if the scheme could be enforced? In any serious war with Russia (the scenario constantly being pushed; no other exists), there will probably be a nuclear exchange before very long. The UK would be a, perhaps the, prime target for Russian attack. The “National Service” “chocolate soldiers” would be but pillars of ash long before being deployed anywhere outside the UK.

Come to think of it, how exactly would UK troops on any large scale be deployed? Both the air force and navy are now very small, and the air lift capacity very limited as well. As for the Royal Navy, its new aircraft carrier could carry a large number of troops, but it is not even defended by many naval fighter aircraft. It would probably be sunk long before it got to the Black Sea or Baltic.

This is all nonsense, worthy of some idiot such as Gavin Williamson, that deadhead: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/02/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-gavin-williamson-story/.

I was out early today, before 0700 hrs, and the English countryside was arguably at its best in the fresh breeze and sun of the early summer (though I also very much love the autumn). How terrible if those green trees and sculptured ranks of hedges and topiary were to become a charred and irradiated wasteland, all because of a completely unnecessary and contrived war with Russia…

Antonov: No one in Washington is thinking about the future of relations between the US and Russia “The American authorities do not think about the future of Russian-American relations and are engaged in destroying them”, said the Russian ambassador to the USA, Anatoly Antonov, commenting on the new American package of military aid to Kiev.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, The Stroll]

Diary Blog, 15 February 2023, including a few thoughts about the SNP

Afternoon music

[Brook Green, Hammersmith (London)]

On this day a year ago

Scottish National Party

As blogged previously, I do not necessarily oppose “Independence” for Scotland, but it seems that many Scots are adamantly opposed, and that either there is no majority for it or only a very small majority.

I suspect that many Scots think “what Independence?” when Scotland would probably still be in NATO (i.e. under de facto American/NWO control), still in the EU (i.e.under EU control), still subject to the diktats of international finance-capitalism, and overall almost certainly poorer per capita.

Still, if a significant majority of the Scots were to clamour for “Independence”, I would say “so go…“, but it really would have to be 60% at a bare minimum; in reality, to make it work, 75% or more.

The SNP had almost no MPs until 2015 [see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_National_Party#House_of_Commons] and has not repeated that 2015 high despite now being fairly well entrenched as ruling party. 48 out of 59 Westminster MPs, but only 64 out of 129 in the Scottish Parliament, which latter represents a vote-share below 50%, and probably represents also a truer reflection of the party’s popularity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_National_Party#Scottish_Parliament_2.

The SNP is even less secure in terms of local councils: 453 out of 1,226 council seats in the latest elections (2022), though that is its best performance ever, and does put the SNP in first place: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_National_Party#Local_councils.

Speaking personally, for me the SNP is fake “nationalism”, having little to do with race and culture.

I do not think that the SNP will fall back to where it was before 2015. It has an electoral niche, which is a kind of social-democracy in policy terms, but underpinned by the faux-“nationalism” which sets it apart, superficially, from the other System parties “up there” (I am on the southern coast of England). The SNP of course is a System party. You only have to look at the lip-service it pays to the Jewish lobby/Israel lobby.

The SNP has also been even more repressive in terms of free speech than the Westminster regimes of recent years; Police Scotland has embraced its Poundland Stasi role with unseemly alacrity.

I imagine that many Scots, perhaps a majority, will prefer to stick with the UK rather than become poorer outside it. Whisky, tourism, and financial services cannot provide income enough to support an “independent” Scottish state, and North Sea oil/gas, even if partly under control of Edinburgh, is (arguably) a declining or depreciating asset, especially if supposedly “green” policies are pursued.

In terms of Westminster governments, though, the 59 Scottish seats are important. Without them, the UK Labour Party will find it difficult to form a government (even with SNP support), unless the presently-forecast huge landslide actually happens; such a landslide may happen this year or next but, if so, will not be repeated.

Tweets seen

The trigger for the resignation may have been the SNP’s crazed promotion of the trans nonsense, but Sturgeon was “too big for her boots” in other ways as well, pretending that she was (sort-of) a world statesman and leader of a (sort-of) state.

Nicola Sturgeon has often been compared (approvingly or not) to the New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, who resigned not long ago. A lazy comparison though, arguably; after all, New Zealand is over 103,000 square miles in area, has over 5,000,000 people, and is a recognized state.

Scotland, though also having over 5,000,000 people, is only 30,000 square miles in area and, though a distinct country historically and to some extent culturally, is not a state, and has not been since 1707.

There is, though, no reason why Scotland cannot be a state again, so long as its people are willing to pay the price in various ways. It is clear, surely, that about half are not.

More tweets

The most egregious lie of “Jack Monroe” must be that, when Grenfell Tower was still burning, she went there (why? 60 miles from Southend where she lives), was “waved through the police cordon” (how? why?), and pretty much took charge (why? She did at one time, long before, have a job at the Essex fire brigade, but only answering the telephone). She also claims to have had the building plans of Grenfell Tower (how? why?).

Incidentally, while (as of today) 502 utter mugs are still each sending “Jack Monroe” between £3.50 and £44 each month via Patreon, her recent book has bombed. According to Amazon, it is selling about 268 copies per month at present, and secondhand hardback copies are up for sale for as little as £7, only a month after publication.

From the newspapers


An Israeli firm sought to influence more than 30 elections around the world for clients by hacking, sabotage and spreading disinformation, according to an undercover media investigation published Wednesday.

Following the latest revelations, Israel might also face increased pressure to rein in its cutting-edge cyberware and technology sector which was spotlighted in another media investigation led by Forbidden Stories in 2021.

It highlighted how the powerful Israeli-made Pegasus spyware had been sold by the cyber intelligence company NSO Group Technologies to governments and used against at least 50,000 people around the world.

[Daily Mail].

In the old (1960s?) slogan, “Hitler was right“…

More music

[Peder Monsted, Sunset over a Danish Fjord]

More tweets

Might be interesting, but I shall wait and buy a used copy later, hopefully for £5-£10 (needs must…the Amazon price for a new copy is £25).

Incidentally, this semi-dramatized documentary about M.R. James, narrated by the late Bill Wallis in 1995, is well worth seeing:

I am just now watching another, and more recent, documentary about M.R. James:

Late tweets

[the sign above that door reads “Wine Hall”]

Late music

[Levitan, Above Eternal Peace]

Diary Blog, 20 September 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

The problem in the UK, as in other Anglophone countries, is that most of the population are perfectly willing to see the country go to ratshit so long as the “national” team in this or that televized sport wins some contest on the other side of the world (and they do not care that their “national team” is largely composed of blacks and browns).

This film, below, was a really excellent exploration of M.R. James. I have posted it before; it deserves to be more known.

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My view is that much of it is a grasping at straws.



Laughter, the best medicine

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That applies not only to the almost ubiquitous “trans” nonsense but also more mainstream issues such as race and culture. One example is the “holocaust” farrago.

The madness continues…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

All this nonsense and fakery of various kinds is being encouraged, and to a large extent co-ordinated, by the powers of Evil in the world. We need to prepare for a wideranging and worldwide purge of all such elements.

Those who fought before will also be fighting with us, either on higher planes or on Earth via reincarnation.

The stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb]

More tweets

Amen to that. I dislike that little blot. He just rubs me up the wrong way, as do some other TV people, such as —certainly not a complete list— the one-time shoplifting TV presenter Richard Madeley (yes, he was acquitted; he was lucky), that smug bastard John Humphries (though I think that he has now retired) with his pathetic Mandela-worship…and a number of others.

Exactly the point I made over many years about working tax credits etc.

Late tweets

Earlier this evening, I heard some pompous bore, I think a British MP (I only had audio, no picture) on TV news, yapping about how there would be a “Ukrainian victory“, and how Britain must mobilize for war.

Where do they get such idiots?

If that happens, WW3 is just around the corner.

Late music


Diary Blog, 8 August 2022

Morning music

[Old Gagra, Abkhazia]

On this day a year ago

Worth reading, I think, a year on.

M.R. James

I make no apology for posting, not for the first time, the above documentary about M.R. James, finely-narrated by the late Bill Wallis. Maybe it is not quite the right time of year (autumn, or winter, might be better), but never mind.

Hard to think of a better way to spend 50 peaceful minutes on, as it might be, a quiet evening or even afternoon.

Tweets seen

Monsters, that couple— just look at them. They may be —and I mean this to be taken literally— not human. Creatures of darkness.

Cost of living crisis


We are entering an era of mass fuel poverty and ‘warm banks’ – and complacent leaders have left a dangerous political vacuum.

The surreal, often absurd Conservative leadership election meanders on. Both candidates frantically float ideas for disrupting everything from university term dates to doctors’ pensions, while the Sunday Telegraph endorses Liz Truss as “the first truly philosophy-driven leader since Margaret Thatcher”, and Rishi Sunak stoically insists that he loves dancing. But we all know the gravity of the crisis that is now enveloping us, and it makes the vanities of their battle seem like some strange hallucination related to the summer’s stifling heat.

By the autumn, the victor – Truss, in all likelihood – may well be still trying to convince us that they are leading a national sprint towards sunlit uplands that only they can see. But the game is already up: the immediate future will be defined by skyrocketing energy prices, economic woe and a profound social emergency – and power will be a grinding matter of crisis management.

The unavoidable truth is that the United Kingdom is in such a fragile, frayed state that it can no longer keep its people warm or adequately feed them. Until that gnawing injustice is addressed, politics will continue to teeter into the absurd.

[The Guardian]

If only there were a credible social-national movement! If there were, we could be in power within a couple of years, and then start to do what has to be done. As it is, we are mere spectators, as the System is about to implode. We cannot, as things are, use events to bring about what we want.

Still, we may yet see the day.

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I was there 40-50 years ago…

Yes. Ironic, nicht wahr? Turns out that the “nazis” are and to a large extent always were the “good guys”…

The propaganda of the international conspiracy gets both filthier and more evident daily.

More music

[Shishkin, Bee Families in the Forest]

More about the police and their priorities in the Britain of 2022


[police hurry to the scene of an “antisemitic trope” (or something)]

Late tweets

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

Completely unacceptable.

The sick and degenerate multikultis on Twitter will think that this “cultural appropriation” is OK. We need a thoroughgoing cultural purge across the (((West))).

Ukraine, a Jew-ruled “failed state” or non-state, which without NWO/ZOG money and arms would collapse almost overnight.

Late music

[national memorial, Volgograd, Russia]

Diary Blog, Boxing Day 2021

Morning music

Dietrich Eckart

Today is the 98th anniversary of the death of Dietrich Eckart [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_Eckart].

Dietrich Eckart.jpg
[Dietrich Eckart towards the end of his life]

Dietrich Eckart died in 1923, at the age of 55. One of the earliest supporters of Adolf Hitler and his life-work, Eckart was also a poet, writer, playwright, and authority on Ibsen.

[“If the light clashes with darkness there is no making of agreements, there is only a fight of life and death until the one or the other part is destroyed.“— Dietrich Eckart]

On this day a year ago

Good news on whaling


When I had a Twitter account (a pack of Jews had me expelled in 2018), I frequently tweeted against Japanese whaling (and against that carried out by other countries engaged in commercial whaling, notably Norway and Iceland; the Soviet Union ceased its semi-secret whaling in 1973).

I supported Sea Shepherd [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Shepherd_Conservation_Society_operations#Japanese_whaling_(2003%E2%80%932017)] and its firm confrontation strategy. However, I always recognized that the key to stopping Japanese whaling (the Scandinavian operations are tiny by comparison) lay in Japan itself.

As the Guardian report indicates, part of the problem lay in the Japanese psychology, in resenting being told what to do or not do by the non-Japanese world. Japan needed an honourable way to stop whaling, an exit strategy enabling Japan to stop whaling, and to stop subsidizing whaling, without losing face. This is what has happened.

Japan continues to whale, but only within the waters of Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (under the Law of the Sea), and in reality is slowly winding down whaling (along with the subsidies for it). The whales caught now are not the most endangered (such as the Blue Whale). Not that that excuses the activity, but it seems that, finally, Japanese whaling is on the way out.

English ghost story

A ghost story not written by M.R. James but featuring him as a character. Very good. The BBC should do more like this.

Tweets seen

France 24 TV report about arrests arising from investigations into Jew and/or Israeli corruption in New Jersey (mainly Hudson County, the bit of New Jersey alongside the Hudson River opposite Manhattan).

Not only fraud and money laundering but also the sale of human organs and blood to Israel and/or to Jew and Israeli organizations in Switzerland and elsewhere.

Had this not been reported on a mainstream TV station (France 24), it would no doubt be vilified by Jewish orgs and mouthpieces as an “anti-Semitic trope” or something.

You really couldn’t make it up! Crazed “Covid” zealot so aggressively determined to exercise her —non-existent— power over a non-mask-wearing passenger, while she herself is not using her mask, shouting, screaming in people’s faces, and even spitting!

That video is an extreme example of the pathology now widespread in the USA, and even UK and elsewhere in Europe. This is what the facemask nonsense is really all about— forcing people to comply. It has little or nothing to do with public health. In Spain, they apparently even have to wear facemasks outside, by law!

My answer?

The nearly two years of “panicdemic” fear propaganda and general nonsense has become ingrained in many. They now not only comply with even completely arbitrary diktats (such as the ludicrous “Rule of 6”), and moreover at the snap of the fingers from complete idiots such as “Boris” Johnson, but get very very angry when they see others refusing to jump through the “mandated” hoops.

In an irreligious age, people seek out things in which to believe, and for causes to follow, as well as for (supposed) “virtues” to display or signal.

The 20th century showed that political causes such as old-style socialism had feet of clay, and religions such as Roman Catholicism and the simplistic “evangelical” alternatives, as well as sub-religions such as cults, became mostly discredited, so we are here now in the 21st century with many floundering people desperately seeking for a cause to which to adhere.

For some, in the UK of the 1980s and 1990s, it was anti-apartheid, but the new “rainbow nation” South Africa has largely failed (in every way) since then, and there are no white people in the SA government to blame now, so the virtue-signallers have abandoned the South Africans of all races to their fate and latched onto other causes: anti-Brexit was or is one such, as was and is “climate change”, as in the worship of the Swedish autistic, little Greta Nut; likewise, the Extinction Rebellion and Insulate Britain idea that destruction of the UK as an advanced industrial economy will somehow “save the planet”.

Now such people (often the very same people) have latched onto “Covid” as their cause. The roots of it lie in their personal and group psychology and/or pathology rather than anything objective.

Peter Hitchenscolumn


My own blog post about Hitchens, written about 2.5 years ago, has proven rather popular: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/19/peter-hitchens-and-his-views/.


Talking of my old blog posts, this from 2019 has had a couple of hits today: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/18/the-swedish-sickness-contaminating-the-rest-of-europe-what-is-it/.

Afternoon music


Late music

[River Ob at Barnaul]

Diary Blog, Christmas Day 2021

My Christmas and Yuletide greetings to all well-intentioned readers of the blog, to all Europe, and to the wider world.

Christmas morning music

On this day a year ago

Some thoughts from 5 years ago, revisited

I take the opportunity to resurrect from my blog archives the following post from late 2016: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2016/12/03/the-society-of-measure/.

I have made just criticism in the past few years of, inter alia, Aaron Bastani and Ash Sarkar, and their idea called “Fully Automated Luxury Communism” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fully_Automated_Luxury_Communism], but (despite not having read the book), I apprehend that one of its basic premises is that the benefits of modern technology and productive techniques have been arrogated by a tiny minority of finance-capitalists. If my understanding of the book is correct in that regard, then I certainly agree with that view; indeed, it can hardly be denied.

Books such as The Spirit Level [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spirit_Level_(book)] have shown how inequality in the “Western” world has grown since the 1950s and particularly in recent decades. Numerous studies have shown how the remuneration and wealth (capital) of corporate owners and the highest strata of executives has become grotesque.

In the 1950s, in the USA the typical disparity between the pay of highest-paid and lowest-paid in a company was about 15:1. Now it is hundreds to one and, in not a few cases, thousands to one. That is without even getting into share options, capital gains etc

The same is true of the UK. There are many large companies where the top executives are getting a million or more a year (many millions in some cases) in salary alone, while the bottom-level employees are on something like £15,000. A ratio of at least 70:1, and in many cases hundreds to one.

It is not a question, for me, of inequality alone (some inequality is inevitable and indeed good) but of inequality so great and so unfair that it amounts to inequity.

We see how some of the wealthiest capitalists on Earth (Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk etc) vie with each other to build their own space rockets, not to do anything truly worthwhile with them but to take what amount to joy-rides into space, accompanied by other hugely-wealthy individuals. Meanwhile, their own employees live on pennies, in many cases unable to pay their rent, feed their families properly, or achieve even a modestly-comfortable standard of living.

The fruits of scientific and technological innovation must be shared more equitably.

Tweets seen

Hopper“, not “Hooper” (and “they’re“, not “their“) (etc)…but never mind. It’s Christmas.

Welby has either never heard of the line:

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them
under their feet, and turn again and rend you
.” [Matthew 7:6]

…or, more likely, has decided to turn a Nelsonian eye…

It is entirely misplaced and wrongheaded “compassion” to invite into the UK (or to tolerate an unwanted invasion by) those who, most of them, despise British people and/or hate us, and who will be, at best, a heavy millstone round the British neck, forever.

Justin Welby will have to suffer no detriment by tolerating the migration invasion. No, that burden will be borne by the British poor, mostly.


More tweets seen

I was going to keep the blog short today, and concentrated on purely Christmas topics (and one does after all have other things to do on Christmas Day), but the world has impinged on my retreat…

A few thoughts around Christmas

Naturally, Christmas, as we know it in the UK and/or “Anglosphere”, is largely what people today often call “a construct” or “social construct”. You see in magazines or online quite a lot of historical detail about that.

A few examples: St. Nicholas was someone from what is now part of Turkey, not the North Pole: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Nicholas; and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sinterklaas.

In the UK, perhaps especially England, we have a fairly closely-defined idea of what Christmas should be: the Christmas tree, the angel or star atop the tree, carols, Santa Claus in his red suit, sitting in a sleigh in the sky, itself pulled by flying reindeer.

As many will know, the Christmas tree tradition, in England, dates back only to 1834, when one was installed at Windsor Castle; the tradition dates back longer in Germany, to the late Middle Ages.

As for the fairy atop the tree, that may be connected with the late Roman cult of Mithras, though that seems to me to be contrived, in view of the fact that the Christmas tree tradition itself is of recent historical origin. I would not say, though, that I am really qualified to pronounce on that aspect.

As to red-suited Santa with his sled or sleigh, reindeer etc, that is a conflation of ancient traditions, 19thC traditions, and “traditions” which come from as recent a source as 1930s American ads for Coca-Cola: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Santa_Claus.

In Russia, the 19thC saw “Grandfather Frost” emerge, a tradition at least half-heartedly kept up in 20thC Soviet times as an alternative to the usually disapproved-of and sometimes suppressed Russian Orthodox Christmas religious holiday (which takes place a couple of weeks after the Western one by reason of the fact that the Russian Orthodox church still uses the Julian Calendar).

I believe that some Christian occultists aver that the “Santa in a sleigh” picture has an underlying reality in that the Cosmic Christ travels spiritually around the world for the “12 days of Christmas”, assessing the overall spiritual condition of the world. Perhaps.

My own view is that it does not really matter that our 20thC/21stC idea of Christmas would seem slightly odd to Victorian England, and downright alien to the English of Tudor times. It is our mental picture, our idea of what is sacred, our idea of what is worthwhile. It encapsulates what has gone before, and is of social and personal value.

Whatever the origins of Christmas as we know it, and however “inauthentic” some may claim it to be, the fact remains that we regard it as sort-of-sacred, even if in a sense it is not, and that includes the “Father Christmas” or “Santa Claus” figure in his red robes, even if he does only date back, in that form, to 1930s Disney and Coca-Cola. We do not like it being changed for obviously socio-political reasons.


Saw a few minutes on TV of some ghastly Christmas thing in Westminster Abbey yesterday. Some weird fellow looking like a Scottish down and out strumming on a guitar and, er, singing, while queen-to-be Kate accompanied on a piano. Not quite sure what the whole thing was, because I only saw a minute or two of it.

The Mezzotint

Saw a BBC adaptation of the M.R. James story, The Mezzotint. My expectations were not, if truth be told, high, but in fact this was an excellent short film. The original story was written in 1904, but the adaptation was, seemingly, set in the 1920s (judging by the props, clothes, and some music heard).

Even the fact that, typically for today, they shoehorned a non-European into the story (an anglicized Indian, or Anglo-Indian), did not jar, the way it was done. Pretty good.

I can recommend highly the 1995 documentary below, finely narrated by the late Bill Wallis [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Wallis]:

Late music

[Levitan, Vladimirka]

Diary Blog, 18 February 2021

Chekhov had a point. It might be argued that in contemporary Britain, and in North America, there is at least no “premature old age“, but maybe there is: true, people are living longer in years, but at the same time a strange double-aspect is seen.

The young today are careful, cautious, scared of what they are indoctrinated into being scared of, meaning “the virus”, “racism”, “sexism” etc; even taking any risk at all. In short, they often seem to exhibit traits of caution and even fearfulness, traditionally the preserve of the middleaged and, indeed, the elderly.

The other aspect seen would be a kind of juvenile attitude to life, seen in the adult, even in the middleaged. The obsessive interest in (in the UK) soccer football and (in the USA) American football. The playing of video games, computer games by those aged 30, 40, even 50+.

Other symptoms? The whole “dating app” culture. The middleaged women, often divorced, who feverishly pretend to a lifestyle more appropriate (if at all) to girls of 18 or 20. The male equivalent, as well. Also, the lack of interest in anything of a serious nature, even in those who (via entitlement more than via merit, often) are in the highest positions.

Examples? It became notorious, during the disastrous years of the David Cameron-Levita governments of 2010-2015, that the Prime Minister of the UK spent what his own civil servants called “a frightening amount of time” playing games on his mobile telephone. If I recall aright, his favourite was one called Angry Birds.

Others in that evil yet stupid 2010-2015 government had similar tastes. One was the useless Ed Vaizey (like David Cameron-Levita, a part-Jew).

Now we have “Boris” Johnson, another part-Jew, and another with puerile tastes and behavioural patterns. Someone just posing as Prime Minister, as did Cameron-Levita.

The above may explain why it is hard to form a serious non-System political party worth anything. The young are more interested in complying with whatever they are told by the msm , or in whatever is said about them or their friends on various social media platforms. The older (25+) people are not much better, and the middleaged are mainly engaged in pursuits which are extensions of juvenalia.

Politics, especially radical/revolutionary politics, requires other traits: risk-taking, commitment to ideals and to a cause, a certain selflessness, a willingness by the individual to join with others for a noble cause, as well as anger at the way things are, and a determination to struggle to a better future.

The National Socialists of 1919-1945 had that; the Bolsheviks and other Communists had that; the milder socialists and social-democrats too. Without that drive and belief, everything just trundles on as it is, or perhaps gradually getting worse.

Tweets seen

Ha. When living in Kazakhstan (1996-97), I used to travel up to the mountains with friends in their Lada Niva. I even drove it for short distances once or twice myself. In the UK, a few years ago, I thought of buying a secondhand one, but few were available and, crucially, the Niva only comes in standard shift, not automatic, and my present (UK) driving licence only allows me to drive automatics. Quite a good budget option for off-road, though.

I generally disapprove of capital punishment, as such (for spiritual-religious reasons, and because justice must be tempered with mercy), but there may be situations where a public hanging might do much to repress those who should be repressed.

Tweeting, blogging, vlogging, putting up no-hope election candidates, can only take you so far in the present and developing climate…

Ha ha! That reminds me when a Soviet citizen visiting London in the late 1980s saw the BBC TV News, presented by Moira Stuart [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moira_Stuart], and said to me, “not only a black woman, but one with a speech impediment!“…

What would he have thought of Britain in 2021?

G.K. Chesterton and M.R. James would have been interested, I expect.

Typical ahistorical nonsense

The tweets below are typical of the ahistorical nonsense that abounds today:

Tweeted by a barrister, one of them, so I suppose that younger people reading think it “must be right”. In fact, while it is true that women (and others) could be refused service in a pub, that almost never happened simply because a woman wanted a drink. The same was true of blacks. As for “being gay was imprisonable“…no, it never was, not in the UK, though there were offences committed if actual gay sex was indulged in.

As ever, the devil is in the detail, and in the words “legal right“…

Those tweets give a false picture.

I myself was once refused service in a bar, for having entered the saloon bar of a country pub, in Surrey, while wearing muddy Wellingtons. I, and the young lady accompanying me, had to move to the (equally empty) public bar, where the floor consisted of stone flags instead of carpet. That was in 1984.

Diary Blog, 15 February 2021

Freedom of expression

Ghastly Twit-creature Kate Godfrey, who once or twice tried to blag her way to an MP sinecure (for Labour, then “Change UK”, then LibDem) joins with other Zionists to try to get a professor at Bristol University dismissed for merely having an opinion.

Something must be done about the threat Zionism poses to freedom of expression in the UK.

Look at that. Anyone trying to stand up for free speech is immediately condemned by association. The exchange also proves my point about these endless “codes of conduct” which in recent years have been imposed, usually by Zionist lawyers, on employees (and employers, and professional organizations as well). My own experience: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

A small part of the population in the UK, less than half of one percent, is trying to take over the whole society by strategic moves, or to put it in colloquial language, by “always going for the jugular”.

Morning music

[“God mote it be…”]

Tweets seen

Look at that puppet on a stick!

Your papers are…not in order...”

If we do not start fighting soon, the world we know will fall without a shot fired, and we shall all be serfs of powers which will only show their true evil when we are unable to resist, protest, or even express an opinion…

The first thing to understand is that ZOG, NWO, the “Great Reset”, the “Great Replacement” and “White genocide” are no mere “conspiracy theories” but happening in real time all around us now.

Only the few will soon fight for freedom and a better life. They alone will be the rulers of the world, once the powers of Evil have been vanquished.

Designed with North American society in mind, but largely applicable to the UK as well. Pretty good.

Tweeter “Martin”, above, seems to imagine that the UK is a “free country”. Well, it may have been (fairly) “free” once, before (to take a year) 1989, but no more…no more…

Government and msm in the UK are very keen to see protest, revolt and revolution overseas, preferably in countries not yet under ZOG/NWO control, but they scream “terrorism” if anyone tries it in the UK.

The most corrupt elements of the UK are in the msm, Government, Westminster in general, and embedded in the parts of the economy closely allied to those sectors. Also, the Zionist element.

Ah, I forgot about the Saturday quiz this past weekend…


Well, I am back on winning form, having scored 8/10 (Rentoul got 5/10). I did not know the answers to questions 6 and 10 (I thought that the answer to question 10 was two banks).

More tweets

Hutches for migrant-invaders?

I myself was born in Reading, and brought up mainly (except 3 years in Sydney, Australia) where Berkshire meets South Oxfordshire.

I first saw a black person in Reading when I was 6, maybe 7 (a consultant at the Royal Berks Hospital), and saw a second one in 1970 when I was 13 and had returned from Australia (the second one was a uniformed nurse on a bus). In other words, there were very few blacks (or South Asians etc) in Reading at that time.

By the early 1970s, there were some. I saw a playground full of black children when my train from Newbury Racecourse station to Reading stopped for a few minutes on a viaduct overlooking part of West Reading. That was 1973 or 1974.

Recently I heard some West Indian woman interviewed on radio. She said that she “had been brought up in Reading, which of course was incredibly multicultural.” Not sure to what year(s) she was referring, but must have been 1980s or 1990s onwards.

A huge demographic and cultural change, mostly negative, has occurred in the UK, especially in parts of England, in the past 50 years. Near-disastrous.

Too late. Labour has (probably) passed the point of no return. It has thrown away the Scottish “proletariat” and its descendants, and is doing the same in England and Wales, meaning the poorer white people. It is left with the “blacks and browns” and the public service employees. Not more than about 25% of the voters. Yes, some others too, but unlikely to do much better in ?2024 than in 2019 or 2017.

If (when?) Scotland leaves the UK, Labour will have no chance even of minority or weak coalition government, because it has no real prospect of getting more MPs in Scotland, and the SNP’s MPs are at present Labour’s only hope for forming even a minority government.

Needless to say, at present the 80-seat-majority pseudo-“Conservative” government has no need to consider proportional representation.


Even now, I am sometimes incredulous at the biased and pervasive Jewish-Zionist influence, penetrating right into official government operations. See, for example, https://www.governmentevents.co.uk/covid-19-conspiracy-theories-and-extremist-grooming/

Afternoon music

More tweets

You don’t feel trapped…you are trapped. And soon will be more trapped…


How well I know that area! In the 1980s and early 1990s I was often walking there, perhaps visiting the wine merchant cellars under the viaduct, or strolling along the viaduct itself, not far from Leather Lane market, the Bailey, and the old, now closed, Holborn Viaduct rail station [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holborn_Viaduct_railway_station]

Holborn Viaduct 8 77.jpg
[Holborn Viaduct Station, 1977]

Late video about M.R. James

Well worth seeing.

Late music

Diary Blog, Christmas Day 2020

Greetings on Christmas Day to all Christendom and to the wider world.

Historical note

An historical note from Christmas 1939:


From 1942:


It might be said that I should not write about ordinary political matters on Christmas Day, but the news having just been announced yesterday about Brexit, a few more words are needed.

As I said yesterday, “Boris” has decided to put on the mask of a tragi-comic Chamberlain rather than a tragi-comic Churchill. He says now that he has, belatedly, delivered Brexit. Of sorts, arguably. It is all rather underwhelming.

From what I have seen so far, it seems that the agreement made is all right in many respects, not very satisfactory in others (continuing security and intelligence co-operation, for example). https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/dec/24/from-tariffs-to-visas-heres-whats-in-the-brexit-deal

This goes beyond BRINO (Brexit In Name Only) but not very far beyond.

Having said that, the agreement has pretty much shot Farage’s fox as far as the EU is concerned. I think that, though opposition to EU norms will continue on the fringes, this means the end of Brexit and EU matters as central in UK political discourse. Effectively the end of 20 years of Brexit/EU being political drivers in the UK.

To a large extent, the agreement has also shot Labour’s fox re. the EU, too. Labour under Keir Starmer has become almost invisible. Unsurprising. Starmer-Labour has, with minor carping, supported the “Conservative” Government on almost every issue in the past year, from the “virus” messaging and the facemask nonsense to Brexit. It seems that that support will now continue in the Commons vote on this agreement (next week, unless delayed). The agreement will thus be approved, with minor rebellions on the fringes.

As far as the general public is concerned, this agreement will draw a line under Brexit, politically.

The agreement seems to cover most of the factors important in the public mind, such as (by implication) the Roma gypsy element looting the UK from foreign bases, and also the low-paid foreign workers, Poles etc, coming to the UK as of right; the food standards now staying where they are (because the UK will not drop below EU norms, so no American chlorinated chicken etc).

It looks as though animal welfare in farming etc is covered (the UK is ahead of most of the EU states in that respect anyway).

Yes, there are sacrifices made: the fishing part is not very good for the UK, though at least there will not be the first Anglo-French naval engagements, in the Channel, since Napoleonic times. Britain’s fishermen have been, to some extent, sacrificed for the wider good. That means that the head has ruled the heart, fishing being only 1% of the UK’s GDP.

Also, British people will (or may) find it less convenient to live or work in EU states, though most live rather than work (retired people etc) and that happened even before the UK joined the original EEC in 1973, though on a smaller scale. People just had to apply for a carte de sejour in France, and the equivalent elsewhere.

There will be some grumbling about this from both “Brexiteers” and Remainers but, as a major political issue, Brexit has been finally put to bed.

Tweets seen today

The above Twitter accounts are always worth looking at.

Afternoon music


Interesting tweet thread

More music

M.R. James

A Pleasant Terror… Well worth watching…

Goodnight, and wishing well all who wish me well. Meine Ehre heisst Treue…

[Unity Mitford]

God bless blessed memory…