Diary Blog, 31 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


A party of seven who tucked into an enormous Sunday lunch including oysters and lobster thermidors that cost an eyewatering £489 before allegedly ‘doing a runner’ fled the restaurant in an untaxed £40,000 Audi, MailOnline can reveal.

One of the people caught on CCTV is believed to be a man named Edward O’Reilly, 23, who is known as Ned, MailOnline revealed previously. 

He is the managing director of a company called Kings Landscaping and he lives in a static caravan on a traveller site next to the A38 in Plympton, Devon.

A number of people came forward to identify Mr O’Reilly in the footage, although the businessman is believed to deny that he was at the pub on Sunday and insists it is not him on CCTV.

[Daily Mail]

Irish tinkers (again). So-called “travellers” (again). The police useless (again).

This country needs a radical social-national reboot.


“Our wonderful police”…


This is the sick moment a farmer dragged his white husky down the road before she later died due to her injuries.

Kim Norman Rendall, 65, drove for approximately 200 metres, around 55 seconds, along a road in Timsbury, near Bath with his dog Daisy tied to the back of his car on April 17 this year.

Motorists attempted to stop him and, when he did finally pull over, he refused to take Daisy to the vet, telling one distressed driver: ‘I’ll do what I want, it’s my dog.’

Rendall later hid Daisy in a cow barn where she was found by police following a two and a half hour hunt in the Somerset countryside. Daisy was immediately rushed to a vet hospital in Bath but was sadly put down nine days later due to her injuries. 

Rendall pleaded guilty to two counts of causing the unnecessary suffering of an animal contrary to the Animal Welfare Act at North Somerset Magistrates’ Court. He will appear at Bristol Crown Court for sentencing on 21 November.

At a previous hearing, Rendall pleaded guilty to two counts of causing the unnecessary suffering of an animal contrary to the Animal Welfare Act.

Suggesting the starting point was two years in prison for his crimes, the magistrates agreed that their powers were likely to be insufficient, and [remitted] Rendall [to] Bristol Crown Court for sentencing.

He was released on unconditional bail to appear on 21 November.

[Daily Mail]

What a horrible bastard.


A trans police officer who trolled a free speech campaigner online branding him a women beater and a Nazi has been sacked.

Lynsay Watson, 56, sent former police officer Harry Miller more than 1,200 messages over an 18-month period in which she also described him as a Fascist and a bigot and labelled his campaign group Fair Cop ‘domestic terrorists’.

PC Watson targeted Mr Miller because his views about gender identity were ‘in direct contradiction to her own’ a police misconduct panel was told on Friday.

In the messages she made ‘factual assertions that Mr Miller was violent towards women’.

She also described broadcaster Sonia Poulton as Terf (trans-exclusionary radical feminist) – intended to be a derogatory term.

The panel heard she initially sent messages from an account in which she identified herself as a police officer – prompting Mr Miller to complain about her conduct to Leicestershire police.

But when she was spoken to by a senior officer – he simply advised her to post anonymously instead using a pseudonym, the panel was told.

She went on to set up at least four different accounts with fake names, including one in which she claimed to be a retired officer from another force as well as a Home Office adviser on policing and transgender issues with a masters in legal studies.

[Daily Mail]

There should be no “transgender police officers” in the first place.

As to that “senior officer“, I hope (but doubt) that he has been disciplined.

The police seem to be recruiting and often retaining the mad and dangerous.

Britain 2023, itself at least halfway-mad.

Tweets seen

To answer those questions: (a) Chris Bryant is a major puppet of the Israel lobby in the Commons (and is tied up with the evil Common Purpose cult, as well as the LGBTQXYZ stuff); (b) see answer to (a).

Bryant was also one of the worst expenses cheats, really a fraudster.

The UK political class is almost entirely Jew-Zionist contaminated.

Starmer’s own wife is a Jewish lawyer; their children are being brought up as if full-Jew. They celebrate Jewish-supremacist festivals etc. I suppose that that means that Starmer wears one of those little skullcaps (I believe called a yarmulka). I have not seen any photo of Starmer wearing one, though. He has been very careful.

Meanwhile, Jews in Israel and elsewhere mock, on social media, the children dying from lack of water in Gaza, posting pictures of gushing taps etc. “Their” mentality, exactly.

London. Zoo.


A London gang abducted, imprisoned, tortured and blackmailed a man, using techniques reminiscent of horror films to torment the victim. They held him for a £100,000 ransom in cash for the return of the man’s life, a court has heard.”

[My London]

[main defendant]
[all defendants]

What future has London, has Britain, with a population similar to the above? No (decent) future.

If no social-national government emerges to reboot the UK, reboot its society, the country will quite soon not be worth saving.

More tweets

People, across the usual political spectrum, are waking up to the reality— Parliamentary “democracy” in the UK is now just a public relations facade, a scam, really.

“Them”…and those in hock to “them”…


What interests me about the Israeli nuclear base at Dimona is that it is within range of missiles from Gaza, as well as within range of missiles from some of the states surrounding Israel.

Ah, “Ostrovsky”…yes, I read his book (By Way of Deception) when it first appeared, about 33-34 years ago, around 1989, I think. I have to say that the years have not been too unkind to him, if that is a recent clip. He must be (?) about 65 or even 70.

According to Wikipedia, 73: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Ostrovsky.

[addendum, a few hours later: just noticed the date on the video—1995! Just as well that I was never in the spy business…]

What mostly stuck in my mind from his (first) book was how he had been taught (by MOSSAD) that Israeli agents maintain well-hidden caches of arms and explosives in all countries of the world except the USA. I presume(d) that the exception is because arms and ammo are so easily available in the USA anyway, and ownership of weapons so widespread.

Despite the above, the UK government colludes with the sending to Israel, every year, by the Jew-Zionist set-up in the UK, hundreds if not thousands of young “British” Jews, who then return to the UK after weeks, months, or even years, many of the Jews having become well-versed in weapons-handling, how to attack and kill using streetfighting techniques etc. It is a kind of preparatory Jewish terrorism, and the “British” government, police etc turn a blind eye to it.

Should there be a danger that Jews en masse might be expelled from the UK, those weapons, those individuals, in effect “sleeper” cells, would be activated and deployed in the UK, causing mayhem.

The pre-battle speech by the Israeli military commander on the ground. Quite powerful, a little sub-Churchillian at one point, but not one which will go down in history, I think.

When you consider that, in reality, his forces face a mostly civilian population, half of which is under-18, a quarter of which consists of very young children and babies, that takes any gloss off, of course.

All the same, the defending forces must (?) have expected something of the sort even before they launched their attack on southern Israel three weeks ago. That implies that they are well-prepared.

This is Israel’s “Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto”, in effect. Not only the Israeli soldiers and bombers and missile-targeters take on the karmic burden of what is happening and what is about to happen. So do all Israelis, and indeed all Jewish and other supporters of Jew-Zionism and Israel, wherever they live in this world.

Late tweets seen


Interesting. Russia will not attack Europe anyway, unless European states allow themselves to be involved in war against Russia.

European states should join with Russia in creating a near-future and peaceful —where possible— autarky, a white-magic Christendom.

Late music

You see, my son, here Time turns into Space!

Diary Blog, 30 October 2023

Afternoon music

Battles past

Tweets seen

If one were to hit the reactors at Dimona, that really would put the cat among the pigeons (or should that be the vultures?).

Clausewitz recommended that offensive force be concentrated on one direction, ideally upon a single point, later termed the Schwerpunkt, not dispersed here and there.

More music

[Stalingrad, 1942]

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Israel is doing this. Those who support it, and who live elsewhere in the world, are complicit.

The weasel words of the supporters of Israel cannot justify the destruction of a whole city, the inhabitants of which are, half of them, under -18; a quarter of the population consists of babies or small children.

Israel may have nuclear weapons, nerve gas, tanks, jet aircraft, missiles etc, not to mention an over-wealthy and over-powerful support group in the rest of the world, but its days are numbered.

A degree of global warming may be happening, but the causation seems to be largely not human activity. It is suspicious how much fakery there has been around it all.

Again, weather in any given place is not the same as climate globally, but Greta Nut, in any event, has nothing interesting or useful to say.

Jews abusing “law”, or laws, in order to get what they want (in that clip, in occupied Palestine).

Now where have I heard about Jewish “lawfare” before?…


The inhuman hand of Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby reaches right into the heart of most Western governments.

Indian money-juggler Rishi Sunak is just another of “their” puppets, likely to be replaced next year by “Labour” Israel-puppet Starmer.

As for Paul Bristow, at least one Con Party MP has not completely sold out his own sense of decency.


I suppose that he feels that he has little to lose. Peterborough will probably swing back to Labour next year: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peterborough_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2010s

I blogged about the 2019 Peterborough by-election (in which Bristow came in only third) at the time: see my pre-poll blog post https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/09/notes-from-the-peterborough-by-election/; he was elected several months later, at the 2019 General Election.

I also penned a post-poll analysis: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/06/07/peterborough-by-election-post-poll-analysis-and-thoughts/.

In fact, I had already, earlier, blogged about the “deadhead MP” Fiona Onasanya, whose removal and imprisonment triggered the by-election: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/12/21/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-fiona-onasanya-story/. As far as I know, she is still “on the dole”, having also been struck off the roll of solicitors (she had worked as a legal gopher for a couple of years prior to getting in on the old “MP” racket).

Late tweets seen

Suella Braverman has nothing but her political career. She was no more than mediocre as barrister: her “KC” status is an honorific one, in effect, granted after she became Attorney-General; in fact, at one time, all MP-barristers were granted “KC” on the nod (one such, in the 1960s, was John Mortimer, the writer). Suella Braverman will never return to the practising Bar.

My view is that Suella Braverman can see the way the wind is blowing; most Con Party MPs will not be MPs after next year. She, however, is in a very safe Con Party seat (Fareham), where she scored 63.7% of the vote in 2019. She will almost certainly be re-elected in 2024.

Suella Braverman’s populist anti-migration-invasion stance will also prove popular (both in Fareham and elsewhere). Even I like the (empty) rhetoric. In a Conservative Party in which many of the recent quasi-“big beasts” are or soon will be gone (stepped down or chucked out) or discredited (e.g. Liz Truss), Suella Braverman might actually be in a strong position to become leader of whatever rump rabble of Con Party MPs is left, especially with her supposedly (?) anti-immigration, and other, rhetoric.

As to the Jew/Israel aspect, she is married to a Jew (and he certainly sounds like a Zionist, pro-Israel Jew). She has effectively pledged fealty to the Jewish lobby by attending their dinners etc; and now this. She needs to get the Israel lobby and/or Jewish lobby onside if she is going to try for the Con Party leadership.

That might have amused me were I ignorant of the fact, if it is a fact, that Hancock is being paid a hundred grand or more (?) for it…I am presuming…[I just read £45,000; still, not bad].

My assessment of Hancock from 5 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/09/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-matt-hancock-story/.

When you look at bloodied children, dead children, how women, old people suffer, how doctors die, and fists clench, and tears well up in your eyes, you can’t say it any other way, but we shouldn’t, we don’t have the right to allow ourselves to be guided by emotions.

We must clearly understand who is really behind the tragedy of the people of the Middle East and other regions of the world. Who organizes deadly chaos, who benefits from it. Today this has become obvious and clear to everyone, the customers act openly and brazenly – it is the ruling elites of the United States and their satellites that are the main beneficiaries of global instability.

(((“the main beneficiaries“)))…

Israel set out in theory to destroy Hamas. It is now confronting an increasingly united Islamic world. For the first time in 1,000 years you have the Shiites and Sunnis who are united with one purpose, to STOP Israel. Instead of responding to this the President as he always does is escalating. Netanyahu is betting on this very heavily and believes that Israel together with our military power can prevail. This is a big mistake.

This is what the supporters of Israel in the UK and elsewhere are supporting, whatever weasel words they may utter.

Incidentally, it was —almost boringly— to be expected that the “human rights specialists”, often Jewish lawyers, in England, almost all seem to have fallen silent; a few are even excusing Israel, while whining at the same time how they feel “afraid” to keep on living here because they saw a Swastika drawn on a wall as they drove past somewhere, or they heard a few chants by Palestinians on TV news reports. What hypocrites (also expected, frankly…).

Late music

[Sophie Rhys, Full Moon]

Diary Blog, 29 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

The world is not without kind people” [Russian proverb].

A complete lunatic, in my opinion. I should add that, until recently, I had never heard of her. She seems to be the absolute personification of the obsessed “family law” practitioner— thankfully, a type only encountered by me personally rather rarely; I did not in general practise “family law”, though I did do a handful of “ancillary support” (financial) matters in the early 1990s, and one (I think only one) large-scale child custody matter, all of which, by Grace of God, ended successfully for me.

Again, my above view is only my opinion as a —wrongfully and unlawfully— disbarred ex-barrister…

The Bar as a whole seems to bend over backward to accommodate certain types: see also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/09/the-slide-of-the-english-bar-and-uk-society-continues-and-accelerates/.

The Bar is now living off its hump, as I have blogged in the past. Same as the BBC, SIS, the armed services, the Monarchy, the police etc. The facade is there, but the content is either absent or rotten.

I presume that that last question is purely rhetorical.

Another of the fruits of “diversity”…


As far as I have seen on Twitter, the Israel-supporting Jews in the UK mostly offer weaselling excuses for why the Israeli war machine “has to” attack these children along with the Hamas fighters. Some even applaud the slaughter openly.

From what I have read in the newspapers, Hamas operatives are about 4% of the population of Gaza, whereas under-18 non-combatants are about 50%. Actual children and babies are probably about 25% of the population.

Israel is either completely callous towards the suffering and death meted out to the children of Gaza, or is, in the typically crude Israeli phrase, “mowing the lawn“, i.e. killing as many Gazan children as possible, every few years, so that they do not grow up to fight Israel.

This is exactly the situation. “Entitled” Jew-Zionists in the UK pretending to be “in fear”, and making themselves out to be “victims”, when they are (many of them anyway) cheerleading the murderous assault on the civilians of Gaza and elsewhere.

Jew-Zionists in the UK are, in the contemporary term, merely “cosplaying” being victims. I even saw tweets today about how “scared” some pretend to be because they saw a photo on Twitter/X showing a small and crudely-drawn (or cut) reverse Swastika on an Underground train seat, obviously drawn by some vandal, probably a child or teenager.

We may never know the full truth.

Russia is already in a strategically-winning position.

2024 may see a general Russian advance through Eastern Ukraine, perhaps to, or close to, Kiev itself.

Do they mean it, or is it just more hypocritical weaselling? Hard to say, when the US political system and legal world is so Jew/Zionist-permeated.

When Turkey speaks, Europe has to listen.

An Israeli army attack in the Beit Lahia area in the northern Gaza Strip was repulsed by intense mortar, anti-tank and rocket fire. Following the kamikaze UAV attack, Hamas troops following Israeli soldiers through the tunnels scattered the Israeli army in the region and forced it to retreat north again.”

The Jew-Zionist cheerleaders in the UK and USA must love to see such wanton destruction. In fact, we can see that they do, from their social media posts. A few add some weaselling words, and a few others add some nonsense about how they are so “afraid” of “antisemitism” in the UK that they may move (but never do) to…Israel.

Tragic. Europe, including the UK, should be joining with Russia to form a new white-magic “Christendom” for the 21st Century and for future centuries— contra Islamism, contra Jew-Zionism, contra Americanism, contra Chinese expansionism. A Grail-Christic autarky.

I have to admit that that clip amused me a little, but Laurence Fox is really wrongheaded in his support for Israel’s Gaza “holocaust” and for worldwide Jew-Zionism, though I support his view on the statues of our great past Empire.

Politically, Laurence Fox and Reclaim Party are a waste of space, and quite obviously will get nowhere at the General Election of 2024.

As for the Richard Tice/Nigel Farage latest “controlled opposition” party, Reform UK, the same. The only real difference is that Reform UK is better organized and seems to have at least (?) 3%, maybe 5% of the voters willing to back it. It might even get to 10% in some seats, as a protest vote. Still just a waste of space and a waste of time, of course.

Only a real and tightly-run social-national party can change the way things are going in this country.


Look around you, in Ireland, in the UK, in France, in Germany, in Sweden etc. The Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan— no mere “conspiracy theory”.

Israeli and other Jew-Zionists really exposing their true nature.

Stray comment

I just noticed that a certain tweeter (nameless for now) and who tweeted about me unpleasantly for years, seems to have (some time ago, I think in 2022) gone “up the chimney”. Not the first, and not the last. Several are going that way right now, if I read things aright. Nothing to do with me personally, though, in terms of physical causation.


The stars in their courses fight on the side of the just” [ancient Chinese proverb].

Late tweets seen

The war crimes of Israel are horrific. Those who support them or excuse them are complicit.

Late music

[statuary group, Stalingrad, 1943]

Diary Blog, 28 October 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, a very modest 3/10 this week, but the questions were, I think, a little more difficult than usual, looking at political journalist John Rentoul, who scored zero. I only knew the answers to questions 1, 4, and 10. I thought that I knew number 7 as well but, as football fans say, I “hit the post” and was mistaken.

Tweets seen

The suffering and terror of the Gazan people is terrible. Two million civilians, half of them children or teenagers. The animal population, including cats, is also there, suffering with them..

Meanwhile the fanatical Jew-Zionists (though a small minority of all Jews currently resident here in the UK) cheer on “their” state of Israel as it does such terrible actions; the same also whine that they themselves are “in fear” from, it seems, people disapproving of them and Israel.

Of course, until 1948 Palestine was under British (international Mandate) rule, but as soon as Israel was proclaimed as a state, there began the mass killings, ethnic cleansing etc known as the Nakba. Seizure of land, houses, and apartments from Palestinian Arabs by Jews. It still continues, though more gradually. The Jews also punish the families and relatives of Palestinian activists or operatives by demolishing their homes.

Maybe that is what “they” really want…

Evil posing as “the Good”…

Loony Toons“—a reminder…

It’s not me

Readers of the blog are advised that I was expelled from Twitter in 2018, after a long campaign against me by the “usual suspects” (Jews connected to the fake “charity” known as “Campaign Against Antisemitism”). I have therefore not posted on Twitter/X since mid-2018.

I now see that one of the several people on Twitter/X with the same name as me (Ian Millard) is posting comment related to political and other matters. His account is “@IanMillard100”. I have no reason to believe that he is deliberately posing as me, but it occurs to me that some readers might imagine that he is me. In a word, no.

More tweets seen

Why, I wonder, have Jews been so disliked and/or despised over the centuries? Why have so many great composers, writers, poets, political leaders etc been “antisemites”? It’s certainly a puzzle…

#Irony #Satire.

I have no idea whether that is so, but the Israeli forces have always been very trigger-happy, and never seem to care about the casualties of their callousness, so maybe the Israelis just opened fire on both their Palestinian targets and, as “collateral damage”, anyone who was in the vicinity.

Ah. Just saw this:

Worth listening to.

Late tweets seen

Israel, a state created out of the sweepings of the ghettoes of Europe and elsewhere, a state created largely by terrorism and intimidation, theft of land, and ethnic cleansing. Now we see the result.

God protect those, including animals, under such a bombardment.

Christian babies quite likely to be killed by…”them”…. Now where have I read about such events, in ancient history?

Late music

Diary Blog, 27 October 2023

Morning music

[Russian Orthodox monastery, Kiev]

Battles past

Tweets seen

American aircraft carriers will not scare anyone in the Middle East, says Ritter.

Washington sent two aircraft carrier groups to the Mediterranean and Red Sea. But their presence will not change the situation in the Middle East and will not impress adversaries, US Marine Corps intelligence officer Scott Ritter said in an interview with the Judging Freedom YouTube channel.

In his opinion, the forces that the Pentagon is deploying in the region will not be able to have a significant impact on the brewing hostilities. They will not be able to intimidate Iran, Hezbollah, or even the militants who are launching attacks on American bases in Iraq and Syria.

“This is just posturing. In this way, the United States is trying to create the appearance of activity, while behind the scenes it is desperately trying to get Israel to defuse the situation and not invade the Gaza Strip,” Ritter explained.”

Those who live will see…

Sajid Javid, that weird little monkey-on-a-stick. I thought that he had self-immolated, or at least left political life.

If some Gazans are monstrous, they have been made monstrous, and made so by Israel, by Israeli Jews, almost all of which undertake military service, including keeping the Palestinians imprisoned in Gaza and other parts of former Palestine.

The Israeli narrative now is, in effect, “Hamas operatives entered southern Israel a few weeks ago, killing hundreds of Israelis. Most of the attackers were killed or captured, but we have bombed and rocketed, and will now continue to rocket and bomb, Gaza, killing tens of thousands directly. We have also switched off most supplies to Gaza of water, food, electricity, and gas, which may kill hundreds of thousands directly and indirectly. We also intend to use poison gas. We are the victims (always)...”


More music


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Lunatic Jew-Zionist.

See also https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/07/18/theyre-coming-to-take-me-away-ha-ha/.

There are no more combat-ready Ukrainians.

The Russian army has “learned lessons from the conflict” and will soon be ready to attack Ukraine, General Waldemar Skrzypczak told RP.

“Moscow is effectively bypassing sanctions barriers, actively replenishing stocks of all types of weapons and preparing for long, difficult military operations,” the military officer notes.

At the same time, things are going poorly in Kyiv: fatigue and lack of resources are taking their toll. The Armed Forces of Ukraine simply do not have enough people capable of fighting,” states the general.”

That general is a retired former Head of Polish Land Forces: see https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waldemar_Skrzypczak.

The Kiev regime is toast.

Ukrainians demand answers from Zelensky about missing soldiers, writes New York Times Last week, hundreds of Ukrainians who came to Kyiv from different parts of the country staged a demonstration near the office of Vladimir Zelensky.

Those gathered chanted his name and demanded that he bring their loved ones home from the front, writes The New York Times. The protest was a “rare display” of discontent.

Despite the fact that cemeteries across Ukraine are steadily filling up, there is almost no open criticism of the authorities’ actions. But the pain and losses accumulate, the publication notes. Relatives of missing Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers are growing increasingly frustrated that the government, which fears a decline in morale in society, is unable to give them concrete answers.

Some demonstrators admitted to The New York Times that they had been trying to obtain this information for more than a year without success, and asked reporters to write down the names of their sons.”

A brutal, corrupt and shambolic failed state, now headed by a Jew-Zionist “President” who used to be a cheap TV comedian, and who is surrounded by amateur intelligence chiefs and equally-poor would-be “military strategists”.


Israel’s future?

Gaza Municipality:

We received a threat via phone call from the Israeli occupation threatening the destruction of the main Gaza Municipality building in Palestine Square.

We confirm that the main municipal building is the headquarters of the main administration of the municipality, and it is a building that was built about 200 years ago.

The building contains the city’s documents and archives, and implementing the occupation’s threats to bomb it would plunge the city into a state of great chaos.

We call on all international and humanitarian organizations to intervene urgently and curb the occupation.”

While I doubt that Aaron Bastani, Ash Sarkar etc are themselves proponents of a “free society” anyway, the fact is that an editor, a Jew at that, has been dismissed for noting the callousness of (I presume, not having read the material) Israel and the Jews and others outside Israel who regard the victims of the attack on the Gaza “Ghetto” as “collateral damage”, in some cases expressly.

You see that attitude in tweets by some of the unpleasant Jews in the UK prolific on Twitter/X.

The editor in question lives and works in the USA, with its supposed regard for “free speech”. However, as I have blogged in the past, while that U.S. Constitutional protection may save someone from being arrested and/or prosecuted, it does not save someone from being dismissed from a job, or removed from a profession (perhaps), and so (in a finance-capitalist society) possibly losing his place of abode, quite possibly also his family life etc.

See also: https://www.nbcnews.com/science/science-news/firing-science-journal-editor-gaza-post-sparks-free-speech-rift-rcna122128;


Needless to say, the mainstream media, publishing etc are completely owned or controlled by Jews in the USA (and UK, for that matter), and even where not, strongly influenced by Jew-Zionism.

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“The Great Replacement” is no mere “conspiracy theory”. Just look around you.


[Amina Noor, the defendant]

Born in Somalia, brought up there and in Kenya, then (how? why?) came to the UK, was granted asylum (why?) and later made a “British” citizen (why?). No education (even at primary level), no job. Basically both a parasite and a criminal. A completely useless individual from the point of view of British society.

That is one migrant-invader out of literally millions. She has been sheltered and fed (etc) by the British people (through their taxes), and now large further monies have been spent on her investigation, prosecution, trial, defence, possible appeal, and costs of imprisonment. Then, after her eventual release, more monies spent on her shelter, food, etc. That is only ONE migrant-invader, out of millions.

The best you can hope for is that they are just useless; many are far worse.

The present mainly white Northern European UK population will be, within a few decades, a mainly black/brown/Chinese (etc) population, ruled over by finance-capitalist cabals (mainly Jewish or mixed Jew/white), as provided for in the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan.

Britain has no decent future with such a population and society.

Late thought

The Israelis say that they have proven that Hamas has been using some areas in or below hospitals in Gaza as HQ and staff centres, and that that fact (if it is a fact) gives Israel the right to flatten such hospitals (after —sometimes— telephoning a hypocritical “warning”).

Decent people(s) would of course still not bomb such hospitals, knowing that civilians, many of them mere children, are there. The Israelis not only “disagree”; I do not think that they (and their Jewish supporters in countries such as the UK) actually see the inhumanity in that reasoning.

As someone once put it, “the simulacrum of the human“…

Late music

Diary Blog, 26 October 2023

Afternoon music

[Tangier in the rain]

Battles past

Tweets seen

Let’s talk about rape in France. We all know who is doing the raping, so we don’t have to talk about that. But, let’s prove it by numbers.

In 1971, the rate of declared rapes in France stood at 2.0 cases per 100,000 people. In 2015, when the “great migration” started the rape rate for France was 20.1 cases per 100,000 people.Today, they’re sitting at 39.59 cases per 100,000 people. You’re looking at nearly 94,000 reported rapes a year. About 5,000 to 7,000 of those rapes are gang rapes.

The other day, some migrant raped a 93 year old woman and a 95 year old woman while they were in a hospital.

Yet, many young liberal French women are still encouraging the illegal migration to continue. Do they think they’ll be passed over when a migrant randomly gets horny for something and they’re in arms distance? None of it has to be this way.

Eventually, what has to be done will be done, but how many White Northern European people will have to suffer and die before the iron necessity happens?

My own reminiscence of a day spent in a form of captivity in the Middle East about 25 years ago: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/03/07/when-i-was-not-arrested-in-egypt/.

Rachel Reeves is a horrible woman, completely in the pocket of the Jewish/Zionist lobby, completely dishonest, and a freeloading pseudo-Labour MP of the worst kind.

Rachel Reeves currently poses as Shadow Chancellor, yet she ran up a large debt on her (interest-free) House of Commons credit card, and for a long time refused to repay it. Typical unmerited “entitlement”, and reminiscent of the Blair-Brown “MPs in clover” days. The details of that credit card fraud/freeloading have been removed from Wikipedia.



I heard a droning political address on Sky News this morning, and thought that it was Blair but, when I looked up, saw that it was Sunak! Their voices are almost identical. How is this possible?

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The Universe is built on order, Divine order.

“They” always try to twist everything, and try to take over…

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“Where are the limits of religious freedom?

A blog post published 5 years ago, but since then read by almost nobody. I think that that is a pity, because I think it worth reading. I happened to notice that it had a hit, a single hit, this morning, the first for many months, so thought to republish it by the link below:

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Get lost, you freeloading pseudo-intellectual fake.

If the Triple Lock is cut down, weaselled away, effectively abandoned, legions of State Pensioners will lash back at the “Conservative” Party. People aged 66+ years are the mainstay of the Con Party (both as voters and as members); if they go, the Con Party has no chance at the 2024 General Election and no future beyond that.

The Con Party (a far more accurate name than “Conservative”) is currently running at 25% in the opinion polls. The proportion of people of 65+ years in the UK is around 19%. The proportion of people aged 60+ is around 23%. Most of both categories vote Conservative. If even half of those abstain, or vote elsewhere, the nationwide Con Party vote might be as low as 15%, or even lower, and the number of Con Party seats after 2024 might be as few as 16 (Labour seats 548).

The two main System parties are both now without purpose. I had thought, a few years ago, that Labour would collapse first. Turns out that it will be the Con Party. Much as I despise most of the Labour MPs, particularly the Shadow Cabinet, and especially Israel puppet Starmer, the Con Party MPs have forfeited the right to live (speaking metaphorically and politically). Completely useless.

Incidentally, despite my now being (since 2022) a State Pensioner myself (hard for me to believe though that is), my views are not much coloured by that. I only receive about a half-pension anyway, having spent so many years overseas.

History comes full circle. Even a Jewish (albeit apparently anti-Zionist) tweeter has echoed my view that the attack on Gaza is most similar to the Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto by German forces in 1943.

[Jews being led out of the Warsaw Ghetto by Waffen-SS men, 1943]

The German forces of 1943, mostly Waffen-SS, did not use poison gas in attacking the Warsaw Ghetto, and fought against the Jews (many of them armed) on the ground.

On that basis, the Jewish/Israeli attack on Gaza and its 2 million civilians is far more extreme than the German attack on the Warsaw Ghetto.

The Jews/Israelis are using massive air power to demolish whole neighbourhoods in Gaza. Now, if the Middle East Eye and Daily Telegraph reports are accurate, it seems that the Jews/Israelis may use poison gas (from what I have read somewhere or other —admittedly unverified— a cyanide compound similar to the “notorious” Zyklon B) to gas both Hamas operatives and unarmed civilians hiding below ground, and/or will use chemical “sponge bombs” to fill those tunnels, asphyxiating those in them.

History is more than ironic at times.

Having said that, we on the outside must just wait to see what happens. “In war, truth is the first casualty“…

See also: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/sponge-bombs-israels-tactical-breakthrough-fight-against-gary-ramah-dxkac/.

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[St. Petersburg]

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Diary Blog, 25 October 2023

Afternoon music

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“Doctor” Coffey…Ha ha! She’s a fake.

What is disturbing about Therese Coffey being a Cabinet minister is not the mere fact that she is an idiot —she is not alone— but precisely that the present system leads to people quite as ill-suited as her becoming Government ministers.

I blogged a few years ago about Therese Coffey (updated from time to time): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

Seems that the Jews of Israel want “Lebensraum“, and Gaza to be “Araberfrei“…. Who would have thought it?

I want to see a similar map of the UK, but about economic power and showing exactly “which groups” have it. Same about ownership, control, and influence over the “British” mass media.

As soon as the Israelis started the present round of their repeated slaughter of the population of Gaza, up popped Rachel Riley (and a few other Jews and Jewish organizations, such as the tiny but well-funded “Campaign Against Antisemitism”) to threaten, on Twitter/X, anyone opposing Israeli actions by reason of, or connected to, so-called “antisemitism”.

She strikes me as a very unpleasant woman.

Jewish-Zionist scribbler Nicole Lampert platforms more basically pro-Israeli propaganda in the pages of the Daily Mail.

Rachel Riley supposedly left “shaking with fear“?…I doubt it.

In case anyone wants to read the nonsense of Rachel Riley and Nicole Lampert, here is the full article/report/propaganda piece: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12669923/countdown-rachel-riley-antisemitism-jews-hamas-attack-israel.html.

Unlike Rachel Riley, I always support freedom of expression. #MoralHighGround.

But she said the positive support in contrast had been ‘heartening’ – including the 50,000 British people who signed their name to an ‘October Declaration’ speaking out against antisemitism and the need to call out Hamas as ‘terrorists’.”

[Daily Mail]

50,000“. So about 1 in 1,000 people in the UK (and elsewhere?)…or, to put it another way, only 1 out of every 5 or 6 Jews in the UK. Not very impressive.

From the newspapers


[Daily Mail]



Laurence Fox

Laurence Fox really should stop posing as a political leader. He is a political bad joke. He is, or thinks that he is, pro-free speech, and I approve of that (though, like Toby Young, Delingpole, and the whole “Free Speech Union” mob, his support is limited and biased), but he is basically a disconnected Conservative Party person who (understandably) wants less censorship, and fewer migrant-invaders coming to the UK.

Fox is currently parroting Israeli/Jewish lobby propaganda. He should stop pretending that “Reclaim Party” is anything other than a political joke (and far less amusing than the Monster Raving Loonies) and either return to acting, or join a real social-national party (when one exists).


Jew-Zionist flyposting

I notice that Jews are actually reporting pro-Palestinian people who have been removed pro-Israel posters in London (and maybe elsewhere) to the police. In fact, tearing down such posters is not a crime. Putting up such posters is a crime (all flyposting is a crime in London).

Typical, though…

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Next stop Armageddon? That is inland, I believe.


The Swedes should feel grateful. Stockholm would not look very nice after having been hit by a nuclear missile.

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[Ivan Turetsky, Storm]

Diary Blog, 24 October 2023

Afternoon music

[Levitan, Birch Grove]

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What goes around comes around“…

Ursula von der Leyen— another NWO/ZOG drone. Completely in the pocket of Israel and the Jew-Zionist lobby.

“...was treated well during her captivity“. Will the same be true of those captured by the Israelis? So far they have taken few prisoners anyway…

I seem to recall from my visit to Rhodesia in 1977 that the Rhodesian security forces also took relatively few prisoners.

The Israeli/Jew-Zionist propaganda machine is having its fear propaganda questioned, and by the freed Jewish hostages themselves.

Already some Jews are describing her as “a self-hating Jew“. Will they be pressing for her to be imprisoned in Israel now?

If that is true, i.e. that the Israeli forces are now stretched to the limit, then now, logically, would be the moment for Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, even Egypt, and those imprisoned in the West Bank territories, to strike. However, the Arabs and others in the region are disunited. The outcome remains uncertain.

A stupid, smug woman, who has never known either poverty or any financial struggle. Her father was a Con Party MP, and her husband is a director of numerous companies, including British Sugar.


A good point (taking the examples as one overall point). It must be— I myself have often made it over many years!

Points, by Laura Dodsworth, about free speech; points that I have made over the years.

Would-be dictator and political loony Paul Mason is one of the biggest hypocrites in the UK.

Alison Chabloz made a similar point (though arguably slightly wider) a few years ago, albeit (again, arguably) more stridently. She was prosecuted (and convicted) for having done so, despite the basic point being well-founded.

Looks as though much of the American public is waking up…

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[Panzer IV tanks, Eastern Front, early 1940s]

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The police in England have become a joke, albeit a sinister kind of joke. Almost unable to do their proper job, completely under the thumb of the Jew-Zionist lobby, and veering from being almost more like social workers than social workers to behaving like total lunatics.

As for that crazed lesbian (I presume) in uniform, she seems to be pepper-spraying bystanders not directly posing a threat. The situation does seem confused, though. Some kind of pleb-brawl.

Looking at the film, there seem to be more police than locals. She is the only police “officer” going crazy.

Maybe she is taking some kind of testosterone “treatment”.

Some women, not by any means all lesbian, cannot handle power, even a small amount; or take themselves far too seriously. You see it at the practising Bar; also, on the lay magistrates’ bench, and on three-person or five-person tribunals (legal, regulatory etc). The po-faced inability to be calmly amused, lest people laugh at you… There’s a lot of that about.

Richard Tice and “Reform UK”

Saw a few pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby comments and tweets by Tice recently.

He is a waste of space, as is his tiny pseudo-nationalist party. The only good thing about it is that the few mugs voting Reform UK next year will help to bin even more “Conservative” MPs, though Reform UK will not win a single seat. More System-approved fake “opposition”.


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If accurate, looks as if the forces of the Kiev regime are being encircled in the Avdeevka area.

I was once introduced by colleagues to a young man in the USA, a Jew who had recently served with the U.S. Navy Seals. As an individual, he was all right, but of course the Israel/US nexus ran right the way through him like Brighton rock.

Tempus fugit…was that really 22 years ago?!

The Israeli leadership plans to transform the Gaza Strip into a second Hiroshima. This was reported by American journalist Seymour Hirsch, relying on his sources in the IDF. After the bombing, Prime Minister Netanyahu intends to conduct a ground operation in Gaza to destroy all Hamas radicals there.”

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Diary Blog, 23 October 2023

Morning music

[view from The Wrekin, Shropshire]

Battles past

From the newspapers


It may be good news; certainly not bad news.


As I know only too well, free speech is on the way out in the UK. I am (obviously) not a Muslim, let alone an “Islamist”, but I am not at all “offended” by some foreign person shouting about “Jihad” against Israel in the streets of London. I am not even very offended, or would not be, if the same foreign individual were to cry out for “Jihad” against the UK, or against me personally. After all, the most extreme Zionist Jews have been tweeting malevolently about me for about 13 years. The people of whom to be afraid are those not shouting in the streets.

If foreign (inc. foreign but born here) groups are a danger, then resettle them outside the UK.

As for Suella Braverman, she (like Jenrick, and Mark Harper, who was weaselling for Israel, as usual, on Sky News this morning) is just another doormat for the Jewish lobby. She has no idea of much, either politically or, I think, legally. A silly woman who is trying to position herself to be the leader of whatever small group of Conservative Party MPs is left after 2024.


A significant problem that deserves a great deal more attention from society than it is getting.


In the old rhetorical question, how do you shuffle a pack consisting only of jokers?

The only “shuffle” that might have at least a slight effect would be to replace Sunak by someone recognisably English and at least superficially credible. The same with the Cabinet as a whole. At present, the song might be “where have all the English gone?

Tweets seen


Just what does this mean, when one also reads that no less than 75% of “asylum” claims are being approved?!

Just a weasel-trick lie from yet another corrupt puppet of the Jewish/Israel lobby. Just another way of funnelling more non-whites into this suffering country.

Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

Eventually, Israel will be isolated, and its population will be trapped within its chosen boundaries, just as the people of Gaza are now trapped within their never-chosen boundaries.

The tweet refers to Nikolai Rerikh or Rerich, more often known as Nicholas Roerich, the once very famous Baltic German/Russian painter: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Roerich.

I visited the Roerich Museum in Manhattan a few times in the past: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicholas_Roerich#Cultural_legacy.

[Roerich Museum, 319 W.107th, Manhattan, New York]
[Roerich Museum, Moscow]
[Nicholas Roerich, Guests from Overseas, showing Varangians (Vikings) exploring the great rivers of Western Russia about 1200 years ago]
[Nicholas Roerich, Lights on the Ganges]

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Ha ha! No comment, I think, except to say that the word you want is “effect“, not “affect” (but I should not want to be regarded as a “grammar nazi”…).

On September 25, 2000, 19-year-old Kevin Hines attempted to end his own life by jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Plunging over 220 feet at a speed of 75 miles per hour, he hit the water below, shattering three of his vertebrae and narrowly missing severing his spine by two millimeters.

Despite the odds, he miraculously survived the impact. Upon realizing he was still alive, an intense will to live surged within him. Yet, the weight of his clothes continuously pulled him beneath the surface of San Francisco Bay. For what seemed like an eternity, he struggled to resurface briefly, gasping for air, just enough to hold on to life.

Suddenly, he felt an unusual force from below lifting him above the water’s surface, where he remained until the Coast Guard arrived. It was only later that he discovered the mysterious presence keeping him afloat: a sea lion had been supporting his body until the rescue boat arrived, as eyewitnesses had observed.

His story gained major media coverage and he has since become a motivational speaker and advocate for suicide prevention.

I read somewhere or other that, of those who jump off the Golden Gate Bridge and then survive both the impact and the waters (about 2%), most recall having a moment when they wished not to have jumped, and/or prayed for a miracle. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suicides_at_the_Golden_Gate_Bridge#False_suicides_and_survivors.

More from the newspapers


Unsurprising. “They” have already destroyed free speech in the UK…

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Knowing almost no Arabic, I have no idea what he is saying; maybe praising the build-quality of the tunnel.

As I blogged before, the old Soviet KGB had great expertise in digging tunnels. The one shown above looks well-constructed, lined etc. No idea as to depth, though. Presumably very deep.

It is not impossible that there will eventually be a kind of sectarian/civil war across Israel/Palestine. The massive military advantages Israel possesses lie in nuclear weapons, tanks and other armour, air power, high-tech surveillance, much of which loses effectiveness or even utility in closely-packed areas (which describes much of Israel/Palestine).

There may be a war, eventually, in which infantry or guerrilla forces play a major part.

Impossible? Maybe, but my prediction, a few years ago, that the Palestinians might break out of their “open prisons” to attack Israeli civilians in Jewish areas has now come to pass in the recent attack on Southern Israel, so who knows?

As I blogged before, the Gaza situation, as it now is, is most similar, historically, to the Reduction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943, but this time the Jews are not the ragged defenders but the heavily-armed and armoured army, with air support, attacking an urban enclave filled with mostly-unarmed civilians (in this case, mostly babies, young children, and young teenagers).


[A woman holding a girl reacts after Israeli airstrikes hit Ridwan neighborhood of Gaza – Anadolu Agency/Anadolu/Daily Telegraph]

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My very popular assessment of Therese Coffey from 4 years ago (updated): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/09/16/deadhead-mps-an-occasional-series-the-therese-coffey-story/.

…and in, say, 20 years’ time, when the children in Gaza suffering now are 25-35 years old, what do you imagine will be their feeling about Israel and Israelis? Israel may not —now— much care, but if the results are incursions and massacres on 10x the scale of that recently seen, it will have no choice but to care…

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Diary Blog, 22 October 2023

Afternoon music

[East Berlin, 1970s]

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Britain 2023. A toytown police state, complete with biased police acting as a poundland KGB.

Kelvin McKenzie, a long-term msm puppet of Israel-lobbyism. Apart from even that, a hugely overpaid ignoramus (in his day; now retired). Another symptom of the contamination of the UK msm over decades.

There is so much wrong now with the way almost everything is done and run in the UK that only the most radical reforms will be able to forge a way forward.

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[Tiger tanks on the Eastern Front, 1943]

From 2016

I notice that someone today (just one reader) looked at a blog post from the earliest days of this blog. It was written in November 2016, and was one of the first articles I posted after the blog was set up. It is also perhaps the least-read of all my blog posts, despite having, I think, stood up well over the intervening years.

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True, but Goodwin is now parroting pro-Israel, pro-Jewish lobby, propaganda and views. Nein danke!

Superficially positive, but I wonder to what extent that poll reflects the fact that the blacks and browns are breeding prolifically in the UK, but the real (white Northern European) British inhabitants of the UK are not even reproducing their numbers.

In other words, the population of 16-24 year-olds is simply less white, less European, than older generations. The proportion of (among others) Muslims in that age group may be (is) far higher. Demographic shift.

The question reminds me of the Brexit Referendum, when the Remain side was terribly proud of the (apparent) fact that “the more educated” voters favoured Remain. In reality, that was a mirage. A far higher proportion of younger people have attended some kind of supposed “Uni”, but the older generations simply had a smaller proportion of people attending universities, usually for financial reasons, and because universities were fewer in number. Many of the new “universities”, are “McUniversities”, conferring “McDegrees”…

Goodwin writes a good deal of sense, but no-one British who does not oppose Jew-Zionism (as well) can be respected.


God. What a world…

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