Tag Archives: Rory Stewart

Diary Blog, 24 June 2024

Morning music

[River Wey, Surrey]

Talking point

An idealized but not really untruthful view of how parts of England were in the 1950s, or even early 1960s, if you forget the 1930s-style bus in the background.

Incidentally, I was watching a “true crime” documentary about a series of appalling murders carried out by some crazed half-caste in the mid-1980s, the “Stockwell Strangler” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kenneth_Erskine], who, incidentally, is still detained in a mental hospital.

What struck me as much as anything is how smart the uniformed police still looked back then; one forgets. No beards, no stubble, no tattoos, and wearing shirts and ties and neat uniforms. What a contrast to the often untidy-looking rabble they (especially in London?) are today, with their beards and tattoos.

Tweets seen

A parody very close to the truth.

Sometimes, as I navigate along the potholed and badly-patched highways in the area where I live (supposedly one of the most affluent in England), thinking about things, I think that this country is so ****** that only some kind of very radical, indeed revolutionary, change will be able to give it a decent future.

Our animal friends…

The very picture of self-regarding entitlement. I wrote an assessment of Rory Stewart several years ago, and much-updated since: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Needless to say, my views on the current migration-invasion are not unalike to those of Suella Braverman, but I do not need some Mauritian Indian bas-class import to tell me what to think. Anyway, she is married to a Jewish Zionist, and supports Israel to the hilt, so nein, danke!

For Ukrainian troops, a difficult situation has developed on the battlefield, said the head of intelligence of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense Kirill Budanov in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer. This is how he answered the journalist’s question whether the Ukrainian Armed Forces will be able to stop the advance of Russian troops.”

Will truth now start to break out in the newsrooms of the Western msm?

Russia cannot lose this war and will not lose it.

Kiev-regime “Ukraine” is not even a “failed state”— it is scarcely a state at all.

Huge numbers of Israeli Jews are dual passport-holders.



Nigel Farage is on course to win the Clacton seat with a 27 point lead in a devastating blow to the Conservatives.

The Clacton Constituency poll, conducted by JL Partners on behalf of Friderichs Advisory Partners, has Farage polling at 48 per cent while the Tory leader sits back at 21 per cent of the vote share.

Farage is leading in every age group apart from the 18 to 34-year-olds and only one in five 2019 Conservative voters are sticking to the party.

[GB News]

I presume by “Tory leader“, GB News means “Conservative Party candidate“(?), unless the reference is to Sunak in his Richmond (Yorkshire) constituency.

I predicted previously on the blog that the Labour candidate at Clacton would bomb, maybe even losing his deposit. Let’s see.

More tweets

Even the Sun “newspaper” has given up on the Sunak government.

Yes, 800 a day crossing the Channel, being ferried most of the way by the bloody “Border Force” farce and others, such as the RNLI, but what about the other invaders, 4,000+ per day, coming in quasi-“legally”?

Starmer-Labour will stop the smaller influx, the “small boats” influx, to a large extent, by simply rubberstamping 90% or more of the applications before they even get here, doing it in France, after which the invaders will simply get onto a ferry in Calais and will be here 2-3 hours later.

Both System parties are complicit, and are facilitating the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalergi_Plan.

I do not think that I can be accused of being overly pro-Arab, let alone pro-Islamist, and I might be induced to agree that the attack on Israel in October 2023 should not have happened (for the good of all sides), but what Israel has done since then has been utterly abhorrent, and it continues to do the same or similar.

Late music

[Hitler reading on the terrace of the Berghof, Obersalzberg]

Diary Blog, 17 December 2023

Morning music

[mosaic from Roman-era Carthage]

Talking point

Political drones and mouthpieces such as Indian money-juggler Sunak are effectively signed-up to the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan, and the destruction or deformation of what is left of our white European societies (in Europe, in North America, in Australasia etc).

Statements such as the above are designed purely to mitigate the upcoming destruction of the Conservative Party (again, what is left of it) at the 2024 General Election.

If Sunak can get the nationwide Con Party vote up from its present (opinion poll) 20%, to 30% at the 2024 General Election, then the Con Party will survive, as will the fraudulent UK binary political system.

Note, though, who Sunak (impliedly) blames for the migration invasion— Putin! Not the “LibLabCon”-men and women who have encouraged non-white immigration to the UK for the past 50-60 years, and not “them” (((the usual suspects))), aka (((the “you know who”))), but Putin, the System’s current favourite msm ogre.

In any case, the Rwanda policy, if ever implemented, would deal with only a fraction of the “illegal” invaders, and none of the “legal” ones, so would only reduce the migration-invasion from maybe a million invaders per year (700,000+ “net”) to maybe 950,000 (650,000+ “net”), at best.

Tweets seen

I am not sure that Stewart is so very decent, but I am sure that, for all his paper accomplishments, he is unfitted for any ministerial role: see my detailed and updated assessment from 2019— https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.





Despite its enormous military-destructive power, the USA is rotting from the inside out. Within 20 years, its world power will have come to an end, either via complete decadence and the prominence of the stupid and uncultured, or via a world nuclear (or other) war.

When that happens, the remaining and properly ideological post-Aryans can build a true “New World Order” on the ashes of the old.

More music

Freudian projection?

Just saw a tweet from an elderly Jew-Zionist woman prolific on Twitter/X:

Already this morning, I’ve had one person tweet that I’m personally a genocidal maniac, another that Jews are deicides (in the usual phrase, which Twitter is alert to). We can see that contemporary Jew hate has both ancient & modern components.

None of the innocent Twitter-X readers reading the above tweet would be aware, naturally, that the same woman once openly tweeted (several years ago) to another elderly Jew-Zionist woman that both I and another then tweeter (that tweeter in fact unknown to me) should be made to drink strychnine…

Need any more be said?

More music

When you visit, as I have, the marble cistern at Zaghouan (modern Tunisia) and its aqueduct flowing (originally) a hundred miles to Roman-era Carthage, or when you visit, as I also have, the Alexandria Museum in Egypt, and see the classical era statues and other exhibits, you feel a sense of racial-cultural kinship which you emphatically do not feel in respect of the Arab societies around those oases of Western/European culture.

More tweets

A simple yet clever idea, though it would not work well (or maybe at all) in parts of the world where the temperatures are extremely cold (eg Russia/Siberia/Canada).

A mortar is a hell of a —fairly close-quarters— weapon, if in skilled hands. The range can be 2+ miles, but is usually well under a mile, often just a few hundred yards: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mortar_(weapon).

Well, goodness gracious me…I wonder why…

From the newspapers


An inferno ripped through a 19th Century Georgian country hotel last night in Galway, as police confirm they are investigating an incident of criminal damage by fire.

It comes just hours after protesters gathered outside the Ross Lake House hotel, Rosscahill, amid concerns about migrants in the area.

The elegant hotel has not been used in a number of years, but was due to accommodate 70 asylum seekers this week.

Gardaí, Ireland’s National Police and Security Service, say they are investigating this as an incident of criminal damage.

[Daily Mail]

[I think that that should be “Garda” not “Gardai“, but I may be mistaken].

Incidentally, last Friday I was in a medium-size UK city. Not far from the centre of the city. A street with a Tesco Express, a Starbucks, estate agencies, various professional offices etc. All that, and —at about 0800 hrs— a number of people still sleeping in the streets in sleeping bags, blankets etc. Terrible (both in itself and aesthetically).

I had a mediocre cappuccino and croissant in the nearby Starbucks, until the horrible “music” drove me out. I thought to give a coin to a fellow in a shop doorway who had evidently woken up while I was in the Starbucks place (it hardly merited the title, “cafe”). A white Englishman aged maybe 30-something, or 40, maybe an ex-soldier, who growled “thanks, mate” as I pressed a £2 coin into his hand, suggesting that he buy himself a drink (probably not the best thing I could have said).

As I walked away, and about 50 feet further on, a black woman without most of her teeth (drug abuser?) accosted me and started on a story about how she wanted to get into a shelter but needed £20. I told her that I did not have £20, but felt in my pocket for another coin; a 50p was the only one. I gave it to her, and she took my modest offering without a word of thanks as I departed.

Britain’s cities in 2023…

My point (apart from just reporting what I experienced) is that neither of the two people I encountered was a migrant-invader (both spoke with British accents), and both were sleeping in the streets, in winter. Had they been migrant-invaders, they would have been in hotels paid for by the Government (i.e. by UK taxpayers). They would have been sheltered, fed, and given pocket money of (?) about £40 a week (the exact amount seems to vary), as well as provided with transport, medical and dental services, even online services.

How can this be right? Also, if another million immigrants arrive in 2024, and another in 2025 (etc), and even if “only” about 50,000 a year are small boat invaders asking for or demanding help, how is this situation sustainable? Answer— it isn’t.

[Update, 18 December 2023: it occurs to me that readers may object that the black woman mentioned was also a kind of migrant-invader, even if born in the UK. True in essence, but my point was that she had not just “got off the boat”; I should have been clearer].

More tweets seen

A modern form of eugenics may be, in part, a way forward.

Why then has the “Conservative” Party colluded with others to import millions of non-Europeans, many since 2010?

Weasel words to try to stave off electoral disaster in 2024.

However, when pressed by the interviewer as to policies he thinks will win the support of the voters, all Francois could come up with were two: getting rid of inheritance tax, and spending more on defence.

Inheritance tax only impacts a tiny number of people anyway, all of whom already vote Conservative.

As to Defence, which Francois (military background— a year reading War Studies for a Master’s degree, and 3-4 years in the TA, final rank Lieutenant) thinks will be a huge issue next year, that again is not something which most voters think is important.

Our armed forces are now quite weak, and very small, but our traditional enemies (Germany, France, maybe Denmark and the Netherlands —going back 300 years or more—) are now not enemies or potential enemies. The larger potential opponents (Russia, China) are so powerful that the UK could not think of fighting them, and anyway they are far away, and the UK has only limited air/sea transport capability.

The armed forces have shown themselves incapable even of preventing migration-invasion, let alone any real one (which would come from…where?).

For me, Francois’ remarks are a measure of how out of touch with the people the Conservative Party now is. He has no idea; the Conservative Party has no idea.

Listening to Francois trying to express what his preference for “overall narrative” of his party would be just underlines the sheer mediocrity (at best) of so many MPs now.


Late music

[Russian Imperial Family, c.1913]

Diary Blog, 16 December 2023

[Note: there seems to be a problem today embedding tweets; this may or may not be temporary]

Afternoon music


Saturday quiz

This week brings another victory over political journalist John Rentoul, who scored 3/10; I scored 5/10, if you include my answer to question 5, which was a pure guess; apart from that, I knew the answers to questions 2, 3, 6, and 10.

From the newspapers


More and more Americans believe it’s okay to be racist against WHITE people – and segregation is getting worse

On the night of her election as Boston’s first Asian mayor, Michelle Wu proclaimed defiantly: ‘We are ready to become a Boston for everyone. We’re ready to become a Boston that doesn’t push people out, but welcomes all who call our city home.’

It was a rallying cry for unity and inclusion from a young, idealistic politician who was determined the capital city of New England should shed its conservative image and embrace its increasing ethnic diversity.

But two years later, Wu is in the extraordinary position of herself being accused of racism after hosting a Christmas party on Wednesday night exclusively for ‘non-white’ members of the city council.

Her decision has stoked a nationwide row over ‘reverse racism’ and exposed once again a deeply polarised American electorate that once put Donald Trump in the White House because they shared his contempt for wokeness, and may well do so again.

…it dawned on the seven white councillors that not only had they been disinvited to the bash, but they were never supposed to be there in the first place due to the colour of their skin.

…for others the hypocrisy sweeping the U.S. is no laughing matter. A country where racial discrimination is technically illegal is seeing an increasing number of schools, universities and large businesses creating ‘safe spaces’ where ethnic minorities can ‘escape white oppression’.

There have even been calls for black people to get racially-segregated ‘safe spaces’ outdoors so they can enjoy activities such as hiking and camping without suffering ‘harassment’ and ‘trauma’ from white people, while also subverting stereotypes that African-Americans don’t enjoy such pursuits.

In the words of one Boston ‘anti-racist’ academic, Ibram X Kendi, (whose work on deeply divisive ‘critical race theory’ is studied religiously in schools and colleges): ‘The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination.’

In short, it’s entirely fair or ‘equitable’ that the boot is now on the other foot. It’s OK to be racist against white people.

In 2021, a school district in Wellesley, Massachusetts, reportedly excluded white students from a ‘healing space’ after shootings in which eight students — six of them Asian-Americans — were killed. The email announcing the event read: ‘*Note: This is a safe space for our Asian/Asian-American and Students of Color, *not* for students who identify only as White.’

In the same year, black mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot — under huge pressure over her city’s appalling black-on-black murder rate — announced she wouldn’t allow white journalists to interview her on the two-year anniversary of her inauguration.

South Korea-born technology writer Sarah Jeong was hired by the Left-wing New York Times as a member of its prestigious ‘editorial board’ of senior writers.

But then critics found some of her old tweets on white people and they weren’t a pretty sight. ‘Are white people genetically predisposed to burn faster in the sun, thus logically being only fit to live underground like grovelling goblins,’ she wrote.

In another, she confided: ‘It’s kind of sick how much joy I get out of being cruel to old white men.’

Others included ‘#cancelwhitepeople’, ‘f*** white women lol’ and ‘White people have stopped breeding. You’ll all go extinct soon. This was my plan all along.’

Opponents snorted with derision. Try substituting ‘whites’ in her tweets for ‘Jews’ or ‘blacks’, they said, and imagine what the famously self-important newspaper’s response would have been.

Whatever sanitised image of integration Hollywood puts out to the world, this is a country divided: across state lines, income disparities and, without doubt, by a racially-charged culture war. More and more Americans believe it’s okay to be racist against WHITE people – and segregation is getting worse.”

[Daily Mail].


For generations, they have been as much a part of the Christmas tradition as roast turkey and mistletoe.

But this year’s school nativity plays are repackaging the birth of Jesus as reality TV shows – with names based on programmes such as The Great British Bake Off and Strictly Come Dancing.

[Daily Mail]

Deliberately-planned reverse cultural appropriation, or cultural trashing, if you like.

Tweets seen

They walked in daylight without shirts waving a white flag and still were shot by a sniper from a small distance 1 hostage found shelter and shouted in Hebrew help, yet he was shot.”

[Note: the tweet/embed issue continues. If it persists, there will be no point displaying tweets at all on the blog. The problem seems to be at Twitter/X, not WordPress].

Update, same day: The tweet-embed issue seems now to have been resolved.

Late tweets

My own assessment of Rory Stewart, written in 2019 (with later updates): https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Late music

Diary Blog, 16 September 2023

Morning music

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Just managed to beat political journalist John Rentoul this week— a poor 4/10, as against Rentoul’s even less impressive “3.5/10”.

I disallowed myself the extra point for question no.10, which I really knew but could not recall. I knew and recalled the answers to questions 3, 5, 8, and 9.

From the newspapers


My blog post from nearly 5 years ago about Macron has held up quite well: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/09/on-recent-events-in-france/

Tweets seen

More music

“русский народ – культурный народ”…

More tweets seen

As previously blogged, the armed forces of the Kiev regime are running out of cannon-fodder. There are few if any volunteers from Ukraine itself, and the virtue-signalling nitwits and would-be “soldiers of fortune” from the UK, USA etc have either been killed or returned home, and the supply has now dried-up. Thus the regime uses press-gangs to force service upon ever-less-useful categories of recruit: the disabled, the middle-aged, those with various illnesses etc.

“Ukraine” (the Kiev regime) has only one chance— to drag NATO into the war. All their efforts are directed to that end.

More from the newspapers

I must have missed that, from last month:

Israel-based solicitor Mark Lewis has been heavily criticised by Mr Justice Nicklin in a recent High Court judgement. Lewis is known for acting for Rachel Riley against Mike Sivier and Laura Murray, and for John Ware against Jewish Voice for Labour and Naomi Wimborne-Idrissi. Lewis also acted for the late Dr Pete Newbon – a director of the notorious so-called ‘Labour Against Antisemitism’ (LAAS) group who was repeatedly disciplined by his employers for his behaviour on social media and was being sued by another of his victims – in his libel claim against Michael Rosen after Rosen had complained about Newbon’s tweeted misuse of Rosen’s famous ‘Bear Hunt’ book to attack former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.

In the recent case, Lewis came unstuck when he was acting for Richard Davidoff of ABC Estates, a lettings and leasehold management firm. Lewis was seeking a court order requiring Google to disclose the identities of people with gmail addresses who had left negative reviews about ABC Estates on Trustpilot. The evidence in support of the court order was two witness statement by Lewis. The judge described Lewis’ evidence in general as “nothing more than assertion” and “perfunctory, even desultory” and “simply not good enough” to justify making the court order.

Things then got much worse for Lewis. He had stated that the Trustpilot reviews were “false, fabricated statements which Unknown person(s) know are untrue”. The judge conducted some online research himself and found that one of the reviews was true and based on the findings of another court. The judge said it was:

a matter of very real concern that the Claimants put evidence before the Court, on an ex parte application, that was not true.

The judge did not require Lewis to provide an explanation for the evidence that was “seriously in error” and accepted that Lewis would not have knowingly misled the court. The judge’s explained Lewis’ evidence as being:

because he had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients.

The judge also stated that there had been a “significant failure” by Lewis to comply with the general obligation of full and frank disclosure. The judge refused all the applications and the escapade is likely to have costs Lewis’ clients tens of thousands of pounds. Perhaps Lewis’ claim against Michael Rosen would have ended in the same way?

Mr Justice Nicklin’s full judgment is available here, with comments about Lewis’s contribution from paragraph 84 onwards.

Mark Lewis is a former director of UK Lawyers for Israel (UKLFI) until his emigration to Israel and was involved in the relaunch of right-wing pro-Israel group Herut UK. UKLFI locked access to a YouTube video in which a panel discussed Lewis’s “very handy way of bankrupting organisations” the group considered to have done ‘wrong’. However, a transcript of the discussion is still available.

In 2018, Lewis was fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority for abusive speech on social media toward a young Labour-supporting critic and others.


Some of my blog posts from past years about the egregious Lewis:

[other posts are linked via the one above]

Lewis was (is still?) a “Patron” of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as the “Campaign Against Anti-Semitism” or “CAA”.

Incidentally, the title “Patron” does not indicate financial support. When Lewis was censured and fined by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority a few years ago, his fine was reduced by two-thirds after his Counsel told the tribunal that Lewis’s sole assets were his clothes, a private pension worth £70 a week, and a used mobility scooter! So much for the so-called (sometimes, but only by the naive and ignorant) “top lawyer”! He then scuttled off to Israel.

Here is more on that story:

Richard Davidoff, of ABC Estates, and his legal team bungled a high court attempt to force Google to reveal the identities of online reviewers whose comments they claimed were false and defamatory.

The case unravelled after libel lawyer Mark Lewis, of Patron Law, accused one reviewer of writing a “false, fabricated statement” that referenced the decision by ARMA and IRPM to expel ABC Estates and Richard Davidoff.

Mr Justice Nicklin became peppery in his ruling (below, pp84-89) as his own “basic online research” revealed that this allegation was in fact true…”

It is a matter of very real concern that the Claimants put evidence before the Court, on an ex parte application, that was not true.

Mr Lewis has not provided an explanation to the Court for this error (I have not required him to provide one). Nevertheless, I accept that Mr Lewis would not have knowingly misled the Court.

It is likely that this error occurred because he had simply failed to carry out sufficient (or any) research or to take adequate instructions from his clients. Nevertheless, as a result, he included a statement in his witness statement that was seriously in error. That error was not detected (or corrected) by the Claimants.

[Mr. Justice Nicklin, in the High Court]

The High Court judge accepted that Lewis “would not have knowingly misled the Court” (but why accept that? Lewis is hardly a credible witness). Still, as the extract shows, Lewis (once again) “bungled” his work…

The judge [also] said “the underlying claims in defamation are hopelessly weak”.

[Mr. Justice Nicklin, reported by LKP]

Neither Lewis nor the Counsel in the case (also used by Lewis in other cases in the past several years) seem to have taken that last into account.

Cave emptor

See also: https://www.leaseholdknowledge.com/richard-davidoff-given-the-boot-as-section-24-court-appointed-manager-after-expulsion-from-arma-irpm-and-propertymark/

More from the newspapers


I agree with some of what Stewart says; in much of it I was there 30+ years ahead of him, though that is not entirely his fault, he being 16-17 years my junior in years.

My assessment of Stewart (updated since then), from 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

As I blogged recently, I shall probably buy his latest book used, via Amazon, once its £22 cover price reduces (you can already get a new copy for £16.69, and a used but almost new copy for £16.02). Once it gets down to a fiver…

More tweets


Historical note


In 1907, Dr. Henry Cotton became the medical director. Believing that infections were the key to mental illness, he had his staff remove teeth and various other body parts that might become infected from the hospital patients. Cotton’s legacy of hundreds of fatalities and thousands of maimed and mutilated patients did not end with his leaving Trenton in 1930 or his death in 1933; in fact, removal of patients’ teeth at the Trenton asylum was still the norm until 1960.[3]


Can you imagine the furore had a German psychiatrist done that during the currency of the Third Reich? It would be notorious and known across the world.

[Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, 19th Century engraving]
[West Entrance, Trenton Psychiatric Hospital, New Jersey, in 2023]

More tweets

Late music

[Pushkin Square, Krivoy Rog, Ukraine, in winter]

Diary Blog, 12 September 2023

That brings back a few memories.

Battles past

Tweets seen

Not just “Tory” MPs…most System MPs, whatever the label.

As for my view of Rory Stewart, my (frequently updated) blog assessment from 2019 has proven to be quite popular over the past 4 years. I stand by it, overall, as updated.

Rory Stewart certainly fits the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan mould— three-quarters white European, one-quarter Jewish, wealthy via inheritance, with familial links to “British Intelligence”, as well as having been an attendee of Bilderberg and other conferences. He favours mass immigration, too.

Stewart and his book are certainly being pushed by the msm.

Ha. Well said. I think that it was Valentin Tomberg who said that the “mask of Evil” would be partly removed from the 20th Century onward. It has become increasingly clear to what extent many of the socio-political campaigns whirling around us are interconnected.

[photograph of the Bohemian Grove ceremonies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove]

…and most of the Prime Ministers of the UK in the past 30+ years have either been part-Jews or (Sunak) non-white. I think that that does not apply to Gordon Brown or Liz Truss. Still, that means that it does apply to the past 6 out of 8 PMs. About 30 years out of 33.

Expenses fraudster Yvette Cooper and her equally-corrupt and moneygrubbing husband, Ed Balls, would have been imprisoned for fraud in any decently-run country.

Anyone who imagines that the likes of Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and Keir Starmer will improve Britain in the slightest are just deluded.

Both main System parties are pushing the same basic agenda.

Well, there it is. Anyone over State Pension age voting for Labour is a turkey voting for Christmas. There are many reasons not to vote “Conservative” but, by the same token, there are (as far as I can see) also no reasons at all to vote for fake “Labour”.

Actually, listening to that horrible woman took me right back to the days of Blair/Brown: the unwillingness to answer a question honestly, the soundbite mantra etc. Very offputting.

Angela Rayner wants to build huge numbers of new houses, presumably to house the millions of migrant-invaders, without which we should have no housing crisis at all. The housing crisis is, 90%+, a migrant invasion crisis.

The next general election will be in 2024. If the Sunak misgovernment fails to implement fully the Triple Lock, thus raising the State Pension by over 8%, the Conservative Party is toast, not because the over-65 demographic will all go to vote Labour, but because some will vote that way, some will vote LibDem, some will vote elsewhere yet, and because many, perhaps very many will simply abstain.

Late music

[Central Kiev devastated during WW2]

Diary Blog, 10 September 2023, including some discussion of Keir Starmer, Tony Blair, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and Rory Stewart (etc)

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Roberts_(judge)

Makes you realize how much British taxpayer-money is thrown away on “defence”. Not just the fact that the UK Government has given tanks to the Kiev regime, which tanks then get destroyed in combat almost immediately; also, the fact that the UK Government saw fit to commission and pay for them in the first place.

Each of those tanks costs £4.2M, and seems to be all but useless against aerial attack or artillery bombardment, despite supposedly being superior to Russian equivalents.

The UK has not only given the Ukraine regime about 14 of these tanks but also has trained, free of charge, their Ukrainian crews in the UK.

See https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/what-are-the-invincible-challenger-2-tanks-that-uk-is-sending-to-ukraine-12001052.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenger_2.

Starmer, Blair, and the WEF (etc)

You can see, on the face of Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet Starmer, that same bedazzled look that Tony Blair had on his simian mug when he went to Camp David for the first time. The “I’ve made it…I’m one of the global elite!“…

[see how star-struck were “Tony and Cherie”…]

Not that Starmer is wrong about Westminster. The UK Parliament is indeed a provincial, “tribal, shouting place“, as Starmer says in that oddly-incoherent “explanation”.

The point though, is that Starmer will never put the British people first now that he has been accepted, if only at this stage as a spectator or poor relation, at Davos, amid the helicopters and private jets.

No. He sees himself, in the future, “working with” people who (as he obviously imagines) really matter: billionaires, secret cabals formulating a new dystopian world etc. He is not the first, after all.

The primus inter pares pupil of the modern Mephistopheles, Blair, is now far far away from his grim Scottish school [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fettes_College], far from the Bar of England and Wales, at which he practised for about 5-6 years in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and from his 1983-2007 Parliamentary constituency in County Durham [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency]

Blair, now ensconced in a large country house in Buckinghamshire, heads the “Institute for Global Change” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair_Institute_for_Global_Change] as well as Tony Blair Associates and other bodies.

That organization, TBI, is funded partly by Blair himself (he having made many tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions of pounds after having left office, and his moneygrubbing wife, Cherie, as much or more, apparently), partly by the USA, and partly by Saudi Arabia.

One way or another, Blair employs a number of more or less washed-up System politicians from a number of countries: Sanna Marin of Finland is one such: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/07/sanna-marin-finland-prime-minister-tony-blair-institute.

You find that many threads connect those who believe that they constitute a global elite and who are involved with the WEF/Davos, Bilderberg and/or connected secretive cabals. For example, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand worked for Blair when he was Prime Minister.

The linkages go beyond mere function, i.e. beyond the fact that almost all leaders of governments are bound to have meetings together etc. The Western world’s leaders are connected, bound, tied by the secretive cabals to which most of them belong and whose conclaves they attend: WEF/Davos, Bilderberg, freemasonry, the Jewish/Zionist connections, and so on.

Blair, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Macron etc are but a few out of hundreds. Blair seems to have climbed to a certain level, though.

Note the ideological and practical similarities they all share: the whole “Covid” stuff, facemask nonsense and all; the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and so the idea of mixed-race populations ruled by European and Jewish (often mixed) ruling strata; “climate change”/Net Zero, with all the dictatorial powers of government involved in that; the Money Power controlling democratic assemblies; and so on.

The outsiders who occasionally attain to political power in the West are tolerated temporarily if not too disruptive; if they become a nuisance, they are removed from power or actually eliminated, as are those who become unreliable and have served the “global elite” much lower down the food chain: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell etc.

Reverting to Keir Starmer, you can see that, for him, the British people are —at best— about fourth in his priority list, after the “global elite”/WEF/Davos and connected cabals, the Jewish/Israeli interest(s), freemasonry etc.

The present UK Government is of course pathetic, incompetent, undeserving of survival, and that applies to 90%+ of the “Conservative” MPs as well. However, the idea that “Labour” will be —in any substantial way— different or better, if/when forming a government in 2024, is just naive.

See also:







[WEF HQ, near Geneva, Switzerland; much of the complex is underground]

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The people voting for this Draconian energy Bill, should have been the people. The home owners lumbered with up to £15,000 fines and the possibility of 12 months jail time, for not being able to afford an inefficient electric heat pump boiler, or other enforceable purchases. This gives Government the powers to force you to have a smart meter, and enforce their way into your home. Read The Bill

For me, Rory Stewart is just one more “part of the problem”: see my (updated) assessment first published in 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

From the newspapers


The fake “austerity” spending cuts brought in by part-Jew liars George Osborne and David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger have destroyed both Britain and the misnamed “Conservative” Party.


It will be interesting to see whether the two arrested persons are of actual Chinese ethnicity or not. If they are, it will be yet another nail in the coffin of multiculturalism.

Incidentally, an interesting account of Chinese intelligence down the ages is https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Chinese-Secret-Service/dp/0584101147 by “Richard Deacon”. As with Deacon’s other books, accuracy is disputed, but it is a good read all the same. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_McCormick.

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(the short answer, now, is “no”…)

I cannot quarrel with that headline.

Ditto. Stewart, however, is himself a prime example of that which he criticizes, particularly careerism and amateurism, not to mention also nepotism in his case (recruited after university to SIS, where his own father had quite recently been second or third in the hierarchy…).

More tweets

MEMBER of the German Bundestag Sara Wagenknecht has announced that she is founding her own political party. At first glance, nothing significant outside of Germany, but it’s not quite like that.

In August, Wagenknecht became the third most popular politician in the country, and she consistently criticizes the German authorities regarding their support for Kiev and their anti-Russian course. She announced that her 4 main principles will be – economic expediency, social justice, maximum state regulation of prices and emphasis on diplomacy in foreign policy. She also opposed increased military spending and called for renewed relations with Russia.”

Sounds promising.

McGregor: The Russian army prepared a trap for Ukrainian troops.

FORMER adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Colonel Douglas McGregor, said again that during his offensive, Russian troops will surround Kharkiv. He stated that the Russians are now advancing in the northeast of Ukraine and pointed out: “Eventually, the Russian army will move further west and encircle Kharkiv in the process.” McGregor assessed that Russia has an intelligence and reconnaissance system that allows it to detect and destroy any target on the battlefield. And Ukraine and Western countries, he pointed out, have nothing to oppose it.

He particularly emphasized that the Russian army had prepared a trap for Ukrainian troops. When the Ukrainian armed forces enter it – they will have huge casualties.”


Translation: “I was crap at my job(s), and gave up being a minister and MP because I did not get the status or positions I personally wanted out of it (despite high pay and expenses) but I am now going to blame others or ‘the system’ for it...”

Late music

Diary Blog, 8 September 2023

Morning music

[painting by Volegov]

Battles past

From the newspapers


Well, well. So BBC/NWO/ZOG mouthpiece Marianna Spring falsified her background in order to get a job. Who would have thought it? What other lies has she put about?


Sanna Marin is another one of the puppets of the transnational conspiracy. Just like Justin Trudeau. Just like Jacinda Ardern. Many others too.


More “climate change” lies.


Terrible. Britain in 2023.


Not someone I knew personally, though he was pointed out to me at Harrow Crown Court in 1992, he having become briefly notorious by reason of his apparently tangled sex life. An MP and barrister.

The Guardian obit is rather poor, and the Wikipedia entry too. Neither says much about the scandals that were part of the reasons why Bermingham’s political career ground to a halt. Also, the Guardian says that his second wife, married in 1978, was a senior lawyer with the CPS. Perhaps later, but not in 1978; the CPS was only established in 1986.

Oddly enough, one of my first wife’s colleagues, an American girl, told me, at a baseball game at the old (now-demolished) Veterans’ Stadium in Philadelphia, that she had done an internship with Gerry Bermingham at Westminster. That baseball game must also have been in 1992, or maybe 1991.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerry_Bermingham. Bermingham started out as a solicitor, but later converted to the Bar.


Interesting. I have now again updated my very popular blog post from 2019, which was an assessment of Rory Stewart, and which has been occasionally updated, to include this new information: see https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/

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I wonder how much of the American taxpayers money has been stolen. Still, wasted either way, I suppose…

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…and, incredibly, as of today there are 365 utter mugs still paying out £3.50-£44 each, monthly, via the Patreon website, to the “grifter”/fraudster who calls herself “Jack Monroe”.

A very good cause.

Another very good cause.

[Vauxhall City Farm]

It would help if msm outlets such as the BBC, Sky News etc stopped their one-sided pro-“Ukraine” (Kiev regime) propaganda and actually tried to report accurately on the conflict.

No wonder that hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men, and now also women, are desperately trying to avoid being conscripted.

I was stopped by a man just outside Parliament yesterday evening. He introduced himself as a civil servant. He told me to ‘keep doing what you are doing, everyone knows it’s the truth. The establishment are very worried because they know what’s coming down the track for them!’ This is not the first civil servant to say this to me in private . They all know the truth and they all know it has to be exposed.

The Westminster monkeyhouse…

The BBC found a well-paid niche for a young woman unafraid of making up lies to look like the truth— Marianna Spring.

I wonder what is the real or full provenance of Marianna Spring.

Late tweets seen

The out-of-control “woke” police of the state of Victoria, Australia, arresting a girl who refused to wear a mask-muzzle during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic of a couple of years ago.

Late music

[Red Army T-34 tank, Crimea, 1943]

Diary Blog, 5 October 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

Tweets seen

A side-effect of workers moving out of care work to other work would be that care work would then only attract people with no other choices, forced to do care work by being, for example, pressured by the DWP.

Interesting video, rather idealistic. If the British Empire still existed and still ruled, the Arab-Jew problem in Palestine would be contained, and Israel would not be a centre of a manipulative web across the world.

I thought Elon Musk too intelligent to buy into a massive scam such as Twitter.

Making the best of it


That report reminded me of when I was first in Almaty, Kazakhstan (in 1996 and 1997). I lived on one of the main boulevards, Prospekt Lenina. There were frequent power cuts or, as the Americans say, “outages”.

I bought some candles for my 12th-floor Soviet penthouse apartment, and that was OK, though I nearly got stuck in the lift one day when there was a power cut the moment I stepped out of that lift, having returned from my office. The power did not return until about midday the next day, so that was a lucky miss for me.

In fact, my area of the city was not so badly affected as others, being within the “Presidentsky” district, where the then Presidential Palace and major embassies were located. Usually, the power cuts involved one or two areas at a time, with other areas continuing to receive electrical supply. Where I lived was certainly given preferential treatment, but still lost power fairly often.

I remember well that I was due to dine with three people one evening at a small and little-patronized Georgian restaurant in a quiet lane not too far from my home, a place almost in the countryside.

When the time came to meet those people, I was sitting in the empty restaurant. They arrived together, a young American in the Peace Corps, and two local Russian girls who were employed by an American organization; I had met them previously.

No sooner had they sat down than the electricity was cut off. The owner of the place, a Georgian lady called Bella, hurried to put out quite a few candles.

In the restaurant, with its wooden walls and lack of traffic noise (the lane outside was deserted), this created a kind of 19th century environment. One of the Russian girls started to play the piano which was there. Mainly Chopin.

In the candlelight, it was like being in a scene adapted from Chekhov or some other pre-revolutionary author; perhaps a country estate circa 1860 and in a Russia not yet hit by modern warfare or the shocks of violent revolution. Charmant

That evening has always stayed with me.

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NHS… 2022


Still clapping?

More tweets

Very clever. Funny, but also sad and also true…

Still slightly favourable on defence and “terrorism”? How? Why? The armed forces seem incapable of stopping migration invasion across the Channel, and are too small to stop any conventional invasion. The present ZOG (Zionist Occupation Government) is pledged to continue to waste billions funnelling money and arms to the Jew-Zionist regime in Kiev.

What about “terrorism”? The Muslims are not taking over the British cities via “terrorism” but via their birth-rate. The Jews continue to send their teenage children to Israel, there to be trained in the use of firearms, as well as in techniques of streetfighting, but are not even monitored (much) by the UK Security Service on their return to the UK.

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James Cleverly, proud possessor of a McDegree (in Hospitality Management) from a McUniversity, and who has never done much else (except work his way up in the TA) drones on. That half-caste is Foreign Secretary, believe it or not. This country is so screwed, and in so many ways.

I must do a blog article, in my Deadhead MPs series, about Cleverly.

Thinking about who would vote “Conservative” now.

Some would. People whose income is well above the norm, perhaps; those on £150,000+, and who are also voting out of purely personal self-interest . Then —the largest group— those who want to vote specifically against Labour, and see a Con vote as the only effective way to do it.

Are there any other groups of “Conservative” voters now? I think not. The last 12 years have seen no effective policy or action on the immigration problem, whether in general or specifically re. the cross-Channel migration-invasion. As for that trad Con strongpoint, “law and order”, we have seen police numbers cut, courts (in the hundreds) closed down to save money, a huge backlog of trials, and legal aid cuts which have effectively denied millions the right to access the legal system.

Yes, a lot can happen in the two years before a general election has to be held, but it cannot really be said that Liz Truss has any popular mandate, and things look likely to slide even further from here: utility bills, mortgage payments, whatever may hit the UK by reason of the wrongheaded anti-Russia sanctions and military adventurism.

Even the mainly self-interested “grey vote” of pensioners and those nearing State Pension age might pause before placing their crosses next to the Conservative Party candidate, now that it has emerged that the young Liz Truss actually wanted to abolish the State Pension, and who intends to slash other benefits relied on by pensioners.

I assessed Rory Stewart in 2019, when he was a candidate for the Conservative Party leadership. I also updated it, and continue to do so. A large number of people have read that assessment. See https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

This England

Saw an episode covering 2020. Not as good as the previous episode. Too many scenes with patients suffering (supposedly) from “Covid”, not enough scenes about the political infighting. The drama stuck to the official or accepted (?) narrative(s). Not much questioning of that.

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There is an epidemic of serious heart problems caused by the so-called “vaccine”(s).

Late music

[painting by Konstantin Korovin]

Diary Blog, 7 June 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago

The statistical fakery of “woke” Britain


About a third of the UK population is worth keeping.

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Disarmed, the farmers of South Africa will be defenceless against the White Genocide taking place.

South Africa should have fought on in the 1990s. It would have won, as the ANC, Frelimo, and SWAPO lost their former Soviet aid.

Unfortunately, most South African whites in the early 1990s thought that, by giving power to the halfwit Mandela and his ANC, a reasonable compromise could be reached. That was only ever going to be temporary. Same thing happened in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe in 1979/1980, when what George Orwell, in another context, once called “constipated” Brit civil servants (no doubt ex-Oxbridge and readers of the Guardian), thought that Robert Mugabe was a decent chap who would see the sense in treating his part of Africa as if it were Middlesex suburbia.

Not that weapons alone can save white civilization. In the USA, the white population have weapons (small arms) in the millions but, for the most part, not the social national ideology, nor the organization, to make proper use of them.

There may be an approaching global food crisis, caused not by Putin and/or the war in part of Ukraine but engineered by secret groups and cabals.

Yet in the UK, Jews are in the forefront of trying to import non-Europeans into the UK.

The “diversity” ones are purely for masochists, arguende…

Exactly. The msm obsession with “Partygate” might be seen as a distraction from all those other, and more significant, issues.

Late tweets

Hunt may look good compared to “Boris” (almost any major political figure would), but my assessment of him from years ago still cuts the mustard: “a smarmy, clever snake” [who is still not very trustworthy].

…and Jewish groups are trying to bring more non-Europeans into Europe, into the UK, all the time. People really must start to look at the causes and not just the symptoms.

Look at the period of British history between 1956 and today. What has trashed this country the most? Cold War espionage? Labour disputes? Irish Republican or other terrorism? No. Mass immigration. Have the security and intelligence agencies done (or could they have done) anything at all to stop the migration invasion? No.

The few documenting —and so, opposing— this migration invasion (Steve Laws and others) are heroic and to be commended; the System politicians and the various other groups supporting the invasion (“antifa” cretins, some Jew lawyers, the Labour Party openly, the Conservative Party almost openly, the sick Church of England etc) are to be condemned and, eventually, punished. The saddest aspect, though, is the spectacle of the British people mostly not really, deeply, caring whether or not they are invaded by non-Europeans, not really caring enough about their own racial and cultural integrity. Do those British people really deserve to survive?

A fine institution brought low by entryist activists and “woke” nonsense.

My own assessment of Rory Stewart from a few years ago, with updates: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

Late music

[Zeppelin over the Palace of Westminster, 1916]

Diary Blog, 27 May 2022

Morning music

On this day a year ago



I would prefer to see an entirely different kind of cull.

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A social problem that could be solved overnight, were there the political will to do it.

Just imagine— FIVE MILLION Twitter-twits think that the mentally-afflicted Swedish autistic, aged 19, is worth “following”…


With a couple of exceptions, the New Zealand women I have encountered have all been aggressively politically-correct (and frighteningly-ignorant) wastes of space. I wonder why.

Helen Clark thinks that cannabis use should be de-criminalized but that “the wrong sort” of opinions on social media should be criminalized. That tells you all you need to know about her.

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It is ironic that those of us often accused of wanting to institute dictatorship are in the forefront of the battle for free speech, freedom of expression, reasonable civil rights.

It is the pseudo-liberal supporters of the System, such as the Jew-Zionist element, the supposed supporters of (System) “democracy”, mainstream politicians etc (including most TV “celebrities” and talking heads, most “journalists” and other scribblers, most “human rights”-squawking barristers) who are on the other side, wanting strict “lockdowns”, shutdowns, forced vaccination, control of social media, and prosecution for anything “anti-Semitic” and/or “racist” etc.

Rory Stewart

Meanwhile, winning this week’s prize for stating the very obvious— Rory Stewart:

Rory Stewart says, though slightly more diplomatically, that Boris-idiot is a narcissistic waste of space, unfit for office. True, and many of us were tweeting and blogging the same, years ago. Still, “those who live in glass houses should not throw stones“…

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.


“Ukraine’s armed forces and regional officials say Russia is launching attacks on all fronts in eastern Ukraine in what seems to be new offensive.” [The Guardian].

I think that the Russian forces are now doing what I thought they were trying to do about a month ago, i.e. drawing a line from the coastal regions of the Sea of Azov and Black Sea up the eastern bank of the river Dnieper through Zaporozhye and Dnipro [former Dnepropetrovsk], then towards Kharkov, with the aim of eliminating all Ukrainian forces to the east of that line, then occupying all territory to the east of that line.

Once the above has been accomplished, the strategy may well be to strike north from Dnipro and west from the Kharkov area (once Kharkov is either taken or isolated), thus controlling and/or occupying almost all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper and south of Kiev itself.

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Ha ha! I could not ignore that prize example of socio-political idiocy. Seems that there are still “useful idiots” around who idolize the Jew Marx. Not that everything he wrote was wrong; even Hitler said that (see Hitler’s Table Talk). However, what was, in its heyday, a serious political movement, meaning Marxism, or Marxism-Leninism, has become (gradually, since the 1950s) a farrago of nonsense play-politics, on the periphery of both events and political thought.

Incidentally, the two specimens above are students at Exeter University: see https://twitter.com/Franhendersonx.

In the famous words of Marx himself: “…first time as tragedy, second time as farce“…

Thus actor-turned-activist Laurence Fox displays ignorance of history, ethnology, and politics, all in two short tweets. As I have written previously, you can dump Fox in the same bin as Toby Young, James Delingpole, Breitbart, GB News, the fake “Free Speech Union”, UKIP/Brexit Party/Reform Party, Nigel Farage, “Tommy Robinson”, and Katie Hopkins (etc):

Grifting wastes of space, as well as controlled opposition.

Not that all that they say is wrong…see below:

A couple of my own experiences: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/07/13/when-i-was-a-victim-of-a-malicious-zionist-complaint/; https://ianrobertmillard.org/2022/01/15/diary-blog-15-january-2022-including-an-outline-of-the-failure-of-the-latest-jew-zionist-attempt-to-prosecute-me/.

The truth of that becomes more apparent daily.

Late tweets seen

Jewish. Every. Single. Time.

You only have to look at the “British” Cabinet and also the non-Cabinet ministers. Jews, part-Jews, Indians, Pakistanis. Where are the English?

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[Bishop’s Rock lighthouse, Isles of Scilly. Hard to believe that I visited it, long long ago, in an open boat (in high summer, and with the sea almost flat calm, though). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bishop_Rock]