Tag Archives: Neil Oliver

Diary Blog, 15 May 2023

Morning music

From the newspapers


Mad or bad? I say “both“. Crazy, but also evil.


My own experience: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

Tweets seen

For once, I have to agree with “antifa” cheerleader Mike Stuchbery. Miracles will never cease…

It is only human to think that someone with great wealth, especially when they did not inherit it, must have a great mind. Sadly, however, that is usually not the case (though Elon Musk is certainly a very interesting character).

The above tweet by Musk does indicate poor, surprisingly poor, logical skills. Poor knowledge of modern history, too.

The Jewish lobby in the UK has been trying to get rid of Neil Oliver for quite some time. They have been looking for an opportunity, an excuse.

The Jew Shapps, who was caught trying to flog get-rich-quick schemes under the false name “Michael Green”. He even used the fake ID in the House of Commons.

The UK is tainted. We need to [redacted…].

There are anti-free-speech agitators already active in various areas of UK life, the worst being the Jew-Zionists trying to shut down all criticism or comment about Jews, Israel, fake history etc: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

“…the dangers of fascism“, from a loony whose Extinction Rebellion cretins block roads, physically prevent citizens from getting to work, prevent ambulances getting patients to hospital, spray paint onto Old Master paintings and shop windows etc, all to make political points based on complete madness.

See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/16/the-extinction-rebellion-levellers/;




“Extinction Rebellion” are of no more importance than the “Yippies” of the late 1960s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Youth_International_Party.

Well, unless they have done an El Cid on him (dead but propped up on his horse to rally the troops), looks as though Lukashenko’s death or near-death has been greatly exaggerated…

The armed forces of the UK now do almost nothing for the people of the UK, and there is no credible enemy state within a thousand miles or more in any direction.

Meanwhile, the real enemies are much closer and cannot easily be stopped by ships, aircraft, armour or infantry: the migrant invaders (only 5%-10% of whom arrive in small boats across the Channel), the Zionist lobby in the UK, the supporters of militant Islamism (many of whom live in the UK’s cities), and the lawless, feral, urban hordes (some of which are even ethnically British/English).

That is the way “they” are— chuck them out of the front door and (((they))) try to come back through a rear window.

As blogged in the past, Russia is well-placed to realize autarky, especially if its economy can be further diversified, and in any case China and numerous smaller countries are still trading with Russia. In fact, Russia’s trade with many countries seems to be increasing.


Nice room. It reminds me of my own one-time drawing room (about the size of the whole of my present tiny flat). I suppose that Musk and Macron are in the Elysee Palace.

Sven Longshanks

Another nail in the coffin of free speech in the UK. The nail may have been hammered in by the police and Crown Prosecution Service, but behind them stood, as so often, (((the usual suspects))).

I never listened to the podcast in question, mainly because I have no patience with long discussions which (arguably) lead nowhere, but whatever he and his guests said, there was no real reason to censor him, let alone to imprison him. Now, unless there is any successful appeal on conviction or sentence, he will be actually incarcerated for well over a year.

The case of “Sven Longshanks” does not stand alone. It is part of a whole campaign being waged —mainly— by the Jewish/Zionist lobby in the UK.


Internet “radio” podcasts seem to be a major, perhaps the major, target. There have been a number of podcasters prosecuted and even imprisoned over the past couple of years.

Strange to think that Britain used to be known as almost the home and centre of freedom of expression in the world, along with the USA and the British white dominions.

I hope that “Sven Longshanks” has friends or comrades who will assist him while he is incarcerated, send him money via the official mechanism, and keep in communication with him. We should always support “the men behind the wire”.

More tweets

Funny. The old woman is a nuisance on the one hand, but on the other hand someone who is keeping her immediate neighbourhood safe, rather like the volunteers in parts of the socialist world before 1989 (and, indeed, in National Socialist Germany in the 1930s and early 1940s).

[badge of a “Druzhinnik”, a Soviet local law-and-order volunteer]

As a matter of fact, if that old woman lived near me, I might have avoided having one wheel (yes, I too am puzzled) stolen from my car in the middle of the night not so long ago, a theft which the police not only failed to prevent or “detect” (despite evidential material existing) but also in which they had very little interest at all. In a word, useless.

That video clip reminds me of a personal reminiscence, from a time when the police were possibly more numerous and certainly more effective.

In the early 1980s, my then girlfriend drove (with me as passenger) from London to Reigate, Surrey, where my parents lived. Her vehicle was an ex-Post Office van, a Ford Transit with side windows, which she intended (never happened) to turn into a camper van for herself and her small children. It was part-yellow, part-red-brown, having been half-painted over by the previous owner. It looked rather scruffy, to be honest.

While the van was parked outside my parents’ house, on a driveway visible from the local road, there was a ring at the door. My mother went to the door. A polite, smart-looking young policeman was there, uniformed and wearing a cap. Incidentally, no beard or visible tattoos, unlike some of the scruffy police you see today. His police car was outside in the road.

My girlfriend cowered behind a pillar (thinking that she had probably done something wrong with the van) as the policeman explained to my mother that the reason why he was inquiring was “because that vehicle does not seem to fit the neighbourhood“! By today’s standards, incredible. I doubt that it would happen these days, anywhere in the UK. Surrey Police, then, was a very efficient force. Almost a Swiss level of efficiency (and curiosity).

Not only fear, but people are imperfect— that is where law, or prevention, comes in.

In fact, that is one more misleading headline: see the YouGov poll:

Yes, technically, Sunak came third out of “two”, but he got 27%, while Jewish-lobby puppet Starmer did almost as badly— 30%.

“Don’t Know” means, here, “I despise and have no respect for either“…

What was the choice of the remaining 3%, or were the figures rounded?

Misleading headline. Fewer than half of those 18-24 actively support the idea.

There is cogent anecdotal and other evidence that at least a small number of big cats live in the countryside. I have heard tales myself (not from the msm).

So at least 79% of the public had little interest in the Coronation, to the extent of “celebrating” it (drinking, mainly). Who are the 2% called “Don’t Knows”? Those on “lost weekends”, presumably.

What a horrible and cruel scene.

As to so-called “racism”, I distinguish between purely “offensive”, and actually “defensive“, “racism” (and, indeed, “antisemitism”).

White European culture and civilization must be defended.

Odds-on that tweeter Carole Flint lives in some leafy suburb, far from the most negative effects of the migration invasion.

…and, in the Bakhmut/Artyomovsk area, the “musicians” are still playing….

Very good analogy ad extremum

Late tweets seen

In a slightly different sense, that is what has happened in the UK, USA, France and other countries.

I never much liked Gaddafi, but he is surely correct here, and Libya is now a lawless corrupt mess. At least Gaddafi ran it reasonably efficiently, and also kept sub-Saharan Africans out of Europe.

Ursula von der Leyen is an evil part of the NWO conspiracy.

However, it is no good opposing the Zionists in the Middle East while not opposing their machinations in the EU and UK.

“Ukraine” (Kiev regime), a failed state; in fact, a fake state.

Late music

Diary Blog, 2 May 2023

Morning music

[conducted by Andrew Davis. I recall buying him a pint of beer and having a brief chat once, in 1995 or 1996, at the Colonnade Hotel, Little Venice https://www.colonnadehotel.co.uk/]
[The Great Cloister, Gloucester Cathedral]

From the newspapers


If only white European people would stop oppressing blacks, and let the blacks “rule themselves”…oh, no, wait…

Tweets seen

Very true, but Starmer-Labour would/will be very similar.

Again, very true, but the main drivers of censorship —and against freedom of expression— in the UK are the fanatical Jew-Zionists.

As for “Tories“, we can already see that the Israel-lobby puppets in the Labour Shadow Cabinet would be, if anything, even worse.

Again, all true, except that the upcoming local elections will change little or nothing in terms of actual improvements to anything.

I should like to see a reduction of about 4/5ths in the world population, leaving 1/5th, mostly northern European. Not because of “hate” toward the non-Europeans but because, firstly, the natural world is under unprecedented strain and, secondly, only a European population in Europe (particularly) and northern Eurasia can form the basis for a necessary quantum leap in human evolution.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More tweets

Obscure hit noticed

Well, a first (I think) for the blog today. No less than 8 hits (possibly from only one person, though) from Tadzhikistan (my preferred spelling, btw), one of the wildest corners of the old Soviet “empire” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tajikistan].

Those who know about such things tell me that the location of hits from overseas is unreliable, by reason of “proxy servers”, but I prefer just to believe that someone in Dushanbe or wherever, for whatever reason, has been reading my output.

I recall that, when I was on the committee of the Central Asia and Transcaucasia Law Association (CATLA) in the mid-1990s, someone had been reporting from Dushanbe (former Stalinabad, during the 1930s and 1940s) on the telephone, before gasping that she had to run “because a tank has just come around the corner“; there was a civil war going on at the time.

[Rudaki (formerly Lenin) Avenue, Dushanbe, Tadjikistan, the main thoroughfare]

The blog has had a few very obscure hits before, including one or two from Antarctica.

More from the newspapers


For me, the main danger of AI is that it will become so inconvenient for people to avoid its effects and control that most will become almost slaves to a mechanized, digitized society in which the individual (and free speech, and free thought) may be of little value.

More tweets seen

To coin a phrase, “richer than all his tribe“…

More from the newspapers


Appalling. I see so many similar situations, all over the country, certainly all over what I think is the best part of England, meaning below a line stretching from the Bristol Channel to the Wash. (yes, I know that there are also some beautiful areas elsewhere, such as Herefordshire).

Late music

Diary Blog, 27 March 2023, including thoughts about the Israeli lobby and the Labour Party, about “White Genocide”, and about Jewish influence over “British” art.

Morning music

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers



Even just driving past sheep or, even more so, gambolling lambs, makes me feel somehow happier.


Woollyhead Trussbanger wants yet more money, it seems. Put him in a labour camp, fed on half a pound of buckwheat kasha a day.

Tweets seen

About a fifth of the bags required by most households, even small ones.

“Climate change” has become, like “Covid” and, pre-1945, “the War”, an excuse for local bureaucrats, and others (eg doctors, dentists) not to do their jobs properly.

Kennedy, the first Roman Catholic to become US President, the only one to have made a sane and balanced judgment about Hitler, the only one not to have been a freemason; and so on.

Naturally, I have little time for the self-describing “Left”, such as Ken Loach, but of course he is correct in what he says about Starmer. Having said that, Loach and his like still, even now, talk about the element that got rid of Corbyn as “the Right“, “the Establishment“, “the mass media“,and even “the ruling class“, while not once talking about the Jews, or Zionists, or even the baleful influence of the Israeli state, as seen so clearly in the Shai Masot case, except insofar as he mentions that many Jews who were pro-Corbyn have actually been expelled by Starmer.

See also:

In a sense, I can be seen as objective, in that I have and had little time for Corbyn, as such.

More tweets

There it is— White Genocide. Admittedly, not in the sense of non-whites directly killing white European people in large numbers (except in South Africa), but in a far more cunning way, or ways. Promotion of cannabis abuse, promotion of LGBTQXYZ, promotion of extreme feminism (most of the writers favouring which are— wait for it— Jewish women), promotion of mass immigration and migration-invasion into Europe. 90% or more of all of that is led by, and/or funded by, Jews and/or Jewish interests.

So many people want everything to be black and white; black or white.

Blame and praise alike befall, when a dauntless man’s spirit is black and white mixed, like the magpie’s plumage” [Wolfram von Eschenbach, Parzival]

What it says to me (also) is that there is a baleful influence promoting that kind of non-art (not necessarily that particular “artist”), or what was once called “Addled Art“— https://www.amazon.co.uk/Addled-Art-Lionel-Lindsay/dp/B0007J3B7S; http://melbourneblogger.blogspot.com/2009/06/lindsay-etching-l-hyde-park-1913-r.html; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lionel_Lindsay.

Who funded and promoted (and then made millions via) the “artists” Tracey Emin [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracey_Emin] and Damien Hirst [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damien_Hirst] etc? Mainly wealthy Jews, such as Charles Saatchi: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Saatchi and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Freedman.

Saatchi is also known for his art collection and for owning Saatchi Gallery, and in particular for his sponsorship of the Young British Artists (YBAs), including Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin. In 2013 he received a police caution for assaulting his wife, Nigella Lawson.” [Wikipedia]

Saatchi arrived at Gambler in a green Bentley and, according to Freedman, was immediately impressed by (and then bought) Hirst’s first major “animal” installation, A Thousand Years, consisting of a large glass case containing maggots and flies feeding off a rotting cow’s head.[1] (The installation was later a notable feature of the Sensation exhibition.) At this early stage, Freedman was financing the production of Hirst’s vitrines, and has commented that not many people attended these early shows, including Freeze.

In 1994, Freedman toured the US with Tracey Emin, driving in a Cadillac from San Francisco to New York.” [Wikipedia].

Freedman said one of the [Tracey Emin] show’s themes was:the artist as a subject, and (to) explore the relationship between the art on the wall and its creator, to make the whole thing more humanistic. And in there somewhere there is the beginnings of a thesis on the relationship and similarities between madness and modernism, for example, defiance of authority, nihilism, examples of extreme relativism, strange transformations of the self, irrationality, and things like that.” [Wikipedia]

A 1930s German National Socialist would recognize very readily the all-too-typical themes of decay, decadence, perversion of the natural order etc.

[Saatchi Gallery]

Incidentally, “Emin was born in Croydon, a district of south London, to an English mother of Romanichal descent[18] and a Turkish Cypriot father.” [Wikipedia]. She is non-European, despite Wikipedia weaselling about her mother, who was apparently not English but a “Romanichal” (gypsy).

Tracey Emin is now herself “worth” millions; Damien Hirst, hundreds of millions.

Compare that to the many great and genuine artists who lived and died penniless.

Late tweets

Hard to believe that any festivals or similar events are still booking “Jack Monroe”, yet here is the second I have seen recently, the other being the Greenbelt Festival (blogged about recently). https://www.cambridgeliteraryfestival.com/about/.

I can only assume that both of those bookings were made many months in advance, and so prior to the “Jack Monroe” scandal coming (more) to public attention from August/September 2022.

The sooner Gates departs this world, whether naturally, accidentally, voluntarily, or not voluntarily, the better.


Pseudo-“Conservative” greaseball Fraser Nelson speaks in favour of money-ruled globalization. Again.

Ecce the “leader” of the “free world”…

Just another puppet on a stick. (((Their))) stick…

The SNP is a joke “national” party, System through and through. “Holocaust”, “Covid”, and other nonsense propaganda parrotted at every opportunity, non-whites as leading figures (and now Leader itself), and a would-be tyranny in the making.

Scotland, despite its global cultural reach, is a small nation, most of the people of which oppose fake “Independence”.

I should hope —and I certainly think— that the SNP reached its high-water mark a few years ago, and will now gradually decline, but that will not happen until the voters are given a suitable alternative.

Late music


Diary Blog, 26 March 2023

Afternoon music

[Berlin Wall, seen from the western side, 1960s]

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers


London. Zoo.


A moneygrubbing traitress.


Ha ha! The revolution devours its own children…

Incidentally, the “academic”, Tema Okun, whose crazed ideas are noted in that Daily Mail report, is —as is (almost) inevitable— Jewish. Every. Single. Time (almost).

Tweets seen

Ireland is every bit as crazy as the UK now. A country of about 7M now faces migration-invasion on an unprecedented scale. Even as it stands, foreign-born nationals in Ireland comprise somewhere close to 15% of the population. If you add in births to foreign elements, make that ~20%.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.


Pro-abortion, pro-immigration, pro-cannabis.

Having said that, the Labour Party of Ireland has only 6 out of 160 members of the lower house (the Dail), a mere 4 out of 60 in the upper house or Senate (the same as Sinn Fein and the Greens), and no longer any MEPs at all: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labour_Party_(Ireland).

The trajectory is, apparently, downward and towards extinction: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labour_Party_(Ireland)#Recent_history. The popular vote for Labour fell from nearly 141,000 in 2016 to 96,000 in 2020.

Interesting. I had no idea about those statistics (assuming that they are correct).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/10/tv-ads-and-soaps-are-the-propaganda-preferred-by-the-system-in-the-uk/.

The fix (or poison) was in. The “You Know Who” element. (((“them”))).

That is all very well, but rhetoric about “a changing of the guards” is mere hot air unless underpinned by credible and coherent ideology.

Peter Hitchens


More music

[the Angel of the North]

More tweets

Quite. One of those who persistently tweets the rubbish about how “freedom of expression does not mean freedom from consequences” is the part-Jew academic (incredibly, a professor of laws in East Anglia), Paul Bernal.

According to that definition, people had “free speech” in Mao’s China, Stalin’s Russia, even Pol Pot’s Cambodia.


A Jewish woman lawyer puts Bernal right on another question. Seems that Bernal always manages to get it wrong. He is in the wrong job.

That “utterly ignorant man” has nearly 59,000 Twitter “followers”. A good example of the sheer silliness of Twitter.

Bernal’s “professorship” does not say much that is complimentary about the University of East Anglia’s law school.

Incidentally, Bernal is descended from the well-known scientist, J.D. Bernal, a part-Jew and Communist: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Bernal, and from Martin Bernal, a “controversial” “anti-racist” academic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martin_Bernal; https://www.theguardian.com/education/2013/jun/21/martin-bernal.

Woollyhead Trussbanger (aka Kwasi Kwarteng) seems to believe that some business enterprise would pay £10,000 a day for his services, after all that he has done (or failed to do). What a complete yet “entitled” waste of space.

More from the newspapers


More censorship and quiet brainwashing.


Interesting story, though weakened by the authoress’s perceived need to call South Africa, in the days before it was ruined, as “apartheid South Africa“. “Woke” box-ticking.

The authoress is now a business executive, and formerly a civil servant for 4 years: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suzanne_Heywood.

Late tweets

Presumably part of the mass media barrage of support for the Kiev regime.

Hard to know what to make of Bear Grylls. I have only seen one episode of one TV show he did. I disliked it, and his attitude. Very full of himself. Also, he killed a small and harmless animal entirely unnecessarily.

As I say, I do not have a developed view about him. One hears about him having been selected for the TA SAS thirty years or so ago (at age 20, younger than f/t SAS personnel), though that was the (then) part-time TA version (now called The Reserves), and he was in it for only 2 years actively (3 officially).

Obviously more than a bit of a “tough guy”, looking at his Wikipedia entry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bear_Grylls, though I (perhaps unfairly) tend to think a little sceptically when I see someone with dozens of supposed qualifications in their skill-set. cf. Rory Stewart: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Plainly not a “fake”, but whether (as with Rory Stewart) the sum of the parts seems to add up to more than the whole, hard to judge. The TV image may or may not fully reflect reality.

As far as I can judge “survival experts” (perhaps not greatly), I think that I prefer Ray Mears [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ray_Mears], despite disagreeing with some of his views about the Second World War etc.

All that, and also a taxi driver called Lulita. Some people really are born under a lucky star!

That may be. If we ever have a real government, an investigation can be carried out by some equivalent of the Gestapo and SS, in order to ascertain the truth.

Rishi Sunak, the globalist Indian money-juggler.

Well, you know why…(pervasive Jew-Zionist and Israeli influence and power over American politics, law, finance, business, mass media, publishing etc).

Late music

[winter walk, St. Petersburg]

Diary Blog, 24 March 2023

Morning music

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers



So much for the “cab rank rule” (see the report).

As for the barristers noted particularly in that report— one Jew, one half-Jew. As many now realize, (almost) “every single time“…

Tweets seen

On the other hand, a wise man once observed that one should not throw away one’s crutches until one is sure that one can stand unaided.

Perceptive, from someone as young as that.

On the other hand, do not forget that there is also good in this world, and that, in the Russian proverb, “the world is not without kind people“.

More music

[the River Cam at Cambridge]

More tweets

Ha ha! “I’m lovin’ it!

The whole thing, the “trans nonsense”, has mushroomed from being a situation, or problem, affecting a tiny handful of people, to now being an absurd fad supposedly affecting millions and, also, a way in which the transnational conspiracy can close down free speech in a specific area and generally.

It has become a building block of the “New World Order” [NWO], as can be seen by the way in which trans nonsense propaganda has been used against, inter alia, Russia and Putin.

As for Eddie Izzard, another very negative factor in British society.

All very good, but most people in the UK have nowhere in which to grow their own food, not even a small garden. A half-acre garden is a relative rarity. Still, a worthwhile enquiry.

See also: https://www.growveg.co.uk/guides/growing-enough-food-to-feed-a-family/; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victory_garden.

That “Boris” Johnson could become an MP was ridiculous, that he could become a Cabinet minister was almost unbelievable, and that he could become Prime Minister was a disgrace. The whole present Parliamentary system is a bad joke.

As for Nadine Dorries, what can one say? A stupid “ho” with a brain the size of a pea, but not so stupid that she could not tear the **** out of her Parliamentary expenses; she even gave her daughters non-jobs using her expenses: £60,000 a year for one of them alone.

More tweets

Late tweets

The more I look at the way the “West” is going, that is in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, UK etc, the more it seems to me that, somewhere not far down the line, a kind of civil war, a kind of culture war, a kind of race war, a kind of (new-style) class war, all mixed together, is almost inevitable.

Late music

[SS-Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler at the Berghof, Obersalzberg]

Diary Blog, 12 February 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

On this day a year ago

Peter Hitchens


A British Stasi is quietly growing in our midst. Powerful arms of government have begun to see it as their right and duty to snoop on conservative thought and speech, claiming it is in some way linked to ‘Right-wing extremism’. How long before the snooping turns into harassment?

[Peter Hitchens in the Mail on Sunday].

Where has Hitchens been for the last 15 years? Many people have already suffered greatly from harassment, both at the hands of the Jewish-led and so-called “anti-fascist” cliques, and by police who have often shown themselves to be in the pocket of Jew-Zionist cabals such as the CST and the smaller but equally, if not more, malicious “CAA” (“Campaign Against Antisemitism”). See, eg, my own most recent experience: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.

The Jewish element, though not the only factor, is behind much of the encroaching “Stasi-state” in the UK.

Tweets seen

Today I include a tweet by one Matthew Sweet [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Sweet_(writer)].

The whole thread is worth reading, because it just shows so plainly the kind of System bias that exists in the UK msm. Not just this Sweet individual himself, but others whom he mentions approvingly.

Incidentally, he refers to himself as “Dr. Sweet” because he was once awarded a doctorate for work based around Wilkie Collins, the early detective writer [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilkie_Collins].

More tweets

…also, several countries have been temporarily cold-shouldered by the EU establishment because they elected people independent of the System; Austria and Portugal, others too; now Hungary as well.

The EU is not truly independent of the USA or, rather, NWO, but part of the whole System:

I recall a sad scene: in the 1980s, I was once at a large rubbish dump on the edge of London with my then girlfiend (typo, maybe Freudian slip…please read “girlfriend“).

We dumped our rubbish and, while she was picking up a completely new-looking rug dumped by the man in the next car, I noticed a number of leather or leatherette photo albums on top of the rubbish.

They were full of black and white photographs of a then quite young soldier and his friends during the Second World War. Mainly around the Mediterranean. I saw pictures of them off-duty in Egypt (by the Pyramids), and in Jerusalem and elsewhere.

Treasured mementoes, and reminiscences of part of a life, now chucked onto a rubbish dump, no doubt after the death of the subject. Did he die without family, or did his family just think his photographs not worth preserving? We shall never know. It also struck me that, in poorer countries, the albums themselves would probably be salvaged by someone.


More tweets seen

Famous last words lies.

The problem I have in terms of the System parties is that I want rid of both of them (and the LibDems, but they are scarcely worth worrying about). I want the Con Party to die off (as it probably will), but not if that leads to another Blair-type “elected” Labour Party tyranny.

Very true (and I post it despite that comic having once, years ago, tweeted in a hostile way about me…#MoralHighGround).

Even leaving aside questions of supposed historical “justice” or “equity”, any monies transferred, e.g. from Europe to black Africa, will be monies thrown away, to be wasted or squandered by those incapable of utilizing them properly or effectively.

Corbyn is a rather uneducated person, someone who, despite having almost no academic or work history, found a niche as a Labour Party socialist (?) politico. I had some —very limited— time for him once the Jew lobby started to demonize him and actively plot against him (when he became Labour leader), but in fact he was never even properly or decently “anti-Semitic” (for example, he always pays lip-service to the “holocaust” farrago, even perhaps to the “gas chambers” fable). Basically, a political idiot.

Hard to believe that, even these days, a manager on the London Underground can be fired for a comment about a trivial (in world terms) matter such as that.

What does the death of a black criminal in the USA have to do with London Underground? Nothing, but that is where we are, and where we are is largely so because the Jewish element (it’s usually “them”, maybe not in the instant case) always tries to get people fired from from their jobs if the Jews dislike the victims: look at what happened to Alison Chabloz, and many others; some barristers have also been attacked that way, including me (see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/).

…and they have not yet been punished.

That tweet begs the question, though, nicht wahr?

People must not be afraid of their governments“, but then, directly underneath, “(Posting videos of police [in Ireland] without their express permission, is a crime. Hence why I haven’t posted the video).”


“Talking the talk” is easy, but not “walking the walk”…

Bravely said.

Quite. Including the main “controlled opposition” newspaper, the Daily Mail. When I was wrongfully and unlawfully disbarred in 2016, the Daily Mail was the only newspaper to try to doorstep me, and the main journalist who wrote the Daily Mail piece about me (Google it) was an active Jew-Zionist then styled “Associate Global Editor” of the Daily Mail, but now working as… Editor of the Jewish Chronicle.

A tall tale

Speaking of Jews, I just saw a ridiculous tweet from the “World Jewish Congress”, featuring an old Jewish woman (aged about 92 or 93) who, when aged 12, i.e. in about 1942, three or four years after Germany took over Czechoslovakia (1938-1939) was, she said, sent to Auschwitz with her mother and brother.

According to her account, the detainees were first showered and disinfected, then all inspected by the now-notorious Dr. Mengele. He ordered her to be taken aside. She says that she “knew at that moment that I was to be taken to the gas chambers“. She however was taken to a room or cell and locked in alone.

She says that, in somewhere nearby, there was a mother, whose daughter was supposedly destined for the “gas chambers”, but the mother could not accept the girl going to the “gas chambers” without her, so she asked to go with her daughter in place of the lone Jewish girl nearby. The Germans agreed. That deal apparently “saved the life” of the now-90+ Jewish woman.

Well, my first reaction was “does anyone really believe a tall tale of that sort?”. First of all, we have all detainees showered and disinfected, something hardly likely if many or most of them were going to be gassed.

Secondly, how did a 12-year-old Jewish girl, just off the train from Czechoslovakia, know about “the gas chambers“, which (pretending now, for the sake of argument, that they actually existed) were (or so we are always told by the System propaganda on the subject) a closely-guarded secret until the end of the war?

In fact, the memoirs of all the main surviving war leaders, such as Churchill, make no mention of “gas chambers”.

Thirdly, why would the girl (and the other two in another room or cell) be kept there prior to being “gassed”, when (we are told) the Germans were gassing thousands daily? The “iconic” “six million Jewish victims” of legend, divided by about 3 years, equals about 2 million a year or, roughly, 2,000 a day.

Even bearing in mind the Zionist claim that there were several camps in Poland operating “gas chambers”, that must mean that, at Auschwitz alone, hundreds must have been “gassed” daily in those “gas chambers” of which, today, not a single credible trace remains, only one or two smallish rooms now labelled “gas chambers” and constructed (or, as they claim, “reconstructed”) after 1945.

Also, if the German authorities at Auschwitz had decided that a certain individual girl was to be “gassed”, why would they suddenly decide to allow an adult (who could work) to take her place?

The whole story is just lacking in any credibility, in short.

I sense that that whole farrago is losing traction outside the ranks of the Jews themselves (many of whom are indoctrinated into it from an early age).

More tweets seen

GB News is, of course controlled opposition but, to fulfil effectively that role within the overall msm matrix, has to permit some genuine oppositional voice(s) to be heard. A “devil’s alternative”, if you like.

I no longer have a Twitter account (the Jewish lobby finally succeeded in having it closed down in 2018, after having plotted for years to do so) but, if I still had one, I would probably follow that promising “@david_r_morgan” account.

I myself was in those mountains in December 1989. Cross-country on foot and, at one point, on skis, in deep snow. Cross-country skiing is hard going. I have never tried downhill skiing, and doubt that I ever shall (or that I would like it even if I could actually do it!).

More music

Late tweets seen

I have realized, over the past few months, since I assessed “Jack Monroe” on the blog, that she runs or has run literally dozens of “sock accounts”. Often, the language used gives the game away.

I do not think that anyone could call me a fan of “Tommy Robinson”, but is he wrong on this? I think not.

Stoking the fire…

Do not poke the hornets’ nest unless you are sure that they will not sting you.

OK, but what is the death-rate on the “Ukrainian” (Kiev regime) side? Maybe similar? Also, when will the BBC, Sky News etc start to report on (or even ask questions about) the treatment of Russian POWs taken prisoner in Ukraine, and held by the Kiev regime? How many are simply being executed in the field?

Late music

[Shishkin, Mordovino Oaks]

Diary Blog, 10 February 2023

Afternoon music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

Two fakes. A “Conservative” fake, Lee Anderson, who wants to say that State benefits are OK or even too generous, and a “poverty expert” fake, “Jack Monroe”, who is making money (as the first fake truly remarked about her on GB News last year) “off the backs of the poor“, and cheating people in several ways.

“Jack Monroe”, the grift that keeps on giving…oh, no, wait… I meant to say “taking”

…and, yes, 498 mugs are still each sending her between £3.50 and £44 (!) via Patreon every single month. One of the most successful grey-area “near”-frauds I have ever seen.

West Lancashire by-election

The result of the West Lancashire by-election has been announced. See https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11735381/Tory-woe-Labour-sails-victory-West-Lancashire-election.html.

The by-election was caused by the standing-down of incumbent MP Rosie Cooper, a poor MP in my opinion, who at one point wanted England and Wales to institute no-jury trials (“Diplock courts”, as used in Northern Ireland) for defendants accused of politically-motivated crimes. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rosie_Cooper. She was also, at one time, vice-Chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

The reason why Rosie Cooper stood down (at the age of 72) was because she will now be getting two or three times her MP salary, as head of an NHS Trust.

As to the inevitable Labour victory in the by-election, no surprise. Labour’s vote share of 62.3% compares to 52.1% in 2019.

The Conservative vote-share fell from 36.3% to 25.4%. Poor but scarcely unexpected. In fact, the last time a Conservative Party candidate won West Lancashire was in 1987: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Lancashire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

The other candidates did not shine. Reform UK got 4.4%, but there again, its predecessor Farage-vehicle, Brexit Party, scored 4.3% in 2019. The Greens and Libdems ended up more or less where they had been at the 2019 election; both lost their deposits, as did Reform UK (and the Monster Raving Loony).

What can we take away from this? That Labour remains fairly solid in at least some historically-Labour areas, that the Conservative Party is going nowhere in such areas, and that the two main System parties face no threat from Reform UK, the LibDems, or the Greens.

The most interesting fact about the by-election is that the turnout was only 31.4%; well over two-thirds of the eligible electorate could not be bothered to vote. If a party were to exist that could energize the remaining 68.6%, it might be a different story.

Incidentally, the new MP is one Ashley Dalton, about 52-53 years old, a widow who “identifies as LBGT [and as] a gay woman” [Wikipedia: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Dalton].

More music

[Soviet Union, 1930s]

Late tweets seen

Good news. Start with the (((you know who)))s.

Late music

[construction of Berlin Wall, 1961]

Diary Blog, 9 February 2023

Morning music

[Cloisters, Salisbury Cathedral]

On this day a year ago

From the newspapers

“Church news”: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11727055/through-Paedophile-priest-63-boasted-wanted-sacrifice-babies-Satan.html.

No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition”


There is no “far right” “terrorism” (armed action). If anyone disagrees, then prove it. I mean that there is no really serious action in the UK or mainland Europe, as far as I am aware anyway; all I see in the Press is a few young men shouting nonsense in pubs, or spending their days online, and pretending to be involved in (non-existent) global plots. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/05/30/one-mans-extremism-is-another-mans-struggle-for-liberty-and-justice/.


The “trans” nonsense has become something akin to the witchfinding hysteria of the 17th Century.


A poll suggests that almost a quarter of a million young people who are currently not working never plan to get a job and two-thirds are complaining it is too difficult to get a good job, a survey has revealed.

The poll of 5000 18 to 24-year-olds found that a staggering 227,000 youngsters currently out of a job or not studying claim they never intend to enter the labour market.

The startling report found nearly half of those who are working (42 per cent) are receiving financial support from their family, with that number rising to 50 per cent in London.”

[Daily Mail]

Give people a positive reason to be employed, and you will get applicants. No-one wants to work at jobs that do not even cover the cost of basic food and shelter.

Tweets seen

Russian forces making smallish gains on a basically static front. Nothing on the large scale will change until one side or the other can mount either a large offensive, or pull some tactical or strategic rabbit out of the hat.

Appalling. Animals are living breathing creatures who share the Earth with us. I hate all callous exploitation of them.

“Boris”-idiot has suggested, I read, that all RAF fighters (and bombers?) be lent or given to the Kiev regime. Was that a hoax report? Maybe. If that were to happen, then the remaining RAF bases (once the occupying USAF forces were chucked out) could go the way of most former RAF airfields, and be turned into tract housing.

I can think of a number of UK air bases that have been turned into housing developments in the past few decades. The same is true of Army bases, such as the one-time Intelligence Corps base at Ashford, Kent, where I recall spending a day in 1975: see https://www.28dayslater.co.uk/threads/templer-barracks-intelligence-corps-depot-ashford-kent-visit-2002-part-1.90734/. The photos in the linked site show how, even a couple of decades ago, housing was encroaching closely upon what was then left of the former Templer Barracks. Templer Barracks had its own guards and entrances, and was a base within a base, surrounded by barracks of the “ordinary” Army. Housing development covered that outer zone first, it seems.

I presume that the areas of Templer Barracks shown are now also tract housing.

[Templer Barracks guardhouse, years after decommissioning]
[One-time guardhouse at now-demolished Templer Barracks, Ashford, with new housing encroaching behind]

[Addendum, 10 February 2023: I have discovered that the trigger for decommissioning of Templer Barracks was the construction of the Channel Tunnel: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Services_School_of_Intelligence and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashford,_Kent#Military].


The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan again: a politically-tendentious half-caste training police recruits into the “right” way of thinking…

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan; https://www.abebooks.com/Practical-Idealism-Kalergi-Plan-destroy-European/30553622304/bd.

It’s always “them”. Every. Single. Time.

Strangely enough, I have never knowingly encountered “Prevent”; I presume that I am snooped upon in other ways. Also, see: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

…only to be countered, vituperatively, on social media, by the half-Jew and half-Chinese wife of another former member of the same band.

If the UK were to stop its support for the Jewish regime of Zelensky in Kiev and —even more— were the UK to pull back support for what NATO has become (NWO/ZOG), Russia would then supply gas to the UK, to us, at cost price. No-one in the UK would then need to freeze or starve because of “Ukraine” (the Zelensky regime).

Late music

[Shishkin, A Forest]

Diary Blog, 5 February 2023

Afternoon music

[painting by Joyce Norwood]

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

That idiot is such a hypocrite that he probably does not know that he is a hypocrite.

Incidentally, reading Clooney’s entry in Wikipedia [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Clooney], I realized that I have seen not one film or TV series featuring him. That must be why I was puzzled, many years ago, when I kept hearing things about him on the TV; I was thinking “George Clooney? Who’s that?“.

He has good taste in domestic property, though. His house on a river island at Sonning, Berkshire, is very classic (Georgian), and in a beautiful location across the Thames from some of the grounds of the school I unwillingly attended in the nearly 4 years 1970-1973; and his house on Lake Como, in the Italian Lakes region, is also beautiful and in a beautiful place.

The evil and yet idiotic “SAGE” “scientists”, msm “me too” groupthinkers, and UK “health” bureaucrats would have been right at home in early Renaissance Italy, insisting that the Sun goes around the Earth and describing the truth as “heresy”.

State “quiet killing” of hundreds of thousands of elderly people thought of, by the State, by ministers and by most MPs, as simply “surplus to requirements”.

I examined some of the history of “democracy” a few years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

“Jack Monroe” attracts the very worst supporters on Twitter, perhaps even worse than the “FBPE” loonies. Her core “constituency” is not “the poor”, but the unpleasant and/or mentally-disturbed.

I think that there are at least half a dozen regular “Jack Monroe” Twitter “sock accounts” regularly posting while she pretends to be “taking (another) rest from Twitter”.

It took me a while to realize the extent of it, but my opinion now is that “Jack Monroe” is, or has become, an outright fraud.

Incidentally, the new book by “Jack Monroe”, Thrifty Kitchen (which seems to consist, judging from what one reads in the msm and on Twitter, of recipes from the BBC and other sources already available for free online), is not selling.

At present, according to the Amazon Book Sales Calculator, only a few dozen copies a day, if that (about 600 per month) are being sold on Amazon (which must be the major outlet). In fact, nearly new copies (the book was only released a few weeks ago) are available on Amazon for as little as £7.

I was interested to see the reviews on Amazon. The 5* ones (about 70%), may or may not be genuine, and have only a handful of up-votes each, suspiciously, whereas the 20% of reviews awarding only 1* (with some wishing that they could award zero stars) have hundreds of up-votes: 400, 500, or more. Telling.

All the same, 498 utter mugs are still signed up on Patreon to send her a total of between £1,743 and £21,912 per month (probably in the region of about £5,000, realistically). The very silly, or outright loonies, I should imagine.

More music


That composer, of whom I had never heard until today, seems to have been one of the millions displaced by the large-scale disruptions and dislocations of the 20th Century.

Stray thought about the NHS

I suppose that, as usual, I have to preface my remarks by repeating that I do favour the core principle of the NHS, i.e. that it should be free at point of use.

Beyond that, I was just trying to think of any other service or product which is defended mainly on the ground that it is free or cheap. Air travel using “low-cost” rubbish airlines, such as Ryanair? I suppose that that is one.

I understand that what people do is pay a ludicrously-small amount (eg £50, £20, or even £10) each way for the flight, but then have to accept that everything usually provided gratis is charged for, and that the flight will land a long way from where you really want to go, such as “Paris Beauvais” airport (Beauvais is 55 miles from Paris) or, I think in the past, even “Paris Amiens” airport (Amiens is 160 miles from Paris by road or rail).

Still, I see the point. Hard to complain about £10 each way London (Stansted) to/from La Rochelle, even if the service etc is near rock-bottom (though I concede that I myself have never used Ryanair). Incidentally, La Rochelle Airport is right by the city.

Ryanair is very successful, so people obviously buy into the concept at the prices on offer. See also: https://www.ryanair.com/flights/gb/en/flights-to-france.

What else do people accept almost purely on the basis that it costs little? Not much, I think. State primary and secondary education? Possibly.

Still, Ryanair flights do arrive as promised, much of the time. Can the same be said of the NHS? I fear not, or often not, these days.

No-one (except perhaps the ultra-wealthy) wants to swap the NHS for an American-style system, but there are alternative systems that might be examined. What is not helpful is for people to shout out meaningless slogans about “our NHS” etc, to refuse to see what a poor service it is often —not always— offering now, and to refuse to think about how (beyond simply funding it better) the NHS might be improved.

More tweets

Interesting. Is that a ploy to get “Boris”-idiot back? Or maybe some of them want sinister “let’s bomb Russia” candidate Tobias Ellwood as PM. That would solve all our problems— permanently…

While it is true that Labour are only popular by default, in a basically unfree and binary system, they are still well ahead at present.

I am not so sure that the Conservative Party might not be electorally better-off ditching the Indian money-juggler, and even going back to “Boris”-idiot, but better not that latter; they really need someone relatively untainted, and someone British/English, i.e. not non-white. That might not save them completely re. the next general election, but it might be enough to produce a hung Parliament.

I sense that Labour is, even in these conditions of shambolic incompetence in government, not truly “popular”, but many people are becoming desperate for something. If only there were a proper social-national party, credible and organized, but there is none.

A new Conservative Party leader would mean yet another unmandated or unvalidated PM, the fourth since 2015 (or fifth, if you include the first two years of “Boris”-idiot). What price “democracy”?

More tweets

Late music

[outside Reichskanzlei, Berlin, May 1945]

Diary Blog, 1 February 2023

Morning music

[https://iro.uiowa.edu/esploro/outputs/doctoral/Countess-conductor-pioneer-Lady-Radnor-and/9983776782802771; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubert_Parry]

On this day a year ago

What I predicted, a year ago, as a kind of microchip police state, though not yet with us (partly because of the brave “anti-vaxx” resistance of many) is still the System game-plan, together with all the “eat insects”, “15-minute-cities” stuff, and the rest. The System is looking for another opportunity, as happened with the Chinese virus, to push it all forward together.

We see apparently unconnected phenomena which are in fact, all part of a strategy. Major banks in the UK shutting down their branches (and so promoting online remote-access-only for customers); also, the major supermarkets reducing the number of tills where people can pay in cash, and promoting the self-service checkouts (where you cannot pay without a credit or debit card).

Take a look at the Neil Oliver tweet below on this blog.

The “Jack Monroe” situation continues

All very true. As others have tweeted, “Jack Monroe” “cleanses her Twitter timeline” by engaging with her supportive mugs on distractive topics (favourite ice-cream, cats, dogs, antiques, painting walls, whatever), to drown out the tweets of those who have exposed her behaviour and activities.

“Jack Monroe” must be quietly smug to see that, even though the msm and “celebrities” have now almost all dropped her like a hot stone, there are still hundreds of brainless mugs willing not only to tweet meaningless messages of fake or other “supportive” “concern” to her but even to continue to send money to her. As of today, 636 utter mugs are still signed up to her Patreon “grift”, giving her thousands of pounds a month for nothing.

Against stupidity, even the gods struggle in vain” [Schiller, Die Jungfrau von Orleans].

[Update, same day: Patreon now gives the number of “Jack Monroe” mugs as 522, not 636, so it seems that quite a few are, albeit belatedly, waking up to the scam].

I was looking at the tweets of those now “supporting” “Jack Monroe” on Twitter: almost all 50-75 years old, seemingly all white people; some supporting her because of her supposed “non-binary” lifestyle; quite a few seemingly mentally odd or disturbed. No young people, no ethnic minorities. Ironic, in a way, looking at her pronouncements over the years.

I think that the “Jack Monroe” scam will be an interesting, if minor, footnote to the future socio-cultural history of Britain in the 2010-2023(?) era.

An interesting and unusual take on the “Jack Monroe” scam.

Other tweets seen

As for me, what always strikes me on encountering (admittedly only rarely) schoolteachers, or (much more often) seeing them on TV quiz shows etc, is the huge ignorance of almost all of them.

Late music