Tag Archives: GE 2024

Diary Blog, 24 June 2024

Morning music

[River Wey, Surrey]

Talking point

An idealized but not really untruthful view of how parts of England were in the 1950s, or even early 1960s, if you forget the 1930s-style bus in the background.

Incidentally, I was watching a “true crime” documentary about a series of appalling murders carried out by some crazed half-caste in the mid-1980s, the “Stockwell Strangler” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Erskine], who, incidentally, is still detained in a mental hospital.

What struck me as much as anything is how smart the uniformed police still looked back then; one forgets. No beards, no stubble, no tattoos, and wearing shirts and ties and neat uniforms. What a contrast to the often untidy-looking rabble they (especially in London?) are today, with their beards and tattoos.

Tweets seen

A parody very close to the truth.

Sometimes, as I navigate along the potholed and badly-patched highways in the area where I live (supposedly one of the most affluent in England), thinking about things, I think that this country is so ****** that only some kind of very radical, indeed revolutionary, change will be able to give it a decent future.

Our animal friends…

The very picture of self-regarding entitlement. I wrote an assessment of Rory Stewart several years ago, and much-updated since: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Needless to say, my views on the current migration-invasion are not unalike to those of Suella Braverman, but I do not need some Mauritian Indian bas-class import to tell me what to think. Anyway, she is married to a Jewish Zionist, and supports Israel to the hilt, so nein, danke!

For Ukrainian troops, a difficult situation has developed on the battlefield, said the head of intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. This is how he answered the journalist’s question whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to stop the advance of Russian troops.”

Will truth now start to break out in the newsrooms of the Western msm?

Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Kiev-regime “Ukraine” is not even a “failed state”— it is scarcely a state at all.

Huge numbers of Israeli Jews are dual passport-holders.



Nigel Farage is on course to win the Clacton seat with a 27 point lead in a devastating blow to the Conservatives.

The Clacton Constituency poll, conducted by JL Partners on behalf of Friderichs Advisory Partners, has Farage polling at 48 per cent while the Tory leader sits back at 21 per cent of the vote share.

Farage is leading in every age group apart from the 18 to 34-year-olds and only one in five 2019 Conservative voters are sticking to the party.

[GB News]

I presume by “Tory leader”, GB News means “Conservative Party candidate”(?), unless the reference is to Sunak in his Richmond (Yorkshire) constituency.

I predicted previously on the blog that the Labour candidate at Clacton would bomb, maybe even losing his deposit. Let’s see.

Diary Blog, 22 June 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week brought only 5/10, same as political journalist John Rentoul. I knew the answers to questions 1, 2, 3, 8, and 10; was a few years out on question 7, could not bring to mind the answer to question 4, and had no idea about questions 5, 6, and 9.

Tweets seen

Alpine Switzerland. A rather wet day.

I am a market researcher. I spoke to Sunak about Polls at the leadership hustings. I don’t think he believes them and to some extent he is right to do so. But we’ve been out campaigning in Bexhill and Battle and have yet to meet anyone whose said they’ll vote Tory in a 26k majority seat.”

We read newspapers, watch TV commentary, see opinion polls, look at (often biased) Twitter/X comment. All contribute to our belief as to what might happen on Election Day. Beyond that, there is mere personal experience of one’s own local area; anecdotal, subjective.

I myself live in an area of coastal Hampshire known for being traditionally “safe” Conservative. The local MP is someone with some of whose views (eg on the Covid scamdemic/panicdemic) I can agree, but with whom I would not agree on other topics. He is also a very poor constituency MP— lazy, uncaring, and totally useless in fact, as a few people have told me after not having received help or even a polite acknowledgment from him.

In previous general elections, I have seen almost exclusively Conservative Party posters around, and one huge banner on a house in the nearby small town. This time, I think only one Conservative poster, and three or four LibDem ones. Unscientific, but is that a straw in the wind? Hard to say, but interesting all the same.

The incumbent MP has been there since the constituency was created in 1997. He has never scored below 50%, and received well over 60% in both 2017 and 2019. Labour usually come third (second in 2017) here, and the LibDems (usually second-placed, though fourth behind Con, UKIP and Labour in 2015) had their best result in 1997 (27.8%).

In other words, it would take a political earthquake, maybe a political meteorite strike, to displace the Conservative here…and yet…and yet…

I may be reading too much into the presence or otherwise of political posters put up locally, but it occurred to me that the Conservative Party in the constituency has (perhaps) few volunteers now. The average age of Con Party members in this constituency must be around 80 if not 90. Does the presence of a few LibDem posters indicate a local upsurge, or just a single diligent volunteer?

I cannot see the LibDem candidate displacing the Con candidate this time, even if Reform UK do well, but who knows? Con, Lab and LibDem are all standing for election, but so also is a double-barrelled (in both senses, probably) Reform UK fellow, a Green, an Animal Welfare candidate [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Animal_Welfare_Party], and one for the SDP, which I am surprised to see claims 2,000 members nationally [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_Democratic_Party_(UK,_1990%E2%80%93present)].

How big the Reform UK vote here will be on 4 July 2024 is uncertain. UKIP scored 16.9% in 2015, though far less prior to that. Since 2015, there has been no broadly “national” party standing, and no social-national party has ever stood here.

If the staff had been Palestinian Arabs, they would have stood no chance. Having said that, Arabs would probably not have been employed anyway, for reasons of security.

Farage and Reform UK to merge with the Cons within 14 days? That sounds ludicrous. If it were to happen, in the 12 days left, it would just be a replay of 2019, when Farage stabbed his own party in the back; with one big difference, though— in 2019, Farage’s back-stab meant that instead of a likely hung Parliament, “Boris”-idiot was able to get an 80-seat Commons majority. In this General Election, the surrounding situation is very different.

Were the predicted merger to occur, and if Farage then urged voters to vote Con in many constituencies, all that would happen would be that Labour would still win overall, but with a majority of maybe 100+ instead of maybe 300. Of course, that would save perhaps 100 or 150 Con Party seats. It would also destroy whatever credibility Farage still seems to have with many people.

After any such merger, I suppose that the idea would be that Sunak would lose the election, resign, disappear from view, and that a leadership election would then anoint Farage as leader of the Con/Reform party.

Not totally impossible, arguably, but very unlikely. Reform UK is on a roll. Brexit Party had all wind taken out of its sails by Farage’s treachery in 2019. The same would happen today. It might even help Labour more than Reform UK fighting on as at present. After all, all the Reform UK candidates are now on the ballot papers.

The only way the predicted merger would work would be if Sunak and Farage were to announce a list of which seats would be “gifted” to Reform UK, but the candidates would still have to remain nominally in place.

That prediction to me sounds like nonsense. After the election might be a different story, were Reform UK to have 5-10 MPs in the Commons, and the Cons 50-100. However, once Reform UK merged with the Cons, and after (if it were to happen) Farage were elected to lead the merged parties, then what? The surviving Con MPs would be not a good match with the new Reform UK MPs; apple and orange. What could they offer the public? Con Party policies but with more emphasis on immigration? Sounds underwhelming.

Never say never, but I cannot see it as likely. If, however, it were to happen, it might yet open the door, on the flank, to real social-national people. “Always look on the bright side of life“.

As to that Gewolb individual’s views on UK interest rates, I do not have the economic background to assess them.

Incidentally, this is Gewolb: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/my-biggest-mistake-i-was-slow-to-start-a-success-1110542.html;


American merchant banker, UK resident since 1999, now aged 80.

The Conservative Party is dying on its feet right in front of us. I really cannot see Farage wanting to ally himself with a party that, in another metaphor, is sinking below the waves. Not even after the election.

I notice that the Sky News “Chief Political Correspondent”, one Jon Craig, has been wheeled out to write a piece on the Sky News website about how “vile” Farage was to speak the truth about the Ukraine situation, i.e. that NATO has steadily advanced across Eastern Europe since the 1990s, thus destabilizing the NATO-Russia status quo.

Interesting language…”vile“— reminiscent of the language used by “the usual suspects” (((them)))…

The System may be getting or feeling seriously threatened by Reform UK, and is trying to use attack propaganda to weaken Farage’s appeal.

Craig claims that most “Britons” support “Ukraine” (the Kiev regime). I doubt it. Look at the comments section of the Daily Mail.

There is something going on here, with System scribblers, talking heads, and both “Labour” and “Conservative” Friends of Israel MPs all attacking Farage.

I have just heard the news on my car radio. Farage’s comments about the Ukraine situation were prominently displayed. I wonder, though, whether the Kiev regime is as popular with the people as it is with pseudo-“elite” deadheads such as Ben Wallace (former Con MP) and the Labour Friends of Israel drones. I think not.

In any case, few if any will now decide not to vote for Reform UK just because of a few comments about NATO.

From the newspapers


Interesting Guardian analysis.

More tweets

Using, as always, Electoral Calculus, I make that a House of Commons with 468 Labour MPs —overall majority of 286, Con 67, LibDem 63, SNP 20, Reform UK 6, Plaid 4, Greens 2 (etc). https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html.

I agree, in principle, with the vast majority of that, about 90%. Only social nationalism will actually “do de job”, though. Reform UK is too finance-capitalistic, too pro-Israel, not quite what I would ever support as a destination (rather than as a means to an end).

Today is the UK msm “hit Farage” day, it seems. “Ukraine”, NHS etc etc. Anything to get the Reform UK vote down. I doubt that it will work.

Our cat friends…

I have blogged once or twice in the past about how, in the mid-1990s, I visited the biological research base at Porton Down, accompanying the then Ukrainian Ambassador. Those posts can be found via the search box on the blog. Here is one, anyway: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/03/06/diary-blog-6-march-2022/



Worth reading.

Late tweets seen

Good grief. He is only 5 years older than me; looks like an extra from Lord of the Rings, perhaps (first picture) someone with an incurable affliction or someone cursed by a wizard, or (second picture) a dishonest peasant or itinerant tinker. Still moneygrasping at age 72. Part-Jew. I never liked what I saw of him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Geldof.

Left to itself, the world’s only Jewish state would collapse into a kind of civil war, but the money and armament provided by the Jewish “communities” both directly and indirectly (via governments) in the USA, UK, France etc keep the whole project going, so far.

Zelensky is a Jewish tyrant, who has suspended elections, banned most political parties, banned trade unions, and arrested or killed political opponents.

Perhaps a general Russian advance.

Germany is no longer the same” – Orban chastised Berlin for the failure of migration policy.

Before his visit to Berlin, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban criticized modern Germany. He said that the country had even lost its former smell, clearly making fun of its problem with migration, writes The Daily Telegraph. “Germany no longer has the taste it used to have. She doesn’t smell like she used to anymore. This whole Germany is no longer the Germany that our grandparents and parents set as an example for us,” the politician said in an interview before a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Orbán also said that Germany was once a country of “order,” “well-organized work” and “hard-working people.” But now, he noted, citing the German newspaper Die Welt, Germany is a “colorful, changed, multicultural world” where migrants are “no longer guests.” “This is a very big change,” summed up the head of the Hungarian government.

Late thoughts about GE 2024

If reports are to be believed, 20% of voters have either not made up their minds as to how they will vote, or have not decided whether they will vote at all.

The 20% equates to thousands of eligible voters in every constituency.

It is also reported that as many as 175 seats are in very close contest now, more than a quarter of all seats.

I have speculated previously whether there is, or is not, a bloc of “secret Reform UK voters”, people who may not admit to leaning towards Reform UK if asked. I do not know the answer to that, and neither do I know its size if it exists, but if that bloc does exist, and if it mostly votes Reform UK on the day, then all bets are off, because there just might be a political meteorite strike on the 4th of July…

Late music

[painting by Michael and Inessa Garmash]

Diary Blog, 21 June 2024

Afternoon music

[William Sergeant Kendall, Psyche]

North Cornwall

I happened to see a Guardian piece about the General Election as it is playing out in North Cornwall: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jun/19/field-fork-disillusioned-voters-feeling-pinch-north-cornwall.

I lived in that constituency for a couple of years, 20+ years ago, and in 2019 wrote a blog post about the constituency and about Scott Mann, the most recent MP (and GE 2024 candidate): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/14/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-scott-mann-story/

Tweets seen

I am presuming that that is in Clacton.

Even that averaged poll translates, according to my use of Electoral Calculus, into a House of Commons with 476 Labour MPs (overall majority 302), 62 LibDem, 60 Con, 20 SNP, 6 Reform UK, 4 Plaid, and 2 Green (etc).


There are still large numbers of (arguably) “well-meaning” pro-mass-immigration idiots around. They are loud on Twitter/X, and on msm shows such as BBC Question Time. In the country as a whole, while I think that they are a minority, and possibly a smaller minority than was the case 5 years ago, there are still far too many of them.

We have to be clear. The level of immigration into the UK, effectively a migration-invasion, that we have been seeing (~1M a year), is not just a debating issue for the TV, radio, or at university moots; it is an existential danger for UK society. UK society stands in peril of complete collapse within a decade because of this.

It seems that one must repeat and repeat the valid points about pressure on every part of society caused by or made much worse by the invasion, because that pro-immigration minority, most MPs, most TV and radio talking heads, and most newspaper scribblers, are NOT LISTENING.

More tweets seen

The “Ukrainian” (Kiev regime) army just gained another recruit…

The sooner the Zionist cabal in Kiev is overthrown, or crushed in battle, the better for all the people of the region.

Yes, but literally millions of idiots and/or quasi-traitors are either unable to see that, or prefer not to see it. However, the real emergency around immigration is the total picture, not just the ~5% invading across the Channel.

Voters are increasingly dissatisfied with the System parties. A large part of that is not purely ideological but actuated by the ever-lower living standards and conditions of employment, housing and general life-expectation.

As the millions of migrant-invaders flow in, the situation can only intensify, along with the frustration and dissatisfaction of the UK masses, leading eventually to an overthrow of the entire system in this country.

What is so disgusting about the “Boris” Johnson pseudo-“upper crust” “cosplay” is that the bastard is not even really British. Part-Jew (one of his ancestors was an Orthodox Jewish rabbi in Lithuania), and brought up mainly in the USA and Belgium, with a gloss of Englishness via Eton and Oxford (where his nationality was recorded as having been “American”). Cameron-Levita is a more-polished version of the same, really.

The last actually/really British Prime Minister was Gordon Brown (if you leave out the moronic 49-day careerist “Prime Minister”, Liz Truss).

The so-called “expert commentators”— the Tim Montgomeries, the Ayesha Hazarikas, the Beth Rigbys… when have they been right about anything?

I saw a few minutes of Montgomerie on Sky News yesterday, all emotional because of the distress being suffered by people who have been Conservative MPs for years and who are now candidates, and the distress and anxiety suffered by their families now that the Cons look set to be all but wiped out. “These are people“, cried Montgomerie.

Ha ha! Watch me laugh as some at least of those System political swine and profiteers suffer a tiny bit of the anxiety and distress suffered over the past 14+ years by the sick, disabled, poor, homeless, unemployed etc, while those bastards voted time and again to bully and oppress —and repress— the real people suffering in this country. I want the “Conservative” careerists to suffer personally. I want them to have to chase jobs with no result. I want them to worry every day about whether they can feed themselves and their families. I want them to lose their homes and status symbols. I want them to suffer.

I think that a very large proportion of the country is with me on this.

…and “they” are still whining, and writing books, and making Hollywood films about Jews detained in Europe more than 80 years ago.

Mariupol on the Sea of Azov, before the present war the 10th largest city of Ukraine, and which was heavily damaged in the fighting a couple of years ago.

Looks like Russia is making a good start, at the very least, in reconstructing the city.

The city is largely and traditionally Russian-speaking, while ethnically the population is divided about evenly between Ukrainians and Russians. There is also a significant ethnic Greek minority in the city.” [Wikipedia]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mariupol.

Late music

[Arnold Bocklin, Ruins by the Sea]

Diary Blog, 20 June 2024

Morning music

Tasty, tasty, very very tasty

I was looking up some TV composers on Wikipedia, IMDB, and YouTube, and happened to see the ad below, a 1982 TV ad for breakfast cereal. People in the UK still remember it, though the music was also used for other ads featuring the same product, Bran Flakes.

I knew the actress featured, a lady called Fran, when I was in my mid-twenties, in the early 1980s. She was South African, 30-35, very lively, and whose father was at the time a director of the South African subsidiary of British Oxygen. I recall being told by a mutual friend that he would complain that he had paid out large amounts to keep Fran at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA) in London. Her friends there apparently thought (perhaps not entirely wrongly) that her father was “some kind of millionaire“, when they saw her large rented flat and absence of financial struggle; many of them were in cramped bedsits.

Fran’s father’s complaint was not so much that he had paid out for her to attend RADA as a foreign student for —I think— 4 years, but more that, notwithstanding her desire to become a classical actress appearing in Shakespeare etc, she had had few roles offered to her once she graduated, possibly because she spoke with a mixture of South African, Australian and English accent(s).

The “Tasty Tasty” ad was the only fairly well-paid role —so to speak— she was ever offered, as far as I know, though I believe that she did appear in a couple of plays somewhere or other. The ad paid a flat fee of £5,000 (in 1982; you could probably multiply the value today by 5x if not more, so at least £25,000 in today’s money).

Bran Flakes put out about half a dozen other ads using the same jingle during the 1980s, but Fran was only in that one, which was filmed, if memory serves, in Sydney.

Fran never lost her accent, which was somewhere between her native South African speech and that of her husband, an Australian who had come to London seeking stardom as a singer, but who also fell short, eventually becoming an entertainer on cruise ships (I think P&O, mainly).

I found Fran easy to talk to, her husband less so somehow, though I only encountered them together once, I think. They tended to live rather separate lives much of the time, encountering each other at intervals, in the manner of comets or planets or whatever. He was on the cruise ships much of the time.

I think that they stayed married mainly for two reasons: they had a nice little boy, Sam, about 4 when I knew him. A lady I knew, and who had known the husband when he was a student who rented an attic room from her, sometimes babysat Sam when the parents wanted an evening out. At the time, they rented a flat in Hampstead. Later, I believe, they moved to a cottage in Surrey, or maybe Sussex.

The little boy seemed to like me when I called in at times during the babysitting. He loved the older lady babysitter more, though, because she let him stay up with her as long as he liked, watching TV with her. That older lady often told me about how she had, many times, in years past, had to shield the husband, David, from girls insistently calling and wanting to speak to him.

The other reason the couple stayed married was apparently financial. Both sets of parents had opposed the marriage for religious reasons. One set (I think the Australian) was Roman Catholic, the other some kind of Protestant. Or vice-versa. Both sets were strongly anti-divorce. Both sets were financially loaded and made it clear that “no divorce, or no inheritance“…

On the couple of occasions when our paths crossed, I found the husband of that couple rather melancholic, something not unknown in the world of entertainment, as I understand. As for Fran, I think she found it hard to find a place (in life) in the UK. She said (very truly) “In London, stick your nose out of the door and £15 is gone!” (make that £50 or £75 in the London of 2024). I remember that she enjoyed a day out we had at Ascot, and her humour that day. My parents were there, and liked her.

I heard this and that about the couple over the years (including a couple of amusing but unkind anecdotes better not included here), but the last time I saw Fran was at Raoul’s Cafe in Little Venice, along with the other lady mentioned here. Fran and her husband were now living in the Caribbean, on Grand Cayman. That must have been around 1994.

As I get older (67 now), I find that my inherent tendency to look back is intensified. I have always taken an interest in how people develop and live through their lives, and the relation of that to society and its structure.

I wonder what happened to that couple in the end. The husband must be in his mid-seventies, at least; as for Fran, maybe early to mid-seventies. Even the little boy, Sam, must now be about 44 or 45. Good grief.

Tweets seen

I see so many tweets from the usual “antifascist, no racism, Ukraine, FBPE, refugees welcome and bring millions of your tribesmen with you” idiots, mostly calling for people in Clacton to vote for anyone but Farage, and for voters all over the UK to not vote Reform UK.

Rarely, in fact never, do I see any of those Twitter/X idiots attempt to square the circle of a million immigrants per year coming in, yet only 200,000 dwelling units completed in 2023. Or how to keep paying liveable pay when the potential labour force pool increases steadily while productivity drops. Or how to maintain State benefits and/or State pensions when a million persons a year, who have never paid in anything, become “entitled” to receive the benefits and pensions. Or how to subsidize that million extra individuals every year, when the vast majority of them are not only not employed but often completely unemployable.

All the aforesaid idiots do is demand by tweet that “the Government” builds more and more houses for the immigrants, pays them more and more from State coffers, and so on. Complete unreality.

In Clacton, Farage is now firm favourite to win. In his place, I should “double and triple the guard“, after what has already happened. He has become such a hate figure for some that I do not rule out some sort of assassination attempt by pro-immigration loonies.

Typical msm “commentator”/”journalist” scribbler and talking head. Clueless.

Yesterday, Sam Coates on Sky News expressed the view that Nigel Farage might be elected in Scotland! Slip of the tongue, yes, but Coates just carried on without having corrected himself.

Take a look at the video clip. Hustings organized by the Jewish lobby establishment, and guarded by Jew-Zionist thugs on the door. The sole anti-Zionist candidate not allowed to enter.


Looks as if my bold —some say rash— prediction of as few as 50 Con MPs after 4 July 2024 might yet come true.

More music

[East Berlin, 1970s. Looks rather like Victorian parts of London that I recall, such as the area by Ladywell Station in South -East London, especially were you to replace the Volga (car) by something more likely]

Life is more usually grey than black and white and, after all, there were few places more grey than the DDR (East Germany)…

More tweets

Jewish-lobby puppet Largan treating one or more of his constituents with contempt. The little bastard has no place as MP anywhere, and least of all for the High Peak constituency. He was born and brought up in the southwest of the Manchester area, and until elected, narrowly, for High Peak, was an accountant working for Marks & Spencer in London.

Whatever one may think of the flags, Largan is supposed to be asking for the votes of all eligible voters, not treating those who are anti-Israel with contempt.

He’s toast. After 4 July, Largan will not even be a footnote, politically. Ordinary employment beckons…

More music

[“Moscow Windows“]
[Gorky Street, Moscow, 1950s]

Late tweets seen

It may seem absurd, at first blush, to compare the likely destruction of the Conservative Party with that of the East German communists [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_Unity_Party_of_Germany#Final_days:_collapse_of_the_SED], but in systemic terms there is not much difference.

A long-established party gets increasingly out of touch with the population in general, and there is institutional inertia (in the UK, the FPTP voting system, and ingrained popular “small-c conservatism”; in the DDR/East Germany, the repressive organs of the State (the Volkspolizei, the so-called “Stasi”, the “Aufklarung” etc) and absence of any but rigged voting.

However, that inertia is only effective up to a point, the point at which the situation gets to the tipping-point. The established power-party then collapses.

Montgomerie seems surprised that the very centre of Conservative Party misgovernment contains people (“special adviser” “SpAd” idiot-careerists, MPs, even policemen guarding 10 Downing Street) willing to sell their professionalism and even basic integrity and honour for a few hundred quid.

I heard similar stories about Moscow in the 1980s, when I was in a sense on the periphery of events there (though I never actually visited until 1993, after the Soviet Union had collapsed), and heard a lot from people who visited the Soviet Union, or had relocated to the UK. Policemen openly soliciting bribes, diplomats dealing in smuggled Western consumer goods, corruption in marking exams, you name it.

Symptomatic of a corrupt and collapsing system sliding into the mire.

Montgomerie has been pushing out “Conservative” scheiss for (?) 15 years, but he has always been able to at least pose as an upstanding and principled Conservative. Now? He has no choice, psychologically, but to turn against his own party, or lose all ideological integrity.

He seems to have belatedly woken up to the fact that the little Indian money-juggler neither looks like, nor behaves like, nor speaks like, nor thinks like a prime minister, a fact repeatedly noted on this blog.

This may be a “conspiracy theory” take, but there is something almost (?) orchestrated about the implosion of the Conservative campaign. Do the ruling circles and secret cabals want as bad a result as possible for the Conservatives, so that Keir Starmer, someone without any real ideology, and who is a puppet for NWO/ZOG, can impose a pseudo-democratic tyranny over the next 5 years and beyond? Open question.

Sunak’s “incredible anger” is about as convincing as the spoiled little girl of literature who threatens to “scream and scream until she is sick”. Entirely unconvincing.

The little Indian money-juggler seems to think that, after 4 July 2024, there will still be a Conservative Party out of which the corrupt defaulters can be “booted”. Sunak should read the (national) room. He’s toast. His party is toast. His candidates are almost all toast. Sunak himself will be “booted” out of both government and party in about 2 weeks.

Ha. “What goes around comes around“…

Well, Washington? Well, Paris? Well, Warsaw? Still want to give heavy and advanced armaments, including long-range missiles, to the Kiev regime?

Late music

[Levitan, June Day, Summer]

Diary Blog, 19 June 2024

Morning music

[Germany 1945— “We are fighting for the future of our children!“]

Tweets seen

600 in a day. Not counting those who sneak in on the backs of lorries etc. Not including the 3,000+ that entered superficially “legally”, on the same day (as “family members”, “students”, “fiances”, “fiancees”, those on fraudulently-obtained work visas etc, or as asylum seekers approved from outside the UK).

You still see pseudo-liberal idiots saying or tweeting that immigration is not a high priority in the UK’s list of problems to be dealt with. Think again. Immigration on this scale impacts everything, either immediately or later, and for endless years to come.

About a million a year, maybe more, and if some say it is “only” half a million “net”, does that really make much difference? So either 10 million in the next 20 years, or 20 million in the same time-period…

Goodbye Britain as anything other than a dystopian hellhole if that happens, i.e. if a real British Government does not stop it.

How many LibLabCon politicians could attract a crowd a twentieth as large? A crowd composed of ordinary local voters, by the way.

If you look at Twitter/X, as always very very unrepresentative, you will see people lauding the unemployed 25-y-o African “eternal student” who is the Labour Party’s bizarre choice of candidate. Frankly, that useless creature will be lucky to save his deposit; he will certainly not get more than 15% of the vote. This is between Reform UK and the Conservative Party whose candidate is invisible.

As a social-national blogger and thinker, I should prefer there to be a social-national party that I could support, even if a party not led by me. However, there is no such party in the UK at present.

In realistic terms, all that can be done at GE 2024 is to destroy one half of the main System binary, i.e. the Conservative Party, and to move the “Overton Window”, so that there is space into which social-national ideas and, then, a movement, can flow.

The best chance at present is that the “controlled opposition” Reform UK does well enough to destroy the Conservative Party, even if at the cost of a Labour “elected” (by default) dictatorship for a while.

I have a feeling that Israel-puppet Starmer’s plan to enfranchise persons of 16-17 years of age may backfire on him.

Ideologically, I do not always have time for pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby Katie Hopkins, but it has to be admitted that she is something else…Tough does not start to cover it.

I agree with her there.

Exactly. The NWO/ZOG System wants Israel-puppet Starmer as “elected” dictator. He will clamp down even more on (real) free speech (as practised on this blog), he will flood the UK with even more non-Europeans, and he will be more finance-capital friendly even than Blair, Brown, Cameron-Levita etc.

Starmer’s expected enormous Commons majority will enable the installation of a kind of “woke” tyranny. It is then that the British people will have to go beyond the usual kinds of “acceptable” opposition.

More music

More tweets seen

Sunak, saying that he “has been fortunate” in his life…Married, of course, to the richest Indian in India.

Sunak always reminds me of some of the contestants on shows such as The Chase, people that make me think, “you are so ******* ignorant; why are you even on a quiz show in the first place? You could not buy a correct answer“…

Sunak is a bit like that when he tries to show that he has what it takes to be Prime Minister of the UK. He plainly does not have what it takes. The little Indian money-juggler neither looks, nor thinks, nor behaves, nor speaks like a prime minister.

I happened to see a Sky News report this morning. 900 migrant-invaders have already been landed at Dover today, ferried in by the “Border Force” (border farce). All in identical orange lifejackets, all on a very large Border Force vessel, delivering them at a fast rate of knots to our shores.

900 in one single day (so far).

This is a conspiracy, the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, being carried on in plain sight, right under the noses of the public and the msm. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Metaphors…”begging bowl“; how about “dustbin”?

More music

More tweets

The Conservative Party candidate in the famous Smethwick by-election had a poster saying “if you want a n****r for a neighbour, vote Labour“. 60 years on, it turns out that the second part of the sentence should have read “…vote Labour, Conservative, LibDem, or Green“.


Interesting (even if Matt Goodwin, an academic, apparently needs to brush up on the use of the apostrophe).

Good idea.

Pity those trying to restrain the vandals did not give them the bejesus of a good kicking.

Israel has created ghetto-entities (Gaza, West Bank); cutting off oil via Turkey will ghetto-ize Israel itself.

I’m lovin’ it!

According to my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that would mean a House of Commons with 444 Labour MPs (overall majority 238), LibDems 65, Reform UK 50, Cons 45, SNP 20, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (etc).

If that were to come to pass, absolutely stunning. It would mean pretty much the end of the Conservative Party, certainly the end of it as a (let alone the) natural or default party of government.

For one thing, most of those wanting selection as Conservative candidates, and MPs, are careerists. Few will be attracted by a party that has only 45 MPs.

Donors are already withdrawing from the Conservative Party. Large donors usually want, at very least, influence in return for their money. A party which has only 45 MPs and is not the governing party, not the official Opposition, but only 4th in the Commons, has little to offer, little to sell.

If Reform UK really did break through to the extent indicated, the “Overton Window” will have been not only moved but blasted aside.

Social nationalism might then really start to take off. Exciting.

Late music

Diary Blog, 18 June 2024

Afternoon music

[Adzharia, Black Sea coast]

Tweets seen

Made me laugh (all three of those tweets)…


Just one symptom of a sick society. The sort of people who take Eddie Izzard seriously (politically or otherwise…and probably call him “her”) are the same sort that would love that fake “Labour” unemployed African freeloader to win the election at Clacton.

I am not usually a Champagne drinker but…maybe a half-bottle of vintage on 5 July.

I would not be drinking to Labour’s victory but to the Con Party’s downfall, and especially to the downfall of any of their MPs who will hopefully suffer personally at least slightly as much as those victimized by them over the past 14 years.

Late tweets

Laura Trott. Complete idiot. Idiots like that pretend to know how to rule over us, they pretend to know…things; they also have a completely misconceived sense of entitlement. Kick them into the political gutter.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevenoaks_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Trott_(politician).

Ha ha! “…I won’t be intimidated…!“, tweets Israel-lobby puppet Largan, as he runs away…

He must be looking for a new job, or getting back his old one at Marks & Spencer. His chance of re-election is very small. Nasty little man.

Another one to be binned politically in 2 weeks’ time.

Laura Farris. Another “Conservative” Party idiot. Sadly, in a (formerly, at least) very safe seat. The only way to get rid of her politically on 4 July will be tactical voting. The only obviously likely party would be the LibDems, though Reform UK is standing in Newbury, and is an unknown quantity.

In 2019, Laura Farris scored 57.4% (LibDems 30.6%).

In 2015, UKIP scored over 10% here.

In my opinion, it is not impossible to see Reform UK getting 15% or even more, and the Con vote reducing to about 40%, maybe even 35%. In those circumstances, it is at least possible to see the LibDems getting 35% (or even more, if aided by tactical voting; they scored 35.5% in 2010) and so pulling off rather a coup.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newbury_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Farris.

According to my use of Electoral Calculus, that would give Labour 512 MPs (overall majority 374), LibDems 58, Cons 31, SNP 20, Reform UK 4, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (etc).


So, on that basis, a Labour “elected” dictatorship, LibDems as official Opposition, Cons facing the end of the road, and the SNP pretty washed-up. Also, Farage with a very small but significant bloc of MPs, likely to punch above their weight in public relations terms.

Incidentally, were the Cons to fall to 17% from 18%, their MP numbers would fall from 31 to only 21. FPTP is a harsh system.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 15 June 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I return to winning form: 8/10, compared to the 6/10 scored by political journalist John Rentoul. I did not know the answers to questions 7 and 10.

Tweets seen

Cameron-Levita in his usual bubble of total unreality. The idiot who brought us the war on Gaddafi (result— millions of Africans flooding Europe), fake “austerity” (result— misery for millions, as well as lower economic growth than anywhere in the then EU, USA etc), and other misconceived policy choices, most recently the increased support for the brutal and shambolic dictatorship of Zelensky in Kiev.

Ursula Haverbeck— arguably the bravest person in Europe.

She thinks that she is terribly clever, and making the old lady seem outdated, “bigoted”, “gammon” etc. Ha. Laugh now if you want to…

The pendulum may start to swing back now that pine martens are being reintroduced in several parts of the country; pine martens prey on grey squirrels but not (much) on red squirrels.

The Tories are unlikely to attract many Reform UK voters given…

– Only 36% would vote Tory if a Reform UK candidate wasn’t standing

– 61% are voting Reform despite thinking they won’t win in their seat

– 75% say the Tories and Labour are as bad as each other

– 74-76% dislike Rishi Sunak and the party.

Desperate. I had not heard of that MP. Looks a bit of a careerist; tried to become a Police and Crime Commissioner at one point (came third in the election): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robbie_Moore_(MP).

Keighley has, with 2 exceptions, been a “bellwether” constituency since 1959, so is likely to fall to Labour this time: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Keighley_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

I cannot think that those attempts at confusing the voters (of High Peak and also Keighley) will work. After all, most people vote according to party label, so when the voter is faced with a ballot paper, the “X” is placed by the party more than the candidate’s name.

I have to admit that the Italian woman “brushes up well”, as they say…



Had to look that one up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wakanda.

Jovan Owusu-Nepaul, Labour candidate, seems to come out of a black activist (African; Ghanaian) background in Nottingham: see https://heartofthenation.migrationmuseum.org/stories/sylvia-owusu-nepaul/.

About 25. Never had a non-political job, in fact has never had any job except a couple of p/t “internships”. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jovan-owusu-nepaul-3a95b17b/.

The candidate’s aunt has also been socio-politically active: see https://gala.gre.ac.uk/id/eprint/7138/1/Owusu-Kwarteng_Between_Two_Lives_2010.pdf.

This Labour candidate is a kind of less-prominent Femi Oluwole. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Femi_Oluwole

Labour has, since 2010, when the present constituency of Clacton was established, never scored higher than 25.4% of the votes cast there; that was in 2017. The lowest was 11.2%, at the by-election of that year. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clacton_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s.

Labour has no chance at Clacton, a famously “left behind” and white British area. To choose an African “eternal student” as candidate is almost insulting to the voters there. Moreover, one whose social media posts make clear his hostility to the real people of the UK.

Despite Labour’s overall “popularity by default” in the nationwide campaign, I should not be surprised if its vote-share at Clacton were to dip below 10%.

The frightening thing is not that such a candidate is standing in Clacton, where Labour has little or no chance; it is that, across the country, similarly-hostile individuals are likely to be elected next month for Labour. God help the poor English people of these islands.

Late tweets seen

Not quite what I want to see: too many Con MPs. A couple of unexpected wrinkles too, such as Reform UK with 7 seats, and the SNP with 37, more than twice the number predicted elsewhere.

While the Con Party is toast pretty much whatever happens between now and 4 July, in some respects the General Election is quite open. A substantial minority are either undecided as to for which party they might vote, or are undecided as to whether to bother to vote at all.

That may mean a better than expected Con Party performance, a better than expected Labour (or even LibDem) performance but, most intriguingly, perhaps an even better than expected Reform UK vote, either as a targeted anti-Con vote, as a serious “I am dissatisfied” protest vote, or an angry “F.U., System parties!” vote.

The election is shaping up to be both interesting and important, perhaps even historic.

So will you, probably!

As people, from what I have seen online etc, ex-officer Mercer and his lady wife seem like a pleasant couple, but we are talking serious politics here.

Mercer has increased his majority steadily and considerably since first elected in 2015, but the general unpopularity of his party, his poor performance as a minister, and his personal moneygrasping would seem to leave him exposed. Also, Reform UK may well eat into his 2019 vote. Well, we shall soon know.


Late music

Diary Blog, 13 June 2024

Morning music

[Hitler enters Vienna in 1938, after the Anschluss, and to general acclamation]

Tweets seen

By my use of Electoral Calculus, that might translate to Lab 476 Commons seats (overall majority 302), Con 68 (official Opposition), LibDems 62, SNP 13, Reform UK 4, Plaid Cymru 4, Greens 2 (Northern Ireland 18, Others 3).

What kind of “democracy” is it, though, when a party (Labour) might get 39% of the popular vote, yet get about 72% of the seats in the House of Commons (476 seats)? A strict 39% of seats would be 253 seats.

Another party (Conservatives) might get 19% of the popular vote, meaning, on strict mathematical equivalence, about 124 seats, not the mere 68 conferred by FPTP voting.

As for Reform UK, its present or forecast 17% should confer (under proportional voting) about 111 seats. The forecast under FPTP voting— a mere 4.

There again, the LibDems, with only 10% of the popular vote, are forecast to have 62 seats, almost the same as under a strict proportional allocation (65).

Can such an electoral system even be called “democratic”? Open question.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

More music— “Ostalgie”

[East Berlin car park, 1987— mostly Trabants]

The DDR was a strange little country, in which I spent a couple of days in 1988; actually, not quite as small a country as commonly imagined: about 42,000 sq. miles, as against England’s 51,000, but with an overall density of population about a third of England’s (the UK as a whole has about 94,000 sq. miles).

More tweets seen

[“No, wait! I voted Labour“…]

Interesting both in itself and re. the tactical voting point.

Incidentally, my 2019 (but several-times updated) piece about Therese Coffey (from my Deadhead MPs series) has proven popular; thousands of hits to date. https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

Britain 2024


Two men have been jailed for a total of 67 years for shooting and stabbing to death an 18-year-old in east London.

Awadh Saleh and Rio Burton-Devine, both aged 25 from east London, were found guilty of the murder of Abubakar ‘Junior’ Jah, 18, at the Old Bailey today.

Judge Mark Dennis KC sentenced the pair to 36 years and 31 years respectively for the ‘brutal and cowardly’ attack in 2021.”


What will London be like in 2034 or 2044?

The System parties have no real answers.

Late tweets

By my use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html], that actually puts the Cons in a marginally better position than other recent polls, by reason of the slip in Labour’s position, but it still means Lab 466 (overall majority 282), Con 70, LibDem 70, Reform UK 4, Greens 2.

Were Labour to recover to 40%, the number of Con MPs would reduce to 51; were Labour to rise to 41%, the number of Con MPs would be a mere 42.

Penny Mordaunt is campaigning not so much for the Conservative Party as for her own political career (in fact, her career full stop, for she has no other). It seems 50-50, at best, that she will be re-elected anyway.

Labour is as dull as ditchwater, as witness its pathetic Manifesto for the General Election, but I do not think that it much matters now. The main aim of 80%+, maybe even 90%, of the electorate is to get rid of the Conservative Party not just for the next 5 years but permanently. Starmer and fake Labour will only fail to sweep all before them —by default— if something so devastating happens to their campaign that it is hard to imagine what.

Late music

[a rainy night in Tunis; I last trod that pavement in 1986]

Diary Blog, 12 June 2024

Morning music

[Wanda Landowska with Tolstoy in 1908 or 1909, possibly at Yasnaya Polyana but more likely at Tolstoy’s house at Kropotkinskaya in central Moscow, which I myself have visited; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wanda_Landowska]

Tweets seen

CASE UPDATE: Patron Law insist I get a costs order against Mr Cantor before I apply for costs against them. My application for costs against Mr Cantor is delayed because he is seriously unwell. For the record, can I state what absolutely first rate chaps Patron Law’s partners are (Mark Lewis, Benjamin May and Alexander Zivancevic) for putting their former client Mr Cantor through this in his current state of health. This is them.


More about egregious Israel-based Lewis:

Most voters, most TV talking heads and newspaper scribblers etc have not yet caught up with me and a few of the more perceptive msm commentators (such as Tim Stanley) in understanding that, in Stanley’s words, “the [Conservative Party] brand is…just gone“, and that means that only a few habit-voters, mostly the very elderly, will be voting Con at GE 2024 or thereafter.

I notice that, in latest polling, the Conservative Party is down to 18% with one pollster.

That has happened before to the Cons, in 2019, and in relation to the brief rise and fall of Brexit Party, but not 3 weeks before a general election. In that year, I think that the Cons were down to 19% at one point.

On a secondary point, who could have imagined, in the 1980s, that Russian roads, in the provinces at that, would be better in 2024 than any roads in the UK? Shameful.

The people still voting en masse for the Conservative Party will be, as previously noted, lifelong Con habit-voters now aged 75+, who are concentrated mainly in the safest seats of southern England. In those constituencies, the not-poor and the elderly are the majority.

Having said that, my prediction, right or wrong, remains closer to 50 than 100 Con seats after 4 July 2024.

Talking point

More tweets

One has to ask whether the loss of a Commons seat would be sufficient punishment for a political criminal of that sort. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laura_Trott_(politician). Indeed Sevenoaks has been regarded as a safe Con Party seat: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sevenoaks_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Wipe them out. Stamp on them. Since 1989, at latest, this party has been completely useless and poisonous.

Anyone who uses “Mark Lewis Lawyer” is a complete idiot (or maybe just badly misinformed…).

As already blogged, I do not “blame” Sunak for not remaining at the 1944 commemoration. After all, he is not, in any real way, “British” in the first place, despite having been born here and having attended Winchester and Oxford.

As for Sunak’s poll ratings, hard to see how they could go much lower. He’s on the way out. Everyone knows it; he knows it. Within 3 weeks, give or take a day or two, he will no longer be PM. Within a few months, he will have been all but forgotten, like Liz Truss.

You might not want to hear this. Many people don’t.

I just spent the last week travelling between London, Helsinki and Tallinn.

I lived in London for many years but it has changed out of all recognition. Tallinn and Helsinki have a safe feel. Homogeneous. No “diversity barriers”. After London, it was quite a shock. You can argue about whether the changes in London are for the better or not but the kids in both Helsinki and Tallinn are skateboarding and drinking milkshakes. They are not carrying around knives and terrorising or stabbing other kids. There is space and clean streets. People are friendly – even to strangers.

London felt like it was crumbling. Closed roads everywhere. A murder minutes from where I was within 6 hours of my arrival. People seemed miserable. I want the UK to do better. To be better. But they need to change things significantly and stop the transformation of the capital city into a third world city. Anyone else agree?

Almost all people of sense agree. 90% of white (i.e. real British) people agree, and even very many of the non-whites agree. Just a tendentious 10% of the people disagree, but that includes most of the MPs, most of the fake “Lords”, and most of the treacherous msm talking heads and scribblers. Poisonous. Get rid of them, and the UK will start to improve.

Yes. Starmer is a disaster waiting to happen; not waiting as an actor or a barrister does, prior to striding onto the stage or rising up in court, but waiting like a man in a charity-shop raincoat, waiting for a bus in the drizzle of a London winter.

Talking point

More tweets

Laurence Fox is, politically, a sad waste of space. Pro-Israel, basically pro-Conservative but with a few quibbles around flags and monuments and the like.

Reform UK has one main use as far as I am concerned— to help kill off the Conservative Party. A secondary use is to move the “Overton Window” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window].

The Overton window is the range of policies politically acceptable to the mainstream population at a given time.[1] It is also known as the window of discourse.” [Wikipedia]

Late music

Diary Blog, 10 June 2024

Morning music

Tweets seen

We are about to enter the era of the “Far right.” Kids are going to be taught to read rather than imagine they are born in the wrong body. Being white skinned won’t be a mark of the devil. TV and film will be about plot and casting rather than how many non binary lesbian people of colour and girth you can cram into a drama. We will stop worshipping the sun god and perhaps take some time to get to know the actual one. Victimhood will be frowned upon. Health services will be expected to stop dancing for TikTok and do what they are paid to do. The police will be asked to get off their knees and regain public trust again. Fear will be replaced by hope. It’s going to be much nicer than the woke period, where men had periods. The homophobic trans crap will be done. Content of character will matter more than colour of skin. It’s going to be good. And to those of you who don’t like it. Tough. We have had enough.”

For once, I agree with everything Fox has written.

Whatever one may have thought about Sinn Fein and its military wing (the IRA) in the past, at least it was an honest and clear expression of political will. Now, it has become not dissimilar to the other fake Celtic “national” parties such as the SNP and Plaid Cymru, in other words a farrago of “anti-racism”, “anti-sexism”, pro-mass immigration, hostile to any true expression of European culture. Result? Most Irish people have turned against it, and those who are still voting for Sinn Fein are doing so mostly for reasons of misguided nostalgia, it seems.


Again, for once (?) I agree with what Jayda Fransen says here. Farage is indeed a System stooge, but sometimes things have to work out in particular, and sometimes unexpected, ways.

Yes, Farage and Reform UK are not social-national and, yes, the existence of Reform UK is blocking the emergence of anything new that is social-national.

Reform UK is channelling popular discontent into “safe” “Parliamentary road” diversions, but at the same time the existence of Reform UK —and the hoo-ha around it— is moving the “Overton Window”, changing the public’s idea of what might be possible. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window.

Also, it is to be hoped that Reform UK will help to destroy the now useless and hopeless Conservative Party, and thus destabilize the existing rigged System which depends upon the illusion of a basically binary “choice”.

Faragist diversion (UKIP) did destroy the rise of the BNP under Nick Griffin in and after 2005, and especially after 2009.

2024 is not 2015, when UKIP got 12% of the national vote but no seats. Why? Because the governing party, the Conservatives, were still riding fairly high in 2015. This year, the Conservative Party looks all but washed-up.

That may or may not mean that Reform UK gets Commons seats, but it does mean that a large number of Con seats are going to be lost because 10% or 15% of people, maybe even 20%, are going to vote Reform. That does also mean that Labour will thereby benefit, but most voters for Reform UK will be willing to accept that as the price for both destroying the Conservative Party and making a loud protest.

Not far right just conservative

Who believe in family
Strong borders and not thousands of young men from opposing cultures storming our borders
Believe in law and order
Believe in good education

Believe in science
No woke Marxist pedophillia normalising agendas
Who believe individual countries should be the only ones to have a say how they are governed
Who think it’s good to be patriotic
Who believe in western Christian cultures
Who think our military should be rewarded and revered
Who are against regressive damaging socialism
Who are against big brother government
Who are against the tentacles of globalists poisoning everything they touch
Who believe in small government and low tax
Who know what the hell a woman is!!

Nothing far right

Just decent and strong

I have previously mooted, on the blog, the idea that there may be a bloc of “secret” Reform UK supporters who will not reveal, even to polling staff, their potential General Election voting intention.

I do not know whether such a bloc exists, or how large it is if it exists, but if it does indeed exist in any but marginal size, it could be a gamechanger.

Reform UK has been polling between 13% and around 17% recently. If the “secret” Reform voters exist and number the equivalent of one-tenth of the known Reform voters, then the Reform vote might be anywhere between 14% and 19%. Add on the possibility of polling errors, and that might result in anything from 12% to 21%. We shall only know for sure on and after 4 July. Three weeks and three days from today.

An intention to vote Reform UK perhaps has not the level of what might be called “socio-political embarrassment” (for people living in a conformist situation) that an intention to vote, say, BNP or National Front used to have, but I think that the constant Matthew Parris-style “oh my goodness, look at those hillbillies!” msm propaganda directed against the “left behind” areas (such as Clacton), and against so-called “racism” etc makes some people both reticent in expressing their anger at what has happened and is happening but, at the same time, more determined to do something about the situation, such as voting in a way not approved by the System puppets, the scribblers, the talking heads etc.

Jewish. Of course. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein#Family.

Remarkable: I even agree with Tim Stanley today. Stars or planets must be in some unusual configuration.

As for that “Conservative” nonentity (apparently one Andrew Browne: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Browne_(politician)), I am not sure that I had even heard of him until today.

Browne has already jumped ship and is not standing for re-election in the redrawn seat [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s], which seat may well fall to the LibDems if there is enough tactical voting, but has decided to stand in the new and neighbouring seat of St. Neots and Mid-Cambridgeshire [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Neots_and_Mid_Cambridgeshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)].

Browne seems to be saying there that the Conservative Party will do OK in the election because it always did, in elections since 1945. How do people with such limited mentality ever become MPs, well-paid journalists (as he was) etc?

As for his assertion that the present-day Conservative Party embodies “small-c conservative values“, hardy ha ha… Look at what it has done in the past 14 years alone.

Tim Stanley was right to state that “the [Conservative party] brand is…gone” and that no-one even likes the Conservative Party any more. Also, that Starmer is “not socialist” (and, he added, is therefore not the frightening figure the Cons pretend). I tend to think that Starmer is alarming, but not because he is in any way “socialist”. Just that Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby repression comes naturally to him.

One Catherine McKinnell, hitherto also unknown to me. A prime candidate for the Diane Abbott Clueless Prize for this year. True Labour-style cluelessness.

Here she is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catherine_McKinnell. MP for Newcastle upon Tyne North, and a vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

Talking point


More tweets seen

As I blogged three days ago, I do not really blame Sunak for not giving a tinker’s cuss about the Normandy Landings commemoration. After all, the bastard is not really British, is only (posing as) Prime Minister until 4 July 2024, about three weeks from now, and is (as I blogged) part of a transilient bloc of cosmopolitan wealthy Indians who are not rooted in the UK, or even in India, and whose natural (temporary) home is in places such as Palo Alto, Silicon Valley, Westchester etc.

The reason is obvious. VAT raises a huge amount of money, and does so from everyone in the country, from the rich, the affluent, the less affluent, and the downright poor. The only way for an individual to avoid paying it is to be gifted the goods or services in question or (in the case of goods) to steal them.

Naturally, the wealthy prefer VAT to income tax, or capital gains tax.

Late tweets

That Chairman of the Conservative Party, Richard Holden, has now blagged himself a “safe” seat at Basildon and Billericay.

[“Billericay Dickie“]


While they’re losing support to Labour and Reform, they’re also now losing an even larger number of their 2019 voters to something else — apathy.

Many people in Britain are simply giving up on politics, no longer convinced any of the big parties can fix the big problems facing the country. And this is especially true for people who voted Conservative at the last election.

Most of the people who have abandoned the Tories in recent months have not gone to Labour or Reform. Instead, they now say they will not vote at all, do not know who to support, or simply refuse to answer the question from pollsters. And the number who now say this is not small. About one in three of them now say this.

[Matt Goodwin on Substack].

One in three” of those who have stopped intending to vote Conservative during 2024 adds up to about, very roughly, a third of a half, i.e. about 1/6th of the whole electorate that voted in 2019 (67.3% turnout), so —again very roughly— about 1/9th of the whole eligible electorate. Call it just over 10%. Of those who would prefer to vote, maybe 15%.

Very speculative, I admit, but there is no doubt that many are anyway in that “politically homeless” position. Anecdotally, I have heard people say it, and heard them say it of others. It is a widespread phenomenon, no matter what may be the exact numbers.

An “error“? No. Deliberate importation of non-Europeans into Europe, including the UK. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

The two sides of “Boris” Johnson…

Electoral Calculus may not be infallible, but —by my use of it— those figures give the Cons only 21 seats in the Commons (Lab 538, LibDems 55, Reform 1, Green 1, Plaid Cymru 4, and the SNP a mere 12).

Others calculate a Con bloc of 24 MPs. Whatever.

Effectively the end of the Conservative Party as it now is, if accurate.

As I guessed some time ago, the Cons are really only supported now by “habit-voters”, those who have all their lives turned out to vote Con, no matter what, no matter even how they themselves benefit or not. They are almost all now aged in their 80s and 90s.

Interesting to see all age groups from 18 to (?) 70 starting to look for radical and maybe (soon) social-national alternatives.

Late music

[Chateau Frontenac, Quebec]