Tag Archives: SIS

Diary Blog, 5 May 2024

Talking point

See also: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13383283/migrants-illegal-Channel-small-boats-rwanda.html.

The cross-Channel migration-invasion is about 5% of the entire migration-invasion.

Within 5-15 years, this will be existential for British society.

Tweets seen

Agree with about 90% of that, maybe more.

One thing she leaves out is which “demographic” is, ultimately, behind the attack on Christian culture(s) that she mentions (clue: not —most importantly— the Muslim demographic).

HEART specialist waiting lists are up by 75 per cent, according to NHS figures.

Health authorities have admitted that mRNA jabs can cause potentially fatal heart issues, and published post-mortems have recorded heart-related vaccine deaths.

Despite this, not one mainstream news outlet has looked at the role covid vaccinations could have played in the huge increase in heart problems. Instead, our health watchdog, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), continues to call vaccine-induced myocarditis and pericarditis ‘rare’, despite admitting a 90 per cent under-reporting rate (it could be as high as 99 per cent), and continues to blame SARS-CoV-2 infection.

This is a disingenuous assessment, according to top US cardiologist and epidemiologist Peter McCullough.”

I was unaware that Amsterdam is now 56% migrant. That figure does not even include all migrants who arrived over the past 50 years, or their offspring.

Very sad. When I first and briefly visited the Netherlands, aged maybe 8, in 1964 or 1965, there were no migrants, effectively.

When I returned alone, in 1975, aged 18, there were few. Later, on trips in the 1980s, Dutch friends of my family were complaining about the behaviour of the few (I think Turks, or possibly others from Turkey) who had somehow moved to their part of Amsterdam (a relatively-new suburb in or by North Amsterdam, Amsterdam-Noord): thefts of bicycles, littering etc— maybe “petty”, but already slowly changing their decent (and fairly new) neighbourhood into a declining and less pleasant one.

My last visit to the Netherlands, other than using Schiphol airport a number of times, was in the mid-1980s. More recently, I heard from Dutch friends how things had changed, and not for the better. Drugs, crime generally, an immigrant takeover in some parts of the city etc. This all co-incided with economic problems, housing shortages (mass immigration again), considerable job insecurity, and a general cultural decline.


As with the Swedes, the Dutch made the mistake of allowing decent tolerance to become indecent licence, and of allowing a kind welcome for a few non-Europeans to become an open invitation for any and all, millions of them.

Britain made, and is still making, the same or similar mistakes, and is also indoctrinating its young people with the same pathetic and weak pseudo-ideology that is eroding white Europe from within.

Incidentally, I just saw this, about WW2 bombing of Amsterdam-Noord:

In the Second World War the industry fields in Amsterdam-Noord were the target of the air bombings by the Allied Forces.[1]

The Fokker factories were the 17 July 1943 bombings’ goal, but the bombs of the United States Army Air Forces fell on the surrounding residential areas, causing 158 deaths and 119 seriously injured as a result.

The British’ Royal Air Force and Free French Air Forces both did another attempt to bomb the factory on 25 and 28 July, resulting in the death of 200 citizens in total by the three raids.[2]

Only the British Forces managed to bomb the targeted airplane factory, all other bombs fell on residential areas in Amsterdam-Noord. This is the heaviest air bombardment that ever hit Amsterdam. 106 houses were destroyed, 206 houses heavily damaged and 676 houses suffered glass and roof damage. Every year a memorial ceremony takes place on 17 July at De Nieuwe Noorder cemetery.”


Sunak is a little Indian money-juggler, who neither looks, nor behaves, nor thinks like a prime minister.

Talking point

There should be a general chistka within the UK’s security and intelligence services. I have no idea, of course, which of the two main ones is the more infested; I suspect SIS/MI6.

Partly so, but not the whole reason.

It ain’t half hot, mum!

Late music



Diary Blog, 5 April 2024

Morning music

Jewish news


BRIT billionaire businessman Joe Lewis has been sentenced for insider training. Here is the rise and fall of the ex-Spurs chief:

After quitting school at the age of 15, entrepreneurial Lewis went to work for his dad’s catering company.

Lewis began managing a super-club called The Talk of the Town – where the likes of Frank Sinatra performed – in the 1960s, and granted girl group The Nolans their first live show.

He then got a taste for business and took over the firm – turning it into a string of restaurants before flogging it in 1979 for a whopping £30million.

Lewis used his cash influx to invest in currency trading and was subbed The Boxer in a nod to his wild success and power in the investment ring.

Lewis forked out £22million in 2001 to buy a controlling stake in Tottenham Hotspur from Lord Sugar.

One particular investment on Black Wednesday in September 1992 helped elevate him to uber-rich status, as he successfully bet on the Pound crashing out of the European Exchange Rate as Britain tried to align it with other Euro countries.

He became a billionaire overnight…”

[The Sun]

Note how the Sun “newspaper” fails to identify the defendant as Jewish, despite said defaulter having profited hugely, e.g. on “Black Wednesday” (1992), from the impoverishment of the British people.

From the newspapers


The shattered limbs, burnt skin and broken bones of the passengers on board the Etihad flight to Abu Dhabi depict the horrifying reality of Gaza‘s destruction.

Dozens of patients, largely children, are being evacuated to the UAE to receive critical medical treatment on a commercial plane that has been converted into a flying hospital.

The Daily Mail was granted permission by the UAE authorities to join them on the Boeing 777 where we witnessed up close a scale of suffering that is difficult to comprehend.

These shocking pictures, which include a little boy who was shot at by the IDF in an ambulance, come after Israeli drone pilots this week killed three British war heroes dispensing aid in the territory.

[Daily Mail]

The leech-state of Israel is a threat to the whole world, in a number of ways. It has an organized lobby supporting it, not least in the UK, concentrated in the fields of TV, radio, the mainstream Press, the legal professions, in politics, and in lucrative business activities.

Tweets seen

I wonder whether any of those components [REDACTED]? I suppose that the quality control prevents that.

I wonder (((why)))?

Jews are still demanding “reparations” (cash) to be paid to the alleged descendants of other Jews supposedly killed off in the early 1940s, over 80 years ago! The sheer cheek of “them”; unbelievable.

London. Zoo.


Police have been filmed arresting a woman at a London railway station after footage was shared of a violent thug branded the ‘female Mizzy‘ punching strangers seemingly for social media clout.

Officers in hi-vis clothing were filmed restraining a woman in a dark jacket and a grey hood at the edge of the concourse in London Victoria railway station, in video footage disseminated on Snapchat.

The clip showed a woman being restrained by a police officer within the station.

The arrest came after an as-yet-unnamed twisted prankster was filmed seemingly clobbering innocent victims on the London Underground as well as in a supermarket, and on the steps outside the Westfield Stratford shopping centre.

The videos were reminiscent of those filmed by Mizzy, real name Bacari-Bronze O’Garro, who was locked up in a young offenders institute after flouting a social media ban imposed on him for ‘pranks’ such as breaking into strangers’ homes.”

[Daily Mail]

So make her famous— put her in stocks somewhere such as Leicester Square for 24 hours, and let the mob throw rotten tomatoes etc at her. Same goes for that “Mizzy” cretin.

With large numbers of untermenschen of that type, Britain will not only be unable to create a better society; it will be unable even to maintain the present crumbling one.

More from the newspapers


A ‘brilliant’ professor died aged just 43 after doctors botched treatment for a rare condition on which he was a national expert, his GP widow told an inquest today.

His wife, Dr Shivani Tanna, said it was ‘terrifying’ for him to realise that doctors there didn’t ‘understand’ HLH, for which he sat on a national panel.

As a result, despite being seriously unwell and feeling ‘foggy in the brain’, he had to help advise doctors on how to treat him.

But even though he was a haematologist himself, he faced a struggle to persuade nurses to show him his blood test results, she said.

‘He kept himself alive on the wards because he was a doctor,’ Dr Tanna told Manchester Coroner’s Court.

If he had just been ‘Joe Bloggs’, he would have been dead within three days of being admitted, ‘just by sheer negligence’, she claimed.

[Daily Mail]

Just how bad does the NHS have to get before the people start to demand real root-and-branch reform?

Still clapping?


Members of the public should be ready to be called up to defend their country, a former head of MI6 has suggested.

Sir Alex Younger said Britons have been ‘infantilised’ since the end of the Cold War and the Government should consider having the power to ‘compel’ people to serve.”

[Daily Mail]

In fact, Younger is just part of the problem, and offers no solutions. [What might be called] “an educated cretin” who, after an expensive education, did 2-3 years as a Guards officer before joining the “niche career opportunity for the English middle classes”— SIS/MI6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alex_Younger

Younger seems entirely unaware that, even now, the UK seems (not to me, but to most of the British people, meaning real British people) not worth defending. What does Younger think the UK will be like by, say, 2034? 2044?

By 2050, half of those inhabiting these islands will not even be British in any real sense. Does Younger imagine that they will agree to be conscripted? Incidentally, it is no answer to say that the agreement of the conscripted is unnecessary; enlistment of the unwilling usually produces poor results.

Younger seems to be part of that UK pseudo-elite at the top of UK affairs which is so featherbedded and isolated from reality—reality as most people experience it in this country— that the same (self-regarding) “elite” constantly get it wrong in every way.

Younger and those like him should read the “Readers’ Comments” appended to that article: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13273557/brits-called-fight-country-conscription-mi6-chief.html. They might give him and his cohorts pause for thought.

My idea of a Secret Service chief is someone such as Maurice Oldfield, or Admiral Canaris, or Beria, or Markus Wolf; in the words of a John le Carré character, “a positive serpent“.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markus_Wolf; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavrentiy_Beria; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Canaris; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_Oldfield; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_le_Carr%C3%A9.

More tweets

Horrific: A Palestinian woman and her child were forcibly displaced by the Israeli army from Al-Shifa Hospital nearly 13 days ago.

According to available information, the woman was forced to leave through the eastern gate of the hospital heading south.

When she reached al-Abbas intersection southwest of the hospital, Israeli snipers opened fire on her, and then an Israeli tank ran over their bodies.


Look at the Jewish lawyers in the UK who weasel about the slaughter in Gaza. Just one example.

Never believe a word “they” say, whether it concerns the 2020s or the 1940s.

I have little time for radio loudmouth James O’Brien, but credit where due…

…and that includes the “Israel lobby” in the UK…

If I had to bet, it would be that the major Ukrainian cities will not even exist in 10 years’ time.

Just look at that little twit. Idiots of that sort have the temerity to sit in judgment on policy and legislation affecting every person in Britain. I was just looking at his Wikipedia entry. By 2015, at the age of 27/28, having never really had a job, he was an MP, on the strength of a degree in History from Manchester, 2 years training to be a primary school teacher, and a few months gophering for an existing MP. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wragg. Not good enough.

Some idiot on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme, I think that know-nothing Justin Webb individual [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justin_Webb], referred to Wragg as a “senior Conservative“! Jesus H. Christ!

I am sure that Matt Goodwin reads this blog! More seriously (though I think that he does read it), I have been saying what he is now saying for at least 18 months, maybe longer. As on numerous other occasions, the blog has been well ahead of the curve.

Good point (about Labour), but GE 2024 will be more about judging the Con Party record than supporting the underwhelming Lab promises.

As for Brexit, it might have worked had it been done properly, and still could, were there a real British government in place, and one willing to treat with Russia. Britain could have very cheap oil and gas, and an open market.

I have no idea who the bimbo is, presumably some sort of “journalist” (scribbler). The fall of journalism in this country has been one of the most disappointing developments during my lifetime, I should say.

Ah…aforesaid bimbo identified: one Rosa Prince, presently Editor of London Playbook at Politico Europe, previously employed/self-employed journalist at the Daily Mirror (4-5 years) and the Daily Telegraph (15-16 years) etc.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politico_Europe

The moral or ethical collapse so evident in British politics over the past 20-30 years is not confined to MPs in the Westminster monkeyhouse.

Late music

[Arnold Bocklin, Villa by the Sea]



I am still inviting donations to my crowdfund appeal, to defray the imposed costs of my recent free speech trial. If you cannot donate, please share the link wherever you can. Thank you, and again thanks to those who have already donated, or shared the link.

Diary Blog, 17 February 2024

Morning music

Saturday quiz

Well, an unusual week, in that I was outscored by political journalist John Rentoul, who managed 6/10; I only got 5/10. I nearly guessed the answer to question 1, but could not be sure, and also came close on question 7. As it was, I only knew for sure the answers to questions 2, 3, 6, 8, and 9.

Tweets seen

Exactly so. Labour actually offers nothing (except, possibly, arguably, tighter administration) that is not offered or done by the present “Conservative” misgovernment. Having said that, the voters plainly wish to punish the Government for being so weak and, indeed, hopeless.

It was surprising to see that just over a third of the Kingswood voters who voted, still voted Con, albeit that the turnout was well under 40% (so only about 10% or so of all eligible voters voted Con), but that may indicate that in a general election, the Con vote in that constituency (were it not being abolished) would be nearer to 20% or 25%, on a putative turnout of about 70%. However, that would still be not enough to win (were the seat to still exist at GE 2024).

All speculation, of course…

According to the malicious “Campaign Against Antisemitism” [“CAA”] cabal (on its website), “lord” Ian Austin, the notorious Israel-lobby and Jewish-lobby puppet who was once an MP, and who is one of the “Patrons” of the “CAA”, actually wrote to the Director of Public Prosecutions in 2022 demanding that I be prosecuted for expressing my views on this blog.

See https://antisemitism.org/former-barrister-ian-millard-found-guilty-of-five-communications-offences-after-seven-years-of-action-by-caa/.

Regular readers of the blog will know that I was tried last November, found guilty on all 5 counts, and will be sentenced next month. Freedom of expression is almost dead, and a large part of the reason for that is the existence of the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Austin is very odd. He once tweeted that pornography involving bestiality should be decriminalized, a view echoed by the Jewish girl at the centre of the campaign against Dr. David Miller of Bristol University. Those tweets were later deleted. At the same time, Austin thinks that “holocaust” “denial” should be criminalized!

Austin’s quite long Wikipedia entry says nothing at all about his personal life.

Austin, as MP, was also a hard-core expenses cheat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Austin#Expenses

You can bet that Austin makes sure to “sign on” at the House of Lords every sitting day, in order to get his c.£350 a day taxfree cash “allowance” and other freebies.

I wonder how many other lucrative part-time jobs (in the argot of today, “side-hustles”) Austin has. That housing chairmanship was almost certainly only one of several.

Austin almost personifies the corrupt pro-Israel political system of the UK today, as well as Starmer-Labour.

More music

More tweets

Tories said they’d lower migration

Then put it on steroids

Tories said control borders

Then lost control Tories say we are sovereign

But won’t leave ECHR

Tories blame Labour

But won’t change New Labour law

Tories promised new economy

Then gave us more of the same

This isn’t hard. People are leaving the Tories because they promised one thing only to do the very opposite.”


Lack of funding is part of that, but I doubt that the tweeter (obviously Indian) would agree that another large part of the problem is the half-million to a million immigrants of various kinds every single year.

Yes, a tiny percentage of the migration influx consists of doctors and nurses, but the other 99.9% are those who will not work in the NHS but will use its services.

Then factor in the disastrous “lockdowns” and/or restricted service throughout 2020, 2021, and 2022.

Then factor in the other recent developments: the strikes in the NHS, and the explosion of part-time working by GPs and the better-paid clinical staff generally, and also the phenomenon of medical students getting trained here in the UK, mainly at UK taxpayers’ expense (despite student loans), then emigrating to countries such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc for more money and a better lifestyle. They should have to work in the NHS for 5-10 years after qualification and training.

Here’s a chart I tweeted this week which went viral on social media. It shows rates of home ownership in Britain by age, from 1960 through to today. Take a look…

[Home ownership rates by age. Source: Sunday Times]

Highlighting the fact mass immigration is directly fuelling our housing crisis clashes with the elite’s “luxury beliefs”. Routinely, they demand more and more immigrants, looser and looser borders, to project their liberal beliefs to other elites all the while knowing they and their families will never be the ones to have to compete with immigrants and newcomers for a roof above their heads.”

As Andrew Neil said in response: “And the Tories wonder why young folks won’t vote for them”. Indeed. At the looming general election just 8% of Zoomers from Generation-Z plan to vote Conservative.

This is why, last weekend, housing secretary Michael Gove went further, touring media in Westminster to warn if young British people and families remain unable to get on the housing ladder ‘they will abandon democracy’.

Our day in the sun may be nearer than we ourselves, as social nationalists, realize.

Look at recent by-elections. Only a third of voters are even bothering to vote. They despise the System parties and refuse to validate those “elected”, who have no real legitimacy.

By that date (2036), UK society will have either collapsed into civil war or chaos, or be very close to that point.

Only social nationalism can save Britain; and, frankly, even that will be a struggle. Things are very bad and, equally important, getting worse, and rapidly.

Scholz blocked the candidacy of Ursula von der Leyen for the post of NATO Secretary General, – Welt. According to the publication, there were two reasons for this:

Scholz considers the position of NATO Secretary General too important to give it to a Christian Democrat from Germany (opposition to Scholz’s party).

Scholz considers Ursula von der Leyen’s attitude towards Russia too critical.

Die Welt is a heavyweight German conservative newspaper. Its business-oriented attitudes make it interesting that, recently, its coverage has mellowed towards Russia. The sanctions on Russia, and the general hostility to Russia from such as Ursula von der Leyen harm, not Russia, but Germany itself (and the rest of the EU).

Ursula von der Leyen always strikes me as —in the American phrase— “nutty”— excessively driven, and even mentally-ill. Another similar specimen is Christine Lagarde. NWO insiders.

It looks like Scholz and other major political players in Germany are waking up to the fact of the inevitable Russian victory in Ukraine, certainly in Eastern Ukraine. Realpolitik.

Unsurprising, given that Milei is a populist. However, this may be shadow boxing.

The UK now has not the power and global reach to defend the islands, certainly not to retake them after an invasion, as happened in 1982.

However, by the same token it may well be that the Argentine government does not today have the ability to launch such an invasion in the first place; I am unsure.

In the unlikely event that Russia starts to be pushed back significantly on the battlefield because of such weapons given to the Kiev regime, the escalation might result in Russia using ever-heavier missiles and bombs, even tactical nuclear weapons. Kiev could be completely flattened

There must be a peace process that leaves Russia with, at minimum, Crimea, the Donetsk region, and the Lugansk region, and at least much of the Azov Sea and Black Sea littoral.

That relates to the Russian victory in the devastated city of Avdeevka (“Avdiivka” in Ukrainian). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avdiivka. Victory was declared by the Russian side only today. The Kiev-regime forces not killed or captured have withdrawn in disarray.

[Avdeevka/Avdiivka before the present war]

War is hell. Avdeevka in that photo looks (i.e. looked, before the war) reasonably decent for a once-Soviet industrial town.

Interesting, if true. A few thoughts come to my mind. Firstly, what conceivable British interest was being served here? None, in my view. As to the alleged MI6/SIS officer, he seems to be a good listener (which must be part of his job) and is evidently trying to be non-committal yet friendly (also part of his job, I presume). Other than that, hard to say much about him. Maybe privately-educated but trying to flatten the accent (like the present Prince of Wales and his brother)? Maybe, maybe not. A suitably “grey” person…

Navalny and his group were playing for high stakes. They lost.

The msm in the EU, UK, USA etc all show the masses a series of pictures (on TV, in the Press) etc; metaphorical pictures; shadows on the wall of the cave, if you like. “Ukraine”, “Navalny”, “Black Lives Matter”, “Covid”, “far right extremism”, “Russia about to attack Western Europe”. Mostly lies, or the truth bent so far out of shape that it becomes a lie.

If that is so, the withdrawal order was just a figleaf to cover what was really an uncontrolled flight by the Ukrainian front-line forces.

Late music

[River Ob at Barnaul, Western Siberia. At that point, the Ob is still 1,200 miles from where it flows into the Arctic Ocean]

Diary Blog, 19 January 2024

Morning music

Morning thought

I noticed that the following blog post from over 6 years ago was looked at overnight by someone somewhere. It has in fact not been much read since I published it in December 2017, which (I think) is a pity. Still, “one human soul is a big audience“…

Tweets seen

That is OK, in principle, but Finland last year joined NATO, which has moved from being a mainly defensive alliance during the Cold War to its present expansionist and rather aggressive posture.

Israeli war crimes.

Hard to believe that anyone ever gave the likes of “Boris” Johnson, Liz Truss, or Theresa May any credibility; same for the little Indian money-juggler, Sunak. There it is, though. Winston Churchill said that belief in “democracy” only lasts as long as a 5-minute conversation with the average voter.

My thoughts about “democracy” from 5 years ago on the blog: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/15/has-parliamentary-democracy-as-we-have-known-it-until-now-had-its-day-in-the-uk/.

Who are they trying to fool? As soon as he is kicked out, the little Indian money-juggler will be off, with his ultra-wealthy Indian heiress wife, to somewhere like Palo Alto or Bel-Air. Yes, he was born here, went to Winchester and then Oxford, but he has about as much in common with this country as Ali Bongo (the African one).

Partly-true, but the State could control pay if that were required (which I think it now is): set limits for pay, with exceptions for genuine inventor-entrepreneurs such as Dyson. People who are just executives could be restricted to somewhere around £500,000 a year (gross), or even as “little” as £200,000 (net). The same goes for the likes of TV presenters, footballers etc.

The vast majority of UK workers and others in this country (eg pensioners, disabled non-workers, unemployed etc) receive net pay and/or benefits of £25,000 p.a. or below. Even my own relatively modest income when a barrister (1991-2008), though sometimes (rarely, though, and expressed in the money of 2024) above £100,000 p.a., was often far far less (sometimes almost zero).

I do not think that many people will be sorry if the high-paid were to be restricted to a net income of, say, £200,000 p.a.

Unless, of course, the USA and EU take away Zelensky’s ricebowl and stop funnelling arms, ammo, and cash to Kiev. In that event, the war will grind to a halt in a few months.

Russia will prevail whatever is done or not done.


Israeli war crimes. Jewish terrorists.

Biden should not copy that. He would snuff it immediately.

When I had to leave behind (in France) almost my entire library of 2,000 or more books (in 2009, 14 years ago— long story), the loss felt catastrophic (and the books were not the whole of the story). Sometimes loss, whether voluntary or involuntary, cannot be avoided, and is a matter of Fate. Sometimes you have to stand before the blows of Fate, then move on, hardened in your resolve.

Strategically, what really challenges the Conservative Party is not that Israel-puppets Starmer, Rachel Reeves, Yvette Cooper etc might form an “elected dictatorship” for 4-5 years starting in 2024, but the fact that, at present, only 10% of those under 50 intend to vote Con. As for those under 30, I do not have the figure to hand, but it is something like 4%.

At the same time, very few of the ethnic minority voters, even Indians, are intending to vote Con; also the ethnic minorities, at present about 20% of the voting public, may soon be 25% or even 30%. A large minority of those under 18 in the UK are already non-white.

That means that, even in the next decade, unless something very big and unexpected happens, the Con Party vote will not even be at 20% (where it now is) but more like 10% or so. LibDem level. UKIP (2015) level. Reform UK level. That is when the Con Party will probably fade out, except for a few outposts here and there. Around 2030.

“…He emphasized that of all the countries of the European Union, Germany made the biggest contribution to Ukraine, and now it is the turn of others.

The Zelensky regime is toast. Ukrainians outside Ukraine refuse to return to fight for the corrupt, brutal and shambolic dictatorship, and there are few Western mercenaries still fighting; most have returned to their home countries, or have been killed in action, or captured.

I think that Israel has suffered major setbacks in this period, setbacks in Gaza, setbacks internally. The West Bank is on a knife edge. There are problems that are developing there.

The government had a vote against it in the Supreme Court by one vote. And then it now faces a court case in the Hague accusing it of genocide.

It desperately needs some sort of victory. It needs something to bring people together…This prompts people to want to try and find some military outlet that will provide some sort of semblance, some sort of idea of a success,” Alastair Crooke told #NewRulesPodcast.”


Late tweets seen

So about twice the number of children killed or mutilated by the (Israeli) Jews since the conflict (this time around) started, in early October 2023.

That seems to indicate that the population growth in Gaza is about (?) 4% per year. Something like that, anyway. If that is true of the Arab populations of the West Bank and elsewhere in and around Israel/Palestine, the Jewish population will eventually be demographically swamped, and then quite likely wiped out or driven out…

When I was first in Qatar, in 2001 (when it was a far more pleasant, sleepy place), the American presence was already strong. As I was being driven across the airport tarmac in a limousine (because I was flying back to London in First Class), I noticed, parked next to my Qatar Airways plane, the American “Air Force Two”, which was (I later discovered) carrying General Colin Powell.

Good grief. Look at that lunatic…

A Dutchman, of all things, “warning” that “we” (the populations of NATO member states) are “preparing for a war with Russia“.

It strikes me as odd, a Dutchman fomenting war in this way. After all, the Netherlands was last a major power in the 18thC, 250-300 years ago.

The Netherlands was neutral in the First World War, neutral for the first 8 months of the Second World War, and then was invaded in May of 1940, an operation which took the forces of the German Reich precisely 4 days, on the fourth day of which invasion the Dutch forces formally surrendered.

Post-WW2, the Dutch military record continued on its tarnished way, e.g. the abandonment of the Bosnian Muslim civilians at Srebrenica: see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Srebrenica_massacre#6%E2%80%9311_July_1995:_Serb_takeover_of_Srebrenica.

Now some jumped-up Dutch mariner [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rob_Bauer] seems to be cheerleading for a war with Russia, which would devastate our continent and much of the rest of the world. Madness. The bastard even admits that our way of life would change out of all recognition, and that civilians would have to be conscripted!

There seems to be a sinister agenda here, promoting a false narrative according to which Russia wants to invade Central and Eastern Europe. It’s rubbish. Indeed, the opposite is the case.

The old Soviet Union gradually lost its expansionist ideology in the 1980s, and the post-Soviet Russia has no expansionist ideology akin to Leninism.

Russia is nationalist in a defensive way, and even the Ukraine war can be seen as defensive, as being within the old imperial boundaries that existed long before the revolutionary upheavals of 1917.

Let us be clear. If there is a NATO-Russia war, among the first countries to be entirely wiped out by nuclear attack would be the UK (because of the American and other bases here) and the smaller states of NATO in Europe. The Netherlands would have no chance.

The UK should join with Russia, but the secretive Zionist and Masonic cabals that rule this country from behind the scenes are completely against any such idea. They stand ready to sacrifice the people of the UK to their evil NWO/ZOG plans.

The most important thing for the future of the world is that a core of people of white European humanity survive and are able to repopulate the world after any such disaster; indeed not only to repopulate the world but also to create the racial-cultural basis for a future superculture.

Late music

Diary Blog, 11 November 2023

Morning music

[Blues and Royals]

It was his love of England, slanting across time, that made him a traitor.” [Dame Rebecca West, in The New Meaning of Treason, writing about the heroic but ill-starred William Joyce]. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Joyce; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_West.

Battles past

Saturday quiz

Well, this week I scored 5/10, the same as political journalist John Rentoul. Different questions, though. I got the answers to questions 4, 6, 7, 9, and 10.

From the newspapers


Irish tinkers/”travellers” (again).


Neil’s headline conclusion is right, but the rest of the screed is doubtful.

It is also disappointing to see a former editor of the Sunday Times using the word “graveness” when he means “gravity”…

It may not be “wrong” to use “graveness“, but it does read as only semi-literate.


A ‘cat killer’ caught kicking an innocent pet like a football has admitted animal cruelty after MailOnline footage of his sick act went viral.

Terry Bree, 71, from Leamington Spa, was spotted on a video doorbell lashing out at Lenny, a 21-year-old cat who died three weeks later.

The father-of-five admitted causing unnecessary suffering to the animal.”

[Daily Mail].

Deserves a good kicking himself.

Tweets seen

“The foul allegations of rape have been dropped by the Israeli government. The forty beheaded babies has been downscaled to one dead baby, not beheaded, and killed by persons unknown.

Two thirds of Israelis killed on October 7 were military personnel. The killers of the remaining one third are definitively revealed to have been in part the Israeli armed forces themselves.

Those with influence who spread the propaganda to the contrary stand exposed as War Criminals and now much blood stains their character for ever. It is a spot which will not out. #Gaza_War #GazaCeasefire #GazaHolocaust #GazaHospital.”

Send it to Douglas Murray.

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Six years ago, I wrote this: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2017/10/09/football-lads-alliance-march/.

Looks like not much has changed in that respect in six years…

South African scientists were working along similar lines in the 1980s. I believe that the results of that work were later sent or taken to Israel.

Incredibly, the distance from the northern border of Gaza to Tel Aviv is only 44 miles.

Late tweets

Ha. While not endorsing that tweet particularly, the point about the uselessness of the “security and intelligence” bods echoes my blog over the years. Not just SIS and MI5, but also the armed forces. What are they for, now? They cannot even stop the cross-Channel migration-invasion, let alone the wider mass immigration influx. The prospect of war with France, Spain, Germany, Denmark has receded into history. So what are the Navy and other forces for? To ferry yet more invaders to our shores?

As for SIS, and MI5, they still seem largely stuck in the era of “burgling the War Office safe”, or that of the key spy or defector (Penkovsky, Lyalin, Gordievsky etc), the existence of which will change everything (but never does).

Irrelevant in a fast-changing world.


Late music

Diary Blog, 12 September 2023

That brings back a few memories.

Battles past

Tweets seen

Not just “Tory” MPs…most System MPs, whatever the label.

As for my view of Rory Stewart, my (frequently updated) blog assessment from 2019 has proven to be quite popular over the past 4 years. I stand by it, overall, as updated.

Rory Stewart certainly fits the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan mould— three-quarters white European, one-quarter Jewish, wealthy via inheritance, with familial links to “British Intelligence”, as well as having been an attendee of Bilderberg and other conferences. He favours mass immigration, too.

Stewart and his book are certainly being pushed by the msm.

Ha. Well said. I think that it was Valentin Tomberg who said that the “mask of Evil” would be partly removed from the 20th Century onward. It has become increasingly clear to what extent many of the socio-political campaigns whirling around us are interconnected.

[photograph of the Bohemian Grove ceremonies: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bohemian_Grove]

…and most of the Prime Ministers of the UK in the past 30+ years have either been part-Jews or (Sunak) non-white. I think that that does not apply to Gordon Brown or Liz Truss. Still, that means that it does apply to the past 6 out of 8 PMs. About 30 years out of 33.

Expenses fraudster Yvette Cooper and her equally-corrupt and moneygrubbing husband, Ed Balls, would have been imprisoned for fraud in any decently-run country.

Anyone who imagines that the likes of Yvette Cooper, Rachel Reeves, and Keir Starmer will improve Britain in the slightest are just deluded.

Both main System parties are pushing the same basic agenda.

Well, there it is. Anyone over State Pension age voting for Labour is a turkey voting for Christmas. There are many reasons not to vote “Conservative” but, by the same token, there are (as far as I can see) also no reasons at all to vote for fake “Labour”.

Actually, listening to that horrible woman took me right back to the days of Blair/Brown: the unwillingness to answer a question honestly, the soundbite mantra etc. Very offputting.

Angela Rayner wants to build huge numbers of new houses, presumably to house the millions of migrant-invaders, without which we should have no housing crisis at all. The housing crisis is, 90%+, a migrant invasion crisis.

The next general election will be in 2024. If the Sunak misgovernment fails to implement fully the Triple Lock, thus raising the State Pension by over 8%, the Conservative Party is toast, not because the over-65 demographic will all go to vote Labour, but because some will vote that way, some will vote LibDem, some will vote elsewhere yet, and because many, perhaps very many will simply abstain.

Late music

[Central Kiev devastated during WW2]

Diary Blog, 10 September 2023, including some discussion of Keir Starmer, Tony Blair, the World Economic Forum (WEF), and Rory Stewart (etc)

Morning music

Battles past

Tweets seen

See also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer_Roberts_(judge)

Makes you realize how much British taxpayer-money is thrown away on “defence”. Not just the fact that the UK Government has given tanks to the Kiev regime, which tanks then get destroyed in combat almost immediately; also, the fact that the UK Government saw fit to commission and pay for them in the first place.

Each of those tanks costs £4.2M, and seems to be all but useless against aerial attack or artillery bombardment, despite supposedly being superior to Russian equivalents.

The UK has not only given the Ukraine regime about 14 of these tanks but also has trained, free of charge, their Ukrainian crews in the UK.

See https://www.firstpost.com/explainers/what-are-the-invincible-challenger-2-tanks-that-uk-is-sending-to-ukraine-12001052.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenger_2.

Starmer, Blair, and the WEF (etc)

You can see, on the face of Jewish-lobby and Israel-lobby puppet Starmer, that same bedazzled look that Tony Blair had on his simian mug when he went to Camp David for the first time. The “I’ve made it…I’m one of the global elite!“…

[see how star-struck were “Tony and Cherie”…]

Not that Starmer is wrong about Westminster. The UK Parliament is indeed a provincial, “tribal, shouting place“, as Starmer says in that oddly-incoherent “explanation”.

The point though, is that Starmer will never put the British people first now that he has been accepted, if only at this stage as a spectator or poor relation, at Davos, amid the helicopters and private jets.

No. He sees himself, in the future, “working with” people who (as he obviously imagines) really matter: billionaires, secret cabals formulating a new dystopian world etc. He is not the first, after all.

The primus inter pares pupil of the modern Mephistopheles, Blair, is now far far away from his grim Scottish school [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fettes_College], far from the Bar of England and Wales, at which he practised for about 5-6 years in the late 1970s and early 1980s, and from his 1983-2007 Parliamentary constituency in County Durham [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedgefield_(UK_Parliament_constituency]

Blair, now ensconced in a large country house in Buckinghamshire, heads the “Institute for Global Change” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Blair_Institute_for_Global_Change] as well as Tony Blair Associates and other bodies.

That organization, TBI, is funded partly by Blair himself (he having made many tens of millions, possibly hundreds of millions of pounds after having left office, and his moneygrubbing wife, Cherie, as much or more, apparently), partly by the USA, and partly by Saudi Arabia.

One way or another, Blair employs a number of more or less washed-up System politicians from a number of countries: Sanna Marin of Finland is one such: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/sep/07/sanna-marin-finland-prime-minister-tony-blair-institute.

You find that many threads connect those who believe that they constitute a global elite and who are involved with the WEF/Davos, Bilderberg and/or connected secretive cabals. For example, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand worked for Blair when he was Prime Minister.

The linkages go beyond mere function, i.e. beyond the fact that almost all leaders of governments are bound to have meetings together etc. The Western world’s leaders are connected, bound, tied by the secretive cabals to which most of them belong and whose conclaves they attend: WEF/Davos, Bilderberg, freemasonry, the Jewish/Zionist connections, and so on.

Blair, Jacinda Ardern, Justin Trudeau, Macron etc are but a few out of hundreds. Blair seems to have climbed to a certain level, though.

Note the ideological and practical similarities they all share: the whole “Covid” stuff, facemask nonsense and all; the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan and so the idea of mixed-race populations ruled by European and Jewish (often mixed) ruling strata; “climate change”/Net Zero, with all the dictatorial powers of government involved in that; the Money Power controlling democratic assemblies; and so on.

The outsiders who occasionally attain to political power in the West are tolerated temporarily if not too disruptive; if they become a nuisance, they are removed from power or actually eliminated, as are those who become unreliable and have served the “global elite” much lower down the food chain: Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell etc.

Reverting to Keir Starmer, you can see that, for him, the British people are —at best— about fourth in his priority list, after the “global elite”/WEF/Davos and connected cabals, the Jewish/Israeli interest(s), freemasonry etc.

The present UK Government is of course pathetic, incompetent, undeserving of survival, and that applies to 90%+ of the “Conservative” MPs as well. However, the idea that “Labour” will be —in any substantial way— different or better, if/when forming a government in 2024, is just naive.

See also:







[WEF HQ, near Geneva, Switzerland; much of the complex is underground]

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The people voting for this Draconian energy Bill, should have been the people. The home owners lumbered with up to £15,000 fines and the possibility of 12 months jail time, for not being able to afford an inefficient electric heat pump boiler, or other enforceable purchases. This gives Government the powers to force you to have a smart meter, and enforce their way into your home. Read The Bill

For me, Rory Stewart is just one more “part of the problem”: see my (updated) assessment first published in 2019: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/05/03/will-rory-stewart-mp-be-prime-minister/.

From the newspapers


The fake “austerity” spending cuts brought in by part-Jew liars George Osborne and David Cameron-Levita-Schlumberger have destroyed both Britain and the misnamed “Conservative” Party.


It will be interesting to see whether the two arrested persons are of actual Chinese ethnicity or not. If they are, it will be yet another nail in the coffin of multiculturalism.

Incidentally, an interesting account of Chinese intelligence down the ages is https://www.amazon.co.uk/History-Chinese-Secret-Service/dp/0584101147 by “Richard Deacon”. As with Deacon’s other books, accuracy is disputed, but it is a good read all the same. See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_McCormick.

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(the short answer, now, is “no”…)

I cannot quarrel with that headline.

Ditto. Stewart, however, is himself a prime example of that which he criticizes, particularly careerism and amateurism, not to mention also nepotism in his case (recruited after university to SIS, where his own father had quite recently been second or third in the hierarchy…).

More tweets

MEMBER of the German Bundestag Sara Wagenknecht has announced that she is founding her own political party. At first glance, nothing significant outside of Germany, but it’s not quite like that.

In August, Wagenknecht became the third most popular politician in the country, and she consistently criticizes the German authorities regarding their support for Kiev and their anti-Russian course. She announced that her 4 main principles will be – economic expediency, social justice, maximum state regulation of prices and emphasis on diplomacy in foreign policy. She also opposed increased military spending and called for renewed relations with Russia.”

Sounds promising.

McGregor: The Russian army prepared a trap for Ukrainian troops.

FORMER adviser to the head of the Pentagon, Colonel Douglas McGregor, said again that during his offensive, Russian troops will surround Kharkiv. He stated that the Russians are now advancing in the northeast of Ukraine and pointed out: “Eventually, the Russian army will move further west and encircle Kharkiv in the process.” McGregor assessed that Russia has an intelligence and reconnaissance system that allows it to detect and destroy any target on the battlefield. And Ukraine and Western countries, he pointed out, have nothing to oppose it.

He particularly emphasized that the Russian army had prepared a trap for Ukrainian troops. When the Ukrainian armed forces enter it – they will have huge casualties.”


Translation: “I was crap at my job(s), and gave up being a minister and MP because I did not get the status or positions I personally wanted out of it (despite high pay and expenses) but I am now going to blame others or ‘the system’ for it...”

Late music

Diary Blog, 6 September 2023

Afternoon music

[Ava Gardner as Pandora in Pandora and the Flying Dutchman]

Battles past

From the newspapers


The story of how Liz Truss and Woollyhead Trussbanger (Kwasi Kwarteng) derailed the train of state in a mere 7 weeks. Interesting read.

Among other things, it confirms my view of several years that Liz Truss was (she’s finished politically now) a Poundland Thatcher, but with none of Thatcher’s real grit and steel, and none of Thatcher’s incisive political brain (whatever the several faults of the “Iron Lady” may have been). A Poundland Thatcher to match “Boris”-idiot’s Poundland Churchill.


[one of the accused—Daily Mail]
[another accused— Daily Mail]

Tweets seen

The Times: Four figure casualties during counteroffensive in German-trained Ukrainian brigade that had around 4.000 soldiers & Leopard tanks Bradleys:

Meanwhile, in the 15 weeks it took the 47th Brigade to advance eight miles to capture Robotyne, medics attached to the brigade say that the unit’s casualties have run into four figures. The 47th Brigade, trained in Germany and equipped with Bradley armoured personnel carriers and Leopard tanks, was eulogised by Ukrainian and western media even before the offensive began…

Early hopes that the operation could be carried by Leopard tanks and Bradley fighting vehicles to have a decisive impact by the end of the summer now appear forlorn.https://archive.ph/mYY86#selection-1013.0-1013.165.”

As a state, Ukraine has a poor prognosis.

Abusing both the law and law-making, as happened during the “Covid” scamdemic/panicdemic. The slide to dystopian dictatorship.

The “Conservative” Party seems intent on destroying the dwindling blocs of voters still willing to vote Con-label. Look at the latest “Net Zero” nonsense— taking away the right of rural communities to block huge onshore wind projects (which are mainly a profit/subsidy-making boondoggle for certain greedy farmers and businessmen.

Why should villagers vote for “Conservative” MPs whose party is taking away their right to veto unwanted and pointless pseudo-eco projects next door to their villages?

More from the newspapers


A polite beige consensus: are these really Britain’s best new buildings?

Do you like your bricks in red, brown or grey? And do you prefer your buildings in north, south or east London? Those are some of the limited choices facing the judges of this year’s RIBA Stirling prize for the country’s best building, in one of the most homogenous and metrocentric shortlists in the award’s 27-year history.

Looking at the six contenders, you would be forgiven for thinking British architecture had converged into a polite beige consensus.”

[The Guardian]

Jesus H. Christ! Shameful…


A drug dealer who called the police to report someone had stolen his ‘crystals’ in a burglary ended up getting arrested himself.

[Oxford Mail]

What would the police do if most criminals were not incredibly stupid?

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A good cause.

Another good cause.

The latest, and almost secretive, move to a dystopian “woke” police state. Energy-use monitoring, ULEZ, “15-minute cities”, sub-dermal microchips, fake “scamdemics” and “panicdemics”, online censorship etc.

Don’t ask me what is going through my head as I see that group of wannabee dictators walking in a group through Westminster…

One of many examples: Paula Vennells of the Post Office Scandal, Dido Harding of the incredible “test and trace” fiasco (she having already proven herself incompetent in previous roles) etc. How do they get those million-pound a year jobs? They just “know the right people…

See, e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Post_Office_scandal, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dido_Harding#Public_service_and_controversies, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Vennells#Post_Office_scandal

Stalin would have had them shot; Hitler would have consigned them to a concentration camp. In the contemporary UK they are paid millions, and awarded fake titles and honours.

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cf. UK-based Zionist groups and their suborning of the naive and easily-led UK police forces.

SIS [MI6] and the UK Security Service [MI5] are, judging by results overall (1939-2023), not worth their salt anyway.

Professor Miller forgot to add “6. Jewish groups that promote the migration-invasion of Britain” and “7. Jewish groups involved in promoting the ahistorical ‘WW2 holocaust’ farrago in various ways.”

At best, useless parasites; more likely to get involved in criminal activities or, in a smaller number of cases, terroristic plots.

Late tweets

There must be an end to this nonsense, whatever it takes to end it.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2018/11/15/when-reality-becomes-subjective/.


Late music

Diary Blog, 10 August 2023

Morning music

Battles past

From the newspapers


Two suspected ringleaders behind a day of chaos on London‘s Oxford Street, where police clashed with youths over fears of TikTok-inspired looting, were arrested last night.

Terrified shoppers were locked inside stores as staff pulled their shutters down yesterday afternoon as groups of youths gathered in the area after rumours on social media that gangs were going to ‘rob JD Sports’ and shoplift.

Shocking videos showed Metropolitan Police officers wielding batons and chasing after people in Europe’s busiest shopping street, with photos earlier in the day appearing to show one cop being punched in the face by a young man. 

Some youths were seen being wrestled away by officers in handcuffs, while others were detained on suspicion of going equipped to steal and breaching dispersal orders.

Police issued 34 dispersal orders, including one to TikTok prankster Mizzy who was seen by police in the area days after failing to appear before magistrates for breaching a court order. He later released a video insisting he was not involved in the disorder on Wednesday.

[Daily Mail]

Hundreds of blacks, but only two arrests? Also, they are often afraid of dogs, so why not use Alsatians in large numbers? Let the dogs loose to bite the untermenschen. Restore order to the streets.

As for that “Mizzy” cretin, he should be arrested and kept locked up until his trial(s).

Sadiq Khan has chosen this moment to announce that he will be turning over Trafalgar Square to the mob on 2 September, sub nom “Black on the Square”! In what proportion is the bastard mad or bad?

London. Zoo.


A British man is among five people who have been shot dead in violent protests in South Africa.

The 40-year-old, reportedly a doctor who was on holiday in the country with two members of his family, was killed in the Ntlangano Crescent area of Cape Town last Thursday, officials said.

It is believed he had taken a wrong turn from the nearby Cape Town International Airport while driving with two other people when a group approached the vehicle and shot him.”

[Evening Standard]

These days, you hear little about the supposedly wonderful post-apartheid South Africa and its supposed “rainbow nation” (more msm lies, of course). Even the BBC has gone pretty quiet on all that nonsense. As for white South Africans, most have voted with their feet and left the country. The proportion of whites in the SA population is now very small, and continues to fall.

[note: whites were 22% of the population in 1911, still 16% in 1980 (the black population having exploded thanks to food and medical services under apartheid…), but now somewhere around 7% or even 6%. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_South_Africa#Ethnic_groups].


A woman accused of the shooting and acid murder of her Tinder date told a jury she was too “petrified” to tell police her new boyfriend was the killer, but went on holiday to Jamaica with him days later.

Mr Smith had been lured from his home, shot in the face then had sulphuric acid poured over him as he lay dying, Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester heard.”

[Evening Standard]

Britain in 2023…(allegedly).

Seven planets will retrograde at the same time in 2023: Key dates for your calendar…

Astrologers have warned people to be prepared for changes for the rest of the year as the planets move backwards.

Seven planets will retrograde – and almost all of them will happen at the same time.

Astrologers say we all need to be prepared for challenges that will force us to “take stock” or “review” our habits or circumstances – even if we don’t feel as if we are ready to do so, with the shift in the stars that is set to happen imminently.

Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the seven planets that will all make a backwards move through the sky in the coming months, something that will affect us all through our astrology charts...

During this small window of intense retrograde action, be on alert for any profound shifts or thought-provoking insights around 4 September 2023.

[Evening Standard]

Well, my birthday is on 2 September, so…

Tweets seen

Young people“…meaning blacks. Correction: 95% blacks, 4% other non-whites, and maybe 1% real/white British.

They cannot create a civilization or culture, or maintain one already created by others, or even live in such a culture and civilization. So what is the answer? (answers on a postcard to 10 Downing Street).

Can anyone honest claim that they add anything at all positive to our country, to our way of life?

It would not matter if 99.9% of the world population were to disappear tomorrow, so long as the remaining 0.1% consisted mainly or entirely of (ideally) reasonably cultured and educated white European or European-descended people. In fact, it would be a wonderful new start for our world, a foundation on which could be built, over time, the basis for a quantum leap in human evolution and the evolution of consciousness.

Russia must and will eventually control all Ukraine east of the Dnieper (including all of Kiev), as well as Crimea, and also a coastal strip about 50-100 miles deep on the Black Sea, from the western bank of the Dnieper estuary to Transdniestria.

The SNP, in the contemporary era, say since the 1990s, is a complete System party, completely pro all the schemes of NWO/ZOG and the Jew-Zionist lobby.

The Biden family make Trump look like Mr. Clean, and even make the Clintons look not too bad.

Yes. It’s almost funny that the UK “security and intelligence” bods are still fighting the last war (in their case, the Cold War). They focus on Russian intelligence, or on British people publishing tweets or blogs, and call it “counter-terrorism” (even Alison Chabloz, the satirical singer, was arrested on such a basis, ludicrously); meanwhile about 3,000 non-whites a day invade the UK, hundreds of them in rubber boats across the Channel, the rest via plane, ferry etc. Then there are the births to non-Brits— huge numbers, every single day.

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Many Crown Prosecution Service [CPS] decisions are really political decisions. I myself face trial (it seems) later this year by reason of a decision taken by CPS drones at the behest of the malicious Jew-Zionist cabal known as the “Campaign Against AntiSemitism”, a tiny group of Jews (a few dozen, really) who pretend to represent all Jews in the UK (some 250,000+).

“Caring sharing” Britain, 2023. The police may be useless at their proper job, most of the time, but give them a “hate crime” dogwhistle, and the dogs are out of the traps, and racing, within seconds…

Sweden is going to be part of NATO. Goodnight Vienna Stockholm…

2066? I think much earlier, the way things are going. Maybe 2050, maybe even 2040.

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British people who do not want a million migrant-invaders a year coming to the UK (as at present) are “bigots“, says Kevin Maguire, the scribbler and talking head who gets paid hundreds of thousands a year to scribble and spout his kneejerk Labour-tribalist opinions.

Naturally, “gritty Northener” Maguire will not himself suffer from the migration-invasion, living as he does in a multi-million pound house in leafy Richmond, South West London (that is, when he and his wife Emma Burstall, novelist and newspaper scribbler, are not at their second home in Devon).

Quite; the real Ukraine…

They’re coming to take me away, ha ha!

I notice that my blog post from 2019 (with updates to 2023) has had a few hits today. It has stood the test of time rather well, if I say so myself.

Late tweets seen

…and, while the picture in the UK may seem not so bad, in fact the non-Jew politicians of the System parties are mostly, almost all, in the pocket of the Jew-Zionist lobby.

Only the taxpayers of the USA, UK, and EU are being hit by the sanctions against Russia.

Now there’s an interesting speculative thought, in that second tweet.

Like a Swiss cheese.

Late music

[German Tiger tanks advance near Kiev in December 1943]

Diary Blog, 26 July 2023

Morning music

[Nymphenburg, Germany]

Battles past

From the newspapers





Tweets seen

A woman once asked me, about 40 years ago, whether I felt in any personal way “betrayed” by Kim Philby. Obviously not. Philby was born in 1912, 44 years before me, I never knew him or, as far as I know, anyone who knew him (excepting that I once or twice had lunch in the 1990s with an ex-KGB officer turned businessman, “Ed”, who had once heard a lecture by him at the Lubyanka) and, last but not least, I have never been an officer or agent of SIS (or any other intelligence or security agency).

However, the woman’s question missed the point. Philby betrayed his Service, and colleagues, but also the State. The crime was against the State, just as is the case, fundamentally, with almost any crime.

It is immaterial that I myself have never been mug enough to waste money sending funds to “Jack Monroe” so that she can snort it up her snout or guzzle it down her throat. I am offended by her defrauding of genuinely poor people, and her abuse of them and their plight so that she can present a fake image to the public and make plenty of money out of virtue-signalling mugs, an enterprise in which she has been aided and abetted by the hand-wringing part of the affluent middle classes (Guardian and Observer scribblers and readers, book-festival organisers, TV producers and other parasites).

Ah. I was wondering whether tweeter “Neil Marsden” (joined Twitter July 2023, only 4 “followers”) is yet another “Jack Monroe” “sock account”. Probably.

Incredibly, and as of today, 397 utter mugs are still sending “Jack Monroe” a total of thousands of pounds each month via Patreon.

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Poland has already been the location of the trigger for one world war. Will there now be another, and probably far more devastating?

Even that great warmonger, Churchill, said that “jaw jaw is better than war war“.

Festive, yet slightly sedate, and well-behaved. If only our British resorts and visitors were so well-behaved. There again, Yalta has not suffered the kind of decadence and migration-invasion as have, say, Bournemouth and Brighton.

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Not a chef, not really even a cook, just a fraudulent “grifter” who deserves to be binned by the public and msm alike.

In Kind Hearts and Coronets, Alec Guinness played 8 separate roles, with different clothes, hairstyle, mannerisms etc: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kind_Hearts_and_Coronets. That theatrical tour de force is, if not equalled, at least certainly imitated by “Jack Monroe”— courageous “firefighter” officer (she never was, she just answered telephones for a while); “cancer sufferer” (never was, but collected donations off the back of the lie); “Grenfell Tower rescuer/organizer” (out and out lie); “poverty-stricken benefits claimant” (for a few months, maybe a year, at least a decade ago; she always had her Greek-Cypriot family nearby, who own millions of pounds in buy-to-let property); “single mother” (yes, but claimed to have sold her child’s favourite toy for cash, a blatant lie designed to fool more mugs into sending her more “donations”, and the child is said to live with her only occasionally); “cook” (her food is execrable and not as cheaply-made as she claims); “lesbian” (apparently not, or only when it suits her); “anti-Tory activist” (occasional tweets, very occasional soundbites on TV shows misguided enough to believe her fake backstory etc and invite her onto such as Question Time); “suicidal-ideation sufferer” (only on Twitter, and when people start to question her fraudulent activities); “mental health sufferer/victim of online and offline harassment” (see previous description).

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One can imagine a near-future in which human beings are not on the battlefield at all, at least not the traditional battlefield.

Israel is doomed. After that, anything is possible.

See also: https://ianrobertmillard.org/2019/01/26/the-tide-is-coming-in-reflections-on-the-possible-end-of-our-present-civilization-and-what-might-follow/.

More music

[SS-man with two non-SS soldiers and kitten]

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