Tag Archives: Nakba

Diary Blog, 16 May 2024, including thoughts about the UK housing crisis, about Islington North, about Simon Myerson, and about “grifters” such as the now-exposed Depher UK

Morning music

[Clare Bridge over the River Cam, Cambridge]

From the newspapers


More than 2,000 households a month are facing homelessness in England because private landlords say they are selling up, with some blaming uncertainty caused by government delays to renting reforms.

Official figures show that more than four in 10 families who have asked councils for temporary housing after a private landlord ended their tenancy are in the predicament because the owner told them they were putting the property on the market.

Despite increasing demand, the supply of private housing available to rent is still 50,000 homes below pre-pandemic levels, figures from Rightmove show. The total number of privately renting households, including those in stable accommodation, has hovered around the 4.5m mark for the last decade, according to the English Housing Survey. In that time, England’s population grew by 3.2 million, equivalent to 1.4m households.

[The Guardian]

Look at the effect of mass migration aka migration invasion: In the last decade alone, the UK population grew by 3.2 MILLION…

Islington North

The Labour Party is to select its candidate to fight Islington North in the expected 2024 General Election. Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader, sacked from Labour by Israel and Jewish lobby puppet Keir Starmer, has not been invited to apply.

Corbyn presently sits as Independent, but was elected at Islington North for Labour in every general election since 1983. At that first election, Corbyn and Labour scored a vote-share of 40.4% (Con 25.3%, SDP 22.4%), but since then Corbyn has never received less than 50% of the total vote, and usually above 60%, peaking in 2017 (when he was Labour leader) at 73% (Con 12.5%, LibDems 9%). At the most recent general election, in 2019, Corbyn scored 64.3% (LibDems 15.6%, Con 10.2%).


The huge unknown is what percentage of the voters voted for Corbyn, and what percentage voted for the Labour label.

Usually, voters vote by label. Few indeed are the instances where a candidate who has been cast out by his or her party, and who has then stood as Independent (or for a small party) then been re-elected. Most face ignominious defeat. However, Islington North may be different.

There has never been a case where a party leader has been expelled, in effect, from his own party, and has then stood as Independent in the constituency that he has represented for 41 years and is still, at time of writing, representing.

Corbyn is very high profile, and of course has been the MP since 1983, over 40 years.

It seems that local Labour has been frozen out of the selection process, and that Starmer or his minions on the Labour NEC will select the candidate. Apparently, there are several not-unlikely possibilities, and a few political chancers, such as faux-revolutionary (and System msm drone) Paul Mason, will probably also apply.

Assuming that Corbyn does stand (as Independent), I think that he might be able to win the election, and I should put his likely vote-share at somewhere around 30%-40%. The official Labour candidate will probably also get about 30%-40%.

There is likely to be a Reform UK candidate, who will probably get below 5%, and possibly (as with UKIP and Brexit Party in previous elections) only around 1% or 2%. The Conservative candidate will almost certainly struggle to get over 10% and, in the present circumstances, may be in lost-deposit territory, below 5%.

It is possible that the LibDem candidate will score over 10%; hard to say.

My view is that, if Corbyn does stand, it will be a straight fight between him and whosoever is selected as the official Labour candidate. Corbyn surely has every chance, if he stands (I think that he will).

Tweets seen

As previously blogged, not even 1997 was 1997 (as popularly now understood); Labour received only 43.2% of the popular vote: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_United_Kingdom_general_election.

The 1997 General Election passed me by; I was in the middle of living for a year in Kazakhstan, was busy with everyday and not-so-everyday things, and did not have a satellite (or any other) TV; also, BBC World Service radio reception from the UK was very poor by reason of the nearby mountains (Almaty is on the lower slopes of the Tien Shan) and the remoteness from Europe etc.

I was and am willing to believe that “Captain Tom” meant well (though the whole stunt was basically brainless), but his daughter and her husband were very obviously riding it for all it was worth from the start. Disgraceful people.

The msm went along with it all because it tended to reinforce the “panicdemic”/”scamdemic” narrative of the times, the “Covid” craziness, “clapping for the NHS”, and other related nonsense.

See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c3gxg4jd0ggo, which is well worth reading. An important investigation. These “grifters” should be hounded and prosecuted, not least because they destroy trust in the whole concept of charity and giving.

I myself gave a couple of small donations to that supposed quasi-charitable org. That’s a tenner I shall never get back. Not a fortune, true, but that “grifter” has thereby deprived me not only of a good feeling but also £10 with which I could have bought a couple of Lottery scratchcards. Never mind. If I ever meet him, I shall recover my money from the bastard in person.

I have blogged previously, several times, about this contemporary disease of online “grifters”— “Jack Monroe” (Melissa Hadjicostas, the Anglo-Cypriot fraudster known as the “Bootstrap Cook”), “Supertanskiii” (grifts money via her pathetic Twitter/X account which pretends to be doing pro-Labour political campaigning via swearing at “the Tories”), “Man Behaving Dadly” (a Jew called Simon Harris, who “grifted” hundreds of thousands of pounds, like “Jack Monroe”, from gullible members of the public, and also cheated Essex County Council out of about £600,000).

Many others exist, including Julia Grace Patterson, a woman who worked as a very junior NHS doctor for about 2 years before deciding that it was easier to live from online “grifting” in various ways, while also posing online as some kind of champion of the crumbling NHS.

The Essex Police seem to be red-hot when it comes to supposedly “racist” teddy-bears, or jumping on legitimate free speech at the behest of the Jewish lobby, but not much use when it comes to frauds like the above (all based in Essex, apart from Depher UK).

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/.

Well, when they are gone, that’s Ukraine’s future as a nation and people pretty much gone too. The birthrate is already far lower than replacement level, and about a third of the pre-2022 population is now outside Ukraine.

What might be called “the Reduction of the Gaza Ghetto”.

Don’t forget the main one—Israel, aided by the Jewish lobby within the USA, embedded in politics, finance, TV, radio, newspapers, publishing, and business.


Simon Myerson

Many readers will be aware of the social media presence of a Jew-Zionist called Simon Myerson, a barrister and Recorder (part-time criminal and civil judge), whose toxic social media presence has led to his being given formal “words of advice” (equivalent to a caution) by the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

I have blogged a little about Myerson in the past; he used to tweet obsessively about me and others, and is tied up with the two organizations who have tried to persecute me over the past 10-12 years, the “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] and “UK Lawyers for Israel” [“UKLFI”].

Recently, Myerson’s sworn testimony in the civil case Wilson v. Mendelsohn, Newbon, and Cantor was discounted by the judge, along with that of other unreliable Jewish witnesses (Nathan Comiskey, Joanne Bell, Adam Cailler).

The Jewish defendants lost out, and at least one may have to sell his family home to pay the costs of the Claimant, he (the defendant in question) plainly having been misadvised by self-seeking Israel-based Mark Lewis and others.

One defendant, Newbon, another obsessed Zionist, committed suicide during the trial. The attempt to ruin a university lecturer, James Wilson, and make money out of it for Lewis and the defendants, backfired spectacularly.

Despite the above, Myerson is still practising at the Bar, and (as far as I know) still sitting as a Recorder.

He is an obsessive, like so many of “them”. Here we are at 1300 hrs on a Thursday afternoon, and Myerson has already tweeted 39 times today by my count, starting at about 0800 hrs this morning. So about 8 times per hour, for 5 hours (so far).

I have no idea whether his practice is busy or not.

Should Myerson be sitting in judgment over the fate of British people?

For more on that specific legal case and the fallout therefrom, see previous posts on this blog and/or the tweets of the successful and brave Claimant in the case, James Wilson: https://twitter.com/per_incuriam2.

More tweets seen

Here’s an angry email from Patron’s partner Alexander Zivancevic. My view is that there is no blackmail, there is no harassment, there are no threats, and there are no mindless emails. My position is: Patron Law led its clients – Mr Mendelsohn, Dr Newbon and Mr Cantor – into disaster. And Patron Law ought to pay to get them out. Mr Zivancevic is annoyed and threatening because all this is going to cost him some cash. But it’s fair enough that he coughs up some cash to protect Mr Mendelsohn and Mr Cantor? What do you think?”

I myself have no idea whether the defeated and possibly insolvent Jewish defendants will now seek to sue Mark Lewis and others, including Patron Law, on the basis of professional negligence, but it seems that that is a distinct possibility, if not probability.

Lewis himself has no property in this country, having “relocated” (fled?) to Israel several years ago. Indeed, just before he left, and at the time of his “conviction” in the Solicitors’ Disciplinary Tribunal in 2018 (for violently insulting people on Twitter etc), and just before he moved “permanently” to Israel, his own Counsel pleaded that he should not be fined too heavily because his “only assets” were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a mobility scooter. Even his car had been provided for him for free, paid for by the “antisemitic” British taxpayers, via the DWP-connected Motability scheme. The so-called “top libel lawyer” (according to the tabloid Press in years past)…

Egregious on its own, but also interesting in that Lewis is apparently a partner in that Jewish or mainly Jewish law firm, Patron Law, based in West London. If Lewis is sued (successfully), it may be the case that the other partners of that firm will be jointly and severally liable, if joined to the putative or potential action.

I hesitate to be unequivocal on this, because I have not practised at the Bar since 2008, and was (albeit wrongfully and unlawfully) disbarred for political reasons in 2016: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

It is not unlikely that the laws of both libel and business or professional partnership have changed over the past few years. I no longer bother to keep up with most legal changes.

Well, there it is, my opinion (which must now come with a non-governmental health warning…).

I have to say that Mr. Wilson is a far more forgiving man than I am. Those Jewish defendants were trying to ruin Wilson and, even if they have been used and bamboozled and manipulated by their fellow Jews, deserve to suffer the consequences of their own badness, in my opinion.

Blackmail?! Well there’s a coincidence. It is so weird. Before the “meanings” judgment was signed off and approved in my case, reading the draft I could see that it was not going well for the other side, that there would likely be further publicity which might be damaging to them and I did not want to cause them any harm. Like the old Buddhist hippy I am, via my sols, I made an offer that was pretty much in the same terms as the settlement we eventually ended up with, suggesting settlement before the judgment was handed down, and then we could ask the judge if he’d be willing not to hand down judgment in those circumstances. My offer was refused as “blackmail”. The judgment was delivered, and published on the BAILII website. The other side then settled. I don’t get it.” [tweeter Cremant Communarde “@0Calamity”]

…or maybe it’s just a (((you know who))) thing…

Needless to add, a “moral case” would not cut it; only a clear legal case would do that.

I wish Mr. Wilson good luck, and victory.

More music

More tweets


Regular readers will have seen that I recently had a slight disagreement with my wife over whether we should give to Hampshire and Isle of Wight Air Ambulance via some fellow who knocked uninvited at the door. I was unsure whether he was bona fide or not.

I later tried to contact the air ambulance people, only to discover that their telephone (the real one— I looked it up online) is an automated message which then switches to a line that then goes dead almost immediately. I emailed them via their own website but (about a week on), I have had no reply, nor even an acknowledgment.

I believe their CEO gets about £150,000 a year, maybe more, and that their total administrative staff salary spend (ie not pilots, not doctors etc) is about £700,000 a year. P*** poor.

I myself would never now give to Hampshire Air Ambulance, whether or not the bozo at the door was bona fide.

People should be banned from fundraising at the door anyway; it’s an open invitation to rip off householders.

The same goes for most of the larger charities as well. The higher-up staff are often getting £100,000, £200,000, even £400,000 a year. Forget it.

He has completely missed the point that he owns the house! Is this not fraud? After Captain Tom foundation debacle – nothing is sacred anymore. Money corrupts people. I for one will not give to charities like this again.” [tweeter Martina J, “@MartinaJ70”].

I can only agree.

Ha ha! Tweeter “@ACSpinner” has obviously slept through the past 2-3 years or more, during which time “Jack Monroe” has been comprehensively exposed as not only a “grifter” but a literal fraudster (though for some reason unknown, she has not as yet been prosecuted).


Late tweets seen

Quite so. The Kiev regime, as I have blogged for over a year now, is running out of soldiers, even the untrained cannon-fodder which has been pointlessly dying in waves over the past two years. As for those “unprepared defensive lines“, they merely emphasize the shambolic and corrupt nature of the Kiev regime.

The Kiev regime has run out of “useful idiots” willing to volunteer to be killed or crippled on the chaotic and crumbling front lines. The foreign idiot virtue-signallers (unemployed Brit ex-private soldiers and adventure junkies, American Soldier of Fortune readers etc) have long since gone home, or been killed. Kiev now press-gangs people off the streets to be sent —on pain of the firing squad— to the front. Few will return. No wonder they put up a serious fight before they are “recruited” and have to face the guns.

The Russian army is reportedly advancing on the Kharkov front, with reports indicating a storming of Liptsy. Ukrainian sources confirm the developments, stating that Russian infantry is launching attacks from the forest west of Lukyantsy, situated on the eastern outskirts of Liptsy. Heavy fighting is also reported west of Volchansk in the areas of Burgovatka and Starytsya, according to other Ukrainian sources.

Late talking point

A country that has forgotten its culture, history, traditions and national heroes is doomed to extinction” [Tolstoy]

I look at Britain and muse as to whether that can be said (can yet be said) about this country. I am unwilling to say so —yet— but that is probably the heart ruling the head, to be frank.



Late music

[Shishkin, Gathering Storm]

Diary Blog, 10 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Volegov]

Tweets seen

Lisa Nandy, another Israel/Jewish lobby puppet, as is Stephen Crabb, the pathetic serial sex pest, seen in that clip nodding like a toy dog: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#Sexual_harassment_allegations.


Crabb was also an expenses cheat https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#MPs’_expenses_scandal;

Crabb victimized the sick and disabled [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#Cuts_to_sickness_benefits], despite the fact that his own parents had survived, in his early years, only by having received such help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Crabb#Early_life_and_education.

Crabb is one of the worst MPs in Parliament.

Lisa Nandy is completely dishonest, as well as being not entirely British: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_Nandy#Early_life_and_career.

Even that is not the whole story. Many of the non-Europeans in the UK were born here.

Even that is probably a cautious assessment. I should imagine that the white population of the UK (the people formerly known as “British”) will be a minority in these islands by 2050, maybe even 2040.

Talking point

Note that all of those recent “Labour” peers are total Israel/Jewish lobby puppets: sex pest depressive John Woodcock (“Lord Walney”), very odd (in various ways) Ian Austin, Tom Watson etc; now Ayesha Hazarika.

So Ayesha Hazarika, who was a comedian (apparently unsuccessful) for a couple of years about 20 years or so ago, and who worked her way up as Labour Party “adviser” (why? how? with what qualification or experience?), and who appeared many times on TV comedy/current affairs rubbish (obviously knew people who promoted her), is now a member of the devalued House of Lords.

God help us, though this sort of nonsense is scarcely new; cf. Oona King.



Well, Ayesha Hazarika no longer need to pretend to be a comedian or politician-manque; she need only take about 30 minutes out of her day to sign in at the Lords, and maybe (optional) partake of a subsidized lunch, to get about £350 taxfree (per day).

More tweets seen

Cummings cannot be entirely bad— it seems that he agrees, on some issues, with me!

My assessment of Cummings, from years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2020/01/03/dominic-cummings-a-government-of-dystopia-and-lunacy-posing-as-genius/. See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/08/10/les-eminences-grises-of-dystopia/.

Is the US war aim the defeat of Russia and collapse of the Russian state? Well, that is not going to happen. Ukraine has not the means to attempt such a task, against a population maybe now 5x the size, and in a vast geographic space.

Is the US war aim for the forces of the Kiev regime to occupy or re-occupy the oblasts of Lugansk and Donetsk, and the new Russian republic of Crimea? That, at present, also seems all but impossible.

Russia has a functioning and even growing economy, a growing and improving army, air force and (arguably) navy, missile forces, and the backstop of nuclear weapons. Ukraine has a collapsed economy, and a population much of which lives in other countries (including Russia). Ukraine (Kiev-regime Ukraine) is almost totally dependent on Western aid. It also now faces shortages of soldiers, arms, and ammunition.

The concealed US war aim was to use the Zelensky regime to put pressure on Putin, and possibly to encourage a palace revolution in Moscow. It never happened and, now that Prigozhin has been knocked off the board “with extreme prejudice”, and his Wagner Group mainly absorbed into the ordinary Russian forces, never will. Not in the next few years, anyway.

If the details were not so horrific, those accounts would be almost funny in places— “they” are always the “victims”, even when blowing up and shooting unarmed civilians, including women and children.

That was in 1948, but here we are in 2024, 76 years later, and similar crimes are taking place in Gaza. “Their” behaviour does not change…only the power of their weapons has changed.

As the above map shows, if Russian forces can take Kharkov, it will be massive. Other Russian forces, pushing up from the south and southeast, will then squeeze the Kiev-regime forces out of the area between Kharkov and Donetsk. Thus the stage will be set for a push west and north towards and along the Dnieper, until the outer boundaries of the Kiev defence lines are reached.

Britain in 2024


A blind pensioner could be out on the streets by the end of the week, claiming he is ‘being passed around’ by Dorset and BCP councils. 

Brian Robinson, 78, left his flat in Wellington Court, Weymouth, some six months ago over a disagreement over a rental price rise. 

The retired security guard moved to Travelodge in Christchurch Road, Boscombe where he has been living since. 

Mr Robinson said he must leave the hotel at the end of the week “because the summer season is approaching”, and paid nearly £500 for his final week.

[Bournemouth Echo]

More tweets seen

Myerson— a lying hypocrite and obsessive. He should never be allowed to sit in judgment on anyone.

Goodwin is right on all that, but the problem is that the Rwanda plan is not an effective deterrent, for the reasons I have blogged about in previous blog posts.

The fact is that both main System parties want more non-white immigration, as per the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan (ignore the vandalistic, Jewish-Zionist, “editing”, and consequent biased wording).

Lammy is so incredibly ignorant about anything and everything that it is almost funny (or would be, were he not likely to be a Cabinet minister with real power by this time next year).

Mandela was as thick as two short planks. Failed law student (finally awarded a degree in the 1980s, after having become famous…), failed would-be lawyer, and failed revolutionary, whose “revolution” (planned partly by blacks but mainly by anti-white Jews) never got off the ground: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UMkhonto_we_Sizwe; also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rivonia_Trial.

Mandela took on, about forty years ago, the role of the West’s “secular saint”, a role previously occupied by Gandhi.

Late music

[Victor Ostrovsky, Last Farewell]

Diary Blog, 8 May 2024

Afternoon music

[painting by Vicente Romero Redondo]

Talking point

It would have been better had the whole Israel/Palestine area, and the rest of the Middle East, stayed under British (Palestine, Egypt etc) and French (Syria, Lebanon) rule and influence.

Tweets seen

Multicultural societies cannot exist except as transitional entities. Where does that leave our present society in the UK?

Sunak’s government of clowns really is running on empty.

Natalie Elphicke pretended to stay loyal to her foolish husband while he was on trial for pathetic minor sex crimes, divorced him after he was convicted and imprisoned, and arranged to replace him as Conservative Party MP for Dover. Now, realizing that the game is up, she defects to Labour! About as trustworthy as any triple agent…

Does that mean that she will be the Labour candidate for Dover at GE 2024? I should have thought not.


Having said that, Natalie Elphicke is unarguably right about Sunak’s bad joke government. The very roads are like something out of the Ukraine now— potholed, rutted, unrepaired or, at best, poorly-patched.

I started to comment on the blog years ago about how, not overnight but over 10-15 or more years (even pre-dating “Conservative” governments post-2010) “nothing works in Britain these days”. The newspapers started to say the same a couple of years ago. Now, hardly anyone would argue about it.

It will be interesting to see whether Natalie Elphicke, if not adopted as Labour candidate for the Dover constituency, stands as Independent. It might be tight between Con and Lab anyway, but with Reform UK in the mix (and very likely to do well), and Natalie Elphicke potentially standing as Independent, it could be a very close contest indeed. She might even win.

Come to think of it, Natalie Elphicke might have done better to have defected to Reform UK, which would probably have made her its Dover candidate, and with a reasonable shot at winning in a three-way split.

American journalist Clayton Morris: “Over the weekend we learned that NATO is actively trying to start a nuclear war. They are testing Putin to see if he is bluffing. Has he bluffed before? Has he ever bluffed? Does he look like a man who bluffs? Poland is ready to give up its territory under nuclear weapons, so that NATO strengthens its eastern flank. “You can put them here, but we must know that we can use it.” Bring nuclear weapons to Poland before the start of World War III. Great! Western leaders now…

Poland seems to have forgotten the lessons of 1939-45…


Seems that the Jewish state wishes to create a road there, on the border of the Negev and Judean Hills regions, and wants the Bedouin inhabitants out for that reason. It may well be just a cover for gradual ethnic cleansing of the area.

Akin to slaves building the pyramids.

Talking point

[Kensington Roof Gardens, London, which date back to the 1930s]

London has large areas of unused roof space which could be turned into green space; not necessarily all open to the public, but still a haven for birds and a recreational resource for individual people, families, employee groups etc.

I had such ideas back in the mid/late 1970s, when I happened to see some of the views from the roof areas of tall buildings: a couple of the then-tall buildings of the City of London (now dwarfed by the new high buildings, of course), the British Gas building at Marble Arch etc; both during the daytime and at night.

Since those times, others with similar ideas but more resources have actually been able to make a few projects a reality. There remains huge scope.

In the Russian saying, “the world is not without kind people“.

Not often do I agree with anything said by puppet of Israel and the Jewish lobby, Starmer, but…

It’s all starting to unravel, the whole panicdemic/scamdemic narrative.

The truth is out there.

I remember seeing on TV all the clowns applauding that Gilbert person at Centre Court, Wimbledon; what puzzled me at the time is how the crowd even knew who she was. Was that all part of the propaganda of those times?

Late tweets

I suppose that there may be pleb-Cons who still do not understand that.



Late music

[East Berlin, 1970s]
[“Gold Collection— Yevgeny Belyaev; Unselfish Soul“]

Diary Blog, 2 May 2024

Morning music

[black and white still from 1959-1963 American TV series The Untouchables, one of my childhood favourites (seen by me in Australia in the years 1967/1968). Robert Stack seen in the photo in the role of Elliot Ness, toting a Thompson submachinegun with unusually-small drum magazine, probably the 20-round version]

Tweets seen

For my views about LBC, a radio station (ultimately) owned by a very pro-Israel Jew, see previous days’ blog posts, or use the search box on the blog.

…and look at the “Israeli” police: at least one shown is African, presumably a descendant of the “Jews” flown from Ethiopia by MOSSAD and the CIA in the 1980s and 1990s; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel#Immigration_to_Israel.

Apparently, there are about 155,000 Ethiopian “Jews” in Israel today. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel. Half of them were born and brought up there. Their historical origins are rather obscure: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta_Israel#Origins. Some people believe that the African “Jews” were slaves or servants of Jews resident in ancient Egypt, and took up their customs, but that theory has as little evidence, or less, than numerous other theories.

Those Israeli police are even more free with their swinging batons than are the traffic cops in Moscow, the GAI (as was). The Israeli police truncheons seem to be longer than the Russian ones (or the old British type, now replaced by extendable metal ones). The Russian traffic cops usually swing their batons menacingly as they stand in the street, as if just waiting for a chance to use them; the Israeli batons seem more like the NYPD “nightsticks”. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Directorate_for_Traffic_Safety.

From the people that brought humanity the atom bomb“…

Try referencing “their” behaviour, and see how quickly the censorship kicks in, whether on LBC, Sky News, BBC, in Parliament, or in an ordinary court of law.

Here’s a bet. Radio loudmouth James O’Brien will never once say that LBC, his employer, is owned by companies owned by a Jewish heir to a fortune. He will never say that simple truth. What odds will you take?

Never be fooled by msm talking heads such as James O’Brien; they are bought and paid for. House-serfs. When the “You Know Who” cracks the whip, they jump…

Jews often say or talk, or write, or tweet about how Palestinian Arabs should draw a line under the fact that the Jews stole most of “Israel”, particularly during the 1948 “Nakba”, in the following years, and engaged in ethnic cleansing; whole villages killed by Jewish execution squads; men, women, and children shot after having been restrained by having their hands and/or feet tied.

The Palestinian Arabs, say the Jews, should “move on”, forget about the Jews’ ethnic cleansing, the massacres of civilians, the theft of land, houses, apartments etc, and make another life for themselves in Jordan, or Lebanon, and not keep talking about the catastrophe visited upon them.

Strangely enough, the very same Jews who say that never shut up about the events of the 1930s and especially early 1940s, when they say Jews were massacred etc by Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Baltic people etc. In fact, a whole industry of books, films, often “faction” (fiction disguised as “fact”, or “near-fact”) has grown up with those events (true or not) as its subject-matter.

When he was first elected, I thought that Johnny Mercer would be a breath of fresh air in the Westminster monkeyhouse— ex-officer, served in a war zone (Afghanistan) and, I think, saw combat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician).

I thought that Mercer would bring both integrity and commonsense thinking to the Westminster Bubble. Sadly, not so. His expenses have been questioned at times, and he seems to engage in private business activities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mercer_(politician)#Expenses. There is at least an impression of venality.

Having said that, Mercer’s vote-share has increased from 37.6% in 2015, through 51.9% in 2017, to 60.7% in 2019. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plymouth_Moor_View_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s.

Half of them cannot find their own country on a map of the world. I lived there. I know them as well as most Brits do. You are talking about a country (USA) where a tiny minority are incredibly well-informed (maybe 1%, being diplomatic about it), where about 5% are reasonably well-informed, and where maybe 94% know very little about anything beyond their everyday lives and situations. The 94% are easily manipulated by the American msm which is mostly owned, staffed, and influenced by “the usual suspects”.

In other words, opinion polling of the American people reveals, to an even greater extent than polling of British people, what the people have been spoonfed by the (((msm))).

National Socialism in Germany promoted health: physical health, moral and ethical health, spiritual health, cultural health, and the healthy evolution of the whole people or Volk in a Volksgemeinschaft or folk-community. They cut away unhealthy cancerous growths in the body politic, and in society as a whole.

[BDM girls ride through a sun-dappled forest, National Socialist Germany, 1930s]

Con and Lab are both nests of traitors, both parties being (in reality) signed up to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Anyone’s guess, as far as the 2024 Westminster election is concerned (GE 2024), but my take is that tens of millions of British people are just sick of experiencing how nothing works any more in this country, from local right up to national level. They just want all this utter shite to stop. Labour will probably be unable to do much better, but what people want now, first of all, is to put the Conservative Party on a pyre, and then set light to it.

As to “how low” will the Con vote go at GE 2024, my view, formed over the past year or two, stands at present somewhere below 20%. The latest YouGov poll puts the Cons at about 18%.

My use of Electoral Calculus [https://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/userpoll.html] on those figures puts the Con MP cadre after GE 2024 at 31 MPs (Labour 519, LibDem 58). On that basis, the Conservative Party will not even be the official Opposition.

Even if those figures are wildly out, it looks as if 2024 may be the swansong for the Con Party as both “the natural party of government” and even as the natural main opposition party.

So the younger generation(s) prefer white bread? Very unhealthy.

Britain can no longer protect itself from missiles and drones.

The UK is “increasingly vulnerable” to the threat of missile and drone attacks. Decades of savings have undermined its air defenses, experts warn. London has highly effective means, but they are no longer enough to protect the vast amount of critical infrastructure across the country, as well as troops abroad, Sky News reports.

The situation is exacerbated by the increasing quality and quantity of missiles and drones developed by hostile states such as Russia, China, Iran and North Korea.

The Royal Air Force currently has just nine squadrons of fast jets, down from 30 at the end of the Cold War. The Royal Navy’s six Type 45 destroyers are equipped with the country’s only missile defense systems. But only three of those ships are “available for operations,” including one in the Middle East, according to a Navy spokesman.

On land, the military has about six Sky Saber ground-based air defense systems, each capable of shooting down multiple missiles. But at least two of them – and perhaps more – are deployed overseas, and those in the UK have a very limited range.

Britain benefits from its geographical location, with many European NATO countries located between its shores and Russia. However, the air defense of many European countries was also reduced in order to save money after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Sky News notes.

Late music

[Unity Mitford, at home in England after having shot herself in grief after Britain declared war on the German Reich in 1939]

Diary Blog, 23 April 2024

St. George’s Day

Morning music

[Blues and Royals, London]

Tweets seen

Why would any organization want to subject its staff to a programme of socio-political brainwashing by Jew-Zionists, especially a dishonest and malicious pack such as the so-called “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”]?

The next time that the “CAA” “executives” Falter and Silverman give sworn testimony in a criminal or civil legal case, they should be robustly cross-examined about finances, including how much they themselves are being paid for their disgusting activities.

The “CAA” is effectively a volunteer arm of the Israeli Embassy in London.

There must be an investigation into, not only that recent piece of street theatre by Falter, but also into, and more importantly, the hooks that the “CAA” cabal have got into the police, CPS, TV people, radio people, and newspaper scribblers, not to mention both “Labour” and “Conservative” political facades, right up to the little Indian money-juggler presently posing as Prime Minister.

More tweets

That chart shows very clearly just how disastrous, economically, the war with the German Reich was for Britain. If only Britain had had real statesmen able to see ahead, unlike stumbling, bumbling Churchill, whose military and naval ideas were rock-bottom (Gallipoli in WW1, and in WW2 Norway, Greece, Crete, Singapore etc), and whose social ideas were antiquated and unreal.

As the under-rated historian Correlli Barnett said in several of his books, after 1945 the UK had the choice of trying to maintain its worldwide Empire and being a major power, and/or of regenerating its economy and particularly its industrial manufacturing sector, and/or of creating a Welfare State. Only two (any two) of the three were possible of full achievement, but Britain tried to undertake all three simultaneously; that strategy failed, or partially failed. It had not the means (because of the War) to succeed in all three. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Correlli_Barnett.

Entirely typical of “them”. In the UK, such harassment and covert hostility is undertaken in a similar manner, mainly via Jew-Zionist groups such as the “Campaign Against Antisemitism”.

Apart from all the other lies of Gideon Falter, if he claims that he was taking a stroll after having attended a synagogue, that must also be untrue. Other Jews have said that Falter was out and about long before what the Jews call “schul” would have ended.

Also, as a former long-term near-Central London resident, I am unaware of any synagogue in the area around where Falter was performing his political street-theatre nuisance (in Aldwych); and even if I am wrong on that, as far as I know Falter lives mainly in the St. John’s Wood neighbourhood of NW London (quite close to my one-time home in Little Venice, London W9). There is a large synagogue in St. John’s Wood Road, and another one in Lauderdale Road, Maida Vale. Both far from the Aldwych/Kingsway area of London; miles away. How would any stroll take him that way, even forgetting about the ex-MOSSAD security staff and the film crew?

Falter, like all his “CAA” co-conspirators, is a liar, and an abuser of the legal system (and mainstream media) of this country.

More tweets


Insp Parker-Phipps, whose laptop battery was “dying”, put the order in place at 10:00 GMT on November 26, but accidentally dated the form for November 24.

Mr Robinson’s defence lawyer, Alisdair Williamson KC, told the court there had been a “litany of catastrophic errors” in the Met’s handling of the incident.

Questioning the inspector, Mr Williamson said: “This document is not correct is it?

Can we have any confidence that there was a lawful order in place?”

To which the inspector replied: “No.”

Giving his ruling, District Judge Daniel Sternberg said: “I am not satisfied there was a legal authorisation.

“There is no case for you to answer.”

The hearing was attended by numerous supporters of Mr Robinson who filled the public gallery.


So the policeman directly in question, of the rank of inspector, wrongly-dated the crucial document? He also admitted —without equivocation— in court not only that he had wrongly-dated the document but, further, that that probably meant that the Order purportedly authorized had thereby been rendered unlawful.

What an unusually-helpful police witness. “Tommy Robinson” must have been born under a lucky star. Or something.

Much truth in that, but the elephant in the room that “Robinson” never mentions is the pervasive Israeli and Jewish influence in the UK.

Like Katie Hopkins, and a whole host of other “alt-Right” and similar activists, Robinson always seems to take the Israeli/Jewish/Zionist side of a false dichotomy.

There is a Jewish police organization which seems to have plenty of influence: see below— “CAA” liar Gideon Falter influencing (?) former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, at Scotland Yard:

Finchley Road, so again in that Swiss Cottage/St. John’s Wood part of London.

No different from what Jewish terror squads did in Palestine/Israel in the 1940s. They blew up buildings, kidnapped and murdered British soldiers, and “ethnically-cleansed” whole villages, towns, and cities.

In Europe, Jewish terrorists even tried to poison the water supplies of London and some German cities, as well as attempting to bomb London indiscriminately, trying to kill as many British people as possible.

Incidentally, such Jewish terrorism, and other “activism”, did not come about by reason of the events of the Second World War. In 1933, as soon as the NSDAP under Adolf Hitler came to power, the web of “World Jewry” declared war on the new Germany. They, if you like, drew first blood.

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Australia now is very different to the affluent and generally relaxed country I saw in the late 1960s. Controlled and tied down in so many ways, and far more stressed. Sydney itself has twice or more the population it had back then (then about 2M, now 5M+).

Another aspect that strikes (and puzzles) me is the almost caricature “Aussie” accent many now sport, including most of their politicians. That never used to be the case, not to that extent, as far as I can recall. There was a “strine”, yes, but it has become more accentuated, in fact almost become a joke, as one can hear from the woman in that clip.

From the newspapers


A furious mum glassed a man in the face at a pub after he guessed she was four years older than she was.

Joanne Dodd launched her attack on Carl Cooper after he suggested she might be 43, when she was actually 39. The pair were having a light-hearted exchange in a Manchester pub beer garden before Carl went to the toilet to try and get away from an offended Joanne. But when he returned, she ran towards him twice and pushed her wine glass into his face, leaving him with a 10cm cut that narrowly missed his eye and needed stitches, as well as an injury to his thumb.

Manchester Crown Court heard Dodd was suffering from ‘low self esteem’ and was drinking heavily at the time of the attack. The mum-of-one pleaded guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm, facing up to three years in jail under sentencing guidelines. But Judge Elizabeth Nicholls instead gave her a suspended sentence, explaining that despite there being no excuse for the crime, she could see that Dodd, who has no previous convictions, was a ‘hard working woman’, ‘loving mother’ and posed ‘no risk to the public’.

Dodd was sentenced to 12 months in prison, suspended for 12 months and was ordered to complete 180 hours of unpaid work and pay £800 in compensation to her victim.

[Daily Mirror]

So a woman who twice pushed a glass into the face of (what seems to have been) a complete stranger poses “no risk to the public“?

I suppose that it could be argued that the sentence is not unjust: the victim will (presumably) get that £800, and 180 hours of serf labour is pretty stiff, but the idea that such a defendant poses “no risk” is surely demonstrably untrue.

I suppose, also, that the only way to test the verdict of that judge is the method suggested by the judge to the jury in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Trial by Jury:

she says that when in drink, he hits her and kicks her; well, gentlemen of the jury, let’s make him tipsy…and see!

I think that the courts must start getting tough on violent crime, including violence committed in social settings such as pubs, and not infrequently by drunken women these days.


homeless woman says living in a bus shelter with her boyfriend and mum is safer than being put in temporary housing with drug addicts.

 ‘I’ve got a chest of drawers, a carpet.’ The family will now have to move out after Transport for West Midlands announced it was demolishing the bus shelter within weeks.

Destiny added: “They’ve said we’ve got a month left and they’re going to destroy it. I’ve been in here a long time, I don’t want them to destroy my home, we haven’t got anywhere else to live. If the council doesn’t help us we’re going to try and move into another bus stop.

[Daily Mirror]

Britain in 2024…

More tweets

Ha ha. If that little twerp thinks that the millions of Ukrainians now living in Poland, Germany, and many other countries are going to return to the brutal, corrupt, and shambolic dictatorship of Zelensky and the regime in Kiev, let along join its ebbing armed forces, he is living in a land of fantasy.

Either this summer or later, there will be a general advance by Russian forces, moving north and west across Eastern Ukraine; perhaps even an approach or “podstup” near to Kiev itself, which region is now heavily defended.

The Kiev-regime forces are now entirely on the defensive, without the ability, troops or other means to attempt an advance, still less any offensive, after the failure of the last and half-hearted one in 2023. All they can do is launch occasional missile attacks on Russian territory, with the aim of causing a certain amount of damage to refineries, train lines, bridges etc.

Late music


If you are able to donate to my crowdfunder (to defray the Court-imposed costs of my recent free speech trial), thank you; if not, please share the link:


Diary Blog, 8 March 2024

Morning music

Twitter/X is now full of idiots saying that Lydon is “wrong“, “gammon“, a “hypocrite” (because his family was Irish—as if that is equivalent to being a Congolese or Afghan…) etc.

All one has to do is remember that active Twitter/X is a very small world (perhaps 1% of the British people, and very atypical, which is why its “woke” apparent majority always gets it wrong politically, from the result of the Brexit Referendum to Trump’s first Presidential election to (you name it).

Amazing that people are somehow surprised at all. The economy was deliberately (and for no good reason) largely shut down for two years, and by Government decree, during which time millions of people were paid to stay home watching TV, or drinking, or paid to work (at well below peak capacity) from home.

At the same time, and over recent years, half a million to a million useless parasites per year, from all over the world, have been imported to the UK as fake “students”, “high-skilled workers” (Indians who can work a computer), “family members”, fake fiances/fiancees etc, and/or allowed to stay having come here illegally on small boats. Most of them supported entirely from Government funds.

That is in addition to vast sums wasted otherwise during the panicdemic/scamdemic: “test and trace”, “PPE” etc.

Britain continues to go down, both economically and socially. Look at the cities: people sleeping in the streets, which are overrun anyway with unwanted migrant hordes from all over the world. In the countryside, the roads are like those I recall from driving in Bulgaria and Greece etc 20-25 years ago; potholed, poorly-surfaced and, unlike those of Bulgaria or Turkey decades ago, overcrowded.

Then look at the UK’s police (who prefer to snoop on bloggers and Twitter/X accounts rather than do their proper job), or the NHS (which is almost a skeleton service).

Oh, and the Jew Shapps was in Kiev on Thursday, throwing more British taxpayer monies at Zelensky’s brutal, corrupt, and shambolic dictatorship, which is about to be flattened by a Russian steamroller.

From the newspapers


Ukraine’s former commander in chief, Valerii Zaluzhnyi, is to become the country’s next ambassador to the UK, a month after he was fired by the president, Volodymyr Zelenskiy, from his job leading the military.

[The Guardian]

Quite a contrast to Mr. Komissarenko [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serhiy_Komisarenko], the Ukrainian Ambassador to London in the mid-1990s, with whom I travelled one fine day to the highly-guarded Porton Down microbiological laboratories on Salisbury Plain. I blogged about that a couple of times, so anyone interested can find my account on the blog via the search box.

About 29 years ago. How time flies.

It also occurs to me that almost all the Ukrainians, of all social/educational levels, I have met (admittedly not a huge number) have been very full of their own importance; that was certainly the case with Komissarenko.

Memory Lane…

There is no justification for acts of rape. There is no justification for acts of massacre. Those are war crimes. But in certain conditions, expulsion is not a war crime. I don’t think that the expulsions of 1948 were war crimes.[8]” [Benny Morris, Israeli historian, quoted on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benny_Morris].

On that basis, the expulsion of Jews from Germany was not a crime either…

Sam Melia and Laura Towler

[Valkyrie and hero— Laura Towler and Sam Melia]

I am gratified to see that the crowdfunder set up to provide for Laura Towler and her children (one still very young, the other expected to be born within weeks) has now reached, as of time of writing, £57,691.

I would urge anyone reading this to make a donation, even if modest (the minimum is £4), and/or leave a message of support. See https://www.givesendgo.com/sammelia.

The more this couple are given, the greater the morale boost for all in the loose social-national community, and the greater the morale hit taken by both the “antifascist” loonies and the System.

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The Jew Shapps is both mendacious and, at the same time, a total clown. Ukraine (Kiev regime) in fact cannot “win” against Russia, even to the extent of “taking back” Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts. If there were even a possibility of it, Russia could and probably would flatten all major Ukrainian cities.

Shapps is, of course, also lying when he calls Ukraine “a democracy“. Brutal, shambolic, corrupt; a country where press-gangs kidnap men off the streets for use as army cannon-fodder, and where young girls who are caught stealing lipsticks etc are almost “tarred and feathered”, tied to lamp-posts while people assault and insult them. A country where elections are now banned, as are trade unions and all free speech.

More tweets

No-one who, like Jukes, calls an actress an “actor” can be taken seriously.

For once, “antifa” cheerleader Stuchbery makes a good point.

Stuchbery often used to tweet very negatively against me, and made common cause with the Jews on Twitter/X who have been trying to attack me for years, so I blogged about him. He did not like it: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/10/23/a-few-words-about-mike-stuchbery/.

Still, credit where due… #MoralHighGround.

(ps. so Stuchbery is getting on, or has already signed on, the German dole,…as I predicted a few years ago. He must have long ago spent his share, if any, of the £12,000 he, thick “antifa”-loving Twitter nuisance Louise Raw, and a dodgy Pakistani solicitor, raised from a thousand mugs, ostensibly “to sue Tommy Robinson“.

No-one (as far as I know) has any idea where the monies disappeared to went. Not a fortune, I know (especially if divided three ways) but, all the same, something like a thousand mugs stumped up £5 or £10 or £20 each in good faith, and were cheated, I think.

My blog post (updated) about Therese Coffey has proven rather popular over the past few years: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

They’re coming to take me away, ha ha!

Another very popular blog post is this one from 2019 (with updates), which examined the linkage between political ideologies (in particular, Jewish Zionism and “antifa” and/or “antifascist” extremism) and mental illness: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

The facts are quite striking when you look at them.

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I always liked Paris, though it is far from what it was when I was first there in 1970. In recent years, the migration invasion has ruined it, but I should still be sad were the city to be flattened and irradiated by a Russian missile attack. Hopefully, French people will be able to depose or otherwise remove NWO/ZOG agent Macron, and so not have to face directly the nuclear might of Russia.

Former US intelligence officer: Penetrating the Crimean bridge would be a direct act of war against Russia ” German military officers are talking about the use of Taurus missiles against Russia. But not only against Russia, but about the possibility of hitting a civilian target, the Crimean bridge… This is a direct act of war ,” said former US intelligence officer Scott Ritter.

Such actions by Germany, as he says, could drag the USA into a conflict with Russia that would end in a nuclear war. Therefore, the recording of the conversation between the German officers published by the Russian media should become the number one topic in the United States, he emphasizes.”

Britain 2024…


A mother with Stage 4 cancer claims she was left ‘traumatised’ when High Court enforcement officers (HCEO) evicted her from her house – leaving her outside in the cold until the early hours of the morning.

Video footage shows around ten security and enforcement officers surrounding Sheena Williams’ home in Plains Avenue, Maidstone, Kent, while police officers watch on.

The front door was eventually smashed in by the HCEOs as they forced entry into the home the 60-year-old has lived in for nearly three decades. 

When MailOnline visited the property on Thursday it was boarded up with a security team patrolling outside.   

Sheena, who has metastatic cancer and is confined to a wheelchair, was told the house was being repossessed due to an unpaid tax bill.”

[Daily Mail]

…and they want people to volunteer for armed service, or to accept conscription, to defend such a country…

More tweets

I would reverse the order of that tweet. Yes, Balfour did what it says (possibly for a cash bribe; he was also mentally unstable) but I cannot condone the destruction of real art which is also of historical importance. I also tend to think that someone who can damage a valuable and historically-significant painting is probably capable of doing a great deal worse.

Late music

Diary Blog, 30 January 2024

Afternoon music

Tweets seen

In the medium term, Israel is doomed.

Ha ha!…

Any real British government would not accept these American weapons on British soil. They make the UK even more of a potential target.

Israeli Jews— inter-generational thieves.

…and the rest will be from births to immigrant or previously immigrant or other non-white mothers.

If a social-national government cannot take power within the next decade, Britain is doomed and British society will become a chaotic and brutal dystopia.

Exclusive: BBC staff are being told not to hire candidates who are “dismissive” of diversity and inclusion. A recruitment policy document says that applicants should be asked to “what opportunities do you see for you to promote, celebrate or encourage diversity and inclusion in your role?”

The guidelines tell recruiters “don’t hire; [candidates who are] unsuited to the organisation” if they are “dismissive or derisory of diversity and inclusion and surrounding topics”.

Managers are also directed not to offer jobs to candidates if they show a “lack of interest in learning more where no evidence of education and understanding of diversity and inclusion was given”.

Commenting on the recruitment guidelines, a BBC source said: “The BBC is not a welcoming place for those with conservative opinions. Management talks about diversity, without embracing diversity of thought.

The place that I have given years of my working life, and that I sincerely cherish, currently feels captured by Left-wing activists and is unable to deliver on our core principle of impartiality.”

“Hiring on the basis of adherence to diversity and inclusion ideology excludes most conservative-minded people, and indeed much of the population.

[Steven Edginton, Daily Telegraph].

The BBC, even more than other msm, is a nest of treachery and evil, as shown by its propaganda output during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic.

I was just thinking, “just like the Soviet system of having at least one ‘politichesky rukovoditel‘ (political director, executive, supervisor, or commissar) attached to each ship or Army formation, and assisted by ‘sekretnye sotrudniki’ or ‘stukachi‘ (‘secret co-workers’ or ‘informers’).”

So it seems that the Royal Navy probably has far more of those officers than it has ships: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Navy.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Britain is still being invaded daily…

Sorry to see that notice. I was a member of Lincoln’s Inn from 1986 until I was (wrongfully and unlawfully) disbarred in 2016, at which point my membership of the Inn was, effectively, terminated automatically.

As a very frequent user of Lincoln’s Inn Library, I knew Catherine for many years (1988 to about 2002). She was from the North (maybe North East) of England, from a family in a coal-mining community. Beyond that, I knew little of her personal life, though I believe that she got married at some point after having joined Lincoln’s Inn (and the photograph in that tweet, showing a ring, would seem to support that).

A nice person.

[The Library, Lincoln’s Inn, London]

Mortality. It comes to us all. Catherine, I now see, was actually 6 years younger than me. It reminds us that we must stand up for truth and justice etc while we live, no matter what challenges the forces of Evil array against us.

Quite a few people I have known in my life have died now, many of whom were younger than me. I have mentioned a few on the blog: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2021/05/20/diary-blog-20-may-2021/, and

Well, looked at from an ethics-free view (and/or from the Israeli point of view), that operation has the hallmarks of skill and cunning. Equally obviously, to kill patients prostrate in a hospital (one photo shows a single bullet-hole in the centre of a hospital pillow, with blood around it) is pretty abhorrent and, indeed, very wicked, something one would associate with the worst criminals and terrorists.

Frederick Forsyth was or is very pro-Israeli. I saw something from him once to the effect that terrorists who then gain state power (as happened in Israel/Palestine when the various Jew-Zionist terrorists of the Irgun, Palmach, Stern Gang /”Lehi” etc became part of the Israeli power structure) can leave their terrorism behind and become “normal” political leaders of “normal” states.

Forsyth’s view may have had its arguments when he was most fervently pro-Israel, in the 1960s, 1970s, but now the facts have changed or become more evident: Israel’s massacres of Arab civilians every few years, and of course the truth coming out more in the West about the ethnic cleansing (mass murder, and theft of land) carried out by the Jews in Israel/Palestine from 1948 to the present day.

Forsyth himself, who always strikes me as rather dim, at least politically, was cheated out of much of his invested money by a Jew he trusted (“Roger” Something), insult then being added to injury by the said Jew receiving a mere suspended sentence for the embezzlement of millions of pounds. That episode is, incidentally, absent from Wikipedia. “They” seem to have been “editing” (sabotaging) again…

[Addenda, same day: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/business/levitt-trial-ends-as-second-man-admits-fraud-unexpected-events-in-court-and-the-man-behind-a-pounds-34m-collapse-1506406.html; and

https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/12709766.fraud-trial-ends-after-change-of-plea/; and

https://www.accountancyage.com/2004/12/07/the-corridors-of-power-104/; and https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/levitt-fraud-trial-cost-taxpayer-2-12m-pounds-1385929.html; and


Late tweets seen

A fact not known to many people; people generally should be aware of it: see https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-to-get-a-debt-relief-order-dro.

That LSE research bod— thick, or a traitor to the future of Europe? Well, his background does not indicate stupidity, at least in the normal sense: see https://www.linkedin.com/in/ianhigham/?originalSubdomain=uk


Note the “typical” hand gesture…

Very interesting.

Late music

Final word

Regular readers will be aware that I am to be sentenced tomorrow for allegedly having posted “grossly offensive” (anti-Jew-Zionist) material on 5 out of some 1,700 blog posts published since this blog started in late 2016.

It may be that part of the sentence will include a restriction on the publication of the blog. If so, the restriction might last for a year. We shall see.

Freedom of expression on political, social and even historical topics is as good as dead in the UK, and those responsible are, for the most part, those who may well be called “the usual suspects”.

I hope to resume blogging soon, but if that proves not to be the case, I wish all well-intentioned readers well, and hope to resume transmission in due course.

Diary Blog, 28 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, a very modest 3/10 this week, but the questions were, I think, a little more difficult than usual, looking at political journalist John Rentoul, who scored zero. I only knew the answers to questions 1, 4, and 10. I thought that I knew number 7 as well but, as football fans say, I “hit the post” and was mistaken.

Tweets seen

The suffering and terror of the Gazan people is terrible. Two million civilians, half of them children or teenagers. The animal population, including cats, is also there, suffering with them..

Meanwhile the fanatical Jew-Zionists (though a small minority of all Jews currently resident here in the UK) cheer on “their” state of Israel as it does such terrible actions; the same also whine that they themselves are “in fear” from, it seems, people disapproving of them and Israel.

Of course, until 1948 Palestine was under British (international Mandate) rule, but as soon as Israel was proclaimed as a state, there began the mass killings, ethnic cleansing etc known as the Nakba. Seizure of land, houses, and apartments from Palestinian Arabs by Jews. It still continues, though more gradually. The Jews also punish the families and relatives of Palestinian activists or operatives by demolishing their homes.

Maybe that is what “they” really want…

Evil posing as “the Good”…

Loony Toons“—a reminder…

It’s not me

Readers of the blog are advised that I was expelled from Twitter in 2018, after a long campaign against me by the “usual suspects” (Jews connected to the fake “charity” known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism”). I have therefore not posted on Twitter/X since mid-2018.

I now see that one of the several people on Twitter/X with the same name as me (Ian Millard) is posting comment related to political and other matters. His account is “@IanMillard100”. I have no reason to believe that he is deliberately posing as me, but it occurs to me that some readers might imagine that he is me. In a word, no.

More tweets seen

Why, I wonder, have Jews been so disliked and/or despised over the centuries? Why have so many great composers, writers, poets, political leaders etc been “antisemites”? It’s certainly a puzzle…

#Irony #Satire.

I have no idea whether that is so, but the Israeli forces have always been very trigger-happy, and never seem to care about the casualties of their callousness, so maybe the Israelis just opened fire on both their Palestinian targets and, as “collateral damage”, anyone who was in the vicinity.

Ah. Just saw this:

Worth listening to.

Late tweets seen

Israel, a state created out of the sweepings of the ghettoes of Europe and elsewhere, a state created largely by terrorism and intimidation, theft of land, and ethnic cleansing. Now we see the result.

God protect those, including animals, under such a bombardment.

Christian babies quite likely to be killed by…”them”…. Now where have I read about such events, in ancient history?

Late music

Diary Blog, 9 October 2023

Morning music

[painting by Konstantin Razumov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Interesting. Worth reading.


The oldest pair of shoes in Europe has been discovered in a cave in southern Spain.

About 20 pairs of the sandals are at least 6,200 years old and possibly older as other woven objects in the cave dated back to 9,500 years.

[Daily Mail]

London. Zoo.


Norman Brennan is an anti-knife crime campaigner and a former Met police officer.

He told MailOnline: ‘Croydon is one of the most dangerous areas in Britain. We have lawless streets that nobody controls apart from the criminal element. There are many gangs in Croydon. Lots of their members carry knives, some won’t be in school.

‘These people have no values and no idea of the value of life.

[Daily Mail]

…and none dare mention “blacks“…(certainly not the “controlled opposition” Daily Mail).

Tweets seen

All that, and the bastard will probably also take to wearing a skyblue-and-white tie soon…

Hard to imagine that being successful —in the sense of sustainable— though, bearing in mind the brute force available to the Israeli state; tanks etc.

The Israeli forces have access to (up to) 2,200 main battle tanks (plus other but smaller “platforms”): see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armored_Corps_(Israel).

That compares to about 157 immediately-available tanks in the British order of battle (though Britain does have over 3,000 of all types of armoured vehicle). Germany has about 2,500 main battle tanks, the USA up to 9,000, China about 9,000, and Russia as many as 23,000.

The importance of the large-scale incursion from the Gaza “open prison” into Israel lies in its psychological effect on the Israelis. I predicted on the blog, several years ago, that something like this would probably happen eventually. The Palestinian Arabs would break free of their confinement and start to kill Israeli combatants and civilians.

Once combat is taking place in urban and suburban areas, weapons such as heavy tanks, jet fighter aircraft, bomber aircraft and nuclear weapons become less effective. In such situations, infantry come into their own and, in infantry combat, the Israelis may not have a huge person-to-person advantage over ad hoc or militia forces.


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A wealthy-by-inheritance, well-educated, and well-connected idiot, basically (“Boris” Johnson, David Cameron-Levita etc: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danny_Kruger).

Kruger was selected as the Conservative candidate for Sedgefield at the 2005 general election, challenging prime minister Tony Blair in the seat.[14][15] He was forced to drop out of the contest, however, after The Guardian quoted him stating that the party had planned “to introduce a period of creative destruction in the public services”.[16][17]

Kruger left his position at The Daily Telegraph to become the chief speechwriter to then Conservative Party leader David Cameron in 2006.”


Elected in 2019 at age 44; now 48. At least he (half-heartedly) opposed the facemask nonsense during the scamdemic/panicdemic. Otherwise useless.

Well, there it is. UK-based Jew wants Gaza to be levelled, and all its inhabitants killed, by Israeli nuclear attack.

Were I (or anyone) to tweet, or write on a blog, that Jews should all be killed, the police would soon be knocking at my (or their) door (in fact, though I have never been arrested or questioned about the matter, I myself am facing trial in late November for having allegedly posted a few far more mild socio-political comments on this blog).

If however, a wealthy Jew-Zionist urges or incites nuclear attack against Palestinian Arabs, then “nothing to see here; move along“… it seems.

Forman owns a family smoked salmon business, and his product is rather good, but I shall certainly not be paying out for it now.

Incidentally, Forman was a leading light in the fake “nationalist” UKIP, or Brexit Party; maybe both.

It occurs to me that Forman says that “we [Israelis/Jews] cannot ever make peace with people who do this”; that “we” obviously meaning that he sees himself as Jew and/or Israeli first. He may (I do not know) hold dual nationality. Many, perhaps most, of “them” do. In the UK, “strangers in a strange land“…

As I blogged a day or two ago, there seems to be a preponderance of white and grey hair there, but it cannot be denied that Labour’s conference is a startling contrast to that of the Conservative Party.

I have been slightly uncertain over the past few years as to which System party will implode first; looks like it will be Sunak’s crew…

Late tweets seen

One of the people Jewish smoked-salmon strategist Lance Forman wants to kill using nuclear weapons…

Gaza is effectively an open prison. A loose comparison, but fairly accurate. At a push of a button, the Israelis, i.e. Jews, can cut off water, food, electricity, medical supplies etc, and have done so now.

In the short term, militarily, the Palestinian Arabs cannot win, but in the longer term, looking at demographics etc, they can scarcely lose. As for the Israeli Jews, they have now seen, on a limited scale, their likely future, which may come to pass in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years, or the day after tomorrow.

Thick fake British “nationalist” Richard Tice fails to see that Jews are not only part of the UK’s so-called “multicultural society” but are the architects of much of it (not in Israel, of course, but in UK, USA, France, Germany, Sweden etc).

Paul Merton, a prime example of someone of very limited ability but who gets millions because, and only because, he parrots System propaganda in the guise of contrived “comedy”. Soviet style with finance-capitalist content.

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[David D. Pearce, Bird Souk, Cairo; https://www.daviddpearce.com/about]

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