Tag Archives: State pension

Diary Blog, 11 June 2024

Afternoon music

[Wien— das ist’s!]

Tweets seen

Stand by for Starmer’s fake Labour “elected” dictatorship…

Quite right. All sorts of people (often “you know who”…), such as Jonathan Portes, all terribly clever (in their own minds) will be saying, and have for years been saying, that the importation of a million (more or less) unwanted immigrants every year has little or no effect on housing demand. Hardy ha ha…

That useless and half-crazed ex-MP and Cabinet minister (incredibly), Sajid Javid, said something similar years ago, I think.

The “4 million” there should now be replaced by at least 10 million; soon 15 million and 20 million.

Ha. So the little Indian money-juggler “promises” to halve net migration? (“net” includes the 200,000-300,000, mainly real Brits, who leave every year for Australasia etc).

So “only” half a million blacks and browns etc (or more) will be coming in every year?

Oh…that’s not too bad…oh, no, wait a minute…

I have blogged previously about how, to my mind, Farage’s close protection squad seems not very effective. So far, it has been milkshakes and the like, but that may escalate to serious weapons such as knives. He needs to revamp his security to prevent that. The way the UK is going, nothing can be ruled out.

That Reform UK candidate was right in his original comments. Britain should never have declared war on the German Reich, and was not under attack at the time. In fact, the first British soldier was killed on 9 December 1939, over 3 months after war was declared, having stepped on a French landmine: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Priday.

In 1940, Germany made a number of peace proposals, both before and after Dunkirk, all of which were ignored. Hitler even ordered a halt to the German infantry and armour advance on Dunkirk, which allowed that very large large evacuation to occur.

Hitler wanted peace and, if possible, collaboration, with the British Empire. He wanted the two empires to rule most of the world together, or in parallel, opposing both Sovietism and Americanism.

Had peace or at least armistice been declared in 1940 or at the time of the flight of Rudolf Hess in 1941, most of the devastation of Western and Central Europe, including in the UK and Germany, would never have happened.

That peace would also have meant no Cold War, no Korean War, probably no Vietnam War (etc), no “Israel” and therefore no Middle East wars (because the Middle East would have been mainly under British and French control). It would have meant far less environmental degradation in Africa and Asia, and far less civil conflict on those continents.

Had such peace “broken out”, Sovietism would not have encroached upon Eastern and Central Europe, as it did after 1945. The whole of Europe and the world would have been in a better place.

At least one tweeter who has seen through the propaganda (((lies))).

…and another…

The former G.R.U. officer, and later defector, Rezun, under his nom de plume of Viktor Suvorov, wrote a book about Stalin’s plans to move west in and after 1941. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Suvorov; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Suvorov#Works_about_World_War_II.

Tactical voting

The above shows opinion polling re. the safe (?) Con seat of Tatton, presently occupied (or rather, formerly occupied, until 2024 Dissolution) by ridiculous deadhead Esther McVey. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Esther_McVey.

My 2019 assessment of Esther McVey: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/03/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-esther-mcvey-story/.

It can be seen from the graphic that Esther McVey is pressed closely by the Labour candidate, who is within a point or so of catching her. Also, that the LibDem is on about 12%, and has no chance of actual election.

Were the LibDem-intending voters to vote for Labour, Esther McVey would be turfed out; but will enough of them be sufficiently motivated to do that? Open question.


I do think that tactical voting will be a major theme of this 2024 General Election.

Late tweets

Mel Stride. Conservative. Deadhead. He must have nothing at all between his ears. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mel_Stride.

How does someone with so little intelligence become a Cabinet Minister? Still, look at his predecessors at the DWP, among them Esther McVey and Iain Dunce Duncan Smith…

Good grief. I even agree with Jess Phillips today.

Traitors. Simple as.

“Labour”, as I have repeatedly blogged, will indeed “stop the small boats”, and will do it by having some kind of mainland Europe “processing”, i.e. rubberstamping the applications of 90%+ of those wanting to come here. Maybe even 99%.

Crazy. The link between Jew-Zionism and mental instability is very obvious, and that also applies, very often, to non-Jewish “antifascist” types. See my (I think interesting, and also rather groundbreaking) study about all that: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/ [constantly updated].

Talking point

Late music

Diary Blog, 7 December 2023

Afternoon music

[Robert Stack as Elliott Ness in The Untouchables, a favourite TV show of my childhood. Note the Thompson submachinegun with drum magazine, probably the 30-round version (there were 50 and 100-round drum versions, and both box and stick magazine versions)]

From the newspapers


Kathryn is a firm believer in the 19th-century adage that we are only ever nine meals from anarchy. Having learned the skill of stockpiling from her wartime parents and grandparents, her first mini-foray was in preparation for Y2K.

“That was mainly candles and biscuits, because I didn’t really take it very seriously,” she said. “But it did mean that I was already halfway there when I realised I needed a substantial, genuine Brexit stash, which then morphed into a Covid stash, which in turn became a cost of living store, then an ‘Are we going to run out of electricity?’ store when the Ukraine war kicked off, and is now a general, all-encompassing everyday/WW3 stash.”

Kathryn could soon be joined by many more concerned citizens preparing for a worst-case scenario after the deputy prime minister, Oliver Dowden, said this week that people should stock up on battery-powered radios, torches, candles and first aid kits in case of power cuts or digital communications going down.

Not such a silly idea. I have examined that and other aspects of prepping on the blog (search via the search box).

As mentioned previously, the once very famous occult-thriller (etc) writer, Dennis Wheatley [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wheatley], in his very readable memoirs, Drink and Ink, recounted how, in his popular newspaper column of the late 1930s, he recommended to his readers that they “stock up” on tinned food (mainly) against the likelihood of a European war.

Wheatley followed his own advice, and thus was better prepared than most for the rigours of British WW2 rationing. Of course, he was in a better position than most, living in a country house at Lymington in the New Forest, and with both storage space and money with which to spend stocking up.

Not a bad idea if you have those two necessities. 20 years ago, I could have done that myself; I was then living in one of the largest houses in Cornwall (only leased, sadly) and was, if far from wealthy or affluent, at least not usually very short of money on a day to day basis.

[where I lived about 20 years ago]

Times change. The whole of my present tiny flat would fit at least twice over merely into the ballroom of that Cornish house. I now have no space (let alone money to spend) “stocking-up” for national emergency. Should my circumstances change, I would do that, though.

The Mormons, at least in their home state of Utah, make sure that they have in their homes a basic supply of dried and tinned goods sufficient for 2 years. Perhaps a legacy from the covered-wagon days of the mid-19thC in that part of the world.

I shall not go into great detail here about such prepping, but since Wheatley’s 1930s, the technology of canning has moved on, the variety of tinned goods has expanded, and the same is true of dried goods.

In the end, storing tins of food etc will not save you, years down the line, but it can provide a breathing space for you and your families.

Worth considering.


A 31-year-old man has been banned from driving after he drove through a gaggle of geese, killing seven, a court heard.

Abraham Andemariam showed a “clear disregard for the animals in the road”, leaving a number of animals dead and others injured with “skin torn away from their limbs”, the court was told. Andemariam did not stop at the scene after the incident in Warrington in July, but the registration plate of his black Hyundai was captured on a Ring doorbell and given to the police.

Rebecca Templeman, defending, explained that Andemariam, who hails from Eritrea and needed a Tigrinya interpreter in court, confessed to the offences during an interview.

[Daily Mirror]


Yet another ******* nuisance who should not even be in our country.


A woman’s cancer was spotted during a holiday massage in Turkey – after previously being misdiagnosed by UK doctors.

Claire O’Shea, 41, had previously been told by doctors the tummy pain she was experiencing was due to irritable bowel syndrome.

But during the treatment at a baths in Istanbul the masseuse spotted the mystery lump and questioned what it was.

‘I remember talking to my friends like: “My God. How is a Turkish masseuse doing a better job of telling me what’s wrong with me than my GP has for months?”

Despite having a scan when she returned home doctors continued to insist she was suffering from benign fibroids and showed no urgency towards her.

It was only when eight months later medics removed a lump the size of a grapefruit that she was diagnosed with an incurable gynaecological cancer.

[Daily Mirror]

The health service for the people, the NHS, will only improve when it stops being treated like a quasi-religion or sacred cow, one run largely for the benefit of those who work in it. Also, when it stops having to serve an ever-expanding number of clients, many not even British.


An asylum seeker raped a woman in a seaside town park just 40 days after arriving in the UK, a court has heard.

Saad Gomaa, 34, told the woman he was ‘illegal’, jurors heard, as he allegedly took advantage of her drunkenness to rape her.”

[Daily Mail].

The trial continues“…apparently.


MPs have raised the alarm about proposals for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to view benefit claimants’ bank accounts for ‘social security purposes‘.

There are concerns this would allow ministers to view the banking details of any state pension recipients, whose payments are administered by DWP.”

[Daily Mail].

More nonsense from the Cabinet of Clowns. Can this Government even last out until late 2024?

Tweets seen


[nb. the comment refers to London social housing].

[Update, same day: Seems that the tweet, showing political academic Matt Goodwin saying that “over 50%” of London social housing is occupied by immigrant families or individuals, has been deleted. He was only slightly out; seems that the true figure is about 49%…]

More music

[K. Kazanchan, Prostor (“open expanse”)]
[painting by Volegov]

More tweets

There are still innumerable pseudo-socialists and others who seem to think seriously that the UK, and the rest of Europe, can absorb waves of mass immigration without limit. How wrong they are. In the end, those waves will break down society completely, destroy our people, and smash our society into pieces.

From me, in my present circumstances (regular readers will know what I mean!), no comment…

The logical outcome is to allow anyone at all to participate, i.e. have no men’s or women’s individual sports. Let women and men (and “trans” types) compete together. That will delete the “trans” nonsense from the whole situation (though admittedly also at the expense of women athletes, of course).

Alternatively, just have proper men’s and women’s sports, as previously.

Britain built 200k houses last year. CPS estimate we now need to build at least 514,000 houses each year, more than half of which is just to keep up with record net migration (much of which is a fiscal drag on the economy). It’s neither “racist” nor “far right” to point to how immigration is fuelling the housing crisis.

It is, however, germane, to point out that a high proportion of immigrants (both “legal” and “illegal”) have no useful qualifications, and in many cases cannot even speak English beyond the most basic level. Apart from that, the fact is that “race is the root-stock, culture is the flower and fruit“. Race or “ethnicity” is central to the whole question.

Unsurprising. After all, Mrs Thatcher was called “the only man in the British Cabinet“. Nothing much has changed. I have observed these useless drones and those of similar type for 50 years, since I was a teenager. Members of the Bench and Bar, partners in firms of City solicitors, MPs etc.

Sunak and his Cabinet of Clowns become more pathetic daily.

This was the magistrate/District Judge presiding: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tan_Ikram.

The photograph is misleading. The case commented upon was in the magistrates’ court, not the High Court or Court of Appeal.

The commentary is right, though. Some magistrates do seem to want to guess what was in the mind of a defendant posting online.

There really is no longer “free speech” or freedom of expression in the UK. My own trial, last month, confirmed that. What was behind my wrongful prosecution? The Jew-Zionist Israel-lobby cabal called “Campaign Against Antisemitism”. You don’t have to believe me, incidentally. They have admitted it repeatedly on their own Twitter/X account, as well as on their website.

Talking point

Late tweets seen

Go woke, go broke“, some say. Let’s hope so…

A bad law. I should know, having been convicted under its stupid and badly-drafted provisions only last month. The Law Commission recommended its repeal (I was one of the lay consultees, and noted as such at the end of the Law Commission report).

As to my own case, I shall decide whether to appeal after I am sentenced in a couple of months.

I hope that those convicted will appeal to Crown Court.

Little Indian money-juggler Sunak reminds me of those hopeless contestants on TV quiz shows such as The Chase, the completely ignorant contestants, of whom you wonder “why are you even on a quiz show? You couldn’t buy a right answer“.

Had I been asked as recently as last month whether I thought that Sunak would lead his “Light Brigade” into the next general election, I would have replied that he would, if only because that election now looms large, with only a year or so to go, at maximum (I am told January 2025 would be the last possible month). There is a degree of “groundrush”.

Now? I am not so sure. The Conservative Party looks like getting wiped out, or at least reduced to as few as 50 MPs, unless its “leaders” can put forward something as a gamechanger. So far, every policy initiative run up the flagpole has been shot down by a public showing of thumbs-down. It may just be that the last desperate throw will be to change the leader (again).

Late music

[Lenin, with cat, early 1920s]

Diary Blog, 4 December 2023

Morning music

Tweets seen


More Israeli war crimes.

“…destroys his argument“? Ha ha…

I saw the clips, not the whole show. In that second one, Tice made a reasoned plea to save what is left of our culture and way of life in the face of truly massive migration-invasion.

A very stupid woman, of whom I had not previously heard, one Christina McAnea (Irish by way of Scotland) tried to make the hackneyed claim that Irish or Scottish culture was very different from English (and that the present huge invasion and replacement of…us…was therefore somehow OK)! If so, how much more different are the cultures of Afghanistan, the Middle East, black Africa etc?

I had not heard that kind of silly and ahistorical argument (as in “the Vikings and Normans invaded ‘us’, the Huguenots settled here, and that is not different from millions of blacks and browns coming here“) for some time. It was the sort of nonsense one heard in the 1970s from ill-educated types unaware that, for example, the Vikings and Normans were the same people in origin, or that they (and the Huguenots, for that matter) were racially very similar both inter se and to the then existing inhabitants of the British Isles.

I see now that the McAnea woman read English and History at Strathclyde University in the late 1970s or 1980s, at which time she was a member of the Communist Party (she belongs to Labour now). She cannot have learned much history from that degree course.

As a matter of fact, the McAnea woman seems also to have picked up little English, listening to her confuse “less” with “fewer“…

Looking at that McAnea woman was like going back to about 1978, and not in a good way. She is a total socio-political dinosaur, who seems to turn a blind eye to the disastrous consequences of allowing up to 20,000 migrant-invaders per week (“net”, at that) to settle in this country. She and her type betray their own countrymen and women, and their own trade union members, whose children may now end up living in a race-chaos dystopia because of her and people like her. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christina_McAnea.

More tweets seen

It may only be about 33% now.

That last would be so if Reform UK received an across-the-board vote share of <18%; above 18% or 19%, Reform UK would get some MPs.

I have not voted since I was first eligible in 1974 (my chosen candidate came last of 4 with 594 votes). I have no interest in voting at GE 2024 either.

Appalling. The Conservative Party now attacks pensioners. There just might be no-one left standing and ready to vote Con in 2024.

Harsh, but possibly the only way.

I recall reading, in the early 1980s, the biography of the head of the Cheka, Feliks Dzerzhinsky [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Dzerzhinsky], a book produced in Soviet days (around 1970, I think) but never translated into English. It described, inter alia, how “sabotage” and negligence in various industries, particularly the railways, in the years of post-revolutionary upheaval and civil war (roughly 1918-1923) were combated by shooting those who —allegedly— abused their positions.

Whatever the whys and wherefores, it is certainly true that, after the full establishment of Soviet power, the railways never failed to work satisfactorily.


In any event, the water industry of the UK should not be in private hands. That has not worked. Water, large-scale electricity generation and distribution, gas, offshore oil, and railways, should all be under State direction.

More tweets

The picture on the right is the former head of AIPAC bragging that he controls the president and can even pick his cabinet.

The left is Joe Biden’s cabinet, showing all his top positions are given to jews.

Could you imagine if it was Russia and China bragging about controlling our president then all his cabinet was Russian or Chinese.

I’m not claiming all Jews are Israel first but I’ve noticed a large amount seem to be.”

nb. “the picture on the right” cannot be seen.

If that is even the real figure; possibly higher. So there will be a “need” (contrived, or deliberately engineered “need”) to create a city the size of Leicester, or Wakefield, or Coventry, every single year? Madness, and in fact impossible.

That’s assuming that monkey-on-a-stick Cleverly’s “plan” will work. I doubt that it will. Nothing else this Government has done works. Indeed, nothing much at all, in general, works properly in the UK any more.

That could also be said of several other System political drones.

People in the middle-stream of events are usually unaware that they are. I am thinking of Soviet citizens, East German citizens etc in the few years before Sovietism collapsed. The late 1980s. Is that where we are now in the UK? Will we look back in 10, 20, 30 years, and say “that was Britain in the last few years before it collapsed socially and economically, just before the civil war(s) started“?

Except, the future of the British people has been largely chosen for the British people, by “others”…

Interesting that only 7%-21% of the population of the UK support the Israeli side alone. “They” will have to pump out more and more msm propaganda to get those figures to increase.

The problem the Israelis and their UK Jewish supporters have is that the British people are now aware that half the population of Gaza is 18-y-o or under, and that about a quarter of the Gaza population is under-12. British people just dislike the mass killing of small or smallish children by bombing, shelling, and shooting, and by the deprivation of medical care, food, and water…

Late tweets

…yet the Telegraph has been a loudspeaker for the Israel lobby for decades.

Starmer has no principles. A puppet for the Jewish/Israel lobby.

The Editor of the Jewish Chronicle complains about abrogation of the rule of law. He might like to consider how the rule of law in the UK has been corrupted by Jewish/Zionist cabals such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, the members of which admit on their website and on Twitter/X that they have been trying to get me prosecuted for at least 7 years, even prevailing upon ex-MP expenses cheat “lord” Ian Austin to write to the Director of Public Prosecutions to demand the same.

“What goes around comes around”…

Just (as Hitler said of the Weimar Republic equivalents) “dirty democratic politicians“, though “democratic” might be merely arguable.

Which is the bigger “terrorist” effect, the recent Hamas actions, or the Israeli war crimes, bombing and otherwise killing literally thousands of small children, among others?

In a way, I am surprised at that poll. After all, the younger generations in the UK have been bombarded in their schools with Jewish-Zionist propaganda for many many years, albeit mainly confined to the years 1939-45.

[Bela de Tirefort,1951, New York Harbor from the East River]

Diary Blog, 22 November 2023

Morning music

[VDNKh, Moscow]

Tweets seen

Incidentally, I am told by a reader of this blog that The Times has printed some kind of report about my recent trial. I refuse to pay even a small amount in order read the sort of rubbish put out by the contemporary “British” newspapers, so I do not know exactly what is the content of that report (I can guess, pretty much, anyway), but what strikes me is that it has apparently only appeared today, five days after the trial itself. Hardly “breaking news”.

I wonder what will happen with the newspapers in the UK. Several years ago, Rupert Murdoch gave the paper versions of newspapers only until about 2025 to survive, and certainly one rarely sees anyone buying a newspaper these days. I occasionally see an elderly person (always elderly, meaning 70+ if not 80+) buying a newspaper in Waitrose; not so often though.

The quality of journalistic language, let alone analysis, has fallen through the floor despite (?) the now almost exclusively graduate entry. Poor English, and little background knowledge, are patent.

I read somewhere that newspapers are still functioning because the online versions both take subscriptions, and make money out of advertisements; also, the mainly young “journalist” scribblers are paid very modestly. The only highly-paid scribblers now are the “celebrity” columnists, or so I read.

I myself last bought a newspaper about 25 years ago.

Hunt and Sunak had little choice, politically. Opinion polling puts the Conservative Party on about 20% for the 2024 General Election. Most of that consists of State Pensioners. Without the pensioner vote, the Conservative Party is toast. It may be that it is anyway, but being seen to pander a bit to the most obvious interest of those over 65 is a desperate way to shore up, at least to some extent, that core vote.

Incidentally, using Electoral Calculus, the difference between (A) a 20% vote and (B) a 15% vote is (A) 57 Conservative MPs (Lab 508) and (B) 19 Conservative MPs (Lab 541).

Were the Con Party able to rise to a support-level of 25%, the result might be 125 Con MPs (Lab 452); on 30%, 219 Con MPs (Lab 360).


For Sunak and Hunt, the (for now) retention of the Triple Lock is a no-brainer, of course. However, it will not save them. The best they can hope for, I think, is a hard defeat next year. It is an open question whether that defeat will prove almost, or actually, existential.

Isaac Levido“? Well, wouldn’t you know? Every. Single. Time…


London. Zoo.


Three train robbers who battered a victim for their £36 chain in a spate of 14 violent thefts have been jailed...”

[My London]

[the defendants]

More “diversity” in our wonderful new multikulti society…

I wonder what our society will look like in 20 years? Or 50? Thankfully, I shall probably not be around to see 2043, and certainly not 2073.

Late music

[Paris under German military occupation, early 1940s]

Diary Blog, 20 November 2023

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

The Ukraine of the present Kiev regime is an object lesson in how “certain influences” can degrade and destroy a whole society within a few years, though in the case of Ukraine it had already been gradually degrading since at least 1989. The process accelerated after 2014.

That whole thing (policy, propaganda, intrusive snooping, “assessments” etc, and for both physical and mental sufferers) is a kind of macabre Roman circus for the “moronic masses” who read the tabloid newspapers. Labour under Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer seems even more likely to go further down that path than the “dead man walking” Conservative Party.

The mantra continues to be “get work, get work“, when paid work now, in the UK, for many, not only pays poorly (not enough to live on even modestly) but is not far removed from effective economic serfdom.

I should add that the above does not affect me personally— I have not had to suffer such bureaucratic tortures (much) in the past, and now at age 67 I have been a “State Pensioner” for a year or so, albeit that I get rather little in money terms, having been overseas for a good chunk of my adult life.

More music

More tweets


I have to agree. Certainly every Old Etonian I myself have ever encountered has been a nitwit.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/18/the-swedish-sickness-contaminating-the-rest-of-europe-what-is-it/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 May 2023

Morning music

[painting by Laurent Parcelier]



Readers of this blog who spend time on Twitter may have noticed comment triggered by the tweet below, tweeted recently by the small but well-funded (and malicious) Jew-Zionist org known as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” or “CAA”:

In fact, that report is not entirely accurate.

I was intending not to blog at all about the above-misdescribed matter.

For one thing, the whole thing is an absurd abuse of the law, and I was intending to simply ignore it, so far as the blog is concerned.

Secondly, though the matter is in the magistrates’ court, and so involves no jury (and is under the conduct of a single District Judge), I am very aware of the need to avoid publishing anything which might be taken to be a contempt of court.

Having said that (and contrary to what can already be found, misleadingly, on Twitter), I can say, for the record:

  • that I am presently charged with five counts under the Communications Act 2003, s.127, i.e. it is alleged that 5 of the (so far) over 1,500 blog posts published on this website contained material that was “grossly offensive“;
  • that the allegations relate to five alleged blog posts dating from 2021 and 2022;
  • that the complainant is, nominally, expressed as “The State“, i.e. not the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”, nor any individual;
  • that I have not been, at any time, actually arrested in relation to the present matter (a couple of Jews on Twitter have tweeted, falsely, that I was arrested); nor was I ever under arrest in relation to the equally-malicious and false claims made against me by the “CAA” (and/or its poundland inquisitors) in previous years, notably in 2017 and 2021;
  • that in fact, and in relation to the present matter, I was simply summonsed by post, a couple of months ago, to appear at the magistrates’ court at Southampton on 23 May 2023;
  • that I did appear on 23 May 2023, for half an hour;
  • that I have pleaded Not Guilty to all charges;
  • that, in relation to the present matter, I have never been interviewed by the police; in fact the police did not speak to me at all about the allegations wherewith I am now charged;
  • that any trial of the matter (if there is a trial at all in the end) will not take place until much later in the year, possibly November or December 2023, or even later, on some date in 2024; the learned District Judge has not yet made any order as to date of trial;
  • that the present matter, depending on whether a trial actually takes place at all, and on whether at any such trial I am found guilty on any or all charges, and on whether (if found guilty on any of the charges), I then choose to appeal any conviction and/or sentence, may only determine in 2024, or even 2025;
  • that there will be one or more preliminary (procedural) hearings;
  • that, in the meantime, I remain (since 23 May 2023) on unconditional bail; and
  • that this blog will continue to be published both before and after any such trial.

I regret that, for reasons to do with avoidance of any contempt of court, I cannot at present go into detail about a number of related facts which I daresay the readers of this blog would find interesting.

Eventually, meaning after the final determination of this legal case, I shall blog about it all.

In the meantime, I doubt whether I shall blog further about the matter at all, not until after any trial.

Finally, I have to say that that “CAA” website report itself does seem to come close to the line on contempt: see https://www.gov.uk/contempt-of-court, and some tweets by Jews supportive of the “CAA” have certainly crossed that line.

Incidentally, readers may be aware that, with the advent of an “Online Safety Act” (as yet only the Online Safety Bill, but expected to become law by late 2023 or early 2024), the very concept of “grossly offensive” online posting will have been superseded by a very different legal framework based around “harm done”.

Support “the men behind the wire”

Tweets seen

GB News, though, is 99% “controlled opposition”. Useless.

Anyone of or over State Pension age who votes Labour-label now is a turkey voting for Christmas, not because the fake “Conservatives” are somehow kinder, but because the Con Party desperately needs the pensioner vote, and will therefore continue to pay for it!

Without the votes of the over-65s, the Conservative Party would only have about 50 MPs, maybe even fewer. Call it a “devil’s contract”, if you like: the Triple Lock will continue only so long as there is a Conservative Party government but, conversely, the Conservative Party in government will only continue so long as the over-65s stay on board, and that means only so long as the Triple Lock stays in place.

If the “Conservative” Party loses the pensioner vote, that vote may not go to Labour, but mere mass abstention (or a LibDem protest vote) would be enough to sink the Con Party electorally, and possibly permanently.

More tweets seen

I never had much time for Trump, and for various reasons, not least the fact that, as President, he seemed to be a squawking parrot in a gilded cage, guarded by a troop of Jew-Zionists, but at least he, if re-elected, would not escalate the Ukraine war and would probably take away Zelensky’s ricebowl (arms, ammunition, other aid, cash bungs). That would effectively end the war.

For the infantry, warfare is changing fast, and becoming even more dangerous.

Look at that. The UK in the worst position, except for Poland.

London. Zoo.


Britain’s Police Federation today blasted a Met officer who allowed a suspected sweet thief to drag a female cop by her hair and throw her into a wall in an attack that sparked ridicule on social media.

The video saw a female officer swung around by her ponytail by an enraged 26-year-old woman in Willesden, north-east London – while her male colleague repeatedly pleaded ‘madam’ in a futile attempt to calm her.

Chiefs say it is evidence of officers being too afraid of repercussions to use the force needed to apprehend violent criminals.

[Daily Mail]

The SS might have machinegunned not only the “suspect” but those standing around and cheering-on the untermensch…

More from the newspapers


Very true. I have blogged repeatedly over the past few years about the connected “Just Stop Oil” and “Extinction Rebellion” crazies: see, eg, https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/09/extinction-rebellion-greta-thunberg-cressida-dick-and-the-madness-of-protesting-crowds/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/08/diary-blog-8-september-2020-including-further-assessment-of-extinction-rebellion-as-well-as-of-tim-crosland-and-plan-b-etc/; and https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/08/25/diary-blog-25-august-2021-with-more-about-extinction-rebellion/.

Incidentally, I have heard little of late about or from Greta Nut (thank God). I suppose that she is now yesterday’s news. Maybe she has served most of her purpose now.

A few tweets seen about Greta Nut:

Are (((they))) still promoting her from the shadows? Odds-on…

Greta Nut is but one of the monkeys put forward for msm use; look more closely at the organ-grinders behind her.

Note the “help me” (i.e. “send money to me“) gormless expression, similar to that employed by, eg, “Jack Monroe” (when extracting more money from mugs some years ago by pretending to have cancer).

Greta Nut is a total fake, a kind of promoted Schauspiel for the easily-fooled.

More from the newspapers


Vladimir Putin is facing a growing threat of a coup from the fearsome Wagner mercenary army and anti-Kremlin rebellions on the border regions of Russia, the despot’s former supporters have said.

Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin is acting with unidentified figures within Putin’s circle in a bid to oust the dictator, war analyst Igor Strelkov, ex-defence minister of Donetsk People’s Republic, claimed.

[Daily Mail].

I do not know. It is true, though, that the central power of the Russian state has rarely been so weak.

More tweets seen

I suppose one could say “one out of three ain’t bad“. Pity the two women escaped being hit.

Interesting. I can recall having a few anxious landings but only as a passenger. In fact, I was once on the flight deck of a commercial aircraft as it landed at Heathrow (in good weather), but very long ago; as we all know, security concerns and regulations would make that impossible today. Really very interesting for me.

Late tweets seen

Ha ha! I like the sentiment at least…

In fact, it is the Zelzal: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zelzal-3. The range, though, is below 150 miles, so (to me) of limited interest.

A typical Kiev-regime thug. He speaks as if Russia were not a nuclear power, and a major one.

It cannot have escaped Erdogan’s notice that the NATO, aka NWO, powers wanted him to lose the recent election, while Putin supported him.

Russia cannot “lose”, though admittedly that is, to some extent, a question of definition.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10531509/Senior-SAS-officer-vows-hang-doctors-politicians-nurses-responsible-plan-demic.html

Late thought

It is impossible to suffer without making someone pay for it; every complaint already contains revenge” [Nietzsche];

Late music

Diary Blog, 23 January 2023

Morning music

[the Great Wall of China— what an incredible achievement]

We are now, apparently, in the Year of the Water Rabbit. I myself was born in the Year of the Fire Monkey [1956].

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Quite. What matters is that the people have a health regime that actually works, and which is actually available to people. The NHS is increasingly in a state where it really does not work properly.

That is not going to happen, for several reasons, but mainly because “Jack Monroe” now has only one substantial and regular source of income, i.e. the 635 utter mugs donating to her regularly on Patreon, and thus bringing in tens of thousands of pounds each month.

The propaganda is constant now, now that we are in the period 2022-2055. Look at the idea that people will be paid to turn off heating or electricity. It’s mad. The whole point of having gas or electricity is so as to be able to keep warm, use appliances etc.

…people giving a rentier-parasite maybe half their take-home pay in return for being allowed to occupy some cramped urban hutch. Sick society.

I have been, in the past (pre-2009) self-employed (as a barrister in England), employed offshore (i.e. not having to pay UK income tax), and at other times employed in the UK, paying UK income tax.

The worst of the three possibilities is when someone is employed in the UK, and having to pay UK income tax, especially when having also to pay out to rent a house or apartment, and/or commute, a fortiori when having to lay out money for a long commute by rail, perhaps even —as at times in my own case— for a long-distance First Class season ticket.

Once someone has paid income tax, he or she has those unavoidable chunks taken out: rent, travel costs, costs of suitable clothing, other costs such as lunch money etc. The last may seem small, and not everyone will have to pay for restaurants or whatever, but even a Pret or the like might add up to £5, or more, per working day, say £1,000-£2,000 a year.

No wonder many, especially on modest earnings, decide (if they can) to opt out, throwing themselves on the admittedly rather strained mercies of the State by applying for small State cash benefits, but also having most if not all of their housing costs paid, having Council Tax paid, and not having to pay out for long distance or other travel, nor for formal clothing, for lunches, and for other incidental costs. Also, of course, not having to pay income tax.

For many employed people, once those chunks are taken out of gross pay, there is not a lot left, especially when one considers that those on the lowest income levels do not pay for basic NHS dental work, or prescriptions.

Poor levels of pay in the UK are a disgrace, and poor-paying employers are having their profits underpinned via Universal Credit etc paid to employed but underpaid employees. It’s quite wrong.

In the case of a “poor” pensioner, just retired from, say, a modest or low-level job, that person will be entitled to, from April 2023, about £200 per week State Pension and Pension Guarantee Credit, Housing Benefit (if applicable), Council Tax Benefit, free medical and basic dental, various extras such as Cold Weather Payments, special one-off Treasury giveaways, free bus travel etc; the upshot being that that person might well be far better off (albeit on a low level) than he/she was the year before he/she reached State Pension age.

For younger people, the best option (especially if not paying out for rent) is to get off-grid as far as possible: do work that pays in cash or in kind, or start a small business that pays (eg car repair), use (if you can afford the capital outlay at the start) renewable heat and power via solar, pico-hydro and the like, and keep outgoings small. You do not need the often-useless “advice” of such as “Jack Monroe” to do that. Commonsense does most of the heavy lifting. Cheese rather than smoked salmon, water rather than wine.

True, that kind of “off-grid” lifestyle will not get you a Rolls-Royce, or a Mercedes SUV, or holidays in Barbados; you may have to settle for a £1,000 clapped-out estate-car, and no overseas holidays, but in return you have freedom, and that is worth rubies.

Incidentally, I am not exactly describing myself. For one thing, I am now already 66, and so beyond official “working age” anyway, but in the past have experienced almost every kind of working and non-working scenario.

So much depends on one’s own exact circumstances. For example, take the stringent rationing of the Second World War, as it was in the UK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rationing_in_the_United_Kingdom. Not everyone was equal.

Those best-off in WW2 Britain were probably not only those with money (who could pay for quite good dinners and lunches in the better hotels) but also and especially those in country houses, who might have had the money and space to stock up on tinned food (as Dennis Wheatley —https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dennis_Wheatley—had advised in his pre-war newspaper column).

Such people would have had enough land on which to grow fruits and vegetables for themselves, and might well have the possibility to shoot game birds, rabbits, hares, even deer, and also fish for trout, salmon etc. They could also easily raise chickens for eggs, despite the paucity of chickenfeed, while the rest of the population was rationed to 1 egg per week.

Anyone in a country house would quite likely also have a wine cellar, which, if replete with Claret, Burgundy or Champagne —and adapting Sam in Casablanca— “sure takes the sting out of being occupied ” [or rationed].

Today, the same applies, pretty much. Had I a country house today, I would certainly be stocking up on tinned food (which in many cases is OK almost indefinately from the safety point of view, though only at peak quality for 5 years or less). I should also be reserving at least an acre per person for vegetables etc, and would be planting, or maintaining any existing, fruit and nut trees and bushes.

I should also be filling my equally-hypothetical wine cellar. Basic or bland food tastes a lot better with a bottle of Chateau Margaux washing it down…

When my wife and I did have (a lease of) a country house (on the Cornwall/Devon border, about 20 years ago), there existed a large number of plum and apple trees, producing a quantity of fruit quite impressive, bearing in mind that they had not been maintained, pruned etc for decades.

With war again now looming on the horizon, together with social collapse, I would, were it possible, relocate back to the South West of the UK and also, were it possible, buy a country house (and follow my own advice above).

More tweets

Ha. Quite.

…and note my blog of yesterday’s date.

The floor is too low. I think that it should be somewhere around £10M. As to the percentage, probably 1%.

Early evening music

Late tweets seen

Important results.

Late music


Diary Blog, 9 October 2022, with thoughts around Liz Truss possibly freezing the UK State Pension

Morning music

[The Palace of Westminster]

On this day a year ago

5 years ago on the blog

The “grey vote”: Liz Truss adviser advised “freeze State Pension


Well, there it is. Anyone not wealthy, and over the age of 65, as well as quite a few people of lesser age, who votes for the Conservative Party, is now a turkey voting for Christmas.

During the currency of the 2010-2017 governments, David Cameron-Levita realized that the only reliable demographic voting Conservative was that of “older people” generally— the older the voter, the more likely was he (or she) to vote Con, and also the more likely that that voter was to actually vote at all.

UKIP and, also, Farage’s other and later vehicle, Brexit Party, were mainly made up of fairly grey-haired and mostly ex-Conservative members and voters, people who at least vaguely realized that the Conservative Party was actually helping to destroy Britain, as the young Disraeli once wrote [“the great Conservative Party, that destroys everything“] and wanted a party that reflected their views better.

The trend is more or less the same now, except that UKIP and Brexit Party do not exist in any real sense, though Reform Party has taken up some of that slack.

Cameron-Levita and his cronies knew that fewer and fewer “younger” people, especially voters under the age of 30, were voting Con. That underlined the need to consolidate the Con vote in older age-groups, and especially the group that not only mostly voted Con, but could be relied upon to cast a vote, those in receipt of a State Pension, meaning those over 65 and some over about 62 (the eligibility age being slowly raised over time).

There were other factors: the older sections of the population were also those more likely to own a house or other dwelling outright, having either never had a mortgage or having paid it off while in their fifties, typically. The rise in nominal money-value of residential property therefore benefited that same group of older people.

The older sections of the population, especially the pensioners, were also those who favoured Brexit the most.

It is widely accepted that the general elections of 2015 and 2017 were won by the Conservative Party entirely by reason of the pensioner vote.

In the 2017 general election age became a clear dividing line in British politics: older voters overwhelmingly voted Conservative and younger voters backed Labour.

The data shows that there are still some clear patterns along these lines, although the waters are somewhat muddied by a move away from two-party politics.”

[YouGov: https://yougov.co.uk/topics/politics/articles-reports/2019/10/31/2019-general-election-demographics-dividing-britai].

The average age of the Conservative voter is such that the steepness of its “age curve” (the increasing probability of a person at 2017 voting Conservative given their age) is now almost certainly steeper than the natural degree to which people “get” more Conservative as they age. This is important as it suggests that new cohorts of voters cannot replace and replenish the ranks of the Conservatives, even if they do naturally get more Conservative over time.”


See also: https://www.varsity.co.uk/opinion/22276.

The Conservative Party induced that reliable pro-Con voting bloc to carry on voting Con by introducing the “Triple Lock”, by which State Pensions would rise by the rate of inflation, or average pay, or 2.5% a year, whichever of the three was the greatest.

That obviously suited most pensioners very well, and secured those two election victories.

Poorer pensioners who received both State Pension and Pension Guarantee Credit were also served not badly, because the State Pension was covered by the Triple Lock, while Pension Guarantee Credit would still increase in amount, though only in line with inflation.

Rishi Sunak suspended the inflation part of the Triple Lock in 2021 (for financial year 2022-2023) [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53082530], thus —if you like— cheating pensioners; he also thereby broke the election pledge the Conservative Party made during the 2019 General Election.

Sunak, best known for his “panicdemic” “free money” giveaways, probably has that Triple Lock default, or sleight-of-hand, to thank for his not being ushered in as Conservative Party leader in 2022.

The vast majority of actual Conservative Party members are either pensioners or not far from becoming so. The, so-to-speak, “Indian giver” was basically given a slap by the Conservative Party pensioner membership. Had he not cheated the pensioners, Sunak would almost certainly be Prime Minister by now.

I’m laughing…

Now, it seems that the Liz Truss government may or may not continue with —that is, reinstate— the Triple Lock after 2023 (she still says yes…), but State benefits including Pension Guarantee Credit may or may not be uprated in accord with inflation— they may even be frozen.

Under the triple lock, pensions increase by the highest of earnings growth, price inflation or 2.5 per cent a year.

The government temporarily suspended the wages element of the pensions triple lock for 2022-23 to avoid a disproportionate rise of the state pension following the pandemic.

…former chancellor Rishi Sunak confirmed the return of the triple lock in May, and prime minister Liz Truss has since said she is “fully committed” to the lock.

…“With inflation into double-digits, average earnings (total pay) of 5.5 per cent isn’t expected to be the deciding factor in next April’s state pension increase. The state pension is likely to increase by around double this at over 10 per cent, confirmed in September’s inflation figure published next month.”

…“While prime minister Truss committed to reinstating the triple lock in the immediate term during her leadership campaign, questions will remain over its affordability and whether the triple lock will survive in its existing form in the manifestos of all parties ahead of the next general election.

[FT Adviser]

Can Liz Truss be trusted or relied upon? I think not (and her husband knows not!).

One thing is for sure— if Liz Truss or woolly-head Kwarteng short-change the “grey vote” any time between now and the next general election, that “grey vote” will either vote elsewhere or even just abstain, though it is ingrained in most of those of pensionable age that they should at least vote, as a civic duty.

There is also the point that house prices are forecast to fall, perhaps significantly, in 2023.

The Conservative Party is now around 20% in the opinion polls. Most of that hard-core 20% is composed of the “grey vote”. “Mess them about” by interfering with the State Pension and/or Pension Guarantee Credit, and the Con vote nationally, at a general election, might fall to as low as 10%. Then it would be “Goodnight Vienna” for the Conservative Party.

Tweets seen

Quite. Meaningless “exam passes”, “degrees” etc. Is James Cleverly any better or worse a Foreign Secretary for having a “degree” in Hospitality Management? It might even be “worse”…


More music

More tweets

Britain needs social nationalism. It alone can give the people what they need now and what they need for the future of their children.

Late tweets seen

I agree with both.

Social nationalism’s chance to rise up, and destroy the enemies of Europe’s future, will soon arrive.

Late music

Diary Blog, 5 October 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

A side-effect of workers moving out of care work to other work would be that care work would then only attract people with no other choices, forced to do care work by being, for example, pressured by the DWP.

Interesting video, rather idealistic. If the British Empire still existed and still ruled, the Arab-Jew problem in Palestine would be contained, and Israel would not be a centre of a manipulative web across the world.

I thought Elon Musk too intelligent to buy into a massive scam such as Twitter.

Making the best of it


That report reminded me of when I was first in Almaty, Kazakhstan (in 1996 and 1997). I lived on one of the main boulevards, Prospekt Lenina. There were frequent power cuts or, as the Americans say, “outages”.

I bought some candles for my 12th-floor Soviet penthouse apartment, and that was OK, though I nearly got stuck in the lift one day when there was a power cut the moment I stepped out of that lift, having returned from my office. The power did not return until about midday the next day, so that was a lucky miss for me.

In fact, my area of the city was not so badly affected as others, being within the “Presidentsky” district, where the then Presidential Palace and major embassies were located. Usually, the power cuts involved one or two areas at a time, with other areas continuing to receive electrical supply. Where I lived was certainly given preferential treatment, but still lost power fairly often.

I remember well that I was due to dine with three people one evening at a small and little-patronized Georgian restaurant in a quiet lane not too far from my home, a place almost in the countryside.

When the time came to meet those people, I was sitting in the empty restaurant. They arrived together, a young American in the Peace Corps, and two local Russian girls who were employed by an American organization; I had met them previously.

No sooner had they sat down than the electricity was cut off. The owner of the place, a Georgian lady called Bella, hurried to put out quite a few candles.

In the restaurant, with its wooden walls and lack of traffic noise (the lane outside was deserted), this created a kind of 19th century environment. One of the Russian girls started to play the piano which was there. Mainly Chopin.

In the candlelight, it was like being in a scene adapted from Chekhov or some other pre-revolutionary author; perhaps a country estate circa 1860 and in a Russia not yet hit by modern warfare or the shocks of violent revolution. Charmant

That evening has always stayed with me.

More tweets

NHS… 2022


Still clapping?

More tweets

Very clever. Funny, but also sad and also true…

Still slightly favourable on defence and “terrorism”? How? Why? The armed forces seem incapable of stopping migration invasion across the Channel, and are too small to stop any conventional invasion. The present ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) is pledged to continue to waste billions funnelling money and arms to the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

What about “terrorism”? The Muslims are not taking over the British cities via “terrorism” but via their birth-rate. The Jews continue to send their teenage children to Israel, there to be trained in the use of firearms, as well as in techniques of streetfighting, but are not even monitored (much) by the UK Security Service on their return to the UK.

More tweets

James Cleverly, proud possessor of a McDegree (in Hospitality Management) from a McUniversity, and who has never done much else (except work his way up in the TA) drones on. That half-caste is Foreign Secretary, believe it or not. This country is so screwed, and in so many ways.

I must do a blog article, in my Deadhead MPs series, about Cleverly.

Thinking about who would vote “Conservative” now.

Some would. People whose income is well above the norm, perhaps; those on £150,000+, and who are also voting out of purely personal self-interest . Then —the largest group— those who want to vote specifically against Labour, and see a Con vote as the only effective way to do it.

Are there any other groups of “Conservative” voters now? I think not. The last 12 years have seen no effective policy or action on the immigration problem, whether in general or specifically re. the cross-Channel migration-invasion. As for that trad Con strongpoint, “law and order”, we have seen police numbers cut, courts (in the hundreds) closed down to save money, a huge backlog of trials, and legal aid cuts which have effectively denied millions the right to access the legal system.

Yes, a lot can happen in the two years before a general election has to be held, but it cannot really be said that Liz Truss has any popular mandate, and things look likely to slide even further from here: utility bills, mortgage payments, whatever may hit the UK by reason of the wrongheaded anti-Russia sanctions and military adventurism.

Even the mainly self-interested “grey vote” of pensioners and those nearing State Pension age might pause before placing their crosses next to the Conservative Party candidate, now that it has emerged that the young Liz Truss actually wanted to abolish the State Pension, and who intends to slash other benefits relied on by pensioners.

I assessed Rory Stewart in 2019, when he was a candidate for the Conservative Party leadership. I also updated it, and continue to do so. A large number of people have read that assessment. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

This England

Saw an episode covering 2020. Not as good as the previous episode. Too many scenes with patients suffering (supposedly) from “Covid”, not enough scenes about the political infighting. The drama stuck to the official or accepted (?) narrative(s). Not much questioning of that.

Late tweets seen

There is an epidemic of serious heart problems caused by the so-called “vaccine”(s).

Late music

[painting by Konstantin Korovin]

Diary Blog, 14 August 2022

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

An extract from the blog of exactly a year ago:

The System needs at least two “major parties” (even if their combined membership is only about 600,000, i.e. 1% of the UK population) because it preserves the facade of a binary choice, the facade of supposed “democracy” etc. So fake Labour has to exist, just as fake Conservative Party has to exist, in order to fool the mass of the people into thinking that they have a real choice. They do not have any such choice.


Labour, like the “Conservatives”, has to exist and pretend to put forward a bunch of policies, when really both parties have been stripped of real policy, real difference, and even real politicians (look at the pathetic deadheads now crowding the Commons and Lords alike). You want to see what “ZOG” looks like? Just look at “British” political parties and MPs today.

Nothing has changed.

“Covid” “vaccine” uselessness


Cashing-in pensions


Leaving aside the immediate issue reported on (fuel inflation), it should not be possible to “cash in” a private pension below X-age. If I am not mistaken, the right to cash-in was brought in, or made much easier, when the part-Jew, George Osborne, was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

A private pension is to help someone of pensionable age, clearly. It is not just a long-term investment of some kind. It is against public policy in the broad sense to allow pensions to be simply cashed-in.

In fact, it is contra public policy in practical terms as well, quite apart from the ethical aspect, or impact on the individual, because someone who cashes-in a private pension but then later, at or above pensionable age, becomes poor enough to require State “Pension Credit Guarantee”, will have his or her State Pension augmented by Pension Credit so that he or she receives a minimum of £185 per week (as well as other benefits, such as Housing Benefit etc if applicable).

In other words, not only the individual but also the State itself will, in that instance, lose out financially.

“The world is not without kind people”


The world is not without kind people“, says a Russian proverb. One sees that constantly, despite also seeing contrary news.

Look at the story about “Mrs. Hinch”. She has given away a £600,000 house simply because she wants to help a family, and “does not need” the capital proceeds of any sale.

Remarkable. I have no idea whether her husband is wealthy; she herself is said to be “worth” about £1.5M (presumably discounting the donated house).

It was not clear to me, on skimming the report, whether the house donated has actually been transferred, or just given to live in rent-free for as long as permitted. Either way, very generous.

If only the very wealthy of our society, those possessing tens, hundreds, or thousands of millions, were as kind-hearted.

More tweets seen

[in an ideal world…]

London. Zoo. Monkeyworld.

Full-term abortion“. Murder of babies born, or being born, or about to be born, and perfectly capable of living a full human life in most cases. Straight murder. Legalized.

Will any of those Australian MPs be held to account in an appropriate way?

“Racism” against white Europeans is now considered OK; but any perceived mere criticism of Jews, or non-whites, is not only not approved of by the System, but may even be criminalized by biased law and enforcement.

“They” worm their way in everywhere, if not stopped.

Educated guess: of those 19,000 or more migrant-invaders, not one will actually be —in any way— someone who benefits the British people, but let us be kind, and assume that 1% benefit the UK (somehow). What about the other 99%? Guessing (but I think reasonably) further: of every 100 migrant-invaders, at least 10, maybe 20, will turn out to be criminal and/or terroristic; the remaining 79 or more will just be completely useless millstones round our collective neck.

I was not too pleased about Neil Oliver when he did Coast, especially his —not always well-informed– occasional anti-“Nazi” historical (or ahistorical) comments, but he has certainly redeemed himself in the past couple of years.

Not that I agree with everything he now says, but no matter. He is in general on the right track. I may be an “idealist”, as some have called me, but I do have pragmatic aspects as well.

Ask “Robert Maxwell” or Jeffrey Epstein. Oh, no— you can’t, because they snuffed it under mysterious circumstances. Ask Ghislaine “Maxwell”, then. Oh, no— you can’t, because she is in prison for much of the rest of her horrible life, and afraid of being murdered (as was, she thinks, her father) by Israeli Intelligence killers.

Liz Truss and Priti Patel, and Keir Starmer (etc) should be wary of being puppets of Israel and the Jew lobby. It’s one rouble to get in, but two roubles to get out…

Temperature variations

Incredible how varied the UK can be in terms of temperature. Where I live (Hampshire coast) the temperature at 0900 hrs this morning was 22C, in London at same time it was 33C, but in Edinburgh only 16C.

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Eddie Izzard is as much a woman as a pantomime horse is Red Rum.

Late tweets seen

I do not usually approve of rowdy behaviour, but if a few frustrated Brits in Greece were to give the idiot a kicking, I have to admit that I would not be upset about it.

Incapable of creating a civilization, incapable of maintaining one even when provided to them, and most of them incapable even of simply living decently as unwanted “guests” in the civilization created by white Europeans.

Late music

[New Zealand, South Island]