Tag Archives: Canada

Diary Blog, 8 April 2024

Morning music

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…and the same applies to the —ten or even twenty times greater— “legal” migration invasion.

Incidentally, those opinion poll statistics add up to only 77% of voters asked. Is most of the remaining 23% a group of people who might support something perhaps not on the question-paper, such as a social nationalist movement as yet not in existence?

[“our unconquerable children”]

At GE 2024, such figures might result in the Conservative Party being left with as few as 30 MPs, as noted on yesterday’s blog post.

A country which has no control over its borders, no control who has civil rights within borders, no right to expel non-citizens for default or at will, is not a nation but just a territory open to all, and not far from chaos or civil war, a place where disparate tribes occupy space for a time; or a kind of “Hotel California”…

Looks like he has learned the term that characterizes employed life at the bottom level in North America— “wage slavery”, with the accent on slavery…

If I had to guess, I should say that embezzling fake Zelensky will be gone within a year or so, either into exile and to his several multimillion-dollar houses in Florida and elsewhere or, well, just gone…

It’s now a week since Scotland’s new Hate Crime Act became law and 8,000 hate complaints have been logged with the police —about one a minute. Police union bosses described the law as ‘a disaster’ and claimed officers are already ‘swamped under a deluge of complaints’. Senior officers also warned that police will be forced to make cuts to frontline crimefighting to deal with the deluge and face a big overtime bill which the Scottish taxpayer will need to pick up — or the police will cut back elsewhere.”

Scotland, a region where a bunch of pseudo-nationalist clowns and foreign ideologues have taken power over the past 9 years, and where the white Scottish majority population is a hated and reviled group, despite numerical and other superiority.

Not just the SNP under Pakistani “First Minister” Humza Yousaf. “Scottish” Labour under Anas Sarwar, another Pakistani, is no better. I was always told that Scottish education was better than English, and Scottish people shrewd. What happened?

Google “Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan”…

Free speech is now all but dead in the UK, so I cannot comment as I should like…

For those unaware of the term, aliyah is a Hebrew term meaning, in everyday usage, “immigration“, and usually refers to immigration to Israel/occupied Palestine by Jews living elsewhere in the world; see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aliyah.

Talking point


In February 2002, Charlie Burrell and his wife Isabella Tree sent a letter to Defra declaring their intent ‘to establish a biodiverse wilderness area in the Low Weald of Sussex’. Twenty years later, their rewilding project on the 3,500-acre Knepp estate is a huge success story – a pioneering project that has inspired dozens of similar enterprises around the UK.” 

[House and Garden magazine]

Rewilding. Worth reading.

The UK needs a “wildlife grid”, perhaps one partly under private ownership but with a central state office to offer help and advice, and to co-ordinate useful initiatives.

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Israeli war crimes. Ethnic cleansing. Slaughter of women and children. Clearing Gaza of its Arab population so that, later, it can be settled by Israeli Jews. For a small country like Israel, even a region as small as Gaza represents what one might call Lebensraum [“living space”]. See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensraum.

…and see how actually reverential they look as they count the money…

I do not want “a debate“. I want an end to this invasion. So do the British people.

Also, it is quite clear why such information remains secret or unavailable, which is because public release of the statistical evidence would underline how hugely negative mass immigration has been to this country. A conspiracy by secret cabals embedded in the body politic to import non-whites into the UK (and the rest of Europe).

Even the press-gangs have not brought in enough people to become cannon-fodder for the incompetent Ukrainian high command. Now they want to press into service the old, the extremely young, women, even disabled people.

In the end, I think that many Ukrainian people will be glad to welcome the Russian armies as they advance.

The Sunday Times reports that among the residents of Ukraine there are no people left willing to fight, and a breakthrough of Russian troops to Kyiv is quite real “The front line is 480 km away, but to nervous young people from Podol, a Kyiv district famous for its nightclubs and cafes, the war suddenly seems much closer. “I’m afraid,” the publication quotes 31-year-old Dima as saying, specifying that he is a “heavy smoker.” Main points of the article:

Ukrainian generals said that there is no alternative to mass mobilization to stop Russia’s offensive. Zelensky warned allies to expect more territorial losses and called on Ukrainian men who fled abroad to return and serve their country.

But under the bright spring sun of Kyiv, the answers to questions about Zelensky’s desire to mobilize are clear. The video producer, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he travels between Ukrainian cities only at night to avoid being drafted into the army.

Western partners hesitant about arms supplies face brutal calculations: the population of the remaining Ukraine is approximately 31 million, compared with 144 million in Russia. The longer the military conflict continues, the greater the fear that the numbers will prevail.

Ukraine, suffering from the lowest birth rate in the world, tried to save young people from the horrors of war. But now, when the average age of a Ukrainian soldier is 43 years old, the desire to protect the country’s future prevails.

In the capital of Ukraine, hundreds of thousands of people are browsing Telegram channels in search of advice on how to avoid conscription into the army. The messages are encrypted: “They just dumped a lot of snow on one person near the Polytechnic Institute station,” “It’s very cloudy on the street near the Festivalny shopping center now.”

People are accustomed to the idea that the front line is far away, that it is unshakable. But the truth is that the Russians could break through at any moment. We can fight for Kyiv again. People don’t understand the threat,” says military medic Boris.

Regular readers of the blog will note that many of the above points have featured on the blog over the past 1-2 years.

Russia cannot lose this war. Russia will not lose this war.

What goes around comes around“, in the American saying…

That photo, showing President Assad, reminds me of when little William Hague, about 12 years ago, said that Assad was finished and would be on a plane out to exile somewhere or other within days, if not hours. Ha ha! The UK is ruled by clowns of the William Hague sort— or even worse in fact, now. No wonder that 80% of the electorate want to stamp on the Conservative Party, and stamp and stamp…

Not that fake Labour, entirely controlled at top level by the Israel-lobby cabal, will be any better, looking at thick and ignorant “diversity hire”, Lammy.

Well, you people, most of you “Conservative” and “Labour” voters, never supported those who tried to warn of the likely consequences of the mass immigration invasion of the UK —from the 1950s through to today—, meaning Enoch Powell, the National Front, the BNP, social-national thinkers etc.

Many tried to get a public hearing, but were ignored, or persecuted, or even prosecuted. You people kept voting for System parties and their corrupt and/or stupid MPs. Even now, you vote for a System party. Now see the results…

Forget about knives. Knives are just a peripheral symptom. Look at and then deal with the causes. Those who carry the knives. They are probably already breeding the next generation of knife-carriers and stabbers.

Late tweets seen

On a very low cultural level.

Late music


A few weeks ago, I set up a crowdfund appeal to help with the imposed costs of my recent free speech trial. Any donations gratefully received.

If you cannot donate, please share the link wherever you can.

Thank you.


Diary Blog, 5 March 2024

Morning music

Sam Melia/Laura Towler crowdfunder

[Sam Melia and his wife, Laura Towler. A hero and a Valkyrie]

Sam Melia has now been imprisoned for 3-4 days. Another 6-12 months to go, probably.

I am glad to see that their crowdfunder, established to help Laura Towler (expected to give birth to their second child soon) and Melia both survive and thrive, and to maintain political struggle both during the coming year and thereafter, has gathered in, as of time and date of writing, some £54,000, and is still increasing rapidly. When I first mentioned the crowdfunder on the blog, last Thursday, it was at nearly £48,000, so well over £1,000 a day has been donated over the past days. Excellent.

If anyone wants to donate and/or leave a message of support, the link is at https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Minimum donation £4. Show solidarity, stick it to the System, and help what seem to be good people (for sake of clarity, I am personally unacquainted with them, and do not belong to Patriotic Alternative).

Incidentally, this is what the CPS have had to say about the Sam Melia “case”: https://www.cps.gov.uk/cps/news/updated-sentence-far-right-organiser-found-guilty-intent-stir-racial-hatred-through.

It will be noted that the clowns are unable even to spell correctly the name of Oswald Mosley… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oswald_Mosley; https://www.oswaldmosley.com/. The CPS report has Mosley down as “Moseley“, like the Birmingham suburb.

So that is how the CPS and police waste huge amounts of public money, prosecuting a mere sticker-posting campaign as if it were an IRA bomb plot of the 1970s.

If the CPS and (more so) police behaviour is “Stalinist”, then so in the sense of the words of Karl Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon: “first time tragedy, second time farce“…

All the same, Sam Melia is still going to sit in prison for 6-12 months, thus punishing his wife and small children. Justice? I think not.

Tweets seen

Britain in the 21st Century.

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13154677/young-people-having-heart-attacks-lead-seemingly-healthy-lifestyles-suffered-heart-problems.html.

Bukele won 85% of the vote and is by all accounts one of the most popular leaders in the world now. This is why liberals in the West call him a threat to democracy – democracy for them just means institutionalised pluralism. The number one threat to that is someone who bypasses the institutions of mass democracy to embody popular will.”

[Adolf Hitler amid thousands of well-wishers at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin]

Bukele has maintained record high approval ratings of around 90% among Salvadorans throughout his tenure.[9][10]



Canadians— do what has to be done, and install a different government, and a different kind of government.

Not quite like-for-like, because the “vaccinated” population consists of more people than the “unvaccinated”, I believe, but even so the figures are alarmingly divergent.

More from the newspapers


Uzbekistan is the only nation more miserable than Britain as the Dominican Republic tops the world wellbeing charts, a ‘worrying’ global report has found.”

[Daily Mail]

Many will dismiss that out of hand. I am not so sure that the report is mistaken, though. The UK of 2024 is an unhappy land.

More tweets

I tried but failed to get called in oral questions today. My question would have been. “Can the minister explain why I am struggling to get my district council to accommodate Anthony Preston a disabled homeless UK citizen who has recently returned from Saudi Arabia, while at the same time my constituency is forced to accommodate 360 illegal channel migrants in 4 star hotels?

[Andrew Bridgen MP]

If only…

Europe will have nothing to defend itself with, in case it is dragged into a hypothetical conflict, retired Lieutenant General of the Armed Forces of Belgium Mark Thies said, reports the German “Mercury”.

” After a few hours we would have to throw stones. We are already in trouble. Be sure that our opponents, regardless of whether they are in Moscow, Beijing or anywhere else in the world, know about our lack of ammunition, ” Tees said.

According to his opinion, the main problem of the EU is small stocks, which consist of high-quality ammunition, and the process of replacing them and filling the warehouse is a difficult task that requires a lot of time. ” If you order them today, they may take up to seven years to deliver ,” he believes.”

The other problem, not mentioned, and never mentioned by System msm outlets, is that, if things continue for much longer as they have been in European societies, there will be nothing to defend anyway. Nothing worthwhile, at least.

Incidentally, it seems rather amusing to hear a Belgian, of all possible European nationalities, talk about fighting a war.

Belgium has frequently provided the battlefields (in the various 18thC wars, then at Waterloo, at Ypres, in the Ardennes in 1940, and the Ardennes again in the Battle of the Bulge of 1944) but Belgian arms have rarely been distinguished in battle. Belgium is, of course, a very small country, hard to defend: 11,000 square miles, not very much larger than Wales, or Israel, or New Jersey (all around 8,000 square miles).

The link, again, to the crowdfunder set up so that Sam Melia’s wife, Laura Towler, and children (one as yet unborn) will not be pushed into poverty or even destitution by reason of the truly unjust and harsh sentence passed upon Melia last Friday: https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

Goodwin again boosting Reform UK. For me, Reform UK is just “controlled opposition”, a kind of pseudo-national, “conservative nationalist” facade-party. Not the real social-national party Britain needs.

Having said that, I hope that Reform UK does get plenty of votes at GE 2024, and so helps to stamp on the Conservative Party, even if helping the now-equally-evil Labour Party into “elected dictatorship”; and that a Con Party collapse will in turn help in breaking up the “two main parties” scam that still bamboozles many people.

Good riddance.

Seems that Macron has received his latest orders…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/.

They know that the Kiev regime is a lost cause.

New film title— Gone Guy?

Once more they cannot resist mocking the powerless women and children they have rendered homeless and starving. An evil pack.

Late music

Diary Blog, 1 March 2024, including analysis of the result of the Rochdale by-election

Morning music

Rochdale by-election result

[Rochdale by-election result, from Wikipedia]

In my pre-polling day look at the by-election, I picked Galloway (“Workers Party”) as the winner; not very difficult under the circumstances— most journalists also thought that Galloway would win, as did the bookmakers.

Galloway scored 39.7%; oddly enough, exactly the same figure as the understandably poor turnout, which was also 39.7%. In other words, Galloway was elected via the votes of about 15% of the whole eligible electorate.

I went wrong on second place. I thought that Azhar Ali, the disowned Labour candidate, would still manage a second place on the basis that he is local, a councillor, a Pakistani Muslim and, until Jewish-lobby puppet Keir Starmer sacked him, the official candidate of the Labour Party.

In fact, Ali scored only 7.7% and a 4th place. I attribute that largely to his sacking, which means that he will not be the Labour candidate in the upcoming 2024 General Election. Also, to the fact that he climbed down and “apologised” to Starmer and the Israel lobby. In a word, he lost face, badly, by doing that. I presume that his 7.7% reflects a personal vote, mainly.

I also thought, though speculatively, that the LibDems might do rather better than they did, based on their previous (though pre-2015) showings in the constituency, and on their perhaps being a magnet for anti-Government white (English) votes in Rochdale. Not so. Seems that the LibDems are very much a spent force outside a few parts of southern England.

The LibDem vote was only 7%.

The poor turnout sank the LibDem cause in Rochdale. It is pretty clear that the Pakistanis voted but the English/white voters mostly did not. The Pakistani population of the constituency is somewhere in the 30%-40% range. Almost all Pakistanis voted (it can be surmised), but few English/white people bothered.

The independent, David Tully [https://www.rochdaleonline.co.uk/news-features/elections/election-pitch/1743/david-tully], who came second at the by-election, must have attracted most of whatever white/English vote there was. His vote, achieved without a party machine or heavy funding, was a creditable 21.3%.

The Conservative Party candidate never had a chance. This government is as unpopular as any has been in the past century or more, and Rochdale has not elected a Conservative since 1955.

Having said that, the attitude of the candidate cannot have helped. He decided to prioritize his holiday over campaigning, jetting off to the sun only a week or so before Polling Day!

That somehow fits with the whole “b*gg*r you, it’s all about me” attitude of the “Conservative” governments of the past seven, perhaps past fourteen, years. In fact, only now do I know anything of Ellison, having looked up his details (he owns a local landscaping company). https://www.rochdaleonline.co.uk/news-features/2/news-headlines/155121/rochdale-byelection-conservative-candidate-paul-ellison-sets-out-his-plan-for-rochdale.

Ellison’s 12% vote (3rd place) is around where my initial thought about the by-election, a couple of weeks ago, put him (I thought maybe 15%), but better than my most recent speculation (a day or two ago, I thought the Con vote might go as low as 5%).

Finally (leaving aside the five candidates who lost their deposit, none scoring higher than 1.7%), there is Reform UK. Oh dear…

As I wrote before the by-election, Reform UK must have been mad to take on Danczuk as its candidate. After all, he was the local Labour MP 2010-2017, who was sacked for various personal behavioural problems, and who then tried to hang on as an Independent, getting an embarrassing 1.8% vote at the 2017 General Election.

The toxic tabloid content of Danczuk’s life 2010-2017 with and around his seriously thick then wife, Karen Danczuk (known as “the selfie queen” for her self-portraits posted online, featuring both her cleavage and her buck teeth), sank him in 2017, and will still be (and obviously was) remembered by the voters of Rochdale.

Danczuk’s 6.3% vote at the by-election is about where I thought he would end up.

In my view, Reform UK has rather too much of the “Mickey Mouse” about it, too much of the “wing and a prayer” “Amateur Night” village show, to be considered a serious party.

The political scientist Matt Goodwin has been pushing the idea that Reform UK might overtake the Conservative Party in the polls. Not yet, it seems.

At Rochdale, the Conservative Party candidate managed to get twice the vote of Danczuk and Reform UK, despite not bothering to campaign much, whereas Danczuk tried hard, and was even supported by his leader, Richard Tice, riding a sky-blue battlebus.

The by-election does say something about Reform UK that goes beyond its very silly decision to put up Danczuk as a candidate. If Reform UK was going to capture the mainly white/English protest vote, this by-election would have been the place for that to take off. White English people are a majority, maybe even two-thirds, of the Rochdale constituency, yet most —probably the vast majority— did not bother to vote, and even fewer voted Reform UK.

Some may say that the above is because English people are apathetic. I say that they are apathetic for a reason, or reasons. One, in this case, was because Reform UK’s semi-“libertarian” offering just does not “hit the spot”. White English people want, though in most cases unconsciously, social nationalism, and there is not one party, even a small one, offering or proclaiming that ideology.

What does the by-election say about the Conservative Party in the run-up to GE 2024? Toast. This was the worst Con Party result (12%) at Rochdale since the Blair-Labour years (10.5% in 2005, 13.4% in 2001, 8.8% in 1997). In 2019, the Cons received 31.2%, and even in 2017 28.4%.

So there it is. Angry apathy from the white English voters, angry protest from the Pakistani Muslims, a Government without hope, but an Opposition Labour Party unable to inspire any enthusiasm yet likely to “win” GE 2024 purely by default. Also, an upstart and supposedly “populist” party, Reform UK, that has no real support.

I have said nothing about the victor, Galloway. That is because he is a maverick and, despite the “Workers Party” label, basically a one-man band. Whether he can retain his seat at GE 2024 or not is an open question. Maybe he can.


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Talking heads and scribblers such as Tim Stanley are completely in the Jewish/Zionist/Israel lobby pocket. Totally controlled by their own careerism and greed. Also, and despite what his Wikipedia entry says, I should not be surprised were I to discover that Tim Stanley is partly-Jewish somewhere down the line. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Stanley. I have no direct evidence that he is, however. Neither is there any hint of anything of the sort in his interviews: https://europeanconservative.com/articles/interviews/stay-away-from-politics-an-interview-with-tim-stanley/.

95% of the repression on freedom of expression in the UK comes from the organized Jew-Zionist/pro-Israel lobby. I myself face sentencing in a couple of weeks, the malicious Jew-Zionist lobby having procured an entirely political prosecution of me in 2023 (and admit to having been trying to bag me for most of the past decade).

Israeli war crimes continue, supported by the Israel lobby in the UK and elsewhere.

I came to the same or a similar conclusion some years ago (rightly or wrongly).

Don’t forget, also, that Paul Mason is either half-Jewish or quarter-Jewish: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Mason_(journalist)#Early_life_and_education.

For me, Mason runs both with the hare and the hounds too much to be trusted…

Galloway must be one of the few, one of the very few MPs who can speak in public without either reading pathetic platitudes from a written crib, or sounding like a speak-your-weight machine, or both.

The symptoms of the slowly-encroaching “woke” global (Western) police state (in the UK, in the EU, elsewhere too) are now seen everywhere; they include my own Jewish-lobby-procured political prosecution and conviction last year (sentencing hearing this month).

I agree with that. I have no idea what Tice is like as a businessman, though I note that his main work was in a company founded by his grandfather. As a politician, I have no doubt that he is “nbg” (no bloody good). As I blogged some time before the by-election, Tice’s selection of someone as sleazy as Simon Danczuk was a miscall of stunning proportions. As in…you run a “populist”, “new broom”, “clean the Augean Stables” party, so naturally you pick as your candidate someone who was not only sleazy in the sexual sense when an MP but also a grifting freeloader and moneygrubber. An example of the worst of the old parties. No, wait…

How does that work? It doesn’t.

If Tice’s judgment is in question for having, inter alia, picked Danczuk as a candidate, then that, and the by-election result, also brings into question the judgment of political academic, scribbler and blogger Matt Goodwin, who has been boosting Reform UK as a possibly-unstoppable coming political force in the land. Ha…

Goodwin is on surer ground there.

…and there.

Sam Melia

Unconfirmed reports are saying that Sam Melia of Patriotic Alternative has been sentenced in the Crown Court to 2 years in prison for supposed “incitement to racial hatred”.

I did not follow the trial, but I understand that the charge or charges related to the production of (from the little I have read) very innocuously-worded stickers. “Evidence” deemed admissible (presumably going to the Defendant’s intention) included having a picture of Hitler.

The Star Chamber would be proud of England’s 21st Century police, CPS, and judiciary.

As we know, in 2024 Britain, political crime is deemed far more serious than real crime. In a country where crimes of serious violence, or considerable and dishonest acquisition, result often in non-custodial sentences, Sam Melia will now spend about a year in prison basically for having offended or opposed the System and “the usual suspects”.

I have no idea as to whether the plight of his wife, Laura Towler, and their very young child, was taken into account. Seemingly not, or not much. I understand that Laura Towler is presently pregnant with a second child, which will now be born (in the next couple of months) while its father is incarcerated.

I hope that a crowdfunder is soon set up for Melia’s wife and children.

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“A huge crowd”? At a guess, 5,000. Maybe, at peak, 10,000.

Russia has ~143M people, so even 10,000 represents only 1 person in every 14,300. Out of the Moscow population of 13M, 1 person out of every 1,300. Somewhere between those two figures, then. 1 person out of every 1,300-14,300 people.

Of course, the authorities have tried to suppress visible support for Navalny, but even if the true figure is 1 out of every 1,300, and even if there are 20 secret supporters for every one on that march, that is still only, at best, 1 out of every 65 inhabitants of Moscow.

Whatever one’s view of Navalny, his percentage of even mild support was in single figures. Maybe 2%, maybe as high as 5%, of the Moscow population; probably no more than 1%, if that, among the whole population of Russia.

That film shows a seemingly larger crowd, but even if my calculations are out by a factor of 10, that would still show a visible and covert ratio of 1 Navalny supporter out of every 6 or 7 people. Significant but not overwhelming.

Anyway, such speculation is a castle in the air in the circumstances.

Quite. Someone such as Tim Stanley is the ideal political pseudo-philosopher for the present shallow age. One could say that, if “first time tragedy, second time farce” (as Marx opined in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon), then the first time might be Roger Scruton, the second Tim Stanley. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Eighteenth_Brumaire_of_Louis_Bonaparte; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Scruton; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Stanley.

The parallels are not exact, admittedly.

Mason again. His “political philosophy” comes down to two words: “arrest them“. Nothing more. Neither a socialist nor a pro-capitalist, nor yet anything other than someone cobbling together disparate strands to make one jumbled string of pseudo-philosophy which really comes down to the exercise of State power by those who control it, and against any dissidents or dissenters.

Mason’s sheer bile is obvious to almost everyone but Mason himself. Mason’s ideal living environment would be somewhere such as the DDR, circa 1970. Maybe as a Stasi-connected academic in a concrete provincial university.


“Left”/”Right” are terms I never myself use. Not helpful or meaningful. Look at Mason, though, playing the role of “licensed revolutionary”. The police seem uninterested in talking to him about any inflammatory outbursts…

Mason’s MI5 “PF” (Personal File) would be a fascinating read…I would love to see my own, incidentally. I suppose it might make my ears burn…

More tweets seen

Britain needs social nationalism. No matter the intervening repressions (as seen only today and previously in the Sam Melia show trial), events are “conspiring” or converging to create, down the line…Victory.

Well, you know what to do…

Would-be dictator Caroline Lucas says that “words matter“. Is that why she wants to ban free speech (even more)? Raus!

Peter Oborne mentions almost every group but the Jewish lobby; not even “Zionists”; only “Israel”. I can only imagine (joking slightly) that he is afraid of being blackballed by one of his clubs (the Garrick? I am only guessing).

Slightly disappointing by Oborne, who has in the past made interesting anti-Israel lobby documentaries: see

What (((group))) is behind Starmer? What group is behind Sunak? What group is behind “Reform UK”, Farage, Tice etc? Yes, the Israel lobby, but of what (in the UK) is that composed?…

In some ways, Oborne’s 15-minute tweet above is very hardhitting, but it pulls a few punches when it comes to “a certain group” in UK society.

Oborne refers to the danger of the “far right” etc. In fact, any danger is actually from the two superficially opposed groups— Islamists/Zionists.

Announcement from Laura Towler

I happened to see the message below, believed to be a public announcement from Laura Towler of Patriotic Alternative:

By now you will have heard that my husband Sam Melia was sentenced today to two years in prison for his intentions behind publishing stickers that the prosecution said were both lawful and truthful. 

The sentencing guidelines gave the judge the option of choosing anywhere between 2 years and 6 years, and the minimum was given due to the lack of seriousness regarding the offence. The judge could’ve suspended the sentence (and sent Sam home) at two years, however he chose not to and said the reason why was because he wanted the sentencing to act as a deterrent to other people with the same beliefs. 

Before today, Sam met with his Probation Officer who said that Sam was no risk to the public and there was no chance of reoffending, and recommended a community order. The judge chose to ignore this. 

The worst case scenario is that Sam will serve 12 months in prison. Potentially, he could serve 6 – 8 months. He is considered low risk and could therefore be on day release from as early as in a few months. 

If you take anything from this, let it remind you why we do what we do. We live in a country where our people are attacked by the anti-White state for advocating for their own safety and interests. 

I don’t want cuddles and condolences. I don’t want thoughts and prayers. I want you to join me in filling the void that Sam leaves for the next few months. There are no excuses. Not everybody has to be on the front line. There is plenty you can do behind the scenes. 

Sam should hold his head up high knowing that he put his head above the parapet when many others dare not. He didn’t back down at any point over the last three years, nor did he take any offer they offered him. He remained defiant for us, and now it’s our turn to repay his sacrifice by carrying his flame until he is back.

[unconfirmed, but believed to be by Laura Towler]

Another example of how the British jury is now little better than a rubber stamp. As for the judge in question, I prefer not to comment, mainly because I have no wish to transgress the “contempt of Court” rules; in any case, I did not follow the case. There is also the further fact that I myself, in Biblical language, will be “in the same condemnation” in a couple of weeks, being sentenced for —in effect— telling the truth.



Rishi Sunak has claimed extremist groups in the UK are “trying to tear us apart”, in a hastily arranged Downing Street statement that came hours after George Galloway won a byelection in Rochdale.

Standing outside No 10 late on Friday, the prime minister condemned what he called “a shocking increase in extremist disruption and criminality” after the 7 October massacre by Hamas and the Israeli invasion of Gaza.

He also claimed democracy itself was a target, as he condemned the election of Galloway, who easily won the seat in Rochdale on a platform that focused on anti-Israel sentiment over Gaza.

However, in a sometimes rambling and seemingly contradictory 10-minute address, Sunak made points likely to anger MPs on the right of the Conservative party such as Suella Braverman and Robert Jenrick, who have sought to frame recent tensions as almost entirely the responsibility of Islamist extremists.

Sunak was at pains to stress the recent abuse of Muslim Britons as well as the Jewish community, and to highlight the threat from far-right groups as well as Islamists.

[The Guardian]

The little Indian money-juggler presently posing as Prime Minister has made a speech in which he conflated “democracy” with “electing System candidates”, in effect.

Sunak calls for no support for “extremism”, yet he does not seem to think it “extreme” to project the Israeli flag onto 10 Downing Street and then to call for support of a war by a huge mechanized army against, mostly, civilians, half of which are under 18 years of age, and about a quarter of whom are undisputedly small children and babies.

So far, the Israeli Jews have killed about 30,000 or so in Gaza, in under 5 months. About half were children.

Starmer, that nasty ideas-free puppet bureaucrat, is no better.

Incidentally, I myself have blogged about both “democracy” and “extremism” in recent years:

More tweets

In response to the supply of Taurus missiles to Kiev, Moscow could consider the possibility of a Dagger attack on the factory of these missiles in Germany, said expert Igor Korotchenko.

Germany does not officially want to send its troops to Ukraine, but the German army is already present there as advisers and technical experts, noted expert Vladimir Evseyev. The situation is heating up after such statements. Especially after the first, the second is a statement of fact….”

[Marshal Zhukov inspects the ruins of the Reichstag, Berlin, 1945]

Founder of “Blackwater” – We can’t beat the Russian bear.

“Ukraine needs peace, otherwise it will destroy itself,” said the founder of the private military company “Blackwater” Eric Prince in a podcast with Patrick Bet-David.

He also drew attention to the poor state of the Western armies and stressed that American citizens are not obliged to provide hundreds of billions of dollars to a corrupt state, such as Ukraine.

Sam Coates parroting rubbish, much of it “antisemitism, antisemitism“. Idiots like Coates get paid half a million or more per year. Sick society; almost a (bad) joke society.

Is Sam Coates part-(((you know who)))? I wonder…

Coates was easily put in his place by Galloway. Not worth his salt.

Late music

[Lazienkowski Palace, Warsaw]

Diary Blog, 29 February 2024

Morning music

[All Souls, Oxford]

Rochdale by-election

I blogged about the by-election a few days ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2024/02/25/diary-blog-25-february-2024-including-a-look-at-the-upcoming-rochdale-by-election/.

The latest from the bookmakers is that George Galloway (Workers Party) is odds-on to win, followed by (around 6/4) Azhar Ali, the former Labour candidate disowned by Starmer, Azhar Ali therefore being an independent candidate in reality, though “Labour” on the ballot paper. The next in line is the LibDem, trailing the frontrunners at about 65/1. Reform UK (Simon Danczuk) is at 100/1. The rest of the field of 11— 1,000/1.

This is now between Galloway and “Labour” Azhar Ali. Former Labour MP Danczuk only got 1.8% (as Independent) in 2017, after having been sacked. The LibDem may do better than expected, being a white man and alternative to Ali and also to Scotsman George Galloway, whose campaign has been all about Gaza, and whose voters are (90%+) Muslims. Still, if I had to bet, I would probably go with the perceived favourite, Galloway.

The by-election is between two candidates trying to capture the Pakistani Muslim vote. Where do the English voters go? They are still the majority in the constituency, numerically, yet have been frozen out.

Symptomatic of System politics in the UK?

I have no sympathy for Danczuk, and little for Reform UK, but will be interested to see how they go. Had Reform UK put up a better candidate, it might have gone close. As it is, I daresay that the white (English) vote will be split several ways.

Israel declares war on “antisemitism” and “anti-Semites”


Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikii said that “the time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive, and to ensure that the perpetrators of anti-Semitism are identified and dealt with.

The time has come to move from the defensive to the offensive and to ensure that the perpetrators of antisemitism are identified and dealt with,” Chikli said.

The initiative will include a push for a government proclamation to improve Israel’s global standing and legislation to target organizations, including NGOs, and individuals engaged in antisemitism.

[Jerusalem Post]

Well, there it is. “They” want a war, and are about to launch one.

In fact, Israel already targets (via local volunteers in the UK and elsewhere) anyone opposed to Jewish/Zionist global domination.

I myself am due to be sentenced next month, following my conviction in November 2023 for political “offences” under the notorious “bad law” Communications Act 2003, s.127 (recommended for repeal by the Law Commission).

Tweets seen

What the Israelis are saying about why the Israeli response on 7 October 2023 was at first very slow, and then incompetent (killing Israeli civilians indiscriminately).

Needless to say, the “Pearl Harbor” idea, i.e. that the Israeli leadership knew of the attack plan but allowed it to happen in order to be able to flatten Gaza with a figleaf of justification, is not mooted.

1956. The year of my birth in present incarnation.

A very important message still not understood by some people.

One cannot simply dismiss that tweet as “a woman scorned”; the kind of dishonesty alleged destroys (if proven) hope for social nationalism, destroys trust.

Not that it matters in terms of realities, though. “Britain First” has no chance anyway, whether at Rochdale or anywhere else.

True, but I seem to recall that Jayda Fransen was pro-Israel not so very long ago…: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/09/11/diary-blog-11-september-2020-including-a-few-notes-about-jayda-fransen-and-her-new-british-freedom-party/.

I was unaware that that bastard Pollard was still alive.

I wonder how many Jews there are in, e.g. the Security Service/MI5 and SIS? Some, for sure. Where lie their loyalties? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Pollard.

Pollard was granted Israeli citizenship while incarcerated. He relocated to Israel in 2020.

I suppose that the Israelis thought that they owed Pollard something. After all, when he desperately appealed to the Israeli Embassy in Washington —when the FBI was on his tail— the Israeli Embassy guards were ordered to shut the gates and not let him back in. He was then immediately arrested by the FBI. He did 30 years in Federal custody, altogether (inc. 2 years of pre-trial detention).

More tweets

Israel’s war crimes continue.

Not even the heavily Muslim areas of Britain are breeding above the 2.1 replacement rate.

@DillyHussain88 thinks Britain’s Muslims are faithful and will outbreed us natives, but the truth is that even they are increasingly infected with the modernist cancer. Consumer capitalism + Usury = the Death of Nations. This System cannot be reformed or saved, it will simply totter on until collapse. Those who separate from this 21st Century Sodom and breed will build something new from the rubble. https://knightstemplarorder.com/fertility_rate_plunge.”

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

Quite right.

More from the global police state


“[Canadian] Justice Minister Arif Virani has defended a new power in the online harms bill to impose house arrest on someone who is feared to commit a hate crime in the future – even if they have not yet done so already.

The person could be made to wear an electronic tag, if the attorney-general requests it, or ordered by a judge to remain at home, the bill says.

Bill C-63 is designed to curb the proliferation of hate online, but it also establishes a new hate-crime offence, which would carry a maximum penalty of life imprisonment.

Mr. Virani said the hate-crime offence would only be applied if coupled with another crime and the life sentence would only apply in the most serious of cases – not, for example, for mischief to a garage door.

Mr. Virani said the current bill followed studies of the experiences of other countries, including Britain, France and Germany, which have produced similar legislation. Some have had to reverse course after challenges and criticism.

Since it was published on Monday, some lawyers and constitutional experts have raised fears that Bill C-63 could chill free speech.

The bill would allow people to file complaints to the Canadian Human Rights Commission over what they perceive as hate speech online – including, for example, off-colour jokes by comedians. People found guilty of posting hate speech could have to pay victims up to $20,000 in compensation.

But experts including internet law professor Michael Geist have said even a threat of a civil complaint – with a lower burden of proof than a court of law – and a fine could have a chilling effect on freedom of expression.

[The Globe and Mail]

Look at what has happened in the UK. Material (comments, cartoons) are supposed to fall into unlawfulness only if “grossly” offensive. In theory, remarks, cartoons merely “offensive” are not unlawful, but in practice one finds (as in my own case last November) that once the police, CPS and courts think that XYZ is “offensive”, then XYZ becomes, almost automatically, “grossly offensive“, and the maker is then convicted accordingly (as I was).

Free speech has then been further chilled, or killed…

Canada is asking for something akin to civil war by enacting tyrannical laws of this sort.

More tweets seen

Germany was accused of “severe misuse of intelligence data” after discovering that British soldiers were helping Ukrainian forces launch “Strom Shadow” cruise missiles, “Telegraf” reports.

“German soldiers must not at any time and under any circumstances be associated with the targets that the ‘Taurus’ can reach,” says Scholz…

The statement of the German chancellor is a confirmation of the suspicions expressed several times by some Russian officials and experts in the field of defense and weapons, that members of the armed forces of NATO countries help Ukrainian forces in managing complex weapons systems of Western origin.

We get closer and closer to the edge…

There is a clear decision in the Alliance, which was adopted two years ago and which is still in force, which is that NATO is not a party to the conflict and everything must be done to ensure that it does not become and that the possibility of direct conflict does not arise of Russia and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. It is a valid decision of the Alliance made with the consent of all members of the bloc,” said the head of Hungarian diplomacy, Peter Szijártó.

Budanov is 30 years younger than me, but I warrant that I shall still be alive when he leaves this Earth…https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyrylo_Budanov.

I hope that Prince Silly Billy is aware of this.

Late music

[painting by Victor Ostrovsky]

Diary Blog, 7 September 2023

Afternoon music

[M. Lounis, Florida Tropical Garden]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Our NHS“…


Scientists have grown an entity very close to a human embryo — without using sperm, eggs or a womb.

The embryo even released enough of the hormone pregnant women produce that turns a pregnancy test positive, resulting in a positive test result in the lab.

Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel made the complete models of human embryos from stem cells generated in the lab after building on previous research where they had made mouse embryos.

[Daily Mail]

“The simulacrum of the human” creates another simulacrum of the human…


Yes, but other US Presidential candidates are also saying that they want to pull away from the Ukraine situation (thank God).


Is that the best the rotten “Conservative” Party can come up with, yet another attack on the sick and disabled etc? Yes, there are some fraudulent claims, but the vast majority are not fraudulent.

Basic Income has to come, and with it an end to this nasty and pointless “jump through hoops or starve” way of running a “welfare” system.

As for Andrew Pierce, if ever an msm scribbler deserved a kicking, it must be him.


What kind of system targets the sick and disabled? This one; the UK’s one.


What a disgrace.

Tweets seen

Moreover, most of the jobs on any of the websites noted above will also be on the others. The total is probably only around 15,000; perhaps not even as many as that.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/11/the-jew-epstein-and-prince-andrew-the-british-royal-family-has-another-scandal-maybe-its-time-to-just-get-rid-of-them/.

A typical “Jack Monroe” supporter: not “poor” (in fact, quite comfortably-off), a pseudo-socialist virtue signaller, living in comfortable surroundings, extremely rude, and “of a certain age”…[“Laura Davies: over 30 years’ experience in cross-sectoral and cross-organisational strategic planning and delivery.
Chair of the board of trustees for Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union. Former vice-chair, non-executive director and trustee of numerous higher education and representation charities in the North West of England.

Probably one of the Common Purpose rabble too.

That Saudi prince is huge and rather dangerous-looking, like a genie who has just emerged from a bottle.

Cheerful music and film from the days of the German Reich

Late tweets

If that were to happen (which I doubt)— goodbye Kiev…

What a monkeyhouse; even worse than Westminster.

Western sanctions against Russia hurt Europe itself Europe, like the rest of the world, confrontation with Russia is not cheap, writes The Telegraph. The confrontation has led to rising costs of living across the continent, runaway inflation and economic stagnation, and politically it is increasingly dividing the region.

As another winter approaches, European energy prices are rising again, exposing cracks in the economy once again. There is growing concern in Germany about the damage the conflict is doing to the country’s once well-oiled economic machine, partly dependent on cheap energy supplies from Russia.

The belief that Europe can emerge from the situation relatively unscathed has always been a self-deception, the author of the material summed up. Also illusory were the expectations that sanctions would break Putin. After all, the European economy continues to weaken, and over time, sanctions can finish it off.”

Late music

[Museum of Natural History, the Jardin des Plantes, Paris, in winter]

Diary Blog, 4 September 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

Are people finally going to wake up to Gates and the other creatures of evil pushing the fake “climate change” (via “emissions”) narrative? Or are the “sheeple” really going to swallow the idea that the only way to “save the planet” is to destroy our forests and then to bury the trees cut down? Could the forces of Evil behind all this be more obvious?

A typical System drone. Puppet.

Speaking of System puppets, I was curious to find out what that horrible woman, Jacina Ardern, might now be doing. Well, she had, as Prime Minister of New Zealand, accumulated tens of millions of NZ dollars, which itself is a puzzle since she was paid, as PM, about NZ$ 450,000 (~£200,000) per year (and at least a third of that goes in income tax).

Whatever the truth of how transnational System puppet Jacinda Ardern accumulated so many millions in only a few years in office (and she is from a rather modest, if not poor, background), she is now (since early 2023) in a number of positions, including working for a Jewish-funded centre at Harvard which focusses on “online extremism” (no doubt mainly or entirely on social-nationalism). See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacinda_Ardern#Post-premiership.

Another puppet of Evil.

Justin Trudeau, yet another world System drone and puppet.

Another typical System drone and puppet, Lisa Nandy. Mixed-race (English/Indian), not atypical of those pushed forward as part of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

As with all the System puppets, pseudo-liberalistic on the surface but dictatorial not far underneath.

Trade unions were once about the pay and conditions (and wider social needs) of “working people” who, at that time, were 99% or more British. Now, the useless rump “trade unions” still operating are basically a propaganda outfit for the System (especially the Labour-label part of the System in the UK), pushing “anti-racism” and other nonsense (including “trans” nonsense and “refugees welcome” dimwittery).

Look at that clip again. Mostly non-whites and some retirement-age women who look “batshit” crazy.

Rent-a-mob out in Wigan today after it was announced another hotel has been commandeered by The Home Office to house illegals. All these people holding trade union & SUTR banners are supporting Tory policy. Not far from where they are standing Ablolom Okbazge, an Eritrean asylum seeker housed at the local Britannia Hotel, stalked a woman & subjected her to a one hour rape ordeal – “refugees” welcome?

[Steve Laws]

Rape? Really? I had no idea that Jewish-lobby mouthpiece and expenses fraudster Gove raped anyone; but then, until a few years ago, I had no idea that the sick little bastard was both a cocaine abuser and a drunk who is effectively an alcoholic.

On the subject of the aerated concrete, which is full of holes, has little strength, and which is liable over time to deteriorate to the extent of then suddenly collapsing, I am amazed.

How is it possible for concrete of that sort ever to have been approved as a building material for anything beyond the simplest one-storey structures such as garden sheds? The same question came to my mind after the Grenfell Tower fire. How was it even possible to approve as a cladding material something actually very flammable? Mad.

I have known for a long time that most British architects are rubbish; now it seems that the same is true of our builders and civil engineers (and regulators). Shameful.

I see that one of the hundreds of buildings affected by the RAAC (aerated concrete) scandal is Harrow Crown Court, where I spent a relatively few days in 1992 as a belated Bar pupil (aged 35), looking on as our defendants appeared on charges of GBH, robbery etc. Apparently, the Court has been closed at short notice, and is now shut, probably indefinitely, by reason of the RAAC danger. I presume that it will eventually have to be demolished.

[the now-closed Harrow Crown Court]

More tweets

Ha ha! The latest African “head of state”. Don’t tip him, whatever you do!

What I find incredible (though actually all too typical in the Britain of 2023) is that this rather unpleasant and not well-educated woman became, not only an MP but then, having been selected/elected as MP only in 2017, Secretary of State (for Education etc) by late 2022. Only 5 years.


The city of Donetsk has been under bombardment and aerial attack by the Kiev regime for 9 years now, since 2014.

Americans who want to put America first, in front of NWO/ZOG, the Jewish lobby, Israel etc usually get persecuted by the Jewish/Israel lobby. Other examples: Pat Buchanan, who referred to the “Amen Corner” (Op-Ed section) in the New York Times (among other outlets of the Israel lobby); also, James Baker, one of the best Secretaries of State the USA ever had (Gorbachev rated him highly).

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan#Antisemitism_allegations; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pat_Buchanan#Comments_about_Israel.


Late tweets

When you look at the “refugees welcome” dimwits posting in favour of the migration-invasion, the English ones are mostly rather comfortably-off late middle-aged women living in places such as Norwich, Abergavenny etc. Telling…

It has already been three months since the Ukrainian army launched the long-announced “counter-offensive”, with the aim of capturing Melitopol, Berdyansk and possibly Mariupol in order to cut off the Russian land corridor between the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Crimean Peninsula. Despite great efforts from the beginning of July to September, Ukrainian forces advanced between seven and 10 kilometers in depth (in the vicinity of Robotin and Urozhajn), occupying most of the forward positions in front of the “Surovikin Line” and several villages, i.e. about 200 square kilometers.”

The Kiev-regime “counter-offensive” has failed, or perhaps 95% failed. Only the talking head pseudo-experts of Sky News and the BBC seem to be unaware of the fact.

The “refugees welcome” dimwits of the UK will only wake up when that is happening in their own neighbourhoods. If their rotten treachery continues, they may indeed see it some day, a little way down the line.

Get rid of Zelensky, discontented Ukrainians…

Late music

Diary Blog, 29 April 2023

Morning music

[Cloisters, Upper Manhattan]

Saturday quiz

Well, 6/10 this week, and so once again beating political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 5/10. I knew the answers to questions 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 10. I did not know the answers to questions 2, 4, 7, and 9.

Tweets seen

An unverified assertion from an unknown and doubtful source who quotes two other supposed and unknown/unverified sources. Conclusion: probably bs, but it would be nice if it were to turn out to be accurate.

I have been waiting for several years for just one Canadian to step up (’nuff said…). So far, seems that that one hero does not exist…

Important questions. While I myself am totally in favour of the NHS idea of health service (“free at point of use”), in principle, I am even more in favour of a health service that works. Increasingly over the past decade or two, I have been forced to conclude that the NHS does not work, or at least does not work properly.

Late tweets seen

Translation: “we have a crumbling army that has to use press-gangs to enforce enlistment, we have no suitable people for deployment as officers, we have insufficient armament, and we are running out of ammunition.”

In the Western msm, we hear much about the possibility of a palace coup in Russia, but nothing about the arguably greater possibility of an internal putsch in Ukraine, against Zelensky and his cabal.

The Wagner Group has done most of the heavy fighting so far. How can it be left without ammunition?

Was it too truthful?

Ha ha” “They” are all screaming now…the (((usual))) “claque” in operation, yet again.

Hard to believe that the Guardian is still promoting the rubbish of fraudulent “grifter”, “Jack Monroe”.

The voting system is rigged, designed to produce seemingly “fair” or “balanced” results overall (between 2-3 approved parties), but in fact not reflecting the true views of the electorate:

See also:

The biggest single voter movement was from Labour to non-voting.

Why would an Indian money-juggler be thought suitable to be Prime Minister of the UK, either?

Late music

Diary Blog, 24 April 2023

Morning music

[Lazienki Park, Warsaw]

Tweets seen

Not that I ever “supported” Corbyn anyway, but there is no doubt that the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and other Zionist-Jew orgs and individuals conspired to remove Corbyn from the Labour Party leadership.

The silly thing is that Corbyn was not what I would call “anti-Semitic” anyway.

As for Diane Abbott, obviously I have no time for her on any basis.


Yes, we live (whether in UK or USA or EU) in a Western society with various rights and mostly fair-seeming laws etc…on the surface. Excavate a little, though, and you come to a very different layer, as Julian Assange discovered.

Penny Mordaunt is yet another of those MPs who have no intellectual or —crucially— financial independence, which means that she is totally dependent on the favour of the System.

As Marx predicted.

AI and robotics will finish the process. Untold millions of British and other workers will fall into unemployment and poverty, because their labour will not be required, having been largely replaced by ever more sophisticated machines. Without pay, and dependent on State benefits, they will be unable to buy the luxury, or even basic, products of the AI/robotics economy.

In those circumstances, “basic income” schemes will be brought in (we already see a crippled version of that with the UK’s “Universal Credit”).

In the end, in the title of the David Icke book, there may be a”robot’s rebellion” by the human beings thrown on the scrapheap, unless the people are too drugged by the opiates of the age, i.e. televized football, pop music, “celebrity” nonsense etc.

What is required is not 1930s National Socialism, as such, but a form of social nationalism which honours 1930s National Socialism and contains within it the essence of National Socialism.

In short, and in the words of the Old Testament, we “honour our father and our mother”…

More tweets seen

…even when self-defence is necessary and unavoidable, or for the good of the future of the peoples of the Earth overall.

Perhaps, but does the ultra-powerful USA really need “allies” to fight a nuclear, or even conventional, war? “Need” militarily, that is, not as a propaganda figleaf.


Captured by Russian forces 10 months ago. Life goes on…

Late music

[painting by Roman Bozhkov]

Diary Blog, 1 April 2023

Morning music

[vault under Chapel of Lincoln’s Inn, London]

On this day a year ago

Saturday quiz

Well, another victory over political journalist John Rentoul. He scored 5/10, but I trumped that with 6/10. I did not know the answers to questions 5, 9, and 10, and could not remember the answer to question 2.

Sven Longshanks




So much for free speech and freedom of expression…

More from the newspapers


Time and tide wait for no man.

Of course, the Brighton bombing was a terrible action. Having said that, merely one of thousands of British or American bombing raids over Germany in the 1941-1945 period would have caused a hundred or a thousand times the amount of hurt, death, and damage. The same would be true of more recent bombings, in Iraq etc.


Still clapping?


Wouldn’t you just know it?

Out in a year, having ripped off £189,000.

Why do the British people tolerate it?

Trump situation

Readers of this blog will be aware that I am no admirer of Trump, who when President was basically a squawking parrot guarded by a troop of Jews.

Likewise, I despise the fact that, when in his last weeks in office, Trump sat back and did nothing about the fact that thousands of social-national Americans are in Federal prisons. They could all have been pardoned by Trump. They were just left to rot.

As to Trump’s present situation, and speaking, of course, hypothetically, were I in his position I would rally my supporters with a call to arms. Then follow through. I doubt whether Trump will do anything like that, though. He is all hot air.

It is clear that the American political system is at least as broken as that of the UK, and that sinister forces have taken over the academic/educational sector, as well as the msm. Why play by the rules any more? Face reality. There is a need for a second American revolution, on several levels.

Tweets seen

So speaketh Margaret Jay, only herself in the House of Lords because of her connections, and because her father was once Prime Minister. I suppose most people who remember her do so because of the way in which she embarrassed the country by having an affair with a Jew journalist while her nepotistically-appointed husband, Peter Jay, was H.M. Ambassador to Washington c.1979. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Margaret_Jay,_Baroness_Jay_of_Paddington#Personal_life.

How many of these ******* loonies are there now? They seem to infest the Western world.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.

As matters stand, there is no “Parliamentary road”.

Moneygrubbing hypocrites deserve a good kicking.

Technically, Concorde was a great achievement, but I always had a problem with it ideologically: the mass of taxpayers taxed so that a tiny number of very wealthy persons could cross the Atlantic in a few hours. Concorde was subsidized twice over— in its research and development costs, and in its operational costs (losses). The mass of the British people could not dream of ever availing themselves of Concorde’s luxury —if cramped— travel.

I notice, though, that the number of utter mugs sending “Jack Monroe” money via Patreon has now again started to decline, having plateaued for a couple of months.

Last year, after Jewish TV cook Nigella Lawson commended the so-called “Bootstrap Cook”, the Patreon mug-donors numbered nearly 900 (each sending the “grifter”/fraudster between £3.50 and £44 a month, incredibly). That declined to below 500 from August-September 2022, but seemed stuck at around 480. It has now declined further to 460, as of today’s date. That’s still between £1,610 and £20,240 per month, though.

When the police act only at the behest of one lobby, the rule of law decays and is broken down. I have experienced that myself: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

Also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Re. Trudeau, I was hoping that just one Canadian would step up….but, so far, not…

Late tweets

Late music

Diary Blog, 20 December 2022

Afternoon music

[Monet, Boulevard Saint-Denis, Argenteuil]

On this day a year ago

A Christmas Letter from the Front [1943]


Tweets seen

We know, in our hearts, what will be the only solution to this evil, but we are “not allowed” to express it, because those who infest our governments and mass media have had repressive laws passed to censor us. UK, Sweden, Germany, other countries too.

(((Simons))) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Simons]. However, it seems that, perhaps contrary to the second tweet, she opposes criminalization of so-called “holocaust” “denial” (historical examination and revision).

After reading Anne Frank’s diaries as a young girl, Sen. Simons feared that one day the SS would invade her house and take her away. In a Jew-ish family that escaped Nazi Germany, the Holocaust was something close to Sen. Simons’ heart. Yet despite her family’s trauma, Sen. Simons argues that Holocaust denial should not be criminalized, especially not through the Budget Implementation Act (C-19). Instead, she believes that the government should focus more on pressing the platforms that spread this hate speech to be held accountable


Note the early-ingrained hysteria— that the SS would “invade her house and take her away“, rather unlikely in Canada, and in the late 1960s or early 1970s, about 25 years or more after the end of the Second World War. Did she really fear that? I doubt it; either she was a very stupid child or she is not quite telling the truth now.

So anyway, in fact she —apparently— does not want criminal sanction, but wants to censor and repress historical study and revision another way, via backstairs manipulation and pressuring of online fora and platforms.

Incidentally, contrary to what the YouTube blurb says, her family (grandparents) did notescape” National Socialist Germany, but left Russia for Canada, probably before the First World War. She is now 58, born 1964, so her grandparents were born, presumably, in the early 20thC, and in Russia:

Simons was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, one of two children born to Norman Wolfe and Oli (née Dyck) Simons.[1] Her father, a lawyer, was of Jewish descent; her paternal grandparents had immigrated from Russia and settled in Round Hill, Alberta where he was raised.


Do “they” ever tell the truth?

Strange that she uses her mother’s surname.

Her occupation is noted not as “politician” but “journalist“. I see that, as in the UK with the House of Lords, senators in Canada are appointed, not elected. NWO/ZOG puppet Trudeau appointed Paula Simons in 2018.

The steps were icy. Typical lies from the Sun “newspaper”.

Housing now regarded as a “resource”, to be parcelled out by the State and/or local government bureaucrats according to some kind of “woke” tick-box exercise. Older people, English people, childless people, single people— all “bad”, but migrant-invaders, blacks, browns, “young people” (most of whom will soon be —or already are— non-white), especially any non-English with half a dozen children— all “good”.

Once again we see the “Great Reset” and the “Great Replacement” conspiracies working together.

The Jews (eg on Twitter), meaning the Jew-Zionist lobby, are now screaming that this woman of 97, and who, during the early 1940s was a teenager, and secretary to the commander of a German camp, should be imprisoned, executed, tortured etc.

As to the Jews, the facade falls away very quickly once they start calling for blood against someone perceived as a race-enemy. They, after all, still celebrate the downfall and death of some of their enemies thousands of years after the events in question occurred. Most of their religious holidays are of such a nature. Google them.

“Pound of flesh” territory.

A couple of my own experiences of “their” lies and malice: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

Will those who were secretaries aged 18 and who worked at, say, Los Alamos, or at US and UK air bases, be tried because of what happened at Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Tokyo, or for that matter during the Allied air bombing campaign against Germany, in which possibly 800,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed?

I doubt it.

It is clear that the NHS and the social care system need to be one system, seamlessly operating. What stands in the way of that? Funding, yes, but also the vested interests in the NHS. This is a problem that grew out of the way in which the NHS was set up; also, the ageing population.

That idiot, Wallace, will make London and the rest of the UK a nuclear target if it is the last thing he does, and it may well turn out to be so.

Christmas University Challenge

Yet again, the alumni teams (University College, Oxford v. Glasgow) fought, and once again were both rather poor.

Me too (as usual)…

One of the least impressive contestants was Owen Jones, pseudo-revolutionary careerist and “licensed Bolshevik”, whose ignorance on most subjects was patent, though he did get right the three or four questions about the Irish conflict of the early 1920s (so did I; they were hardly difficult).

I have blogged about Owen Jones, in the past: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/04/a-brief-word-about-owen-jones/.

The winning team, Glasgow, was rather mediocre, but still far better than what apparently is informally called “Univ“.

Late tweets seen

I have come to the conclusion that “Jack Monroe” is a complete fake and, if not actually fraudulent, pretty close to it. Is my opinion wrong?I think not

All the same, as of today, 643 mugs continue to send “Bootstrap Cook” between £3.50 and £44 each month. Do the maths…

I can only conclude that either the 643 mugs are living in cloistered conditions, where they are sheltered from the news, or that they are masochistic, and enjoy being taken advantage of. The same sort of people probably support the migration-invasion, and will vote (fake) “Labour” even if its policies are a carbon copy of those of the equally-fake “Conservatives”.

As I said…mugs.

I may be wrong, but my opinion is that the msm has all but “cancelled” the “Bootstrap Cook” now. She has just become too obviously “dodgy”. I would hazard a guess that she will not be much if at all on TV or in the Press in the future.

Having said that, in her shoes I would be not too dissatisfied that 643 mugs are still sending me a total of between £2,500 and £30,000 a month. In the well-worn phrase, I wish! Also, it seems from tweets read that she has inheritance expectations, possibly in the millions, down the line.

More late tweets

Not very subtle, but he makes his point…

Late music